#Stamford bull run
maypoleman1 · 11 months
13th November
Stamford Bull Running
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Source: The Lincolnite website
On this day the Stamford Bull Running once took place. Until this exercise in animal cruelty and danger to human life was banned in 1839, every 13th November a bull was hounded through the streets of Stamford in Lincolnshire by the bullards, drivers who risked life, limb and being covered in bull dung by eventually forcing the enraged animal off the bridge and into the River Welland where it usually drowned, before it was hauled out and butchered for a mass collective night feast. The ritual originally began, tradition has it, when William the Earl of Warren observed two rogue bulls devastating his lands and hired local butchers to chase them down, during which one of the animals stampeded through Stamford. There may be truth in this tale, but the event’s accompanying folk songs and the general orgiastic glee on display at the Stamford Bull Run, hint at a darker origin in Martinmas pagan bull sacrifice. The general feel of primitive license and excess associated with the Run was summed up by a bullard’s speech in which he insisted:
‘On this day there is no King in Stamford, we are every one of us high and mighty… a Lord Paramount, a Lord of Misrule, a King of Stamford… We are punishable for no crime but murder, and that only of our own and no other species.’
No mercy for the bull, then.
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forever-1895 · 1 year
Mr. Sherlock Holmes
Pay attention! To how cute and soft and bubbly Holmes is when he first met Watson in a Study in Scarlet. Just like a BABY. (long post btw)
While on the way to meet Sherlock Holmes, Stamford tries to warn Watson about how machine-like this guy can be. But he's wrong!
Here's PROOF:
At the sound of our steps he [Sherlock Holmes] glanced round and sprang to is feet with a cry of pleasure. "I've found it! I've found it," he shouted to my companion [Stamford], running towards us with a test tube in his hand. "I have found a reagent which is precipitated by haemoglobin and nothing else." Had he discovered a gold mine, greater delight could not have shone upon his features.
I found it! I found it! (p≧w≦q)
"Dr. Watson, Mr. Sherlock Holmes," said Stamford, introducing us. "How are you?" he said cordially, gripping my hand with a strength for which I should hardly have given him credit. "You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive." "How on earth did you know that?" I asked in astonishment. "Never mind," said he, chuckling to himself. "The question now is about haemoglobin..."
how are u? (✿◡‿◡)
"Why, man, it is the most practical medico-legal discovery for years. Don't you see that it gives us an infallible test for blood stains? Come over here now!" he seized me by the coat sleeve in his eagerness...
"Ha ha!" he said clapping his hands, and looking as delighted as a child with a new toy. "What do you think of that?"
༼ つ ◕∇◕ ༽つ ⚗️🧪 = ༼ つ ◕∇◕ ༽つ 🧸🚗
"Criminal cases are continually hinging upon that one point. A man is suspected of a crime months perhaps after it has been committed. His linen or clothes are examined and brownish stains discovered upon them. Are they bloodstains, or mud stains, or rust stains, or fruit stains, or what are they? That is a question that has puzzled many an expert and why? Because there was no reliable test. Now we have the Sherlock Holmes' test, and there will no longer be any difficulty. " His eyes fairly glittered as he spoke, and he put his hand to his heart snd bowed as if to some applauding crowd conjured up by his imagination.
EVERYONE, Behold...
The Sherlock Holmes' test
And my man's got glittering eyes!
Sherlock Holmes seemed delighted at the idea of sharing his rooms with me. "I have an eye on a suite in Baker Street," he said, "which would suit us down to the ground. You don't mind the smell of strong tobacco I hope?" "I always smoke 'ship's' myself,' I answered. "That's good enough. I generally have chemicals about, and occasionally do experiments. Would that annoy you?"
Of course Holmes is delighted! Stamford just got him a beau!
"Let me see - what are my other shortcomings? I get in the dumps at times, and don't open my mouth for days on end. You must not think I am sulky when I do that. Just let me alone, and I'll soon be right. What have you to confess now? It's just as well for two fellows to know the worst of one another before they begin to date live together." I laughed at this cross-examination. "I keep a bull pup," I said, "and I object to rows because my nerves are shaken, and I get up at all sorts of ungodly hours, and I am extremely lazy. I have another set of vices when I'm well, but those are the principal ones at present."
sulky little holmes o(TヘTo)
"Do you include violin playing in your category of rows?" he asked, anxiously. "It depends on the player," I answered. "A well-played violin is a treat for the gods - a badly-played one - " "Oh, that's all right," he cried, with a merry laugh. "I think we may consider the thing as settled - that is if the rooms are agreeable to you."
do you include violin-playing in your category of rows? (•᷄- •᷅ ;)
"Call for me here at noon tomorrow, and we'll go together and settle everything," he answered. "All right - noon exactly," - said I, shaking his hand. We left him working among his chemicals, and we walked together towards my hotel.
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orthodoxydaily · 2 years
Saints&Reading: Saturday, November, 26, 2022
november 27, november 13
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St. Brice was raised by St. Martin of Tours at Marmoutier and also known as Britius. He became a vain, overly ambitious cleric, holding Martin in great contempt. Despite Brice's attitude, Martin was most patient with him, and in time, in great remorse, he asked Martin's forgiveness for his attitude toward him. He succeeded Martin as Bishop of Tours in 397 but reverted to his old ways, neglected his duties, was several times accused of lackness and immorality. Though cleared of the latter charge, he was exiled from his See. He went to Rome and in the seven years of his exile there, repented and completely changed his life style. When the administrator of his See, in his absence died, he returned and ruled with such humility, holiness, and ability, he was venerated as a saint by the time of his death
Brice was a contemporary of Augustine of Hippo and lived in the time of the Council of Ephesus. Gaul was part of the Roman Empire, where Christianity was the official state religion since the end of the 4th century, and was in the process of advanced Christianization. However, the Western Roman Empire was already very close to collapse, and in the course of the migration of peoples in the fifth century, various Germanic empires formed; the time was politically rather uncertain.
According to legend, Brice was an orphan. He was rescued by Bishop Martin and raised in the monastery at Marmoutier.[2] He became Martin's pupil, although the ambitious and volatile Brice was rather the opposite of his master in temperament. Brice became a monk and later,Martin's archdeacon.[3] In one account, when Martin prophesied that Brice would become his successor as bishop, but would have many difficulties, the clerics of Tours, where the thought of such a bishop did not arouse enthusiasm, asked Martin to send the troublemaker away; but Martin replied: "If Jesus could come to terms with Judas, then I can certainly come to terms with Brice."
When Martin died in 397, Brice succeeded him as Bishop. As Bishop of Tours, Brice performed his duties, but was also said to succumb to worldly pleasures. He was repeatedly accused of secular ambition, and various other mistakes during this time, but Church official investigations each time released him.In the thirtieth year of his episcopate, a nun who was a washerwoman in his household gave birth to a child that owing to calumny, was rumored to be his.[2] He submitted to a ritual of carrying hot coals in his cloak to the tomb of St. Martin, showing the unburned cloak as proof of his innocence. The people of Tours, however, did not believe him and forced him to leave Tours or be stoned by them. He could return only after he had travelled to Rome and been absolved of all his sins by the Pope.
After seven years of exile in Rome, Brice returned to Tours, completely exonerated by the pope.[2] During his absence several other bishops had been appointed to Tours; but when he came back, the last of them had just died and Brice resumed his duties. He served with such humility that on his death seven years later he was venerated as a saint.
Brice is described in various biographies as a controversial figure. Church historians see in the various relevant legends an expression of the tensions between the regular clergy and the secular priests in Tours at that time. His bones were transferred by Gregory of Tours to Clermont and are now in the church of San Michele in Pavia. Churches were named after him. His memorial day is 13 November. The killing of the Danes in England on 13 November 1002 is called the St Brice's Day massacre.[4][5]
In the town of Stamford in Lincolnshire, 13 November, St Brice's Day, was traditionally the day that a bull-running took place.[6] St. Brice is depicted as a bishop, with glowing coals in his robe or with a baby in his arms.
