#Suga drabble
cybsoo2 · 4 months
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sanguine slumber
╰┈➤ synopsis — So tempted by soft slumber, you just want to sleep. But Yoongi seems to have a present for you and it isn’t exactly ideal. 
╰┈➤ pairing — yandere!cat-hybrid!suga x reader
╰┈➤ word count — 650+
╰┈➤ content warning — SPOILER!!!! dead animal (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
ੈ✩‧₊˚ note ; happy birthday yoongi!! i've been missing him too much lately
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A soft rumbling sound brings you out of your sweet slumber. A warm weight lays across your back. A heat that grows hotter as Yoongi rubs his hands alongside your abdomen. Up and down, repeated, and teasing at the bottom of your sleep shirt.
The rumbling seems to be coming from Yoongi himself. A low purring that lays deep in his chest. The sensation mixed with his short puffs of breath touching your ear almost send you back to sleep. Almost.
Yoongi’s hands redden with a roughness as his claws peek out enough to delicately graze your sides. Sharp nails scratching along the surface, not enough to significantly hurt you, but enough to leave pink lines in their path. You squirm underneath him from the discomfort and let out a groan.
“Don’t fall asleep yet,” Yoongi huffs out as if he isn’t already half asleep himself. “I have a present for you.” While he speaks, he shifts his head to turn away from your face and stuff into your hair. He nestles himself deeper into the space between your neck and the pillow. A bad decision since a strawberry smell threatens to take him out. 
Yoongi keeps his focus on decorating your neck with lingering kisses in order to stay awake. His tail tangles itself around your waist in a lazy fashion. The tip twitching from every small breath you let out.
You only groan into the pillow and ignore him. A fuzzy haze begins to settle beneath your eyelids until a pinching pain erupts from your neck. “Hey, hey no biting,” Your words are slurred and down-slide into silence.
Yoongi, with his teeth still lodged into your neck, pouts a little before peppering pecks onto your pinkening flesh. He huffs in disappointment at your still sleepy self.
“Wake up, I said I have a present.” Yoongi raises himself onto his arms the slightest bit so he hovers over your face. He breathes short puffs of air through his puffed up cheeks and pouty lips. He watches as the wind makes your eyelashes flutter and causes your eyelids to twitch. He moves his tail up higher to rest at the base of your chin, tickling you in an annoying way. 
You continue to stand between the sinking state of slumber and the surface. You stay stubborn and still underneath his body. Yoongi’s purring stops and he almost starts to sulk. Instead, two hands turn you upwards to face him. You grimace at the sunshine that peeks around him and squint your eyes. 
“Stop being stubborn.” He sits up so he straddles your waist. Yoongi huffs and furrows his brows in frustration. He leans down again and puts more pressure into his kisses. He presses his plush lips onto your rosy cheeks. He leaves fluttering kisses across every inch of your face. Blue butterflies burn in your stomach. 
When his kisses drag down onto your jaw is when you notice how warm they are. Warm and… wet? You peek open one eye and fight against the blinding light. Your foggy gaze comes into focus and that’s when you see how red his lips are.
You reach out to grab his jaw, nimble fingers tighten around the bone and draw his face downwards. He reaches a hand up to hold onto your wrist and a second scarlet stain appears. You panic to pull yourself up off your back, bucking Yoongi downwards off your hips and onto the space beside you. 
Feathers (definitely not from the pillow) cover the bed while a few float in the air from your rapid movement. You turn to face Yoongi and he parts his lips in a scarlet smile. He spits out a feather and brings his hands out from behind his back.
A bloody bird sits in the middle of his palms. The wings stick up in two impossible directions. The head, hanging on by a single tendon, snaps off and rolls onto your lap.
“Do you like it?” A shy smile shines on his blushing cheeks. 
You wipe the sides of your face before responding. Ruby red rolls off onto your hands. “Oh, Yoongi.”
© cybsoo2 2024, all rights reserved
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eoieopda · 2 years
Hi can I request a Yoongi x reader where she’s naturally very sweet and shy and she hides her face in his chest. Thank you, I love your work ☺️💜
i wasn’t sure which path to take here, so buckle up - we’re going on a journey! 😂 ft. smug yoongi, king of teasing
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Yoongi’s favorite color was whatever shade of pink your cheeks turned when you blushed. Cherry blossoms mixed with bashfulness, nestled in your soft skin and underscored with a tiny whine. Coincidentally, that was his favorite sound. Well, one of them; tied for first was his name in your voice, whenever and however you said it.
He’d recently discovered a new way to pull all three out of you at once. All it took was a densely crowded place, and four short words.
Walking through Hannam-dong, your fingers were laced with his; warm despite the unrelenting chill in the air. Your eyes were focused on bright orange leaves getting lost in the wind, twirling and spinning, miraculously avoiding the ground. And, all the while, you were smiling - though he suspected you didn’t realize it.
Perfect, he smirked to himself.
So completely disarmed, you didn’t see it when he dropped to one knee. You just kept walking, observing. Only after his stagnant arm tugged you slightly backwards did you notice his absence from your side. You spun around and gasped when you finally saw him there. Immediately, he saw hints of it - that perfect flush - tickling at the apples of your cheeks.
A crowd was pooling around you both as your shocked mouth froze open. The older passersby were put off by his brashly modern gesture, but those closer in age were audibly giddy with anticipation.
“Will you marry me?” He beamed up at you under cartoonish, batted lashes. Waiting, waiting -
A triple whammy: his name elongated by your musical little whine, and then your left hand gripping the collar of his coat. You exerted no effort in hoisting him to his feet; he was an obedient follower, always. As soon as he was upright again, your face was buried into the cable knit sweater you’d picked out for him. So cute, so impossibly shy.
He could feel the heat of your embarrassment through the fabric, just like you could feel his self-satisfied laughter shaking down from his shoulders. Not for nothing, both of you could feel the confused stares from the audience you’d attracted. They could wait all day, and they’d still never hear your answer to his question -
“How many times are you going to do this to me?” You groaned, nestling further into his chest. Every word was muffled, but he knew exactly what you’d say whether he heard it or not.
- because none of them were present the first time he asked, two months ago. Or the countless times he’d asked since. At Lotte World, the Leeum, Hakdong Park…
He kissed the top of your head, then rested his chin gently over that same spot, “Can’t say for certain,” he teased with a smirk, “But the terms of this contract mean you have to stick around to find out.”
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moni-logues · 1 year
The Fifth Date
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: friends/idiots-to-lovers
Summary: Yoongi finally realises his feelings for you... But you're on a fifth date with someone else.
Word count:
Content: literally no warnings necessary for this one except Yoongi being a moron
A/N: Happy birthday to my future husband, Min Yoongi! As I said in a post a couple of days ago, this one has had a real edit; it's fundamentally the same, but just (I hope) better.
‘A date. A date. It’s just a date. Why do I care so much? I don’t care. I don’t. It’s fine. She can do what she wants. Obviously. I'm not her keeper. She's a grown woman—an adult. I don't control her. I'm not trying to. It's fine. It's just a date…
'Well, it’s a fifth date. Five is quite a lot- it’s not; it’s not really a lot but it’s different from a first date. A fifth date definitely mean-‘
Yoongi jumps, startled back to the present. He’s supposed to be helping Jungkook finish his song, but he can’t focus.
“Ah, sorry, sorry, ok,” he replies and turns his attention to the screen, adjusting levels and playing the track again.
Music is where he always goes to relax, switch off, zone out, feel better. Music is where Yoongi is in control; he knows what he’s doing; he can feel the music; he can hear it before it even exists and he knows how to create it. He’s comfortable with music; the studio is his home, his retreat. It’s his happy place. This is what he does. This is who he is. He comes to the studio and the world outside its four walls disappears, doesn’t matter. Time passes unacknowledged, one hour, ten, who knows? Who cares? Music production is a flow state that Yoongi slips into whenever he can. Music is simple to him, pure.
But you’re on a fifth date.
Jungkook sighs, seeing Yoongi’s stare go blank once more.
“Yoongi, are you ok? You really can’t focus today.”
“I’m sorry, JK, I will do better. It’s fine. I can focus. Let's do it.”
“Are you sure?”
Yoongi nods.
“Because I know someone is on a date right now-“
“So what? What does that have to do with anything?” Yoongi asks, suddenly defensive.
Jungkook almost pulls a muscle refraining from rolling his eyes. Everyone knows Yoongi has feelings for you; everyone knows you have feelings for him. You’re honest about it, at least. Yoongi refuses to be. They’re not even sure if he’s being honest with himself, despite how obvious it is to everyone else. The two of you together is a no-brainer.
“And they’ve got no brains!” is Jin’s constant rejoinder.
It’s a very good point.
They know he’s just trying to protect himself. He’s been hurt before. But haven’t we all? And you can’t stop yourself being hurt from hiding away. Loneliness is hurt, too; pining is hurt, too. But Yoongi will not be told.
You look at your date across the table and smile. You’re having a nice time. The food is good. The company is enjoyable. You’re trying hard to focus on him: what’s likable about him, what makes him a good match for you—the very fact that he asked you out was a start; you have interests in common; he’s not unattractive; but he’s not Yoongi. Your brain knows that you have to let go of the Yoongi thing, but your heart hasn’t got the message yet.
Practice makes perfect, you remind yourself. You laugh at your date’s joke and take a sip of your drink. If he asks for a sixth date? Yeah, you’ll go. If he asks you back to his tonight? Yeah, you’ll go. Because Yoongi’s not asking. And you’ve given up waiting.
Not waiting as such. You aren’t waiting—you never were waiting. Because you know it won’t happen, have always known. He just doesn’t see you like that. You’re friends. Just friends. You did once think, maybe, that he might be showing interest in you, the way he softened and warmed up to you, the way he became almost doting, indulgent, always, always there when you needed. Then you realised that that was just him, really him, truly him, not the cool, shy exterior he had first presented to you. That made it all the harder, truth be told. You had liked him anyway: his shy little laugh, shoulders shaking, eyes closed; his knowledge on any and every random topic you could imagine; his thick dark hair and feline eyes; his obnoxious drinking habits that you nevertheless found endearing. He slipped into your heart and set up camp. It’s just what he is like. He dotes on his loved ones: you and all the others. You realised he didn’t have romantic feelings for you, but familial ones.
It isn’t exactly what you want, being his friend, being family to him, but you’ll take it. Rather that than nothing. Rather that than daring to tread where you might not be wanted—weren’t wanted—and being rebuffed, rejected. So, you date. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else, right? Worth a shot! It isn’t exactly working but a girl’s gotta eat.
The studio session does not go well. It ends prematurely. Jungkook has to pretend to have had enough, to be too tired, to need to rest, anything to put an end to the torturously slow progress he and Yoongi are making. Yoongi is distracted and needs to let loose, he says. He sends a message to the group chat asking them to have drinks so they meet at the dorms and get some bottles out. Yoongi relaxes and forgets about you for a little while, distracted but this time it’s from you, not by you. He forgets, briefly, that you’re on a fifth date with someone else, smiling, laughing, drinking, not with him. He has fun. He gets a little bit tipsy, drinks more than he planned.
Then Hoseok turns in for the night and Yoongi checks the time. It’s late. He’d have expected you to have sent him a message by now, telling him how the date went. You always message. Always. Even when it goes well. Even when it goes badly. But it’s late and he hasn’t heard from you. A thought washes over him like cold water poured down his back: maybe you’re still on the date. It’s not like it’s not allowed; it’s not like you haven’t slept with other people in the time you’ve known each other. He knows you have. He’s fine with that. Of course, he’s fine with it; you’re just friends. But you are still on a fifth date and his stomach flips over unhappily.
He stares hard at his phone, willing it to do something, although he’s not entirely sure what.
“Hasn’t anyone ever told you that a watched phone never boils?” Namjoon asks him.
Yoongi slowly puts down his phone and pushes it to one side.
“Waiting for a message from anyone in particular?”
“No,” he answers simply.
They know he’s lying.
“Have you met the guy she’s on a date with? He works at the company, right?” Jimin asks, his eyes all innocent and shining.
Yoongi nods.
“Yeah, he does. I haven’t met him.”
He doesn’t really ever want to. He’s not interested in who you’re dating; it doesn’t matter as long as you’re happy. If you say he’s good enough, he’s good enough; Yoongi doesn’t need to vet him, interrogate him. He trusts your judgement. He doesn’t have to meet him. Ever. Well, he’ll probably have to at some point, but he doesn’t want to. Why would he? He’s just some guy.
The other members look at each other. They know this is your fifth date and there is a real possibility of more dates; they feel they have to do something to make Yoongi wake up and realise what he’s missing. They just aren’t sure how. They’ve tried everything they can think of. Yoongi is just too hard-headed. They’ve tried with you, too, egging you on, promising success, trying bribes at one point. You are hard-headed, too.
They talk amongst themselves about this guy – whom none of them know, but some have seen around the building; they talk about you and how they might see less of you now if you’re going to have a boyfriend. They wonder aloud if your boyfriend will have a problem with you hanging out with them, seven men, by yourself. A cold fist grips Yoongi’s heart at this – not seeing you? He hadn’t considered that but it’s true; the more time you spend with this guy, the less you can spend with him. He hadn’t realised before that this could actually mean losing you. How many married women does he know who hang out with seven men on a regular basis? (How many married women he knows at his age full stop—a solid zero—does not enter into his equation). Possessed by a forceful energy, he stands up and the others all look at him.
“I,” he starts, not really sure what he’s going to say, “have to go,” he says simply and leaves the dorms.
