#Suborder: Ensifera
hola katydid!! Me encantó tu relato sobre los saltamontes (katydid), me despertaron muchas dudas sobre estos insectos, siempre he pensado que grillo, chicharra , saltamontes y chapulín son cosas diferentes, originalmente trataba de contarte sobre los chapulines pero no sabía si decirte si eran grillos o saltamontes.
Buscando resulto que el grillo pertenece al suborden Ensifera, tiene antenas largas, sus colores son opacos, su cuerpo es tosco, sus saltos son torpes y sus alas son cortas.
Los saltamontes y chapulines son del suborden Caelifera, sus colores son brillantes, y son ágiles al volar, también su aparto auditivo está en diferentes partes.
Entonces puedo decirte con seguridad que el chapulín es un saltamontes. Chapulín viene del náhuatl del  chapōlin, de chapā[nia] ‘rebotar’, y ōlli ‘hule’, ‘insecto de que brinca como pelota de hule’ .
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el nombre chapulín se usa genéricamente en México y America Central para las siguientes especies:
Todas las de la familia Acrididae, las langostas.
Todas las del suborden Caelifera (al cual pertenece la familia Acrididae), los saltamontes.
Hay bastantes tipos de chapulines si quieres puedes verlos en la página de la Wikipedia: https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapul%C3%ADn
el Sphenarium purpurascens, y el Sphenarium histrio, son chapulines de milpa
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Y estos se comen en Mèxico y no es barata, nosotros la conseguimos con facilidad cada semana en los tianguis a 50 pesos por cucharada que son como 2 o 3 dolares, son muy sabrosos, se venden mucho en Oaxaca, chistosamente hay gente en México que no sabe que siquiera el chapulín es comestible.
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El chapulín es icónico incluso digo lugar a un personaje popular en nuestro país: el chapulín colorado:
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Chapultepec proviene del náhuatl “Chapulli” que significa saltamontes y “Tepe” (tl) cerro, “Cerro del Chapulín”,
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Aquí está una escultura, es un glifo mexica que representa a Chapultepec.
El chapulín es considerado una plaga, actualmente son criados para su consumo y en Oaxaca son snacks que se le ponen a los tacos.
Perdón por tanta información y espero no ser aburrida pero cuando mencionaste que en Tailandia era un manjar el saltamontes se me vino a la mente el chapulín !! Y quería contarte todo esto, muchas gracias por su atención!!
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Oh WHOA, thank you for all the awesome bugs! You must have spent ages on this.
Google translate for English speakers:
Hi katydid!! I loved your story about grasshoppers (katydid), I had many doubts about these insects, I have always thought that crickets, cicadas, grasshoppers and grasshoppers are different things, I originally tried to tell you about grasshoppers but I didn't know whether to tell you if they were crickets or grasshopper.
Searching turned out that the cricket belongs to the Ensifera suborder, it has long antennae, its colors are opaque, its body is coarse, its jumps are clumsy and its wings are short.
The grasshoppers and grasshoppers are of the Caelifera suborder, their colors are bright, and they are agile when flying, also their auditory apparatus is in different parts.
So I can tell you for sure that the grasshopper is a grasshopper. Chapulín comes from the Nahuatl word chapōlin, from chapā[nia] 'to bounce', and ōlli 'rubber', 'insect that jumps like a rubber ball'.
Me: That's a cute grasshopper! The difference between grasshoppers and crickets is confusing to the average person (including me). Katydids have been called long-horned grasshoppers and bush crickets even though they're actually a different family of insect.
The name grasshopper is used generically in Mexico and Central America for the following species:
All of the family Acrididae, the lobsters. All those of the suborder Caelifera (to which the Acrididae family belongs), the grasshoppers. There are many types of grasshoppers if you want you can see them on the Wikipedia page: https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapul%C3%ADn
the Sphenarium purpurascens, and the Sphenarium histrio, are milpa grasshoppers
And these are eaten in Mexico and it is not cheap, we easily get it every week in the tianguis for 50 pesos per tablespoon, which is about 2 or 3 dollars, they are very tasty, they are sold a lot in Oaxaca, funny, there are people in Mexico who he doesn't know that even grasshoppers are edible.
Me: I've tried eating insects before. They mostly just taste like whatever spices you use.
The grasshopper is iconic I even say place to a popular character in our country: the red grasshopper.
Chapultepec comes from the Nahuatl “Chapulli” meaning grasshopper and “Tepe” (tl) hill, “Chapulín Hill”.
