#Steven Tuomi the hotel Murder
nunesbytko · 2 years
Netflix - Dahmer- Monster - The Jeff Dahmer Story- Episode Four - “The Good Boy Box”
Present Back to Jeff's arrest.
  Police go through Jeff's childhood home, the garden, and find his first victims bones scattered there. He scattered them because he wanted Steven to still be around.
  Does anyone believe that Jeff didn't kill again for nine years??? I don't!!!
Trying to be a good boy my ass!
  Hijacking the photo lol! They blacked him out!
  Lionel planned to bring Sherri back to face off with Joyce. Yeah. That sounds healthy for Jeff to watch. Lionel can be such a petty asshole. Lionel you dumped Jeff to hook up with your flozzie. You haven't called or seen your son in months and have the audacity to walk in and have a go at Jeff!
  Lionel starts bitching about Joyce being a crappy mother, but Lionel you've done jack shit for Jeff as well. Pot kettle black. Lionel just refuses to take any responsibility! Your son has been falling  apart while you've been banging your "hot babe"
  I'm cry laughing everytime Jeff looks at Sherri over this coffee table.
  Lionel is pissed that Jeff didn't go to college, but Lionel if you had fucking been there like a father would, you should have been on his ass and helping him with applications. It's no use coming in now and trying to save his education. It's too late.
  Community college sounds like a great idea Sherri!
  I honestly thought Jeff was going to say some kind of racial slur about community college.
  Man he's going to tell Lionel about Steven???
Lionel had to stop this. This is a coffee shop. But Lionel should have taken him home, or fishing alone, and just let Jeff speak.
  His dad paid for Ohio college. He doesn't show up for lessons and gets expelled. His Dad is pissed Jeff's headed to the army.
So he comes back in his little Army suit, and Lionel and Sharri are in shock. It's a cute scene and I thought. Maybe Jeff's changed!!!
He hasn't. He using a drug called Halcion to drug his army colleagues, his friends! He's off to Germany next week.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------   Months later his enraged Dad drives him to his Grandmothers. He's been discharged from the army. I feel like his dad is sending him to his grandmothers as a punishment.
  Where are the blue contact lenses???
Lovely scene with him and his grandmother and the box. He also kind of tries to tell her that something is off. She responds with church. She's sweet.
  Butcher shop with Wally. Jeff has a job! 
  We're back to the mannequin scene! Oh shit Grandma!
  Oh god lovely Grandma is challenging him about the mannequin! Shit this is sooooo embarrassing for him! She's talking about getting him help and  church and Jeff losing it. This is the first time we've seen him angry like this. He shouts in her face. It's a horrible scene. She just wants to help him.
  I'm worried that he'll hurt Grandma!
  LOL she threw his boyfriend away and he's pissed and smashing glasses! Jeff needs to move the hell out! He can't speak to his grandma like that!!!!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   God Jeff and the beer tent at the fair. He was "Indecent" at the fair. With kids around! This guy is so fucked up. He's arrested. He gets fired from the butchers. But gets a job at a clinic. He's going to get turned on the by the blood, you just know it!
  He's drinking blood???? 
WTF super dangerous!!!!!!
------------------------------------------------------------------ Jeff at the gay bars lol!!!!
OHHHHH!!! The bathouses!!!!
  Hot dudes just walking around Naked!!!!
Jeff pretending to be all new to sex.
  Did they do more or just cuddles?
  Nooow Jeffie is a regular at the bars and the bathouse.
  He gets kicked out of the bathhouse when they realise he's drugging guys. Shit. one guy nearly died!!!!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think Grandma is going to kick him out.
  Don't show him your moves  Jeff, you' ll scare the cutie away!
  He's drugged himself! Jeff you dumbass!!
The hotel murder, I forgot about this one!
  Man of the house!!! Jeff you're a bum that lives with Granny, like what Man????
? The hotel guy {Steven's } Head is now in his father's old chemistry box. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes
Notice that in the beginning a lot of his victims were white, what changed? 
Shoutout to Ricky! The guy that kicked Jeff out the bathhouse. I think he would have killed him if no-one was there! 
   Loved the scenes between Lionel Sherri and Jeff!
  These episode feel like mini movies!
  I really hoping that he'd changed in the army. He was given soooooooooo many chances to make things right.
  Maybe if Lionel had listened, maybe things could have been different!
0 notes
dauntingatdusk · 3 years
Jeffrey Dahmer - The Milwaukee Cannibal
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Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer (May 21 1960 – November 28 1994)
Jeffrey Dahmer was an American serial killer and sex offender. He murdered 17 men and boys from 1978 and 1991. He commited that majority of these crimes between 1987 and 1991. His murders frequently included rape, dismemberment, necrophilia, and cannibalism. He was arrested when his last victim managed to escape and flag down a police car. When police entered his apartment, they were met with the horror of the Milwaukee Cannibal. He was indicted on fifteen murder charges. Dahmer ended up pleading not guilty by reason of insanity. The court however found him sane and guilty on 15 counts of murder and he was given 15 life sentence (the maximum penalty at the time)
Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee Wisconsin on May 21, 1960 to Lionel and Joyce Dahmer. His mother Joyce was reported to have had a difficult pregnancy. As a child Jeffrey was described as happy and bubbly. He loved wooden blocks and stuffed animals. He even helped nurse a baby bird back to health with his father Lionel.
When he was 2 his family moved to Iowa where his father Lionel began his PHD at Iowa State University.
When Jeffery was around age 4 he was first introduced to bones. His father swept out the remains of small animals from below their house. Young Jeffrey found himself fascinated by the sounds they made when he let them roll against one another. Jeffrey was reported to have undergone double hernia surgery at age 4 (some sources report it having happened at age 6). After this surgery Jeffrey’s disposition completely changed and he became reserved and quiet. It's believed that this surgery was a huge source of trauma for Dahmer and his sudden change was the result.
At 6 years old his family moved again. This time they moved to Doylestown, Ohio. Jeffrey began first grade at Hazel Harvey Elementary School in nearby Barberton, Ohio. During this time the Dahmer family expanded to include Jeffrey’s younger brother David. David was born on December 18,1966. In elementary school Jeffrey’s teacher reported that they felt he was neglected at home. Tension was certainly growing as his parents fought often when Lionel was home and they even moved to separate bedrooms in the house.
In 1968 the Dahmers move to 4480 Bath Road in Bath, Ohio. Jeffrey switched from Hazel Harvey Elementary School to Bath Elementary School. There has been allegations that during this time in Dahmer’s life that he was sexually abused by a neighbour. However both Lionel and Jeffrey deny this.
Later that year Jeffrey was given a child’s chemistry set after showing interest in the subject. He would use this set to experiment on animals (such as preserving insects in jars, and later impaling cats and frogs on sticks). Childhood friends of Jeffreys recall that he was interested in the insides of the animals, and how their bodies worked.
At age 10 Jeffrey began collecting road kill and bleaching the bones of chickens. His father taught him how to strip the flesh off of road kill using acid. This is likely because he was excited that Jeffrey was interested in chemistry like himself. However, Jeffrey also began decapitating small rodents and keeping insects in bottles of formaldehyde.
Jeffrey began drinking in early adolescence. It's reported that he first drank alcohol at age 13.
He attended River High School where he reportedly had his first homosexual experience and began fantasizing about necrophilia.
Jeffrey continued his “hobby” of collecting road kill from the sides of roads and stripping the flesh with acid. One notable incident is when Dahmer mounted a dog’s head on a stick.
At age 16 Dahmer is said to have developed a noticeable drinking problem and even began drinking scotch in class. Classmates described him as a loner. Ironically, his classmates also described him as a "class clown" and his name even became synonymous with pulling a prank.
In 1978 his parents filed for divorce and his father Lionel moved out.
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STEVEN HICKS (18) June 18 1978
In June of 1978 Dahmer committed his first murder at the age of 18. Dahmer met Steven Hicks (18) while Hicks was hitchhiking. Dahmer invited him back for drinks and they both got drunk and had consensual sex. However when Hicks tried to leave Dahmer hit him over the head with a dumbbell which killed Hicks. Dahmer dismembered the body with a carving knife. He later would pulverize the bones with a sledgehammer and scattered around the property. He placed the remains in bags and buried it beneath the house in the crawlspace. It took Police 3 years to find remains.
Lionel and Joyce’s divorce is finalize and Joyce is given custody of David. Joyce and David moved away and Lionel moved back in with his oldest son. Later that year Lionel appealed for custody and won for custody of David.
In the Fall of that yearJeffrey enrolls in Ohio State University where he later dropped out due to his drinking habits.
Out of options Jeffrey did what many young men did in that time and decided to enroll in the army.
Jeffrey Dahmer enrolled in the US army at Fort McClellann in Anniston AL on January 12 1979, with hopes to become a military policeman. He got reassigned to Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio TX as a medical specialist. Later on July 13 1979 he was sent to West Germany to serve as a combat medic. In Germany it was reported that he continued to drink heavily.
