#Stoneman Willie
ode-on-a-grecian-butt · 9 months
Kind of an interesting read about local history (link to get past the paywall)
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frimleyblogger · 9 months
Corpse Of The Week (2)
Mummified #corpse is finally laid to rest after 128 years on display in #Reading in #Pennsylvania
It was a red letter day in Reading, Pennsylvania on October 7th when Stoneman Willie was finally laid to rest. He gave a false name when he was arrested for pickpocketing in 1895, and died from kidney failure while languishing in the local jail. Accidentally mummified by an undertaker who was experimenting with new embalming techniques, he has been prominently displayed in an open coffin in the…
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preeeow · 9 months
happy october! tis the season of people posting like. deeply saddening human stories only to follow it up with "wow isn't that creepy spooky :)"
like. no? this man defended his family member's final resting place from urban development. why would that be haunted or spooky, instead of just like. sad that he had to stand there for hours with a gun to keep people from disturbing her grave? why aren't we thinking about the fact that thousands of other people fought that same fight and didn't win, didn't get a median with a historical marker to forever commemorate your love for your family member. and your devotion to her rest.
the dude who was unburied and mummified in Pennsylvania only just now getting buried is not "creepy" and "scary" its fucking sad that this man was allowed to be experimented on and displayed because he committed a petty crime hundreds of years ago.
like i think ghost stories and believing in a remnant of people's spirits is fun but like. not at the expense of these idk. very real human experiences that are frequent throughout history. its not creepy. its just fucking sad that people DO this to each other.
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hibikore-archives · 1 year
よしもとかよ「日々是好日」。vol.104 ( 2023/3/29 + 4/5)
2023   29th march + 5th april  
M1 さくら さくら (Perunika Trio)
  M2 いちめんのなのはな (おおたか静流)     M3 petite fleur (Angelique Kidjo)
  M4 dos gardenias (Sarah Willis)     M5 すみれの花 (Sebestyen Marta)     M6 SanFrancisco - be sure to wear flowers in your hair -  (Scott McKenzie)     M7 tip-toe thru the tulips (Mateo Stoneman)       M8 dandelion (Eddi Reader)    
  < 好日の素 …押し花をたのしむこと >
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  いよいよ、春。 いろんな花があちらこちらで 咲き始めています。 お花見に出かけた方も 少なくないのではないでしょうか。   卒業式や歓送迎会などの多い時期、 ブーケなどをいただくことも 多いかもしれません。   花の種類にもよりますが、 活けてたのしんだあとに 押し花にして 二度たのしむのも いいものだなぁ、と 思うようになりました。   というのも、昨年使っていたカレンダーが その時その時の植物を 押し花にして 貼って使う、というスタイルのものだったから。   以前、番組で あじさいのドライフラワーのことを お話ししたこともありましたが、 ドライフラワーは どうしても かさばってしまいがち。 押し花は 飾��だけでなく 手紙やプレゼントに そっと添えることもできる コンパクトさが魅力かな、と思います。   花だけでなく、 ハーブや かたちの個性的な葉なども 押してみると、たのしいもの。 本格的な押し花器があればベストですが、 読み終えた厚みのある本などに はさんでできる気軽さも、気に入っています。 「そういえば…」と思い出すくらいの タイミングで 開いてみるのが、いいかも(わたしだけかな・笑)。   花や葉の愛らしさはもちろんのこと、 いつ摘んだものだったか、とか どなたからいただいたものだったか、など 思い出を 呼び覚ましてくれるようなところもあって しみじみとした気持ちにさせてくれます。         * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *        < 日々是食べたい! … バター >