The others look at each other with trepidation and then shrug; what will be will be and they’ll be there to pick up whatever pieces there are later.
Yoongi leaves the building and starts walking. It’s far too far to walk to your apartment from the dorm, but he needs to burn off a little of his sudden energy. His mind is whirring, an overpowered carousel, an endlessly streaming slideshow of his relationship with you. He shakes his head and frowns deeply, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. He knows he’s coming to you but he doesn’t know what he’s going to say. He sees you, in his mind, on your date, laughing at some man, this company guy, holding hands, kissing goodnight. He shudders.  
He can’t tell you to stop dating other people, not if he’s not going to ask you to date him. But is he going to ask you? It seems insane. Impossible. The thought of asking you out is impossible. But the thought of dating you seems somehow… less impossible. Doable. Real. The thought of it being him walking you home. The thought of it being him who kisses you goodnight.
He laughs to himself. What is going on? What has been going on? He can’t have been this blind. Everyone else can’t have been right. He’s excited and terrified in equal measure. He wonders what you feel. If everyone was right that he has feelings, are they right about you, too? If it has taken him this long to realise, maybe you haven’t realised either. He might be walking into disaster. But he can’t stop. He’ll crash that fifth date if he has to.
After a couple of miles, he orders a car to take him the rest of the way. He stands for a moment outside your building; his limbs feel fizzy, his head feels light, and his stomach feels wobbly, but he pushes the intercom button anyway.
“Yoongi!” your voice comes through the speaker, quiet and grainy.
“Can I come up? I won’t be long.”
The buzzer sounds in reply and Yoongi opens the door and runs up the stairs. He has to assume this is a good sign. You’re in your apartment. You’re letting him come up. Your date is not—probably—not there, too. He breathes heavily outside your door, catching his breath, waiting for his heart to slow down a little.
It doesn’t. Not even when his breathing is even and he’s stopped sweating. So, he knocks anyway. When you open the door, you’re already ready for bed: make-up off, hair down, pyjamas on. He has to assume that this is a really good sign.
“What’s up?” you ask as you welcome him in. “Do you want a drink?”
“No, thank you,” he answers, sitting down. “I just needed to talk to you about something. How was your date?”
You sit next to him on the sofa and consider your answer.
“It was good! He’s a nice guy. I think we’re going to go out again next week, maybe.”
You don’t want to overegg the pudding but you’re not sure how to play it, how much to give away, how honest to be. Keep it vague, keep it simple. He will already know it can’t have gone that well if you’re here, all undone, ready for bed.
Yoongi nods, looking serious. Then he stands. Then he asks you to stand, too. Perplexed, you rise and stand in front of him, your expression questioning.
“I’ve been stupid,” he states. “I’ve been really stupid. I have to apologise to you for that. I don’t want to complicate things for you but you have to know this. I like you. I don’t want you to date that other man. I want you to date me.”
“Date you?” you ask, incredulous.
“Yes. That is what I want and I’ve wanted it for a long time; I just didn’t realise it until now. If you want to date that guy, that’s ok, but if you want to date me, well, I want that, too.”
He sounds so sure, so confident, but he doesn’t feel it. His hands clench and unclench at his sides; his ribs are taking a beating from his heart; sweat pricks in his scalp. He can’t say any more. His mouth has dried up. He can only stand and wait for your response. Whatever it may be.
You look surprised then confused, your brows pulling together over your eyes, your lip sucked into your mouth, chewed on.
“I guess—well, no, I know: I also want to date you.”
That’s definitely got to be a good sign. He nods sharply.
“Ok. Good. Fine. Good. That’s all I wanted to say.” A pause. “Sorry for barging in here. It’s late. I’ll let you go to bed.”
He turns to leave and you’re laughing, more incredulous now than before.
“Where the fuck are you going?” you cry, stepping forward and grabbing his arm, turning him around so he’s facing you again. “What are you doing?”
He looks like a deer caught in headlights, a little shocked, a little dazed, like he can’t believe where he is, what’s just happened. And he can’t. Doesn’t seem real. None of it does.
“Oh, I, uh,” he stutters, not sure himself what he was doing, what he’s going to do now.
“You can’t just come in here and tell me you want to date me and then leave! Are you even going to ask me out?”
He blinks and you hear the clock tick like the cogs in his brain turning.
“Do you want me to ask you out?”
“Oh my god!”
You turn, bewildered, really feeling that extra glass of wine you had at dinner. You rub your hands over your face and turn back to him with a smile.
“What are you doing on Friday?”
“Studio, probably.”
You roll your eyes and take a deep breath.
“No, what are you doing on Friday?”
You stare at him insistently, willing him to see the breadcrumbs you’re laying out for him, to take a fucking hint for once in his life.
“I’- oh. Oh. Uh, do you want to go out with me on Friday?”
“I mean, I was going to ask you out, but yes, yes I do!”
“Oh… Good.”
“Stop saying that!”
“I don’t know what else to say!”
You feel a little drunk, feel a tiny bit like maybe you’ve fallen asleep on the sofa and are just dreaming this. Because it’s come out of nowhere and Yoongi’s standing in your living room asking you out on a date and it’s everything you’ve wanted for all this time and it can’t just suddenly be happening. Just like that. So easy.
He’s blushing and so embarrassed, squirming a little as he stands in front of you, feeling so silly that he showed up so unprepared. Unprepared for any of this. He would have sworn up and down just a few hours ago that you were his friend and nothing more, but now he’s giddy, a little dizzy, feels like he’s actually drunk even though he sobered up on the walk. He feels like he’s dreaming, passed out on the dorm sofa, imagining all of this.
You both feel weird, exposed. You’re crossing that line, however inelegantly, and neither of you is sure how to do it. You laugh, awkwardly, nervous now in front of him. He laughs, too, rubbing a hand at the back of his head self-consciously, looking down at the floor.
“You can stay,” you offer, quietly, a little timid, not quite meeting his eye.
“Here, tonight. If you want.”
“Do you want?”
“You think I’d have offered if I didn’t?”
You take whatever Dutch courage you have left and close the gap between you, your feet neatly together between his, your fingers toying with the edge of his jumper. You look up at him through your lashes and he’s looking down at you, blinking hard, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides again. You tip your head up to him, willing him to take a step, to take his turn, to not make you have to do all the work.
It's a little much, Yoongi thinks, as he looks down at you. It feels fast, sudden, and he’s so hot, flushing all over as your little fingers pull gently at the hem of his jumper. For a second, he considers backing out, shuffling back just a little—and then he catches himself. It’s not sudden—because he’s known you for months now, he’s felt this for months even if he hid it from himself; it’s not fast, it’s slow. It’s been slow—he’s been slow. Everyone has been telling him, everyone has been saying it and he hadn’t realised, hadn’t got the message, but now he has, so why wait? Why pause? You’re right there in front of him, looking up at him with those enormous eyes, a little shy, a little spark of mischief there.
He unclenches his fists and places his hands on your waist as he dips his head and presses his mouth to yours.
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hyungieyoongi · 10 months
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Established relationship + FLUFFY FLUFF
Word Count: 700+
A/N: I am already missing Yoongi Boongi and he is not even gone yet, so I wrote this little drabble to make my heart warm 💜 
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Yoongi shut the door quietly behind him, slipping off his shoes in the entryway of your shared home. He shushed Holly as the dog came bounding up to him in excitement, awoken by the noise of his owner coming home at such a late hour. Yoongi bent down, petting the dog affectionately, cooing at him to get him to be quiet.
With Holly now happily following after him, Yoongi made his way through the dimly lit house toward your bedroom, the door still nudged open from Holly coming to greet him. The small poodle snuggled back onto his dog bed in the corner of the room, quickly falling back asleep now that his two favorite people were back home.
Yoongi sat on the edge of the bed near your sleeping form, trying to decide whether to wake you now or save the surprise for tomorrow morning when you inevitably found him sleeping next to you. He watched you sleep for a moment, peacefully unaware of his presence. He mulled it over, considering letting you rest undisturbed, but he couldn't wait.
He rubbed your arm gently, whispering your name, trying to wake you.
“Y/N, sweetheart, wake up,” Yoongi whispered, waiting for your eyes to open.
You groaned quietly, upset at being disturbed from your deep sleep. You squinted up at Yoongi, momentarily confused before you could make out your boyfriend’s form in the dark room.
“Yoongi!” you nearly shouted, voice rough from sleep. You shoved the covers away from your body, immediately sitting up so you could wrap your arms around him; his arms tightened around you instantly.
“I wanted to surprise you,” Yoongi murmured, words slightly muffled as he spoke them against your hair.
You pulled back to look at him, eyes taking in every detail about his features that you had missed for the past month while he was away at training. His hair was short, of course, but you still hadn’t gotten used to it after seeing him with long, dark locks for so long. You cupped his cheeks between your hands, squeezing his bread cheeks together slightly, making him laugh—you missed that sound.
“I missed you so much, Yoongs,” you said. You blinked a few times to rid yourself of the tears that started to accumulate.
Yoongi grabbed your hands in his own, taking them away from his face so he could kiss the back of both of them.
“I missed you too, love,” he said, leaning forward to meet your lips in a sweet kiss. You closed your eyes, waiting for him to deepen it when he pulled away. You whined, making Yoongi chuckle at your impatience.
“Wait a second,” Yoongi said, reaching over to your side to grab the stuffed plush taking over his side of the bed. You felt your face heat up as he brought it in front of your face to show you. He quirked an eyebrow at you.
“Should I be jealous that you’re sleeping with Shooky instead of me?” You grabbed the plush out of his hands in response, wrapping it in your arms protectively.
“That’s so not fair, Min! You leave me for a whole month and expect me to just not have anything to cuddle with while you’re gone? I don’t think so!” You responded, scoffing lightly at the thought of sleeping alone while your boyfriend was away.
“Oh, is Shooky better at cuddling than me?” Yoongi asked. You rolled your eyes at his antics, placing Shooky gently on the floor next to the bed for safe keeping.
“Of course not,” you conceded. “I would much prefer to be cuddling with you.”
“Just making sure you didn’t replace me,” Yoongi said, left side of his mouth quirked up in a teasing smirk.
“Shut up and come cuddle with me before I kick you out and bring Shooky back to bed,” you threatened, laying back down and pulling the covers up to your chin.
Yoongi stood up, kissing you on the forehead before making his way to his side of the bed.
“Shooky can stay on the ground tonight, alright?” Yoongi said as he got comfortable under the covers, wrapping his arm around your waist to bring your body closer to his. You smiled, the warm feeling of comfort washing over you; the kind that can only come from having the love of your life home with you.
“I’m sure Shooky won’t mind.”
Check out my other work! ❤️
Taglist: @alpacaparkaseok​ , @delacyrose224​ , @aianloveseven​ , @dulce-pjm​, @milk-and-moni​, @wittyreader​, @royallyjjk​, @themochiverse​, @moondearing, @jiminshairline​​, @starstruckfangirls
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bubble7o7 · 11 months
Mature content
Over 18’s Only
Min Yoongi x Reader
“Baby?…Babe?” you hear that gorgeous deep voice call out to you.
“Come to bed?… please?” He holds out his hand to you.
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“I just want to catch the end of this. Go back to bed I won’t be long”
He never has to ask you twice on any other occasion but when you’ve waited all week for the next episode of your favourite drama and need to wind down from work… this is your spot and you’re not budging for anyone. Not even your handsome, sleepy, husky voiced, bed haired love.
“Come to bed” he pouts “Can’t you watch it tomorrow?”
“I won’t have time tomorrow, just go to bed I won’t be long baby, I promise.”
“No…” he huffs. He stumbles through the hallway clambering over the sofa, he flops down by your side. He lifts your arm and tucks himself under you while wrapping his arm and leg over you…
“I can’t sleep, I keep waking up to cuddle into you but you’re not there” he mumbles into your boob and squeezing you tighter.
“Ok, Ok… shhhh” you cuddle him into you, gently stroking your fingers through his hair which usually helps him relax. You make the mistake of watching him dose back off, you take in a deep breath at the beauty of him.
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“God you’re too cute you know… it would be so funny if people saw this side of you…”
“What do you mean?” He mumbles.
“That hard exterior people think you have but you’re just my soft, clingy boy” you gently squeeze him into you again.
“Yah!” He jumps up, yanks you by your hips and pulls you down so you’re now flat on the sofa underneath him and he straddles over you.
“I’m Soft… “ he kisses you hard.
“I’m Clingy!” He moans as he nibbles down your neck.
“Boy!?” He kisses you again, while his hand slowly wanders from your boob, to your hips then he grabs a firm hold of your arse and presses himself closer to you.
“I’ll have you know I’m hard…” he grinds himself slowly against you. You let out a little moan.
“Tough” he kisses you passionately “and a man” he grins.
“Baby I know… I can feel it” you smile as you lean in and kiss his neck, while grabbing a firm hold of his arse with both hands.
“Wait… what are you watching?” a sound from the TV catches his attention.
“Erm… All of us are dead… why?”
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He quickly jumps up from the sofa “Yeah… nope!. I’ll let you catch up and come to bed when you’re ready! Goodnight, I love you…” he pecks at your lips then rushes down the hallway back to bed.
“What the fuck!” You laugh. “Wait! Where’s my hard, tough man gone?!”
“To bed! and you should follow him!” He yells.
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You can’t help but smile to yourself at the fact you have to watch horror films on your own because your boyfriend point blank refuses to!
You finish the last 15 minutes and tip toe into your room, it’s pitch black. “Yoongs… are you awake?” you whisper.