Dahmer was dishonarbly discharged from the military in 1981 due to his alcohol abuse. Now a free man Dahmer moved to Miami Beach, like most young men at the time, and decided to work in Subway Shop called “sunshine subs”.
October 7 1981 Dahmer was arrested in Bath Ohio for Disorderly Conduct, Open Container, and Resisting arrest.
Dahmer moves to West Allis WI to live with his elderly grandmother.
In 1983 Dahmer admitted to taking home a vial of blood from his job at the Milwaukee Blood Plasma Center and drinking it. He never tried it again.
Dahmer began his infamous job at the Ambrosia Chocolate Co, and he began attending church. To try and satiate his needs for human contact Dahmer hid in a department store until it closed. He then stole a male mannequin and used it in various sexual ways. Unfortunately his grandmother found it and he later threw it away.
In 1986 Dahmer was arrested for lewd behaviour after he was caught masturbating infront of two 12 year old boys. He was charged with disorderly conduct however and only sentenced to one year probation.
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STEVEN TUOMI (25) – 9/15/1987 – September 15 1987
In June of this year Dahmer was accussed of taking people to his private room and drugging them at Club Baths. He was eventually kicked out of the club due to these accusations.
Dahmer would meet 25 year old Steven Tuomi at a gay bar called Club 219. By Dahmer’s perspective they both went to the ambassador hotel, got drunk, and later passed out. When he awoke Tuomi was dead with blood coming from his mouth. Dahmer said that he could not recall the night’s events. With his second murder now committed Dahmer left the hotel to buy a suitcase. He placed Tuomi’s corpse in the suitcase and used it to return to his grandmother’s basement. As he had done previously with Hick’s corpse, Dahmer had sex with the body, masturbated on it, and sliced the flesh off. He then dismembered the remains, placed them in plastic bags and threw them away. It is reported that Dahmer beat Tuomi in an attempt to rip out his heart. Steven Tuomi’s remains have never been found.
December 1987 – Steven Tuomi was reported missing.
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JAMES DOXTATOR (14) – January 1988
Dahmer (then 27) picked up Doxtater outside of Club 219 and invited him back to his grandmother’s house with the promise of cash for nude photos. They went back and watched videos and had some drinks. Unknown to Doxtater, Dahmer would drug one of his drinks with a sleeping pill. Once Doxtater was unconscious Dahmer strangled him. He would later dismember the corpse with a knife, and break the bones with a sledgehammer. He later threw the remains into the trash.
This same year, Dahmer’s probation ends.
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RICHARD GUERRERO (25) – March 20, 1988 – March 24, 1988
Dahmer picked up Richard Guerrero outside of the same Club that he had met James Doxtater, Club 219. Guerrero was also brought back to Dahmer’s grandmother’s house where they engaged in oral sex. Just like Doxtater, Guerrero was drugged and then strangled to death. His corpse was also dismembered and thrown away.
In April of 1988 a man named Ronald Flowers made a police report that Dahmer had invited him to his grandmother’s house and drugged him. He also reported that he had stolen jewelry from him.
On September Dahmer moved to an apartment on 808 North 24th ST, Milwaukee
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Dahmer approached a 13 year old Laotian boy and offered him money to come back to his apartment and pose for pictures like he had persuaded men before. Dahmer was able to convince the young boy to partially disrobe and allow Dahmer to take photos. Dahmer assaulted the boy and fed him Irish Liquer laced with Halcion tablets. When the boy did not fall asleep Dahmer let him go and he returned to his family who took him to hospital.
The next day Police arrested Dahmer at his job at Ambrosia Chocolate Co and searched his apartment. He was charged with exploitation of a child as well as second – degree assault.
At trial Dahmer pleaded not guilty at his preliminary hearing and was freed on $2500 cash bail. His trial was set for May 1989. However shortly after Dahmer changed to a guilty plea.
On May 23 1989 Dahmer was found guilty of 2nd degree assault in the Laotian boy case. He was sentenced to 8 years.
While serving this sentence it was reported that Dahmer would tell other inmates that he hated people of colour and would like to kill 1000 of them. He was also prohibited to have any contact with children.
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ANTHONY SEARS (26) – March 29, 1989
Dahmer met Sears at La Cage Aux Folles, a gay bar, and offered him money to be photographed. Like previous victims Sears followed him back to his grandmother’s house and had consensual sex before Dahmer gave Sears a laced drink. Once asleep Dahmer strangled him, committed necrophilia, and dismembered the body. After decapitating the corpse Dahmer boiled the head to remove the skin before he painted the skull. Dahmer intended to keep this skull as a type of trophy. Dahmer also cut off Sears genitals.
In November of 1989 while serving his prison sentence Dahmer was given a 12 hour pass to go home for thanksgiving. Dahmer decided to go to a bar instead and got drunk. He awoke hours later, tied up, to a man sexually assaulting him. He returned to the prison hours late.
Jeffery Dahmer also wrote a letter pleading for leniency, with this he only ended up serving 10 months of his 8 year sentence.
In May of 1990, Dahmer moved to 924 25th St.
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EDWARD SMITH (27) – June 14 1990
Dahmer and Smith met at the Phoenix Bar and agreed to go back to Dahmer’s apartment for sex. Smith ended up drugged and murdered in similar fashion as previous vicitims. Dahmer would place his bones in a tank of acid to dissolve.
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RAYMOND SMITH (33) – May 20 1990
Dahmer meets Raymond Smith (aka Ricky Lee Beeks) at the 219 Club and Smith becomes his seventh victim. He is drugged and murdered before Dahmer dismembers the body. Dahmer also keeps Raymond’s skull. Dahmer left Smiths bones in a tank of acid until they were completely stripped of flesh and then placed those bones around his apartment as decorations.
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ERNEST MILLER (24) – September 3 1990
Ernest Miller becomes Dahmer’s eighth victim at only 24. Dahmer keeps his entire skeleton as a trophy. Miller would also become Dahmers first victim of cannibalization. While Dahmer used acid to remove most of the flesh with acid he also bleached the skeleton and kept it in his closet. Dahmer kept Miller’s biceps and would later cook and eat them.
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sergeantmiller · 4 years
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The life and crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer
May 21, 1960: Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was born at Evangelical Deaconess Hospital in Milwaukee. According to Jeffrey's father, Lionel, his mother suffered bouts of partial paralysis during the pregnancy. Doctors were unable to find any reason for the paralysis. She was given "injections of barbiturates and morphine, which would finally relax her." Later she was given phenobarbital as well.
1962: The Dahmers moved to Ames, Iowa, so Jeffrey's father could work on his Ph.D in chemistry.
1964: Jeffrey was diagnosed with a double hernia in his scrotum. Surgery corrected it. Extreme pain suffered by the child both before and after the surgery could, conceivably, have influenced later feelings of sexual inadequacy or insecurity. Lionel claimed that it was from this time on that Jeffrey began to become more and more withdrawn and introverted.
November 1966: The Dahmers moved to Doylestown, Ohio. There were several other moves over the next year as they searched for just the right place to bring up Jeffrey and his brother David, who was born on December 18.
The pregnancy was as difficult for Mrs. Dahmer as her first. At this time a teacher (Jeffrey was in the first grade) noticed that Jeffrey seemed to feel neglected. This is, of course, a normal reaction for someone used to being an only child whose family suddenly expands. Most get over it fairly quickly.
Jeffrey's father describes him as being extraordinarily shy and withdrawn during this period, actually terrified of new people and situations.
1968: The family moved to Bath, Ohio.
Jeffrey's father has reported that Jeffrey was sexually abused by a neighbor boy at this time. Jeffrey himself claimed to remember no such thing. Molestation can be a factor in gender confusion and hostility.
Late 1970: Jeffrey's mother was hospitalized twice for psychiatric problems. According to Lionel she had been taking drugs to deal with her extreme nervousness for years, but they didn't work well. Thus, she was not a stabilizing influence in Jeffrey's life.
During his school years Jeffrey built a reputation as a misfit with a penchant for stupid pranks and very heavy drinking. Some of his pranks, such as shouting things out at strange times, bleating like a sheep and faking epileptic fits, sound eerily similar to the childhood behavior of Arthur Shawcross, another serial killer who practiced cannibalism. [See The mask of sanity in the November 1994 issue of Murder Watch for more about Shawcross's odd behavior.] They don't seem to resemble each other in very many other ways.
June 4, 1978: Jeffrey graduated from high school. By this point he was living alone. His parents were going through an extremely bitter divorce and had each moved out. Because Jeffrey at 18, was legally an adult, the law did not allow for anyone to have custody of him. Therefore, no one took custody. Instability and a lack of emotional support continued.
