#Steve Sailer
rendakuenthusiast · 9 months
"The problem for Jews is not that the ongoing “racial reckoning” is overtly anti-Semitic, it’s that it’s overtly antiwhite. And, for the crucial purpose of tabulating diversity numbers, virtually all Jews count as white."
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Jason Wilson at The Guardian:
A Guardian investigation has identified former University of California, Irvine (UCI) lecturer Jonathan Keeperman as the man behind the prominent “new right” publishing house Passage Press and the influential Twitter persona Lomez. The identification is based on company and property records, source interviews and open-source online materials. The reporting has revealed that Keeperman’s current status as a key player and influential tastemaker in a burgeoning proto-fascist movement came after years of involvement in far-right internet forums.
Much of that journey coincided with his time at one of the country’s most well-regarded writing programs: Keeperman first came to UCI as a master of fine arts (MFA) student, and was also a lecturer in the English department from 2013 to 2022, according to public records. The emergence of Passage Press and other such publishers has been a key part of the development of a swathe of the current American far right, which is seeking to capture US institutions – or develop far-right equivalents – as part of a political and cultural war against what it sees as the dominance of a liberal “regime” in America. In a June 2023 podcast interview, Keeperman characterized Passage Press and its literary prize as part of this effort to “build out alternative infrastructure, alternative institutions”.
It is a fight wholeheartedly embraced by Donald Trump and his supporters in the Republican party, especially in their railing against “the deep state” and promises of retribution should Trump win the 2024 presidential election. The Guardian repeatedly contacted Keeperman requesting comment on this reporting, at a personal Gmail address and a Passage Press address, and left a voicemail message at a telephone number that data brokers listed as belonging to Keeperman, but which carried a message identifying it as belonging to a member of his household.
Scary ideas – and wanting to be recognized
Passage Press books include a Tucker Carlson-blurbed anthology of writings by “human biodiversity” influencer Steve Sailer; a similar retrospective from “neo-reactionary” guru Curtis Yarvin; and a print version of the biannual Man’s World. Like many other far-right publishers, Passage’s list is bolstered by reprints of out-of-print or public-domain books by historical fascist and reactionary writers. These include books by radical German nationalist and militarist Ernst Jünger; Peter Kemp, who fought as a volunteer in Franco’s army during the Spanish civil war; and two counter-revolutionary Russian aristocrats, White Russian general Pyotr Wrangel and Prince Serge Obolensky.
[...] Passage Press differs from many others in its niche in offering new work by the contemporary far-right’s intellectual celebrities, and in curating in-person events and a far-right literary award. The publisher also produces high-end limited editions of selected titles. The “patrician edition” of Noticing, a book by Sailer, for example, is “bound in genuine leather, gold-foil stamping” and “Smyth-sewn book block”, according to the website. Though lavishly produced, the “patrician” offerings appear to have generated significant income for Passage. At the time of reporting, Passage had sold out its limited run of 500 patrician editions of Noticing at $395 apiece, according to the website. This equates to some $195,000 in revenue. An earlier patrician edition of winning entries in the 2021 Passage prize sold 250 editions at $400 apiece, according to the website, representing another $100,000 in revenue. The publication of Noticing – also available as a $29.95 paperback – was spun out into a series of in-person events in Austin, Los Angeles, Miami and New York City, held in March, April and May.
The Guardian reveals that the identity of far-right X account Lomez belongs to UCLA lecturer Jonathan Keeperman.
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kontextmaschine · 2 years
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I actually first encountered Sailer in the comments of Yglesias' ThinkProgress blog in the early 2000s
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arcticdementor · 2 years
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naughtygeek49 · 2 years
Love that all Steddie writers just unanimously agree that Eddie would absolutely lose his shit if he ever saw Steve in his scoops ahoy uniform
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Never Say Die [2]
| Part one | you are here | part 3 | part 4
Everyone seemed to want a part two… so here’s another part! (Also name title comes from a Black Sabbath song lol)
Steve took a few steps in the house. His hands shook as he barely could see through the shirt that was over his face. Concealing his identity from the neighbors. He knows that Hopper and Joyce’s intentions were positive, but his mind was playing tricks on him. For a split second he was back in Russia, blind fold over his eyes as he’s being dragged from a van. Still in his sailer suit. Blood all over his face, the ashes of star-court still lingering on him. Not even given the chance to wash them off on the flight here.