“Babe… I can’t see a thing… Ooff!” You stumble near the bed. Total silence.
“Baby?… are you taking the piss?”
You lean down to turn your bedside light on.
Just then there’s an almighty bang and the door flings open from the en suite and Yoongi’s rushing towards you.
“FuckShit!… you fucking dick!” You scream as he grabs hold of you and flings you on the bed. “My heart is pounding you fucking dick!” You cry out.
“Let me feel?” He laughs.
“That’s not my heart!” He has his hand clamped on to your boob, smiling at you before kissing you softly on either cheek then pecking at your pouting lips.
“You scared the crap out of me…”
“I’m sorry my love”
“You’re awfully cocky, scaring me like that for someone who wont even watch a Zombie Tv show… my hard, tough man” you smile.
“Mhuh” he mumbles as he leans in and kisses you hard and slow, he grips either side of your pj bottoms and pulls them off, tossing them to one side.
He gently grinds himself against you and whispers “Let me show you how hard I am”.
“Oh fuck…” you moan.
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still-with-koo · 1 year
2:31 am with Yoongi | MYG
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pairing: yoongi x reader
summary: you’re in love with your friend. but he’s moving to another country. is it too late?
wc: ~850
genre/warnings/rating: 15+; friends to lovers; angst; fluff; a few swear words; kissing; sexual innuendos; suggestive themes. the characters in this story are my own and do not reflect on the members of bts or anyone else. this is all made up and just for fun, please don’t take it too seriously!
a/n: this is a repost of a milestone drabble request. i changed some of the story a tiny bit at the end, hope you like it!
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You should have told him.
This is the single refrain playing over and over as you sit by your window, staring out into the azure sky sprinkled with glitter, fingers mindlessly dancing along the sill.
Your friend Yoongi had given you the perfect opportunity to confess your feelings. The ones you’ve been holding onto for forever. And now he’s moving to another country and you’ll never see him again.
Ok, that’s a tad dramatic.
You won’t see him for a year.
It played out like a movie earlier this afternoon. Sitting side by side on your front porch, eyes fixed on a spot a few metres ahead, he hesitated before giving you the news. “I’m leaving, Y/N.” And though you couldn’t hear his next few words over the booming in your ears, you did catch one important detail — he was set to fly out the next morning. Technically, this morning.
There was something in the way he said it… or maybe in the way he didn’t… that left an unspoken question flutter between you two. The awkward pauses that followed signalled endless possibilities neither of you were courageous enough to grasp.
You should have told him.
Yoongi has always felt like more than a friend to you. A lot more. And part of you thinks you mean just as much to him. But it’s a delicate balance neither of you are willing to upset, just in case you’re wrong.
But you’re pretty sure you’re not.
You glance at your clock, the red glowing numbers letting you know you should be sleeping right now. 2:31am.
But how can you? Your best friend will be on a flight to the other end of the world in just a few hours and soon he’ll meet many beautiful people that will claw all over him, the sexy foreigner with a quick tongue and an alluring gaze. He’ll meet someone. And that someone won’t be you. He’ll fall in love with them. They’ll elope. And the next time you see him he’ll be cradling a tiny little Yoongi in his arms.
Ok, maybe the baby is a stretch.
But you should have told him.
You gasp for air that isn’t there, quickly shoving open your window to escape the onset of suffocation.
As you take in the cool night air you feel another wave of melancholy wash over you.
And then you see it. You see him.
He’s sitting on your front porch and at the sound of your voice he twists his head upwards, towards you.
“Y/N, hey,” he manages, standing upright, brushing dirt off his pants.
“Hold on,” you yell out, rushing downstairs to greet him. Throwing open the door you feel a gush of cool wind hit your body.
Yoongi’s eyes quickly float over your body and suddenly you become very self conscious, your flimsy tank top and shorts leaving little to the imagination. In your excitement, you forgot to throw something over your pyjamas. Oops.
You shift your weight from one leg to the other as Yoongi’s eyes snap away from your body towards the road, as if he’s contemplating a plan of escape. Then his jaw clenches, a look of pure determination washing over him before he steps towards you, his gaze finally meeting yours.
“Yoongi, what are you doing h—?”
“I like you.”
“Well, of course I like you… I mean, I like you, like you. A lot. Too much. I didn’t mean to, I swear. I tried so hard not to. And when it happened I shut up about it but I just, I can’t leave without telling you… how whenever I walk beside you, my hand wants to hold yours. How when you scrunch your nose I want to kiss it. How when you let another loser treat you like shit, I want to beat the crap out of him. And how every time I see you I want to kiss you. Every single time. Do you know you have that effect on me? Like even right now, all I can think about is what it would feel like to have your lips on mine, to hold you in my arms, to finally call you mine. Ugh, see, I’m making you uncomfortable, right? This was a mistake, I’m sorry I—”
“Shut up, Yoongi,” you demand, closing the gap between you and pressing your lips against his, seeing his eyes flutter shut before yours close too. It’s sweet and delicate, like the cotton candy you both shared at the fair he took you to last year, and perfect, like the man himself.
You pull apart and notice the blown out look in his eyes accompanied by a lopsided grin.
“Does this mean—?”
“Do you want to come inside…for coffee?”
You gesture inside, your grin replacing his as he just stares back at you in amazement.
“Coffee? Do you realize what time it is? It’ll keep me up all—”
You roll your eyes at him. Min Genius. That’s what he calls himself. But even geniuses get it wrong sometimes.
You grab his hand, watching his fingers interlace with yours, his gummy smile reappearing as a flicker of comprehension flashes across his face.
You fix him with a devilish smirk.
“Ah, that’s the point,” he breathes, eyebrow quirking when he catches your eye, “like the cat.”
Your smirk falters.
“Please,” you whisper under your breath, “not the cat thing again...”
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babystrcandy · 2 years
you’re just in time | myg
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summary: While leaving your studio during a thunderstorm, you find a small dog that you just can't turn away. One problem: Yoongi seems to hate the idea.
pairing: matilda!yoongi x fem!reader rating/genre: 18+ Minors DNI | brother’s best friend au, established relationship, fluff, and smut word count: 8.2K warnings/notes: this can be read as a standalone, but it goes along after the events of matilda, they’re sickeningly in love, don’t listen to yoongi he has a soft spot for dogs, reader is such a cutie, yoongi being yoongi, handjob, sloppy toppy for yoongi, what can i say, yoongi always wants to fuck you, dirty talk, fingering, squirting, riding, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, yoongi and...his glasses (is this a kink? i think so), degradation kink (slut mentions), so much fluff and filth, ring the wedding bells, when are they walking down the aisle?, i think that’s it but if i missed anything pls let me know, hope you enjoy <3
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drabble #1: you’re just in time ( ← previous )  
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WHEN YOU LEFT YOUR studio that afternoon, frantically running through the rain, you were not expecting to hear a desperate whine coming from behind the building. You really weren’t expecting that whine to be coming from a stray dog, huddled by the garbage cans, shaking from the cold rain pelting its brown fur. And you really, really weren’t expecting to rescue said dog from the clutches of the thunderstorm, taking it home with you all the while wondering what Yoongi would think.
But how could you say no to those puppy eyes?
The little brown dog—possibly a type of poodle—had looked up at you with such desperation, such awe that you couldn’t turn it away. It’d even touched a paw to your knee when you’d kneeled down to run a hand through its matted fur. You weren’t sure how long it’d been on the streets, but you weren’t going to let that go on for another day.
And sure, you could take the little thing to a shelter . . . but you’d always had a soft spot for small creatures. Besides, finding it right outside your studio felt like a little more than a coincidence, and Yoongi had always said that everything happened for a reason . . . so . . .
Except when you returned to your still newly renovated house, carrying the dog in your arms, you were immediately met with your fiancé staring at you in shock, headset around his neck and hair wildly disheveled. You could practically see the gears turning in his head as his eyes flicked from your beaming face to the little dog shaking in your arms.
“What’s that?” he asked, squinting at you.
You shot him a hesitant, toothy grin. “A dog.”
“I see that.” He stood to his feet, abandoning the headset near his equipment. “What’s it doing in our house?”
You glanced down at the dog, kissing its head. “The little guy was cold . . .”
He ran a hand through his hair, sighing deeply. “So you brought it in here?” he asked, slight annoyance in his voice but nevertheless he grabbed a blanket from the couch and handed it to you.
Sheepishly, you took the blanket from him and wrapped the dog inside. You rubbed your hand up and down its shaking body, trying to warm the poor thing the best you could. Glancing back up, you caught Yoongi staring at you through tired eyes. You took a step forward, showing the dog’s sleepy face to him.
Yoongi sighed. “I know what you’re thinking,” he began, gently scratching the dog’s head. “But . . . we can’t keep ‘em. We’re both too busy.”
You pouted. “But look at this face.”
With his hands now on his hips, bottom lip tucked under his teeth in thought, he glanced from your face to the dog’s. You knew Yoongi had never been a fan of having a pet around. He’d always been too preoccupied, too busy to even take care of himself so a pet seemed a little out there for him. But as he looked at the tiny dog, you swore you saw his eyes soften.
“He’s cute,” he mused.
“That’s a boy dog.”
“How do you know?”
He sighed through his nose. “We can’t keep him,” he reiterated. “We wouldn’t have the time to take care of him. As it is, we only really see each other at night. Who would walk him?”
You shrugged, feeling adamant. “I’d make time.”
He raised a brow. “He can stay here until we find a place to take him. Hell, maybe Hari and Taehyung would be down for another dog. God knows Yeontan wouldn’t mind the company.”
“But he chose me,” you huffed, glancing down at the dog once again. His wide brown eyes stared back up at you, practically pouting. “I found him outside the studio. I’m, like, his mom now. And you'll love him. Mark my words. You will."
“His mo—what?” Yoongi remarked, sighing once again as he brought a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. He dropped his hand a second later and rested it on your shoulder, squeezing. “Baby, I love you and that pout is awfully cute on you, but it’s not enough to change my mind. We can’t keep him. You know that.”
With that, he kissed your cheek before he began to walk toward the kitchen. You glanced down at the dog, finding him already staring up at you. Knowingly, you nodded, then stalked off toward the kitchen, standing in the threshold.
“Well . . . what do we call him in the meantime?” you questioned, still pouting.
“Dog,” Yoongi hummed as he put the kettle on.
You rolled your eyes. “Dog?”
He nodded. “Dog.”
“You’re no fun,” you huffed before you took a step into the kitchen, approaching the fridge in order to find anything you could use to feed the little creature.
As you looked, you glanced down once again, finding the dog had ceased shaking and was now snuggled up against you, its eyes closed. A smile lifted onto your face as you kissed his head once again. “Don’t worry. I’ll convince him, little one,” you cooed into its fur.
“What was that?” Yoongi called from behind you.
You clicked your tongue. “Nothing, Scrooge.”
Yoongi laughed under his breath as a response. And you could just see him shaking his head at you, that damned gummy grin on his face.
In retaliation, you flipped him off.
He only laughed harder.
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In the following weeks, amidst preparing for your wedding—meeting with planners and picking out certain venues and such . . . blah, blah, blah, the usual—Dog (you had got to pick a better name for the little guy) had become ever-present. You did, in fact, find out he was a he once you’d taken him to the animal hospital for a check-up and a few shots. Then, you’d taken to buying him as many toys and necessities as you could possibly find, knowing full well you were spoiling him.
And Yoongi watched it all, arms crossed over his chest with a bored expression on his face. That only ever amused you further.
The first week Dog became a part of your usual schedule, you oftentimes took him for as many walks as his little heart could take. You’d even dragged Yoongi along for a couple of them, and he didn’t complain (not more than once, at least).
It went beyond that, too. Dog had even taken to sitting on the couch with you during movie nights. He’d even ended up sleeping at the edge of your bed, sticking to your side over Yoongi’s at night.
You’d loved the little guy since the first time you saw him. You knew that. The weeks you’d spent taking care of him only confirmed this. And Yoongi only complained when you’d brag about just how much the dog adored you. You’d even taught him a few tricks, begging Yoongi to come to take a look at what you’d taught the little guy every so often.
You’re just in time, you’d say, tugging him in the door when he’d return home from hours at his studio. Dog can fetch!
Yatta, yatta, yatta, you’d end up showing your fiancé just how smart Dog was, and every time Yoongi would hum, but remind you that he couldn’t stay forever.
But you always caught the lingering look of adoration cross his face when Dog would whine at him, tilting his head to the side as he put on a show for him.
That was why you kept going. Because, well, one: Dog was yours, end of discussion. There had been a reason you found him outside your studio and you were determined to make it work. And two: Yoongi secretly liked the little guy; he was just too proud to admit it.
So you’d keep trying.
And Yoongi would let you, because he wanted you to.
Deep down, you both knew that.
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Nights with Yoongi were always pleasant. The two of you would be knackered from your days, finding relaxation in each other, staying up, and talking about your upcoming wedding. Oftentimes, Yoongi would come home to you showering, knock, then ask if he could join, and you'd end up showering together, losing yourselves in each other’s touch.
Most of the time, the innocent touches would turn into Yoongi pressing his lips against your neck, which would lead to you brushing your ass against him only to find he was already half-hard. The rest would be carnal and sloppy, either with him pushing you up against the wall and fucking you from the back or hooking your legs around his hips and pleasuring you while whispering how much he loved you against your puffy lips.
However, that night, you’d finished before he’d gotten home, dressing yourself in one of your favorite band tees of his paired with an old pair of underwear before you slid into your bed and began scrolling through your phone. No matter what, though, you’d always wait for him to return home and vice versa. The two of you wouldn’t fall asleep unless the other was laying beside.