June 18, 1978: Dahmer picked up nineteen year old Steven Mark Hicks hitchhiking. They went back to the house for a few beers. When Hicks tried to leave, Dahmer clubbed him with a barbell and strangled him with it. Over the next couple of weeks he methodically stripped the flesh from the bones, smashed the bones and disposed of the few remains in the back yard.
Dahmer said he killed Hicks because he didn't want him to leave. At least one survivor of a Dahmer attack reported that after he had been at Dahmer's apartment for a while (voluntarily), he mentioned that he wanted to leave, and Jeffrey's attitude changed; his voice became panicky, and then the attack began. However, Dahmer's fascination with death and the dead was already pronounced by the time he picked up Steven Hicks. Friends said he liked to pick up roadkill and take it to a shed behind his house, to skin the bodies. He also had a small animal cemetery. There were rumors that he killed neighborhood dogs and cats and even mounted a dog's head on a stake.
This bizarre behavior must have influenced Jeffrey's decision to kill Hicks. After all, if he just wanted to keep Hicks from leaving, he could have tied him up. Corpses are poor company, generally.
Another explanation for the killer's panicky tone when the prospective victim wanted to leave could simply be the stress of realizing that, if he was going to kill the target, he'd better do it soon. Dahmer did indicate that he never liked the killing much; he only did it to acquire dead bodies.
After his high school graduation Dahmer enrolled in Ohio State University. He stayed only one semester before dropping out. He was now creating his own instability.
December 24, 1978: Lionel remarried.
December 29, 1978: Jeffrey was sworn into the Army. After failing to become an MP he was trained as a medic and assigned to Baumholder, Germany. This was far from a plum assignment. It was also a very few years after the humiliation of Vietnam, when morale and discipline in the armed forces were poor and drug and alcohol abuse wide spread.
In the Army, Dahmer no longer stood out as a clown and prankster. He was noticed, however, for being not only a very heavy drinker, but as an unpleasant, even violent, drunk.
After his arrest in Milwaukee became known around the world, authorities in Germany looked to see if they could connect Dahmer to murders that took place there. Though information is sketchy, it seems likely that a serial killer was active in the area at the time, but that it was not Dahmer. (The victims in Germany were young women. Dahmer killed only men.)
March 26, 1981: Dahmer was discharged from the Army before his enlistment was up because his drinking had reached the point where he simply didn't function any more. Back in the U.S., he went to Florida where he slept on the beach for a few months before returning to Ohio.
October 7, 1981: Dahmer was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest and paid a small fine. He was drunk.
August 7, 1982: Dahmer was arrested again for disorderly conduct. He dropped his pants in public. By this time Dahmer was living with his grandmother, in part because she seemed to be the only person he responded to with anything like affection.
September 8, 1986: Jeffrey was arrested when he deliberately exposed himself while urinating in front of a group of children in Milwaukee. Another version of the story has it that he was masturbating.
By this time Dahmer was a frequent visitor to gay bars and bath houses. He was barred from one bath house because of allegations that on at least four separate occasions he took someone to a private booth and drugged them. No charges were filed, though one of the victims was hospitalized for a week or so.
September 15, 1987: The murder of Steven W. Tuomi, age 24. Dahmer claimed he woke up in a hotel room and found the victim dead, with no memory of doing anything to him. He bought a big suitcase, transported the body back to his grandmother's house, and proceeded to dispose of it much as he had the body of Steven Hicks.
Nine years passed between the first and second murders. In a sense, the time was so long that the second murder could be treated, mentally, as another first murder. He spent years working up to it, learning how to approach other men, how to drug them, how much to drug them. He may have been too drunk to remember the murder or he may have avoided the memory because it was unpleasant - he wasn't very skilled at killing yet.
January 1988: James Doxtator, 14, killed. Dahmer offered him money to pose nude for photos, took him back to his grandmother's house. After sex Dahmer drugged and strangled him. By now his pattern of using acid and crushing force to destroy the remains was practiced.
March 24, 1988: Richard Guerrero, 25, came back to Dahmer's grandmother's house for nude photos. Again, after sex, Dahmer drugged and strangled the victim.
September 25, 1988: Dahmer moved into his own place. He offered $50 to a 13-year-old to pose nude, gave him drugged coffee and fondled him. The boy escaped. Dahmer was arrested.
From here on the pace of the murders picked up significantly. Once he had his own place, Dahmer seems to have lost most of what little control he had.
January 1989: Jeffrey was convicted of 2nd degree sexual assault and enticing a child for immoral purposes. (See above) Sentenced on May 23 to five years and three years, sentences to be served concurrently. Actually served ten months, then began five years probation.
March 25: Anthony Sears,24, was last seen alive. Dahmer met him at a club, took him back to his grandmother's house. After sex, he drugged Sears and murdered him. Sears's painted skull was recovered from Dahmer's apartment after his arrest in 1991.
May 29: Ricky Beeks, 33, was last seen alive. Dahmer met him at a club and offered him money to pose for nude pictures. He drugged and strangled him and had sex with the body. The victim's painted skull was recovered from Dahmer's apartment after his arrest in 1991.
June 1990: Edward W. Smith, 28, killed. Dahmer met him at a bar and offered him money for sex and pictures. After sex, Smith was drugged and strangled. Dahmer took some pictures during the process of dismembering the body.
September 2: Ernest Miller, 24, was last seen alive. He met Dahmer in front of a book store. Dahmer offered him money to come home with him. After sex, Dahmer drugged him and cut his throat. He took pictures of the body and dismembered it, putting the biceps in the freezer. He bleached the skeleton and painted the skull, which was in his apartment when he was arrested in 1991.
September 24: David C. Thomas last seen alive. Dahmer met him on the street and offered him money to come home with him. Dahmer drugged Thomas and murdered him without sex, taking pictures as he dismembered the body.
March 7: Curtis Straughter, 18, last seen alive. Dahmer picked him up at a bus stop, offering him money to come home with him. He drugged Straughter and strangled him after sex, taking pictures of the dismembered body. The skull, unpainted, was recovered from Dahmer's apartment after his 1991 arrest. This is at least the third sequence of events Dahmer experimented with. Earlier, it had been sex, drugging then murder. At least once he tried drugs, murder, sex. This is drugs, sex and murder.
April 7: Errol Lindsey, 19, last seen alive. Dahmer met him on the street and offered him money to come home with him. He drugged Lindsey, strangled him and had sex with the body. The unpainted skull was recovered from Dahmer's apartment.
May 17: Dahmer met 14-year-old Konerak Sinthasomphone in front of a mall and offered him money to pose for nude pictures. After the pictures he drugged Konerak, then went out for beer. The boy escaped, naked into the street. Neighbors called police, but Dahmer convinced them that he and the boy were lovers who had merely had a little quarrel. Police, aparently unconcerned that Sinthasomphone was still too drugged to confirm or deny the story, returned him to Dahmer, who strangled him as soon as the police were gone. Dahmer had sex with his body, took pictures and dismembered him. His skull was recovered from Dahmer's apartment.
When the full details of this incident became known, mild disciplinary action was taken against the officers involved. The department was also sued for a large amount of money.
May 24: Tony Hughes, 31, last seen alive. Reportedly, Hughes and Dahmer had known each other for two years. By writing (Hughes was deaf and mute) Dahmer offered him $50.00 to come home with him and pose for nude pictures. Hughes was drugged and murdered without sex. His unpainted skull was recovered from Dahmer's apartment.
June 30: Matt Turner, 20, last seen alive. They met in Chicago at the bus station after a Gay Pride parade. Dahmer offered him money to pose nude, drugged him and strangled him with a strap. After cutting the body up, Dahmer put the head in the freezer and the rest in a barrel of acid he had obtained.
July 6: Jeremiah Weinberger, 23, last seen alive. They met in Chicago at a gay bar, where Dahmer offered him money to come back to Milwaukee. This murder is very unusual in that the victim was not murdered until the day after he came home with Dahmer. When he indicated that he wanted to leave, Dahmer drugged him, strangled him, and dismembered him, taking pictures of the process. Like the last victim, his head went into the freezer, his body into the acid.
July 15: Jeffrey was fired from the Ambrosia Chocolate Co. for bad attendance.
The same day, Oliver Lacy, 23, was last seen alive. They met on the street and went back to Dahmer's apartment for body rubs. Lacy was then drugged and strangled. Dahmer had sex with the body before dismembering it. He put the head in the refrigerator and the heart in the freezer, "to eat later."
July 16: Joseph Bradehoft, 25, last seen alive. They met at a bus stop, where Dahmer offered him money to pose for nude pictures. After sex, Dahmer drugged him and strangled him with a strap. He dismembered the body and, as before, put the head in the freezer and the body in the acid barrel.
July 22, 1991: Shortly after midnight, Tracy Edwards, 32, escaped from Dahmer with one hand in a handcuff and flagged down a police car. He lead the cops back to Dahmer's apartment. They found photos of dismembered victims and body parts in the refrigerator and freezer. Shortly, the sight of crews in biohazard protection suits taking evidence out of Dahmer's apartment was televised all over the world. The suits were necessary because of the smell of decay in the apartment and because of the acid in the barrel.
