#Sumigakure Stocking Stuffers 2017
sumigakure · 7 years
Winter Wishes 2017
What is Winter Wishes?
Every season brings a different Event to the table, and so for this event, rather than choosing from a list of prompts, we are going to ask everyone who’d like to participate to send in a prompt – and then in return, fill one. It’s our very own Secret Santa.
We also have the bonus option of Stocking Stuffers, in which if – after you finish your Winter Wish, you can pick another prompt off the list and give another gift.
If you’d like to participate, please read everything in this post, as it will spell out all the specifics.
Important! Set alarms on your phone if needed, but don’t miss these dates. Last call for all dates is 23:59 UTC-12 on the date in question – we’re on a tight schedule.
24th – 30th November – Sign Ups: Part I 1st – 7th December – Sign Ups: Part II 8th – 20th December – 12 Days of Writing 23rd/24th December – Unwrapping
Sign Ups – Part I:  Wishes Can be Submitted
Send us an Ask*, containing the following information:
Bonus for:
Porn/No Porn: 
If you need two (or three) Asks to get all your info in, then break it down, but use a notation at the top. Ex “Username: ½, Username: 2/2″
*Anonymous function will be switched off from now until December 26th, so if you’re not on tumblr, we recommend setting up a skeleton account. You don’t need to use it like we tumbling tumblr-users do, but you’ll need one for this event.
Sign Ups – Part II:  Prompts can be Picked!
You can now start to request prompts from the Wish List. We’ll mark them as we go along, but we’ll still have to confirm your claim. If it’s been claimed –  somebody might have snagged it seconds before, or we might be out and about and unable to edit the Wish List – then pick another. :)
Prompts can still be submitted until the 7th December, when all prompts are closed.
Minimum: 500 words Recommended: 1 – 5k words
Note: If you want to go over 5k words, that’s fine; so long as you meet the deadline. It’s better to be finished in time for Unwrapping than to write a longer fic.
You can start writing as soon as you’ve been confirmed for your prompt if you like. We’ll start poking people on the 6th to make sure you’re awake/alive, and make sure everybody has a prompt to write. :)
12 Days of Writing
You’ve got twelve days now to fill your prompt and submit it to Sumigakure. See below for precise instructions on how we want this done.
Also, be prepared, because Tim has written a lovely song: 12 Days of Sumi Nin and will be sharing the love.
All fills need to be submitted by 20th December, so we can get all the presents ready for Unwrapping.
When submitting your completed pieces:
Select the Tags: “Sumigakure Winter Wishes 2017”, with the additional “Sumigakure Stocking Stuffers 2017”  for bonus gifts.
Then use the following layout:
To: [Tag the user in question]
From: [Tag yourself / Your username here.]
[Insert Linebreak here]
Title: [Or Untitled, if so]
Rating: [General, Teen, Mature, Explicit or Not Rated]
Wordcount: [For your Mission ranking]
Prompt: [What part of their Wish did you use for your prompt?]
Warning/Notes: Use this function if you feel the need to place any warnings.
Summary: [Insert Summary if wanted]
[Insert a Read More Break]
[Insert ficlet here]
READ ME: This is an Event where you Submit your piece to us. Do not post this to your blog*. Do not post this to your Writing Pages until after it’s been released**.
*You can reblog it to your page once it’s aired.
**If you wish to include a link to your writing platform, then include a link to your overall profile in the Notes.
The Admin will queue all submissions to post on Sumigakure over December 24th (and possibly the 23rd if we have more than 50 participants) for unwrapping.
Stocking Stuffers!
If you finish your designated Wish early, then why not cycle back around to the Wish List and see if you can fill in a few more as bonus gifts. :)
Achievements to Unlock!
Perfect Present 2017
For participating in Winter Wishes 2017, and leaving their chosen prompter a present under the Sumigakure tree.
Stocking Stuffer 2017
For writing a bonus gift for somebody else after completing the required Wish.
Have fun, and may your wishes come true this winter!
