#Strahd can still control him but Leo also really really wants to murder him
vanhelsingapologist · 11 months
soo question; how is leo dilisnya kicking in your campaign? I’m perplexed as to why and how you managed that HAHA
We uhhh heisted the Wachterhaus and found the box of bones. We took them because the plaque was like “this is my mortal enemy die die die die -strahd” and that sounded like a surprise tool that could help us later.
But when we pulled them out they were like. Sinewy. Held together by tendon. It was established with Doru that vampires could be starved for years and years so reasoning quickly became bones = possible vampire.
So for fucking fun we drip fed the bones blood and it worked. He started to regenerate over time until we had one mad as hell vampire thrall with gaps in his memory and a massive 400 year old, Strahd-shaped chip on his shoulder. I’m semi-certain it’s based off I, Strahd lore but I am not 100%.
I hope this helps HAHAHA
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