Caught red-handed, with overwhelming physical evidence against him, it's not surprising that Jeffrey confessed. His dry, unemotional descriptions of murdering a dozen and a half young men belied the reality of brutality and sadism that was revealed in Tracy Edwards' testimony.
It's possible that the sameness of the descriptions (Offers of money to pose, drugs to knock them out) was not entirely accurate. Tracy Edwards claimed he was not offered money, that he only went to Dahmer's apartment for some beers before going out again. He may have been covering up his own indiscretion, or Dahmer may have lied about the ways he lured people back to his apartment in order to make them seem less like innocent victims.
Edwards was drugged, but did not lose consciousness. This raises the possibility that the sedatives Dahmer gave victims were intended only to weaken them, while leaving them aware of what was being done to them. Dahmer had certainly had enough practice by then to have a good idea what dose was needed to knock a man out. Dahmer may have enjoyed taunting the victims about their fate and killing them, slowly, much more than he let on later.
Dahmer also claimed that he needed to drink heavily in order to be able to face killing people, but we know that he was a hard-core alcoholic for much of his life. For him, making excuses for drinking was normal and can not be regarded as likely to be honest.
January 14: Dahmer entered a plea of guilty but insane in 15 of the 17 murders he claimed to have committed.
February 15: By 10-2 majority vote, a jury found Dahmer to be sane in each murder. Testimony from defense and prosecution experts took weeks and was extremely gruesome. One expert testified that Dahmer periodically removed body parts of his victims from the freezer and ate them. Another testified that this was a lie Dahmer told to make himself seem insane. The jury deliberated slightly more than ten hours.
February 17: Dahmer was sentenced to 15 consecutive life terms. At the sentencing, Dahmer read a prepared statement in which he expressed sorrow for the pain he had caused.
"I knew I was sick or evil or both. Now I believe I was sick. The doctors have told me about my sickness and now I have some peace. I know now how much harm I have caused. I tried to do the best I could after the arrest to make amends."
"I now know I will be in prison the rest of my life. I know that I will have to turn to God to help me get through each day. I should have stayed with God. I tried and failed and created a holocaust. Thank God there will be no more harm that I can do. I believe that only the Lord Jesus Christ can save me from my sins."
He later pled guilty to aggravated murder in Ohio, in the death of his first victim, Steven Hicks. He was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
November 28, 1994: Dahmer murdered in prison.
Dahmer and two other inmates were assigned to clean the staff bathroom of the Columbia Correctional Institute gymnasium in Portage, Wisconsin. Guards left them alone to do their work for about twenty minutes, starting at around 7:50 a.m. When Dahmer was discovered, he was unconscious and his head and face were bloody. He died on the way to the hospital from multiple skull fractures and brain trauma.
A bloody broom handle was found near Dahmer, but a broom is probably not sturdy enough to inflict the damage that killed him. Reports in December indicated that he was struck with a steel bar stolen from the prison weight room.
One of the other two inmates in the area with Dahmer was also attacked. Jesse Anderson, 37, was pronounced dead in the hospital at 10:04 a.m. on November 30. Anderson was convicted of stabbing and beating his wife to death in 1992. He was serving a life term.
The third inmate in the work party is twenty-five-year-old Christopher Scarver, a convicted murderer reportedly taking anti-psychotic medication. Scarver murdered a coworker when he was angry at his boss. The boss got away. Scarver claimed his boss was a racist and there has been speculation that Scarver, who is black, wanted revenge for the wrongs Dahmer and Anderson (both white) had done to black people. The majority of Dahmer's victims were black. Anderson tried to blame two fictitious black men for murdering his wife during a mugging. It's been pointed out that a desire for publicity or status may have also been a motive.
Dahmer was attacked last July, also. A convicted drug dealer tried to cut his throat with a razor blade attached to a toothbrush handle, making a crude straight razor, but the weapon fell apart. Dahmer received minimal injuries.
Scarver is said to have delusions that he is Christ. He has been in psychiatrict observation and treatment several times, with diagnoses of bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia. He was found guilty of the murder, though, and sent to prison. A jury apparently did not believe he was insane.
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truecrimesposts · 4 years
The Milwaukee Cannibal
Timeline of events
May 21, 1960: Jeffery Lionel Dahmer was born in Milwaukee’s Evangelical Deaconess Hospital to his parents Lionel and Joyce after a very difficult pregnancy. According to Lionel, Joyce experienced random bouts of paralysis during the pregnancy, and doctors were unable to find any reason for this. To try and treat this and mostly to calm her during, she was given “injections of barbiturates and morphine, which would finally relax her.” She would apparently also be given phenobarbital. 
We know now that the “Use of barbiturates during pregnancy has been associated with a higher incidence of fetal abnormalities. Neonatal barbiturate withdrawal symptoms have been reported in infants whose mothers took barbiturates during pregnancy,” but we don't know for sure if this applied to Jeffrey.
1962: The family made the decision to move to Ames, Iowa in 1962 so that Lionel could work on his Chemistry Ph.D.
1964: After their young son complained of extreme pain, Lionel and Joyce took Jeffrey to the hospital, were he was diagnosed with a brutal double hernia in his scrotum. Even after the surgery corrected the issue, Lionel would claim that this experience was what initially triggered the change in Jeffrey’s personality, apparently making him become much more shy and withdrawn. Psychologists believe that there is a possibility that this could actually have influenced his feelings of sexual inadequacy and insecurity in later life.
November 1966: When Joyce fell pregnant with her second child David, the family decided to move home in an attempt to find the perfect spot to raise their two children. This led to several moved throughout Ohio during the following year. This was not an easy time for the family, Joyce was struggling with another very difficult pregnancy, and young Jeffrey, who was now in the 1st grade, was starting to feel neglected, especially after David was born on December 18th.
Of course feeling neglected when a new baby comes along is a fairly common thing, but unlike most children, Jeffrey would not get over this feeling, instead it would get worse. Lionel describes his son at this time as extremely shy and withdrawn, even going as far as t say that he was terrified of new people and situations.
1968: After the family moved to Bath Ohio, Jeffrey experienced a new and particularly heinous kind of trauma. According to Lionel, Jeffrey was molested by a boy in the neighbourhood, however Jeffrey never once admitted to even remembering this.
It seems likely that Jeffrey repressed this memory, especially since his personality ticks pretty much every box when it comes to the traits that come with childhood memory repression:
Strong reactions to certain places people and situations.
Difficulty controlling emotions.
Difficulty keeping a job.
Struggling with a sense of abandonment.
Tendency to self sabotage.
Emotionally exhausted.
Trouble with anger management.
Late 1970: Over the last few years, Joyce had, according to Lionel, been taking drugs in order to try and deal with the extreme anxiety that she was facing on a near daily basis, but they didn't really work, and in the late 1970′s she was actually institutionalised twice for ‘psychiatric problems’. Since the family were so busy trying to take care of Joyce and raise their very young son, Jeffrey reportedly did not have a stabilising influence, or much emotional support.
This combined with the fact that he had grown tired of not fitting in led Jeffrey to build himself a reputation as somewhat of a clown, and a misfit. His behaviour at that time is very similar to that of fellow serial killer and cannibal Arthur Shawcross, he would drink heavily at just 10 years old and was always pulling ‘pranks’. Jeffreys pranks including randomly shouting, bleating like a sheep, and most memorably, faking epileptic fits.
June 4, 1978: By the time that Jeffrey had graduated from high school, his parents were going through a very difficult divorce and due to the fact that he was now legally an adult, he was actually living by himself in the home while his parents and brother lived elsewhere. Jeffrey had less emotional support than ever before and all the freedom in the world.
June 18, 1978: 19 year old Steven Mark Hicks was hitchhiking when Jeffrey drove by him and stopped, suggesting that he come back to his home for a few beers. Hicks agreed and the two went back to the house and began to drink, everything was going fine, until Hicks tried to leave. It is believed that Jeffreys crippling fears of abandonment kicked in and he flipped. He grabbed a barbell and began to club and then strangle Hicks with the weapon. According to Dahmer, over the next few weeks (!) Jeffrey stripped the flesh from the bones using acid (like he apparently had to a whole host of animals previously) smashed the bones and disposed of the remains in his back yard.
Dahmer would later claim that he had killed Hicks because he didn't wat him to leave. This reasoning would later be corroborated by at least one survivor of Jeffreys attack, claiming that Jeffreys entire personality changed when he mentioned wanting to leave. This reasoning isn't difficult to believe when you consider the lack of parental support, tendency to move, and I believe most noticeably his memory repression
After his high school graduation Dahmer enrolled in Ohio State University but he stayed only one term before dropping out.
December 24, 1978: Lionel remarried.
