#Stfu commie
edducard · 1 year
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EMERGENCY COMMS ARE OPEN! PRICES ON SHEET! SKETCH ONLY TO MAKE IT EASIER ON MYSELF! I can do backgrounds also but that's a case-by-case basis on how much that'd add on to the base price of the character! SFW and NSFW are allowed (must be 18+ for nsfw. duh.)
tl;dr I got fucked and need to pay for food (for myself and my animals) and bills and stuff.
more details version under cut for those curious? i guess?
I don't like to get personal on main, I'm a silly little guy you know this, but life's been really kicking me in the ass and being. basically physically disabled. I'm legally blind and have several undiagnosed mental disorders lmao. Getting a job is really hard, I've been trying though! However I forgot to fill out a paper for welfare (yay! bad memory! yay! yippee!) and out food stamps got cut.
We went from 400/500 a month down to 93 a month... yeah that's a big drop, and there's no way a family of 3 can survive off that. I live with my mom and dad and we have various animals, both my mom and dad are disabled (dad collects disability and mom is.... trying.... they denied her but she's gonna try again.) which pays for bills usually but due to the stamp cut we're going to be forced to pay out of pocket at some point. We're trying to conserve what we have and make it last, but we have about 200 currently and we're not sure how long this sanction is going to last, so to be able to pay for things I'm kind of being forced to open comms once again.
If you want to just support me, here's my ko-fi, it'd mean a lot if you could help out, thank you a lot!
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waffled-iron · 1 year
here we go again
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more of quem <3 and the other one lmao
I would've drawn more but I didn't feel like it. I spent all my focus on the 4th drawing and now I don't like it that much. I see a lot wrong with it that I wish I could change, like that baseball bat. that fucking baseball bat. I hate drawing baseball bats. I've only done it twice but still
and hands too. and skirts. and arms. that's abt it rn. imma stop rambling, sorry
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stgimreal · 11 months
Stg if I hear the term self made one more time I'm gonna lose my ever loving shit.
The new millionaires sit on a porcelain throne calling themselves "self made" taking in 7 figures a year while people lose their savings making your clothes/products
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akajustmerry · 2 months
types of tags/comments on my overwhelmingly popular Anastasia shitpost ranked from least annoying to most annoying
"I never thought about it like this lol" honest, appreciative, classic.
"I studied Russian history and can confirm this" you don't need a history degree to understand the Romanovs didn't die from a MAGIC curse but thanks for the support
"okay yes this is true but I love that movie" implies I said being aware the movie isn't historically accurate means you can't like it. I didn't say that at all
"the stage play is better at addressing the history" by making the villain a commie??? Lmao don't think so stfu
"the stage play is worse" don't care, didn't ask.
"what'd you expect its a Disney movie" it isn't. It was famously made by a group of animators who left Disney to make it.
"let me enjoy things"???? I literally made that post after watching Anastasia twice in a day to cheer myself up as I've done since I was 5. all criticism comes from a place of love, dumbass!!?
"ohh i can't wait to watch this!" YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ANASTASIA 1997????
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vomitdodger · 4 months
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👆Funny how this came about (ignoring the outrage of it all)
Check dates 👇
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The worst mayor in existence says the largest city in America has been at a breaking point for at least two years. And that’s ignoring the rampant crime, mass exodus etc. It was sOoOo bad he went to DC to demand some action and relief. But oddly got called back before he even got there👇
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What happened??!! Feds said STFU or else👇
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He eventually went to DC to complete the photo op but more importantly to get the dress down. Anyway how’d it go?👇
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Annnnnd then the migrant credit cards came out.
It’s the commie corrupted circle of life to destroy America
Hakuna Matata
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edwad · 5 months
wow you're so clever "liberalsarecool" like they don't know their fucking url name stfu already you're the 50 billionth weirdo commie whos reblogged their post saying that.
actually i'm the only person who did that. perhaps you should check again 😃
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Honestly I kind of adore this quote.
“When I am Weaker Than You, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am Stronger than you, I take away your Freedom Because that is according to my principles.”
This is, for the most part, actual leftist logic. And before I get sh*t on and people lose their mind let me make something very clear. When I say leftist, I don't mean, "Person on the left". What I am referring to is, "A person on the left whom also worships and makes being on the left their entire identity."