- Mods of Sumigakure
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sumigakure-userbase · 7 years
Graduated: October 3rd, 2017
Rank: Chunin
Promotion Dates: 
Chunin: 24/12/2017
SSS-rank: 0 | SS-rank: 0 | S-rank: 0 | A-rank: 0 | B-rank: 5 | C-rank: 1 | D-rank: 0
Survived the Forest of Death 2017
Perfect Present 2017
Stocking Stuffer 2017
Mission Listing
Halloween Event 2017 (Prompt 8) (C-Class)
Halloween Event 2017 (Prompt 14) (B-Class)
Halloween Event 2017 (Prompt 3) (B-Class)
Halloween Event 2017 (Prompt 12) (B-Class)
Winter Wishes 2017 (WW) (B-Class)
Winter Wishes 2017 (SS) (B-Class)
0 notes
sumigakure · 7 years
Apples on Trees
To: @will-zeke-thomson
From: @arrowsbane
Title: Apples on Trees
Rating: T
Wordcount: 1313
Prompt: I’d like to see a story about how Tenzou fathered a bunch of kids (doesn’t need to be from one woman or be romantically involved with one at all) because he wanted his wood release to be carried on to future generations.
Notes: I went off on a bit of a tangent here, but hey, it worked. Also, I’m pretty sure I bent the timeline here, but who gives a crap. Ace!Tenzo. 3some!Santa-Shisui-Hana.
Summary: Tenzo never really had a proper family, so it stands to reason that the family he made wasn’t exactly normal. You know what they say about apples and trees – they don’t fall far.
Tenzo never really had a proper family.
He didn’t have a mother and a father, instead he had a mad scientist experimenting on his genetic structure, and an old war-hawk with a serious micro-managing problem.
He didn’t have a grandfather, instead he wound up with a Hokage in the shape of a crooked old man who ripped up one side of Root, and down the other with a ferocity that burnt hotter than foxfire.
He didn’t have a brother or a sister either, instead he got a Kakashi… and he’s pretty sure it’s broken.
So it stands to reason that when he did, eventually, build his own family, it wound up a little… odd.
It takes a while, but Tenzo finds himself stood in front of the Hokage, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.
“I wish to have offspring,” He states, and the Hokage frowns contemplatively. In the background, Tenzo can hear at least three of the ANBU guards slip from their perches in shock, and a fourth choke on his own spit.
“I see.” The Hokage replies, his tone neutral. Tenzo relaxes in his place, before the Hokage adds.
“But you don’t have much experience with children.”
Tenzo blinks.
“I am both capable of, and able to provide care for infants.” He says, confused. After all, one of his duties for Root was to care for the younger recruits – ensuring they were fed and clothed.
“Nothing beats experience Tenzo,” the Hokage tells him, before grinning cheerfully, and tosses a dossier at Tenzo’s head. He catches it, and opens it warily.
“It’ll be very good for you,” the Sandaime replies, “and most amusing for me.”
Tenzo finds himself blinking down at his six new companions. Three Genin: Uchiha Shisui, Honda Santa, and Inuzuka Hana - plus three ninken puppies who are tearing apart… something.
His first thought, is that this is not going to work.
Fast forward a year or so, and Tenzo finds himself with honest-to-god actual minions who will do anything he says, so long as it involves the humiliation and suffering of somebody very much so not-them. The little voice at the back of his head whispers that this is not quite like having kids, but he has gotten better at handling small people with emotions.
Maybe the Hokage does know what he’s doing after all.
His first child is, of course, a daughter. A daughter named Kaede, with maple hair and dark brown eyes and lungs that have more strength than a hurricane. She never seems to sleep either, and so ­­Tenzo and his genin quickly learn to pray for her naptime, because it’s the only time they ever have that is peaceful – unless they take shifts, of course. The only problem with shifts… is that Kaede has a sixth sense for when they try to sneak away and loses it.
It’ll be years before they find out she’s a natural-born sensor with a range that would make the Nidaime weep with jealousy.
There will come a day when missing-nin will flock to Konoha, because they could run and run and run and she would always, always find them.
Masaki and Mikio come next, fraternal twins who were apparently demons in a past life, because nowhere is safe once they learn how to crawl. Even Hana’s poor ninken aren’t spared – their tails and ears being pulled at every opportunity.
Hana whimpers whenever it’s her turn to change the nappies, and does so with an honest-to-god clothes peg on her sensitive nose.
