It's the same story over again
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The sheer panic and disbelief and despair in their eyes are destroying me.
the expressions this chapter the expressions
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deqiha · 2 months
Yona fans who go like "I will never forgive Soowon" are so silly in my eyes, tbh, I'd even say they're a bit cringe. Acting as if Soowon committed a crime against them personally (I say we give him a prize for getting rid of a shitty king).
I'm sorry for Yona and Hak, but I am even more sorry for Kouka's people who had had King Il as their ruler.
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only4soo-won · 2 months
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under-my-pillow · 18 days
The recent chapter makes me cry but also makes me quite angry as well.
Hak admits it. Doing something for his own country scares him. He admits he can't make a choice like that, that is fine.
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But then this? Why does the story between them always get spun in a way that only Soo-won is wrong! The narrative seems to emphasize that only Soo-won committed a grave crime and is facing the consequences, the punishment.
Hak still doesn't get the point! Why did things end up being this way! Once again it sounds like the burden is put all on Soo-won to correct things? Like Hak doesn't have anything to correct?!
He's not saying Maybe both of us could have made different choices... Maybe if I had tried a little better with my position...
Yes, I am aware the conversation started out with Soo-won saying if he went back in time he'd do the same, but isn't that true?
He asks if he went back in time would he really repeat the same, then what about you, Hak? Would you do the same? Everything Hak says from, I can't change the way you think to punishment to tweak things around to create a better outcome... Why is it only Soo-won's responsibility to create a better outcome?
He is not saying, yes, I am scared to choose so, let's change it together, let us make a choice so we don't have to choose among ourselves, grieve like this, and remain broken like this...
Us - We made mistakes, if we ever get a chance to go back let us make different choices.
He is not acknowledging that Soo-won's drastic choice was a result of generals like him being stupid and careless.
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For as long as people dump everything on him, forget once, even if he goes back in time a thousand times, he can only keep making the same choices.
Like it's always Soo-won's guilt. But what about you? Why the hell aren't you guilty? Why isn't he talking about his responsibility, his mistakes, his regrets!
I swear to God every time there's a conversation between these three it's always two people taking some kind of holy ground above him... Like everything was only because of Soo-won. I am honestly sick of it and I just want to tape his mouth shut!
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aishiteru-kenshin · 1 year
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Yona of The Dawn | 暁のヨナ | Su-won, Yona & Hak
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Yona of the Dawn: Chapter 200 ~ My Favorite Bits (SPOILERS)
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Hak is sharp
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This conversation 🤣
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Always the play-boy 😏
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The fact that he didn’t recognize Hak’s voice BUGS me 🥴 Y’all have been together for soooooo long.
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I feel like this is the start of a joke. A government official, a soldier, and a genius pretty boy walk into a bar...
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These two idiots 🙃
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Hak 🥺
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Sooooooo, you’re going to die, right? Asking for a friend.
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Yes girl! Show them who’s boss!
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Death would be too easy
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Jae-Ha, the number one HakYona shipper
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Cut from the same cloth 🤣
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SEE, she even realized it was Hak’s voice. Jae-Ha your best friend points are slipping
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She wants to protect Hak so badly 😭😭😭
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Uh oh, watch out, rage Hak coming through!!!
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su-won · 2 years
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lauraagrace · 2 years
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Let's talk about Su-Won from Yona of the Dawn!
Hate to love him? Love to hate him? Somewhere in between?
I confess I LOVED Su-won in the beginning! I didn't agree with all his actions, but I don't think he really acts like the "bad guy" he's made out to be. *hides*
When I started Yona, I knew SO many people who hated his guts and I came in fully prepared to hate him too. However, despite that one horrendous action, I felt that if he really is suppose to be the bad guy, why is he doing such a bad job at it?