So if I every complain about Leftists, that's what I mean. And often it's people that are also Communists or Socialists. And 85% of the time they are also Authoritarians.
But no really, that quote IS how Leftists think. And the rise of these types is a relatively recent occurrence. Because used to, people on the left used to be religious, and value not just the US but also have values more or less aligned with the right, though there were still differences. Now 98% of the people on the left are non religious, most are Atheist. And most have lost their spine and now bow to the Communist sect of the left.
Weirdly though, they are not even real communists most of the time. They are just jealous that they are not rich and powerful themselves, so they align themselves with groups that want to liquidate everyone else that's better off. Most often they are just petty and sad. And that's the honest truth about MOST people that claim to be Commies and Socialists. They are just entitled, jealous little sh*ts who are upset they can't get more stuff for free by exploiting the labor of others for their own gain, MEANWHILE not wanting to work at all themselves.
In short, they DO partly agree with Communism and Socialism. They just think if realized that THEY would be the ruling class. And everyone else would be the peasant and labor class beneath them having to work for their benefit. It's literally. GIMME GIMME GIMME.
Fact is a number on the people on the left fell prey to these peoples line of thinking because they think, that in fact, they "actually care" where as they make you believe that the "Right" (People on the moderate left, people in the middle, and people actually on the right, even the libertarians right) are uncaring monsters that hate the poor, hate the minorities, and are the biggest bigots in the world. And so the people ON the left listen to them and swallow it wholesale.
When in reality, the left are guilty of some of the worst atrocities known to man. The Democratic Left created the KKK. The Democratic Left supported segregation. The Democratic Left supported Slavery. The Democratic Left opposed Abolition. The Communist Left committed the Holodomor. The Communist Left starved millions in China. The Communist Left Massacred it's own people that stood against it.
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And then I will hear people go "WELL THE RIGHT ARE CURRENTLY THE ONE~" Kindly STFU. The Left has been on a LONG journey to make the Right out to be the enemy of mankind. When in fact it's Marxist Ideology that has propagated that. And the institutions in the US have been captured by said ideology. And they often skew Left and Right for the sake of "hate crime" stats. But on a GLOBAL scale, the Left has done Far more damage, and to this day excuse it time after time.
And every single time you will hear, "Oh well it wasn't REAL Communism. It wasn't REAL Socialism." Yes it was. You were just to stupid to understand it worked like intended. And all the people that wanted it that GOT it, were lied to. Just like you all are being lied to. It's always real Communism and Socialism. It's just that YOU weren't the one on top. That's why it wasn't "Real". Because the only way you will call it real is when YOU are at the top. You are forcing laborers to work for nothing. YOU are forcing people that descent into Gulags. YOU are the one killing everyone that doesn't agree with you as well as their families.
It's always real. And as a person on the Left, I refuse to lie to people to allow you that kind of power. Because I will not work for a tyrant. I will not submit my friends to tyrants. Again. There are decent people and even good people on the Left just like there are on the Right. But if recent trends are anything to go by, I can promise you that the most modern leftists would have been on the side of the Nazis. Which in retrospect isn't a shock. Because the Nazis WERE Socialists (Though they like to claim otherwise because it makes their ideology look bad), because the "Roma (Gypsies) " were a drain on their system, and some of them were wealthy and owned land. IE: Landlords and Landowners. So the stereotype is that Jewish people are rich, landlords and control everything.
Which is the same stereotypes the the modern Left hold today and judge those same people on. And here's the wild thing people don't realize. The Nazi's were not "Far Right". If anything they were not that far off from Stalin. But unfortunately a lot of cover has been run by Marxists to make it seem like Hitler was the most Right that Right can be. He wasn't. He was a borderline Leftists that barely qualified as Right and was almost at the top of the Authoritarian scale. But if you bring that up the Left HAS to object. Because they can't live with the fact the possibility that the person they they have used as a bludgeon for years could be associated with any of them or their ideals.
Make no mistake. Leftists believe in slavery. They believe in segregation. They believe in anti LGBT ideals, etc. And the only reason that want you to believe otherwise is because they need a weapon against the other side. Right up until they subjugate the other side. Then all of the people they CLAIM to be allies with, will be useless. And will be lined up against the wall, or forced to labor. Or both. People need to stop letting them pull the wool over their eyes. They are not allies. They do not care. They are extremist collectivists They do not care about you. The want to rule the collective. That's ALL they want.