Shisui tried to hide… only to be dragged back by his long-suffering girlfriend who is not putting up with his crap goddammit.
[Somewhere in between the Twins being born, and the next kid coming along, Tenzo comes to the conclusion that not only have his brats his puberty – hard – they’ve folded themselves into some kind of threesome. Huh.
In all honesty, he doesn’t care – so long as they keep it to the bedroom, and nothing happens with the kids around.]
Santa… Santa has the strange civilian ability to breeze through child-rearing with an ease that is normally associated with a ninja killing somebody, which is probably why the others hand the kids off to their boyfriend at every opportunity.
It’s terrifying.
And yet, it’s because of this that Tenzo is beyond grateful that the Hokage gave him brats before kids.
Where does one even begin to describe this one? An accurate assessment would be to describe him as the second coming of the Shodaime – a genius, but an emotional genius.
He’s been known to catch Jonin in his traps before even making Genin, and yet… he’s also been caught trying to teach various plants and shrubbery how to recognise – and attack – shinobi from other villages.
It seems to work though, because it stops the Hyuuga incident cold when one particular bush of roses wraps a Kumo nin in thorny ropes when said nin tries to kidnap the three-year old heiress.
The Hyuuga take special care to water this bush now, and have been witnessed making many trips to the Yamanaka flower shop to purchase both fertilizer and companions for it – and now the entire compound is surrounded by various colors and species of roses. It’s both beautiful… and deadly.
Tenzo is so proud, he doesn’t even have the words.
Shisui does. He practically keels over giggling about Killer Roses, and asks permission to plant them in the Forest of Death.
Sarutobi actually finds himself considering it…
Haruki is his last child (with a glare that can stop a Kage in its tracks and a demeanor that convinces many that he’s the reincarnation of Senju Tobirama), and like all the others, was born with the help of a surrogate.
The only difference being, is that the psychological evaluator clearly flubbed his job and Tenzo found himself on the verge of a custody battle, before the Hokage put his foot down.
Haruki is the only one of the lot who has visitation with his birth mother – and even then it’s carefully monitored; as the birth mother turned out to be a distant, but favoured, cousin of the daimyo.
Haruki also happens to be the only one who would grow up to be an undercover agent for the Daimyo’s court, so there’s that.
The kids grow into righteous rage, shaped like small people with big brown eyes and smiles that could cut you as easily as the weapons they wield. As luck would have it, they all present with Mokuton, and Konoha has never had it so easy in the fruit department as orchards of fruit-bearing trees seemingly sprout overnight.
His Genin grow too – Hana becomes a skilled veterinarian and tracker, heads and shoulders above the rest; her puppies are now strong and swift ninken, although they’ll still chew his zori to pieces if given the chance.
Santa goes into the medical field, and specializes in poison and using medical techniques in battle – he’s in charge of the greenhouses too, which makes Tenzo proud as… well, proud as a green-thumbed ninja with successful students.
Shisui… Shisui masters his Sharingan, and becomes famous for his use of the body flicker in battle. So famous in fact, that he’s got a flee-on-sight order for three out of the four other ninja villages.
The only ones who don’t take him seriously are Suna, and that’s because they’re all terrified of meeting Santa in the field. 
If only people knew Shisui’s skill came from being a sleep-deprived Genin who just wanted to change a nappy and go back to sleep. 
If only.
Twelve years after that strange, strange day when Tenzo confronted him with the desire for offspring, the Hokage finds himself beaming with pride as a pack of tiny wood-producing children terrify ninja and civilians’ alike.
It’s almost like having Hashirama-sensei back.
If you enjoyed this piece, why not take a look at other pieces written by the same author on AO3.
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sumigakure · 7 years
To: @modernart2012
From: @pwnie3​
Title: Skyfall
Rating: T
Wordcount: 2896
Prompt: Pacific Rim AU. Preference for MadaTobi, but I’m open to any pairing, romantic or otherwise. Doesn’t have to follow the movie
Warnings: Brief suicidal ideation, character death, excessive use of italics
Summary: Madara wakes up and doesn’t open his eyes, because he knows that if he does he’ll roll over and Izuna won’t be there in the next bed over. He feels like the ground has been torn out from under his feet and now he’s just falling alone into empty sky.