Source: catholic online
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JOHN 10:9-16 
9 I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. 11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. 12 But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. 13 The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep. 14 I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. 15 As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. 16 And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.
HEBREWS 7:26-8:2 
26 For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and has become higher than the heavens; 27 who does not need daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the people's, for this He did once for all when He offered up Himself. 28 For the law appoints as high priests men who have weakness, but the word of the oath, which came after the law, appoints the Son who has been perfected forever.
1 Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, 2 a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected, and not man.
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tortoisesshells · 4 years
those able to bear such a journey
Mercy Street 1x06 crossed over with some handwavey S2 Timeless, ~450 words, warnings for canon-atypical levels of mid-19th century plaid.
“That’s Henry Hopkins?” Wyatt continued to stare across the wards.
Lucy smothered – smothered something, some noise that was all frustration against the mostly-wrong target: frustration that she had no idea why Rittenhouse was here, in Alexandria, nosing around President Lincoln like sharks (sharks with Glocks, she thought, a little irreverently); frustration that they’d been ripped from the somehow-cheerful cold of December in the Bunker into the brilliant, smothering, reeking heat of a July day in Virginia, 1862; frustration – above all, this frustration – that Wyatt had pinged something she hadn’t.
“Pretty sure,” Lucy replied, after a few moments’ racking her brains. She couldn’t think of any reason why Master Sergeant Wyatt Logan, Delta Force, former drug runner and part-time gear-head would know anything about Hopkins – unless he had a very well-hidden interest in antebellum Congregationalism he’d never mentioned. Weirder things had happened, she supposed, but she’d been a historian since she could read and doing this time-travel thing for more than a year now. Surprises were never good, and there were no coincidences with Rittenhouse. “Why?”
“I thought – huh.”
He dropped his voice. “Hopkins saved my great-great grandfather. Or great-great-great grandfather. My Grandpa wasn’t big on imparting the family genealogy.” That’s your family’s thing, he didn’t say. She heard it just the same.
“Are you sure? This isn’t just a family story?”
Wyatt nodded.
“During the war?”
She huffed impatiently. “Date? Battle?”
“One of the Bull Runs?”
“Either it’s already happened or it’s going to, in two months.” Lucy pushed her hair back off her face, and glanced back through the doorway towards the hospital’s Chaplain. Mary von Olnhausen’s memoir had said something about Hopkins going out into the field – but it had been years since she’d taught that course at Stamford. Whatever von Olhausen had said – it was buried under a pile of other facts and worries and plans and a year of terror for her life. She pinched the bridge of her nose, and breathed. Context, she reminded herself. “Rittenhouse chooses this hospital, at this time, to assassinate Lincoln. Just Lincoln?”
“I’ll stick with Hopkins,” Wyatt said, after a pause. “You tell Rufus and Flynn we’ve got complications.”
Complications. If that wasn’t the story of the last year, she didn’t know what was.
“All right.”
Lucy slunk off the ward – or did the best slinking she could, in a crinoline a bit too wide for her stature, and the loudest, most horribly checkered plaid that she’d ever seen in her life.
Still. At least it was red and green – almost seasonal. A mercy or a mocking? She’d never felt so strongly about Highlandism, Balmoralism – or just plain tartan – before. Maybe someday she’d get a good lecture out of all of this.
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singaporecmd368 · 3 years
Lukaku injury mars Chelsea's Champion's League rout of Malmo
Thomas Tuchel confirmed Chelsea face a period without Romelu Lukaku and Timo Werner after the Champions League holders were rocked by their forwards' injury problems in Wednesday's (Oct 20) 4-0 win against Malmo.
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Tuchel's side brushed aside the Swedish minnows at Stamford Bridge thanks to Jorginho's penalty brace and goals from Andreas Christensen and Kai Havertz.
But Chelsea's second Group H victory, after losing to Juventus in their previous match, was significantly tarnished by the ankle injury suffered by Belgium striker Lukaku and a hamstring issue for Germany forward Werner.
Both had to come off in the first half and Chelsea boss Tuchel will be waiting nervously to see how quickly they can return.
"We have a twist of the ankle for Romelu, and muscle injury and hamstring for Timo, so they will be some days out I guess," Tuchel said.
"We have a lot of games, so now we have to find solutions, no excuses." It would be a major blow if the pair are sidelined for a long period in the midst of a hectic schedule as Chelsea try to retain their position at the top of the Premier League, while pushing to qualify for the Champions League last 16.
"The two were in good shape, they are dangerous and can create and score so we need to find solutions and guys who waited for their chance need to step up and score," Tuchel said.
"The race is on, the guys who start against Norwich have our trust and we will try to find new solutions.
"We have won games before with Werner and Lukaku, we don't want these problems too often but it happens during a season."
Tuchel admitted this week that Lukaku has suffered from mental and physical fatigue amid a draining schedule for club and country.
The Belgium striker has now gone seven Chelsea games without a goal after starting with four in four following his £98 million (S$180 million) club record move from Inter Milan.
Frustratingly for Lukaku, he had looked closer to his best and it was his powerful surge that won the penalty converted by Jorginho, in the process causing his injury.
While Werner has endured another difficult season, his injury will leave Havertz as Tuchel's only experienced option for the central striker's role.
The decision to allow Tammy Abraham and Olivier Giroud to leave Chelsea since the end of last season might now prove costly for Chelsea.
A relatively undemanding fixture list in the next few weeks is the only saving grace for Tuchel if he is denied the services of Lukaku and Werner for long.
Rampant Chelsea
After nine minutes, Thiago Silva curled a cross into the Malmo area and Christensen timed his run to meet it with a volley that bounced off the slick turf as it sped past Johan Dahlin from 10 yards.
It was the Denmark defender's first goal for Chelsea since his debut in 2014.
In the 21st minute, Lukaku bulled his way through the Malmo defence with a twisting run, prompting Lasse Nielsen to haul the striker down with a crude foul that forced him off.
Jorginho took the penalty and altered his usual hop-step technique to drive a powerful strike past Dahlin for his first goal this season.
Tuchel's injury woes mounted just before half-time when Werner was forced off after pulling up while turning in the Malmo area.
Havertz provided a welcome glimpse of his quality in his audition for the striker's role as he bagged Chelsea's third goal in the 48th minute.
Callum Hudson-Odoi, on for Werner, led a dynamic break that finished with Havertz clipping a composed shot in off the far post.
Chelsea were rampant and Antonio Rudiger's muscular burst was curtailed by Eric Larsson's foul, conceding a penalty that Jorginho nonchalantly slotted home in the 57th minute.
The second-placed Blues remain three points behind group leaders Juventus with three games to play.
