dont-go-out · 11 years
Walter x Murphy
((So this was an accidental RP that happened months ago and I forgot to reply.... If morgensternzombie is still interested in continuing, I will... If not, I'll leave it be.
morgen wrote everything bolded and I wrote everything else... Hope this interests some shippers. Hints at once sided WalterHenry too.))
Murphy kept his hands on Walter's chest, trying to push the other man away, but the blonde was stronger than he seemed. He also seemed amused by Murphy's attempt to keep him at bay, as he heard Walter chuckling. Murphy winced, expecting the worst when he felt a pair of lips on his. A pained grunt was muffled as the blonde bit Murphy's lower lip and then soothed the wound with his tongue. Those cold eyes stared back into his as he felt heat rise in his face. This guy was dangerous.
Walter turned the man, pressing him against the nearest wall, keeping their faces close and bodies closer. “Tell me, what is your name…. Receiver?” He grinned, one of his hands digging possessively into Murphy’s side. Oh yes, he would do quite nicely. His last Receiver of Wisdom may have run away, hidden in another state… away from his duty and away from Walter… But this man… There was a darkness in eyes. How lucky the Assumption was to have run into such a man.
Murphy grit his teeth, disliking the feel of the rough and cold wall pressed to his cheek. Receiver  What was he even talking about? The ex-con tried to squirm loose, but it wasn't working. He groaned in defeat and answered, "My name is Murphy... Let me go!" He didn't like the way this man was pressed against him, touching him. He tried to pull himself away, but the man had him pinned.
  “Murphy.” Walter repeated, voice low and quick. It nearly sounded like a threat. He jerked his hand away from Murphy’s hip and slowly backed away. He looked over this ‘Murphy’ with his usual cold and calm expression, taking in every detail and sizing it against his other Receiver. “Mother will like you.” He nearly hissed.
He was grateful when the other man backed off, but Murphy was still cautious. Could he make a break for it? Was this man armed? He studied the other man just as he was examined in turn. The man's words were confusing. Mother? What was he talking about? Murphy's eyes darted towards the window where he'd come in. He shifted towards it, keeping a watch on the other man. "Who are you?" he asked, hoping to distract him.
  He noticed immediately, when Murphy started heading for the window. Oh yes, that usual human urge for freedom. He wasn’t bothered by it, of course, he knew to keep his guard up this time. He pulled out his gun, pointing directly at the man heart. “It is too early for you die yet, Receiver.” The entire set up had to be redone for the final sacrament. Still, at least he had him back. “Sit down and wait for your time.”
The moment the deranged blonde pulled out the gun, Murphy slowly placed his hands up. He felt his heart skip a beat, knowing the danger of this entire situation had just got up a few notches. Obeying the man's request, Murphy shifted towards the couch and seated himself, hands still elevated. "Listen, I think you have me mistaken for someone else."
“No.” Walter’s lips twitched up into a small smile, unblinking gaze set on  Murphy’s dark eyes. “You’re a replacement. The 21st sacrament, ‘The Receiver of Wisdom’.” His expression suddenly went dark,  ”My last Receiver escaped me. But do not worry…” He smirked, eyes still portraying his anger and betrayal. “He was the only one to do so.”
Murphy felt his anxiety skyrocket. This guy was obviously insane, there would be no way to reason with him. And after their slight confrontation, he knew this man could overpower him. He was completely trapped. He had to get this guy to let his guard down. Murphy slowly let his hands drift down in a more relaxed state. "I don't know who you think I am, but we could talk this over." He tapped the area beside him on the couch, offering the man a seat.
“There is nothing to talk about. As Receiver, all will become clear with time. And you’re the only one left, so it will be soon.” His gun stayed pointed directly at Murphy’s head, unwavering, though he had no intention of killing him. Not yet, anyway. “I think it’s time you took a rest, you look… weary.” His voice seemed to cut into two, undertone of something darker within him. 