Drop, Category II solo, let’s do this, first blow comes, harness cracks, Izuna, Izuna, Izuna get up, “Kaleidoscope Burst please respond”, Izuna’s down, Izuna’s down, IZUNA–
Madara wakes up and doesn’t open his eyes, because he knows that if he does he’ll roll over and Izuna won’t be there in the next bed over. He feels like the ground has been torn out from under his feet and now he’s just falling alone into empty sky.
It feels strange, to not have Izuna there. Even as a little presence in the back of his head, like the way it feels to talk to someone using two soup cans and a piece of string, is gone. He and Izuna have– had always been notoriously strong ghost Drifters, to the point where they could divine each other’s emotions from across a building.
Tears well up in Madara’s eyes, and he presses the heels of his palms into them. His breath starts to shudder in his chest.
“Madara?” a scratchy voice asks, a hand laying itself on his thigh. “You in there?”
He scrubs at his eyes, then opens them to see Touka.
She looks about twice as bad as Madara feels. Her hair is a rat’s nest, her eyes are bloodshot and the bags underneath are deep enough to run a river through. She smiles at him wanly and runs her other hand over the crown of his head. “We didn’t think you were gonna wake up.”
I wish I hadn’t, he almost says. “How long was I out?”
She takes a deep breath and retracts her hand. “It’s been almost a week. Kaleidoscope Burst took most of the damage, but…”
But it wasn’t enough. No matter how much of the kaiju’s attack the Uchiha brothers’ Jaeger took, it wasn’t enough to save Izuna.
“It’s not your fault, you know,” Touka sniffs. “You know those old Mark Twos as well as I do. Flimsy harness couplings and all that, right? If anyone is to blame then–” a sob catches in her throat– “then it’s me.”
“Touka–” Madara starts.
“No, I was supposed to check everything in that conn pod, but who thinks to check on the pins holding in the damn harnesses?” She laughs bitterly, then sobers. “I checked the box without even looking because hey, you’d never had trouble with it before, why would you start now and it’s cost me my husband–” she chokes on her words and devolves into ugly, halting tears.
Madara pulls her close. She twists her hands into his hair, identical to Izuna’s except for the sheer volume of it, and bawls into his shoulder.
After a minute or two, she pulls back and takes a deep breath, then gives another little laugh. “Look at me, Madara. A week without Izuna and I’m already falling to pieces.”
“You think I’m doing much better?” he croaks eventually. “I feel like I just saw him five minutes ago and I’m already in shambles.”
“What a pair we make, huh?”
Marshall Uzumaki lets Madara rest, heal, and grieve for a week before she has him back in the ring for another copilot. She supervises him for every bout and Touka, who’s been reassigned from engineering to the command center since Kaleidoscope Burst’s last drop, calls out strikes as they land.
Like it means anything. All twenty-three of the bouts Madara’s gone in the past hour have ended 4-0 in his favor, and by this point the candidate pool is shrinking back into the audience.
Mito is one of Madara’s oldest acquaintances, and even if he can’t speak to her without losing his temper half of the time, he recognizes the look on her face when she leans over to whisper something into Touka’s ear.
“That will be all for today. Thank you for participating. Madara, come here,” Touka says. Madara steps forward. “We think that maybe a test is in order.”
He levels the two women with the most unimpressed look he can muster. “Did I not just spend the last hour doing tests?”
Mito makes an amused noise. “A different kind of test, Madara. Report to the drop bay in an hour.”
“Oh, hells no.”
Inside the mangled remains of Kaleidoscope Burst’s conn pod– the only intact part of her left– waiting and hooked up to her Pons system, is Hashirama of all people, with his little brother looking annoyed as usual behind him.
Madara gestures to Hashirama, looking straight at Tobirama. “Is this-?”
“Is this the test Mito ordered? Yes.” Tobirama looks all too pleased to be plugging someone else into Hashirama’s head. He spent four years Drifting with his brother before Hashirama screwed up his leg and got the Hidden Leaf, the Senju brothers’ Jaeger, removed from duty. “She wants to make sure your head will still let you Drift at all.”
Madara scoffs. “‘Can I still Drift’, of course I can still Drift! Why wouldn’t I be?”