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tkmedia · 3 years
Premier League 2021/22 preview: Vastly-improved Chelsea can wrench the title off Pep’s City
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The soccer treadmill starts up again with the return of the Premier League on August 13. The post-lockdown period has been a pretty relentless one for the game's leading players, although at least there has been a longer break this summer than last. Still, the fact remains that England's top flight will resume less than five weeks after the finals of Euro 2020 and Copa America, the stars of which have only just returned to training in many cases. With this in mind, the squad depth of Manchester City warrants plenty of respect as Pep Guardiola's side go in search of a fourth title in five seasons. The Spanish boss is well versed in having to rotate his players - City have regularly contended for all four trophies on offer in recent years. They look well stocked in defence where it should be remembered that Aymeric Laporte wasn't even first choice for much of last season, while the midfield is overflowing with talent - something which looks set to be enhanced by the arrival of Jack Grealish. With Sergio Aguero now at Barcelona, the lack of established centre forwards is the biggest concern. Gabriel Jesus remains but won't be able to play game in, game out, given the demands placed on this squad by the cup competitions. Unless the Harry Kane saga takes another twist, it looks like Guardiola will again be looking to employ his midfield and wide options as 'false nines' pretty often. To be fair, the likes of Kevin de Bruyne, Raheem Sterling and the ever-improving Ferran Torres are all capable when called upon to carry out that job. However, in a season in which Aguero played little, it was notable that City's goal output fell to 83 league goals - a decent number for most sides but well down on their own tallies of 102, 95 and 106 in the three previous campaigns. Clearly a signing of Kane's stature would make that less of a worry - and highlights the problems punters face betting prior to the closure of the transfer window - but in the here and now it's at least a slight concern, as is the fact so many of their stars were involved in the latter stages of the summer international tournaments. While they remain the team to beat, I can pass at around 4/6, particularly given there has been just one successful title defence in the last 12 years. Question marks over Solskjaer Cross-town rivals Manchester United were runners-up last season and have again spent big in a bid to improve. Jadon Sancho's arrival for £73million makes for a fearsome attack, especially if Mason Greenwood can continue his ascent which rather stalled in the first half of last season. Raphael Varane also looks a good upgrade in defence but it is the midfield which will be the biggest concern to those thinking of backing them at 17/2. Bruno Fernandes has been a revelation over the past 18 months but his inclusion has undoubtedly meant Paul Pogba hasn't been used in the best way. He's regularly been forced into a wider or more defensive role and United fans aren't the only ones who will have watched his performances for France in the summer and asked why isn't he being utilised in the same way at Old Trafford? That's a mark against Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and doubts still remain over his managerial ability at the very highest level. He's certainly not got a great record in the biggest games - May's Europa League final was another where opportunity slipped away, while United won just one of their six matches against their fellow top-four clubs last season. I'm not sure too many people would choose Solskjaer as their man if Guardiola, Jurgen Klopp and Thomas Tuchel were the other options and this off-pitch role is an area I can see United falling short in. Liverpool a tempting price Klopp's Liverpool are a tempting price. Much went wrong for them last season but most could be put down to some dreadful luck with injuries. To lose both first-choice centre-backs to long term injury within weeks of each other was the biggest blow but both Virgil van Dijk and Joe Gomez are fit again now, with Klopp having also added Red Bull Leipzig's Ibrahima Konate as to bolster the defence. The Reds actually coped well for a while without their two central defenders but a devastating period in the new year saw their title hopes collapse. With hindsight it was almost certainly a mistake by Klopp to plug the defensive holes with his best midfielders - Fabinho and Jordan Henderson were both regularly asked to play in the backline and that undoubtedly weakened the side in forward areas. The likes of Nat Phillips and Rhys Williams showed during the run-in that they were capable stand-ins. Had they been trusted earlier, Liverpool may well have created a title race. I have few doubts the well-established 'Fab Three' forward line will still provide plenty of goals - although I'd expect Diogo Jota to be forcing his way into the side a lot this season, as long as he stays fit. Roberto Firmino's spot certainly came under threat towards the end of 2020/21. Gini Wijnaldum will be missed in the midfield but Klopp appears to have a ready-made replacement in Curtis Jones, who should feature more this season and it would be no surprise to see him in the England squad at some point. Some will be concerned about the January loss of Mo Salah and Sadio Mane, both of whom will be at the Africa Cup of Nations. However, there seems a good chance Liverpool will be able to negotiate a deal which sees them leave after playing Chelsea on New Year's Day. If that's the case, they'll only miss league games with Brentford and Crystal Palace. In short, it's not the big problem it might first appear. This isn't a vastly different team to the one which won the title just over a year ago but while Klopp's men were seriously considered, preference is for Chelsea at the same price. Best bet Their 2020/21 season was one of two vastly different halves with the arrival of Thomas Tuchel producing a huge upturn in fortune. There was massive improvement, particularly in defensive areas, and that was highlighted by the Blues' run to Champions League glory under their German boss. However, Chelsea also picked up notably in domestic competition too with only champions Manchester City winning more points across the second half of the Premier League campaign. A related point is that under Tuchel, Chelsea won at Liverpool and Man City and drew at home to Man Utd. They managed to pick up only one point against those three opponents when Frank Lampard was in charge in the first part of the season. Essentially, Chelsea have looked much better tactically under Tuchel with the defence organised and tough to break down. Antonio Rudiger returned from the cold and made you wonder why he had been left out so long. In wide areas, Reece James and Ben Chilwell offer plenty and in the centre of the park, N'Golo Kante, a man who knows what it takes to win Premier League titles, remains one of the best midfielders in the league, while Jorginho was arguably Euro 2020's star man. Attack is where Chelsea will need to improve if they are to triumph - they had only the eighth-best record for goals scored last term - but they are clearly working on that. They remain keen on signing Erling Haaland, although Borussia Dortmund don't look likely to sell, while Romelu Lukaku, another of the world's best strikers, has been mentioned as a potential alternative. Money appears to be there for Tuchel to spend and a marquee arrival can be expected before the transfer deadline. But even with the forwards in his current squad, Tuchel has talent to work with. Timo Werner will surely be better with a season in England under his belt and those who watch German soccer will know he's a better finisher than the one we saw for much of last season. The same can be said about Kai Havertz, while more can also be expected from Hakim Ziyech, whose career at Stamford Bridge got off to a bad start due to injury. Christian Pulisic and Mason Mount are others with plenty to offer going forward and a manager of Tuchel's ability should be able to formulate a plan to get the most of these players, something Lampard simply couldn't. On paper, a gap of 20 points is a huge one to bridge but that doesn't take into account how Chelsea picked up after Tuchel's arrival. If anyone is to challenge City this season, I feel it's most likely to be the Blues and they look worth a bet at around 5/1. READ MORE: Jack Grealish’s iconic moments for Aston Villa and England Read the full article
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stewart61830chad · 3 years
Tottenham Hotspur Fixtures | Sky Sports
Tottenham champions league fixtures - Tottenham | UEFA Champions League |
A very tricky match in the final month tottenham champions league fixtures the season, it could be a game when they do drop points to open things up chmapions Spurs. Chelsea will be the favourites to come out on top in the London derby but it all depends on which Arsenal side turns up. So up and down in terms of their form, the Gunners may potentially need published here points for a European place via the league if they can get a bit of consistency into their game.
Arsenal did run out winners in the reverse fixture back in December and also in last season's FA Cup final at Wembley. Chelsea have tottenhm won three of their last 13 games against Arsenal and that record will concern their fans heading into the showdown at Stamford Tottenham champions league fixtures. The Blues are also going to have to be at the top of their game in their next home fixture as Leicester travel to SW6.
In each football. You won't miss a thing - you'll get all the Spurs news you need right to your inbox. We'll also send special newsletters when big stories break or there's a special event happening.
And with the January transfer window now open there's plenty of content to get your tottenham champions league fixtures into. Helsingborgs IF. Arka Gdynia. Joe Pritchard. Champions Cup. Tottenham Hotspur.
Tottenham Hotspur Fixtures
San DiegoUnited States. Schick 3 ' Lu. Pellegrini 34 '. Llorente 9 '18 ' Lucas Moura 28 '44 '. CchampionsUnited States. Lexgue 15 ' Arthur 29 '. Son 73 ' Nkoudou 75 '. Palencia Ruiz Monchu Puig Malcom. MinneapolisUnited States. Nkoudou 47 tottenham champions league fixtures Eyoma 53 '. Stadium: U. Southend United. Llorente 38 ' Nkoudou 90 '. Maupay 59 '. Juanpe 22 ' Lozano 34 ' B. Lucas Moura 13 '. Champions League. Qualification for tottenham champions league fixtures Champions League group stage.
Qualification for the Europa League group stage [a]. Newcastle United. Newcastle upon Tyne. Vertonghen 8 ' Alli 18 ' Dier 42 ' Kane 68 '. Lucas Moura click reference ' Trippier 74 ' Kane 77 '. Manchester United. Greater Manchester. Herrera 19 ' Valencia 58 '. Tottenham champions league fixtures 39 ' Firmino 54 '. Kane 42 ' pen. Trippier 49 ' Lamela 76 '. Huddersfield Town. Kane 25 '34 ' pen. Rose 67 ' Winks 81 '. Cardiff City. West Ham United.
Lamela 44 '. Manchester City. Mahrez fixures ' Laporte 53 ' Fernandinho 61 '. Tottenham champions league fixtures Wanderers. Bennett 24 ' Neves 68 ' pen. Crystal Palace. Tomkins 40 '.