From the looks of things, the strange man wouldn't be giving Murphy any answers or release him. He stared up at his captor, defiance in his eyes. "I'm not tired," he insisted. There was no way in hell he could sleep with this psycho, even if he was exhausted. He wanted to be on full alert until the gun wasn't a factor anymore.
Walter only chuckled, lowering his gun and walking down the apartment’s short hallway, disappearing into the back wall before Murphy could see him do so. 
Murphy watched as the blonde suddenly left his view. He couldn’t believe it, this was his chance. He stood up and faced towards the window he’d come in from, only to have a wave of dizziness wash over him. He quickly sat back down, his world spinning around him until his eyes began to close. Before he’d even realized it, he was waking up in a bed. His eyes shot open and he inhaled sharply, like he’d surfaced from a deep pool. Glancing around, he felt a sense of unease overcome him. Was that a dream? Had everything been a dream? Where was he?
Walter had spent the few hours Murphy was out, preparing again. He had to be quick with fixing the wall when Henry left. He knew it wouldn’t be long before the authorities would start digging around the area and discover everything. By the time they had come back, he had the back area completely sealed off again. His mother was safe and the police (as well Frank) were completely baffled.
It didn’t matter. Now he had a new Receiver and everything would be completed as  planned. Just a little delayed.
All there was left to do was wait. The man was waking up before long.
Murphy wasn’t entirely sure about how long he’d been out. The last thing he remembered was that weird guy, and trying to leave out the window…
He sat up and held his head in his hands, still feeling a little woozy. When he tried to stand, he nearly face-planted onto the floor, but he caught himself before his head could make contact. Groaning, Murphy opened his eyes and caught sight of something under the bed.
He wasn’t entirely sure why, but he had a strange urge to look at it. After pulling it out, it turned out to be some sort of journal. Now wasn’t the time to read; he still had to figure out where he was and what was going on.
Murphy placed the journal into his jacket pocket and stood up before he managed to exit the room. He wasn’t too surprised to learn it was the same apartment he’d broken into. He was honestly disappointed that he hadn’t been dreaming.
Walter watched him from inside the walls of his Mother as the man slept. Things were getting close to being ready and the other Sacraments were starting to get antsy. It was slightly amusing to him, the way they whined and complained… Especially when they were involved with something so wonderful. 
Eileen was the worst.
“You can’t just replace him you know,” She hissed at him, watching Murphy rest peacefully before the inevitable sacrifice would be made later… Hopefully within a few days. “Henry’s gone and whatever this is that you’re doing…. This…” She turned to Walter, though he had made sure to keep her a few feet away from him. “This won’t work. You’ll never be happy and you’ll never be with your mo-“
“SHUT UP.” His voice took on a harsh tone, uncharacteristic of himself. “You know nothing of what’s needed to awaken Mother.”
Eileen shook her head, hair still seemingly matted down with blood, though she was long dead. “You picked… picked Henry beca-… c-cause….” She was choking on her words, but it wasn’t because she was upset. He was mentally strangling her, silencing the woman from continuing. “Leave me.”
Walter was in the backroom now, some how recreating the monster that Henry had once destroyed. His eyes were off of the new Receiver of Wisdom for the last time until he would be killed. 
Eileen tried to talk to the other Sacraments, but none could respond. It seemed as though Walter was scared of something, of being destroyed once again. Their mouths were bound and their eyes showed terror. It hurt her to watch them.
She was silenced too, but she refused to sit and watch, like they did, giving up all hope of ever escaping. Henry hadn’t killed Walter properly and they were stuck there for the rest of eternity.
But this man…
She stood over him as he lay there, eyes closed and still. She wanted to help him somehow… But what could she do?
Henry had known everything by the end of it, had even written everything in his journal, so he could be sure that he would never forget anything… HIS JOURNAL!
