#Still- I’m glad I finally went to a HHN! It was great and the things it did well it knocked out of the (theme) park!
inga-don-studio · 2 years
Just a few of the beautifully gnarly scarecrows from Universal Hollywood’s Haunted Forest scare zone:
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And a very good boy:
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ionlycareabouthhn · 7 years
HHN 2017 Review: American Horror Story vol. 2
Wow, it’s already December. It should feel weirder than it does to still be reviewing HHN houses at this point in the year, but its always HHN in my heart. Every time I sit down to write my thoughts about these houses it makes me so incredibly giddy. I can’t stop expressing what a fantastic year it was and how incredible the houses were as a whole. It’s refreshing to have at least one positive thing to say about all of them and as I move up the list my level of excitement keeps on increasing. Now it’s time for: American Horror Story vol. 2!
It came a shock to approximately no one that this franchise would be returning this year. I think this was a given before last year’s event even really began. Last year I had some doubts, most of which came from the fact that I had only seen one season of the three featured that year and hadn’t kept up with the show very well after Murder House aired. It ended up being one of my favorites. Which is why it’s a big deal that this year’s installment was even better than its predecessor in my opinion.
I had seen Coven and Asylum before the event this year so already I felt more prepared going in. I LOVED Asylum and of the seasons I had seen to date, it was my favorite. There was no way they wouldn’t do it justice. I thought Coven had decent potential, and had heard good things about Roanoke. I tried to temper my expectations though, so I wouldn’t be disappointed. I certainly wasn’t. After my first two trips I went back and finally watched Roanoke in order to appreciate the house even more the next time I went back, and let me tell you that was an excellent decision. (I can’t decide to this day if I like that season more than Asylum now…)
From the moment I walked into the interior portion of the queue I was pumped. Hearing the music and bits of dialogue from the show was the perfect way to transition into the world of AHS. I’m glad “The Name Game,” was briefly included there. I knew it was far fetched to expect that as a scene, but wouldn’t that have been something…Either way, this was the only house where the line played a part in the buildup for me.
God, there’s so much to talk about in this house that I could go on for hours. I’ll try and stick to the best bits. Asylum…just the Asylum part…wow. I LOVED the choice to include the white nun from the poster art in the house. I kind of wish there had been a way to do the same for the other seasons that were a part of this house. The Santa mirror scene caught me off guard and of the times I’ve seen that scare used in houses this was the only time I wasn’t expecting it. Perhaps the biggest standout in this part of the house was how much like the characters the actors looked like. If someone told me that really way Lily Rabe, I would believe them.
Coven was the weak part of the house, but that being said it wasn’t all that weak. The scenes they picked were decent. I liked the doll room the best, even though that baby powder smell was disgustingly overpowering (the point I guess.) I wish there had been a better way to recreate the levitating scene than for there to simply be a stagnant prop. I have to say, this season was featured more effectively than I thought it would be though.
Roanoke at first didn’t mean much for me as I hadn’t seen the season at first but once I went back after watching it, I was completely giddy. That season had A LOT going on and so much to draw from. I kind of wish we had gone the Hollywood route and had a whole house devoted to it. However what they picked was great. The witch of the woods caught me off guard and got me good with that powder the first and last time I went through, as did that horrifying pig man. I will say, I noticed after watching the show and going back that the Chen puppet had been missing the first time I went through the house but was there every other time. Weird.
There are so many good scares to choose from. The Minotaur scared me literally every single time even when I knew it was coming, the pig man at the end of the house, the Pepper scare got me when I wasn’t paying attention one time. Yet there was one scare that had me cowering in fear.
When I took my mom, this was the first house that we hit so I was trying to move at a quick pace to get in line before it got too crazy. It didn’t help that I was pushing her in a wheelchair which isn’t something I’m used to. By the time we entered the house I was hot, winded, and my eyes hadn’t adjusted. To top it all off I had never pushed a wheelchair through a haunted house before. Not an easy task. Let me just say, they don’t leave you alone in a wheelchair, if anything they target you even more. As the person pushing, there is no flight option when it comes to fight or flight response, you can’t leave the person you’re pushing behind. I learned this towards the end of Asylum when in rapid succession, a Bloodyface popped out of the wall so close I thought they were going to touch me and then in my attempts to get out, another scareactor popped out on the other side and loomed down over my mom. It was intense and frightening, and absolutely everything I wanted from a haunted house.
This house didn’t disappoint, in fact it gave me an even greater appreciation for the series. Even as crazy as it may be sometimes. What HHN has done with the franchise has been wildly impressive and serves as an example of what this creative team does best. You aren’t just in a haunted house, you are inside the world of American Horror Story, living it. I’ll be interested to see if the series returns to the event in the next few years.
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little-lazylily · 6 years
This year hasn’t really been the easiest. Shit, I think it was one of the worst but thankfully there are people who stood by me throughout, some left halfway through, some I pushed away, some couldn’t last. Some decisions made might be regretful, but things happen for a reason whether you know it or not. Regardless, you can’t undo what happened. All you can do is to learn from it.
So, just a short snippet of what happened in 2018.
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I went to my first concert ever, and it was for Imagine Dragons (losing it) and honestly I did not regret my company for the day. And I freaking cried throughout when they entered till the end of the first song. Seriously. HAHAHAHA.
Also, it’s the first time I went JB with the clique or my friends tbh. It required more convincing than I thought, LOL, but yas, I’m so glad to have you guys around.
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I started talking to TW which was… HAHAHA. Oh well, everything is an experience aye?
It was a weird month where everything was so jumbled up together tbh.