Foyth 66 ' Winks 86 '. Alli 8 ' Kane 16 ' Son 54 '. Aubameyang tottenham champions league fixtures ' pen. Vertonghen 9 ' 85 ' Dier 30 '32 ' Kane 34 ' pen. Kansas City Royals. Los Angeles Angels. Los Angeles Dodgers. Miami Marlins. Milwaukee Brewers. Minnesota Twins. New York Mets. New York Tottenham champions league fixtures. Oakland Athletics.
Philadelphia Phillies. Pittsburgh Pirates. San Diego Padres. San Francisco Giants. Seattle Mariners. Louis Cardinals. Tampa Bay Rays. Texas Rangers. Toronto Blue Jays. Washington Nationals. Atlanta Hawks. Boston Celtics. Brooklyn Nets. Charlotte Hornets. Chicago Bulls. Cleveland Cavaliers. Dallas Mavericks. Denver Nuggets. Detroit Pistons. Golden State Warriors. Houston Rockets. Indiana Pacers. LA Clippers. Los Angeles Lakers. Memphis Grizzlies.
Miami Heat. Milwaukee Bucks. Minnesota Timberwolves. New Orleans Pelicans. Sheffield United - Tottenham Hotspur 1—3.
Tottenham Hotspur - Liverpool 1—3. Tottenham Hotspur - Chelsea 0—1. Tottenham Hotspur - West Bromwich Albion 2—0. Everton - Tottenham Totgenham 4—4. Manchester City - Tottenham Hotspur 3—0. West Ham United - Tottenham Hotspur 2—1. Tottenham Hotspur - Burnley FC 4—0. Fulham - Tottenham Hotspur 0—1. Chamipons Hotspur - Crystal Palace 4—1. Tottenham Hotspur - Dinamo Zagreb 2—0. It's and Spurs trail ahead of the Amsterdam decider.
Cue drama. Two first-half goals from Marcel Sabitzer booked the German side's quarter-final place. Leipzig lead Tottenham ahead of Tuesday's last decider. How the system works and what it means for Champions League places.
Who's likely to start, who might be left out and who is unavailable? Timo Werner's penalty has given Leipzig a narrow advantage, although Spurs have history when it comes to turning round a home defeat. Tottenham's Hugo Lloris kept his side in the tie against Tottenham champions league fixtures with a string of fine saves.
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tracyybartling · 3 years
English Premier League - Table and Standings |
Premier league standings now - EPL Table - Premier League Table & Standings
D Drew 1 - 1 against Everton on April 5th W Won 2 - 0 against Sheffield United on March 6th L Lost 2 - 5 against Manchester City on March 10th W Won 3 - 2 against Burnley on April 4th D Drew 1 - 1 against Leicester City on March 3rd D Drew 1 - 1 against Arsenal on Premiwr 6th W Won 2 - 1 against Everton on March 13th L Lost 2 - 3 against Southampton on April 4th L Lost 1 - 2 against Leicester City on March 6th W Won 2 - 1 against Southampton on March 14th W Won 3 - 0 against Newcastle United on March 20th L Lost 1 - premier league standings now against Leagje United on April 4th oeague D Drew 1 ,eague 1 against Aston Villa on Standungs 12th D Drew 2 - 2 against Tottenham Hotspur on April 4th L Lost 0 - 3 atandings Manchester City on March 13th L Lost 1 - 2 against Leeds United on March 19th L Lost 1 - 3 against Aston Villa on April 4th L Lost 0 - 1 against Wolverhampton Wanderers on April 9th click L Lost 0 - 1 against Everton on March 4th premier league standings now D Drew 0 - 0 against Newcastle United on March 7th L Lost 0 - 1 against Crystal Palace on March 13th W Won 5 - 2 against Chelsea on April 3rd W Won 1 - 0 against Aston Villa on March 3rd L Lost 0 - 2 against Southampton on Stanfings 6th Sun Belt.
SW Ath. Arizona Diamondbacks. Atlanta Braves. Baltimore Orioles. Boston Red Sox. Chicago Cubs. Chicago White Sox. Cincinnati Reds. Cleveland Indians. Colorado Rockies. Detroit Tigers. Houston Astros. Kansas City Royals. Los Angeles Angels. Los Angeles Dodgers. Miami Premier league standings now. Milwaukee Brewers. Minnesota Twins. New Premier league standings now Mets.
New York Yankees. Oakland Athletics. Philadelphia Phillies. Pittsburgh Pirates. San Diego Padres. San Francisco Giants. Seattle Mariners. Louis Cardinals. Tampa Bay Rays. Premier league standings now Rangers.
Toronto Blue Jays. Washington Nationals.
EPL 2020-21 Table
Atlanta Hawks. Boston Celtics. Brooklyn Nets. Charlotte Hornets. Chicago Bulls. Cleveland Cavaliers. Dallas Mavericks. Denver Nuggets. Detroit Pistons. Golden State Warriors. Houston Rockets. Indiana Pacers. LA Clippers. Los Angeles Lakers. Memphis Grizzlies. Miami Heat. Milwaukee Bucks. Minnesota Timberwolves. As Manchester City lost 2—1 to Chelsea on 25 June at Stamford Bridge, which statistically confirmed Liverpool as the champions, they premier league standings now unlocked an unusual achievement of winning the Premier League earlier than any other team based on games played as they still had seven premier league standings now remaining.
The season, however, has been a harsh reality check premier league standings now Liverpool. The reigning champions started the season well, but their early defeat against Aston Villa raised eyebrows. While they brushed it off as an anomaly and continued to rack up the wins, injuries to key players and a horrid run of form since the turn of the year has seen them drop out of the Premier League top four.
Once again, the title race has become a bit of a procession, check Manchester City premier league standings now and bounds ahead of every team in the country. The Cityzens are well set to win their third Premier League title in four years and have improved massively after a stuttering start to their season. Recent Result - Friday 19 March Recent Result - Tuesday 6 April Recent Result - Monday 15 March Visit Derby County Club Page. Recent Result - Sunday 21 March North This table charts the Premier League teams Position.
Recent Result - Saturday 20 March Recent Result - Wednesday 7 April Visit Middlesbrough Club Page. Recent Result - He has a good point 27 March Next Fixture - Tuesday 20 April Recent Result - Tuesday 30 March Visit Stoke City Club Page. Visit Sunderland Club Page. South This table charts the Premier League teams Position. Recent Result - Saturday 10 April Recent Result - Saturday 6 March Next Premier league standings now - Tuesday 13 April Visit Norwich City Site here Page.
Visit Reading Club Page. Next Fixture - Saturday 24 April
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ownerzero · 4 years
Bull Running in Britain
Bull running as a sport is mostly associated with the city of Pamplona, in northern Spain. But until the 19th century, Britain had a similar thirst for blood sport. The first documented bull running event in the British Isles took place in 1389 in the town of Stamford, in Lincolnshire. In a document recovered from […]
The post Bull Running in Britain appeared first on AWorkstation.com.
source https://aworkstation.com/bull-running-in-britain/
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ktrsss1fics · 7 years
Drabble thought of fergie and Niall if Niall was in the UK and went to a football match of their favorite teams playing against each other. Fergie would give him shit for it when he got back I think I love love love your stories
It was four o'clock in the morning. The familiar chime of a FaceTime call was blaring from her phone on the nightstand. She didn’t want to answer it. She wanted to go back to sleep. She had to be at the office in a few hours even though it was the weekend. Whoever it was had been calling for the past ten minutes. She figured it was someone from back home, oblivious to the time difference.
When she saw who it was, she answered immediately.
“Niall Horan! It’s four o'clock in the fucking morning.” Georgina groaned into the phone.
His face came into view. A week’s worth of stubble had started to call his face home. A bright blue Chelsea jersey was tucked nicely underneath his grey coat. A paddy cap covered up his blonde hair and a genuine smile had formed across his face.
“Fergie!” He cheered already a bit tipsy.
