#Sue does bookbinding
wordsintimeandspace · 1 month
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The latest book I made: won my bride in a poker game by @primtheamazing! It's one of my favourite fics and reread it often enough that I really needed a copy of it. I cannot recommend it enough. :)
The cover was a lot of experimenting (it's marbled paper with a vellum overlay that has the title printed on, which was rather fiddly to do) but I'm really pleased with how it turned out! Some more details to show off the typeset and the marbled paper for the endpapers:
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cicadaknight · 1 year
tag game (horizon)
tagged by @artekai 💕🤝💖 thanks, pal!
1. ride or die ship: fashav/kotallo straight to my grave. mythological tragedies, those two, i tell you what.
2. most annoying ship: the boat aloy takes to san francisco. can you imagine, never rowing before in your life and making that trek through choppy currents and storms? insufferable.
3. second favorite ship: aloy/kotallo. the parallels of aloy and kotallo being forced into roles they never wanted, being alone and outcast from their tribes, moving through their grief and rage by learning to trust a new found family? being seen by another for more than their physical prowess but their humanity and creativity? excellent shit.
4. favorite platonic relationship: SYLENS AND BETA AND GAIA. Sylens getting taken down a fucking peg or two by a teenage girl and an infinitely compassionate AI. Beta being able to collaborate with someone (and an AI) who sees well beyond her mistakes and faults. GAIA finding consistent, complex companions who remind her fondly of Lis. Sylens making Beta food and teaching her how to cook. HELP ME.
5. Underrated ship: So many. I really love Aloy/Drakka. The idea of him being such a counter to Aloy’s single-minded focus on saving the world by being an absolute goober. But her seeing that he cares so very deeply about doing the right thing and protecting his people. Alva/Beta is sweet. I dig Erend/Talanah.
6. overrated ship: the odyssey. just kidding, i already made a joke about a boat.
7. one thing i would change in canon: the entire last act? specifically varl’s death, that kotallo doesn’t fly to the grove with aloy, that aloy ends the entire tenakth/regalla conflict via single combat duel, and then fights alone twice more with erik and tilda. RIP all the build up to aloy understanding that she’s not alone and all the people in her life are as competent and complex and have just as much stake in the fate of the world as she does. and beyond that, i deeply regret the way they wrote talanah in hfw. she shoulda had that fourth bunk in the base.
8. something canon did right: don’t get me wrong, i wish fashav hadn’t died at barren light, but i love his back story and everything we find out through his journals. added so much nuance to carja and tenakth cultures and characters in just a handful of paragraphs.
9. a thing i’m proud of creating for the fandom: i’ve been in a perpetual state of burnout for yeeeeeears. this kotallo portrait was the first piece i’ve drawn in ages. i’m also working on a bookbinding project and doing art for Kotallo with amazing folks on Focus on the Heart.
10. a character who is perfect to me: Hekarro. I hope the writers, animators, and actor who made him come to life are very proud of their work.
11. character i relate to most and why: uhhh like every other neurodivergent queer with trauma and parental issues, i gotta go with beta.
12. character(s) i hate most and why: tekkoteh. absolute steaming pile of shit. genuinely every time i think i’ve reached peak hatred for that slime, someone writes a beautiful fic where i find myself despising him more. in my interpretation, there’s no world where he didn’t take advantage of, manipulate, and abuse kotallo after his parents died.
13. something i’ve learned from the fandom: awww this is cheesy, but i learned how to take a chance and post things i make again. most people are so curious and so excited to discuss lore or characters in good faith. oh, recently i did discover i missed MANY post-mission dialogues for side quests on my first few playthroughs.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: i’m guaranteed to get drawn into anything re: kotallo and fashav’s early marshal days, lis character development, aloy/kotallo hurt/comfort (sue me)
15. a song i associate strongly with my otp/favorite character: i made this playlist based off this fic. it’s basicallg my score for fashav and kotallo falling in love during their marshal duties. instants by skúli sverrisson and anything by hermanos gutiérrez sends me into pondering fashav and kotallo’s lives together.
i’m gonna tag @poulticepurse @fogsblue @rowanisawriter @ayaitch @robo-dino-puppy if y’all wanna do this?
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ylfva-remade · 3 years
🌈, ❤️!
🌈 - what's their most defining traits?
mina- mina is very kind! it's a problem, actually. shes always super nice to people even when they don't deserve it. she's lovely to be around and be friends with but she tends to put others before herself. so i'd say kindness.
violet- brevity. shes very reserved and quiet, and doesn't say much. shes not shy though shes just autistic and grumpy. she tries to say as much as possible in as few words, and this is also reflected in her fighting style!! she tries to do as much as possible as quickly as possible.
darryl- tired. oh god hes just tired. he's sick of peoples shit, he doesn't want to do paperwork. he was ordered to kidnap mina once but he was like "hey if i let you go before the 6 hour mark there's less paperwork". he's the epitome of "i would work all night if it meant nothing got done"
he's also VERY caring, he cares for people close to him more than anything, and while hes not necessarily "nice" or "friendly" he's kind. he shows his love through actions rather than words, and he thinks of violet like a daughter.
