littleavengerfics · 2 years
Im in Love with your Storys!!!🌻
Can you maybe do a Stucky fic, where they so stressed that they forget their little somewhere?
Wish you a great day 🌞🦋✨
Never let you go again
warnings: age regression, stucky, non specified little age, sfw regression
Steve: daddy Bucky: dada
Your daddy's had been busy for the past two weeks with work and missions. They thought they had found a Hydra base so they had spent weeks doing research and trying to locate it, only to find out it was empty. They wasted a lot of time, both in general and with you. Both of them felt incredibly guilty about it and decided they would make it up to you.
“Hey steve.” Nat smiled drinking her coffee. “Hey, Natasha are you busy today?” He asked grabbing a mug out of the cupboard. “I was planning on going shopping why?”
“I feel bad for leaving y/n, thanks for looking after them by the way, but i was hoping you had an idea on how to make it up to them?” nat nodded, ”you could come with me to the mall they have cool toy shops there and there’s an ice cream stall nearby.” Steve nodded, it was perfect. “Thanks Nat, they’re going to love it.” Steve ran out to tell you and Bucky the news.
And that was how you found yourself in the truck with Bucky, steve and your aunt Natasha. “Oh y/n i forgot to give you your special spy watch.” she smiled placing it on your wrist making your caregivers look at her with disapproval. “Relax it’s a normal smart watch, they just like calling it that.”
When you arrived you and your caregivers broke away from the redhead to look at toys whilst the assassin bought herself some new clothes. you were heading to the checkout when you heard a buzz in Steve’s pocket. “daddy.” you pulled on his shirt, pointing at his pocket. "Thank you sweetheart." He smiled pulling out his phone, he knew it was ringing but always waited for you to react first because he thought it was adorable.
"Bucky." Steve said with a look of concern. "Nat just saw Rumlow, he's here." You watched Bucky freeze and his face turn white. "who's dat dada?" You asked but got no response from him. "He's someone your dada used to know. You stay here with dada I will go find Natasha." Steve went to walk off but Bucky stopped him. "Wait." He grabbed your cheek as tears filled his eyes. "Y/n, I need you to go and hide somewhere okay?"
"Bucky you both need to hide." Steve said firmly but the brunette shook his head. "He is either after me or y/n. I can't keep either of you safe if I am hiding somewhere. Y/n listen to dada okay go hide somewhere in here and we will come back for you. If you can stay hidden till we find you we will take you out for ice cream." He smiled giving you a hug, you looked at Steve who nodded. "It's going to be okay y/n." The two men left the store and you ran to find a place to hide.
"Natasha where are you?" Steve borderline shouted. "Steve the whole point of technology is I can hear you when you are far away. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SHOUT!" Bucky laughed as Steve pulled the phone away from his ear with a frown. "I'm on the second floor, I have eyes on Rumlow." Bucky and Steve ran to the escalators.
"Hey guys, sorry you missed all the fun." Natasha smirked, her knee resting on Rumlow's back. "How did you?" Bucky asked with a frown. "Oh I've had him here for ages, I know the say old people are slow but you guys are a whole different story."
"Alright Romanoff that's enough with the jokes let's just get him out of here so I can find my little." Steve jokingly scolded, turning to Bucky who was shaking his head at the man laying on the floor with a smirk. "Longing rusted." Bucky flinched as the words filled his ears. Nat released her grip enough to flip him over. "Finish that I dare you." She stared into his eyes. "Yeah I didn't think so. Guys I have got this go find Y/n. I will call you if anything happens." Steve nodded pulling Bucky away by his elbow.
"I'm fine?" Bucky half asked half confirmed, he himself wasn't entirely sure. But he saw Steve nod. "I know, I can tell." Bucky visibly relaxed. He trusted Steve and if he trusted Bucky then the brunette was going to accept that.
"Uh Bucky?" Steve frowned when they reached the bottom of the escalator. Bucky didn't seem to hear the blonde because he too seemed confused and spoke. "Steve do you remember which store we left y/n in?"
The blonde turned around with a shake of his head and a nervous look on his face. "We can't split up with Rumlow roaming around, we're going to have to go store to store. I know it was a clothing place so that leaves... a lot." Steve felt a buzzing in his pocket once again, he waited for y/n to react before being hit with the realisation and pulling it out anyway.
"Natasha now is not a good time." Steve sighed once he answered. "You lost y/n didn't you?" Steve could visualise the smirk as he confirmed the russian's suspicion. "If only one of us had a spy watch that had a tracker and talking function." She replied sarcastically. "Give me a second." Steve could hear Nat talking to y/n through the phone.
"Hey sweetheart it's auntie Nat, can you come out of your hiding space? You did so good at hiding but your daddies can't see you. We just want to give you a hug, can you get out of the store and meet you daddies by the escaltor?"
Sure enough Steve heard quiet sobs getting louder, both supersoldiers turned to see you running with tears falling down your face. "Dada!" You sobbed running into his arms he caught you and lifted you up into a tight embrace.
"We're so sorry y/n." Steve whispered rubbing your back. Your sobs only seemed to get louder as you soaked Bucky's shirt with tears. "You did so good hiding for us doll. Me and Daddy are so proud of you, you're safe now." It took a few minutes for you to fully calm down, by that point Rumlow had been dealt with and Natasha was making her way over to you.
She found you sitting on a bench on steve's lap as you held on to Bucky's hand for dear life. "Hey dorogoy, you were so brave today." Nat smiled handing you a stuffed animal she bought on the way down.
"They really didn't mean to lose you, your silly daddies just have old man brains." She whispered making you giggle. "Mhm my daddies are silly."
"Well this silly old dada is getting tired and it is almost nap time so let's go home. We can go shopping another day, right now I want some cuddles." Bucky smiled, you and steve nodded in agreement so you headed towards the exit.
"Daddy p'ease can I get ice cweam?" You asked pointing to the stall. "You can have a small one so you dont get hyper before naptime." You gave him a small pout. "But I good today." You even looked at Bucky hoping he would give in but he shook his head. "You need to sleep doll and too much suger makes you hyper and cranky. How about if you have a small icecream now then you can have a cookie after dinner." Bucky looked at steve for approval who nodded.
"Otay!" Steve gave a small chuckle and left to order your ice cream. "Here you go baby, eat it slowly though or you will get a tummy ache." You happily finished off your icecream in the car, making a small mess in the process.
"Come on doll time to go night night." Bucky lifted you out of the car and inside to get ready for naptime. Steve stood and watched Bucky brush your teeth complaining when he missed a spot. Bucky missed anpther tooth on purpose making steve chuckle. "Your dada is being very naughty." He said plaulyfully making you nod. "I get dada's treat cos he bad." You giggled at Bucky's fake gasp.
"Okay you can have dada's cookie instead but you need to have a nap first. Have you brushed all your ice cream teeth?" You gave him a nod making him smile. "Good now come on Daddy wants to cuddle his baby."
You got settled on steve's chest, your left hand resting on Bucky's stomach as they both wgispered soft praises to you. "Go to sleep little one, we will never let you go again."
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