Though When the blindfold is pulled off he’s in the doorway of a very nice home, not in the middle of a Russian cell. He can feel his body shaking a bit from the memory. Before he takes a shaky breath, closing his eyes. All of this seemed a little to easy. What if he was making it all up in his head? What if he was currently in a cell right now losing his mind. He wouldn’t put it past himself. He has had dreams so real about returning home before, to only wake up and get the shit beat out of him.
Hoppers quick to stand in front of him. Protecting him. Steve’s eyes snap open quickly, tears slowly forming in his eyes when he realizes what the older man is doing. It’s been a while since someone’s protected him, and not the other way around. Sure, once upon a time in the prison someone did protect him. But that barely lasted a couple of days before the guy disappeared in the middle of the night. Now Steve knew he fought a demogorgan and lost.
“Mom, what’s going on?” It’s Will’s turn to voice his concern. Steve can’t see him through Hoppers back but he knows how his face is pinched up. Joyce, who was currently standing next to Steve smiles shakily. Tears in her eyes, light footsteps moving fast across the wooden floor start to come in their direction.
“Will, everything’s fine. It’s just.. a surprise guest dropped in. A good surprise. “ Joyce explains putting her hand up. Gesturing for the other to stop. Which is what immediately happens. “Why don’t you go back and tell everyone to go gather in the living room. Let them know we’ll be out in a second.” Joyce instructs. Moving forward out of Steve’s sight. Who can already picture her smoothing the boys hair, wrapping her arms around Will in a comforting manner. Something he’s seen thousands of times and has always envied.
“And tell them, if any of them even think about stepping out of that living room I’ll make sure no one’s allowed to play that Dogs and Donuts game.” Hoppers voice is stern. Steve was standing behind him and it was bringing the fear of god into him. Though he has to hold back laughter because he knows the guy was purposely getting the name wrong.
A few footsteps and seconds past and he can hear Will in the living room. Voices starting to echo through the walls as both of the adults. Who were very concerned, pull Steve into the kitchen. Joyce is already pulling food out for him. Setting a plate on the table within seconds. He hesitates, before he’s moving and awkwardly sitting down. Eyes skimming the room. A habit of his that he’s picked up. Within seconds he already knows where he can exit quickly if it was needed.
“How are you alive?” Hopper asks first, getting straight to the point. Moving and leaning on the table as he looks at Steve with that serious expression again. The same one he held in interrogation rooms.
Steve chuckles shakily, “Russian Prison.” He answers simply before he’s wolfing down his food. He’s sure he was going to throw it up in a little bit anyway. It’s been a long time since he’s had home cooked food. His stomach was already shifting uncomfortably from how much he was eating. “I didn’t die during the explosion thingy, I hopped down and well. Here I am. Woke up in a van in the middle of Russia later on and found my way back home. In quick summary.” Steve explains quickly. Body tense at even the mention of the prison. Thankful for the fact Hopper knew when to back down from something like this. Eyes filled with concern.
“How do you want to do this?” He asks changing the subject.
“We can pull them one at a time in here and have them see you?” Joyce tosses the idea out there.
“No. Just want to rip it off like a bandaid. Get it all done and over with. I cant-” Steve says shakily. Dropping the fork on the plate as he stares down at the table. “I can’t choose who I want to see first. I want to see them all at once or none at all.” He admits. Moving his eyes up to challenge Hopper. Unsure whether or not they were going to allow him to see them. There shouldn’t be doubt in his mind, but there was just a smidge. Hard to trust anyone anymore. He barely knew the two adults in front of him. Only a few awkward conversations in the past.
“Alright… you ready?” Hopper asks. Moving to stand properly. Not even bothering to battle whatever imaginary war that was in Steve’s head. Steve was not ready, he never would be. He moves standing up. Left arm holding his side as he nods his head. Moving to follow the other. Hearing the hushed panicked voices in the living room. A couple curse words following along with them.
Before Steve can get a step in Joyce is stopping him. “Hold on, let me give them a warning.” She smiles softly before turning and moving into the living room. That was still mostly bare from the move in. Steve shakily crosses his arms over his chest as he tries to focus on breathing. He didn’t want to freak out to much while everyone was. He had to be the emotional rock. He looks down at the floor, not wanting to look up at Hopper. Faintly listening to Joyce begin to ramble right behind him.