“Horan, look at what time it is.” She said turning on the lamp at her bedside.
His brows pulled together in confusion as her face lit up on the screen.
“Where are you?” She asked seeing people standing behind him.
Niall pressed the button to take the screen from the front camera to the back. The beautiful green pitch of Stamford Bridge and a sea of blue jerseys came into view. Her stomach instantly did a flip as envy set in. She realized where he was at.
“You did not.” She said in disbelief.
“I’m sorry I called so early. I forgot about the time difference.” Niall said feeling bad. He cleared his throat before turning the camera back to him. “Wish you were here Fergs.”
“She finally pick up?” Jamie’s voice said off camera.
Niall looked over at him, “Yeah.”
Jamie popped his head into frame. “Hey babes! Wish you were here.”
“Dave’s here too.” Niall said scanning over to his right.
Dave blew a kiss to the screen before raising up the pint he had in his hand.
Georgina just glared at the screen.
“I’ve got Spurs socks on for ya.” Dave winked playfully.
“Not gonna do her any good. I’m feeling good about this one.” Jamie said.
“You just flew back just for the game?” Georgina said feeling a little sad. She wished she had the luxury to head back to England whenever she wanted. She missed her parents.
“Jamie’s brother had tickets he wasn’t going to use.” Niall said. “Figured why not.”
“Keith there too?” She asked.
“Nah with some bird in Malibu.” Dave said.
“Figures.” She yawned.
“Alright enough buggin ya.” Niall said. “Go back to sleep Fergie.”
“I’ve got to be at work in three hours.” She sighed. “I’m recording the game to watch it when I get back home. If any of you bastards spoil it for me, you will not hear the end of it. Got it?”
“We won’t ruin it for ya Georgie.” David said saluting her.
“Promise?” She said narrowing her eyes at them.
“Cross me heart.” Niall said as the other two men agreed.
“Are you guys gonna be here for Mags–” She started to say before Niall cut her off.
“We’ll be back in LA tomorrow afternoon.” He smiled. “Just came for the game.”
“Motherfuckers.” She mumbled shaking her head.
“Go to sleep love.” Niall said.
“Hope you lose.” She said sticking out her tongue.
Niall’s infectious laugh was the last thing she heard before ending the call.
Georgina spent the entire day off the grid. She turned off her notifications for all social media. She muted her WhatsApp groups. She stayed away from her phone until she got home.
She grabbed a salad and some wine, threw on her lucky jersey, and watched the game.
They lost. 3-1.
She was fine with them losing. They hadn’t played well at all. The part she didn’t like is who they lost to and that was only because she knew the boys were going to get their digs in when she saw them.
And she was right. As soon as she walked into Jamie and Mags’ house, the jet-lagged boys lounging on the couch started singing some of Chelsea’s chants. She flipped them all off before heading outside with the girls.
She grabbed a glass of wine and caught up on the newest gossip.
“Jamie’s little sister is pregnant.” Mags said causing the rest of the girls’ eyes lit up.
“By who?” Brittany asked.
“Not her fella. Some random bloke from school.” Mags smirked.
“Pregnant at fifteen? Fuck.” Jenna shook her head. “Is their mum mad?”
“Livid.” Mags said as she noticed the boys coming into the backyard.
“How’s he handling it?” Georgina asked nodding towards Jamie.
“He’s coming off as calm but I know he’s upset.” Mags said. “That’s part of the reason they went back. Being the oldest, he feels responsible for her.”
“He and Bobby wanted to have a talk with her about everything.” Mags whispered as the boys approached.
“Poor girl.” Brittany sighed.
“Fergie, are ya mad at us?” Niall asked sitting down beside her.
“You little shits flew all the way to fucking England just to watch a derby between Spurs and Chelsea and you want to know if I’m mad?” Georgina said raising her eyebrow.
“It was Niall’s idea.” Dave said throwing the Irishman under the bus.
“Was not!” Niall whined.
“It was mine.” Jamie said as he walked over towards Georgina. “I’m sorry you missed out.”
“It’s okay.” She said standing up to give the tall man a guy.
As she wrapped her arms around him, she whispered in his ear, “Heard about Lacey. I’m sorry. If she needs anything, I’m sure Mum would be more than willing to help out. Tutoring, day care, whatever.”
Jamie didn’t say anything. He simply placed a kiss on her forehead. He squeezed her tight letting her know he appreciated the offer.
Once he let go, Jamie turned to his girlfriend and told her he was going to start cooking dinner. Mags got up to get the meat out of the refrigerator.
Georgina sat back down on her seat and found Niall pretending to listen to some bull shit story Keith was telling. She did the same. As soon as a threesome was brought up, she tuned out.
“Fergie?” Niall whispered from beside her.
Georgina turned towards him. “I’m not talking to you.”
“Why?” He asked looking worried.
“You fucking went to Stamford Bridge yesterday just to watch a football match. That’s why.” She glared at him.
“I’m sorry I really am.” Niall sighed.
“And to top it off you woke me up at the arse crack of dawn to rub it in.” She mumbled making him laugh.
“I brought you back something.” Niall said getting up and running into the house.
She rolled her eyes. “Like a gift is gonna make me feel better.”
“I knew you’d be giving him shit.” Dave said catching her attention.
“Who calls someone at three in the morning to rub it in that they are watching the Spurs Chelsea game live?” Georgina said annoyed.
“So that was my fault. I didn’t take the time difference into account. I thought you’d be happy for us.” Dave blushed. “Ya know because we had been talkin bout how important that game was the other day.”
“Happy for what? That I was missing out? That you got to see Costa score a bloody hat trick? That you lot have moved up higher on the table?” She said annoyed.
“You were pretty shit yesterday.” Dave laughed. “So it was good you weren’t there. Imagine that flight home.”
“Brittany do I have permission to beat your boyfriend?” Georgina asked making the others laugh.
“As long as I don’t see it,” Brittany said getting up to help Mags.
Niall came back with a bag in his hand. He handed it over before sitting back down.
“If this is some type of Chelsea shit, I’m burning it.” She grumbled looking at him.
“You’ll like it.” Niall said. “I promise.”
Georgina reached into the bag and pulled out a jumper. When she realized what jumper it was, her entire face lit up. She was waiting for her next paycheck because she was going to buy it for herself.
“That’s the one you were looking at the other day, right?” Niall asked shyly.
“You’re such a little shit.” She blushed running her fingers across the words on the front. “But yes it is the one I wanted.”
“Good.” Niall smiled watching her try it on.
“Does that mean you’re still mad at us?” Dave asked sounding hopeful.
“You went to a bloody Chelsea Spurs game in England without me.” She said fixing her hair. “I’m still mad.”
“You can come to the next game with us.” Dave said before turning to Niall. “Right?”
“Of course.” Niall smiled.
Georgina shook her head before taking the jumper off. She placed it back on the bag.
“You got to see Hazard attempt a bicycle kick in real life.” She said looking over at Niall. “And I had to watch a recorded version.”
Niall laughed. “Fergie! Stop. I feel bad.”
“No I’m going to complain until I feel better.” She said sticking out her tongue childishly.
“In that case, don’t tell her who else was there.” Dave playfully whispered.
“Who was there?” She asked giving both boys a look.
“Geri Ha–” Niall started to say until Georgina hit his arm.
“Ginger Spice was not fucking there.” She said with an attitude.
“She was.” Dave said handing over his phone. On the screen was a picture of the three boys with the red headed pop star.
“Shut the fuck up.” Georgina said taking a closer look at the photo.
“She’s lovely.” Dave smiled.
“You guys are fucking assholes.” Georgina whined as she gave the phone back.
“You liked Ginger or was that Sophie?” Dan asked sliding his phone back in his pocket.
“That was Soph.” Georgina sighed.
“I didn’t know you were a Spice Girl fan.” Niall said impressed.
“I was a British girl who grew up in the 90s of course I loved them.” She said offended by his question.
“Stop making her angry Niall.” Dave said hitting Niall’s arm.
“I’m not trying to.” Niall whined holding the spot that David had hit.
