#Successfully ruining lives since the bigbang
rikiroy1793 · 7 years
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Successfully ruined life. Congratulations writers. You've done it once again.
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sindrafalcone · 7 years
The Mom Ch. 8
Fandom: BIGBANG/ Choi Seung Hyun
Synopsis: Truce
Warnings: I’ll go ahead and rate this one PG-13. I mean, it does get a little steamy in the middle, but nothing worse than something you’d read in a Harlequin romance novel. lol (It’s very reminiscent of “The Girlfriend Ch.1″) Nothing explicit, I promise.
Author’s Note: I realize that all of my Nannyverse readers have been extremely patient with me. You guys have waited an extra week for this update & haven’t complained one bit. You are simply the best followers out there! <3 I hope you find this chapter worth the wait.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. This story contains fictional representations of real people. None of the events are true. This is from an American standpoint, so some of the situations may not happen the same way they might in Korea. I make no money from the writing of this fictional work.
It wasn't too long after all the drama that everyone had said their goodbyes and gone home. But before leaving, you all made plans to have another dinner since you'd declared that this one had been all but ruined by the sudden appearance of your sister.
As he shut the door after his family left, Seung Hyun had turned back around and leveled you with a thoughtful look. You'd expected him to interrogate you about the conversation you'd had with her, but instead he just wordlessly took your hand & led you to the stairs.
“Where are we...?” you started to ask, but didn't get to finish.
“You didn't get the chance to feed the twins before they fell asleep.” he explained as you walked up the stairs, still hand in hand. “If you don't do it now, they'll wake up at some ungodly hour starving and screaming.” he flashed you a smile.
He was right of course. You were surprised you hadn't thought of that yourself, but all the emotions of the day had your mind muddled. You finally reached the top of the stairs and headed for the nursery. Looking into the cribs, you couldn't help but smile at the sight of the twins sleeping peacefully. Today had been rough, but if you had guaranteed that their horrible 'aunt' would never show up in their lives again, it was worth it.
Seung Hyun let go of your hand to reach into one crib and gently lift Sung Ja out. Once he had her cradled in his arms, he nodded silently to the rocker in the corner. Taking the hint, you went over to it and prepared to feed your daughter. When he'd successfully transferred her over to you, he went back to get Seung Min and went over to the changing table to handle diaper duty.
With Sung Ja latched and feeding, still in her sleep, you watched Seung Hyun deal with his son. He was such a good father when he was home. Even after he'd been gone for months, it was like he seamlessly fell back into his role. Not for the first time, you thanked your lucky stars that your husband wanted to be an active participant in raising his children.
When he was done changing Seung Min, he came over to sit on the ottoman at your feet. Seung Hyun softly hummed under his breath in an attempt to keep the twins from waking up & you recognized it as one of the songs he'd recorded for their lullaby album.
He bounced Seung Min lightly in his arms, amazed at the miracle that he and his princess had created. He had never dreamed that being a husband and a father could make him this happy. Staring at his son, he suddenly found himself wishing you were pregnant again, another little life growing within you.
You interrupted his thoughts to switch babies with him & he carefully took Sung Ja from you so he could burp her. Unfortunately, doing that made the baby girl wake up slightly and she stared at her father with sleep-heavy eyes.
“Appa...” she babbled, grabbing at her father’s nose.
Smiling with great pride, Seung Hyun held his daughter out in front of him him, studying her face and seeing so much of you in her. It warmed him clear to his toes. The two of you definitely needed to have another one. Or two...
“Uh-uh... Thing One.” he gently reprimanded her, standing to take her over to the changing table. “It's time to sleep now.”
When he had a fresh diaper on her, he wrapped Sung Ja back up tightly and went back to singing while pacing the room and bouncing her in his arms, making her drift back off in no time. Soon enough, you'd finished with Seung Min and burped him yourself. Then the two of you laid the twins back into their respective cribs... mission accomplished.