Here is a sculpture, it is a Mexica glyph that represents Chapultepec.
The grasshopper is considered a pest, currently they are raised for consumption and in Oaxaca they are snacks that are added to tacos.
Sorry for so much information and I hope I'm not boring but when you mentioned that grasshoppers were a delicacy in Thailand, grasshoppers came to mind!! And I wanted to tell you all this, thank you very much for your attention!!
Me: Thank you for all the fun insect facts! What a colorful bug at the end.
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onenicebugperday · 4 years
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Bee (e********[email protected]) submitted: Hi! I was hoping you’d be able to help me identify these guys for my uni project?
I have orders down-pat but species would go so much further. I believe #1 is a crane fly, and #4 a hopper or locust, but the others I’m at a loss for :(
These were all found on the same trail in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Please let me know what you think, if you have the time? Thanks so much in advance :D 
Hello! If the project is to identify the bugs yourself, I don’t think it’s fair to have me do it for you! But I can help you out a bit.
#1 is certainly a crane fly. Crane flies found in Victoria can be viewed here. If a species looks like it might fit, click the photo and you can view lots more photos to compare to make sure.
#2 is a moth, but identifying it may be difficult because you can’t see very much detail in the wing patterns. You may not be able to narrow it down to a species. But you can try! The snout is a big hint. Try the superfamily Pyraloidea, which includes pyralid and crambid snout moths. Those can be found here.
#3 is a katydid in the suborder Ensifera. Along with crickets, katydids are easily distinguishable from grasshoppers because they have long hair-like antennae rather than shorter thicker ones. Katydids in your area are found here.
#4 is a grasshopper. Locust is a name for certain types of grasshoppers. Grasshoppers in Victoria can be found here.
Hope that helps!
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insect-mov · 4 years
The family Tettigoniidae, known in American English as katydids and in British English as bush-crickets, contains more than 6,400 species. It is part of the suborder Ensifera. They are also known as long-horned grasshoppers, though they are more closely related to crickets than to grasshoppers. ... ______________________________________ @insect.mov (©) Oleksand Kabanov
macro shot insect ______________________________________ #macro #flowers #insect #katydids #cricket #bushcricket #wildlifephotography #photooftheday #instapic #instadaily #grasshopper #macrogrammers #macro_captures_ #macro_delight #macro_world #macrohappiness #macroshot #insectsofinstagram #insectlovers #insects_macro #insects #filmmaking #filmproducer #filmstudio #filmshot #filmmakersworld #cinematography #filmmakerlife #moviemakers #filmmakersofinstagram (at Planet Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDLCp-Cgtjz/?igshid=j7fn22n9gcdh
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fumblebeefae · 6 years
No one has ever satisfactorily explained the different between Grasshoppers and katydids. Also are locusts grasshoppers? You don't have to explain if you don't want to, but I'd love hearing it from one of my favorite bug blogs
While they share the same order Orthoptera they however aren’t in the same suborder. Like how hymenoptera (bees, sawflies, wasps and ants) is split into suborder including wasps, bees and ants in Apocrita and sawflies are in the suborder Symphyta. So the order Orthoptera includes grasshoppers, locusts (and yes locusts are grasshoppers, they are species of short-horned grasshoppers!) crickets and the closely related katydids and wetas. Orthoptera is therefore split into two suborders; Caelifera (grasshoppers) and Ensifera (crickets + katydids.) In fact katydids are also more commonly known as bush crickets! 
They’re divided into these suborders this way because we base modern taxonomy on phylogeny (evolutionary history) of species through cladistics. 
The below cladogram is the most up to date phylogenetic analysis on Orthoptera based on recent genetic and fossil data. As you can see the katydids (Tettigoniidae in red below) diverged much earlier in the ~145–65 million years ago, compared to the grasshoppers under Caelifera (from proscopiidae in green to all the ones under it) which only diverged ~65 million years ago - present. Grasshoppers are therefore the most recently evolved Orthopteran superfamily 
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As for morphological and physiological differences: Caeifera (grasshoppers) have these rows of comb on their back legs, that produce sound by scrapping along the edges of their front wings. Ensifera (crickets and katydids) however produce sound by rubbing their wings together. 
Ensifera furthermore have much longer antennae that can sometimes be bigger then their actual bodies and have much more visible ovipositor while Caelifera have much short antennae and no visible ovipositor.