Dog had kept you company, though. He’d stayed loyal and laid at the edge of your bed, tail wagging as he softly snored.
(You knew Yoongi liked the little guy. He was just too proud to say anything.)
And just when you felt your eyes begin to droop from exhaustion, you felt someone kiss your forehead, making you stir as your eyes opened to find Yoongi looking down at you with a soft smile on his face. You smiled back, stretching slightly.
“Hi, baby,” you hummed, reaching for his hand as you brought it to your lips and kissed his palm.
He cupped your face, thumb brushing against the apple of your cheek. “You should’ve gone to sleep,” he said in a hushed tone.
You shook your head, smile still on your face. “Not without you.”
He gave a soft laugh. “Stubborn woman.”
“And I love you.”
“Even if I’m stubborn?”
“Especially because you’re stubborn,” he corrected before he shifted onto the bed, sliding under the covers.
You propped yourself up onto your elbows. “No shower?”
“Already did.”
Scrunching your brows, you blinked and looked over his attire only to find he was, in fact, washed, his dark hair still slightly damp from the water. He wore an old oversized tee most likely paired with boxers but you couldn’t tell due to the bed sheets covering his lower half. Prescription glasses rested on his face as he clutched a book in his hand, and you found your once sleep-ridden mind slowly awakening the more you took in his appearance.
Yoongi always had been unfairly handsome. Especially right now as he mumbled something about staying up for a little longer just to read a few chapters. Only, you hadn’t really heard what he was saying, too busy focusing on how he tucked an arm behind his head while he opened the book and began to read from where he left off last.
You found yourself not being able to look away, peeking at him every so often when you’d glance away from your phone. There wasn’t anything interesting on there anyway. The only thing that seemed interesting to you right now was Yoongi, himself.
Maybe it was something about his glasses. Or maybe it was the way his arm looked tucked behind his head. Sure, he had never been the muscular type, but he’d recently been going along with Jungkook to the gym and you could definitely tell.
Either way, it didn’t matter, heat had already begun to pool in your lower stomach as you took him in. He stayed completely oblivious, smiling slightly at something he’d read every so often. And you found it almost ridiculous how just his smile had a way of turning you on.
“Listen to this—“ he began, snapping you out of your daze and slightly startling you as you jumped in your spot— “'The premise of the Taker story is 'the world belongs to man’. The premise of the Leaver story is 'man belongs to the world'.'” He shook his head. “Fascinating.”
You blinked, utterly confused.
He turned to you, adjusting his glasses on his face as he took in your expression. Then, he seemed to catch onto the fact that you honestly had no idea what he was talking about, and his eyes widened slightly as a sheepish smile lifted onto his face.
“You’ll have to read this,” he mused, still sheepish. “I think you’ll like it. Honestly .”
The corners of your lips lifted. “Will I?”
“I wouldn’t—“
Before Yoongi could finish his sentence, Dog whined, raising to his feet as he yapped only once at the two of you as if to tell you to keep quiet. He continued his small tantrum, jumping off the bed and trotting toward the new bed you’d bought him over the weekend.
You couldn’t help but smile. The love you had for that little dog was indescribable.
And . . .
. . . He really had been taking after Yoongi more—being grumpy when woken up but energetic at the most random times. You’d teased your fiancé about it numerous amounts of times, claiming that just meant the dog had to stay with the two of you indefinitely.
However, before you could shoot that same remark Yoongi’s way, he beat you to it. “See, even the dog agrees with me.”
You snorted, rolling your eyes. “I’ll take your word for it.”
He tsked and flicked your nose. “Always with the remarks.”
“Read your book, Yoon.”
“So rude,” he scoffed, but the smile on his face remained as he went back to reading the book in his hand.
Growing annoyed and wanting his attention, you poked his cheek. “Yoon—“
But Yoongi cut you off by pressing a finger to his lips, not even taking his eyes off the page he was on. “Not another word,” he hummed, practically taunting you. “You heard Dog. Don’t bother Yoongi when he’s reading, he said.”
You raised a brow. “Oh, is that what he said?”
Yoongi only hummed, still reading.
An idea hit you then.
Stifling your grin, you discarded your phone somewhere on the bed before you scooted closer to him. In an instant, you’d peeled back the covers and situated yourself between his legs, hands on either of his thighs.
Yoongi stilled beneath you. “What are you doing?” he asked, trying to keep his voice steady as he trained his eyes on the book, but you caught onto the slight breathiness of his tone.
“You said to keep quiet,” you simply hummed as you lowered yourself, simultaneously raising his shirt, until your lips were grazing his clenched abdomen. “I promise not to interrupt your reading.” You pressed an open-mouthed kiss against the skin just above his belly button. “So don’t mind me.” Another kiss, but lower, just below his belly button.
Yoongi stayed silent but squeezed his thighs against you, caging you in—a clear sign he wanted you to keep going.
Still, as you pressed another kiss against his skin, now reaching his pelvic region, you asked, “This OK, baby?”
“Yes,” Yoongi grunted out, and you caught sight of his fingers flexing against the spine of the book.
Grinning, you licked a wet strip along his pelvic region, just barely above the waistband of his boxers. As you pressed another open-mouthed kiss to his hip bone, you brought your hand down to cup his cock, finding him already half-hard. Instantly, you heard him inhale sharply, which only encouraged you more as you began to palm him through his boxers.
As you worked your hand against him, you felt his length quickly harden the more you palmed him. When you brushed against the tip of his cock, he twitched under your touch, causing the warmth in your lower stomach to spread. A pleasant ache pulsed in your core as the warmth spread until you were squeezing your legs together in an attempt to relieve yourself.
But it only grew.
And you found it hard to keep teasing him. But only when you felt him twitch once more, catching sight of his fingers digging into the spine of his book, did you finally grow tired of the simple touches.
Hooking your fingers around the hem of his boxers, you tugged them down, and hastily grabbed his hardened cock. He released a low groan, jerking against you.
“What was that?” you managed to tease, but your eyes were entirely trained on the slightly reddened tip of his length.
“Nothing,” Yoongi rasped, and you swiped your thumb over the slit of his cock, spreading the bead of precum there, only making him groan once again. When he spoke again, his voice was deeper, lower. “This book is just really insightful.”
“Really?” you hummed. “How so?” You glanced up, finding the image before you to be more than amusing.
Yoongi had both his hands on the book now, clutching onto it for dear life as you slowly guided your hand up and down his cock. You didn’t apply as much pressure as you normally did, until you stopped, gathering enough spit in your mouth before you let it drip onto the head. Using your hand, you spread it down his length, and he nearly whimpered.
“Fuck, yeah, make it messy,” he breathed out, hoarsely.
“Oh? Is that part of the book?” you mused, teasing him further as you let another string of spit wet his cock, spreading it with your hand until the glide was slick enough to pick up your pace.
Yoongi only swallowed hard, the action so loud you were able to hear it. It only amused you more as you watched him tear his glasses off his face and sling an arm over his eyes while you stroked him. Your glides were long and firm, going from base to tip, watching as he slowly came undone before your very eyes. When his breathing became uneasy, you focused on the head of his length, jerking your hand quickly, thumb firmly stroking against just the right spot.
And just when you were sure he was about to come undone under your touch, you slid your hand off, immediately replacing the pressure with your mouth. You swallowed him down, humming as you hollowed your cheeks, flattened your tongue, and bobbed your head, mouth sliding up and down his length.
“What the fuck?” Yoongi gritted out, practically whining as he lifted his hips up to meet your mouth. “You’re so fucking good to me. So fucking—“ His words died on his tongue as he threw his head back, rolling his hips while his cock throbbed in your mouth. He was so close and you were determined to make him unravel.
You gave a hum of approval, the vibrations causing him to emit a soft groan. But the groan barely left his lips before you sunk down as far as you could, the tip of him hitting the back of your throat briefly. And you didn’t stop there. You continued to take him deep, breathing through your nose as you tried not to gag while the head of his cock hit the back of your throat again and again, until he was nearly gasping for breath below you.
Chasing the feeling of your touch unraveling him, you reached your hand out to massage his balls, coaxing a low moan from the back of his throat. That was when he lost it.
“Oh, fuck the book,” Yoongi nearly shouted as he tossed the book, not caring where it landed before he reached for you, pulling you off his cock with a loud popping noise. “C’mere.”
With his hand still in your hair, he pushed himself up and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into him before his lips were on yours. The kiss was carnal—biting and sucking at your lips as you moaned into his mouth, quickly melting into him.
You climbed over his lap, sitting down with his cock resting against your stomach. “I thought you wanted to read your book,” you breathed against his mouth.
“I don’t give a fuck about the book,” he huffed, one of his hands now at the back of your head, keeping you secure. “I need to fuck you. Got that? I need to be inside you. Need to feel you. Need you. Fucking need you. Just you.”
The ache between your legs was unbearable now. “Wanna ride you, Yoon,” you practically mewled, pushing his chest.
Following your command, he laid back down, grip still tight on you. “Fucking hell,” he cursed under his breath. “You’re gonna kill me one day.”
“I could say the same.”
A soft smile lifted onto his face and then his hands were reaching for the hem of your tee, tearing it off your body in an instant, revealing your bare breasts to him. He gripped your arm, tugging you down as he lifted his head, quickly leaving open-mouthed kisses against your skin.
He softly hummed against your skin as he kissed your nipple just moments before taking it into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the bud and sucking. His other hand worked down your body, wasting no time as he harshly tugged at the material of your underwear, pulling it down your legs with your help. His shirt followed shortly after, leaving you both bare.
Your clothes were discarded in a pile on the floor, but you didn’t care; your focus was on his mouth as you lost yourself in his touch, inhaling sharply when he lightly bit down on your nipple before lapping at it to soothe the ache.
All the while, you hadn’t even noticed his other hand slipping between your legs until you felt two of his fingers plunge into your core, pumping at a steady pace. Soft moans sounded from the back of your throat and you faltered, arching into him and meeting his fingers as you rubbed your clit against the palm of his hand.
“How are you this wet?” he marveled, sucking bruises into your skin.
“Your glasses,” you rushed out without thinking, too busy losing yourself in him as you rutted against his hand.
He grazed your nipple with his teeth, laughing under his breath. “My glasses?”
“Shut up.”
“No, no, this is just news,” he mused. “I’ll wear them more often.”
But your words died on your tongue as he curled his fingers in a come hither motion, working against your g-spot at a relentless pace. And just when you thought you couldn’t feel any more pleasure, he placed his other hand on your lower stomach, pressing down to create just enough pressure that you were sure you could feel his every move against your tight, plush walls.
That only spurred you on more as your hands clamped down on his shoulders, fingernails digging into the skin in an attempt to stabilize yourself. But it was no use. Your limbs felt like liquid, your eyes squeezed shut as your mouth hung open, soft moans sounding from the back of your throat. You were sure drool had even begun to trail down your chin, but the warm pleasure twisting in your lower stomach was too intense for you to care.
One more roll of your hips, his palm rubbing against your clit in just the right way, and you knew you were close. You inhaled sharply at the tightening in your lower stomach. “Yoongi,” you practically cried out. “I’m close.”
He hummed as his mouth hollowed around your nipple before he released the abused bud with a pop. “Cum, baby,” he whispered before firmly flicking his tongue over your nipple again and again while his pumps became more intense.
Losing yourself in the feeling, you chased the coil, shamelessly rutting against his hand to bring yourself closer. And then you felt the coil tighten more and more, causing you to cry out as your fingernails dug into his flesh. You felt him press down harder on your lower stomach, and then you lost it—the coil snapped, your release sprinkling out of you and down his hand.
He continued to help you ride out your high, allowing you to slump against him while the ringing in your ears fizzled out and you came back to reality. His fingers slid out of you, causing you to hiss at the feeling while he pressed open-mouthed kisses against your skin, trailing down your stomach, across your tits, all the way up your neck.
“You’re always so good for me,” he hummed against your skin. “Still can’t believe you’re turned on by my glasses, though. Weird ass.”
You groaned, lightly biting his shoulder.
“And a biter.”
“You’re the one with an oral fixation,” you huffed before you kissed where you’d bitten him. “What would Freud say?”
“I think he’d encourage me to fuck my fiancée properly,” he mused, grinning up at you through lidded eyes.
You tangled your fingers in his hair, brushing the dark waves out of his sweat-glistening face. “Mmm, not sure about that one, bud,” you hummed as you dipped down to connect your lips.
“Friends don’t fuck.”
“Well . . . “
His hands lazily brushed up and down your bare skin, squeezing your hips. “Fuck Freud. You know what I think?”
He leaned in, lips brushing the shell of your ear. “I think you should ride me like the dirty slut I know you can be.”
You couldn’t stop yourself, a soft whine tumbled from your tongue at the name. (Not to mention the warmth already beginning to pool in your lower stomach once again.)
“You like that?” he mused, grinning against your ear.
You nodded.
“Words, baby.”
“Yes, you dick.”
“Oh-ho, so you have your own names, do you?”
Rolling your eyes, you grew impatient. “Yoongi,” you muttered with a click of your tongue.
You dipped your face to his neck, kissing his sweet spot that you’d grown accustomed to. “Wanna feel you,” you hummed against his skin. “Want you inside me.”
With a strained groan, he shifted below you, grabbing the base of his cock. You had all of two seconds to process the motion as he slapped the head of his length against your clit, making you shiver at the contact.
“C’mere,” he muttered, tapping your thigh.