Seung Hyun slowly made his way to you, his hand silently reaching out to take yours. He quietly led you across the hall and into your shared bedroom. Opening the door, he brought you inside, sweet anticipation building now that the two of you were finally alone. Closing the door behind him, Seung Hyun shoved his hands in his pockets as he watched his wife move across the room and start to turn down the bed, pulling the covers down in preparation for sleep.
As he slowly began to walk towards you, his eyes raked over the skin left exposed by your skirt, appreciating the way the hem lightly grazed your thighs, allowing a generous view of your legs. The more he watched you, the more he wanted you. And now that he finally had you all to himself, he wasn’t going to waste another moment.
You turned around to find Seung Hyun standing right behind you, his lips instantly against yours as he wrapped you up in his strong arms. You fought down the moan that rose in your throat as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
He backed you up towards the adjoined bathroom, stopping only to pick up the receiver for the baby monitor from the nightstand so he could bring it with him. Seung Hyun didn't waste any time as he lifted you up, depositing you on the counter top next to the sink. Kicking his slippers off, he quickly moved against you, his mouth plundering yours as he touched every place he possibly could, the intimate contact not nearly enough.
He wanted so much more, wanted to feel and kiss every single inch of you, to hear you breathlessly crying his name.
You gasped as your husband raked his teeth over your collarbone, his hands pulling the straps of your dress down. Your hands moved over him as well, rising desperation taking over as you tugged his shirt free from his pants, your fingers sneaking up beneath the fabric to explore and stroke the muscular planes of his back.
“________-ah...” he moaned, your fingernails lightly scraping over his skin. “I propose a truce...”
In answer to his suggestion, your hands moved to firmly grip his backside, squeezing him before sliding around to the front of his pants. Your fingers made quick work of his belt buckle, swiftly removing the strip of leather and flinging it across the room without even looking or caring where it had landed.
Seung Hyun pressed his forehead against your shoulder as your fingers slipped inside to grip him, stroking him and taking his breath away like only you could. His mouth began to attack you then, his teeth sinking into your skin as his mouth sealed around it, causing you to hiss with pleasure.
“Seung Hyun...” you gasped, arching your back as he rolled his hips firmly against yours. He was definitely going to be leaving his mark on you quite a bit tonight. Of course, you were never innocent in that regard either, if the fingernail scratches you almost always left on his back were any indication.
At first, you had felt so guilty about the marks and scratches that you left on him after your passionate love making, but Seung Hyun had quickly reassured you that he adored it and was proud to bear your mark, the visible proof of just how good he was able to make you feel.
He suddenly yanked your hand from his pants, intertwining your fingers together, the faint clink of your wedding bands echoing in the bathroom. “You better stop, gognju-nim.” he rasped. “Or this will be over before we’ve really gotten started.”
You chuckled softly, using your feet to push his pants down his hips. “Then you better get to work, naui wangja.” you breathlessly threatened him.
He quickly pulled you from the counter and slipped the dress down your body, kissing his way down to your neck and unhooking your bra. You arched your back again as his mouth descended downwards, bracing one hand against the counter top for support since your knees were already going weak.
You raked the fingers of the other hand through his hair, tilting your head back as he stole your breath away. Seung Hyun was rapidly setting your body on fire with his heated ministrations, your mind awash with the pure euphoria flooding it.
Suddenly pulling away, he knelt down & tugged your lace panties off, a smug smirk forming on his lips. “You have no idea how much you tortured me when I found that red thong in my suitcase.” he told you, breathing heavily as he began planting hot, wet kisses along your thigh, pausing to pay special attention to your hip bone.
“So you liked it?” you managed to gasp out.
“Very…very…much…” he hummed against your skin, sending a vibration of pleasure jolting through you.
He finally kissed his way back up your body, your hands moving to grip his shirt and ripping it open. Buttons pinged across the tiled floor and you yanked the fabric down his arms. The torn material went sailing through the air to join the belt you assumed, but you really weren't sure & you couldn't bring yourself to care.