“So… this wasn’t planned at all. It’s news to me.” She sounded like she was crying already. “But- this person. You aren’t expecting him and I know some of you are going to be excited to see him but he has some injuries. So maybe try not to jump him or overwhelm him.” Joyce warns. Everyone’s already starting to ask questions all at once. “I’m serious guys. He came from god knows where, doing god knows what.” She says finally hushing the crowd down.
Steve finally gets his signal from Hopper. His hands were shaking as he moves. Carefully limping a bit to the doorway. One hand on his side as he leans on it. Eyes landing on everyone in the room. Searching for Dustin and Robin. “Where’s Henderson?” Is his first question. Eyes squinting trying to see, his vision wasn’t nearly as good as what it used to be. Along with the fact he could barely hear out of his right ear. But thanks to the amazing government he was able to get a hearing aid fitted.
He knew that everyone was going to be shocked, but the way everyone’s faces go white makes a shiver go up his spine. All color leaving the room with the acceptation of Eddie and the boy with long silky hair. Both who didn’t know him. Steve’s looking around the group, to many faces and reactions overwhelming him before he sees Dustin throwing himself at him. Moving away from Eddie, who was stunned by how fast the kid could move.
Before he could tackle Steve, Hoppers catching him as says something. Dustin’s already in tears as he moves more carefully as he still hugs him. Steve’s hands shakily wrapping themselves around him, only taking a second before he’s tightly hugging the boy. Squeezing his eyes shut as he feels like one of the numerous missing pieces was just placed in his heart. He didn’t realize how much he missed the little shit until now.
“I watched you die.” Dustin sobs, body shaking in Steve’s arms. Steve feels like a leaf, he’s close to falling from the effort to keep them both up. He’s in tears himself, when he catches the green of his letterman jacket walking in from the other side of the room. Coming from the bathroom most likely.
“What’s happening?” Robins voice is loud and clear as she looks at everyone. Not given a chance to process Steve standing in the walkway.
“Didn’t figure you to be a basketball jock there buck.” Steve laughs softly. Watching as it all hits her as well. And she’s already sprinting, squirming out of Hoppers reach as she nearly tackles Steve and Dustin.
“Ow ow ow, I think you guys just turned my lungs to dust.” He gasps in pain. Both of them stepping back from him as he nearly falls. Holding his side, as he try’s to steady his breathing.
“Here let’s get you sitting.”
Steve nods his head as he moves to Joyce, who’s concern was only peaking. Leaning on her a bit as she helps him to the empty spot on the couch. Which was right next to Eddie. He’s coughing a little, lungs burning from the pain in his side. A shaky inhale of air as he looks at the other curiously. Before his eyes move to land over on the boy with silky hair who was watching him confused.
“Hey.” He chuckles awkwardly lifting his hand up as the boy smiles waving back at him.
“This- this is Argyle.” Jonathan pops in. Looking anxious at the sight of him. Nancy looked like she was a goldfish.
“Hey wheeler.” Steve chuckles, not caring about her what’s so ever. Who he cared about the most were both standing in front of him now. Nearly hyperventilating. He opens his arms out a bit, “come on you dorks. Be careful of the stitches though. I am not redoing them again.” He laughs as they both move carefully. Robin in his lap curling in on his chest. He moves getting comfortable, the exhaustion getting the best of him as he offers a arm for Dustin who was also seeking some comfort. His eyes and nose were burning from the effort of holding back tears.
“No offense but you look like shit, and I can barely see.” Max tosses in. Standing up now to get a better look at him.
Steve snorts, “I can barely see or hear and you sound and look like shit kid.” He says amused. Earning a snort. “What happened to you?” He asks curiously.
He freezes. Everybody was looking at him as he glances around, “wait the big cone head looking dude with the ET fingers?” Steve asks. He hadn’t realized that he had made it to Hawkins within the time he was away. He’s gotten hints, even seen him once. Drawings of what he looked like up on the Russian walls. From his understanding he created a portal, to trade demogorgans for the life of the prisoners. Which was apparently how he got so strong to be able to finally reach his way to Hawkins and use his powers without needing the person physically in the upside down.
“You know who Vecna is?” Eddie asks, speaking for the first time. His voice is wavering a bit as he does.