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  普段の食事から お菓子づくりまで、 わたしにとっては 冷蔵庫にあってくれないと 困るなぁ、というもののひとつが、バターです。   今回のテーマを バターにしよう、と決めた際に 思い出したのが、 海外の知人が話していたこと。 どんな料理でも バターを加えれば たいていおいしくなると おばあちゃんが言っていた、というもの。 番組ディレクターちゃんも テーマを見た瞬間に テンションが上がっていたようです(笑。   パンに塗ったり おいもにつけて食べたり、 調理に使う場合のバターは いわゆる加塩のもの。 独特の風味があって コクが深い、発酵バターがお気に入り。 お菓子をつくるときには レシピにもよりますが 食塩不使用のバターを用いることが多いです。   牧草を食べて育った牛のミルクで作られる グラスフェッドバターも 店頭で見かけるようになりました。 身体にやさしいバターということで わたしも手に入るときは使っています。   溶かしたり混ぜたりして使うことの多い バターですが、 そのものをつめたいままで 食べることも。   子どもの頃、親戚のおじさんたちが お酒をたのしんでいる横で レーズンバターのおいしさを 知ってしまい、 あんまり食べたがるので 叱られたこともありました(笑。   なので、つめたいバターを そのままいただくことには 何の抵抗もなく、 そのレーズンバターはもちろんのこと あんバターサンドのバターは 当然つめたいのがいいと思いますし、 以前、このコーナーでも取り上げた グリーントマトのジャムには 塩味がしっかりあるつめたいバターを あわせます。   昨今、さまざまなものが 値上がりしているので、 ちょっといいバターを買うのが わたしには ささやかな贅沢というか、 ご褒美のようになっているこの頃です。    
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jingszo · 6 months
Pennsylvania mummy 'Stoneman Willie' to receive proper burial after 128 years
A mummified man known as Stoneman Willie will receive a proper burial after being on display at a funeral home in Reading, Pennsylvania, for 128 years.
The unidentified man was an alcoholic who died of kidney failure in a local jail on Nov. 19, 1895. He was accidentally mummified by a mortician experimenting with new embalming techniques, according to Auman's Funeral Home.
Dressed in a suit with a bow tie, the gaunt man is displayed in a coffin with a red sash across his chest. His hair and teeth remain intact, and his skin has taken on a leathery appearance.
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michaelgabrill · 9 months
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bishop389540 · 9 months
The mystery of the Stoneman Willie mummy, who will be buried after 128 years: the story of the man with no name
For over a century, one of the oldest mummies in the United States has found its home in the small town of Reading, Pennsylvania, at the Auman Funeral Home. This long period of exposure now comes to an end, as he prepares to give her a proper farewell and burial. This mummy was nicknamed “Stoneman Willie” by local residents. Stoneman Willie’s story dates back to November 19, 1895, when he died of…
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vbartilucci · 9 months
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The Theo C. Auman Funeral home in Reading, Pennsylvania had a long term tenant named "Stoneman Willie". Willie has been under the care of the home since November 21, 1898.
.Willie (real name James Murphy) was arrested in 1898 for burglary and drunken mischief. He was imprisoned where he soon died of alcohol withdrawal. He provided police with the fake name James Penn. Funeral home owner Theo C. Auman was experimenting with new embalming techniques at the time. Auman hoped to preserve the body long enough for a next-of-kin to be identified and notified. The technique ended up mummifying the body completely. No next-of-kin was ever found and Willie's body has been in care of the funeral home for 128 years. He was given the nickname Stoneman Willie.
.Decades of research have recently identified Willie as one James Murphy of New York.
This week was his last public viewing. Afterwards, he was given a funerary procession, buried and given a tombstone bearing his name.
via Justin Fornal (AKA Baron Ambrosia) on FB.