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centi-pedve · 2 years
4 the ask game, maybe one of the extremists? whoevers ur fave lol. or all four of em! whatever u want
All four of em... whenever we get an opportunity to write an absurdly long post, we're gonna. we loooove talking we won't shut up
Sexuality Headcanon: Uranic if we're remembering that right like. MLM and MLNB essentially. As well as ace-spec. We cannot imagine Commie with a woman in any capacity don't know why but that's just how it is. And also he seems like the type who would not seek out sex nor have any desire to but if his partner were to want it then he would be unbothered and he'd be okay doing it for them when asked.
Gender Headcanon: Just seems like a cis guy to us. Very cis guy.
A ship I have with said character: Tbh we don't like explicitly ship things within Centricide we just sort of go with the flow but we guess both Leftunity and Authunity lets us vibe. We vibe with Leftunity just because you know it's The Ship and we don't have any gripes with it and we like Authunity because we like reading the Authunity fics. Smiling bigly and widely and hoping you understand.
A BROTP I have with said character: Authright would also just be a cool BROTP because you know they vibe well with the whole bootcrushing thing and they can bond over being pieces of shit. We like how they interact in Centricide in that way you know? Bros. Homies.
A NOTP I have with said character: It's so hard to come up woth NOTPs with Centricide characters because our viewpoint is that all Centricide ships are valid and it depends on how it's expressed but we guess if we had to pick one...? Maybe with Nazbol? Because it just seems those two wouldn't be able to romance. Nazbol doesn't seem like the type to be able to romance anyone tbf he's just a quirky lil guy.
A random headcanon: Used to be a scrawny little creature--!
General Opinion over said character: Decent character. Surprised we didn't like him more because generally he's our type of character but we just didn't feel that strong connection. No complaints though.
Sexuality Headcanon: Omnisexual tbh, pref for male-aligned but can go for literally anyone if quee vibes enough with them. Also definitely polyamorous.
Gender Headcanon: Anarchogender lol lmao
A ship I have with said character: Well Leftunity again like we said before. But also we really like the polycule and esp with Anqueer we think those two would TOTALLY vibe with each other romantically and honestly a little better than Leftunity because it seems a bit more balanced relationship-wise? The two just have more in common y'know.
A BROTP I have with said character: Honestly same with ships we still think the ships would still be awesome as friendships but we think Ancap is a good BROTP. Like the two kind of hate each other but they fuck with each other as well. Lil drug buddies. We like looking at art of the two of them getting absolutely fucking blasted with each other.
A NOTP I have with said character: We don't explicitly think the ship is bad (like we said we ain't a ship hater generally) but we don't really get Libunity that well. Maybe we just can't Understand it like we're cringe in that way but we just can't see how the two would get along in a relationship. We feel like Ancom is the type to kind of get turned away by excessive wealth so it'd be uncomfortable for Ancom you know?
A random headcanon: Catkin. Stfu
General Opinion over said character: Hot take we don't actually like Ancom that much like we aren't an Ancom hater but we don't really like. LIKE Ancom if that makes sense. Don't know why... Soz guys we know quee is like the Tumblr one but we just aren't Ancompilled enough.
Sexuality Headcanon: Definitely pansexual like so hard. This guy just fucks he doesn't care about gender or anything. But also aro. Aromantic pansexual. He just seems like he wouldn't be interested in people romantically but is definitely interested in them sexually and that's pretty based and cool. But also not self aware of it at all and people think he disregards people and only sees them as sex objects but he just genuinely can't form those sorts of attractions.
Gender Headcanon: We just see him as a cis guy but we like to see other interpretations of Ancap's gender. Just not really feeling strongly on anything ourselves.
A ship I have with said character: Not really a shipping guy with Ancap esp because of the aro interpretation but if we disregarded that then probably with Anpac. They seem cute together lol it's one of the few Centricide ships we've seen that we genuinely got really excited over.
A BROTP I have with said character: Ancom like we said before and also with the lib gang obvi!! Him and Libertarian are def little bestie businessmen guys they love exploiting people together. Just girly things...