It wasn’t that long since I got together with Da but it’s also when we ended. I’m so thankful that you showed me so much patience and understanding and took care of me throughout the semester and stayed by me relentlessly. I honestly don’t know how to tolerate me even after what happened.
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I started talking to Nic again because it felt right; that we could become friends again. We started hanging out and tried so many new firsts together, again. I wish I could feel the same again but it just wasn’t right anymore.
And my ex-girlf was dumbly back in Singapore for work, last I heard, she’s back in China again, smh. But I’m glad I got to meet you even if it’s for a while.
I met some friends in SMU and truthfully, we are kind of a shitty group in terms of classwork wise HAHAHA. Pulling stunts every time and doing work freaking last minute, it’s a surprise that we passed the module even.
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Sem 1.2 would not be survivable without Luq and I’m so thankful for you bro. He’s been there for me for whatever shitty reasons that makes me 24/7 upset, especially with all the exams and stuff. And he’s been filled with all my nonsense and bullshits, I don’t know how he’s still surviving being my friend HAHAHA. So glad I met ya.
And I met Jun, I liked him so fucking much guys. I can’t HAHAHA. Thanks for bringing me to my first clubbing session ft. Zedd. I can’t believe I was prioritizing guys again. Sigh.
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An important month of the year for my Chigga, THEAAAAAAAA. I’m sorry I kinda disappointed you with a simple plan to chill at the beach for your birthday, you had so many people to choose to spend it with but you spent it with me yas. I appreciate you so much. We’re just too damn ridiculous with our constant bullshits and I’m thankful that someone like you is around in my life.
Luq and I restrung a guitar for the first time while being scrub and doing it at a Coffee Bean outlet. Such horrible low ses lyf, just because we didn’t want to pay extra for services HAHAHA.
Also, Taiwan trip was a bomb. Sure I did not expect to go with MJ and it’s definitely weird but guys, platonic af. He’s always so understanding and tolerating of my tantrums and rage quits. Though he sucks at planning but HAHA at least he tried. Thanks for bringing me around and it was really enjoyable because I got to travel alone for a bit as well, it was one of the best fucking experience.
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I knew this guy through OkCupid and it was just that period of like, “oh I’m bored, let’s find some guys to talk to to pass time”. Damn, ever since we met at KOI and talked bout shits, I don’t know why it was so personal but I’m glad you opened up. And I couldn’t wait to see you, it was a weird feeling and I’m really not against it. You went Artbox with me, it was my first. Worse, you tricked me into hugging and kissing you okay. HAHAHA, you were just really this adorable guy and I wasn’t expecting much for us to happen and my friends weren’t really supportive either because I ain’t ready for this shit. But for me, I just wanted to see where this goes.
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I realized you were a camwhore by now HAHAHAHA, I hate taking photos and you know it. It caused some issues between us but whatev LOL. I can’t. Deal with you. At this point. You were still so adorable and YOU were the one who stole my heart you shit. Tbh, really proud of you and what you were doing, all those relentless trainings for NDP and drinking of BBTs for free HAHAHA, fattie. You look damn suave in uniform and TOTALLY WERTH THE WAIT.
It was also a milestone for Xi Mum and finally got proposed to. I’VE WAITED TOO LONG FOR THIS. I’m so glad it happened, it was so freaking beautiful okay guys.
And a million thanks to my BFF who made time to spend my birthday with me. I’m just so thankful that it was spent with someone whom I love. There was so much chilling and new shits. Thanks for putting it out to cheer me and showing so much love.
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Jiamin is finally back in Singapore and the weird poly clique could reunite again, at least for like… a few hours HAHA. You guys are still weird af. Though we are walking different paths, I wish y’all the very best in the next to come.
And I met this weirdo SMU girl, Amanda. HAHAHA, so our friendship literally started from, “Eh you want go club tonight with us?”, and I’m just like, “Ya sure ONS”. HAHAHA, WHY ARE WE SO FREAKING RIDICULOUS. I think it was just FOMO but HAHA, she’s one of the best out there guys.
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I finally went to Teepee Hut @ Mr Stork’s, it was freaking great though my company wasn’t what I expected but okay.
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As the date comes nearer, I get more nervous, I have no idea why but yeahs, it was our anniversary and it still kinda haunts me. We used to go every HHN together, except for the last and this year. And yeahs, it was just our thing, and now it’s changing.
Also, it’s my BFF, Denise, birthday as well. It was saddening that she didn’t join us for HHN, I think she would flip and it would be the joke of the next century HAHA. BUT WELL WELL WELL, that spot is taken by Lixuan and Thea and HAHAHA, GUYS, legit damn funny their reactions.
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Finally brought the bae to Teepee Hut because, yas, he was my supposed company and he’s still pissed that we didn’t go together first. He’s still such a cutie, I really don’t know how he still holds it together and tolerating me LOL.
And woohoo, shoutout to my SMU marketing chiongsters. You guys need to stop staying up and talking shits about what, getting fucked sideways by a carrot, PLEASE GUYS. HAHAHAHA, what a joke ass bunch, thanks for making this sem a fun one. Love y’all.
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Finally, a break to take a short travel, ALONE. Guys, I might be addicted to travelling alone. Tbh it was abit scary because of all the recent events and I don’t know, it just isn’t a safe country LOL, no where is.
Anyways, another milestone for my ex-colleague, congratulations on finally settling down.
And yas, I travelled to JB with the bae. It’s his first travelling with just two people, CAN MEH? Such a group-oriented person. It wasn’t what we expected and I think shits got abit bad at some point but I’m so glad to go through this with you, though it’s kinda boring af.
  Overview of 2018 This year hasn't really been the easiest. Shit, I think it was one of the worst but thankfully there are people who stood by me throughout, some left halfway through, some I pushed away, some couldn't last.
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