For at least the first 10 volumes (and pass this too, but those first few volumes stand out the most to me), we see him turn around the nation and take a stand in a way that Yona's father didn't. Because of this, any time he came on page, I was completely hooked (and loved the volume I shared in the pic by the way!) because I wanted to see what he would do next. He honestly always surprised me even though it still angered me what he did and how deeply it impacted Yona and Hak.
My friend and I are going to be buddy reading volumes 37 and 38 this week and I will be curious to see how my feelings change because I will also confess that I have not loved him in the latest volumes. I think it was easier to disassociate what happened in the beginning because Su-won and Yona were never together (except during a few painful occasions), but now that she is back in the palace, it has been…hard.
I guess until I read it, I'll still stand behind my liking of Su-won even though I know that's a super unpopular opinion. *hides* Not sure why I wanted to share all this morning, but thanks for reading my rambles!
YouTube Video Review: https://youtu.be/iT5HciwzgJw
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ritzy-biscuit · 1 month
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Full article here
It's disgusting that we see more and more companies using AI to avoid paying creatives just to fill their own pockets. What hurts the most are companies like Wacom and Michaels and others, that are all about uplifting artists and creativity, using obvious AI.
Then you have these fake ass ppl using these generative AI programs calling themselves "artists" and scamming people. If anyone is on artist TikTok you might have come across a vid of a writer who commissioned an "artist" to illustrate a book cover. Poor woman found out the illustration was in fact AI after being urged by the comments to request the files and even the scammer themselves said they used AI. Something the scammer didn't disclose in their description. The writer spent over $1000 for this cover thinking she was commissioning a genuine artists.
The good thing is that artists are fighting back (and winning) and AI isn't copyrightable or protected.
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vaxxman · 5 months
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I really like the Burly Beast flair that's coming from @gracefireheart's Red Oktoberfest's gem fusion.
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I bet he gets a lot of silly thoughts and starts giggling out of nowhere (It's medic coming up with a funny idea and telling heavy about it). He probably high-fives himself after doing something cool. King of self love, ultimate being, 10/10.
Oh and his rancid counterpart.
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Hhhh I see something that has 4 human arms and I'm 💕💕💕
Drawing in this style is a bit hard for me. Everyone ends up looking too young.
Original crossover idea is by @lenny-link.
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Su-Won this chapter hearing Yona and Hak are in danger be like:
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deqiha · 2 months
Soowon is a very complex and interesting character, and one of his traits I like a lot is his idealisation of Yuhon because it actually created a really big issue of Soowon.
Of course, Yuhon was his role model when he was a child, but what about 18 y.o. SW? Did he think of his father so much, to the point that he started questioning some of his words or actions? Or does he still see his father in a perfect light? I've got these questions because while SW is a shrewd and level-headed person, he's been shown to be biased for the first time (as far as I remember; it's been a while since I've read AkaYona) when Yona came to him to vouch for peace between Xing and Kouka.
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When I first read this manga, I was a teenager who didn't have a habit of trying to go in depth with characters, but looking at these frames now, I can say that this scene is a big tell of how Soowon sees Yuhon. He is making excuses for his father's unnecessary cruelty, even though Soowon himself, I believe, would never do something like that.
Also, chapter 221 shows that Soowon, in fact, never questioned Yuhon's methods. His father's influence on him never lessened, even after all these years (perhaps because he's been surrounded by Yuhon's supporters since, idk, forever).
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He is a king. He has to sacrifice his humanity for the sake of his kingdom - that's what he's been taught by his beloved father, whom he never questioned. ("Please, let me see the board objectively" - I almost fucking cried).
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So sweet is the realization that he, in fact, can't do that. He is only a human, after all, someone who already sacrificed his childhood and his closest friends for Kouka people's well-being, and I can't imagine his heart being able to take another loss.
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Soowon has basically abandoned himself. The persona he and the adults around him have raised in him is "king" (according to Yuhon's ideals). I believe Soowon isn't introspective; he has been running away from his feelings this whole time, and chapter 221 was the first time he's faced them. It's very fascinating to me: he is always ready to face the consequences of his decisions, but never to face his feelings.