Hashirama pipes in. “Well, saying that you can Drift is like saying that you can do art. It’s a generalization. Just because you can make ice sculptures doesn’t mean you can fold origami worth a damn.”
“Just because you could Drift with Izuna doesn’t mean that you can Drift with anyone else. Mito wants to make sure you’re physically capable of finding a new copilot before she spends more time on the matter,” Tobirama clarifies. “And seeing as how Hashirama is the easiest Drifter we have on site, he’ll be your partner for this exercise.”
It’s for the sake of his age-old friendship with Hashirama that Madara refrains from making a joke about how Hashirama is easy, and he knows that Madara knows exactly what he’s definitively not doing.
He takes some measure of gratitude that at least it’s Hashirama and not some green cadet that’s never even seen a kaiju. Hashirama is familiar, he was the first person Madara ever Drifted with even though he’s not the one that stuck.
“I’ll be observing your Drift from here just in case something goes wrong.” Tobirama steps back to his sleek control panel– which looks oddly different from the ones in the LOCCENT. “Initiating neural handshake,” he says, getting ready to flip switches. “In five, four, three, two, one.”
Hashirama’s memories rush into Madara’s head. Little brother, Mother is gone, new mother, more brothers, Madara, Tobirama, Madara, Madara, Madara, police academy, the first kaiju taking away Father and Itama and Kawarama, the Jaeger program, why is Tobirama here he should be safe at home, Drift compatible, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, pain and loss, you’ll never pilot again with a leg like that, Mito, command track, oh god Kaleidoscope Burst please respond–
Madara is thrust violently back into his own body with a jolt and knows that Hashirama just felt the same thing.
“Handshake successful. Try waving hello with your right arm,” Tobirama directs.
It works, as every other command Tobirama gives them does. It goes so well in fact that only Hashirama has to listen to what Tobirama’s saying Madara just follows his lead. Hashirama exists in Madara’s head as a long road he’s compelled to follow no matter where it may take him. He’s similar, in many ways, to Izuna. Bright, happy Izuna who was like the blinding, guiding sun on a summer’s day. Izuna’s wedding was on in the middle of summer, Izuna, Izuna, Izuna-
“Right hemisphere out of alignment,” he vaguely registers hearing before he’s disconnected from the Jaeger.
He comes out of the Drift like waking up from a dream, groggy and absent and with a faraway look in his eyes. All he wants to do is sleep and not think about the report Tobirama will be presenting to Mito and how he can guess exactly what it will say. Is capable of Drifting but chased the rabbit in almost record time. Unfit for duty. End report.
A few days later, Madara– who hasn’t been asked back to the sparring ring and is completely blaming that on the report Tobirama probably filed– is tasked by a newly-busy Touka with delivering a sheaf of Important papers to the R&D department.
The “R&D Department” is actually just three guys in a too-small room with a tiny budget that mostly gets spent on whiteboard markers, takeout, and weed. After Hashirama started Drifting with Tobirama but before Madara and Izuna got a Jaeger of their own, Izuna used to split his time between flirting at Touka in Maintenance and getting high with the R&D team. Madara used to hear a lot of stories about his friends’ crazy theories and that one time they all got crossfaded and woke up ten hours later having forgotten their own names.
But the budget has been cut down even more than usual this year, and so it’s not three guys anymore. It’s just one, and it happens to be the infuriatingly snarky one with white hair and tattoos that shouldn’t look as good as they do.
Tobirama isn’t paying attention when Madara walks in– he’s shoulder deep in a, well, in something, and his white button-down is discarded across the room in favor of the tank top that shows off real, honest-to-God biceps that he didn’t have the last time Madara saw his arms (granted he had been seventeen to the albino’s fourteen at the time, and knew what would happen if Hashirama even thought Madara had a thing for his brother) and also keeps his clothes from getting stained too bad by all the machine oil.
“Hey,” Madara says to get Tobirama’s attention.
The younger man startles, and in his haste to turn around flings a streak of oil in Madara’s face. He hisses and goes to wipe it off, but Tobirama slaps his hands away with a towel. “Don’t do that, you’ll just smear it.”
“Then what am I supposed to do?” he demands. “Be blind for the rest of my life?”