That was it, that was exactly what this man needed! The dead woman walked as fast as her permanently limp leg would take her to Henry’s storage chest and pulled out the little red book. With a small hopeful smile, she placed it out of Walter’s view, but in a place that she hoped this man would find it.
She disappeared into the walls.
Murphy’s first instinct was to try for the window he’d come through. It should have been easy to pull open, but it felt like it was sealed with cement. He inspected it, confused as to why the damn thing wouldn’t open, but nothing was holding it down. He even tried breaking it, but nothing worked.
With a sigh, he inspected the doorway, but it was obvious just from the look of it that it wasn’t going to budge. He examined the small room near the kitchen, finding all it had was a washer and drier that didn’t work. He walked back down the hallway to the bedroom he’d awoken in, but the windows in there wouldn’t budge either.
He figured the door opposite of the bedroom had a bathroom, and it did, but that wasn’t all. There was a small hole in the wall. It was unnerving to look at. A brief thought fluttered through Murphy’s mind. He could probably crawl through it. The idea made him feel afraid.
His eyes never leaving the wall, he leaned back against the tub and pulled out the journal. He sat there a few seconds before he opened up the journal and began scanning the pages.
Walter watched as his new Receiver walked around the house, looking for a way out. There would only be one and it was nowhere near where the man was looking. He smirked to himself and left the area, determined now to find out more about his…. Murphy.
Eileen watched from the sidelines as Murphy searched the apartment for something, anything clue as to what he could do. She had given him the ONLY clue he needed! She sighed impatiently as Richard came from behind her. 
“It’s going to end the same way.” He spat, “Or he’ll end up dead and we’ll all be stuck here for eternity.” 
“No.” She shook her head, keeping her eyes on the live man as he FINALLY opened the book and began to read. “This will be different, we can guide him…. We can get out of here!”
“You’re crazy.” The man mumbled before disappearing again. She looked to the floor, disheartened by what was probably the truth. She longed to go back in time, with this knowledge… Having Henry by her side.
She followed Richard back.
Walter had all he needed to know about the man now. Past demons and how he had ended up here in the first place. It was all so perfect, like the town had lead him to the serial killer to give him a second chance…
On the other side of the portal, Murphy was waiting. Walter beckoned him to come, in a voice not his own.
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dont-go-out · 12 years
For my new followers!
Anything with that tag that was submitted to me is from a story-form RP that I'm doing with the amazing morgensternzombie of a Murphy x Walter plot.
You can find the rest of it, in that tag, if you'd like to review the whole thing. Just go to the very end of the tag and start reading from there.
morgenstern wrote Murphy's (amazing) part and I did Walter and the Sacrament's part. 
:) ENJOY<3
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dont-go-out · 12 years
Murphy's first instinct was to try for the window he'd come through. It should have been easy to pull open, but it felt like it was sealed with cement. He inspected it, confused as to why the damn thing wouldn't open, but nothing was holding it down. He even tried breaking it, but nothing worked.
With a sigh, he inspected the doorway, but it was obvious just from the look of it that it wasn't going to budge. He examined the small room near the kitchen, finding all it had was a washer and drier that didn't work. He walked back down the hallway to the bedroom he'd awoken in, but the windows in there wouldn't budge either.
He figured the door opposite of the bedroom had a bathroom, and it did, but that wasn't all. There was a small hole in the wall. It was unnerving to look at. A brief thought fluttered through Murphy's mind. He could probably crawl through it. The idea made him feel afraid.
His eyes never leaving the wall, he leaned back against the tub and pulled out the journal. He sat there a few seconds before he opened up the journal and began scanning the pages.
Walter watched as his new Receiver walked around the house, looking for a way out. There would only be one and it was no where near where the man was looking. He smirked to himself and left the area, determined now to find out more about his.... Murphy.
Eileen watched from the sidelines as Murphy searched the apartment for something, anything clue as to what he could do. She had given him the ONLY clue he needed! She sighed impatiently as Richard came from behind her. 
"It's going to end the same way." He spat, "Or he'll end up dead and we'll all be stuck here for eternity." 