You followed his lead, shifting above him so the head of his cock was lined up with your entrance. With anticipation and lust consuming you, you sunk down, his length parting your walls as you took him inch by inch. You inhaled sharply at the feeling, glancing down at him to see his eyes were trained on your face, watching you with adoration.
You felt the corners of your lips twitch into a smile at the look he’d given you, maintaining eye contact with him as you sunk down, taking him to the hilt. You were sure you’d never get used to this—the feeling of him thick inside of you, filling you to the brim. The pleasurable ache would always be something you’d found yourself marveling at, being surprised every time you realized his cock fit perfectly inside of you. From the look on his face, you knew he felt the same.
That exact discovery gave you the confidence you’d been searching for. You shifted on top of him, growing accustomed to the feel of him again as you straightened your back, hands on his chest just above where his heart lay inside. Then, you began to move, lifting up on your feet to give you enough leverage to lower yourself up and down the length of his cock.
“Yeah, like that,” he groaned, slack-jawed as he tilted his head back into the pillows. “So fucking good.”
His hands were on your thighs now, squeezing and pinching as you rolled into him, riding him. While your movements were slow, you’d made sure to make them long and hard, clenching your walls around his length every so often. Perhaps you got off on getting him off, and you knew this to be true, especially while you gazed down at him, taking in his pinched brows and lidded eyes. He just looked so handsome, and you found yourself becoming hypnotized by him.
Tucking your bottom lip under the grasp of your teeth, you decided to give him—and yourself—a little more. You trailed one of your hands down his abdomen, making sure he followed your movements with his eyes as you touched a finger to your clit. A soft moan came from his lips, not yours as you pressed down, beginning to rub small, firm circles against the abused nub while you slid up and down his length.
“That feel good, baby?” he asked, his voice gravelly.
You nodded, picking up your pace as you brushed against just the right spot. Tilting your head back, you relished in the feeling, losing yourself in it. And as you lost yourself, your movements quickened, and you rutted against him, riding him faster. The feeling of his cock plunging into you at a faster rate mixed with his quickening breaths only carried out your pleasure, and you began to chase it.
Beneath you, you felt Yoongi try to meet your thrusts, but you put a hand on his chest, halting him. You wanted to make him feel good.
“Sit still, Yoon,” you ordered, sinking down on him at a faster rate while your fingers worked hard against your clit. “Let me ride you. All you gotta do is sit there and look pretty.”
A strangled laugh was choked out of Yoongi. “Look pretty, you—”
You clenched around his cock, taking him deeper, and in doing so, cutting him off as he threw his head back against the pillows, eliciting a low groan from the back of his throat. Hell, you were sure he even whimpered below you, and you thrived off it.
“Gonna show me what a slut you are?” he suddenly gasped out, and you couldn’t help but clench around him again. “You my little slut, angel? Huh?”
You nodded, your movements becoming relentless as you desperately tried to bring you and him to the edge. Yours was close, still feeling the effects from earlier, and you could tell his was too just by the sound of his voice.
“Words,” he grunted out.
“Yes,” you rasped. “I’m your slut, Yoongi. Just yours.”
“Mmm, fuck. ”
And just the sound of his voice, edged you closer. You lost yourself completely in the feeling, picking up your pace against your clit as you rutted against him, feeling the coil tighten and tighten. In the heat of it, you pressed your other hand against your lower stomach, mimicking his actions from earlier, only this time you could’ve sworn you could feel his cock hitting your sweet spot again and again, the sensation being just enough to tip you over the edge.
The coil snapped, your release consuming you as you lazily attempted to sink down on his cock to bring him over the edge despite the aches in your legs. But Yoongi helped you out, taking control as his hands gripped your ass, holding you in place while he thrust up into you at a ruthless pace.
The sound of skin slapping on skin never sounded so sweet as evidence of your wet arousal echoed in the air, mixing with his groans. You were shuttering and pulsing around him, squeezing his cock tighter and tighter, until you felt him twitch inside of you followed by low whimpers of his own as he painted your walls white.
He continued to pump into you at a lazy pace now, his breathing slowly returning while you slumped against him, pressing open-mouth kisses on his chest. Once your highs were carried out, he pulled out of you, his cum slipping down your thighs as you whined at the emptiness which filled you. To counter this, his grip on you loosened, his arms wrapping around your waist, and pulling you into him, holding you against his chest as he buried his face into the crook of your neck.
A pleasant hum left your lips as you nestled closer to him, the warmth of his body being too delicious not to bask in. And as the two of you laid there, recovering, he whispered into your hair, “Are you OK? That wasn’t too much? The names and shit?”
You smiled at his concern. “I liked it, Yoon,” you hummed, lazily drawing shapes against his chest. “I’m OK, baby, I promise. Are you?”
He kissed your hair. “More than.”
A soft laugh tumbled from your lips, finding yourself amused by his antics. But your amusement didn’t last long as you realized you’d have to tear yourself from his arms; from your bed in order to clean yourself up in the bathroom. You groaned at this, but nevertheless, attempted to tear yourself from his arms, but you never got far enough.
“Where you goin’?” Yoongi huffed, tightening his arms around you as he squeezed your sides.
“Bathroom,” you mumbled, laughing under your breath. “Don’t wanna end up with an infection. Plus, your cum’s literally dripping down my legs.”
Yoongi snorted. “But I like it that way. Messy and shit.” A hint of a grin tilted onto his lips. “Your pussy looks pretty all messy like that.”
“You disgust me.”
“Yeah, right, I know you like it, too.”
And shamelessly? You did.
But still . . . you couldn’t fall asleep like that. So reluctantly, you tore yourself from his arms, muttering how he should do the same, which he begrudgingly agreed to, following you to the bathroom. And with a few protests and groans, you and Yoongi returned back to bed in a few minutes, freshened up with your clothes back on, and now knackered with exhaustion. You, personally, practically ran to the bed, slipping under the covers in no time with a shiver. But Yoongi . . . well . . .
“Did he watch the whole thing?” Yoongi asked, entirely stunned as he stood frozen in the threshold of the bedroom door.
Pinching your brows together, you followed his gaze, finding that Dog was still sleeping in his bed in the corner of the room. It appeared the two of you had gotten so wrapped up in each other you’d forgotten you weren’t the only ones in the room. That . . . well . . . that made you burst out into a fit of laughter, especially when you caught sight of the appalled look on Yoongi’s face.
Yoongi shook his head, eyes still on your dog as he approached the bed. “You brought in a Peeping Tom,” he mused as he climbed under the covers, his cold feet now touching yours.
“Takes after his dad.”
A glare was sent your way. “Ha,” was all he said. "Not my spawn."
You only snorted, smacking his chest. “Goodnight, Yoon,” you hummed as you nestled into the bed, pulling the covers up to your chin. But . . . you could still feel Yoongi staring at you, and you definitely felt his cold feet twitch against yours. “I can feel you staring. What is it, buddy?” Your eyes fluttered open, confirming these thoughts.
Yoongi shook his head, but a small smile remained on his face. “Nothing, you’re just beautiful,” he mused as he sent you a wink before he rolled over on his side, nestling into his pillow.
This, you found to be utterly amusing. You see, Yoongi did this thing where he would stare at you until you figured out what he wanted from you. More often than not this was his way of asking for you to touch him—hold his hand, kiss his forehead, or wrap yourself up against him while the two of you slept. He never outright asked for these things, too hesitant to voice his wants for mundane things like these. But you’d always known how to read him, and you knew what he was asking for in that moment.
With a soft smile touching your lips, you pleasantly sighed and scooted closer to him, wrapping your arm around his waist as you swung a leg over his hip and locked him in, securing his back against your chest. He sighed at your touch, his muscles relaxing as soon as he felt you nestle against him. This, you found to be endearing.
Closing your eyes, you buried your face into his back, breathing in his sweet scent of jasmine and a hint of wood. It’d always managed to calm you, as it did now, finding yourself relaxing against him. You smiled, kissing his back as you mumbled into the fabric of his shirt, “Is this what you wanted?”
Yoongi laughed under his breath, the vibrations circling through you. “Mmm, maybe,” he hummed as he rested his arm over the one you’d wrapped around his waist. His fingers were locking with yours a second later, trying to hold as much of you as he could while his thumb grazed over the engagement ring around your ring finger.
Pleased, you rested your cheek against his back, finally allowing yourself to relax completely. But your peace didn’t last long as you felt a certain weight dip the bed, indicating that Dog had jumped up onto the bed and was now making his way toward the two of you. You peered over at the little guy, smiling as you saw the brown tuft of fur try to wedge himself between the two of you.
And when Yoongi refused to budge, you swore the furry animal nearly huffed at the man, instead trotting further up the bed until he reached the pillows. There, he found his resting place, curling up against your heads, making sure to nestle up against both of you.
“Baby, your dog is cramping my style,” Yoongi muttered, but you didn’t miss how he’d reached up to pat the dog briefly before his hand found yours again.
Now . . . Yoongi didn’t want to admit it, but he’d grown fond of the little guy. There was no way you’d be giving him away now. Dog (you’d have to come up with a better name for him, you noted, once again) was a part of your little family, and smack dab in the middle he would stay.
“Jealousy makes you age,” you hummed in response.
Yoongi tsked. “I’m not jealous of a dog.”
“I’m not.”
“Goodnight, Yoongi.”
Yoongi hummed a response back, squeezing your hand.
You smiled, softly. “Goodnight, Dog.”
And you could’ve sworn the dog whined a response back, similar to Yoongi’s. Perhaps the two of them were even more alike than you thought. You nearly laughed at the thought.
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The next time you saw Yoongi visibly roll his eyes at Dog, it was a Tuesday. You and Yoongi were sitting on the couch, wrapped up in each other while the two of you watched Matilda for what felt like the billionth time. And yet, neither of you grew tired of the silly little movie. You supposed that was just its charm.
Then, halfway through, you watched Dog trot down the stairs, ears perked up as he rounded his way toward the two of you. And now, this was where it got interesting. You see, normally he’d opt to hop up on your lap, curling into you. That was what the two of you expected the little guy to do, and that was exactly why Yoongi rolled his eyes.
He also didn’t let it pass without mumbling a small, “He’s tryna’ steal my girl, I swear.”
But Dog didn’t do as he normally would.
No, instead, Dog tilted his head to the side, seemingly glancing between you and Yoongi, and then he’d made his choice. One second he was whining at the two of you, then the next he’d hopped up on the couch, stepping over your thighs until he reached Yoongi. And there, he laid down, nestling into Yoongi’s side, a paw drawn over his thigh.
The two of you just stared. Yoongi stared a little longer, and a little more in shock. All the while, Dog seemed to glance up at the two of you, wonderment on his face.
Yoongi blinked at him.
Dog seemed to blink back.
And you lost it.
Slapping a hand over your mouth to stifle your laughter, you couldn’t help but find this all too amusing. All the while, Yoongi just stared in astonishment, blinking a few times before he glanced over to meet your bemused gaze. At the sight of your face, he quickly stiffened, straightening his back while he cleared his throat, and muttered something about how he’d only let Dog sit there for ten more minutes, and then you just had to take him. You’d agreed, mirth still fueling you.
Except when ten minutes had passed . . . Yoongi didn’t move. Neither did Dog.
Ten more minutes and Yoongi had begun to relax into his seat, resting an arm on his thigh, not quite touching Dog but also not shooing him away. You had to stifle a grin, knowing Yoongi all too well.
Another ten minutes, and out of the corner of your eye, you watched as Yoongi had begun to absentmindedly pat Dog, gently scratching his head and combing through his light brown curls. That time you did smile.
About another ten minutes had passed before you caught sight of Yoongi glancing down at Dog, a soft smile on his face while he poked the dog’s wet nose. Your smile only grew.
Dog had won over Min Yoongi.
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To say Dog had won over Min Yoongi would’ve been an understatement. You knew this now. Because, you see, the thing was: your fiancé had begun to act a little differently toward the small animal ever since that day on the couch.
The week after, you caught him coming home with a bag from the pet store. Only then did you discover that he’d gone and bought Dog not one, but three outfits, something that looked like a bib, a new collar, and another leash, as well as a few toys.
You’d only raised a brow at him, to which Yoongi tried to come up with an excuse. It was to make Dog's stay with the two of you more enjoyable, he claimed. (And not because he actually liked having a little dog around.)
The following week after that, you came home from work, tired out of your mind only to stumble upon Yoongi passed out on the couch, headset dangling around his neck, mouth open while he quietly snored. And . . . none other than Dog was sleeping on top of him, snoring slightly as well.
(You didn’t tell Yoongi, but you took a picture of the sight and set it as your lock screen soon after. You couldn't help it. They were perhaps the two most important things in your life.)
The occurrences only doubled . . . no, tripled, from there on out. Just the other day you’d caught Yoongi in the backyard with Dog, teaching him a few tricks that you just knew he’d pulled from a book he’d bought from the pet store. But still, Yoongi wouldn’t admit it to you, adamant that he apparently did not like the dog.
He doesn’t like me, and I don’t like him. There’s mutual respect there, he’d tell you, which you found utterly ridiculous.
(You found it especially ridiculous when night would come and Dog would curl up against Yoongi’s side. He’d simply say it was because it was more comfortable on his side. Bullshit, you always thought.)
And on the next occurrence where you caught Yoongi apparently showing Dog the workings of his equipment, you’d decided you were going to get it out of him. Enough of his stubbornness.
“Yoongi, can you come here, please?” you called from the kitchen as you put down the bags of groceries you’d bought on the kitchen island.
