#Stabitha has been gone four years and I still resent the time she was here
pinkiepiebones · 9 months
Sorry about the excessive tagging on that last post I just. I suffered for 20+ years because no one talks about this fucking bullshit. I did so much with a constant 4 on a scale of 1-10 pain* from misplaced uterine tissue that formed adhesions to my abdominal walls and organs, and I missed out on doing so much because every day was a game of "how many steps can I take before I pass out?" I still remember once in high school how I went to the nurse for a tampon and she instead lectured me about how I should "know better" when it came to my cycle- bitch, no one ever told me these things were supposed to be regular!! Mine came whenever!! I had to call my mom to pick me up more than once in high school because I bled so much I ruined my fucking jeans!!! In my early 20s I had an ovarian cyst rupture while I was at work and just thought my everyday pain was a little worse than usual. I'm- I'm so fucking mad about what I endured, and I want so badly to go back in time to embrace my past self and tell them, Be Loud, Scream About This, Don't Stop Until Someone Finally Listens To You
*I spent so long in a constant state of endo pain that it shifted my ability to gause my pain. My "best" days, the days I thought I was at a 1, were a normal person's 4. I was always undershooting my pain level with doctors/ in the ER. FUCK!!!!!!!
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