Seung Hyun growled something almost feral as he began to assault your throat, kissing his way to your ear. “I liked that shirt.”
“I’ll buy you a new one.” you murmured, grabbing hold of his face and bringing his mouth to yours.
His boxers quickly shared his shirt’s fate, disappearing somewhere across the room. He ran his hands down your arms, drawing them away from his body and up over your head & holding them in place with a firm grip. His mouth descended on your body like a starving man denied food for weeks, anxious for everything that you had to offer him.
He ran his other hand down the length of your arms before caressing your skin again, stroking and massaging until you were arching and writhing from his touch alone, your breathing became labored with a constant string of moans spilling from your lips.
“Seung Hyun...” you gasped. You managed pull one wrist free from his grasp with a frantic need to touch him again as well.
“No, gongju-nim.” he huskily murmured in your ear, capturing your hand that had settled on his back and pulling it back up to join the other one. He wrapped his fingers around your wrists again. “This is all about you right now.”
“But…but…!” you managed to get out between  breaths, tightening your hands into fists as he continued to stoke your fierce need for him. “But you…what about you?”
You were quickly silenced by his lips on yours, his tongue stroking your mouth, your taste driving his need even higher. “Pleasing you…pleases me…more than you know…”
His free hand found your thigh, caressing your smooth skin before drawing your knees even further apart. Seung Hyun rolled his hips against you, eliciting a sharp gasp at the feel of him. He smirked as he kissed behind your ear, raking his teeth over the sensitive skin there.
He could feel the sweet tension in your muscles as you squirmed, biting your bottom lip. “Yeobo…please…” you panted. “I…I…need... I have to touch you…please…!”
“Not yet, _______-ah.” he smirked against your throat as he continued to deliciously torture you, his sure fingers caressing and stroking you into a heated frenzy.
He felt you begin to shudder and tremble before him, your teeth digging into your lower lip as you moved. Seung Hyun finally felt like he had worked you up enough and, with surprising gentleness, he let you go and pulled you into the shower along with him.  
“You’re amazing, ______-ah…” he breathed heavily, fighting to calm the hammering of his heart. “No one will ever love you…as much I love you.”
You smiled softly as you gazed into his beautiful brown eyes, bringing your hand up to caress his face. “I hope you never forget how much I truly love you, Choi Seung Hyun.”
He smiled in return, his lips finding yours as he began to worship you all over again. It wasn't until he was buried inside you, the warm water cascading over your entwined bodies, that you began to feel the stress of today completely melt away.
A few days later, you were surprised by an unexpected text from Dong Wook. Technically he was still your boss, but you hadn't heard anything from him in months, not since shortly after you'd done the magazine photoshoot.
Are you free for dinner tomorrow? I have some things I'd like to discuss with you.
You paused for a moment to think about his question & realized that Seung Hyun had a dinner date that night as well with an art acquaintance of some sort... he'd said something about helping to curate a new exhibit.
Um... let me see if I can find a sitter and I'll get back to you.  You texted back.
Excellent, I'll be waiting. Se7en replied.
Unsurprisingly, your mother-in-law was all too willing to come over and look after the twins for a few hours.
Can we make it an early meal? I can't keep Eomma up too late. You sent him.
Of course.
You settled on a time of 4:00 and he sent you the address of the restaurant. After a quick internet search, you realized that you wouldn't be able to get away with wearing something that qualified as 'Business Casual'. The place was extremely fancy.
You'd cornered Seung Hyun as soon as he got home, making him come up to the bedroom to help you pick out something suitable to wear. You were perfectly capable of choosing your own outfit, but there was something inherently sexy about having him do it for you.
“What does he want to talk to you about?” your husband asked as the thumbed through the hangers on your side of the closet.
“I have no idea.” you admitted, mirroring his actions & perusing through his clothes. Seung Hyun had agreed to pick your outfit only if you would return the favor. “He didn't specify. But I'm assuming that it has something to do with work.”