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Mummificato per errore: identificato e sepolto in Pennsylvania
James Murphy, un uomo che è stato accidentalmente mummificato e che è noto con il nome di “Stoneman Willie”, è stato identificato e sepolto sabato 7 ottobre dopo essere stato esposto in un’impresa di pompe funebri a Reading, in Pennsylvania, per 128 anni. Dopo la sua morte, avvenuta il 19 novembre 1895, l’impresa funebre di Auman aveva esposto i resti di Murphy. Al momento della sua morte Murphy…
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swldx · 9 months
12095Khz 0357 8 OCT 2023 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55445. English, dead carrier s/on @0357z then ID@0359z pips and Newsroom preview. @0401z World News anchored by Gareth Barlow. Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a wave of rocket attacks and sent fighters into Israel in the biggest escalation in decades. PM Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed "mighty vengeance" on Palestinian militants for what he called a "black day". The violence continued on Saturday evening - with Tel Aviv and other central Israeli cities hit by a new barrage of rockets and Israel saying they are fighting militants in 22 places. Some 250 people in Israel have been killed and dozens of Israelis are believed to have been taken hostage. Israel has already responded with a wave of air strikes on Gaza, killing more than 230 people, officials say. The Israeli army has asked residents of several areas of the Gaza Strip to flee their homes in preparation for retaliatory strikes against Hamas. U.S. President Joe Biden offered Israel on Saturday "all appropriate means of support" after a deadly attack from Palestinian militant group Hamas and warned "any party hostile to Israel" not to seek advantage. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke Saturday with foreign ministers from Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt, reiterating Israel's right to self defense, calling for coordinated efforts to halt the Hamas attacks, and discussing "the unprecedented scale and brutality of the Hamas attacks on Israeli territory," according to a State Department spokesman. The United Nations Security Council scheduled a closed meeting for Sunday after Hamas attacked Israel, triggering a bloody conflict that some analysts fear could spread. Hundreds of people are feared dead and at least 1,000 are injured after a powerful earthquake hit western Afghanistan, near the Iranian border. Ecuador’s national police chief and the head of the penitentiary institute were ousted Saturday after seven suspects in the assassination of a presidential candidate were killed in prison under mysterious circumstances. The burial of James Murphy, a man who was accidentally mummified and known publicly by the name "Stoneman Willie", is done after he was publicly identified and buried after being on display at a local funeral home that has been his resting place for 128 years, in Reading, Pennsylvania, U.S. @0406z "The Newsroom" begins. 250ft unterminated BoG antenna pointed E/W w/MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preamplifier/preselector), Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2259.
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blogynews · 9 months
The Enigmatic Tale of Mummified Stoneman Willie: Unveiling the Hidden Identity of James Murphy, 128 Years Later
The town of Reading, Pennsylvania, recently bid farewell to a mysterious resident known as “Stoneman Willie.” Over the past few days, crowds of curious onlookers gathered to pay their respects, take photographs, or simply marvel at a unique scene that is unlikely to be witnessed again in the United States. The story of “Stoneman Willie” dates back to 1895, when an unidentified thief passed away…
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blogynewz · 9 months
The Enigmatic Tale of Mummified Stoneman Willie: Unveiling the Hidden Identity of James Murphy, 128 Years Later
The town of Reading, Pennsylvania, recently bid farewell to a mysterious resident known as “Stoneman Willie.” Over the past few days, crowds of curious onlookers gathered to pay their respects, take photographs, or simply marvel at a unique scene that is unlikely to be witnessed again in the United States. The story of “Stoneman Willie” dates back to 1895, when an unidentified thief passed away…
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antonio-velardo · 9 months
Antonio Velardo shares: After 128 Years in a Pennsylvania Funeral Home, a Beloved Mummy Is Buried by Remy Tumin