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The rule of thumb for entomologists when it comes to identifying a grasshopper from a katydid is the antennae length. If the antennae are longer than the body then it’s a kaydid or cricket, if the antennae are shorter than the body it’s a grasshopper. 
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Hope this gives you a somewhat satisfying answer on the differences between the two.
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hdaciana-blog · 6 years
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#photodaily #photography #photograph #indoristi #mumbai #grass #hopper #grasshopper #blue #legs #shutterbug #shutterfest #wildlifeperfection #wildlifelovers #insect #jungkook #jungle #rideordie #discoverearth #worldtravelpics #worldshotz . . . . GRASSHOPPER are insects of the suborderCaelifera within the order Orthoptera, which includes crickets and their allies in the other suborder Ensifera. They are likely the oldest living group of chewing herbivorous insects, dating back to the early Triassic around 250 million years ago.  (at Indore City)
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coltonwbrown · 7 years
Biodiversity Heritage Library: http://s.si.edu/2wpSpDS
A 63-volume work published over the course of 36 years, "Biologia Centrali Americana" is perhaps the most comprehensive account of the flora and fauna of Mexico and Central America ever undertaken. Overseen by Frederick Godman and Osbert Salvin, with contributions from many specialists in different fields, the work consists of 215 parts in zoology, 5 volumes in botany, and 17 parts in archaeology and includes over 1,600 lithographic plates, 900 of which are colored.
The insect order Orthoptera, comprising more than 20,000 species worldwide, includes two suborders, Caelifera (grasshoppers) and Ensifera (katydids). Volume 1 on this order in "Biologia Centrali Americana" was authored by Henri de Saussure, with assistance from Leo Zehntner and A. Pictet. The plates are signed by A.T. Hollick, Zehntner, Lunel, Tschudi, Nicolet, and Mercier.
Learn more about Orthoptera in EOL: http://eol.org/pages/683/overview
"Biologia Centrali-Americana: Insecta, Orthoptera" v. 1 is featured in the Smithsonian Libraries #DazzlingDiversity exhibit at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. The digitized copy of the volume in BHL was digitized by #SmithsonianLibraries. Learn more: http://library.si.edu/exhibition/dazzling-diversity
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britsnana2 · 7 years
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7/11/17                  camellifolia (Common True Katydid)
Class Insecta (Insects) Order Orthoptera (Grasshoppers, Crickets, Katydids) Suborder Ensifera (Long-horned Orthoptera) Infraorder Tettigoniidea (Katydids, Camel Crickets, and relatives) Family Tettigoniidae (Katydids) Subfamily Pseudophyllinae (True Katydids) Genus Pterophylla Species camellifolia (Common True Katydid) Other Common Names Northern Katydid, Rough-winged Katydid, True Katydid Synonyms and other taxonomic changes Pterophylla camellifolia (Fabricius) Orig. Comb: Locusta camellifolia Fabricius 1775 Explanation of Names Species name from Greek camelo camel, plus Latin folius (?) a leaf (1), referring to the shape of the wings, presumably--held over the back to form a camel-like hump(?). Size Circa 45-55 mm Identification Forewings form cup over abdomen, many conspicuous veins. Pronotum has two shallow grooves. Both sexes stridulate "katy-did, katy-didn't" at dusk into night. Song varies geographically. Range e US (mostly: TX-FL-MA-IA) - Map - SINA Habitat Deciduous forests--often heard, but seldom seen, since mostly lives in forest canopy. Season Midsummer to frost. July-October (Michigan), July-September, or November (North Carolina) Food Foliage of deciduous trees, and shrubs(?) Life Cycle Eggs are inserted into loose bark or young stems of trees and hatch in spring. One brood per year. Both sexes stridulate, males more loudly. Song varies geographically. Flightless, but may glide to lower branches of trees (2). Sometimes seen perched on shrubs. Does not come to lights frequently (pers. obs., P. Coin). Remarks One of the few North American insects, perhaps, memorialized in verse. Below is an excerpt from Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.'s poem, To an Insect (1831), full text available from Project Gutenberg:
I LOVE to hear thine earnest voice, Wherever thou art hid, Thou testy little dogmatist, Thou pretty Katydid
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backtonaturelife · 6 years
Grasshopper (Acridomorpha), Cricket (Gryllidae) and Praying Mantis Insect Animal 4K Video