❤️ - what's their biggest interest? what do they like about it?
mina- books! she's a librarian and a bookbinder so it makes sense. she doesn't actually like to read fiction that much, she prefers encyclopedias and atlases, as well as informative non-fiction. she likes the physical structure of the book a lot, and hates reading things online. she barely tolerates paperbacks. she loves to learn (its part of why she was kicked out of heaven) so thats why she likes them so much!
violet- i'd say music! she plays the harp, and is constantly listening to riot grrl music on her headphones. she sometimes does mashups of punk music and harp music, it's pretty cool. she also uses the harp to fight! shes sort of a bard/ranger mix (idk dnd terms dont sue me)
darryl- he likes to build minature houses. its weird but he likes to make like, intricate dollhouses and such. he also likes scale models of pretty much anything. he's working on a second empire style doll manor atm.
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benrleeusa · 6 years
[John K. Ross] Short Circuit: A roundup of recent federal court decisions
Please enjoy the latest edition of Short Circuit, a weekly feature from the Institute for Justice.
Friends, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission enables energy companies to seize land from property owners—on a vast scale—while evading judicial review. Which is egregious, say Robert McNamara of IJ and David Bookbinder of the Niskanen Center in The Wall Street Journal.
New on the podcast: No suing TSA screeners, state protections against unreasonable searches, and FERC's incentives to approve pipelines. Click here for iTunes.
Six times, Judicial Watch submits FOIA requests for Secret Service records. Six times, Secret Service fails to respond within statutory deadline. Six times, Judicial Watch sues in court, and Secret Service immediately produces the requested records. D.C. Circuit (with a concurrence and over a dissent): Given these prolonged, unexplained delays, Judicial Watch may be entitled to an injunction compelling the agency to comply with FOIA in the future.
State and federal regulations often incorporate standards set by private organizations. (For instance, if you're operating a tank barge with a liquid overfill protection system, you're going to need to know what the National Fire Protection Association has to say on the topic.) Copies of the standards cost anything from $25 to $200, but Public.Resource.Org scans them and puts them on the internet for free (and often makes them easier to read). Copyright infringement? D.C. Circuit: Private ownership of documents necessary to determine legal standards raises serious constitutional concerns. But we need not address that issue, as we find that publication of the standards may be fair use—and therefore allowed even if the standards are copyrighted. Concurrence: Ah, the Caligula model.
Two women make "a grotesque number of false statements" about prominent scientist. One even travels around the world to hand out leaflets (containing calumnies) at conferences where the scientist is to speak. Jury: Pay $3.5 mil for defamation. District court: Also you're enjoined from ever repeating six particular statements in any medium for any purpose. First Circuit: Go ahead and pay, for the most part. But, over a dissent, we vacate the district court's permanent injunction. The First Amendment doesn't allow such prior restraints.
When tenants fail to pay gas bills, Philadelphia's municipal utility allows debts to pile up for years without notifying landlords, then puts a lien on the property—effectively making the landlords liable for the debt. When landlords complain, the utility tells them to file a complaint with a state agency that has no jurisdiction to address their complaints. Third Circuit: No due process problem here.
Man files lawsuit under False Claims Act against manufacturer of batteries for use in intercontinental ballistic missile launch controls, asks for $30 mil, settles for $1.7 mil. What follows is—in the trial court's words—a "hellish" dispute over the man's attorneys' fees. Third Circuit: We feel you; the order reducing requested fees is affirmed in almost every respect.
Abortion clinic challenges Texas law that regulates the disposal of fetal remains, prohibits their being dumped in the trash or sewer. In discovery, clinic demands documents from the Texas Conference of Catholic Bishops regarding any communication it had with Texas officials about the passage of the law and internal documents relating to abortion. Trial court orders the documents produced on an unusually expedited schedule. Fifth Circuit: Which raises a slew of First Amendment issues (free exercise, establishment clause, free speech, association, and petition claims), but we'll leave those to the side for now and resolve this based on the burden to the bishops (who aren't a party to the case). Reversed (over a vigorous dissent and troubled concurrence).