"No." She shook her head, keeping her eyes on the live man as he FINALLY opened the book and began to read. "This will be different, we can guide him.... We can get out of here!"
"You're crazy." The man mumbled before disappearing again. She looked to the floor, disheartened by what was probably the truth. She longed to go back in time, with this knowledge... Having Henry by her side.
She followed Richard back.
Walter had all he needed to know about the man now. Past demons and how he had ended up here in the first place. It was all so perfect, like the town had lead him to the serial killer to give him a second chance...
On the other side of the portal, Murphy was waiting. Walter beckoned him to come, in a voice not his own.
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dont-go-out · 12 years
Ships I hope to write in that 3 span day: (warning, pure crack, I promise you)
So as I am going to ONLY be writing for myself those days (I need some time to do this, I'm getting worn out here haha), I plan on doing a lot of ships that I ship.
Which includes, but is not limited to
Walter x Murphy
Alex x Murphy
Henry x Murphy
Josh x Charlie 
Walter x Henry
Murphy x Frank
Laura x Charlie
Alex x Heather
Vincent x Maria
Alex x Henry
Eileen x Harry
Cybil x Anne
Alessa x Walter
And then some fluffy family times with:
Harry and Heather
Josh and Alex
Murphy and Charlie
Walter and... um... Walter?
Henry and little Walter
James and Laura
This post may be updated when I think of more I want to do.
BUT! It is not open for suggestions. :D 
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dont-go-out · 12 years
Cold fingers ran over his scar. He shivered and shifted.
"It's time."
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dont-go-out · 12 years
Murphy wasn't entirely sure about how long he'd been out. The last thing he remembered was that weird guy, and trying to leave out the window...
He sat up and held his head in his hands, still feeling a little woozy. When he tried to stand, he nearly face-planted onto the floor, but he caught himself before his head could make contact. Groaning, Murphy opened his eyes and caught sight of something under the bed.
He wasn't entirely sure why, but he had a strange urge to look at it. After pulling it out, it turned out to be some sort of journal. Now wasn't the time to read; he still had to figure out where he was and what was going on.
Murphy placed the journal into his jacket pocket and stood up before he managed to exit the room. He wasn't too surprised to learn it was the same apartment he'd broken into. He was honestly disappointed that he hadn't been dreaming.
Walter watched him from inside the walls of his Mother as the man slept. Things were getting close to being ready and the other Sacraments were starting to get antsy. It was slightly amusing to him, the way they whined and complained... Especially when they were involved with something so wonderful. 
Eileen was the worst.
"You can't just replace him you know," She hissed at him, watching Murphy rest peacefully before the inevitable sacrifice would be made later... Hopefully within a few days. "Henry's gone and whatever this is that you're doing.... This..." She turned to Walter, though he had made sure to keep her a few feet away from him. "This won't work. You'll never be happy and you'll never be with your mo-"
"SHUT UP." His voice took on a harsh tone, uncharacteristic of himself. "You know nothing of what's needed to awaken Mother."
Eileen shook her head, hair still seemingly matted down with blood, though she was long dead. "You picked... picked Henry beca-... c-cause...." She was choking on her words, but it wasn't because she was upset. He was mentally strangling her, silencing the woman from continuing. "Leave me."
Walter was in the backroom now, some how recreating the monster that Henry had once destroyed. His eyes were off of the new Receiver of Wisdom for the last time until he would be killed. 
Eileen tried to talk to the other Sacraments, but none could respond. It seemed as though Walter was scared of something, of being destroyed once again. Their mouths were bound and their eyes showed terror. It hurt her to watch them.
She was silenced too, but she refused to sit and watch, like they did, giving up all hope of ever escaping. Henry hadn't killed Walter properly and they were stuck there for the rest of eternity.
But this man...
She stood over him as he lay there, eyes closed and still. She wanted to help him somehow... But what could she do?