December 29, 1978: Jeffrey was trained as an army medic and shipped of to Baumholder Germany. This happened not long after the Vietnam war, and morale and discipline was at an all time low within the armed forces at the time, and drug and alcohol abuse amongst the soldiers was rife.
Dahmer’s reputation changed once he joined the army, he was no longer known as a clown an a prankster, but as an aggressive drunk. 
(Interesting side note, after his arrest police actually looked into murders in the area were he was stationed to see if he was active while he was there, and there did appear to be a serial killer in Baumholder at the time, but it is not believed to be Jeffrey since it was young women being killed, and as far as is known, Jeffrey only killed men.)
March 26, 1981: When Jeffreys drinking reached the level were he was no longer able to do his job, he was discharged from the army and sent back to the US. When he got back, he slept on the beach in Florida for a few months before returning to Ohio.
October 7, 1981: Dahmer was arrested for a drunk and disorderly and resisting arrest and paid a small fine. 
August 7, 1982: Dahmer was arrested again for another drunk and disorderly. He dropped his pants in public. By this point in his life Jeffrey had moved in with his grandma, who was apparently the only person in his family who actually showed Jeffrey any affection.
September 8, 1986: By this time, Jeffrey had gone off the rails, and was getting himself into trouble pretty often. He was arrested once again for exposing himself to a group of children in Milwaukee. There are two different accounts of what happened at that time, (he was either urinating or masturbating).
Dahmer was also now frequenting gay bars and bath houses often, and actually got himself banned from one bath house, for drugging at least 4 men. No official charges were filed against him, but one of his victims was hospitalised for about a week.
September 15, 1987: According to Jeffrey, he woke up in a hotel room to find the dead body of 24 year old Steven W. Tuomi. He transported the corpse to his grandmothers home in a large suitcase, disposing of the body pretty much as he had Steven Hicks.
Nine years passed between the murders of Hicks and Tuomi, which is pretty unusual for a serial killer to do. He spent years before this second murder working his way up to it, learning how to pick up men, how to drug them, and how much. We still don't know for sure whether or not Jeffrey actually remembers the murder or not. It is possible that he was just too drunk to remember, or that, like he had for earlier trauma, he repressed the memory. I personally find it like likely that the latter is true to be honest, as it seems strange to me that he would admit to all his other crimes and not this one. Also, Jeffrey would later say that he didn't actually enjoy the killings, and that there were a necessary evil in order for him to get the bodies.
January 1988: Jeffrey offered 14 year old James Doxtator some money if he agreed to pose nude for some photos. After James agreed Jeffrey took the teenager back to his grandmothers house. After raping James (Dahmer described it as sex but James was still a child so it was actually rape) Dahmer drugged and then strangled the boy. By now his method of disposal, acid and crushing bones was well practiced.
March 24, 1988: 25 year old Richard Guerrero also came back to Jeffreys grandmothers house, once again for nude photos, and once again after sex, he drugged and strangled the young man.
September 25, 1988: Jeffrey finally moved into his own place, which is where the pace of his crimes really picked up, since he no longer felt he needed to be careful, he once again had all the freedom that he wanted.
Once he moved in, he met a 13 year old boy, who was once again offered money to pose nude for him. Jeffrey drugged the boy sing coffee and fondled him, but luckily the young boy escaped.
January 1989: Jeffrey was arrested and this time charged with 2nd degree sexual assault and enticing a child for immoral purposes.
March 25: Dahmer met Anthony Sears, 24, at a club, and like he had previously he drugged and murdered him after sex. After Dahmers arrest, Sear’s skull was recovered from Dahmer’s apartment. He had painted the skull.
May 23rd: Jeffrey was sentenced to 5 years and three years, for his attack on that 13 year old boy, but he only served 10 months before he was out on a probationary period of 5 years.
May 29: Dahmer met 33 year old Ricky Beeks at a club, and used his usual MO of bribing, drugging and strangling. However this time Jeffrey had sex after he was dead, instead of before. Once again, Jeffrey had painted the mans skull, which was recovered after his arrest.
June 1990: 28 year old Edward W Smith was killed in the same way as Dahmer's previous victims, but this time Dahmer did one thing different. Jeffrey took photos of the dismemberment process.
September 2: Something changed before the murder of 24 year old Ernest Miller, causing Jeffrey to be even more gruesome than he had been previously. Instead of drugging and strangling Ernest like he had his previous victims, he drugged him and cut his throat. Once again taking pictures of the body, Jeffrey dismembered the body, putting the biceps in the freezer, and once again painting his skull.
September 24: David C Thomas was the first time that Jeffrey killed somebody without sex being involved.  It is believed that David wanted to leave before having sex with Dahmer, since Dahmer was known to kill his victims in order to make sure that they couldn't leave.
March 7: Curtis Straughter was 18 years old when he was murdered, with Jeffrey this time using a different sequence of events. Previously he had had sex with his victims then drugged and killed them, and at least once he had drugged and killed them and then had sex, but this time he drugged Curtis before raping and murdering him. It is likely that this change was due to the fact that Jeffreys last victim had wanted to leave prior to sex.
April 7: Errol Lindsey, 19, last seen alive. Dahmer met him on the street and offered him money to come home with him. He drugged Lindsey, strangled him and had sex with the body. The unpainted skull was recovered from Dahmer's apartment.          
May 17: 14 year old Konerak Sinthasomphone was pickes up by Dahmer outside of the mall, he went with Jeffrey under the promise of money for nude pictures. After drugging the boy Jeffrey apparently felt pretty comfortable, ince he left the home to go out for a beer. The boy managed to escape, naked, and the neighbours called the police. Somehow however Jeffrey managed to convince the police that responded that he and the teenager were simply lovers who had had a fight (I don't know how they could be so stupid, this is a drugged child and a 30 year old with a pretty lengthy criminal record, including the sexual assault of a minor?! Like how do you just let that be?!) and the police actually RETURNED the poor boy to the sick serial killer. Dahmer strangled the 14 year old as soon as the police were gone, had sex with the body and then took pictures like he had previously. Konerak’s skull was also recovered from the apartment. 
Once people actually discovered what had happened the officers involved received mild disciplinary action (which is nowhere near enough) and the department was sued.
May 24: Deaf and mute 31 year old Tony Hughes had reportedly known Dahmer for about 2 years when Dahmer, by writing on paper, offered the man $50 to come and pose nude for him. Hughes was drugged and murdered without sex. Once again Hughes skull was found in Jeffreys apartment.
June 30: Matt turner was killed by Jeffrey after a gay pride parade. After cutting the body up the head was put in the freezer and the rest was put into a barrel of acid.
July 6: 23 year old Jeremiah Weinberger travelled with Dahmer from Chicago to Milwaukee where he then stayed overnight. Like the previous cases, everything was fine until Jeremiah decided that he wanted to leave, at which point Dahmer drugged, killed and disposed of the young mans body. 
July 15: Jeffrey was fired from the Ambrosia Chocolate Co. for bad attendance. 
On this same day Oliver Lacy, 23, was killed by Dahmer. Jeffrey had sex with the body before dismembering it, at which point he put his head In the fridge and heart in the freezer “to eat later”.
July 16: Joseph Bradehoft, 25, met Jeffrey at a bus stop, where Dahmer offered him money to pose for nude pictures. After sex, Dahmer drugged him and strangled him with a strap. He dismembered the body and, as before, put the head in the freezer and the body in the acid barrel.
July 22, 1991: Shortly after midnight, Tracy Edwards, 32, escaped from Dahmer with one hand in a handcuff and flagged down a police car. He lead the cops back to Dahmer's apartment. They found photos of dismembered victims and body parts in the refrigerator and freezer. Shortly, the sight of crews in biohazard protection suits taking evidence out of Dahmer's apartment was televised all over the world. The suits were necessary because of the smell of decay in the apartment and because of the acid in the          barrel.
Caught red-handed, with overwhelming physical evidence against him, it's not surprising that Jeffrey confessed. His dry, unemotional descriptions of murdering a dozen and a half young men belied the reality of brutality and sadism that was revealed in Tracy Edwards' testimony.
It's possible that the sameness of the descriptions (Offers of money to pose, drugs to knock them out) was not entirely accurate. Tracy Edwards claimed he was not offered money, that he only went to Dahmer's apartment for some beers before going out again. He may have been covering up his own indiscretion, or Dahmer may have lied about the ways he lured people back to his         apartment in order to make them seem less like innocent victims.          
Edwards was drugged, but did not lose consciousness. This raises the possibility that the sedatives Dahmer gave victims were intended only to weaken them, while leaving them aware of what was being done to them. Dahmer had certainly had enough practice by then to have a good idea what dose was needed to knock a man out. Dahmer may have enjoyed taunting the victims about their fate and killing them, slowly, much more than he let on later.          
Dahmer also claimed that he needed to drink heavily in order to be able to face killing people, but we know that he was a hard-core alcoholic for much of his life. For him, making excuses for drinking was normal and can not be regarded as      likely to be honest.