Grasshopper (Acridomorpha), Cricket (Gryllidae) and Praying Mantis Insect Animal 4K Video Grasshopper Scientific Name: Acridomorpha Grasshopper Kingdom: Animalia Grasshopper Phylum: Euarthropoda Grasshopper Class: Insecta Grasshopper Order: Orthoptera Grasshopper Suborder: Caelifera Grasshopper Infraorder: Acrididea Cricket Scientific Name: Gryllidae Cricket Kingdom: Animalia Cricket Phylum: Euarthropoda Cricket Class: Insecta Cricket Order: Orthoptera Cricket Suborder: Ensifera Cricket Superfamily: Grylloidea Cricket Family: Gryllidae Mantis Scientific Name: Mantodea Mantis Kingdom: Animalia Mantis Phylum: Euarthropoda Mantis Class: Insecta Mantis Superorder: Dictyoptera Mantis Order: Mantodea #grasshopper #cricket #mantis Watch video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/O0XHjmwAeoQ
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gravityblue · 6 years
Grasshopper. Grasshoppers are insects in the suborder Caelifera, probably the oldest living group of chewing herbivorous insects, dating back to the early Triassic around 250 million years ago. They are typically ground-dwelling insects with powerful hind legs which enable them to escape from threats by leaping vigorously. Defences against their many predators include camouflage, flight, and brilliantly coloured wing-flashes that can startle or distract an assailant. Some species have warning coloration. Grasshoppers share the order Orthoptera with crickets and their allies in the other suborder Ensifera. Some grasshopper species can change colour and behaviour to form locust swarms that can destroy crops and cause famine over wide areas. Even in smaller numbers, the insects can be serious pests. They are used as food in some countries, including Mexico and Indonesia. They feature in art, symbolism and literature.
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bloggstar247 · 6 years
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The Wikipedia article of the day for November 26, 2018 is Grasshopper. Grasshoppers are insects in the suborder Caelifera, probably the oldest living group of chewing herbivorous insects, dating back to the early Triassic around 250 million years ago. They are typically ground-dwelling insects with powerful hind legs which enable them to escape from threats by leaping vigorously. Defences against their many predators include camouflage, flight, and brilliantly coloured wing-flashes that can startle or distract an assailant. Some species have warning coloration. Grasshoppers share the order Orthoptera with crickets and their allies in the other suborder Ensifera. Some grasshopper species can change colour and behaviour to form locust swarms that can destroy crops and cause famine over wide areas. Even in smaller numbers, the insects can be serious pests. They are used as food in some countries, including Mexico and Indonesia. They feature in art, symbolism and literature.
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pierre-j · 6 years
Grasshoppers are insects in the suborder Caelifera, probably the oldest living group of chewing herbivorous insects, dating back to the early Triassic around 250 million years ago. They are typically ground-dwelling insects with powerful hind legs which enable them to escape from threats by leaping vigorously. Defences against their many predators include camouflage, flight, and brilliantly coloured wing-flashes that can startle or distract an assailant. Some species have warning coloration. Grasshoppers share the order Orthoptera with crickets and their allies in the other suborder Ensifera. Some grasshopper species can change colour and behaviour to form locust swarms that can destroy crops and cause famine over wide areas. Even in smaller numbers, the insects can be serious pests. They are used as food in some countries, including Mexico and Indonesia. They feature in art, symbolism and literature.
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rjbailey · 6 years
Wikipedia article of the day for November 26, 2018 -- Grasshopper
The Wikipedia article of the day for November 26, 2018 is Grasshopper. Grasshoppers are insects in the suborder Caelifera, probably the oldest living group of chewing herbivorous insects, dating back to the early Triassic around 250 million years ago. They are typically ground-dwelling insects with powerful hind legs which enable them to escape from threats by leaping vigorously. Defences against their many predators include camouflage, flight, and brilliantly coloured wing-flashes that can startle or distract an assailant. Some species have warning coloration. Grasshoppers share the order Orthoptera with crickets and their allies in the other suborder Ensifera. Some grasshopper species can change colour and behaviour to form locust swarms that can destroy crops and cause famine over wide areas. Even in smaller numbers, the insects can be serious pests. They are used as food in some countries, including Mexico and Indonesia. They feature in art, symbolism and literature.