Henry had known everything by the end of it, had even written everything in his journal, so he could be sure that he would never forget anything... HIS JOURNAL!
That was it, that was exactly what this man needed! The dead woman walked as fast as her permanently limp leg would take her to Henry's storage chest and pulled out the little red book. With a small hopeful smile, she placed it out of Walter's view, but in a place that she hoped this man would find it.
She disappeared into the walls.
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dont-go-out · 12 years
Murphy watched as the blonde suddenly left his view. He couldn't believe it, this was his chance. He stood up and faced towards the window he'd come in from, only to have a wave of dizziness wash over him. He quickly sat back down, his world spinning around him until his eyes began to close. Before he'd even realized it, he was waking up in a bed. His eyes shot open and he inhaled sharply, like he'd surfaced from a deep pool. Glancing around, he felt a sense of unease overcome him. Was that a dream? Had everything been a dream? Where was he?
Walter had spent the few hours Murphy was out, preparing again. He had to be quick with fixing the wall when Henry left. He knew it wouldn't be long before the authorities would start digging around the area and discover everything. By the time they had come back, he had the back area completely sealed off again. His mother was safe and the police (as well Frank) were completely baffled.
It didn't matter. Now he had a new Receiver and everything would be completed as  planned. Just a little delayed.
All there was left to do was wait. The man was waking up before long.
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dont-go-out · 12 years
From the looks of things, the strange man wouldn't be giving Murphy any answers or release him. He stared up at his captor, defiance in his eyes. "I'm not tired," he insisted. There was no way in hell he could sleep with this psycho, even if he was exhausted. He wanted to be on full alert until the gun wasn't a factor anymore.
Walter only chuckled, lowering his gun and walking down the apartment's short hallway, disappearing into the back wall before Murphy could see him do so. 
0 notes
dont-go-out · 12 years
Murphy felt his anxiety skyrocket. This guy was obviously insane, there would be no way to reason with him. And after their slight confrontation, he knew this man could overpower him. He was completely trapped. He had to get this guy to let his guard down. Murphy slowly let his hands drift down in a more relaxed state. "I don't know who you think I am, but we could talk this over." He tapped the area beside him on the couch, offering the man a seat.
"There is nothing to talk about. As Receiver, all will become clear with time. And you're the only one left, so it will be soon." His gun stayed pointed directly at Murphy's head, unwavering, though he had no intention of killing him. Not yet, anyway. "I think it's time you took a rest, you look... weary." His voice seemed to cut into two, undertone of something darker within him. 
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dont-go-out · 12 years
The moment the deranged blonde pulled out the gun, Murphy slowly placed his hands up. He felt his heart skip a beat, knowing the danger of this entire situation had just got up a few notches. Obeying the man's request, Murphy shifted towards the couch and seated himself, hands still elevated. "Listen, I think you have me mistaken for someone else."
"No." Walter's lips twitched up into a small smile, unblinking gaze set on  Murphy's dark eyes. "You're a replacement. The 21st sacrament, 'The Receiver of Wisdom'." His expression suddenly went dark,  "My last Receiver escaped me. But do not worry..." He smirked, eyes still portraying his anger and betrayal. "He was the only one to do so."
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dont-go-out · 12 years
He was grateful when the other man backed off, but Murphy was still cautious. Could he make a break for it? Was this man armed? He studied the other man just as he was examined in turn. The man's words were confusing. Mother? What was he talking about? Murphy's eyes darted towards the window where he'd come in. He shifted towards it, keeping a watch on the other man. "Who are you?" he asked, hoping to distract him.
He noticed immediately, when Murphy started heading for the window. Oh yes, that usual human urge for freedom. He wasn't bothered by it, of course, he knew to keep his guard up this time. He pulled out his gun, pointing directly at the man heart. "It is too early for you die yet, Receiver." The entire set up had to be redone for the final sacrament. Still, at least he had him back. "Sit down and wait for your time."
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