#Storage on Rent
rentalservice · 2 months
High-Performance DAS on Hire in Mumbai
Indian Renters provides high-performance DAS on hire in Mumbai. Move your data easily with our short-term rental plans. Ensure your work is backed up 24/7 without blocking your capital. Contact us for DAS rental today!
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averlym · 1 year
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,,, wdhdnfhffjjf
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musubiki · 7 months
insane to think about how much raw power is collected together in the cats guild and yet from any onlookers perspective it just a bunch of college aged kids living in a house together
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dyymi · 5 months
my mom has betrayed me (she won't bring all of my stuffed animals out of storage)
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ijustcantfigureout · 9 days
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otterandterrier · 6 months
I found the listing for the 1 bedroom apartment next door to mine. rent is more or less what I expected, which is a lot because everything is a lot here these days, including my current studio apartment.
I don't know what to do, like I could *probably* make it, especially if I get more clients (which I might soon), but it might be tight/won't be able to save as much as I've been saving so far. but at the same time what am I even doing with those savings? it's not enough to do anything big, like a trip abroad or a car or a house, and I barely even go on vacation. so why not at least upgrade to a place that at least has a balcony I can sit on...?
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br1ghtestlight · 7 months
deeply sick in the head bcuz im thinking about ernest like he was an actual Serious character. what was his relationship with bob like? why did he name his nephew in his will if they hadn't talked for years?? bob was his only living family left when he died. He clearly cared for him to some extent. bob called him UNCLE ERNIE. what was his relationship with lily like? how did he react to his sister dying so long before him? did he ever get married or have a family??? does anyone even care except me? NO.
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jesuisgourde · 3 months
lol @ queers who are like "we value open communication blah blah" and then ghost you when you try to figure out if you're going to live with them or not
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rentalservice · 1 year
Rent a Storage on Rent Near Me with Indian Renters
 Indian Renters provides storage on rent near you for all your business needs. Our range includes high-performance equipment from leading brands. Contact us at 9711708090 to rent your desired equipment today and take your business to the next level!
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graysongraysoff · 3 months
why everything gotta cost money
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zebrafiz · 2 years
mutual aid needed
hi guys😭 my family and i have been really struggling financially recently and hurricane ian only made it worse. we didn’t get hit too badly yesterday but it’s projected we’ll get more storms later today and tomorrow possibly. the problem is that we’re unable to stay in our house since our yard is full of very unstable trees that could come down at any moment…. So we’ve been staying with family. point is tho we haven’t been able to hurricane prep at ALL bc we can’t afford it. we haven’t got any food to eat for a household comprised of 5 adults, 3 dogs, and 1 cat either
basically im just putting this out here in case anyone can & wants to help with necessities (specifically food) lol
cashapp: $vinrr
venmo: vinny-rh
u can dm me/send an ask for paypal if that works best. literally any amount helps so i won’t set a bar fhsjdjdj thank you to everyone who even reads this i feel so shitty asking but i dont rly have many options left yk
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damnprecious · 2 months
tfw you sit down for a break at work in a room with literally 80 chairs and instead of using any of them, you sit on the floor
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baladric · 9 months
[heavy southern accent] hello thank you for calling house of leaves storage¹, we are unable to come to the phone right now due to the ceaselessness of our wandering and advise you to ignore the door that does not belong, the lights are on timers equal to the scant minutes remaining of your lifespan and we remind you that the gate code is george crumb's schenkerian analytic reduction of the second movement rhythmic cell of alban berg's violin concerto². happy new year! may your liminal consumption³ be as gradual as it is transformational!
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tumblintuck · 5 months
If my phone gives me a notification about my low storage one more goddamn time I'm going to start shooting hostages
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goldshadows · 5 months
♚♚♚♚♚ x 10000 mwah mwah <3
if you like my writing, accepting
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that's so many!! where am i gonna put all of those
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writhe · 1 year
trying to play it REALLY COOL about needing to move out in a month and having nowhere to go
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