January 14: Dahmer entered a plea of guilty but insane in 15 of the 17 murders he claimed to have committed.
February 15: By 10-2 majority vote, a jury found Dahmer to be sane in each murder. Testimony from defense and prosecution experts took weeks and was extremely gruesome. One expert testified that Dahmer periodically removed body parts of his victims from the freezer and ate them. Another testified that this was a lie Dahmer told to make himself seem insane. The jury deliberated slightly more than ten hours.
February 17: Dahmer was sentenced to 15 consecutive life terms. At the sentencing, Dahmer read a prepared statement in which he expressed sorrow for the pain he had caused.
"I knew I was sick or evil or both. Now I believe I was sick. The doctors have told me about my sickness and now I have some peace. I know now how much harm I have caused. I tried to do the best I could after the arrest to make amends."
"I now know I will be in prison the rest of my life. I know that I will have to turn to God to help me get through each day. I should have stayed with God. I tried and failed and created a holocaust. Thank God there will be no more harm that I can do. I believe that only the Lord Jesus Christ can save me from my sins."
He later pled guilty to aggravated murder in Ohio, in the death of his first victim, Steven Hicks. He was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
November 28, 1994: Dahmer murdered in prison. Dahmer and two other inmates were assigned to clean the staff bathroom of the Columbia Correctional Institute gymnasium in Portage, Wisconsin. Guards left them alone to do their work for about twenty minutes, starting at around 7:50 a.m. When Dahmer was discovered, he was unconscious and his head and face were bloody. He died on the way to the hospital from multiple skull fractures and brain trauma.                  
A bloody broom handle was found near Dahmer, but a broom is probably not sturdy enough to inflict the damage that killed him. Reports in December indicated that he was struck with a steel bar stolen from the prison weight room.  
One of the other two inmates in the area with Dahmer was also attacked. Jesse Anderson, 37, was pronounced dead in the hospital at 10:04 a.m. on November 30. Anderson was convicted of stabbing and beating his wife to death in 1992. He was serving a life term.                        
The third inmate in the work party is twenty-five-year-old Christopher Scarver, a convicted murderer reportedly taking anti-psychotic medication. Scarver murdered a coworker when he was angry at his boss. The boss got away. Scarver claimed his boss was a racist and there has been speculation that Scarver, who is black, wanted revenge for the wrongs Dahmer and Anderson (both white) had done to black people. The majority of Dahmer's victims were black. Anderson tried to blame two fictitious black men for murdering his wife during a mugging. It's been pointed out that a desire for publicity or status may have also been a motive.                        
Dahmer was attacked the previous July, also. A convicted drug dealer tried to cut his throat with a razor blade attached to a toothbrush handle, making a crude straight razor, but the weapon fell apart. Dahmer, received minimal injuries.         
Scarver is said to have delusions that he is Christ. He has been in psychiatrict observation and treatment several times, with diagnoses of bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia. He was found guilty of the murder, though, and sent to prison. A jury apparently did not believe he was insane.
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truecrimehistory · 7 years
Jeffrey Dahmer: The Milwaukee Cannibal
Born on May 21st,1960 to Lionel and Joyce Dahmer. Jeffrey was an American Serial Killer who became a sex offender in his days after high school. Killing 17 Men and boys between the years of 78 & 91. Dahmer was happy and energetic child, he was also very curious. By the time he was in his early teens he became shy and withdrawn, Dahmer claims that his compulsions toward necrophilia and murder began around the age of 14, but it appears that the breakdown of his parents' marriage and their acrimonious divorce a few years later may have been the catalyst for turning these thoughts into actions. 
Dahmer’s first murder occurred just after graduating high school, in June 1978, when he picked up a hitchhiker named Steven Hicks and took him home to his parents' house. proceeding to get the young man drunk; when Hicks tried to leave, Dahmer killed him by striking him in the head and strangling him with a barbell. He dismembered the corpse of his first victim, packed the body parts in plastic bags and buried them behind his parents' home. He later exhumed the remains, crushed the bones with a sledgehammer and scattered them across a wooded ravine. By the time of his first killing, Dahmer's alcohol consumption had spun out of control. He dropped out of Ohio State University after one quarter term, and his recently remarried father insisted that he join the Army. Dahmer enlisted in late December 1978, and was posted to Germany shortly thereafter. His drinking problem persisted, and in early 1981, the Army discharged him. Although German authorities would later investigate possible connections between Dahmer and murders that took place in the area during that time, it is not believed that he took any more victims while serving in the Armed Forces. Following his discharge, Dahmer returned home to Ohio. An arrest later that year for disorderly conduct prompted his father to send Dahmer to live with his grandmother in Wisconsin, but his alcohol problem continued and he was arrested the following summer for indecent exposure. He was arrested once again in 1986, when two boys accused him of masturbating in front of them, and he received a one-year probationary sentence.It wasn’t until September 1987 that Dahmer took his second victim, Steven Tuomi. They checked into a hotel room and drank, and Dahmer eventually awoke to find Tuomi dead, with no memory of the previous night's activities. He bought a large suitcase to transport Tuomi's body to his grandmother's basement, where he dismembered and masturbated on the corpse before disposing of the remains.Only after Dahmer killed another two victims at his grandmother’s home did she tire of her grandson's late nights and drunkenness — although she had no knowledge of his other activities — and she forced him to move out of the premises in 1988.That September 1989, Dahmer had an extremely lucky escape: An encounter with a 14-year-old Latino boy resulted in charges of sexual exploitation and second-degree sexual assault for Dahmer. He pleaded guilty, claiming that the boy had appeared much older. While awaiting sentencing for his sexual assault case, Dahmer again put his grandmother's basement to gruesome use: In March 1989, he lured, drugged, strangled, sodomized, photographed, dismembered and disposed of Anthony Sears, an aspiring model. At his trial for child molestation in May 1989, Dahmer was the model of contrition, arguing eloquently, in his own defense, about how he had seen the error of his ways, and that his arrest marked a turning point in his life. His defense counsel argued that he needed treatment, not incarceration, and the judge agreed, handing down a one-year prison sentence on "day release" — allowing Dahmer to work at his job during the day and return to the prison at night — as well as a five-year probationary sentence.Years later, in an interview with CNN, Lionel Dahmer stated that he wrote a letter to the court that issued the sentence, requesting psychological help before his son's parole. However, Jeffrey Dahmer was granted an early release by the judge, after serving only 10 months of his sentence. He briefly lived with his grandmother following his release, during which time he does not appear to have added to his body count, before moving back into his own apartment.Over the following two years, Dahmer's victim count accelerated, bringing his total from four to 17. He developed rituals as he progressed, experimenting with chemical means of disposal and often consuming the flesh of his victims. Dahmer also attempted crude lobotomies, drilling into victims' skulls while they were still alive and injecting them with muriatic acid. He was careful to select victims on the fringes of society, who were often itinerant or borderline criminal, making their disappearances less noticeable and reducing the likelihood of his capture. On May 27, 1991, Dahmer's neighbor Sandra Smith called the police to report that an Asian boy was running naked in the street. When the police arrived, the boy was incoherent, and they accepted the word of Dahmer — a white man in a largely poor African-American community — that the boy was his 19-year-old lover. In fact, the boy was 14 years old and a brother of the Laotian teen Dahmer had molested three years earlier. The police escorted Dahmer and the boy home and, clearly not wishing to become embroiled in a homosexual domestic disturbance, took only a cursory look around before leaving. Once the police left the scene, Dahmer killed the boy and proceeded with his usual rituals. Had they conducted even a basic search, police officers would have found the body of Dahmer's 12th victim, Tony Hughes. Before he was finally arrested, on July 22, 1991, he killed four more men. 
The Crime Scene at the Arrest: Jeffrey Dahmer’s Fridge and Polaroids
Dahmer's killing spree ended when he was arrested on July 22, 1991. That day, two Milwaukee police officers picked up Tracy Edwards, a 32-year-old African American man who was wandering the streets with a handcuff dangling from his wrist. They decided to investigate the man's claims that a "weird dude" had drugged and restrained him. They arrived at Dahmer's apartment, where he calmly offered to get the keys for the handcuffs.
Edwards claimed that the knife Dahmer had threatened him with was in the bedroom. When the officer went in to corroborate the story, he noticed Polaroid photographs of dismembered bodies lying around. Dahmer was subdued by the officers. Subsequent searches revealed a head in the refrigerator, three more in the freezer and a catalog of other horrors, including preserved skulls, jars containing genitalia and an extensive gallery of macabre Polaroid photographs of his victims.
Dahmer’s refrigerator and Polaroid photographs became inextricably associated with his notorious killing spree. In 1996, following Dahmer’s death, a group of Milwaukee businessmen raised more than $400,000 to purchase the items he used for his victims — including blades, saws, handcuffs and a refrigerator to store body parts. They promptly destroyed them in an effort to distance the city from the horrors of Dahmer's actions and the ensuing media circus surrounding his trial.