A few seconds later, Yoongi jogged into the kitchen, dressed in sweatpants and an old tee. You allowed yourself to bask in how unfairly handsome he was for only a second before you snapped out of it and shot him a look. Yoongi, however, was too busy looking over the grocery bags.
“Kid, why didn’t you call me?” he asked as he grabbed the last bag from your hands and rested it on the island. “Is there more in the car? I’ll—”
But before he could go on, you put a hand up.
His eyes flicked to your face then, confusion morphing onto his features before what seemed like realization hit him. He made a face then.
“Is this about the hole in the wall?” he asked, hesitantly. “Because I was trying to hang someth—”
“What? There’s a hole in the wall?”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “I’m putting a pin in that,” you huffed, not wanting to waste any more time. “Yoongi . . . do you like the dog?”
His eyes seemed to widen then, but only slightly as he rested a hand on the counter. He tilted his head to the side in thought, eyes flicking to the ceiling, or rather anywhere that wasn’t your face. And then, he closed his eyes, sighing in defeat.
“Holly’s alright,” he murmured under his breath, his words barely audible.
You raised a brow. “Holly?”
Yoongi clicked his tongue, shifting in his spot. “I may . . . have named him.”
A soft groan came from your fiancé as he finally met your gaze, shooting you an awkward smile that you found utterly amusing. And then, you heard the words you’d been searching for for what seemed like months now.
“Fine, I like the dog,” he admitted, begrudgingly.
You smiled, complacently. “You know what I’m looking for, right?”
He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Yes.”
“Gonna need to hear the words.”
He didn’t answer.
And you went on, teasing him further as giddiness filled you. “I was . . . “
“You were right,” he groaned in annoyance, biting out the words.
“What?” you questioned, cupping a hand over your ear and leaning toward him. “Sorry, couldn't hear you.”
Yoongi lifted his head, unamused eyes finding yours. “You were . . . right.”
“We can keep the dog.”
A large, toothy grin lifted onto your face as you stepped toward him and pressed your lips against his. “Thank you, Yoonie,” you hummed against his lips before you backed up and made your way toward the living room, humming under your breath to a simple tune.
You couldn’t help it, you were gloating.
As soon as you reached the living room, a wide smile still on your face, you leaned down to rub Holly’s head, messing with his fluffy ears. He nestled into your touch, and you pleasantly sighed before you sat down beside him, allowing him to cuddle up against your side.
However, as soon as Yoongi trudged into the living room, plopping down right beside you after giving Holly a quick pat, your sweet little dog (who you recused, just by the way) perked up. He was stepping over your lap and nestling into Yoongi’s in an instant. And all you could do was look at Yoongi and scoff.
“Traitor,” you tsked.
Yoongi only seemed to grow more pleased by this. “Man’s best friend, angel,” he hummed as he patted the little dog in his lap. “He knows who his dad is.”
“Jealousy makes you age,” he told you, repeating to you the very words you’d told him once before.
You pursed your lips, remaining unamused. “You know what else does?” you questioned, waiting for Yoongi’s eyes to find yours before you continued. “Divorce.”
Yoongi gave you this look before covering Holly’s ears. “You’re making him upset,” he all but hissed.
And you couldn’t help it, you burst out laughing, finding the look on his face all too amusing. “You’re such a dork, Min Yoongi,” you remarked, shaking your head as you trailed your eyes across his features. He stared right back at you, features softening, and that was when you felt your mouth speak for you. “I love you . . . dork.”
A soft smile spread across Yoongi’s face, his eyes widening. “Say it again.”
You leaned into him, hooking your arm around his as you buried your face into his shoulder. “I love you,” you mumbled against his shoulder, kissing him there while still keeping eye contact. And you did. You really, really did.
He leaned into your touch, closing his eyes. “Mmm, never stop saying that,” he mused before he pressed his lips against your forehead.
Silence followed. It was pleasant; familiar.
“Hey, Yoon?” you questioned after a second of basking in each other’s touch.
“What if we got another one?”
Yoongi pulled back . . . and the vexed look he gave you was priceless.
That was all it took before you burst out into another fit of laughter.
“What?” you asked through your laughter. “We could get a girl, right . . . and then name her Matilda. How’s that?”
Yoongi remained the same.
You leaned down to pat Holly’s head. “Holly, tell your dad I’m right.”
“Holly, don’t listen to your mom. She’s crazy.”
You couldn’t help it, you only laughed harder.
And through your giddy laughter, eyes crinkled, and cheeks hurting, you could have sworn you caught sight of a wide gummy smile on Yoongi’s face.
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blue-jisungs · 1 year
would you ever consider turning single dad yoongi or vampire j-hope’s stories from the bts ot7 headcannon you did where they first meet y/n? i really, REALLY enjoyed those. they made me giggle and grin at work. :D
a/n. i went with dad yoongi bc GAWD DAYUM. also i’m so glad you liked them and they made you giggle… however i hope you didn’t get in trouble or something 😭 and sorry you had to wait for so long :(
ps anon is talking about this!! i changed the sons name but overall bare with me bc i don’t really like how it turned out?? enjoy tho ^^ and thank u @slytherinhobi for coming up with the kid's name teehee <3
warnings. one or two curse words
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yoongi puts up the cup of coffee but barely manages to even touch it with his lips when his ringtone fills the room.
“see, i told you…” he scoffs looking at his friends, seokjin and hoseok but his voice dies out. yoongi reaches for his phone, putting down the cup hurriedly.
his friends exchanged looks, shaking their heads.
“oh. i understand, of course. i’ll pick him up in an hour. thank you. good bye” yoongi was speaking softly and then hung up, sighing.
“again?” hobi asked, amused smile on his lips “dude, just do what namjoon said”
“whatever. you want to go with me? he’ll be happy to see you” yoongi asked, taking a sip of his coffee and stood up lazily.
“of course! as his favourite fun uncle–” seokjin stood up, stretching dramatically.
“yah! i’m his favourite uncle–!”
“who said that?”
the sound of doors closing made them rush to them, not wanting to miss a meeting with their friend’s son.
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namjoon was right. and so were all of his friends.
he should get a babysitter.
so here he was, with juwon on his lap as they skimmed through the site. his 5 year old son kept squirming, the task starting to get boring.
“him?” yoongi asked, pointing at a guy with blonde hair. juwon shook his head as a no. his dad sighed, looking at the small copy of him. suddenly juwon’a eyes blinked with excitement.
“papa!” he grinned, touching the screen of his laptop (even though yoongi said thousand times not to, but let it slide because he has a soft spot for him)
“someone caught your eye?” the older min let out a chuckle and ruffled his son’s hair, his voice got stuck in his throat as his eyes landed upon the person.
“y/s y/n” juwon read your name out loud and grabbed his dad’s hand that was on the computer mouse, clicking the read more button.
“y/s y/n” yoongi repeated, not able to take off eyes from the picture of you. he never believed in love at first sight, even his juwon’s mom.
but you… you just had something enchanting. the way you were smiling softly on the picture, e/c eyes sparkling with joy.
“papa, she’s almost as old as you!” the boy giggled, wrapping arms around his dad’s neck.
“you spend too much time with uncle jungkook, youngster. i’m not old” yoongi scoffed, looking at your information.
26, worked before in daycares and even primary school, finished studies, et cetera et cetera. loves kids, music, autumn…
“can she be my aunt?” juwon asks quietly, bringing yoongi back to reality “she’s really pretty…”
“aunt? oh, you mean nanny? of course. i’ll give her a call but you’ll go to bed, alright?” yoongi asked, voice soft.
“m’kay! will you come give me a hug later?” juwon blinked. yoongi nodded, ruffling his hair before picking up his phone to make a call.
suddenly he realised he’s nervous.
why is he though? it’s just a call to ask if you’re willing to watch over juwon. just a call.
a call with a pretty girl.
god, he needs to focus.
yoongi closed his laptop and rung, looking at the clock. it was 9pm, which is kind of late but…
“hello?” your voice made him go weak in the knees. suddenly you yawned and giggled and oh god, it was the cutest giggle he’d ever heard “sorry, i was asleep…”
“oh no, it’s fine! did i wake you up? i apologise” he cleared his throat, words suddenly flowing out of his mind. there was a moment of silence before you spoke up.
“i’m guessing you’re calling in regards to the job announcement…?” you ask hesitantly "at least i'm hoping so..."
“yes. if you’re available, of course. could we have a trial week?” yoongi hummed, leaning down to pick up a cookie plushie that juwon must have left behind.
“oh. yes, of course! how old is your kid, mr…?” you smiled and he could clearly hear it. focus, yoongi.
“juwon is five. i’ll send you the address through text. is next monday okay?” he asked.
“great. see you soon then” yoongi said.
“yeah. good night, mr juwon’s dad” you let out a little chuckle
“good night” yoongi nodded and quickly hung up, his heart beating like crazy. he had a feeling that he forgot about something.
whilst caressing his hair anxiously he stepped into juwon’s bedroom with a subconscious grin.
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after the weekend here you were, hesitantly looking around in front of the fancy door. you took a deep breath and knocked, the sound of feet suddenly running around making you smile.
“juwon, don’t–!”
the door opened and you grinned upon seeing a small boy standing in them. he was tightly hugging a cookie plushie, looking at you with his brown eyes wide.
“hi” you smiled sweetly but the boy backed out and hid behind his dad’s legs. you looked up and couldn’t smile at how alike they were, almost 1:1. this kid was literally his copy. they were staring at you with their mouth open, which made you grin.
“hi” yoongi breathed out, his heart beating like crazy against his rib cage. pull yourself together, he thought.
“can i come in?” you asked, the chilly wind whistling in the background making yoongi realise he’s staring.
“of course, sorry. do you want something to drink?” yoongi asked, letting you in.
you took off your shoes and coat, both mins looking at you in awe. you tried your best to stop the blush from creeping on your cheeks.
“tea, if you don’t mind. what’s your name?” you asked juwon softly, even though you knew the answer. he looked at his dad hesitantly and when he just nodded with the softest smile ever, you knew you’re in trouble.
“juwon” he mumbled and ran away off to this room. yoongi smiled politely and gestured you to sit down.
“he’s… like me. as much as i find it adorable, he has problems with socialising at the daycare” yoongi sighed, reaching for a cup.
“i see. it’s not a bad thing though. some kids are more introverted and others are just making new friends everyday” you nodded.
“i know. but since he doesn’t like daycare, i won’t pressure him. hence you” yoongi gave you a steaming cup of tea.
“thank you, mr min” you said and watched his eyes widen a little.
“no need to be so formal. call me yoongi, please” he smiled politely and took a glance at the clock “ah, i have to go. please call me if there’s a problem”
“of course, yoongi” you hummed and he froze while reaching for his bag “have a nice day!”
“t-thank you” the man stuttered and you could swear his ears were tinted with pink.
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a week passed way too fast. you had a lot of fun with juwon, even though he was still opening up to you.
when it came to his dad, you were going insane. min yoongi was driving you absolutely crazy (even though he was leaving the house once you arrived and sending you back home the moment he was back) but you felt a bit… guilty. what if he’s married? sure, he doesn’t have a wedding ring but some people don’t wear it, right? or maybe he has a girlfriend? however you didn’t see any pictures of him and a woman placed around a house. on the other hand, he had a lot of pictures framed of him and his friends. what if one of his friends is actually his boyfriend?
it was lazy evening on a saturday night… well, actually it was nearly midnight when juwon yawned obnoxiously loud and made you turn back to reality.
“you’re tired, huh?” you scoffed quietly and shook your head, looking at the tv. normally you would just come by monday-friday but yoongi called and asked if you can watch over juwon on saturday because he was pressured to meet with his friends (by them, against his will).
so here you were, watching cartoons with juwon and his plush friend, shooky.
juwon suddenly clung onto you, his small hands wrapping around your waist.
“‘m sleepy” he mumbled, placing shooky on your tummy.
“me too” you hummed, turning off the tv. the living room turned dark, only lit up by the weak moonlight peeking from behind the window.
“‘m too tired to go to bed” the boy added. you let out a gentle laugh, not to disturb him and put a blanket over you two.
“it’s okay. good night” you whispered and ruffled his hair before closing your eyes.
you’ll just rest your eyelids for a bit and then carry him to bed, duh.
but before you realised you started dozing off as well.
you didn't catch the sound of door opening and keys clanking but you did hear a soft, quiet sigh followed by a gentle laugh.
“aich, so cute” yoongi mumbled upon seeing you two asleep. his heart was beating a little too hard against his rib cage.
he didn’t realise he was staring until juwon moved in his sleep, shooky falling on the ground.
“shit, i’m whipped” yoongi grunted and reached down for the plushie, failing to notice the smile that bloomed on your lips.
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinhobi ,, @jung0ne ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @moonacholy ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddenoudepression ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @cinnamoroxie
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sugarwithtea · 2 years
7:18 pm || myg
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pairing : husband!yoongi x reader
genre : fluff, established relationship
rating : pg-13, sfw
summary : you love your husband's long hair a little too much
word count : 1k
warnings : kissing, tickling and them being adorable :(
author's note : i love love love his hair!!! we all are in such a mess after his new ig post istg! i had to write this fluffy lil thing :(( i wrote this when it was 7:18 pm and the time in the fic is same!! idk how timestamp fics work? but pls it was quick as fuck! so spare me cuz it's straight up fluff with no sense by me!!
mood : still with you
m.list | taglist form
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"Where are you?"
You could hear Yoongi call for you from the front door but you were too lazy to give him a reply, snuggled up in your bed with eyes drooping low.