In wake of housing crisis, a new federal agency that "supervises" lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac forces them to turn their profits over to the U.S. Treasury instead of investors. Fannie & Freddie investors: We want our money back! The whole agency is unconstitutional because it has a single director who can only be fired by the president "for cause." And even if the agency is constitutional, the "profit sweep" regulation violates the statute. Fifth Circuit (per curiam, divided): The profit sweep rule is legal, but the agency is "unconstitutionally insulated from executive control." Citing the Constitution's "revolutionary" separation of powers design, "[t]he Framers were not tinkerers; they upended things." Judge Willett, dissenting in part: The profit sweep rule is also unlawful.
Disgruntled moviegoer: I want my money back for seeing Ryan Gosling's 2011 movie Drive! The trailer tricked me into thinking Drive would be exciting; instead it had a boring "art house" pace! Also, I think the movie has a subliminal anti-Semitic message because of the Jewish mobsters. Sixth Circuit: You lose. (Spoiler alert: Here is the final scene of Drive.)
South Carolina officials want to charge a federal prisoner with state crimes, so they file a "detainer"—a request that the federal prison alert the state before releasing the prisoner. The Interstate Agreement on Detainers Act creates procedures for resolving detainers quickly, but South Carolina has let this one linger for years. Prisoner files a habeas petition (without counsel). Sixth Circuit: Unfortunately, although the prisoner filed in the right court, he named the wrong official, so he has to start over.
After his release from federal prison, man suffering from chronic pain obtains prescription for legal-in-Minnesota medical marijuana. Feds: Which violates the conditions of his supervised release. District court: Not going to send him back to prison, but no more marijuana. Eighth Circuit: Affirmed.
St. Paul, Minn. police receive word that a man has a gun outside a bar in a rough area of town; they show up in force, point guns at occupants of car outside the bar, none of whom match the description of the suspect. (Turns out the suspect was inside the bar, and he had a hammer.) An officer takes an occupant of the car to ground by means of an arm-bar takedown. District court: Which could be excessive force, even though the occupant did not suffer any permanent injuries. Eighth Circuit: Indeed. No qualified immunity.
St. Louis police beat up pedestrian who walked away from them. He spends six days in city jail (and gets a chest X-ray) before being transferred to Perry County, Mo. jail (80 miles away) because of traffic warrant there. After a week, he's taken to the hospital. Yikes! He's got facial fractures, bleeding in his brain and his kidneys are near failure. (All charges against him are dropped. He turns out not to have had contraband or been under the influence.) Jury: Two St. Louis officers are liable for $600k. Eighth Circuit: Evidence of excessive force is ample; no need to reconsider the award.
In Ferguson-Florissant, Mo. school board elections, voters get one vote for every school board seat—but a voter can't use, say, three eligible votes on the same candidate. From 2000 through 2015, white candidates win 59.5 percent of the time, while black candidates win just 20.8 percent of the time—even though whites and blacks make up roughly equal shares of the voting-age population (per the 2010 census). District court: There's no allegation of intentional discrimination, but the electoral process does afford black voters fewer opportunities to elect their preferred candidates. District court again: To remedy that, "plumping" will be allowed: Voters can vote more than once for the same candidate. So, if there are three seats up for grabs, voters can vote up to three times for their preferred candidate. Eighth Circuit: Affirmed.
Los Angeles County all-female jail has policy of shackling mentally ill women for their "recreation" time, and officers often leave women naked and chained to their cell doors for hours without access to food, water, toilet. Ninth Circuit: Given all of the "uncontroverted evidence" of the above, the district court should not have told the jury to defer to jail officials' claims that the shackling was necessary because of "overcrowding" and "understaffing." Juries may only be instructed to defer to jail officials if there is evidence the policy is security based. (Bonus: This is the same jail that shackled women during childbirth. Super bonus: In 2017, the defendant, now-former Sheriff Lee Baca, was sentenced to three years in prison for obstructing an FBI investigation into widespread abuses by LA county jails.)
Wagoner County, Okla. man suffering psychotic episode declines to drop kitchen knife; police shoot him with pepperballs. He charges the officers, whose tasers fail, so they shoot him with bullets. He doesn't die. Can he sue? The Tenth Circuit says no.
Eleventh Circuit: In 1980, the Soviet hockey team hadn't lost an Olympic game since 1968 and had, just a few weeks before the Lake Placid Games, soundly defeated the U.S. by a score of 10–3. But, a miracle on ice! The U.S. wins gold. Indeed, says Judge Rosenbaum: "Our history contains many such stories of triumphs over long odds." But the instant case, which has naught to do with hockey, "is not one of those."
And in en banc news, the Eleventh Circuit will not reconsider its decision that Title VII does not permit gays and lesbians to bring discrimination claims against employers. Dissenting from denial of review, Judge Rosenbaum likens the precedent the panel relied upon to "an Edsel with a missing engine."
