onnajosshumiwa · 2 years
[OC] Sugi-no-Ōkata
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Back when I entered the fandom for the first time, I've met many amazing people who brought me into the magical world of Senbasa OCs.
Sugi-no-Ōkata, Motonari's foster mother, was my first OC I've ever created in this fandom soon after watching Mōri Motonari's Taiga Drama. At that time I was trying to build my own fanon, encouraged by all the creativity of the fandom and there is when she was born.
Despite being Motonari's polar opposite, Sugi's sparkling and carefree personality never clashes with Motonari's plans. She seems very supportive, and often holds the fort in his absence, but most of the time, she has to pretend she didn't see his cold and cynical behavior towards his own men.
Motonari on the other hand tries his best to hide the bitter truth to her, being one of the fewest people he cherishes. She is family, after all, and has been taking care of him when he needed her the most.
She is the one who's responsible for Motonari's obsession over the sun goddess, being a devoted believer herself, despite her approach to the faith is less "dramatic" compared to her son.
I'm glad I could make a decent artwork for her! And I hope I'll be more consistent on the Mouri Clan fanon in the future, there's still so much I'd like to share!
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atemourisan · 2 years
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I have finally completed this piece of my interpretation of Mōri Motonari's step mother Sugi-No-Okata.
And ofc her design was inspired by the typical Disney villain look because Maleficent's and Queen Grimhilde's designs are very dramatic. 😌
And ofc parts of her story was inspired by Lady Guo Nuwang in The Three Kingdoms period and ofc with the way Basara portrays Motonari. 😈
Only though in my fanon, she never influenced him into worshipping the sun goddess and she never was a loving step mother, and she never influenced him in any shape or form.
Instead she is one of Motonari's worst enemies.
In my fanon, she is a concubine of the Amago clan and ofc Amago Tsunehisa's lover and ofc she is Haruhisa's paternal grandmother as he never loved Kikkawa Kunitsune's sister as the marriage like usual was arranged.
And with Tsunehisa's permission, Sugi slipped poison into her rival's tea only to desecrate her body after her death.
Sugi does help prevent the Amago clan from being converted to Xavism, and when Luís and Anjiro and a few others to storm Izumo, and ofc Luís isn't there to fight. He's there to help spread Xavism after the Amago is defeated but ofc they are driven out.
Luís however was taken prisoner but later managed to escape.
While he met Sugi, he was pretty horrified by her as she commited something that horrified him and when Luís escaped he told the story about was going on up there in Gossantoda castle.
And at some Xavist sermons, Luís would put out this motivational speech to Otomo troops, he mentions Sugi but he calls her "The Jezebel Within Gassantoda Castle Walls".
Sugi however knew about this but she wasn't offended, nor did she run away from that title, she embraced it.
As she was proud that she could instill intimidation and fear into any man she pleases.
Years later, Tsunehisa would task Sugi to bring forth the downfall of the Mōri clan and she quickly caught the attention of Mōri Hiromoto who was quickly bewitched by her charms, not even realizing that he was falling ill to alcohol poisoning.
As for her rival Lady Fukubara, Motonari's and Okimoto's biological mother. Hiromoto fancied Sugi so much that he began neglect his own wife to the point that she began writing letters to him asking him to come and visit her but to no avail.
Sugi began to tell lies about her and began creating tension between Hiromoto and Lady Fukubara and even planting seeds of suspicion in Hiromoto's head that both Okimoto and Shōjumaru were not his sons but rather Akagawa Motoyasu's sons despite how ridiculous these claims were.
Lady Fukubara later lost her husband's favor altogether, and without thinking he ordered for Sugi to dispose of his wife.
But due to his weakened state, he regains his senses and orders for the order to be retracted but it was already too late, as Lady Fukubara was already dead causing Hiromoto to feel immense regret, but he too would follow his wife a few years later.
For Shōjumaru though it would be hell as he knew Sugi was responsible for the death of his mother, and he was very afraid of his step mother.
And ofc Shōjumaru was very close with his mother as her death traumatized him throughout his childhood that he would try to find comfort in Lady Guifei who played the role of a wet nurse for him when Lady Fukubara had health issues after giving birth to her second son and ofc Miya's mother, Lady Takahashi.
As Hiromoto began to succumb to alcohol poisoning, Sugi wanted to makesure that after she had rid of Okimoto, that his younger brother would be weak and unable to succeed in life.
After Okimoto discovered a bruise on Shōjumaru's face, he would send him to live with visit Miya and her family just to keep him safe as Okimoto would become very protective of little Shōjumaru after discovering that it was Sugi who struck him across the head for reading a book.
And ofc Sugi had to figure out on how to get rid of Okimoto as he was taller than her and could easily overpower her.
And ofc she would use some kind of magic to weaken Okimoto's muscles and give him to Matsunaga Hisahide as a gift years later.
While Sugi is into refined men like Tsunehisa, she was flattered by Hisahide but he ofc saw her as nothing but someone who gave him a servant. Perhaps her blood lust was too much for him? Who knows.
Since my fanon has had a lot of changes, I am figuring out what my basara Okuni's relationship with my Sugi and what she thinks of her.
But for now before Okuni would spend time in Mikkawa, she would take notice of how whenever Sugi walked by him, as ofc Motonari was very suspicious and fearful of Sugi.
When Ieyasu and Masako would ask Okuni if Motonari is always what he seems to be, she replied "When lord brother, erm I mean Lord Motonari was in Oshikibata, he dreaded Otomo Sōrin's's influence in Kyushu and feared Amago Haruhisa's presence in Izumo sometimes on the border of Aki. Even in home territory he was afraid that Lady Sugi would cause trouble."
As ofc after Okimoto went missing, and Motonari became the new head of the Mōri clan after Kōmatsumaru also went missing causing Yuki to be horrified by both the disappearance of both her husband and son.
Sugi was also very disapproving of Motonari's relationship with Miya due to her lack of backing of status from her family the Kikkawa clan but only had this fake facade on as to pretending to keep what is right for him, but it was not enough to keep Motonari and Miya apart.
Sugi was ofc very angered about Motonari's success in defeating the Amago clan, but due to him putting Okuni in charge of Izumo, but because Okuni was in charge of Izumo, Sugi saw potential in Okuni as she was ofc biologically a member of the Amago clan as her mother was from there, but her father was low in terms of status, but to Sugi this didn't matter as Okuni could be what could bring back the Amago clan once her plans come to fruition.
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onnajosshumiwa · 2 years
I know I should put more efforts into this, but I have no clue and I'm still learning how to make fake screenshots xD but anyway, there is one with Motonari and his foster Mother Sugi! She doesn't follow him often on the battlefield, but I guess she would probably stay in the background at the camp, sippin' some tea while his son is being a d*ck with his enemies xD
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