“Oi oi!” Brittany called from the house. “We need Fergie and Niall.”
Georgina stood up with the bag in her hand waiting for Niall to join her. As the headed to the house, he cleared his throat.
“You know why we went?” Niall asked in a hushed tone.
Georgina nodded. “Mags told us.”
“I pulled a few strings and got us on a private jet so we’d get there quicker.” He admitted shyly. “Just trying to be a good mate.”
“So for him you rent out a private jet and take him to a derby but for me you wake me up at four in the morning on a Saturday. We’ve got a great friendship.” Georgina said dryly.
His face turned a slight shade of pink. “Fergie…”
“I’m kidding Horan.” She said. “That was really sweet of you.”
“They are all taking it hard.” Niall said as they reached the back door.
“Well makes sense. After what happened to his dad, I can imagine that he feels he’s to blame.” Georgina said as Niall opened the door for her.
“He does. He shouldn’t because she knew the consequences of unprotected sex. They teach it in school.” Niall said.
“Yeah but she’s just a kid though.” Georgina sighed. “Shit happens.”
“It’s gonna be a tough nine months.” Niall said as they made their way to the kitchen.
“Tell me about it.” Georgina mumbled.
As soon as they got into the kitchen, they were put work. They were in charge of making mashed potatoes. Niall cleaned and peeled them while Georgina cut and mashed them.
“So, do you like the jumper?” Niall asked as he handed over a potato.
“I was waiting until I got paid to get it.” She said starting to cut it.
She cleared her throat, “Thanks for getting it for me.”
“Am I off the hook?” He asked shyly.
Georgina just shrugged. “Dunno.”
“What if I get us tickets to the Galaxy game next week?” He asked.
“Really?” She asked looking at him.
“Yeah I can talk to Robbie and see if there are any available.” He said nonchalantly.
“Let me just talk to my bloody famous football friend to see if we can get tickets to his game on Friday. Hopefully the box will have lobster tails and filet mignon with wine from Italy.” Georgina mocked playfully. “Maybe we’ll take the helicopter to get there.”
“You’re such a brat.” He blushed fiercely.
“Maybe you’ll remember to take me with you next time you’re headed to London.” She said with a smirk.
“I will.” He smiled. “I promise.”
Georgina leaned in close. “And if you ever wake me up at four o'clock in the morning on a Saturday again, I will hunt you down and pummel you.”
Niall laughed making her smile.
“I knew you liked it rough.” He winked making her entire body grow warm.
Georgina rolled her eyes before getting back to work. He was going to be the death of her.
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eyesonworldcultures · 5 years
Running of the Bulls - Pamplona
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The running of the bulls (Spanish: encierro, from the verb encerrar, 'to corral, to enclose'; is an event that involves running in front of a small group of cattle, typically six but sometimes ten or more, that have been let loose on a course of a sectioned-off subset of a town's streets, usually as part of a summertime festival. Particular breeds of cattle may be favored, such as the toro bravo in Spain, also often used in post-run bullfighting, and Camargue cattle in Occitan France, which are not fought. Actual bulls (non-castrated male cattle) are typically used in such events.
The most famous bull-run – what a capitalized "the Running of the Bulls" most often refers to in English – is the encierro held in Pamplona during the nine-day festival of Sanfermines in honour of Saint Fermin. It has become a major global tourism event, today very different from the traditional, local festival. More traditional summer bull-runs are held in other places such as towns and villages across Spain and Portugal, in some cities in Mexico, and in the Occitan (Camargue) region of southern France. Bull-running was formerly also practiced in rural England, most famously at Stamford until 1837.
The origin of this event comes from the need to transport the bulls from the fields outside the city, where they were bred, to the bullring, where they would be killed in the evening. During this "run", youngsters would jump among them to show off their bravado. In Pamplona and other places, the six bulls in the event are still those that will feature in the afternoon bullfight of the same day.
Spanish tradition holds that bull-running began in northeastern Spain in the early 14th century. While transporting cattle in order to sell them at the market, men would try to speed the process by hurrying their cattle using tactics of fear and excitement. After years of this practice, the transportation and hurrying began to turn into a competition, as young adults would attempt to race in front of the bulls and make it safely to their pens without being overtaken. When the popularity of this practice increased and was noticed more and more by the expanding population of Spanish cities, a tradition was created and stands to this day.
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menakart · 5 years
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How Harvard and Yale Beat the Market: What Individual Investors Can Learn From the Investment Strate
In today's volatile market, investors are seeking new ways to lower their risk profile. For author Matthew Tuttle, the best means of decreasing risk is to look towards large university endowments which have consistently beaten the stock market while maintaining a low level of risk. How Harvard and Yale Beat the Market explores the benefits of endowment investing and shows readers how to structure their individual investment endeavors around an endowment-type portfolio. While the average investor doesn't have access to many of the money managers and vehicles that high-profile endowments use, they can still learn from the investment strategies outlined here and implement them in their own investment activities. Filled with timely tips and practical advice from an expert who designs portfolios based on endowment investment strategies, How Harvard and Yale Beat the Market will put readers in a better position to achieve investment success. Matthew Tuttle, CFP (Stamford, CT), is a partner in the Private Client Group, LLC and the President of Tuttle Wealth Management, LLC. He has been interviewed on CNBC and CNNfn, and is a frequent contributor to Forbes.com, the Wall Street Journal, SmartMoney, and Dow Jones Newswires. How Google Works
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Both Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg came to Google as seasoned Silicon Valley business executives, but over the course of a decade they came to see the wisdom in Coach John Wooden's observation that 'it's what you learn after you know it all that counts'. As they helped grow Google from a young start-up to a global icon, they relearned everything they knew about management. How Google Works is the sum of those experiences distilled into a fun, easy-to-read primer on corporate culture, strategy, talent, decision-making, communication, innovation, and dealing with disruption. The authors explain how the confluence of three seismic changes - the internet, mobile, and cloud computing - has shifted the balance of power from companies to consumers. The companies that will thrive in this ever-changing landscape will be the ones that create superior products and attract a new breed of multifaceted employees whom the authors dub 'smart creatives'. The management maxims ('Consensus requires dissension', 'Exile knaves but fight for divas', 'Think 10X, not 10%') are illustrated with previously unreported anecdotes from Google's corporate history. 'Back in 2010, Eric and I created an internal class for Google managers,' says Rosenberg. 'The class slides all read 'Google confidential' until an employee suggested we uphold the spirit of openness and share them with the world. This book codifies the recipe for our secret sauce: how Google innovates and how it empowers employees to succeed.' Housing Economics and Public Policy (Real Estate Issues)
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This book is a timely assessment of 20 years of progress in the field of housing economics and its application to policy and practice. Two decades on from the publication of Duncan Maclennan's influential Housing Economics, 16 leading housing experts - both academics and policy makers from across the world - now honour Maclennan's contributions. The chapters here present a contemporary survey of key issues in housing, from urban housing markets and sub-market modelling, to the economics of social housing, the basis for housing planning, economic analysis of neighbourhoods, and the connections between academic work and policy development. For students, researchers and practitioners in housing, urban economics and social policy, Housing Economics and Public Policy: . provides up to date and comprehensive reviews of major areas of the housing economics literature . sheds light on the economic, social and spatial processes that affect housing . includes discussion of major areas of cutting edge housing economics research and identifies continuing gaps . presents a synthesis of housing economics research on both sides of the Atlantic . assesses the impact of theory on policy and practice Hotel Front Office Management
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The updated guide to running a successful hotel front office Hotel Front Office Management uses a human resources approach to cover the unique management and operational challenges in the front offices of today's hotels and lodging facilities. This Fourth Edition continues its emphasis on applying theory and management strategies, as well as providing updated material on technology's role in the modernized front office. Material is logically presented in the order of operations, beginning with an overview of lodging and then progressing through a tour of the today's front office, a review of the guest cycle, and an analysis of guest services. This Fourth Edition includes new sections on hotel risk management, security, and housekeeping management. Useful features of this new edition include: * A new chapter on executive housekeeping and the relationship between the housekeeping department and the front office * Commentaries from hotel front office managers, general managers, and other department managers * Articles on the international hotel workforce *"Opening dilemmas" and their solutions are included in each chapter * Additional case studies for applying theory and developing problem-solving strategies Hotel Front Office Management, Fourth Edition is an invaluable book for those interested in learning more about a hotel's front office. Hot Commodities: How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World's Best Market
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The next bull market is here. It s not in stocks. It s not in bonds. It s in commodities – and some smart investors will be riding that bull to record returns in the next decade. Before Jim Rogers hit the road to write his best–selling books Investment Biker and Adventure Capitalist, he was one of the world s most successful investors. He co–founded the Quantum Fund and made so much money that he never needed to work again. Yet despite his success, Rogers has never written a book of practical investment advice – until now. In Hot Commodities, Rogers offers the low–down on the most lucrative markets for today and tomorrow. In late 1998, gliding under the radar, a bull market in commodities began. Rogers thinks it s going to continue for at least fifteen years – and he s put his money where his mouth is: In 1998, he started his own commodities index fund. It s up 165% since then, with more than $200 million invested, and it s the single–best performing index fund in the world in any asset class. Less risky than stocks and less sluggish than bonds, commodities are where the money is – and will be in the years ahead. business books to read, best business books 2019, manage booking, best business books to read, new business books, top 10 business books, business books 2019, top business books to read, top business books 2019, best selling business books, business strategy books, good business books
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morganbelarus · 7 years
Steve Cohen Needs to Prove Himself to Wall Street All Over Again
There’s a low-slung glass and brick building in Stamford, Conn., steps from Long Island Sound, that once housed one of the most successful hedge funds ever. Inside, the halls are still adorned with works by Jeff Koons and Jasper Johns. The trading room—where phones blink instead of ring—is still kept at 69F to keep traders awake. And Steve Cohen still sits in the middle of it, watching the tape and making his bets.
