2golesemsaturno · 9 months
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Suddenly in a fleeting moment, fireworks announce that the new year is here and the old year has just been left behind.
Suddenly, in a fleeting moment, the glasses cross and the bubbling champagne announces that the old year has gone and the new year has arrived.
Suddenly, eyes cross, hands intertwine and human beings, in a warm embrace, with a single thought, express a single desire and a single aspiration: PEACE and LOVE.
Suddenly, the nation doesn’t matter; It doesn't matter the language, it doesn't matter the color, it doesn't matter the origin, because being human and descendants of one Father, we remember only one verb: to give and receive LOVE.
Suddenly, without hurt, without rancor, without hatred, we sing one song, one hymn: that of FREEDOM.
Suddenly, we forget and remember the happy future, and how good it is to LIVE.
But what about the 364 days of the year that are already gone? The days I lived, when I smiled, cried, fell?
I am no longer the same as yesterday, even though yesterday is the same distance from tomorrow. Because each one who arrived gave me a piece of themselves and each one who left took a small piece of me.
I am the songs I heard, the books I read, the trips I took, the secrets I kept and the ones others kept from me.
I am the tear that didn't fall, I am the smile, I am the consequence. I am the heartache, I am the sadness, I am the longing and the reality.
And just like me, the world is in constant metamorphosis, and even those who arrived and chose to build a nest instead of flying, these are no longer the same, and with each change they give me a part of you. I am the past of everyone who stayed, of everyone who left and I am the present of everyone who stayed.
Like a patchwork quilt, and every piece of me has a story to tell.
Yes, I'm in pieces, because it's not just me living in myself anymore, I'm the sum of my stories, my choices, it's me and my circumstances. It's me and what I made of pain, it's me and what I made of love, and of loves, it's us, just like patchwork.
And the goal for this “new year” is to have the courage to tear up all the pieces that hurt me and the courage to walk around sewing good patches into myself.
I already know that time doesn't matter at all, intensity is much more important. There are pieces in my quilt that were sewn together in one day; and others that took years.
364 new days are coming. Like a divine, delicious and very beautiful gift for all of us pilgrims.
Can we just let every chance of life roll? Can we just sit and cry about the things I haven't resolved?
Simplify what you can. Dance, move your body. Pray, meditate, silence. Walk barefoot on the street. Take a rain shower. Ask your inner child what she would like to do and do it.
Go to the beach, the waterfall, jump in a pool. Look them in the eye and practice the truth with yourself. Tell yourself with a smile on your face how much you love yourself.
Take stock of your life, review your mistakes and successes, how many goals you achieved and how many you failed to achieve. Review how many hugs you gave and how many you didn't give. How many people did you help and how many did you leave?
364 new days are coming. And in reality, without mincing words, I know that this year will bring pain, changes, as it is every year. I know that I will hurt a lot of people and that some will hurt me, but I also know that you have seen successes, and victories and there will be many happy moments.
I know that I will arrive and that I will leave. I know they hated me, that they remember me with nostalgia somewhere, that they will love me. I know there's a lot missing between how you see me and who I am.
But what matters is that, between the sewing and the tearing, I will be infinitely grateful, because all of this will be who I will be, and I will no longer be what I am now.
At the end of the year, you will realize that, deep down, you didn't want a “new life” so much, but just some opportunities to improve the one you already had.
So that's why I don't say goodbye completely. I think it makes more sense to shout, in the middle of the night from December 31st to January 1st, a loud: See you soon, old year!
See you soon…
Iris Dias
December 31, 2022
[17:48 PM]
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