chthontoya · 1 year
Soulmate 24h
ShinRa less evil megacorporation AU = Ignorance AU
Identical drawing soulmark. AerTi. Cetra have no marks but have soulmates.
Names soulmark. Reno x Rude. No idea of true names, marks placed in hard to reach places.
Shared music. AerTi. Aerith can’t distinguish Tifa’s humming from voices of Planet.
Mark showing how endangered soulmate is. AerTi (Aerith lives AU). Being child Tifa’ve made promise to bring her soulmate to safety one day.
[After this point everything is Cloud centred, you were warned]
Timers. Strifentine. After meeting timer counts down to date of death, Jenova cells wash away mark, Cloud’s WEAPON. Vincent notices his timer changed to uncountable amount only after Avalanche leave Nibelhaim.
Distance between soulmates soulmark. Strifodos (Ignorance AU), Genesis isn’t patient person and Cloud constantly hides. Genesis has a plan and it includes to have a mission with every infantry squad. In the end they got separated from others and got a chance to talk.
Distance between soulmates soulmark. Strifehart, their mark in runes of summons.
First words. Strifodos (Ignorance AU). Genesis always declaring poesy, who’d thought his soulmate wears short “shit”.
First words. Strifentine. Iconic Vincent’s phrase on Cloud and short “shit” on Vincent.
Body-swap every birthday. Strifentine, Vincent’s demons and Cloud’s constant fatigue.
Spontaneous body-swap. Strifehart, Cloud and Strife are from different worlds and have impressive lives. “What the f*ck happened this time?” and “OK, that’s explains” (Dissidia).
Object sharing. Reno x Cloud. Reno’s turk and can make use of anything, Cloud rarely needs something.
Object sharing – weapon sharing. Zakkura (Zack lives AU) or CloudGeal (Ignorance AU).
Object sharing – weapon sharing. Sephikura (Ever Crisis).
Hot&Cold (soulmark). Cloudgeal (Ignorance AU).
Marks on body when soulmate kisses other person. Zakkura (Zack lives AU), Zack searches for his soulmate intensively, Cloud decides on way to kill his soulmate.
More colours can be seen. Strifentine, Strifodos or Sephikura, none of them is touchy.
Compass to your soulmate. Strifentine. Compass show place your soulmate will be born or have died.
Compass to your soulmate. Zakkura (Zack lives AU or Ignorance AU). Fluff, Zack “abuses” his soulmark as much as he possibly can.
Compass. Sephikura. Cloud searches for Sephiroth more effectively.
Dream-sharing. Strifentine. Dream-scape was always under control of Vincent nightmares, till they become mako-infused nightmares. It took Vincent some time to understand what was happening.
Wolf-mates. Zakkura (Cloud never joins ShinRa AU). Cloud’s last werewolf, cursed to extinction, because they’ve betrayed Gaia and have helped ShinRa. Nibelheim accident, but ShinRa property was ruined by Nibelheim wolves.
Shared memories. Zakkura. Angst.
Identical soul-marks. Zack x Cloud x Aerith. Cloud afraid to tell Zack their marks match because Zack already have found his soulmate.
Identical soul-marks. Zack x Cloud x Aerith. Cloud afraid to tell Zack their marks match because Zack already have found his soulmate. Zack lives AU and Aerith lives AU.
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chthontoya · 5 months
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