Tobirama makes a frustrated sound and kicks his ankle gently to guide him over to a chair. There’s a sound like a metal hatch closing, probably from the machine he was working on. “Sit down, I have something for this.”
A few moments later, Tobirama starts dabbing a wet cloth over the oil-stained portion of Madara’s face. “If this is acid–”
“If I wanted to kill you, Madara, I have other ways. It’s just something I mixed up to remove oil and grease stains,” Tobirama rebuts.
“Why not just wear gloves?” Madara blinks hard and then opens his eyes wide when Tobirama backs off.
“I’m allergic to latex and this facility doesn’t buy anything else.” The younger man lets the awkward air hand between them for a few moments. “So why are you here?”
Madara fumbles with the sheaf of papers. “Touka asked me to bring you these.”
Tobirama finishes cleaning the oil off his arms and then gives the folder a cursory glance, but Touka has always been bad at labelling things. “Do you know what it is?”
“Something about Burst’s specs.” Madara shrugs.
“Oh.” Tobirama’s eyes widen. “It’s notes about her Pons system. I’ve theorized that her previous engineer made some kind of neural processing magnification modification to the Pons system to enhance the combat abilities of the Drift team.”
Madara is no genius, but he did take an AP class or two in high school (one of them with Tobirama, who had no business being a freshman taking senior-level classes). “Based on what evidence?”
Tobirama swiftly makes his way over to one of four desks covered in so many papers it nearly hurts to look at. He rummages around what’s either the world’s most complex sorting system or just a mess, and after a minute he sounds a victorious shout and pulls a thick file from the bottom of a pile and lays it out on the one clean half of a desk he can find.
“These are neural performance records taken from one of your Drifts with Izuna in Burst,” Tobirama says, pointing to one long scanner sheet of paper, then to a second. “These are records taken of Izuna when he was Drifting in Burst with Touka.”
“Wait, what?”
“It was her birthday and she failed the Jaeger program’s physical but they were Drift compatible and I helped him out with giving her the birthday present to end all birthday presents, okay?” he points to a third record. “This is the scan I took of them from their anniversary Drift a few months later, this time at using the system I have here.” He gestures to the piece of machinery he was tinkering with when Madara walked in.
Madara studies the records. “The performance levels are completely different.”
Tobirama nods. “And this is a scan I took of you and Hashirama the other day, compared to the record I took of him the last time we snuck into Hidden Leaf.”
Again, the performance scores are wildly different. “So you want to prove that there’s something up with my Jaeger?”
The younger man nods. “Yes, and there’s just one more scan I need to prove it.”
Madara bobs his head too. “A scan of me outside of Burst.” He gives Tobirama a Look. “Did you tell Touka to send me over specifically with the specs?”
He nods again. “You’ll be Drifting with me this time.”
Madara lets out what’s definitely not a squawk of outrage. “You want me to Drift with you? We don’t even know if we’re compatible!”
“Please. If you can Drift with numbskulls like Izuna and Hashirama, you can Drift with me,” he scoffs. “Contrary to popular belief, I’m almost as easy to Drift with as Izuna or Hashirama.”
This is different, Madara wants to scream. Hashirama is different, Izuna was different. How long has it been, since he tried to Drift with someone who wasn’t his best friend or his brother?
“Just because we can both Drift with Hashirama doesn’t mean anything,” Madara exclaims. Tobirama let out another wordless noise of annoyance, but before he can say anything Madara interrupts him. “Just because a positive magnet connects with a negative magnet does not mean that two negative magnets will connect!”
“Just put on the damn headset and let me get my results.” Tobirama shoves the headpiece at Madara’s chest.
He grumbles. “I hope no-one believes your results.”
Tobirama is wearing a matching headset as he reaches for a button. “Initiating neural handshake in five, four, three, two, one.”
Mother, Hashirama, a big treehouse, loss, learning, top of the class, accelerated learning courses recommended, he’s too young for this class, why is he here, beat them all out, what’s a kaiju?, Hashirama don’t go, ‘Tobirama why are you here”, Drift compatible, Hidden Leaf, success, saving people, killing kaiju, failure, injury, find a new copilot or find a new job, Izuna, Izuna oh God please no–
If Hashirama’s mind is a path and Izuna’s was the sun, then Tobirama’s can only be described as an endless freefall over a cliff into the sea. Being in the Drift feels like Tobirama is his parachute. Through the Drift he knows that Tobirama views Madara like a chained lion, and he can feel the euphoria the other man knows as he sets the lion free.