Seung Hyun grunted noncommittally as he pulled a cream colored, cashmere coat off the rack. “I don't remember buying you a Valentino.” he said, brow furrowed.
You glanced over your shoulder to see what he was holding. “That's because you didn't, yeobo.” you chuckled. “That was a gift.”
“Goofball, actually.” you smiled, turning back to look through Seung Hyun's suits.
“Hmmm... surprisingly, this isn't that bad. But I'm not sure how I feel about those two always buying my wife clothes.” he mused.
“I can't help it that they like to spoil their sister. Besides, it's not like they have girlfriends of their own to buy clothes for.”
“Mmph.” he huffed in agreement. “Daesung doesn't buy you clothes and he doesn't have a girlfriend.”
You snorted. “Daesungie barely buys himself clothes.”
The two of you shared a laugh at that while you finished choosing outfits for one another.
A few hours later, you were slipping into that Valentino coat as you prepared to head out the door. Seung Hyun had ultimately settled on a green, satin wrap dress with champagne colored heels. You adjusted the coat and kissed the twins goodbye as he handed you a clutch purse that matched the heels perfectly.
“Have a good time, ________-ah. I love you.” Seung Hyun said, kissing you on the cheek so you wouldn't smudge your lipstick.
“I love you too, Seung Hyun. I'll see you when you get home.” you walked out the door with a bounce in your step, happy to get out of the house and feel like a proper adult for a while.
You'd met Dong Wook at the restaurant and after placing your order, you got straight to business.
“So... what is it that you want to discuss?” you asked bluntly, as soon as the waiter walked away.
“Wow.” he smiled. “You don't beat around the bush, do you?”
“Well, you sounded so eager to talk about whatever it was in your texts. I figured once we got that out of the way, we could move on to pleasantries.” you arched an eyebrow at your boss.
Se7en sighed heavily. “I want you to come back to work.”
“Excuse me?” you asked in disbelief. You had honestly been expecting the news that he'd hired someone new to replace you, not that he wanted you to come back so soon.
He held up a hand to placate you. “Just... hear me out, okay?”
You simply nodded and motioned for him to continue.
“I'm not talking about full time. I was thinking maybe you coming in to the office one day every other week.”  he paused to judge your reaction, but you didn't give him one. “Anything else could be done through telecommuting. I don't need you to edit or anything. It's just that you're really the best at understanding what I want when I come up with a concept. Really all I need you to do is set up the design for the shoot and direct a little.”
“Dong Wook, we discussed this before I went on maternity leave.” you said. “I told you that I wanted to take at least a year off. It's barely been six months.”
“I know.” he winced. “But you know I wouldn't ask if I didn't really need your skills right now. The quality of our photo shoots has seriously gone downhill since you left.”
You sighed, mulling it over. You didn't really want to leave the twins, not even for only two days a month. But, on the other hand, getting out of the house and back on the job might be nice.
“I'll even hire someone so that you can bring the twins into work with you, if you want.” he offered with a smile.
“Really?” you asked in surprise & he nodded hopefully. He must honestly need your help if he was willing to go to that expense to get you to come back. “I... I'll think about it.”
“But I'll have to talk it over with Seung Hyun first.” you said quickly.
“Of course! Of course... take all the time you need.” Se7en told you.  
It wasn't long after that when your food arrived and the two of you resigned yourselves to more friendly conversation.
You were sitting in the back of the car on your way back to the villa when you got a text from your husband.
We are definitely discussing this when I get home, gongju-nim.
He had attached a link to a news website & you clicked it, only to find a picture of you and Dong Wook, kissing each others cheek as you'd arrived at the restaurant. The title read, “Trouble in Paradise Already?”
You fought back a smirk as you sent your response. I would have been more shocked if we didn’t.
They certainly work fast these days, don't they? Are you doing okay?
I’m fine. And don’t bother with the discussion when we get home. You know I always win.
You could practically hear Seung Hyun snort in reply & that made you smile to yourself.