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cutsliceddiced · 6 years
Wikipedia article of the day for November 26, 2018
The Wikipedia article of the day for November 26, 2018 is Grasshopper. Grasshoppers are insects in the suborder Caelifera, probably the oldest living group of chewing herbivorous insects, dating back to the early Triassic around 250 million years ago. They are typically ground-dwelling insects with powerful hind legs which enable them to escape from threats by leaping vigorously. Defences against their many predators include camouflage, flight, and brilliantly coloured wing-flashes that can startle or distract an assailant. Some species have warning coloration. Grasshoppers share the order Orthoptera with crickets and their allies in the other suborder Ensifera. Some grasshopper species can change colour and behaviour to form locust swarms that can destroy crops and cause famine over wide areas. Even in smaller numbers, the insects can be serious pests. They are used as food in some countries, including Mexico and Indonesia. They feature in art, symbolism and literature. via https://cutslicedanddiced.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/how-to-prevent-food-from-going-to-waste
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planetinformation · 6 years
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The Wikipedia article of the day for November 26, 2018 is Grasshopper. Grasshoppers are insects in the suborder Caelifera, probably the oldest living group of chewing herbivorous insects, dating back to the early Triassic around 250 million years ago. They are typically ground-dwelling insects with powerful hind legs which enable them to escape from threats by leaping vigorously. Defences against their many predators include camouflage, flight, and brilliantly coloured wing-flashes that can startle or distract an assailant. Some species have warning coloration. Grasshoppers share the order Orthoptera with crickets and their allies in the other suborder Ensifera. Some grasshopper species can change colour and behaviour to form locust swarms that can destroy crops and cause famine over wide areas. Even in smaller numbers, the insects can be serious pests. They are used as food in some countries, including Mexico and Indonesia. They feature in art, symbolism and literature.
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Grasshoppers are insects of the suborder Caelifera within the order Orthoptera , which includes crickets and their allies in the other suborder Ensifera. There are over 11 000 species of grasshoppers that can be found worldwide. They can survive in different climates and in numerous habitats. Color of the body provides camouflage and it depends on the habitat. Grasshopper can be green, brown, grayish and ochre in color. They have long hind legs that are designed for jumping. String-like structure (located in knee) acts like a catapult which sends grasshopper 10 inches high in the air. Grasshopper can travel a distance that is 200 times longer than the body in a single jump. Diet of grasshoppers is based on various plants. They prefer different types of grass and flowering plants. Grasshoppers have big appetite. Daily intake of food overcomes grasshopper's body weight two times. One of the most intriguing grasshopper facts is that a grasshopper’s ‘ears’ are located o its abdomen. On either side of th first abdominal segment, just beneath the wings, is a simple eardrum. These eardrums, called Tympana. Grasshoppers are good at detecting rhythm, but bad at detecting differences in pitch of notes. They make noises by stridulating (rubbing the hind leg against the wing) and crepitating (snapping the wing in flight). The 10,000 or so different species of grasshopper have distinct identifying rhythms. What you probably didn’t know is that grasshoppers are equipped with five eyes. The purpose of these three smaller eyes is as yet unknown by scientists. Main predators of grasshoppers are monkeys, birds, lizards, snakes, rodents and large insects. Grasshoppers are consumed as delicacy in various parts of the world. Eating insects is called ‘entomophagy’. Chapulines fundido (grasshopper fondue) consists of crispy fried grasshoppers on a bed of a puree of grasshoppers with shallots, garlic and chilli. #Grasshoppers #Caelifera #Orthoptera #Entomophagy #Entomology #insects #life #Nikon #nikonphotograhy #collinjamphotography (at Navrongo)
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insect-mov · 4 years
Baby katydids. Insects in the family Tettigoniidae are commonly called katydids (in Australia, South Africa, Canada, and the United States), or bush crickets. They have previously been known as "long-horned grasshoppers". More than 6,400 species are known. Part of the suborder Ensifera, the Tettigoniidae are the only extant (living) family in the superfamily Tettigonioidea. ... ______________________________________ @insect.mov (©) Oleksand Kabanov macro shot insect ______________________________________ #macrogrammers #macroclique #macro_brilliance #macro_perfection #macro_of_our_world #macro_highlight #top_macro #wms_macro #katydid #electric_macro #arthropodsanonymous #arthropod_perfection #grasshopper #soul_made_macro #flowers #macro_spotlight #instamacro #macrogram #igbest_macros #masters_in_macro #insect #bombylius #macro #insectguru #kings_insects #invert_macro #insects_of_our_world #earthcapture #ip_insects #yourshotmacro (at Planet Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE3TD5oAHzF/?igshid=1q3wkc73herw0
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