A NOTP I have with said character: Once again no hate but we're not the most Commie and Ancap guy in town. Not really something that seems like it'd work out from our perspective.
A random headcanon: Owns this stupid fucking spoon we hate
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General Opinion over said character: Pretty swag guy. Not really a fave but we chill. Also he was our favorite Centricide character when we first watched Centricide over a year ago but only because we were an unironic Ancap and we were like omg! He's just like us except rich xoxo We love it when Capitalism! (we no longer love it when capitalism)
Sexuality Headcanon: Gonna stay consistent with the art we just uploaded and go with bisexual. He definitely embodies that one meme that's like "guys will say they're fighting demons and the demons are bisexuality" or however it goes. Definitely a preference for women but that small little manloving part of him causes him to think that a little bit of gay thoughts is normal so he tries to use that to disprove other people's bisexuality.
Gender Headcanon: Cis man generally but we can and will drool over the idea of transmasc Authright.
A ship I have with said character: Authunity again because of the fics but UGHHH the international union of nationalists... Okay we like it with Homonat because it's just so quirky like homosexual thoughts in denial vs homosexual thoughts front and center like that's a little bit quirky n stuff... also Conservative we don'ttt really see it as well as would like Homonat x Conservative but we also think Authright x Conservative is interesting because two dudes who don't like the gays being gay with one another? Very fun very cool because you have to have like TWO STEPS of denial abolishment to get there. And Moderate is cute because big scary guy and little guy aahahaha... we feel like we sound so weird right now like maybe a little bit creepy and shit but we just very much enjoy nationalist pairings.
A BROTP I have with said character: Once again we pretty much think ships can translate well to BROTPs but also Libright could potentially be a bromie with Authright depending on how it goes.
A NOTP I have with said character: Ancom probably wouldn't be a good idea.
A random headcanon: Fortnite player
General Opinion over said character: We love pathetic little motherfuckers who deserve pain so we quite enjoy Authright.
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Just found out some CN commie I used to detest are a lot more humanlike than their white counterparts. I mean at least they know how to stfu when the people they're dealing with are actual workers.
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edducard · 5 months
Random question who is ur second fav ew character + ur art is so nice and yummy !!
aww thank u!!! As for my second fav... hm. Well the main 4 kind of tie for first so I guess hellucard? Possibly an odd pick but my url is a ship name w him in it so probably not that odd LMAO
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ladycamdens · 10 months
when white leftists freely admit to unironically being commies it’s like…….. stfu. no actually i don’t want to hear from someone who’s lived under white favouring capitalism their entire lives about how great communism is. like i’m no pro capitalist, eat the rich fr, but if you’re seriously spouting that bs when real survivors of communist regimes could potentially hear you please stop pretending you’re for the people
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queen-mabs-revenge · 2 years
why mabs. tell us about your spider man USSR theory
no lmao ok this is a placeholder bc i tagged that for the joak and then realised my mistake for dangling that out there... but actually i should write it down i talk about it so often. BUT i have to give a presentation this weekend that i, uh, haven't written yet lmaaaooooooooo but finally writing about how ronald reagan actually murdered peter parker is going to be my little reward treat for finishing that 👍
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pussypilled · 2 years
if you've never worked a minimum wage/physical labor/retail job then sorry not sorry i don't trust whatever you have to say ever. one blue-collar worker is worth five of you fuckers writing circle jerk "think pieces" about how badly you wanna get cucked by the ghost of karl marx.
"well i'd reckon it's a bit fucked up we don't even get paid as much as them people sitting in a chair all day when we sweat balls out here innit?"
you'd reckon exactly fucking right malcom
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80yrscap · 3 years
Isaiah Bradley’s narrative in TFATWS simultaneously demonstrates the necessity of teaching critical race theory and explains why there are people in your state who want to make that illegal
1. Unequal outcomes
Isaiah and Steve took on nearly identical unauthorized rescue missions. Both returned successfully with men written off as dead. Steve received acclaim, medals, and a promotion. Isaiah received secret torture prison. 
Bucky and Isaiah are victims of human experimentation and decades of torture and imprisonment. Bucky’s special torture included being used as the Winter Soldier. Today a judge allows Bucky to walk free (with conditions). Isaiah, who never assassinated anybody, has never seen his day in court, and lives in hiding in constant fear for his family. 