I believe we already have a war going on that is still unfinished. he texted back.
I thought you’d forgotten all about it. What happened to our truce?
Oh, yeobo... that was only good for last night. The fight is most certainly back on... he replied quickly.
You smiled to yourself as the car pulled up to the house. It was going to be a long night while you waited for Seung Hyun to come home so you could continue your battle of sexual wills.
It was well into the night before Seung Hyun finally managed to make it back to the villa. To tell the truth, he was more than a little annoyed that dinner had taken as long as it had.
Stopping by the nursery, he quietly opened the door and entered to find his children fast asleep in their cribs. Seung Min had his favorite stuffed rabbit grasped tightly in his little fist. Yeon Jun had given it to him when he was four months old and it hadn’t left his side since then.
Kissing his son on the forehead & then repeating the action with his daughter (who was clinging to a panda plushie), Seung Hyun left, making his way to his own room. Silently opening the door, he found his wife sound asleep in the bed.
You were a vision of beauty to him, curled up on your side with your arms wrapped around one of his pillows. You were hugging it close as if it were him, making Seung Hyun smile to himself. He was growing more than anxious to replace that pillow in your arms.
He softly made his way to the bed, lifting the covers and carefully crawling in next to you. He gently pried the pillow from you grasp, your soft sleepy murmur of his name like a sudden bolt of electricity shooting through him.
As much as he longed to kiss you awake and make love to you right now, you needed your sleep and he was exhausted. He just wanted to curl up around your body, hold you close and drift off into much needed oblivion.
Tomorrow morning, however, would be a different story if he had his way. He hoped to get a little one-on-one time with you before you each started your day, preferably with you pinned between him and the mattress.
“Seung Hyun?” you sleepily murmured as you quickly snuggled up against his muscular frame, releasing a contented sigh as you molded yourself against him. “How was dinner?”
“Fine…go back to sleep, gongju-nim.” he gently said, tilting down to kiss the top of your head.
“No, I want to know how it went.” you insisted, your voice still sounding drowsy as you slid your arm around his waist, holding him closer to you. “What kind of exhibit do they want your help with?”
Seung Hyun eagerly wrapped his arms around you and held you securely against him, keeping you where he always wanted you, where he always needed you to be, right by his side.
“Something a little different than last time.” he told you cryptically as he absentmindedly rubbed your back, relishing the feel of your frame against his, your familiar scent already comforting him.
“Oh, so not an auction?” you asked, tilting your head back to rest against his shoulder so you could look at him.
“No. Not an auction. Just an exhibition.” he murmured, his mind refusing to allow him to rest despite how exhausted he was.
Your eyes narrowed suspiciously as you reached up to rub the remnants of red lipstick from his cheek. You had known that he was having dinner with one of his exes, but it couldn't be helped since she was the main curator of the museum he was to be working with. “I see she didn't waste any time...”
Seung Hyun could hear the jealous edge to your voice, but you never had anything to worry about. “It was nothing…I promise.” he swore. “You know her, _______-ah. She always likes to push the boundaries, see how far she can go in order to get a reaction.”
“It obviously didn’t take much tonight.” you curtly replied.
You knew you shouldn’t let it get to you, but she was the only one of Seung Hyun's many exes that always seemed to make your blood boil. You didn’t know if it was the fact that she was so seductive and beautiful or that she was more entrenched in the Seoul art scene than you had ever managed to get. Either way, you didn’t like how she continued to try to seduce him every chance she got, despite the fact that he was happily married.
Seung Hyun captured your hand resting on his chest, bringing it to his lips to place kiss on your knuckles. He tightened his hold on you and rubbed soothing circles on your back with his other hand.
“Yeobo, you know she means nothing to me.” he promised. “She provided me with some information about what the museum wanted while we ate dinner, kissed me on the cheek, and then left the restaurant.”
“I know…it’s not you, Seung Hyun.” you admitted. “It’s her that I don’t trust. She’s never kept her intentions hidden when it comes to you and it’s obvious that she wants you back.”