“Well that’s not what me and the prisoners called him. But yeah. We were wondering why he stopped… well snapping our bones like twigs for.” He admits.
“Prisoners?” Is the question everybody all say at once. He winces as he tries to stay relaxed. He was starting to get overwhelmed. As much as it was a relief to see all of them it was getting a little to much.
“Yeah, Russians don’t take to kindly to someone ruining one of their bases.” He chuckles dryly. “Can we- um change the subject.” He winces as he moves a hand up to his head. Feeling a migraine forming. His head hasn’t been the same since he was near that radiation shit in the mall. He blinks as he feels a random nose bleed starting to hit him. Feeling dizzy Robin and Dustin hop off from him when he starts to shake more while underneath them. El moving and offering him a tissue with a knowing look. His hands shakily take the paper, confused as to why she would be looking at him like that. It was just a random nose bleed, he wouldn’t be shocked if he got radiation poison or something.
He moves back into the couch after a second of wiping his nose, completely worn out. Blinking at the effort it was taking him just to stay here mentally. His eyes meet Joyce’s who was already getting Hopper on it. “You look exhausted hon, why don’t you go get some rest in our room.” She smiles as he nods. Moving, his legs begin to shake as he holds the bloody tissue to his nose. Walking the way Hopper wanted him to.
Unaware but fully aware at the same time of the amount of eyes that were on him.
So… I only had a few scenes that I really wanted to write for this. This was one of them. The next part I also really wanted, and I don’t know how I’m separating each part. I’m used to writing 10k word chapters so this is kind of like fresh air lmao. So I’m just writing to relief some stress as I graduate in less then a week 🥳 I just didn’t expect so many people to also want to read this.
Though, I would like to say if you like the idea of Steve disappearing and coming back out of nowhere I do have another fic called Bark at the moon! (Sorry self plug) it’s on a pined post on my account and the link leads you to ao3! (It’s werewolf steve fic and he does disapear😉) ok self plug over. Thank you guys for showing so much interest! It means the world to me!
Tag list; I tagged everyone who seemed interested! Let me know If you want to be added :)
@totallynotagoraphobic @flustratedcas @shunna @spookednsaucy @steddie-as-they-go @estrellami-1 @xxbottlecapx @gregre369 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thing-a-ling @radioactiveartz @bestwifehaver @idkwwhatimmdoiing @goodolefashionedloverboi @bringmethelow @thescribblerdragon @starman-jpg @lilaclilyroses @resident-gay-bitch @wolfscreations @adhdsummer @victor-thee-corvid @happymediummm @decadentworld @sidebarre @foundintheshallows @jamieweasley13 @yellowdevilkitten @catlovesfandoms @gryffindorsareidiots @thephantomhood
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naturalrights-retard · 2 months
I’m sure that’s not news to most readers. We hear on a daily basis that this election is about “saving our Democracy.” Or, perhaps, saving OUR Democracy. From whom? From the Great Unwashed, the Trumpian horde who are responding to The Donald’s dog whistling that will lead to the establishment of a Christian theocracy. Some say it quietly, in nuanced whispers, others—like the Jewish liberal, Peter Beinart—say it unabashedly aloud. At least that’s what I think Beinart was getting at when he expressed his fear that Trump might succeed in “turning the United States into a white Christian supremacist state."
The point is that, when they say it’s our democracy, they mean that it’s theirs, not ours. If you get my drift. For them Democracy means heads they win, tails we lose. And it’s all about the culture, in a very Gramscian sense. Democracy is simply a codeword for the woke agenda, so anyone who favors normality is, ipso facto, an enemy of Democracy—an extremist. Than which nothing could be more horrible. When they lose, Democracy loses.
The same thing is going on in Europe, and this evening Steve Sailer provides examples, drawing on a WaPo article: Once wary of extremist violence, Europe now fears extremism in politics. The most extreme examples—go figure—seem to come from Germany, where the Ruling Class types are forthrightly calling for banning opposition parties: We Had to Destroy the Democracy to Save It. As Sailer says,
What’s more democratic than elites agreeing amongst themselves to not allow voters to be given a choice on a major policy question? Seriously, these kind of articles would be less comic if they simply admitted that the quoted experts were, obviously, anti-democratic. It’s not unreasonable to argue against democracy. Lots of bright people from Plato onward have been anti-democratic. But it is derisible for people who more or less support rule by putative philosopher-kings to pretend to be the defenders of democracy.
