#Starbound Tales || Robot Dead Space
hopeful-hugz · 7 months
"Weeeeeeell, HELLO THERE and welcome to another hair-raising and thrilling episode of Real-Time Races!"
It's a voice, carrying an announcer's tone of voice, that jolts Melody out of her rather short sleep mode. Scrambling to her feet and glancing around. That hadn't been a voice she knew. Not in the slightest, nor was it a face she knew that popped into reality right next to her.
Donning a skirt and the colorful coat of a gameshow host, he seems to pay her startled yelp no mind whatsoever
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"I'm your ever vigilant host, L! Here to bring you only the most adrenaline-pumping of challenges from our lovely contestants!" The microphone he holds is shifted to his other hand, his now-free one pulling Melody in. The FLINCH is wholly disregarded as he continues. "This episode we have a lovely teenager by the name of DLN-000; Melody Raydeo! Recently having been stranded in a barren, frosty wasteland and left to fend for herself, I know she is bound to have the determination to pull through today's challenge!"
The being's three tails sprawl out from behind him, already giving himself away as a Nagete. Much to Melody's clear horror, evidently. She's not able to say much before the host snaps his fingers, teleporting them out to a random part of the planet. "We now come to you from about a forty-eight hours' trek from this lovely lass' camp!" Leah grins, turning to Melody and placing a hand on her shoulder. "My dear, your challenge is simple! Locate and return to your camp within the next thirty-two hours, with just the things in the bag on your shoulder, and I will give you something that will help your chances here GREATLY!"
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"N- now wait just a minute-" The android finally gets a word in, moving the microphone put in her face to the side. "I never signed up for any challenge or chose to participate in such a thing! Nor would I; that would pose an unnecessary danger to myself and my mission!"
The protest gets a laugh from the show host, floating into the air as her does so. "OH MY DEAR! Look around you! We're already out here and I am certainly not taking you back, now that you've been chosen!"
He leans in, grinning.
"Sweet, Sweet Melody: You don't have a choice!"
Then he backs back up. "Then again, when have you had any choices on this life-forsaken planet? In the palm of everyone's hands and claws you are!"
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"Good luck, my dear~! Try not to become a drone's next little snack; because the challenge ends the moment your ghost leaves that adorable little body of yours!" With an announcement of "CHALLENGE BEGIN" announced through the air, Leah vanishes after saying an outro to no one she can see and the robot master is left out on her own.
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And it actually hits her that she's alone, completely and fully. "Oh sweet Asimov, no..."
Nothing left to do but bring up her phone tracker on her hud and follow the signal of the device still at camp. Hopefully this wouldn't be too hard...
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hopeful-hugz · 8 months
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Heavily obsessed with this scene from the chase thread with Melody and N, so of course I'm in the process of drawing it.
It's testing the limits of my anatomy and art skills.
Feat. @disassnbler
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hopeful-hugz · 6 months
"Maybe they're right... Maybe I am just the damsel in distress that ̠s̠̠t̠̠r̠̠e̠̠s̠̠s̠̠e̠̠s̠ ̠e̠̠v̠̠e̠̠r̠̠y̠̠o̠̠n̠̠e̠ ̠o̠̠u̠̠t̠. Maybe that... needs to change. Mom was never this ̠s̠̠p̠̠i̠̠n̠̠e̠̠l̠̠e̠̠s̠̠s̠; she didn't have people saving her until the very end..."
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"...Maybe I just need to ̠s̠̠u̠̠c̠̠k̠ ̠i̠̠t̠ ̠u̠̠p̠ and get with the programming..."
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hopeful-hugz · 7 months
@podpilot || Moved Post
Melody takes note of the moment N stiffens up when she mentions Hope's name. That told her two things; both that he recognized the name and that it was enough to cause him distress.
Oh no... What had her aunt done this time?
"I mean... the way you've reacted to Fir in the past would suggest otherwise." The younger bot adjusts how she's seated, sitting cross-legged and letting her skirt drape over her knees. He'd said her full name; he knew her on some level. "Yeah, that's her. I'm not surprised you've heard the name. She's a kind of infamous name about space-time at this point."