It was a work day but due to your fatigue, your husband had forced you into taking it off and resting. Given, you did nothing the whole day, just got up to eat and excrete.
A few seconds pass by and just before you slip into dreamland, your bedroom door creaks open and soft light filters in while you can make out the silhouette of Yoongi.
The smell of his cologne hits you before you can even see his face clearly in the dim light. You inhale a wave of old spice and citrus and sigh softly. The comfort it brought you was more than your bed was able to give you throughout the day. It was loving, it was familiar, it was home.
"I am home." his croaky, tired voice rings in your ears as you hear him padding towards the bed.
"I know." you mumble with a smile and feel the mattress sink beside you.
It was raining and you could smell the faint traces of earth and water wafting from him and the window left open by you.
You peek open an eye and look at the digital clock on your desk displaying the time, 7:18 pm, the yellow light from the clock being the only source in your room now that your husband has closed the door.
He lifts up the covers and lies down beside you, shifting his tired body towards your form.
"Hey." you greet him, without any reason.
"You slept all day. Lucky." he whines and throws a hand around your waist, pulling you to his chest.
You laugh and make cooing sounds at him, rubbing his spine and snuggling further into his chest. You close your eyes again and revel in his warmth, the warmth from the bed seeming cold in front of him.
You inhale swiftly and that's when you feel the scent of his citrus shampoo get stronger, awakening your senses. Your hand moves on its accord and before you know it, it is resting at the nape of his neck, toying with the strands of his soft hair that you love more than anything else.
"What? You know I love your hair." you pout at him and he quickly pecks your lips.
A wave of adoration and butterflies washes through you even when he has done it millions of times, even when you have known him for thirteen years, even when you have been with him for six years now, even when it's been three years since you married him.
You instinctively tug at his hair as he lets out a low, satisfied moan at your lips, before you start drawing lazy patterns at the skin of his nape.
"I love you."
"And I love your hair." you quip back with a smug grin as your hand travels further upwards to his scalp, parting his lush locks with your fingers to massage at his tired skin.
"Not me?"
"Mhmm, I'll think about it."
"Brat." and before you know it, his fingers sneak under your shirt and he tickles your waist.
"Oh my god Yoongi, no." you laugh and try to turn on your back but he relents you from doing so swinging his leg over yours and locking your body in place. His tickles travel across your torso and you hit at his hand continuously to stop him.
"Please nooo." you laugh with tears now lining your eyes and wiggle and squirm under his hold.
"Say you love me first." he laughs and your heart skips a beat at his gleeful voice and his gummy smile now on full display, with his hair a beautiful fluffy mess, thanks to you.
"I love youuu, now stop."
He kisses your scrunched up nose and lets you relax, laying back beside you and pulling you flush to his chest. You once again take the opportunity to play with his hair, this time attacking the strands which had stood out during the tickling session.
He purrs with his eyes closed when you softly press at his scalp and entangle your other hand through his hair.
You loved his hair a little too much, an infatuation that led you to hiding any stray scissors around your house. You know he won't ever cut his hair that way, but your heart was scared of the unknown. You had stopped him from going to the salon twice and were already dreading the day he would think of finally trimming his locks.
"Aah don't stop." he groans and your heart flies out to him again.
"Had a rough day?"
"More like tiring."
His closed eyes make you inch towards him and you bop his nose with yours. It's always the same. Being the executive producer of a label company was exciting but tiring and you knew it all too well given he had been at that position for almost the same time as your married life.
You kiss him once, he smiles a little. You kiss him twice, he smiles a little more. You kiss him thrice, his gums peek out. You kiss him for the fourth time and he is laughing heartily. You pat down at his hair and tuck the stray strands of hair away from his face.
"Wanna talk about it?"
He moves in your hold and nudges your forehead with his.
"First, I wanna eat something."
"I am right here and you're whining to eat something else." you pout at him and jut your lips out to kiss him again.
He moves away this time and starts to sit up with his eyes squinted and mouth twisted into a smug pout.
"I want real food, wifey." he mimics your high pitch pout and you lash out at him with your hands tugging him down with his hair, pulling the strands gently but strongly so he tilts his head towards you with a laugh and a little 'ow'. You laugh out loud and sit up, grazing your teeth over his adorably cute nose.
"That was rude of you, hubby."
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taglist : @nuniah @jeonkookiesworld @kittykooyoongi @jjkeverlast @highly-functioning-mitochondria @gimmethatagustd @haliiimede @btsstan12 @aliimac @namjoonswhoresworld @apotatomashedbybts
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feedback, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated so please let me know your thoughts :)))
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© sugarwithtea. all works belong to me. do not repost without permission.
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nightscapepersona · 11 months
One Guitar, Tangerine Breadcrumbs, and a Golden Afternoon — Yoongi Drabble
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Aaaaand... this is a Yoongi drabble I’ve been keeping in the draft trunk. Just a soft kind of afternoon.
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader, Yoongi x OFC
Genre: Fluff (no particular AU but he’s still a musician)
Word count: 833
Recommended Songs: Golden Hour — JVKE; People — Agust D
Summary: A golden afternoon. One rooftop. Tangerine breadcrumbs. Two fools. One guitar. OR: “Guide me.” He uttered the two words so lowly that they rumbled against her ear.
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One Guitar, Tangerine Breadcrumbs, and a Golden Afternoon — by Nightscape Persona
✻  ✻  ✻
The afternoon had been spent away on the rooftop, amid billows of laughter and questions back and forth. She loved learning about him, hearing him talk.
The garden swayed with the wind, and she swayed with infatuation.
Though it was more than that now.
The golden hour stretched its fingers over their two bodies, feet apart from each other, sitting on the same bench. Still two awkward for close contact, yet budging closer by the minute.
She then had the great idea to remind him of the guitar.
His guitar.
A black guitar he brought with him. Because he was going to practice on the rooftop. To strum away his afternoon. Albeit the only thing that was strummed away was his heart, away into her gaze.
A black guitar against the bench. Crumbles of tangerine shortcake on the floor.
Anyways. She reminded him of his forgotten trinket. Maybe he’d prick the strings for her.
Or maybe not.
Yoongi asked if she played. Which was dumb, because he knew she did.
She answered yes, wondering why he’d ask that.
He asked her to play.
That’s not what she had in mind. Still, she picked up the instrument, handling it like you would an ancient artifact.
As if it was most fragile.
Most fragile, like her regard for his regard of her.
Most fragile because it was his, and he let her place her hands on it. Like he’d let her place them on his soul.
Maybe she was an exception, or maybe he let others do this too. Borrow his guitar. Play the strings for him. Tug at his heartstrings just a bit.
So she started to strum some chords. A loose melody that would maybe grow into a song. She wasn’t sure yet how the lyrics would go. Perhaps something about tangerine bread and golden afternoons.
Suddenly, he was moving to sit behind her, leaning forward on her back. He smiled at her over her shoulder, as if to look at her play from over there.
She looked at him in bewilderment. Was he really going to watch her play like this?
His next move surprised her even further. He put his arms around her and moved his fingers to delicately graze hers.
No, Yoongi was going to play with her.
As if close ain’t close enough.
“Guide me.”
He uttered the two words so lowly that they rumbled against her ear.
He smelled of coffee and cologne. Delectable, the americano he had been sipping before. Intoxicating, the smell of him.
“You of all people are asking me to guide you?,” she laughed, leaning back on his chest and shoulder, trying to conceal her nervousness. “You know, on the instrument you already know how to play?”
“Not with you. You make me forget everything I think I know.”
He brushed the words against her hair. Leaned his head against hers.
Her stomach plummeted. Her heart did a somersault.
And something changed in the air.
And it called for both of them to suddenly turn serious. Her throat ran dry, a heaviness falling over her limbs. Her heart hummingbirding in her chest.
The laughter gone, her tremulous fingers reached for his own on the guitar. His eyes traced her hands’ movement. She covered his fingers with hers, and led him along the chords.
It was a little bit awkward, and the notes didn’t come out quite right. But she kept going. She gently lifted his fingers and placed them around the strings. For the comfort of brushing his fingers, which had gone cold, just like hers, with the air growing colder and the sudden nervousness that settled in them both.
Was she afraid? Why was she so… insecure? Nervous?
The fear of something new.
The atmosphere teeming with growing feelings, unnerving realizations, and unsaid words. It ought to be.
Eventually, Yoongi just clasped his hands in hers, and she closed her eyes, against him. The evening was too cold to feel his warmth against her back, but she felt it all around her. Both opened their eyes to an orange sun falling in between the gray clouds and the city lights starting to glint beyond the rooftop.
There in the cold evening, they claimed a moment from time.
It was not just the prickling warmth of the March sun on their cheeks. Or the chilly wind messing with their hair. Or the temperature dropping as the sun continued sinking down.
It’s the way she felt, pressed up against him.
The future which was uncertainly certain. The peace of finding something that feels right, someone who feels right.
The quietness.
The chaos.
The beating of her heart.
The beating of his own.
The whirlwind of found feelings coming down into their rightful places. Of realizing that she belonged with him. Everything happening at once.
He resumed the strumming, softly. She felt herself breathe. He smiled against her neck.
Everything would be alright.
He was hers. She was his.
A sunset changing from orange to red.
✻  ✻  ✻
Read on archive of our own.
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chicken-fifi · 6 months
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Artist / Character: Suga (BTS)
Title: To Wrap a Gift
Prompt: wrapping paper
Requested by: anon
Yoongi watched as you cut a piece of wrapping paper far too big for the gift you were attempting to wrap. He watched silently as you folded and pressed down the edges each time before grabbing a bit of tape to keep them in place. His fingers twitched at his sides watching you place the uniquely wrapped gift aside.
“I’m not even going to question whatever that is,” he commented, before walking away.
“What do you mean?” you asked completely oblivious to the hardcore judging you were receiving from him. “I just wrapped a gift.”
Yoongi sent you a look of disbelief, but didn’t say a word, despite opening his mouth to say something, “Nevermind.”
You followed after him, the next gift that would’ve fallen victim to your poor wrapping skill forgotten on the table. “What do you mean you aren’t going to comment?”
It would take a while, but eventually you got a response. And boy oh boy did you wish you had it go because now you were sitting beside the human embodiment of a grumpy cat teaching you how to properly wrap a gift, correcting you every time you folded the paper in a different way than what he had suggested.
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eoieopda · 2 years
can i request a drabble with darksided!yoongi taking care of a sick reader? he is just so sweet and i can't handle it
okay but this face nursing you back to health 🥺
Darksided AU Masterlist
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Walking into your bedroom, Yoongi nearly missed you.
Having buried yourself under several blankets, you were almost imperceptible - except for the small circle of your face peeking through the plush covers. Nestled deeply into that make-shift shelter, the comforter you’d fashioned into a hood smushed your flushed cheeks inward. Devastatingly off-limits lips poked out into an unintentional pout.
He crossed to the left side of the bed and took his usual spot next to you, trying and failing to hold back the love-laced grin spreading easily over his face. In his best attempt at seriousness, he furrowed his brows. “Can I see your permit, please?”
Your half-lidded eyes narrowed in confusion. “Mmphf?” You inquired. With the blanket clutched underneath your chin, you couldn’t open your mouth enough to form words.
“It’s illegal to be this cute, gangaji,” He stated matter-of-factly, “I might have to cite you.”
When your nose crinkled at his stupid joke, his heart vaulted out of his chest and over the moon. You jutted your chin out just enough to make use of your jaw, “I dare you."
Your playful, albeit exhausted, glare was interrupted by the tiniest sneeze he’d ever heard. Inwardly, he keened. Outwardly, he was unable to keep his distance as you’d previously ordered. Scooting closer, he placed a lingering kiss on your feverish forehead. You didn’t object; instinctively, you melted into him and let heavy lids flutter shut.
Your question was barely intelligible under the weight of your sleepiness.
“Warm,” he confirmed as he tucked a rogue strand of hair behind your pink-tipped ear. “Soup?”
The bashful nod, the downturned corners of your now-purposeful pout - god, you were lovely, even on your worst days.
Soft as a feather came your reply, “Soup.”
You’d drifted off again in the time it took him to walk to the kitchen and back.
Under normal circumstances, you never snored; but with your congestion being what it was, you’d morphed into a pocket-sized chainsaw. His fondness for you vibrated through the air over your muffled puttering, and it pulled him along to your side as if he’d levitated.
“Aegiya,” His whisper sounded more like a lullaby than anything else. He took a calculated risk with his lilting tone, knowing that he was bad at math, and that you were likely to fall further into sleep. His thumb glided over your cheekbone, affectionately outlining the blush that had taken up residency there. “You need to eat something before you can take more acetaminophen.”
You cracked one eye open and tugged a quiet chuckle from his chest in the process. Then you mumbled, so adorably pitiful, “I’m too cold to unwrap myself.”
It was a proclamation, not a request, but he didn’t need one. He brought a careful, soup-filled spoon to your mouth before you could think twice about foregoing the hard-earned comfort you’d found in your quilted cocoon. When you hummed gratefully in response, he felt it all over.
You may have been sick, but he was the one down bad.
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mxckiemxn · 29 days
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Min Yoongi Drabble Masterlist 📝
Genre: Fluff 💜, Angst ☔️, Crack 💀, Horror 👻
Silent Lover 💜
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hyungieyoongi · 1 year
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: FLUFF + Strangers to Lovers + Woozi from Seventeen playing matchmaker
Word Count: 1.2K
A/N: Requested by anon for my follower milestone celebration! 