In 2016, Louisiana officials forced Metairie salon owner Lata Jagtiani to fire her two most experienced eyebrow threaders—Ushaben Chudasama and Panna Shah—because they weren't licensed estheticians. But come on! The state's mandatory 750 hours of esthetics training, which costs thousands of dollars, doesn't include any threading instruction. Nor would any training be necessary; threading, an ancient grooming technique that uses only a single cotton thread to remove unwanted hair, is perfectly safe as long as commonsense sanitation practices are observed. So the three women challenged the licensing law under the Louisiana Constitution, and this week—victory! The Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology created a specialty permit for threading, and Ushaben and Panna are back to work after passing a simple sanitation test and registering with the state. Click here to read more.
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wordsintimeandspace · 4 months
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I tried so many new things with my latest book and I'm obsessed with how it turned out! New for me were: larger size (A5 instead of A6), nice paper instead of copy paper (even in the right grain direction!), three piece bradel, using a bookmark ribbon and a paper label. Originally I wanted to sew endbands as well but the spine is fairly narrow, so I went with cord wrapped in a piece of the cover paper instead. I'll save the sewn endbands for the next book. :)
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wordsintimeandspace · 4 months
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My most recent bind: Lucky Stars by @magnetarmadda! First time I made TWO copies of a book so I could send one off to the author and I'm very pleased with the result.
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wordsintimeandspace · 7 months
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I made another small book, this time for my JonTim fantasy AU. I'm so pleased with the cover paper and the title page! I think for the next book I'm finally going to bind someone elses fic.
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wordsintimeandspace · 7 months
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I have successfully turned one of my fics into a little hardcover book for the first time!! Mistakes were made, but I'm so pleased with the result and it was so much fun. Will definitely do this again.
The fic in question was this one, which turned from 14k words into a neat 100 pages in A6 format.
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wordsintimeandspace · 8 months
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@hellofromthehallowoods has kindly allowed me to redo the typesetting on their short story collection "My Love From the Moormire" so I could get it into a better format for printing and binding, and this is the result of this endeavor!
I ended up using a different font for the titles because I couldn't find a free version of the correct one, but otherwise the layout follows pretty much the original. No pictures from the inside; but if you're interested in this you can find the stories on the Hallowoods patreon.
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wordsintimeandspace · 6 months
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Two more books, this time for the Third Law Of Fluff series by The_Lonely_has_always_had_me. The first book collects the first two stories, The Morning After and The Night Before, while the second book contains the third story, The First Date. I love this series so much and I'm really happy with how this turned out!
I have a whole block of foiled paper in different patterns so I tried that for covers for the first time. It was a bit of a pain because of the thickness, but I'm very pleased with the result so I will definitely use more of it.
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wordsintimeandspace · 5 months
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For the occasion of @jonsimsandcats day I bound a pamphlet for one of my favourite cat fics, Gravity and Waggery by lyres!
I had a lot of fun with the typeset and especially the cover (I used this Penguin clothbound cover generator). My previous pamphlets have been relatively simple but being able to print on cardstock has so many opportunities for more elaborate designs, I really need to do more of them.
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wordsintimeandspace · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hello From The Hallowoods (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Diggory Graves & Riot Maidstone & Percy Reed & Olivier Song, Riot Maidstone/Olivier Song Characters: Riot Maidstone, Olivier Song, Diggory Graves, Percy Reed (Hello From The Hallowoods), Ray (Hello From The Hallowoods), Moth (Hello From The Hallowoods) Additional Tags: set in season 2, Road Trips, Friendship, Missing Scene, Idiots in Love, Swimming, (involuntarily at first) Summary:
Right before reaching Box Andromeda, the RV crew is forced to take a day off. Begrudgingly, Riot has to admit that it’s nice.
A gift for @magnetarmadda for this years Haunt exchange! Bound into a little book as a bonus:
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wordsintimeandspace · 8 months
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I have successfully bound my first fic! I had to invest in a new printer, but it was definitely worth it. This was a lot of fun and it's SO nice to have a fic in my hands even if it's just a tiny one with 8 pages. Will definitely do this again!
I followed this tutorial, except that I do my typesetting in LaTeX because that's what I have experience in.
Here's the original fic if anyone is interested!
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wordsintimeandspace · 3 years
Fanwork Links
If you want to follow my book/ficbinding adventures, I use the ‘Sue does bookbinding’ tag on my blog!
You can find my writing (mainly Doctor Who, Good Omens and The Magnus Archives) on:
whofic (only older Doctor Who fics)
I previously used a masterpost as an overview of all my fics, but it’s getting too long and since tumblr changed their URLs, all tumblr links are broken. I don’t plan to update this anymore, but if you’re still interested, you can find it here.
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