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"She's the one who recommended we go through with coming here, when she found out we were going. Worried as she was, she said it'd be a good opportunity for me to learn about survival and the difference between fighting to survive and fighting just to cause harm." A small huff. "Said it'd be worth it to be around more advanced combat too, since she knows I'm upgrading my own body now."
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"How'd you find out about her, though? Cause you look like someone smacked you in the visor outta nowhere and you're trying to process why. Did end up in an altercation with you or something? I know she's pretty scary, but I assure you she really is harmless-"
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hopeful-hugz · 7 months
@mixed-up-multiverse || Semi-Plotted Starter ( V )
"There... that should do it for a patch."
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Melody can't help but heave a small sigh, cracking open an E-Tank to once again dull the injury pain. She'd grown used to being nocturnal ever since she'd ended up stuck on Copper 9. Mostly because of the local dangers she had become well acquainted with on day one and she didn't want to end up attacked in her sleep. It suited her well enough; though constantly using her battery was an annoyance.
Despite that, however... It was pretty peaceful, all things considered. Significantly so tonight. There hadn't been any signs of anyone or anything really, for the first time since she'd gotten here. At least not until she had finished what repairs she could on her body. That's when something caught her attention.
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She knew the sound of a disassembly drone's approach by now, one tended to visit her when he could, after all. But this was a pattern that seemed... off to her. He would perch on the window of the ruined building like a gargoyle, or he would just come into camp. This one stayed outside.
Oh boy...
Her immediate response is to shut her body down to reduce the heat from her solar core- let her ghost wear it like a suit- and put out the electric lantern she used for light. After that, get up and quietly pack what she'd absolutely need in her inventory space, followed immediately by taking a peek through one of the smaller cracks in the wall.
Nothing right away, but...
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hopeful-hugz · 7 months
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"Who even was that guy...?" With the setting of the sun comes the adjustments to her functionality. Shutting down her body to wear like a suit and letting it run cold and uncomfortable. At least for a while things didn't hurt, and she wouldn't have to worry about this body for a little while.
Flipping through a book and keeping an ear out for any sort of sounds, other than her own footsteps, she quietly flips through a book as she continues in the direction the camp is. The Sealed Codex was bound to have something right? This couldn't be a threat her mother didn't know about in some aspect, right? "C'mon Mom..."
Nothing. Absolutely nothing on a Nagete going by 'L'. There's very little on the aethers' opposing species in general...
"Crud..." It's mumbled under her breath like every other word. "How in the world am I going to deal with this, now... There's no loopholes to this, is there...?" The codex is closed and put back in her and there's a glance at the area around her, opting more to stick to shadows if she could. The less visible she was right now... the better.
She had to get back, before either her charge ran out or her body did.
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hopeful-hugz · 7 months
"Here, my dear~ Let me get that for you." The voice once again comes before Leah's appearance, showing up seated right next to Melody's body as her ghost tried to fiddle with a report folder, a note for Fir and her multiversal transporter component. Naturally that gets a small yelp from the ghost, startling enough that she rubber-banded back to her body with a glitch.
"You know, before your little genocidal friend returns~" This gets a giggle from the nagete show host. "Quite the possessive one, that bot! Knows how to kill my kind too, so I can't stick around that long. You know how it is, I'm sure~"
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"Wh- what are you doing here?" Of course, the currently-armless robot master is scrambling to her feet and taking a couple steps back, with some difficulty. "You're not here to-"
"Issue another challenge? No, no; the cameras aren't with me today! I'm here to issue your reward, actually." A pause and a more innocent look dawns on the host's face. "Unless you want another challenge? I wouldn't expect so in that state."
A shake of Melody's head.
"Good!" There's the smile returning as Leah moves to pick the items up. "As part of your reward I'll do this little delivery for you~!"
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"And as a secondary reward~ Well, that will come at a later date! Ta-ta~!"