But the real point is that it’s simply a codeword now. So what could be more democratic—wait, Democratic—than banning religious themes from the White House … for an explicitly Easter event. Because they hate God, Christian faith, Christians, you, me, our children, and the horse we rode in on. Because they worship themselves:
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Eddie finding Steve on the floor with they're dog, taking a picture of them, her name being Nirvana, Eddie's idea but Steve actually likes it, Eddie chuckles " why are you laying on the floor with Nirvana? " he questions as he stares at the two on the floor, Steve sighs " cuz you won't let her sleep with us in bed and she gets lonely, I know it " he kissed Nirvana's head, which she'd very much like Steve and Robin's energy combined, she chases Dustin all the time, however she listens to Steve and Eddie pleasantly well, Eddie shakes his head " well to be honest, she's quite the doesn't like to sit still type sweetheart " he gets down an sits beside the two, Steve giggles " that may be true but look at that face, better yet look at mine, can you say no to me " he gives Eddie his doe eyes, he knows Eddie can almost always never say no to, Eddie groans " damn you, fine but she can lay at the end of the bed, alright, not between us cuz I like you close to me " he smiles widely as he pulls Steve onto him, Nirvana barks excitedly as she runs around, Steve smiles as he sighs " you got it Captain, she will have her own spot and my spot will be on you " he giggles and melts into Eddie, Eddie laughs " aren't you the sailer boy Princess, you did use to work at scoops, an you've still got the outfit Sweetheart " he pulls Steve up and kisses his cheek, Steve rolls his eyes " shush it, just cuz you liked my ass in those shorts, doesn't mean I liked that job, so I'm not anymore, I'm just your Princess right now " he smiles and giggles, Eddie chuckles " if you say so sweetheart, let's go snuggle " he gets up, picking Steve up and goes and lays on the couch, snuggling Steve as they're tangled together, Nirvana jumping onto they're legs and laying on them, a happy little family of chaos.
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frithwontdie · 6 months
White homicide victims are four times more likely to have been shot by the police than black homicide victims, by Steve Sailer - The Unz Review
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rendakuenthusiast · 1 year
"My favorite Sesame Street character is the Count from Transylvania, who counts things"
-Steve Sailer (via https://soundcloud.com/user-77539699/acf-pomocon-43-steve-sailer)
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dhaaruni · 5 months
where do you encounter race and IQ discourse ?? is it 1935 Germany where you are ??
Race and IQ discourse been trending on Twitter since Will Stancil is fighting Steve Sailer and I've muted Will but I still am subjected to it because my life isn't fair lol
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kontextmaschine · 1 year
Is Steve Sailer even officially bipolar?
I've just been assuming he was since – God, literally decades ago at this point – I saw his theory that a lot more of history than you'd think turned on who happened to be manic at the critical time and I was like "hmm, that's not really something I can see someone pondering about from outside", and then realized there were a lot of stretches where he seemed to be posting links or blockquotes with maybe one original sentence to keep his blog warm, and then times I'd check it at like 2AM and he'd just written three dense multi-paragraph posts each referencing four posts from months ago and in 15 minutes when my internet content ran out and I started instinctively pulling up every site I could think of again he'd written two more
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arcticdementor · 2 years
One of my favorite Curb Your Enthusiasm episodes is the one where Larry David and Ted Danson have agreed to each fund one wing of a new building for an environmental organization. Ted proudly has his name inscribed on his wing, while Larry modestly chooses to have his wing attributed to “Anonymous.” But everybody says Larry is just showing off to get credit for humility, unlike wonderful Ted who is a true outspoken environmental warrior.
It’s easy to make fun of rich people environmentalism, but, here’s the thing: these socialites have managed to oversee the creation of a string of hiking trails in the dead center of the country’s second biggest city that have made my life appreciably better. The Tree People facility serves as the hub of a network of maybe eight miles of trails that either wouldn’t exist without them or would dead-end as fragments. They managed to buy up key stretches of expensive land before the Russians arrived and drove the price through the roof.
So, while I’m sardonic about environmental organizations, I’m also aware that they’ve sometimes done good things for me. So, I’m concerned that lately environmental NGOs have lost interest in the, you know, environment.