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Yoongi was exhausted. His feet were dragging along the tile floors of the Hybe building, eyes blinking slowly as he tried to get his bearings after his international flight. The jet lag was kicking his ass, but his upcoming deadline for the project he was working on made him choose coming to the studio rather than passing out at home.  
Hearing two voices he wasn’t used to, he squinted down the hall, seeing Woozi laughing with someone outside of his studio door. Yoongi frowned, wondering what the producer from Seventeen was doing on the BTS floor. Woozi noticed Yoongi standing there with a confused expression on his face, giving his hyung a small head nod as a greeting.
“Hyung, what are you doing here? Are you looking for someone?” Woozi asked. Yoongi watched as the girl he was with turned to look at who Woozi was talking to.
“I, uh, guess I got off on the wrong floor,” Yoongi murmured, eyes never leaving the mysterious girl’s shocked expression as she stood frozen in place next to Woozi.
“Oh, well, maybe get some rest, hyung,” Woozi chuckled, opening his studio door for the girl to follow him inside. Yoongi took a step forward, his body moving before his mind could catch up. He didn’t want the girl to leave. He wanted to know her name, know her story. The door to Woozi’s studio closed.
Yoongi knew he had to see you again.
You couldn’t believe you had just seen him. Min Yoongi. In person. And you had stood there like an idiot, gaping at him. You just let Woozi talk to him and acted completely rude.
What an idiot, you thought to yourself, groaning.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” Woozi asked, left ear covered by his headphones, right ear uncovered and able to listen to you groan in embarrassment.
“I cannot believe I didn’t say anything,” you said, falling on the couch in Woozi’s studio with a dramatic thump. “I have loved Yoongi for years, and the one time I get the chance to tell him how much he means to me and how much I love his music, and I blow it. Completely. I’m so embarrassed.”
Woozi laughed, opening a Coke Zero and handing it to you before opening his own can.
“Listen, if you really feel that badly, I’m sure I could introduce you to Yoongi-hyung another time,” Woozi reassured you.
“No, no, that would almost be worse. I don’t want everyone around here knowing I’m ARMY. Then they’re going to assume the only reason I became a stylist for Seventeen is to get close to BTS.”
You were hired by Hybe a few months ago, working exclusively with Seventeen. Once Woozi discovered that you were an undercover kpop fan, he started using you as a sample audience for songs he was working on. Unfortunately, Woozi also knew that he technically wasn’t your favorite producer in the Hybe building. That label was reserved for Min Yoongi and Min Yoongi only.
“Alright fine, you can stop with the dramatics—your secret is safe with me. Yoongi probably didn’t even notice you were acting weird.”
“Fine, fine, just play the song you wanted me to hear. Distract me, I’m begging you,” you groaned, leaning back on the sofa.
“Gladly,” Woozi said with a chuckle, pressing the space bar on his computer so you could hear what he was working on.
A couple of weeks later, you were still trying to forget the run-in with Yoongi every time you entered the Hybe building.
Woozi had texted you to meet him at his studio in the afternoon; despite it being your day off, you couldn’t say no to your friend. You rapped your knuckles on the door, not expecting Yoongi to open the door to the studio. You let out a little squeak, quickly dropping in a bow in front of him.
“Y/N, hey, this is Yoongi-hyung,” Woozi said nonchalantly, spinning back toward his desk in his chair.
“Um, it’s…it’s an honor, I mean, it’s so nice to meet you,” you stumbled on your words, trying not to embarrass yourself.
“It’s nice to meet you, too, Y/N,” Yoongi said, a shy smile on his face. You had to remember to keep breathing as you took in the man in front of you. His long, dark hair was tucked behind his ear, pale skin contrasting with his dark hoodie. Yoongi looked down at your hands; you were carrying two iced coffees for you and Woozi, hands trembling slightly with nerves.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I would have gotten you something if I knew you were going to be here,” you apologized. You could tell Yoongi was trying not to laugh at your flustered state.
“No worries, please don’t be sorry,” he reassured you.
“Y/N, would you get in here please, and stop being weird?” Woozi said from his chair. You glared at the back of his head, annoyed with him for outing you like this.
Yoongi stepped to the side, letting you pass him to enter the studio. You put Woozi’s coffee down on his desk, unsure of what to do next.
“Woozi told me you’ve been giving him feedback on some of his songs,” Yoongi said, startling you slightly. You nodded, throat feeling incredibly dry and your mouth unable to form words all of a sudden. “I actually stopped by today to see if I could get your opinion on something I’ve been working on.”
“What?” you asked, surprised. Yoongi scratched the back of his neck nervously.
“I’m a bit stuck on a track, and he mentioned that you’re ARMY, actually. I was hoping for some help,” Yoongi explained.
“Did he?” you questioned, giving Woozi a pointed look. He held up both of his hands innocently.
“Hey, I’m just trying to help Yoongi-hyung out here,” Woozi said defensively.
“Sure you were,” you murmured to him, hoping Yoongi couldn’t hear. Based on the way he was trying—and failing—to look uninterested when you looked back up at him, you were pretty sure he could.
“Would you mind? I don’t mean to be a bother.”
“Of course, not a bother at all,” you reassured. “You know I’m not like a professional or anything, right? My opinion probably won’t be all that much help,” you joked.
“ARMY’s opinion is the opinion that matters the most, isn’t it?” Yoongi earnestly replied. You flushed under his gaze.
“Right. Of course.”
“Shall we?” Yoongi asked, holding the door open for you. You glanced back at Woozi; you made a mental note to kick his ass later for the knowing smirk that was painted across his face.
“Lead the way,” you said, following him.
Your stomach was filled with butterflies; you couldn’t believe this was happening to you.  
Little did you know that a few steps ahead of you, Min Yoongi’s heart was racing, anxious to get your thoughts on the song, nervous to be alone in a room with you, excited about the thought of getting to know you.
Glancing shyly at Yoongi in the elevator, you noticed the pink tinge of a blush on Yoongi’s cheeks. Maybe you wouldn’t yell at Woozi after all.
Check out my other work! ❤️
Taglist: @alpacaparkaseok​ , @delacyrose224​ , @aianloveseven​ , @dulce-pjm​, @milk-and-moni​​, @wittyreader​​, @royallyjjk​, @themochiverse​, @moondearing, @jiminshairline
If you’d like to join my permanent taglist, let me know!
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bubble7o7 · 1 year
Mature Content
Over 18’s Only
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Seven T’s…
“Aaaaaah my lover hath returned!” You declare loudly as you dramatically bow while opening the door to greet him…
You look up wondering why he’s so silent…
That’s because it’s the mailman with a stash of mail and not your boyfriend!
Red faced you laugh awkwardly “I’m so sorry, I thought you were…”
“Your lover?…” he laughs “I should be so lucky!”
“What’s going on here?” a deep voice interrupts.
“This must be him” laughs the mailman. “Can you sign for this one please? Ok, see you guys tomorrow… nice t-shirt by the way!”
“Erm should I be worried?” He asks grabbing your waist and pushing you through the door with him.
“About what?”
“You and the mailman? I hope you’re wearing something under that t shirt?”
“I have shorts on Grandpa!” You roll your eyes.
“Wait… what does it say on your t shirt?”
He turns you round and stretches your shirt out to see “Yoongi Marry Me!” in all its pink bedazzled glory!
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“Ha ha! Yah!… what!?… wait is this your way of asking me?”
“No” you laugh “But… what would your answer be if I was?” you ask coyly
“Should I put my answer on a t shirt?” He leans in closer to you… stroking your hair behind your ear he whispers “I think you know exactly what my answer would be”.
He slowly kisses down your neck, then softly kisses your lips.
“It would be No!” he quickly grabs his bags and keys from the worktop and runs away down the hallway laughing.
“You fucker!” You laugh. “Fine!… Well next time I’m answering the door naked to the mail man!… Maybe he’ll love me!” You yell.
You hear footsteps thundering back down the hallway, with barely anytime to register he’s behind you, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you to him. His mouth pressed hard against your ear “I never said I didn’t love you…” he growls.
He flips you round to face him “Don’t make eye contact with that mail man ever again” he kisses you hard “You’re mine!”
“I’ll have you know, no one owns me!… I am a strong independ…. Oh fuck me…”. He’s interrupting you by gently sucking on your ear lobe, kissing down your neck then moving on to your lips…
“Mine” he whispers before kissing you passionately.
Then he leaves you and saunters back down the hallway yelling “MINE!”
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“Holy shit… that man!“ you sigh. He has you frazzled. You can’t remember what it was you were doing before the knock at the door? You take a deep breath, pull yourself together and get back to preparing dinner. Your lips still tingling from his touch.
A little while later you shout “Dinners ready Yoongs!”
“Oooh looks good! Thank you for the food my love. Wait has it changed colour?”
“The t-shirt?… it was pink before and now it’s blue!”
“Oh… no I’d slopped food on it so just changed it.”
“Jesus how many of them do you have?”
“One for every day of the week and in different colours!”
“Yah!” He yells
“Hush! Just let me be! They’re my comfort t-shirts. Shut up and eat your food.” You say eating your noodles.
He suddenly leans over to you, you offer your noodle laden chop sticks to him but he shakes his head no, then softly swipes his thumb across the corner of your mouth to remove some sauce and settles back down sucking his thumb clean.
You catch yourself gazing adoringly at him, wondering how did you get so lucky?
He catches your gaze…
“Wait, don’t move…” he says softly
“What?! Why? Have I got more food on my face?” You pat at your cheeks.
“Then what is it?”
“Just let me look at you”
You blush “Oh stop Yoongi!”
“How did I get so lucky?” he asks
“Shut up!… I was literally just thinking the same thing about you!” He leans over and kisses you hard, you drop your chop sticks in the bowl moving them to one side as he pulls you over on to his lap.
“I love you you know?…”
“I know” you say in between kisses.
“Please don’t flirt with the mailman anymore though” he mumbles laughing into your boobs.
“Shut up!” you laugh! “He’s about 70 years old!… although he does look good in uniform” you wink.
“Yah!” He grabs your waist, tickling and pulling you into him “Mine remember?” he whispers.
“All yours my love… all yours” you assure him.
“Let’s clean up and watch some TV”
“Sounds good” you agree.
It’s not long before you both dose off on the sofa, wrapped in each other instead of watching TV.
Weeks have passed and you have successfully resisted flirting with the mailman and you’re home after a busy and late day at work, fortunately it’s Yoongi’s turn to cook and you’re famished.
You start to enter the pin on the keypad but the door is quickly pulled open and Yoongi greets you, abruptly taking your coat and bag from you.
“Hi… is everything ok?” you ask.
“Yes fine, you’ve had a long day and your dinner is ready” he rushes you in.
“Good I’m starving!”
He walks behind you, his hands either side of your waist guiding you to the direction of the living room.
You turn to face him “What’s going on?”
He gently pushes you through the door. Your eyes scan the room and the floor, it’s covered with red and black rose petals scattered amongst giant lit candles.
You turn to him “I don’t understand?” You look down he’s on one knee, holding a ring in his hand outstretched to you. He puffs out his chest so you can see that he’s wearing a t-shirt bedazzled with “Y/N Marry Me?” across his chest.
You burst into tears “Is this really real?” You sob “Is it? Oh please let it be real?” You cry.
“It’s real my love” he wipes a tear from his cheek. “Will you be mine… for forever?”
You fall to your knees, grabbing his face you kiss him desperately “Oh Yoongi… you’ve made me so happy!” You cry.
“I love you Y/N” he cries scattering kisses all over your face. He slides the ring on your finger fitting perfectly.
“It’s beautiful Yoongi” you start to cry again. You stroke his chest with the “Y/N marry me?” across it “I love it!” You laugh.
“Here… these are for you…” he hands you a black box with a giant black ribbon. “They’re for when you’re officially my wife” he smiles.
There’s seven t-shirts all in different colours with the words “Yoongi Married Me!” across the chest.
“I can’t wait to wear them” you smile.
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emerald-notes · 2 years
Sleepy Cats
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Fandom: BTS
Pairing: Min Yoongi × Female Reader
"What are you doing here?" Yoongi asked eyeing the pillow and blanket on my hands, as I stood in front of his studio door.
"I can't sleep alone." I said.
Yoongi walked up to me and grabbed the pillow from my hands, "You can't sleep in here."
"Didn't you hear what I said?" I pouted, "Yoongi, I'm not going to sleep alone. Now, either you come to the bed with me or I sleep here on the couch while you work."
Yoongi sighed and nodded, "alright!"
I prepared my bed on his studio couch and lied down. Yoongi, putting on his headphones, went back to his work.
"How heartless!" I thought.
After what seemed like a tormenting hour of tossing and turning, I walked up and stood behind him long enough for him to notice me.
He pulled back his headphones, "What now?"
"Come lie with me till I sleep." I demanded.
"Please go back to the bed. I told you, didn't I? You can't sleep in here." He ignored me again and turned back to his screen.
I grabbed the Shooky plushie from his table and went back to the couch. Yoongi glanced back at me. I held Shooky tightly on my arms and closed my eyes shut forcefully.
"Make some space for me, please." I looked up and saw Yoongi standing beside me.
We were squeezed in the little space of the couch. I rested my head on his chest while he slowly caressed my hair. Hearing his heartbeat was really soothing.
"Don't stress yourself too much." Yoongi whispered in my ears.
I let out a chuckle, "Look, who's giving me advise about relaxing!"
Yoongi smiled and pulled me into a tighter embrace, "Now close your eyes and go to sleep."
My Masterlist
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