Jeffrey Dahmer’s trial began in January 1992. Given that the majority of Dahmer's victims were African American, there were considerable racial tensions and so strict security precautions were taken, including an eight-foot barrier of bulletproof glass that separated him from the gallery. The inclusion of only one African American on the jury provoked further unrest, but was ultimately contained and short lived. Lionel Dahmer and his second wife attended the trial throughout. Dahmer initially pleaded not guilty to all charges, despite having confessed to the killings during police interrogation, but he eventually changed his plea to guilty by virtue of insanity. His defense then offered the gruesome details of his behavior, as proof that only someone insane could commit such terrible acts. The jury chose to believe the prosecution's assertion that Dahmer was fully aware that his acts were evil and chose to commit them anyway. On February 15, 1992, they returned after approximately 10 hours' deliberation to find him guilty, but sane, on all counts. He was sentenced to 15 consecutive life terms in prison, with a 16th term tacked on in May.Dahmer reportedly adjusted well to prison life, although he was initially kept apart from the general population. He eventually convinced authorities to allow him to integrate more fully with other inmates. He found religion in the form of books and photos sent to him by his father, and he was granted permission by the Columbia Correctional Institution to be baptized by a local pastor.
On November 28, 1994, in accordance with his inclusion in regular work details, Dahmer was assigned to work with two other convicted murderers, Jesse Anderson and Christopher Scarver. After they had been left alone to complete their tasks, guards returned to find that Scarver had brutally beaten both men with a metal bar from the prison weight room. Dahmer was pronounced dead after approximately one hour. Anderson succumbed to his injuries days later.
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Jeffrey Dahmer (1960-1994) PART TWO
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In November 1987, Dahmer, who was living with his grandmother in West Allis, encountered 25-year-old Steve Tuomi in a bar and persuaded him to go back to his hotel with him. According to Dahmer later, he had no intention of murdering Tuomi, just to drug and rape him as he was unconscious. The next morning, when Dahmer woke up, he found Tuomi lying beneath him with his chest “crushed in” and “black and blue” with bruises, blood seeping from the corner of his mouth. Dahmer claims to have no memory of killing him, and later informed investigators that he “could not believe this had happened.” Dahmer put Tuomi’s body in a large suitcase and took it to his grandmother’s house. A week later, he dismembered the body and filleted the bones before cutting the flesh into small pieces. He placed the flesh into plastic garbage bags, wrapped the bones in a sheet and crushed them into splinters with a hammer. The whole process took 2 hours and all of Tuomi’s remains, except his head, were put into the trash. For 2 weeks after the murder Dahmer kept Tuomi’s head wrapped in a blanket before boiling the head in a mixture of Soilex (an industrial detergent) and bleach in an effort to retain the skull (to use as a masturbation aid). The skull, however, became too brittle after this process and was pulverised and disposed of.
After this murder Dahmer began seeking out victims in and around gay bars, before luring them to his grandmother’s house and drugging them and raping them. After they were unconscious he would strangle them to death. 2 months after Steven Tuomi’s murder, Dahmer met 14-year-old James Doxtator, a Native American male prostitute. Dahmer offered the boy $50 to pose for nude pictures at Dahmer’s apartment. There, the pair had sex before Dahmer drugged Doxtator and strangled him on the cellar floor.  He left the body there for a week before dismembering it and placing all but the skull in the trash. He then boiled the skull and kept it for a while before pulverising it. On March 24, 1988, Dahmer met 22-year-old Richard Guerrero, a bisexual man, outside a gay bar. He led Guerrero to his grandmother’s house on the promise of giving him $50 to spend the night with him. He drugged Guerrero with sleeping pills and strangled him with a leather strap. He then performed oral sex on the corpse before dismembering his body less than 24 hours later. The remains were again disposed of in the trash and the skull was kept before being pulverised several months later. On April 23, Dahmer lured another young man to his house, but after giving him a drugged coffee, he heard his grandmother call, “Is that you, Jeff?” Dahmer replied that it was him, and he was alone, but his grandmother noticed that he wasn’t. For this reason, Dahmer did not kill this victim, but waited until he was unconscious before driving him to the County General Hospital.
In September 1988, Dahmer’s grandmother asked him to leave her house because he had been bringing young men to her house in the middle of the night and she had observed foul odours coming from the basement and garage. Dahmer ended up in a one-bedroom apartment on North Twenty-Fifth Street and moved in on September 25. The next day, Dahmer was arrested for drugging and sexually fondling a 13-year-old boy he had lured to his apartment on the pretext of posing nude for him. In January 1989 Dahmer was convicted of second-degree sexual assault and of enticing a child for immoral purposes. Sentencing was suspended until May. On March 20, Dahmer began a 10-day Easter break from work, during which time he moved back in with his grandmother. 2 months after his conviction and 2 months before his sentencing, Dahmer murdered a fifth victim, 24-year-old aspiring model Anthony Sears, whom Dahmer had met at a gay club on March 25, 1989. Dahmer later said that on this occasion he was not looking to commit a crime, but just before closing time Sears “just started talking to me.” Dahmer then lured Sears to his grandmother’s house where the pair had oral sex before Jeffrey drugged and strangled him. The next morning Dahmer put the corpse in the bathtub, decapitating the body before attempting to flay the corpse. He stripped the flesh from the body and pulverised the bones, as before, and disposed of them in the trash. According to Dahmer himself, he found Sears “exceptionally attractive” and Sears became the first victim from whom he kept any body parts – he preserved Sears’ head and genitals in acetone and kept them in his work locker. When he moved to his new home the following year, he took Sears’ remains with him.
On May 23, 1989, Dahmer was sentenced to 5 years probation and one year in the House of Correction, with work release so he could keep his job. He was also required to register as a sex offender. 2 months before he was due to be released from the work camp, Dahmer was paroled and his probation began. He temporarily moved back in with his grandmother before moving into the Oxford Apartments on North 25th Street in Milwaukee in 1990. Despite being in a high crime area, the apartment was close to his job, was furnished, and cost only $300 a month including bills, so was a good deal for Jeffrey. On May 14, 1990, Dahmer moved out of his grandmother’s home and into his new apartment, taking Sears’ skull, scalp, and painted genitals with him. Within a week of moving into the new apartment, Dahmer killed Raymond Smith, a 32-year-old male prostitute whom he lured with the promise of $50 for sex. At Dahmer’s apartment, he gave Smith a drink laced with sleeping pills and then strangled him. The next day he bought a Polaroid camera, took several photos of Smith’s body in suggestive positions, and dismembered him in the bathroom. He boiled Smith’s legs, arms and pelvis in a steel kettle using Soilex. He then rinsed the bones in the sink and dissolved the rest of the skeleton except the skull in a container full of acid. He spray-painted Smith’s skull  and placed it next to the skull of Anthony Sears. A week after Smith’s murder, Dahmer lured another young man to his apartment – but this time accidentally drank the drugged coffee himself. When he woke up the next day, he discovered that his intended victim had stolen his clothing, $300 and a watch. He never reported the incident to police but did tell his probation worker he had been robbed.
In June 1990 Dahmer lured 27-year-old Edward Smith to his apartment. He drugged and strangled him, but instead of acidifying the skeleton or bleaching the bones, Dahmer placed Smith’s skeleton in the freezer for months in the hopes that it would not retain moisture.  This didn’t work and Dahmer dissolved the skeleton with acid several months later. The skull was accidentally destroyed after Dahmer put it into the oven to dry (causing the skull to explode). Dahmer later told police he felt “rotten” about this murder because he couldn’t keep any body parts from it. Less than 3 months later, Dahmer met 22-year-old Chicago native Ernest Miller, who agreed to accompany him home for $50 and to allow him to listen to his heart and stomach. When Dahmer tried to perform oral sex on Dahmer, Miller replied, “That’ll cost you extra.” Dahmer gave him a drugged drink but only had 2 sleeping pills left so they were ineffective and he had to kill him by slashing his carotid artery with the knife he usually used to dissect his victims’ bodies. Miller bled to death in minutes and Dahmer then posed the nude body for suggestive Polaroid photos before putting it in his bathtub to dismember. He repeatedly talked to and kissed the severed head while dismembering the rest of the body. He wrapped Millers heart, biceps, and portions of flesh from the legs in a plastic bag and placed them in the fridge to eat later. Dahmer boiled the rest of the flesh and organs into a jelly-like substance using Soilex which enabled him to get all the flesh off the skeleton so he could keep it. To preserve the skeleton Dahmer put it into a light bleach solution for 24 hours before drying them on a cloth for a week. He put the severed head into the fridge before later stripping it of flesh, painting it and coating it with enamel.