Environmental organizations in the U.S. have always reflected white elite preoccupations. Back when Madison Grant saved the redwoods, those included eugenics and immigration restriction.
Now they are diversity, inclusion, and equity, which don’t actually have anything to do with the environment. But green NGOs aren’t just being hypocritical anymore during the Great Reset, they are living out their ideals, with predictably disastrous results:
From Politico:
Justice or overreach?: As crucial test looms, Big Greens are under fire
The Sierra Club’s Statement on Reparations is a doozy:
Sierra Club’s Statement on Reparations
The Sierra Club firmly supports reparations for Black people and believes it is impossible to create a healthy, safe, and sustainable future for all without acknowledging and materially addressing the past and present economic, cultural, psychological and spiritual impacts of racism.
At the Sierra Club, we believe in the power of together. Together, we remain committed to the fight for a healthy climate built on a foundation of environmental, racial, economic, and gender justice — a future where all people benefit from a healthy thriving planet and a direct connection to nature. The movement for environmental justice (EJ) has expanded the definition of “the environment” beyond wilderness, outdoor recreation and conservation. With guidance from our EJ partners, the Sierra Club now defines “the environment” as environmental health of all communities, especially those communities that continue to endure deep trauma resulting from a legacy of colonialism, genocide, land theft, enslavement, racial terror, racial capitalism, structural discrimination, and exclusion. Today, Black people in the United States continue to experience the highest rates of poverty, unemployment, health disparities, and incarceration, and the lowest wages and rates of wealth accumulation due to past and current exploitation of the Black community.
In June of 2020, the Sierra Club formally recognized Juneteenth, the ending of slavery in the United States, as a a symbol of Black freedom and Black resistance, centering Black people’s unique contribution to the struggle for justice and equity in the United States—a struggle that still persists today. The Sierra Club has also affirmed that tackling the climate crisis can only happen if we confront systemic racism, including environmental racism, since Black liberation is a key to solving the global climate crisis.
In other words, who cares about the ecological jibber-jab? Give us money now!
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cadyrocks · 8 months
Some discourse passed my dashboard today, and I want to comment on it.
It's a little weird to see people talking about "what Scott Siskind (of Slatestarcodex and Astral Codex Ten fame) believes" based on his writing. Like, sure, you can glean certain things from it (like his obsession with IQ tests), but... well...
Have we forgotten about this email?
Like, not to put too fine a point on it, but here's a pull quote:
1. HBD* is probably partially correct or at least very non-provably not-correct. [Links to blog posts by racists] This then spreads into a vast variety of interesting but less-well-supported HBD-type hypotheses which should probably be more strongly investigated if we accept some of the bigger ones are correct. See eg [another link to a blog post by racists] (I will appreciate if you NEVER TELL ANYONE I SAID THIS, not even in confidence. And by "appreciate", I mean that if you ever do, I'll probably either leave the Internet forever or seek some sort of horrible revenge.)
*note: "HBD" or "Human biodiversity", as used by these folks, was just the latest euphemism for "scientific racism"; an attempt to back up hereditary racism and eugenics with a patina of (bad) science.
I think this is probably the most important thing to know about Scott Siskind (other than maybe his disgusting but entirely expected and typical response to Kathy Forth's sexual abuse and suicide). He was knowingly lying about how racist he was, and he likely still is.
Once you admit to "hiding your power level" on your beliefs in the scientific validity of racism, anything you write will necessarily need to be filtered through that lens. Things that might seem innocuous if written by most people might come off very differently given this context. The consistent tolerance of racist bigots (including very famous racist bigots like Steve Sailer!) in his comments sections starts to feel less like a genuine principled defense of free speech and more like he's just generally fine with platforming racist bigots. Things that might vaguely sound a little bit "eugenics-y" start to sound really fucking bad when the person saying them has been shown to have racist sympathies that he knows would get him in trouble and was hiding on purpose. Racist sympathies he supports by linking to a famous white supremacist.
So what does Scott Siskind believe about dysgenics? Why should anyone care? He's a racist who believes in hereditary explanations for gaps in racial performance (as opposed to, y'know, the long and ongoing history of systemic racism, colonialism, and exploitation). Whatever his beliefs on eugenics or dysgenics are, odds are good that he's not being cogent about how he really feels, and that his beliefs based on those arguments would be interpreted differently (and more correctly!) by people who know that this dude drank the scientific racism kool-aid.
