#Strig IRL
eternalstrigoii · 12 days
You guys have been wildly and ceaselessly supportive of me in my (checks notes) mess of endeavors....so would I be out of line to ask if any of you guys would actually vote for me in The Face of Horror competition to help me win 13k and the opportunity to investigate ghosts with Kane Hodder? (There is also a Rue Morgue photoshoot in there but like....I am experiencing detachment from my flesh vessel at this time.)
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barfcity · 11 months
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we're all the worst person.
heres the info, if you want it.
_-INFORMATION-_ this post will get updated as time goes on.
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GENERAL ---- Barf City (aka BBARFCITYY) is a personal webcomic/project planned by DSi.OS, based on mostly life stuff, like diary entries, dream journaling, irl experiences, chatlogs, and other stuff. though theres probably gonna be lore too. who knows. you surely dont. This project will probably seem very sour at first glance, but it means a LOT to us, and all the characters are very important to me. SIMPLE RULES ---- -no flat out nsfw asks. i wont answer them if you send them. leave me OUT of that. ("haha dick" jokes are different from flat out nsfw.) -do NOT drag me into drama, politics, or anything of the sort. dont be a fucking (BAD) freak. (you can visit HERE for more info.) CONTENT WARNINGS ---- -Slurs (reclaimed. ALWAYS reclaimed.) -Tame(?) NSFW Humor. -Oldschool internet type stuff. -Cussing. Adult language. Whatever you call it. -Possibly triggering subjects. (Gore/Trauma/Ect.) -Generally weird and strange things. CHARACTERS ----
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STRIGOT -- (Strih-gett/Strih-goh) -[aka]- "strig" (strihg) or "stri" (str-ai) the main guy. [info tba]
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ANDREW -- (An-droo) -[aka]- "andy" (an-dee) robot we found in the dumpster. [info tba]
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CORPUS -- (KORP-uss) -[aka]- "corp" (korp) big "scary" guy. [info tba]
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WILLBER -- (Wil-buh/Wil-burr) -[aka]- "will" (wil) pays for the house (we think) [info tba]
EXTRA/TRIVIA/FAQ ---- (will add on as necessary) -all these guys live together. in barf city. in barf town. in a barf house. theyre all roommates. -all characters are based off of "inspiration clusters" -whos dsi? well that would SADLY be none of your beeswax, actually. find me if you can teeheehee! -wanna leave a mark? visit the official barf city bulletin board.
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(it'll be heavily moderated, but you can interact with characters n stuff. it'll be fun.) -need some tunes - or something to get a better grasp on the cast's humor? (PLEASE) check out the "official" playmix!
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eternalstrigoii · 7 months
Repeating one more time for those who don't read reblogs:
Over the next few days, all of my fanfic -- MoE and otherwise -- will be transferred to AO3.
My works are blocked to the general internet because of AI scraping. You MUST sign up for an AO3 account in order to read. This includes all current and future works, continuations, revamps, etc. If you have left a note on my work, this post is for you.
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eternalstrigoii · 11 days
I don't know if tonight has made it into the top ten worst nights of my life. Probably, but I am so grateful to my brain that she just. Tosses the blankets, smooths out the wrinkles, buries everything down somewhere where it shouldn't come back up any time soon.
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eternalstrigoii · 3 months
first of all anytime i see a post and think “huh that’s interesting” and i always know it’s you
also, on the animal intelligence, one part of my psychology degree was on animal and human behaviour and we had to do a group project to create a test to determine if an alien life form was “intelligent” and it was the hardest thing ever because obviously we can’t just presume they’re intelligent purely bc they communicate with us, bc there are so many species on earth that don’t and are still intelligent, and we had to take any form they possibly came in into account.
we got a good grade but they were still like, “they could still be intelligent if they failed this” and i don’t think there was a good answer bc i think the whole point was that it’s arrogant to assume that we’re the ones with authority on it
Firstly, thank you, that is probably the greatest compliment I've ever gotten (especially on a non-work basis, I got deep into biodiversity and ecology for fun). Second.....exactly. That is exactly what I mean when I give humans such hard and fast criticism -- humans are okay at problem solving. We're okay at pattern recognition. We're, by no means, a squirrel, jay, or bumblebee. There is so much humanity knows it doesn't know, how could we even begin to recognize what it doesn't? TL;dring in the concept of "umwelt" and how, to most other species (ants re: a popular post I may have reblogged, but cats as a popular concept), humans are exceptionally stupid, Franz de Waal is on to a lot of things.
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eternalstrigoii · 4 months
I don't think I commemorated it here, let alone properly, but I did observe the four-year anniversary of The Day Borra Happened To Me(TM) and let me be clear: I have not abandoned anything. I am shelved at the moment because of immediate necessities. But I am getting back, it is getting better, there will be a full return to posting imminently. Much of what I wrote during my six weeks of feral serotonin will get revised and re-serialized. (There are also other things I need to do that will get done so, stay tuned.)
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eternalstrigoii · 7 months
Local Idiot Becoming More Mentally Healthy, Encouraging Characters To Participate in Healing Journey. More at 11.
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eternalstrigoii · 4 months
Something tells me the next ten days of my life are going to be really weird.
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eternalstrigoii · 5 months
I went and saw Abigail and now I am devastated by the fact that I am not Dracula's wife again.
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eternalstrigoii · 5 months
I cannot remember if I reblogged a good luck post recently or if it's genuine luck and divine intervention.....but I got a confirmation email for a work-from-home remote job. I just have to do onboarding to secure it, and after my birthday vacation, I might just quit my dead-end sales day job.
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eternalstrigoii · 1 year
WIP Tag Game
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eternalstrigoii · 5 months
Hey @staff, why in the fuck would you log me out when I haven't logged out of this hellsite in literal years?
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eternalstrigoii · 6 months
I was twenty boops away from two cat friends and the third paw, tumblr. You brat bastard.
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eternalstrigoii · 7 months
Shay picked the movie for movie date and that's going to bleed into my work now.
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eternalstrigoii · 7 months
Let's see if I can break my curse and actually fucking draft something tonight.
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eternalstrigoii · 2 years
.....not my ass realizing belatedly that the answer to the “pepsi at the hospital vs vampires” post is vending machines.
vending machine drinks are typically 1.75.
in the cooler at work, out in public, they’re 2.19, which comes out to 2.40 with tax. In the break room? In the VENDING MACHINE? 1.75. because no one updates out-of-the-way workforce vending machine prices, they just restock them.
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