"I SAID WAIT- HANG ON-" Melody only makes it a couple paces running forward before he's gone once again, resulting in her abrupt stop and loss of balance. With a hard thud, she's fallen to the floor once again. "V2VsbCB0aGF0J3MgdGhlIHJlcG9ydCwgdHJhbnNwb3J0ZXIgYW5kIGEgbWVzc2FnZSBmb3IgRmlyIHNlbnQgb2ZmLi4u"
She can't help heaving a heavy sigh. "Hopefully..."
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hopeful-hugz · 7 months
"I'm fine, Fir. Everything is functional and I've yet to sustain further damage." Melody paces about, phone in hand and Fir on its screen. "Though I may move camp soon once I can find a suitable place and can let N know that I am doing so."
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"Are you sure it's a good idea to wander that much Melly? Just cause you cheated destruction once doesn't mean you'll be as lucky a second time."
"Well, I can't just stay here. I need to find a more effective means of repair and potentially a way to upgrade or acquire something that I can use as an effective means of secondary defence. The buster alone isn't going to cut it and hand-to-hand combat is ill-optimized as well. I've only got so much of Mom's old tools as well; so I need to be sparing with those."
There's a moment of silence for the human, for a moment almost recognizing the Chamyle she used to know in her own daughter. They acted so alike... "You're really serious about this mission, huh?"
"For once it's something I specialize in and can continue to improve at. Plus... I'm honestly enjoying feeling like there's somewhere I fit into, somewhat. I can't explain why, but here feels... a lot more comfortable than Monsteropolis did and the Archives does. I love the other robot masters and the denizens there dearly but it feels like I'm still so out-of place there in one way or another. Here, that feeling is significantly less. Sure I still have to hide the whole ghost thing but, other than that. I feel like there's people other than you or Funfred that I can make an actual meaningful connection to." Eventually she settled down beside the window with a small huff. "I know it's selfish, but I want to try and see this mission through and give this place more of a chance. I want to see if I've found somewhere I can be..."
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Another pause. "I want to see just how right this place will feel, the more I learn. I could use the challenge and excuse to upgrade myself anyhow."
"I get it, trust me. I'm just worried that something will happen to you and you won't come home. I know you're capable though... Just be careful; and don't accidentally fry your systems if you do try those more intensive upgrades. It's different if it's a flashlight or device connection function, or upgrades to the multiversal transporter, those aren't built for combat-"
Melody gives a small giggle at Fir's continued worrying, despite her previous statement. "I'll be fine, my dear Spitfire. You know you're cute when you fret this much."
"Gh- AM NOT! I'm anything but cute!" The exclamation is followed by a huff. "I'm a terror! An absolute menace!"
Giggles soon turns into quiet laughter. Maybe this would work out anyhow.
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hopeful-hugz · 7 months
@disassnbler || Ask
"Guess I never really thought of it that way..." It wasn't even deliberate then. N was just naturally disarming. Him hunting was only part of him and the other was just a generally cool guy.
There's a light hum from the reserve battery at her side, picking it up to bring with her so she didn't strain the charging cord attached. Sitting back down beside him, she just watches him color and listens to him talk. Something she'd grown to like rather quickly.
Then it was his turn to ask a question. Her turn to give an answer.
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"I mean- it's not like I mind too much. When we met it was different cause I had someone to protect. Plus... I don't know, you seemed to have a lotta fun having someone who didn't go down easy to hunt. Maybe it's something we can talk about turning into a game of sorts?" Cue Melody's own systems quietly beeping as she adjusted the cord a little. "The E-Tanks and W-Tanks are pretty common back where Mom constructed me. A lotta bots use them so they're easily acquired. My Aunt Hope usually makes the others for me; she's not entirely organic and can just make them. You kind of remind me of her, honestly. I think you'd get along if it wasn't for the fact she's part human... I know they scare you..."
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hopeful-hugz · 8 months
The camp was all set up proper now, Fir having even secured and cleaned up the area some for when Melody returned. Well... mostly. There's a harsh gust of wind that come through one of the few holes in the doorway that dims the fire significantly and the young teen can't help a small sigh as she stands up and picks up a piece of a broken meta cabinet she's picked up.