In February the billionaire trader will begin to rebuild his firm, taking in client capital after a two-year ban from managing money for other people. It’s not a banner day for regulators, given that the government spent the better part of a decade going after Cohen. One prosecutor called his former firm, SAC Capital Advisors, a “criminal enterprise” that produced some of its returns by trading on inside information. Those returns? A stellar 30 percent a year on average from 1992 to 2013.
Six former employees were convicted or pleaded guilty to trafficking in material, nonpublic information. One other had charges dropped, and another’s guilty plea was dismissed. While Cohen, 61, was never charged with wrongdoing, his firm pleaded guilty to insider trading, paid a $1.8 billion fine, and returned client capital in 2014. The ban on managing other people’s money ended in January. In the meantime, Cohen remained a player by running Point72 Asset Management LP, a so-called family office that oversaw $11 billion, which was the bulk of his own fortune.
Now, Point72 gets to be a hedge fund open to outsiders—that is, to investors with enough money to qualify and who’re willing to pay a management fee of 2.75 percent, plus some expenses, along with a share of the profits of as much as 30 percent. Yet Cohen’s operation no longer exudes the swagger it once had. It may be hobbled by all the changes it made to appease the government and show itself to be squeaky-clean. The senior executives who ran SAC are all gone, as are many of the most successful portfolio managers.
Some investors who use hedge funds, who asked not to be named, have expressed doubt about whether Cohen will able to replicate his earlier success. The fees he’s charging are far above the industry average at a time when more investors are balking at paying up for hedge funds. While his marketers speculated in May they’d be able to raise $10 billion for the relaunch, the figure is closer to $3 billion, say potential clients who spoke to Bloomberg News for an earlier story.
Indeed, Bloomberg reporting has found an environment at Point72 that would be barely recognizable to the scrappy firm Cohen founded in 1992. A former McKinsey consultant, Doug Haynes, is president of the 1,150-employee firm. The 52-year-old, who sports cuff links with the Point72 logo, said Cohen hired him to “reset” the business, according to a 2016 interview he gave to recruiting website OneWire. He hired a 50-person compliance team that sits in the center of the trading floor with Cohen. They monitor emails and phone conversations and have veto power over hires, according to a person who’s seen the command center. To appeal to millennials, Point72 offers amenities such as a nap area. The firm has spent the past few years recruiting heavily from universities, meaning the investment team skews young. Many of them have never seen a bear market.
Cohen’s returns since 2014 haven’t lived up to his previous record—or beaten the bull market. The firm made about 1 percent in 2016. Last year it gained more than 10 percent after expenses, compared with almost 22 percent for the S&P 500. That was achieved with a lot of leverage to help goose returns—more than double the amount used at SAC, according to a regulatory filing.
When Cohen started SAC, he took a band of traders with him from Gruntal & Co. He yelled at them to take risk and added to their own trades when they were too timid to do so themselves, according to people there in the early days. Yet the employees were his friends. They attended basketball games together and even went on joint vacations to the Caribbean. A colleague might come home to find Cohen lying on his couch watching golf on TV.
Cohen pitted employees against one another. They saw their colleagues’ returns in real time. Multiple teams covered industries such as health care, technology, and financials, competing to find the most profitable wagers. One team might bet on a stock going up while another bet it would fall. What one SAC trader described as “shark tanks within a shark tank” has given way to a firm where a group of former consultants (the strategy team) plans for the future. They dream up names like Point of the Spear, for a group whose job is to translate big data research into stockpicking themes.
Some former employees have complained that as Cohen prepared to take client money, Point72 grew top-heavy with executives. They imposed rules on traders that restricted their ability to make money by requiring them to be more hedged or not allowing them to make bets as concentrated as they once did. Nor are managers paid for ideas they funnel to their boss, who picks the best of them for what is known as the Cohen Account, according to the firm. “You will never keep the best idea generators if they are not compensated,” says Brad Balter, head of Balter Liquid Alternatives, which invests in hedge funds.
In the old days, a winning trade pitched to Cohen could earn an employee millions in extra pay. That encouraged cheating, prosecutors said. Noah Freeman, a former SAC portfolio manager who pleaded guilty to securities fraud in 2011, told the FBI it was understood that those giving their best ideas to Cohen would provide him with inside information. SAC said Freeman’s testimony showed he hid his activities from the company and SAC didn’t condone them.
As Cohen hits reset, the feds have likely moved on, says James Cox, a professor of securities and corporate law at Duke University. “I don’t see the government sitting like a vulture waiting for a misstep by Cohen—that would not be the best use of resources,” he says. But Cohen doesn’t just have to stay out of trouble. To investors looking for performance, he also has a lot to prove.
BOTTOM LINE - Cohen’s Point72 is a lot more corporate than the old SAC Capital. The hedge fund will also have to stay inside the lines.
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franklin973susan · 3 years
–19 Chelsea F.C. season - Wikipedia
Chelsea fixtures europa - Chelsea Scores & Schedule | FOX Sports
However, either side of their Europa League quarter-final second-leg with Slavia Prague on Thursday, Mikel Arteta's side have an ideal opportunity to get back to winning ways and get six points on the board. That is because they face two of the current bottom three in their next two Premier League outings. It is a prime opportunity to get six points added to their current tally and give themselves a their explanation chance of securing a route into European club football next season, should they, of course, fail to win this season's Europa League.
But with the race for both the Europa League and the Champions League hotting up, football. When analysing the remaining fixtures of Arsenal and their direct rivals in the race to secure a Europa League finish this season, each club has a real chelsea fixtures europa bag of remaining challenges to overcome between now and the end of May. As things currently stand, Arsenal only have to face two of link current top 12, meaning they have a real opportunity to get their heads down and make a final push between now and the end of the campaign.
However, the clashes with Chelsea and Everton could be defining in their season and quest for European football for next season. But if they can get something from those two games and make the most of their games against the likes of Fulham, Newcastle United and Sheffield United then you could argue that their destiny is in their own hands.
On the face of it, as well as Arsenal having a favourable run-in, Liverpool also have a favourable-looking remaining set of fixtures. Chelsea fixtures europa as we have seen with their home form in recent weeks, nothing can be taken for granted in this league.