The degree to which this man is still considered a public intellectual after the leak of those emails is a good sign of how tolerant we are of lying, cowardly racists pretending to be Very Serious People.
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grandhotelabyss · 1 year
Lol at the idea of commissioning Pariah to do the writing, (who incidentally also used to be in those dismal leftie fb groups years ago) if Salomé didn’t exist we would have to invent them. I confess I’ve never been completely convinced by either the left-libs freaking out about Lana as conservative chanteuse or the far right seeing in her a harbinger of some kind of youthful populist-reactionary turn. She reminds me of a kind of girl (and guy, although there were way less of them) I remember from high school who wanted to be counterculture, but didn’t do politics and wasn’t really interested in pissing off their parents in any way other than the normal way that all teenagers invariably do just by being teenagers.* Yeah there was a conservative leaning there, and even a bit of racism, but I think it was mostly a mix of aesthetics and cultural inertia- America is after all an ambiently conservative nation. It seems very odd to me that that type of person ever got radicalized enough to start throwing around the race science stuff the way Anna and Dasha did, but then they’re probably hardly representative specimens, and my memories of that type are all from before left-activist rhetoric became so completely inescapable during the Trump era
*A part of me is tempted to say that this is on a slightly higher register the role Paglia fulfills as well (this is the purpose of Camille) I’m sure the context of the original quote is nonsense, but I’ve always thought (I think?) Naomi Wolff was onto something when she described her as Phyllis Schlafy for the nipple-pierced set. There’s something of the sense while you’re actually reading or listening that this is some hot, revolutionary, stuff but then if you actually think about it you’re circuitously being persuaded via decadent aesthetics to have your parents or grandparents sexual/racial etc mores (this is not entirely serious and I know I’m doing injury to her program by describing this way, but I think it’s also the appeal of her aside from the imperious declaration of this and that.)
I think Oscar Wilde invented Salomé. I discovered her more recently, find a leftist phase hard to imagine.
Back in the '90s and early '00s, the religious right had enough power to allow the counterculture to be a broad political anti-church that included secular libertarians (e.g., Kurt Loder and Kennedy on MTV) or libertarian-ish figures like Paglia. As long as you weren't a Bible-thumper, nobody asked you what you thought about taxes. "Fiscally conservative, socially liberal" was like "I listen to everything but rap and country." Things were just politicized in a different way than they are now. I don't think everybody should have to be deeply politically engaged.
The racial thing with Anna and Dasha is because they're children of immigrants. (I'm allowed to say this because I'm one too.) I don't say "white" immigrants, either; I don't even say "non-black" immigrants, because I've graded the composition essays of Somali students here in Minneapolis, and they're also capable of sounding like Steve Sailer. The "critical race theory" idea—I think Baldwin was the first major writer to make the point—of immigrants defining themselves against African Americans is just true; I've seen it again and again.
On the other hand, Paglia was liberal on race, if in an aestheticized way that earned her a rebuke from bell hooks. Whenever she did talk about race, she took a romantic pan-POC (to include Italians and Jews) and anti-WASP stance. She blamed the feminism she despised on an almost racial Anglo-Saxon female frigidity. (There's a reason she became friends with Edward Said.) This seems less absurd when you read an early feminist tract like Olive Schreiner's Woman and Labour and find that it sounds like a Nazi pamphlet, heralding feminism as the rebirth, after industrialism caused a small setback in white women's estate, of the always-independent Teutonic sisterhood, this as against the immemorial slavery of women practiced by the "darker races" (presumably, again, to include Italians and Jews). But there are even strains of this kind of thing in Wollstonecraft and Fuller, too. Some have even wondered why Gilman's famous wallpaper is yellow.
As with Paglia, my own thinking about gender and sexuality ranges beyond the bounds of liberalism in either direction or all directions, while I can't say the same for race. I think it's irresponsible, to say the least, for humanists and artists to indulge anything like biological racism. Gender and sexuality are endlessly fascinating and unsolvable riddles, whereas I've never been able to get intellectually interested in race; masculine and feminine are cosmic forces, but "black" and "white" are the flimsy contrivances of the pirate and the sociologist.
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demadogs · 2 years
now i know why they kept steve and robin in the sailer costume the entire season bc if we saw any of robins real style we would have known she was gay in the first episode
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