The unfairness is obvious. Some people praised Steve and others locked up Isaiah. Some people showed mercy to Bucky and others keep Isaiah living in fear. These people are all a bunch of racists, right?
Sure, maybe so. But more to the point, that doesn’t actually explain anything.
2. Origin stories
Steve got juiced by the US Army. He competed to be chosen for the serum test, and he was fully briefed on known side effects. This was fine. 
Bucky was taken as a POW and dosed against his will by Nazis. This was a war crime, illegal even in Nazi Germany.
Isaiah was selected as a test subject without his knowledge or consent by the US Army. Given the time period (1950 or 51), this was probably legal. Informed consent laws didn’t exist yet. The Army had no formal guidelines on human experimentation until 1953. 
Regardless, it was still scientifically unethical and definitely racist. The Army was mostly integrated by this time, which means Isaiah’s all-Black unit was singled out on purpose. 
3. Everything builds on what came before
The same Army that abused Isaiah and his fellow soldiers knew perfectly well they were wrong to do so. This is evident in the way they immediately went into cover-up mode. 
The super-soldier POWs Isaiah rescued: the Army wanted them dead. The other 28 soldiers Isaiah brought back, who had nothing to do with any of it: the Army intended to make them collateral damage.
So when Isaiah triumphantly marched into camp with living evidence of the Army’s special crime, they locked him away. They reported Isaiah’s death but in fact they were too greedy to murder him. With Isaiah imprisoned the “experiment” could continue in secret. 
Isaiah escaped by faking his own death, but he can’t ever let down his guard. He’d be locked up again and probably his family too. 
4. Color-blind policies perpetuate anti-blackness
We meet Isaiah after 30 years of unjust imprisonment and 40 years more of living as a ghost. At no point during this time did any individual involved necessarily have to make any decision rooted in racially discriminatory law or personal racial bias. 
They made institutional decisions to hide the crimes of the past while continuing to profit from them.
That’s it. That’s all that’s needed. Isaiah’s body is evidence of a crime that can never be allowed to come to light, and every single thing that happens to him and to his family in the aftermath is done for that reason.
This is why Steve was called a hero. It’s not because Steve’s C.O. loved to praise White guys who go AWOL. It’s because Steve saved people who the Army actually wanted saved. 
This is why Bucky is allowed to walk free. Bucky’s body is evidence of crimes committed by Nazi Germany and the USSR. The government has nothing to lose from allowing Bucky’s story to be told and in fact it’s a total propaganda win because they can say look how bad America’s enemies are, America would never do a thing like that.
5. Nobody has to feel bad and no one learns anything
Sam Wilson does the absolute best he can by Isaiah with the museum exhibit, and we see how moved Isaiah is. However, it is so important to understand that the story that made it into the museum is a lie.
“Fearful of the ramifications of a Black super soldier,” it says, “some individuals within the government tried to erase Isaiah's story from history.”
Oh really? Some individuals, with explicitly racist motivations, tried to erase Isaiah’s story? Those individuals must have been really bad people. I guess it’s just a coincidence that this explanation exonerates the entire US Army, CIA, SHIELD, and every other organization that continues to make Isaiah’s existence a living hell to the present day.
I guess it’s just a coincidence that the average White museum visitor is going to read that story and think: wow this is so sad but you know what i’m really happy that we’ve progressed so far as a country it’s such a relief to know that would never happen today.
6. If the US Govt had an amends notebook, what would it take to cross a name off the list
Meanwhile, Isaiah Bradley can’t collect a pension, or social security, or qualify for medicare, or get a driver’s license, or open a bank account, or do anything else that requires a human to provide proof that they exist in the world. 
When Eli gets big and moves out, Isaiah won’t be able to co-sign his lease or fill in the FAFSA he needs for a college loan.
And that’s how color-blind, equal-before-the-law America allows one explicitly racist decision, made 70 years ago, to limit the future opportunities of a Black child growing up in 2020s. 
Don’t forget to call it equality! Eli will be denied that car loan the same as any other White kid whose primary caregiver is the legally-dead victim of racist state-sponsored torture.
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mariaiscrafting · 3 years
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selenoplexia · 3 years
Just unfollowed a shit ton of inactive blogs, rip half of my mutuals. If you’re active and your blog content looks like mine like this post
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