Madara comes back into his own mind feeling like he can take on the world and win, in a way that Drifting with Izuna had never provided.
When Madara first entered the PPDC, the team he and Izuna took over from– a pair of women who piloted a wonderful Jaeger named Whirlpool Dawn– told him that there was Drifting and then there was Drifting. Maybe, he thinks, this is what they meant.
He looks over to Tobirama, and finds that the albino’s crimson eyes are just as wide and his face is just as flushed as Madara’s own must be. He watches Tobirama’s adam’s apple bob as he swallows thickly.
“I think we need to go talk to Mito,” Madara hears, though despite being aware of Tobirama’s every move he doesn’t know if the words were said aloud or if he just understood Tobirama’s intentions through the Drift.
“I think you’re right,” he replies.
Two months later finds Tobirama and Madara in matching Drift suits and getting ready to test drop for the first time together.
They had argued for a long time about which Jaeger they would pilot. They went back and forth with their reasons; Hidden Leaf was in better condition, but Kaleidoscope Burst was the newer and safer mech, for example. But before they could come to a conclusion (which many figured would never happen at all) the victorious new head of engineering, an early twenty-something called Sarutobi, informed them that they wouldn’t have to decide at all because he’d gone around them and gotten the all-clear from Mito to combine the two Jaegers.
So here they stand, ready to pilot Konoha Burst under the watchful eyes of Touka, Hashirama, and the entire world. What Sarutobi’s done by combining two defunct Jaegers is unprecedented, and even with a hundred different news crews waiting for the results of the test Madara isn’t scared.
He doesn’t have to look or talk to know that Tobirama is putting on his helmet and raring to go, but he does it anyways.
“You ready to rock the world, Skyfall?” he drawls.
“You know it, Lionheart.”
If you enjoyed this piece, why not take a look at other pieces written by the same author on AO3.
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sumigakure · 7 years
Winter Wishes 2017: Wish List
We’ve got a list, and we’re checking it twice! 
Prompts cannot be claimed until Dec 1st. See the Event Post for all Rules, Dates and Info.
Wish: In an AU where Orochimaru never took Danzo up on his offer for labs, Sarutobi dumps a trio of genetically-altered brats on him and hands him a ‘Teaching for Dummies’ book, which is not appreciated. Turns out, Orochimaru is pretty good with kids, but thinks he isn’t. Nobody else is buying that lie though.
Likes: Snakes being awesome. And Orochimaru being awesome. I blame @blackkatmagic. She did this to me.
Dislikes/Triggers: I’m pretty chill, but not keen on sexual abuse or non-con. It just feels like crossing a line, even if they are essentially paid assassins. Like, murder is one thing, but it’s just… nope.
Bonus for: Danzo trying to steal Oro’s brats and getting curb stomped.
Porn/No Porn: I do like porn on occasion, but I don��t think this wish needs it - unless Sakumo is alive in this AU, and has seduced Oro. But don’t strain yourself if you’re not comfortable.
Wish: Pacific Rim AU. Preference for MadaTobi, but I’m open to any pairing, romantic or otherwise. Doesn’t have to follow the movie, can follow the comics.
Likes: ghost!Drift (specifically to Pac Rim, anyways)… I’m pretty game for anything not in my “Dislikes”?
Dislikes/Triggers: No incest or pedophilia (not even allowed in this collective, but gonna state it anyways); Abuse - physical or emotional; if this gets porny, no noncon or dubcon or bloodplay, emetophilia, or scat. HARD NO On COCKROACHES.
Bonus for: background Xanatos Gambit, not necessarily for the kaiju, but someone else and doesn’t have to be evil. Morton’s Fork will similarly be accepted.
Porn/No Porn: Either is good. Writer’s choice.