By Remy Tumin Stoneman Willie, as he is known, was a legend in Reading, where his remains were on display for generations. On Saturday, the city revealed his real name and gave him a proper send-off. Published: October 7, 2023 at 01:34PM from NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/OKXpedG via IFTTT
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andronetalks · 9 months
Pennsylvania mummy known as 'Stoneman Willie' identified after 128 years of mystery
ABC 6 Action News – Philadelphia By Ivan Pereira Thursday, October 5, 2023 6:06PM READING, Pennsylvania — More than 128 years after he died in a Reading, Pennsylvania, jail, a man who was accidentally mummified and left at a funeral home without any identification will finally get his long-awaited burial. Officials at Auman’s Funeral Home, the Reading funeral home that has displayed what is known…
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diarioelpepazo · 9 months
Jheilyn Cermeño Una momia que ha estado en exhibición durante 128 años en una funeraria en Reading, Pensilvania, Estados Unidos (EEUU), tendrá un funeral adecuado. Vestido con un traje y una corbata de moño, el hombre se muestra en un ataúd con una banda roja cruzando su pecho. Su cabello y dientes permanecen intactos. La momia conocida como Stoneman Willie murió de insuficiencia renal en una cárcel local el 19 de noviembre de 1895. El hombre no identificado fue un alcohólico. Debido a que proporcionó un nombre falso cuando quedó arrestado por hurto, la identidad de Stoneman Willie estuvo desconocida durante muchos años. Por lo que las autoridades locales no pudieron localizar a sus familiares. La funeraria solicitó al Estado permiso para mantener el cuerpo en lugar de enterrarlo para monitorear el proceso experimental de embalsamamiento. Sin embargo, ahora la funeraria afirma que lo identificado y dará a conocer su nombre el día de su entierro. Antes de sepultarlo, la ciudad de Reading rendirá un homenaje a «Willie». El pasado domingo, los residentes locales desfilaron por las calles para celebrar el 275 aniversario con un colorido desfile que incluyó un coche fúnebre que llevaba el ataúd de Willie. Durante toda esta semana Willie estará en exhibición en la Funeraria Auman. El sábado 7 de octubre 2023, hará su último viaje por las calles de Reading y será enterrado en un cementerio local, donde finalmente se inscribirá su nombre real en su lápida. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/2001/Agencias/MLN
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piyasahaberleri · 9 months
128 yılını Reading, Pensilvanya'daki bir cenaze evinde sergilenen mumyalanmış Stoneman Willie, nihayet 7 Ekim 2023'te saygılı bir halde gömülecek.19 Kasım 1895'te adı açıklanmayan bir alkolik adam, böbrek yetmezliği sebebiyle mahalli bir hapishanede vefat etti. Auman'ın Cenaze Evi'ne bakılırsa, yeni mumyalama prosedürlerini deneyen bir cenazeci onu yanlışlıkla mumyaladı.Sıska adam, bir ekip elbise ve papyon takmış bir tabutun içinde sergileniyor ve göğsünün çevresinde kırmızı bir dönem var. Cildinin kösele benzer biçimde bir görünümü var fakat saçları ve dişleri hâlâ orada.Stoneman Willie'nin kimliği oldukca uzun süre bilinmiyordu ve adam yankesicilik suçundan hapse atıldığında düzmece isim kullandığı için mahalli yetkililer aile üyelerini bulamadı.Cenaze evi, tecrübe etme mumyalama prosedürünü gözlemlemek amacıyla cesedi gömmek yerine alıkoymak için devletten izin istemişti.Sadece Auman'ın Cenaze Evi'ne bakılırsa Stoneman Willie artık zamanı kayıtlar vesilesiyle tanındı ve bu hafta cenaze gömüldüğünde adı kamuoyuna açıklanacak. İrlandalı soyunun ötesinde onun hakkında şimdiye kadar pek bir şey bilinmiyordu.Cenaze müdürü Kyle Blankenbiller, "Ondan mumya olarak bahsetmiyoruz. Ondan arkadaşımız Willie olarak bahsediyoruz" dedi. "O öyleki bir simge haline geldi ki, yalnızca Reading'in geçmişinin değil, kesinlikle bugününün de öykülü bir parçası oldu."Nesiller süresince Reading folklorunun kıymetli bir parçası olan adam, cenazesinden ilkin kent tarafınca anımsanacak.Mahalli halk, Pazar günü Reading'in 275. doğum gününü anmak için Willie'nin tabutunu taşıyan bir motosiklet cenaze otomobilinin da yer almış olduğu canlı bir geçit töreniyle sokaklara akın etti.Willie bu hafta süresince Auman'ın Cenaze Evi'nde sergilenecek. Yakınlardaki bir mezarlığa defnedilmeden ve gerçek adı resmi olarak gömüt taşına yazılmadan ilkin, Cumartesi günü Reading sokaklarında son yolculuğunu meydana getirecek.
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