As she walks over, the tip of her finger lights aflame with her magic, the flame soon burning a piping hot blue. With a little work, the piece of mettle is melted enough to stick to the hole like glue and the cold has it stuck there in no time. Giving a little laugh to herself, the human hops up, forgetting her wooden legs only has so much bend to them. Something only serving to make her slip and stumble to the ground once again.
Where something catches her eye. What looks like an arm and head; but not like the skeletons she and her girlfriend had seen strewn about. No... no these were robotic. Where something catches her eye. What looks like an arm and head; but not like the skeletons she and her girlfriend had seen strewn about. No... no these were robotic and severed from a body.
That prompts her to sit up to get a closer look. That closer look just her to stop in her mental tracks.
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"...Oh sweet void below... Melly, you better be being careful out there..."
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hopeful-hugz · 6 months
"hey, mel? you're a brave kid," he reaches over and ruffles her hair. "i don't know your whole story, but you've been so brave from what I've seen of you thus far. sorry for nearly killing you at the start, bud. you've done a lot for me and i want to make sure you know you can reach out to me for help, okay?"
Training to actually learn and work on wielding a weapon she wasn’t originally programmed with was hard. Sure there was already some natural combat talent but a lot of it was building skill. A lot of it was learning from N.
Usually she was hesitant, even during training. He must have noticed how she had been more serious about it today.
The little robot master gives the tiniest of smiles when her hair is ruffled. (Was her head warmer than usual? Absolutely but she hadn’t noticed much after that first day.) Taking note of how the drone’s current words contradicted the others. “Maybe it’s about time I tell you more about my story, huh? If you wanna know, that is. Not like there’s much to tell; my model isn’t the only mediocre thing about me.”
“And you really don’t have to apologize for that. A guy’s gotta eat, after all.” The statement is paired with a giggle and a hiss of Melly opening an E-Tank, offering an L-Tank to N once she has a free hand. “…I really haven’t done a lot. If anything I’ve probably done more to make ya tired at this point. B… but it’s okay, I’m gonna become stronger. So you won’t have to worry as much. I’m going to make you, Fir and Mom proud and not be some…. Damsel in distress anymore.”
What he needed was his friend to be safe for more than five minutes, right? That’s what he said. So she’d make sure she could keep herself safe. What harm was there in learning some violence anyhow?
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hopeful-hugz · 7 months
[ ᴄʀɪᴛɪᴄᴀʟ ᴅᴀᴍᴀɢᴇ ᴘʀᴇᴠᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ: ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴇᴊᴇᴄᴛ ᴠᴇꜱꜱᴇʟ ᴄʜɪᴘ ]
[ ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅɪᴀɢɴᴏꜱᴛɪᴄ ᴛᴇʀᴍɪɴᴀʟ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴜɴ ʀᴇᴘᴀɪʀ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴏᴄᴏʟꜱ ]
She doesn't open her eyes right away, letting her body remain semi-sleeping still. Melly remembered having nightmares, just like she thought she would, but didn't remember being woken. Just things... settling down on their own. Sure they still occurred, but they weren't as bad.
That's when the warmth of her friend registers, then the secure hug around her. Had N tried to comfort her overnight?
It wasn't something she was used to. She knew she was loved and cared for, but most of the people she associated with were distant in different ways...
She knew her mom loved her very much. But she showed that through protecting her since her condition with the Oblivion made emotional matters incredibly difficult. The woman had tried her best, though. Mom's friends didn't know her too wall and didn't exactly come off as the affectionate types... and Funfred was usually a physical touch person, though his kind was rough to say the least. She knew Fir loved her more than anyone else in the multiverse. But being gentle or comforting had never been her strong suit. She was a lot like Chamyle in that aspect, but it was that bold and brash personality that she loved so much as well.
Other than their hunts, training and "games"? N treated Melody gently, went out of his way to give her affection. Both for comfort and just because. What baffled her was that she was actually receptive to receiving that gentle contact, rather than just giving it to other people. With her mother, best friend and partner, she knew she was loved and she felt loved; but the way N treated her made her oddly hyper-aware of that fact. Hyper-aware that she would eventually be okay again, now that so much had changed all at once.