P.S.: I'll be very glad to receive any corrections or different opinions, because, as I said before, it's been a while since I read AkaYona, and the moments mentioned in this posts are the ones I remember vividly.
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only4soo-won · 14 days
He finally spilled it out! So proud of you KING♥️
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under-my-pillow · 3 months
Yona, selfish or cruel?
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Is it just about Zeno? This far into the story, many might not actually remember or care, but the first person I remembered when reading this was not Zeno, but Ao, the former Seiryuu.
Ao breaks down when Shin-ah asks if he can make friends if he doesn't use the power of Seiryuu. Why? Because he was once that lonely child who wanted friends! He remained lonely, unwanted, detested and feared. The villagers never wanted him to be born, and they didn't care that he died.
He loathed his powers, he loathed himself till the day he died. How chillingly cruel is it for someone to live like that? How cruel is it to live like a curse, having their soul and will crushed every day they lived?
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When I go back to read and watch this scene after the recent chapters, it has a whole new intensity.
It also brings the question, who is Ao to Yona? He was a Seiryuu too, but did he mean anything to her? What does his suffering mean to her? Does she even remember him? Has she suffered even fraction of the pain he has suffered? Where was she when he was suffering?
So, by what right did Yona decide his fate and of others so willy-nilly? In what confidence does she utter the words - 'I will come for them as many times it takes." - She knows very well, that she doesn't. So, who exactly is 'them'? Well, we know who.
But then doesn't that essentially mean that the lives of all the deceased dragon warriors were indeed without meaning. Let alone to mean something, she doesn't even remember them - So, their whole lives, what exactly did they live for?
Who was there to tell Ao, he was not cursed? Who was there to love Ao? When he lay stiff in the dark, alone in some rainy ditch, paralyzed, suffering from the backlash of his own powers, what was going through his head? Was he praying he simply died there instead?
Is this something Yona has considered? No matter what she does going forward, is this really something she can compensate for? Can she really undo all that pain & suffering?
It's not just Zeno's salvation. Can the sorrow of generations worth two-thousand years simply be resolved in one moment?
Yona condemns the dragon gods, but will she condemn herself too? The dragon gods out of their love for Hiryuu started a point of misfortune and ironically, Yona, his reincarnation triggered this chain reaction of misery out of her love for the dragon warriors.
Will she recognize what an unforgivable act she has committed and admit to it?
Nevertheless, as things stand, two things are very clear. If she was being selfish, her arrogance is beyond that of the dragon gods, and if she was being ignorant & naïve, she has outdone Yu-hon, and every other character in cruelty.
He may only barely qualify as a minor character, but I still can't forget Ao.
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aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
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Yona of The Dawn | 暁のヨナ | Su-won, Yona & Hak
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Yona of the Dawn: Chapter 189 ~ My Favorite Bits (SPOILERS)
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To save your life, obviously 🙄
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Can we please get a backstory of where this dude came from???
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The pure disdain in her eyes 
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But how does she know that???
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I’m not going to cry
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About that...
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Majestic 💙💚🤍💛
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Zeno: "This air smells lovely.”
Kija: “I wonder how many of these guys I can fight at once?”
Jae-Ha: “I’d rather be looking at women.”
Shin-Ah: *not listening*
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People usually end up dead when Kija is involved, so I’m not surprised that’s their first instinct
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*serious mode activated*
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I have to give it to Kija. Dude is cool as a cucumber while a sword is being swung at his head
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That’s right!!! Show them who’s really in charge!!!
(also, can’t get over “lord white dragon”, it’s so weird)
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Ohhhh, he’s mad 
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Correction: Hak is invincible
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Zeno is really playing a different game
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Zeno knows all
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That’s the reaction I think we all expected
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King dude... I love you Zeno
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