#Story Protag Sawp AU
More Story Protag Swap AU!
Okay, I'm kinda convince that this is more of a fan service for my hyperfix but I'll make this work!
Since RGB is taking teacher's place the whole kingdom thing will be changed to a more familiar timezone. AKA 1990 something, the curse will still be present but the affects are different
The one infected with the curse will turn into a character, something similar to the world of make believe, think of it like a Madoka Magica scenario where the Magical girls become witches
It's still the same affect when the humans agree to be the Hero in the world of make believe
Another big difference is the curse. There will be characters that can curse and those who can't. RGB doesn't have the ability but claims to just for the soul purpose that humans will leave him alone
Can't decide wether to make Hero an orphan or a kid who got lost far away from the town. Bot of there encounter Plays the same with how Teacher meet Shiva, only difference is that Hero got injured and RGB [guilty enough] try to heal her in his little hideout in the woods
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