On September 24, 1990, Dahmer met 22-year-old David Thomas at the mall and persuaded him to go back to his apartment for a few drinks, and an additional $50 if he posed for some photographs. Dahmer later stated that after giving Thomas a drugged drink he didn’t feel attracted to him but was scared to wake him up in case he would be angry. So, he strangled him and dismembered the body, purposefully keeping no body parts at all. He did, however, photograph the dismemberment process and kept the photographs, which helped to identify Thomas later. Following this murder, Dahmer didn’t kill for almost 5 months, but did lure a few men to his apartment during this time. He is also known to have told his probation worker at the time that he was feeling anxious and depressed, and also referenced his sexuality, loneliness and monetary problems. He also confessed to having suicidal thoughts occasionally throughout 1990.
In February 1991, Dahmer saw 17-year-old Curtis Straughter standing at a bus stop near Marquette University and lured him into his apartment with an offer of money for posing naked for photographs, and the added incentive of sex. Dahmer drugged and strangled Straughter with a leather strap before dismembering him. Dahmer kept hold of the boy’s skull, hands and genitals. Less than 2 months later, on April 7, Dahmer encountered 19-year-old Errol Lindsey on his way to get a key cut. Lindsey was not gay, unlike Dahmer’s other victims. Dahmer lured Lindsey to his home and drugged him, drilled a hole in his skull and poured hydrochloric acid into it. According to Dahmer himself, Lindsey woke up after this “experiment” (Jeffrey wanted a permanently unresponsive submissive partner) saying, “I have a headache. What time is it?” Dahmer drugged Lindsey again, then strangled him. He cut off Lindsey’s head, keeping the skull, flayed the flesh off the body, placed the skin in a cold saltwater solution for weeks in the hope of keeping it permanently. Dahmer ended up disposing of Lindsey’s skin after noticing it had become brittle. By 1991, other residents in the Oxford Apartments where Dahmer lived had begun  complaining about the skulls coming from Apartment 213 along with the sounds of things falling over and sometimes even a chainsaw. The manager of the building, Sopa Princewill, contacted Dahmer to register these complaints to which Dahmer suggested that the cause of the smell was his freezer breaking and the contents becoming spoiled. Another time, he told the manager that his tropical fish had recently died, causing the odour.
On May 26, 1991, Dahmer met 14-year-old Konerak Sinthasomphone, the younger brother of the boy he molested in 1988, and approached the young boy with a cash offer to come to his apartment to pose for photographs, a ruse he had used many times before. According to Dahmer, Sinthasomphone was reluctant at first, but Jeffrey managed to change his mind and get him to come to his apartment. Whilst there, the boy posed in his underwear for 2 pictures before Dahmer drugged him and performed oral sex on him after he fell unconscious. Dahmer then drilled a hole into Sinthasomphone’s skull, injecting hydrochloric acid into his frontal lobe, again trying to create a permanently submissive partner. Just before Sinthasomphone became unconscious, Dahmer led him into his bedroom, where the naked corpse of 31-year-old Tony Hughes, whom he had killed 3 days earlier, was lying on the floor. Dahmer said later that “he believed [that Sinthasomphone] saw this body,” but he didn’t react – due, in all likelihood, to the sleeping pills that were beginning to course through his system and the hydrochloric acid making its way to his brain. After Sinthasomphone became unconscious, Dahmer drank several beers lying next to him before going out to drink at a bar and then to purchase more alcohol. In the early hours of the morning Dahmer came home to find Sinthasomphone sat naked on the corner of his street talking in Laotian (his native language) with 3 hysterical girls next to him. Dahmer approached them and explained that Sinthasomphone was his boyfriend. He tried to take him back to his apartment but the 3 women wouldn’t let him, saying they had called the police. When Officers John Balcerzak and Joseph Gabrish arrived, Dahmer told them that Sinthasomphone was 19, his lover, had drunk too much after an argument, and often behaved liked this when intoxicated. The women did not believe this and when one of the women pointed out that the boy was bleeding from his anus and that he had been reluctant to go with Dahmer when he arrived, the officer told her to “butt out”, “shut the hell up”, and not to interfere, citing the incident as “domestic.” Against the protests of the women the officers just covered up Sinthasomphone and helped Dahmer get him back to his apartment, where Dahmer showed them the Polaroid photos he had of Sinthasomphone naked in an attempt to validate his story further. The officers later reported that there was a strange smell that reminded them of faeces in the apartment (this was coming from the decomposing body of Hughes) and Dahmer said that to investigate this odour one officer just “peeked his head around the bedroom but really didn’t take a good look” (or he would have discovered Tony Hughes’ body). The officers left, telling Dahmer to “take good care” of Sinthasomphone. If they had followed procedure and run a background check they would have discovered that Dahmer was a convicted child molester who was under probation. After the officers left, Dahmer injected hydrochloric acid into Sinthasomphone’s brain for a second time – this time it proved to be fatal. The following day, Dahmer took the day of work to dismember the bodies of Sinthasomphone and Hughes, keeping the skulls of both victims.
On June 30 Dahmer travelled to Chicago where he met 20-year-old Matt Turner. Turner accepted Dahmer’s offer to travel to Milwaukee for a “professional photo shoot.” Once at Dahmer’s apartment, he drugged, strangled and dismembered Turner. He then placed his head and internal organs into separate bags in the freezer. Turner was not reported missing. 5 days later, Dahmer lured 23-year-old Jeremiah Weinberger from a bar in Chicago to his apartment on the promise of spending the weekend together. He drugged Weinberger and injected boiling water into his skull twice, sending him into a coma that killed him 2 days later. On July 15, Dahmer met 24-year-old Oliver Lacy and lured him to his apartment on the familiar premise of posing nude for photographs. Whilst at Dahmer’s apartment, the pair had sex before Lacy was drugged, which was out of the ordinary for Jeffrey, who usually needed an unconscious, submissive partner. Dahmer tried to chloroform Lacy, but this was unsuccessful. Dahmer took the day off work and ended up being suspended. He strangled Lacy, had sex with the corpse, and dismembered it. He put Lacy’s head and heart in the refrigerator and his skeleton in the freezer. 4 days later, Dahmer was fired from his job. After finding out the news, he lured 25-year-old Joseph Bradehoft to his apartment, strangled him and left him on his bed covered with a sheet for 2 days. On July 21, Dahmer uncovered Bradehoft and found the head covered in maggots, so he decapitated the body, cleaned the head and put it in the refrigerator. He dissolved his torso in acid, along with the bodies of 2 other victims he had killed that same month.
On July 22, 1991, Dahmer approached 3 men with an offer of $100 to pose nude at his apartment for photographs, to drink beer, and to keep him company. Only 1 of the 3, Tracy Edwards, agreed to go. When Tracy Edwards first walked in to Jeffrey Dahmer’s apartment, he noticed a foul smell and boxes of hydrochloric acid on the floor, which Dahmer said was used for cleaning bricks. After some small talk, Edwards turned his head to look at the tropical fish – at Dahmer’s request – and Dahmer placed a handcuff on his wrist. When Edwards asked, “What’s happening?” Dahmer tried to cuff his wrists together, unsuccessfully, but told Edwards to follow him to the bedroom to pose nude for him. While in the bedroom, Edwards noticed posters of naked men on the wall and a video of The Exorcist III was playing. He also saw a blue 57 gallon drum in the corner, which was giving off a foul smell. Dahmer produced a knife and told Edwards he was going to be taking some pictures of him. In an effort to seem compliant, Edwards unbuttoned his shirt, saying he would comply if Dahmer removed the handcuffs and put away the knife. Dahmer just turned to the TV and began rocking backwards and forwards, chanting, before looking back at Edwards. He put his head on Edwards’ chest, listened to his heartbeat and pressed the knife to his flesh, telling him he intended to eat his heart. Edwards kept repeating to Dahmer that he was his friend and he was not going to run away – in reality Edwards had already decided he was either going to jump out of the window or run through the unlocked front door as soon as he had the chance). Edwards said that he needed to use the bathroom and asked if they could sit in the living room with a beer (because there was air conditioning) and Dahmer said yes. The pair went into the living room as Edwards left the bathroom. Edwards waited until he saw Dahmer’s concentration wane before he asked for the bathroom again. When Edwards got up off the couch, he noticed that Dahmer wasn’t holding the handcuffs, so he punched him in the face, knocking him off balance and ran out of the front door.
Jeffrey Dahmer’s web was coming undone...
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Steven Tuomi, Dahmer’s second victim. Dahmer has no recollection of committing this murder.
September 15, 1987
After having returned from the military after being discharged for Alcoholism Jeffrey Dahmer invited waiter Steven Tuomi back to his hotel room. Here they engaged in sex, when Dahmer claims to have blacked out and murdered Tuomi. The morning after, he removed of the body in a suitcase, took it to his grandmother's home, dismembered it, and destroyed of the evidence. Dahmer was not charged of this crime as no evidence was ever found despite his confession.
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