“She can do or say whatever she wants, but you’re the one I love…the only one I want,” he told you.
You tilted your head and kissed his chest, wanting to change the subject. “Tell me about the exhibit.” you pressed. “What information did she provide? Was it anything that will help you choose pieces for the gallery?”
“Maybe...” Seung Hyun stalled as he slid his fingers up into your hair, his eyes focused on the ceiling as he thought back over the events of the night. “But I want to hear about your meeting. What did Dong Wook want?”
“He wants me to come back to work.” you told him.
You tilted your head back up and watched as your husband’s eyes immediately darkened with anger, his face locking into that fierce look that always managed to frighten others, but not you.
“He what?” he nearly hissed as he attempted to process what you had just told him.
“He wants me to come back to work.” you repeated. “Apparently the quality of their photoshoots has tanked in my absence and he thinks I'm the only one who can fix it.”
“Absolutely not.” he angrily ground out. “You already told him that you wouldn't come back until the twins turned one.”
“Seung Hyun, relax.” you attempted to soothe him. “I never said that I would do it.”
“I’m not about to let him guilt trip you into returning to work before you're ready. I don't care how much of a friend he is to me.” he angrily snapped. “Why does he think you can make it better?”
“Because of my ability to understand what he wants from his concept ideas.” you patiently told him, knowing that he already knew the answer to his question. “And he needs me to organize the shoots.”
“But you were working almost every day before you got pregnant. And even three days a week until you went on leave.” he shook his head. “There's no way you can do that now with the twins to take care of.”
“I realize that.” you agreed, taking his hand in yours in an effort to calm him. “I told Dong Wook as much, and he said I only need to come into the office one day every other week. That's only twice a month. The rest I can just do through the computer. It might take me an hour every day to get that done.”
“You sound like you've already made up your mind.” he bit out, squeezing your hand.
“Seung Hyun, I didn’t tell him I would do it.” you sighed in exasperation, your own frustration rising in proportion to your husband’s. “Besides, you know I would never agree to anything as big as that without talking it over with you first.”
Seung Hyun drew a ragged breath, forcing himself to relax. “I know, I know…I’m sorry,” he murmured.
“I know, it’s alright,” you reassured him, leaning in to kiss his cheek and bring him back from the brink. “But, for what it's worth, Se7en did offer to let me bring the twins in to the office with me and he would hire a sitter for them while I work.”
“Really?” he replied, surprise in his voice. “Well... that changes things.”
“You are the most stubborn, most infuriating man I think I have ever met.” you scowled at him, pulling away and putting some distance between you again.
“Forgive me, gongju-nim. But I only want what's best for you and the twins.” he frowned, reaching over and pulling you to him once more.
Seung Hyun leaned in and softly pressed his lips to yours in a silent appeal for understanding, brushing them gently against yours and teasing you. You parted your lips, asking for more and happily accepting it as his tongue slowly slid inside of your mouth. You rapidly began to lose yourselves in a kiss that only grew more heated.
Finally breaking for air, you leveled him with a glare that held little anger to it now. “I hate how you always manage to do that.” you breathed heavily.
“Do what?” he smirked.
“Get your way when you kiss me like that.” you frowned.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, ________-ah.” he maintained.
“Of course you don’t.”
“Besides, I still need to get some revenge.” he huskily said as he began kissing behind your ear.
“Why?” you gasped as he raked his teeth over your earlobe. “What did I do?”
“You're the one who made the news with your 'Date'. Potentially cheating on me with your boss...” he reminded you with a playful tease. “Plus, we're still in the middle of a war, remember? Unless you give up?”
“I never agreed to surrender and you should’ve been keeping your focus on your own meeting instead of those gossip columns.” you scolded him.
“Well, if you weren’t so damn sexy.” he shot back. “No more meetings without me. The thought of what you might be getting up to is far too distracting.”
“We’ll just see about that, T.O.P.” you murmured, tilting your head and kissing him again.
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