All four goals came in a thrilling opening 24 minutes, [] before April finished with Alonso cancelling chelsea fixtures europa Juan Mata's opener in a 1—1 draw away with Manchester United.
May began with a tense 1—1 draw away to German Eintracht Frankfurt in the click to read more leg of the Europa League semi-final, with Pedro lashing home an equalizer just before half-time. Cesar Azpilicueta had a goal disallowed for a foul on goalie Trapp in the build-up, before Eden Hazard scored the winning penalty in the shootout to send Chelsea to meet Arsenal's 7—3 aggregate winners over Valencia in the final in Baku, Azerbaijan.
After a tense first half of few openings, Olivier Giroud nodded Chelsea in front on 49 minutes, [] and the team soon were ahead 2—0 after Pedro swept home on the hour mark. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Chelsea —19 football season. Home colours. Away colours. Third colours. Main article: International Champions Chelsea fixtures europa. Main article: —19 Premier League.
C Champion. Yedlin 87 ' o. Stadium: St. Mary's Attendance: 27, Chelsea fixtures europa Craig Pawson.
Main article: —19 FA Cup. Main article: —19 EFL Cup. Keogh 21 ' o. Silva Sterling. Main article: FA Community Shield. Source: Competitions.
Home F. Premier League. National League NationalNorthSouth. Summer transfers Winter —19 transfers Summer transfers. Categories : Chelsea F. Hidden categories: Use dmy dates from July Articles with short description Short description is chelsea fixtures europa from Wikidata.
Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Roman Abramovich. Maurizio Sarri. Stamford Bridge. Fifth round. Manchester United20 OctoberPremier League.
Huddersfield Town2 FebruaryPremier Chelsea fixtures europa vs. Chelsea fixtures europa City10 FebruaryPremier League. Gianfranco Zola. Luca Gotti. Carlo Cudicini. Marco Ianni. Massimo Nenci. Paolo Bertelli. Davide Ranzato. Davide Losi. Gianni Picchioni. Marcos Alonso. Ruben Sammut. Reece James. Chelsea fixtures europa Redan. Billy Gilmour. Nicolas Tie. Clinton Mola.
Renedi Masampu. Marcel Lavinier. Victorien Angban. Download as PDF Printable version. Inter-Cities Fairs Cup. Copenhagen XI. Belgrade XI. Wiener Sport-Club.
Greenock Morton. European Cup Winners' Cup. Aris Thessaloniki. CSKA Sofia. Club Brugge. Manchester City. Real Madrid. Jeunesse Hautcharage. Austria Vienna. Real Zaragoza. Slovan Bratislava. Real Betis. VfB Stuttgart. Hertha Berlin. Levski Sofia.
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How the system works and what it means chelsea fixtures europa Champions League places. Watch them all! Charlotte Hornets. Chicago Bulls. Cleveland Cavaliers. Dallas Mavericks. Denver Nuggets. Detroit Pistons.
Chelsea F.C. in international football
Golden State Warriors. Houston Rockets. Indiana Pacers. LA Clippers. Los Angeles Lakers. Memphis Grizzlies. Miami Heat. Milwaukee Bucks. Minnesota Timberwolves. New Orleans Pelicans. New York Knicks. Oklahoma City Thunder. Orlando Magic. Philadelphia 76ers. Phoenix Suns. Portland Trail Blazers. Sacramento Chelsea fixtures europa. San Antonio Spurs. Toronto Cheosea. Utah Jazz. Washington Wizards. Big East. Big West. Cup Series. Xfinity Series.
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randomtimes-com · 4 years
#TodayInHistory - November 13
#TodayInHistory – November 13
November 13 – Some important events on this day.
1789 👉🏼 Benjamin Franklin writes “Nothing . . . certain but death & taxes”
1839 👉🏼 Last bull run in Britain as the Stamford bull run ends after 700 years. ✔️READ THE ARTICLE!
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williamhhooks · 3 years
UEFA Champions League Fixtures & Results | Next UCL Fixtures
Champions league group d fixtures - Champions League Teams, groups, fixtures, results & everything you need to know |
Champions league group d fixtures Rashford. Olivier Giroud. Neymar Jr. Top Stories Trending. Premier League Premier League injuries and suspensions: Man Utd sweating on Pogba Check out our regularly updated list tracking all of the latest unavailable players in England's top division.
Predicted XI Milner and Firmino to start? Bayern Munich PSG. Porto Chelsea. Real Madrid Liverpool. Manchester City Borussia Dortmund.
Chelsea Atletico Madrid. Bayern Munich Lazio. Manchester City Monchengladbach. Real Madrid Atalanta. PSG Barcelona. Liverpool RB Leipzig.
Fixturew Dortmund Sevilla. Champions league group d fixtures Porto. Atalanta Real Madrid. Monchengladbach Manchester City. Atletico Madrid Chelsea.
CHAMPIONS LEAGUE: Group stage, Group D results
Lazio Bayern Munich. Porto Juventus. Sevilla Champions league group d fixtures Dortmund. Barcelona PSG. RB Leipzig Liverpool. Bayern Munich Lokomotiv Moscow. Red Bull Salzburg Atletico Madrid. Inter Milan Shakhtar Donetsk. Real Madrid Monchengladbach. Manchester City Marseille. Olympiakos Porto. Ajax Atalanta. FC Midtjylland Liverpool. PSG Istanbul Basaksehir. Chelsea Krasnodar. Rennes Sevilla. Barcelona Juventus. Dynamo Kiev Ferencvaros. RB Leipzig Champions league group d fixtures United.
Lazio Club Brugge. The teams were drawn into the following groups:. The Champions League group stage draw took place on October 1, and the first games of the group stage will be played on October 20, with six matchdays running until December 9.
The knockout stage of the Champions League kicks off with champions league group d fixtures last 16 games taking place in February and Marchwith the draw being held in December Referee: Andreas Ekberg Sweden. Payet 55 ' pen.
Camara 33 '. Referee: Halil Umut Meler Turkey. Uribe 77 '. Referee: Felix Brych Germany. Tagliafico 35 ' o. Johan Cruyff ArenaAmsterdam. MCH ArenaHerning. Attendance: [9]. Referee: Artur Soares Dias Portugal.
AnfieldLiverpool. Zapata 54 '60 '. Stadio Atleti Azzurri d'ItaliaBergamo. Referee: Damir Skomina Slovenia. Dreyer 18 '. Attendance: [11]. Referee: Bobby Madden Scotland. Gravenberch 47 ' Mazraoui 49 ' Neres 66 '. Mabil 80 ' pen. Referee: Sergei Karasev Russia. Jones 58 '. Romero 79 '. Scholz 13 '.
Referee: Anastasios Sidiropoulos Greece. Muriel 85 '. Scholz 62 ' pen. Salah 1 '. Attendance: [14]. Stamford BridgeLondon. Attendance: 0 [15] [note 2]. Guirassy 56 ' pen. Roazhon ParkRennes. Attendance: 4, [15]. Hudson-Odoi 37 ' Werner 76 ' pen. Ziyech 79 ' Pulisic 90 '. You can check here StadiumKrasnodar. Attendance: 10, [16].
De Jong 55 '. Attendance: 0 [16] [note 2]. Suleymanov 17 champions league group d fixtures Berg 21 ' pen. Attendance: 0 [17] [note 2]. Werner 10 ' pen. Abraham 50 '. Referee: Felix Zwayer Germany. Wanderson 56 '. Attendance: 10, [18]. Referee: Marco Guida Italy. Guirassy 85 '. Attendance: 0 [18] [note 2]. Berg 71 '. Attendance: 8, [19]. Referee: Willie Collum Scotland. Attendance: 0 [19] [note 2]. Jorginho 28 ' pen. Cabella 24 '.
Attendance: 2, [20]. Rutter 86 ' pen. Attendance: 0 [20] [note 2]. Referee: Bartosz Frankowski Poland. Horvath 74 ' o. Krestovsky StadiumSaint Petersburg. Attendance: 16, [15]. Immobile 6 ' Hitz 23 ' o.
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