Something she found she didn't mind.
The robot master shifts her position a little in her friend's hold, opting to lean into him a little more.
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Maybe it was alright to feel like she was going to be okay... Just for a bit.
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hopeful-hugz · 7 months
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A small gasp as she forces herself out of her sleep mode "nap". She's exhausted, but she couldn't linger in those nightmares anymore. She'd deal with the LOW POWER on the edge of her hud for now. There was more important things to take care of.
Like her arms. There's a glance at the temporary ones she wore like gloves and there's a small whimper. "...I need to go get more supplies immediately..."
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hopeful-hugz · 7 months
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"You're actually going through with it?"
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"...Yes, you made good points, after all." Her newly acquired, temporary hands fiddle with the hilt of her mother's old z-saber. Sitting on a windowsill of the building she was currently camped in and watching the sky for her friend that was on the way. "I need some means of defence, but it can just be for that for now. I... I don't need to actually cause harm with it. Plus, N said it'd be... fun. I wanna believe him on that."
There's a moment of silence on the other end of the comm link, before Fir gives a small chuckle. "Well man, I didn't think you'd actually consider it; let alone go through with it. You've always been so against that sorta thing. Guess bein' over there's having some kinda influence on you."
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"It's not having that much of an influence, I assure you. I said before that I needed to start relaxing a bit anyhow." A small pause. "Maybe this is just what I need to actually start doing that properly."
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hopeful-hugz · 7 months
@podpilot || Moved Post
"That-" There's a look of concern that crosses Fir's face, watching how he reacts. Naturally, it gets her to back up a bit. Seems no matter how she worded it he was going to take it as an order. "...You're really that scared of me, huh...?"
That's when she backs off, moving over to where Melody was and still speaking.
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"You don't gotta make anything up to me. Far as I'm concerned the fact you considered sparing Melly at all is already huge, especially if you've been hungry for a while." As she speaks, she helps her girlfriend with what she can.
"...I dunno who's hurtcha in the past, and I won't pry into it... but I'm sorry that happened. Clearly you didn't deserve it. You seem like a good guy, just with a cruddy set of circumstances." The human checks over the robot master one more time, before grabbing one of the backpacks behind her and putting it on. Then she's on her feet again, the little orange heart zipping around the two bots' heads for a moment as she walks past N towards the exit. "I'm gonna head out. Easier for me to make the jump outside. Please be careful... both of you... If anything's hurt either of ya, other than eachother, when I come by on deliveries; I won't let 'em hear the end of it."
"Love you, Spitfire."
"Love ya too, Melly~"
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With that, the human leaves and Melody finally speaks up, properly. "Well she got protective of you fast..." A small pause, the smaller bot flinching hard before taking a cut piece of synthetic flesh and a needle and thread and sewing it to a sliced part of her arm. "She really didn't mean it as an order, by the way. She doesn't believe in that sort of thing; to her, we're just... individuals, not anything else."
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hopeful-hugz · 7 months
@disassnbler || Ask
N adjusting to help her feel a little more gets a quiet "thanks" from her. Then her attention is turned to his art, something that gets the armless robot master to actually giver her own small smile. "Oh; your hunt partner, right? That's really sweet that she's got a companion like that- Even sweeter that you wanna make her art of them." If she were honest? The more she heard about V, the more she looked forward to eventually meeting her.
She continues to watch her friend draw, the question getting a small hum from her. "Honestly there's a lot of animals out there. I find them all really nice; though most living creatures I have a similar opinion on. It's more specific animals that I've met that are my favorites."
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"My uncle from where I was built has a dog though, his name's Rush. Mom had a cat named Silversoft too, who now lives at the Archives with Fir and I." A small chuckle. "There's Ate'lier too; he a big fluffy kitty who comes to visit sometimes. He'll nap in his little nook or ride around on my shoulders while I work. If I didn't call him at least one of my favorites I wouldn't hear the end of it from him."
Another chuckle precedes a little sigh, Melody actually thinking about things now. "...Honestly, though? I clearly have a couple biases... As nice as cats are, I'd love to adopt or build a puppy of my own someday."
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