Wish: I would like to see Madara taken from post-death (whichever of the 3 canonical instances best suit your narrative) and dropped into an AU, either replacing his otherself or having his otherself be dead/missing. It can be a trope influenced NRT world, (i.e. Soulmate Marks, ABO) or a crossover-fusion world, (i.e. NRT characters in a Star Wars or BNHA setting) or just switching out ninja for mainstream scifi or steampunk or magic. Cue Madara flailing and being overly dramatic.  I would prefer a happy ending. Gen is fine. I basically want to see Madara screaming about how little sense the AU rules make while simultaneously snuggling his little brothers. B/c Madara is the Most Extra.
Likes: TobiMada. Effective Communication. Madara oblivious to (Tobirama’s) flirting. Fussing over baby brothers.
Dislikes/Triggers: Character Bashing. Non-Con. Unaddressed Dub Con.
Bonus for: n/a
Porn/No Porn: Sure, if you’re feeling it or the story calls for it. ^_^
Wish: Sasuke really, stupidly likes being fingered. Team 7 obliges 
Likes:  healthy polyamory, kinking the fuck out of Sakura’s super strength, and gentle ribbing/teasing the fuck out of Sasuke/poking fun or dirty talking to embarrass him a little
Dislikes/Triggers:  uh the normal squicks, you’re probably good. Dislikes non-bi all of them. Dislikes feminization of Sasuke
Bonus for: Sasuke totally gets off a little on being embarrassed/dirty talked to/them talking about him. Also he’s stupidly in love with them.
Porn/No Porn: Porn, pls. Obvs
Wish: NaruSakuSai, their first time. Sakura is coming home from a mission where she almost died and the boys need to make sure she’s doing fine. Featuring lots of fluffiness, some worship and praise kink because Sakura deserves it.
Likes: Honestly, everything that deals with their respectives issues would be great. Sai probably doesn’t like being touched much, but loves touching them, Naruto needs to show his love, Sakura enjoys the praises and attention.
Dislikes/Triggers: non-con, in any way, shape or form. As long as the characters are mainly true to their canon selves, I’m good.
Bonus for: Naruto putting on lipstick to leave marks on Sakura and Sai + morning after cuddles.
Porn/No Porn: Porn. Lots of porn, pretty please with a shinobi on top.
Wish: At some point in the Chuunin Exams arc (post-Forest of Death, but pre-Tsunade’s arrival) Sakura travels back in time to Kakashi’s attempt to rescue jinchuuriki Rin. She’s not much good fighting at that point but her sudden appearance causes enough confusion to allow a few crucial seconds such that Obito arrives while Rin is alive. And then…?
Likes: ObiSaku would be nice, no pairing is also fine.
Dislikes/Triggers: Cannibalism or humans being eaten generally.
Bonus for: 13 y/o Kakashi being a better teacher than 26 y/o Kakashi.  
Porn/No Porn: Not unless you put in a big timeskip
Wish: I’d like to see a story about how Tenzou fathered a bunch of kids (doesn’t need to be from one woman or be romantically involved with one at all) because he wanted his wood release to be carried on to future generations. Just him as a father training and raising a bunch of kids which some (if not all) have his wood style.
Likes: I like family fluff and maybe a little angst but nothing too heavy.
Dislikes/Triggers: I dislike character bashing and any general cruelty but I’m not Triggered by anything but I don’t think that will be something for this type of thing to worry about.
Bonus for: Tenzou just being a good dad and doing his best and maybe Naruto helping train the kids and maybe even passing on the start of how to do the rasengan to them or the shadow clone to help them train.
Porn/No Porn: No porn for this please
Wish: Everyone in Konoha lost something on the day of the Kyuubi attack, and Genma Shiranui is no different. But not everyone can say they gained something. All of seventeen years old, he finds himself with a dead sister and her daughter Tenten to care for. Let’s hope he doesn’t screw this up.
Likes: Family fluff, obviously. Also Genma freaking out over how to parent.
Dislikes/Triggers: Just don’t be too gross I guess???
Bonus for: the Talk and Tenten’s first date.  
Porn/No Porn: No porn please.
Wish: Time travel with Kakashi peferably during the warring clans era or some form of supernatural creature thing.
Likes: dork!Madara, Gai. Angst in moderation. (Kakashi)
Dislikes/Triggers: Overly emberassing moments, like the level of romantic comedies. It can take me months to read such things.
Bonus for: troll!Kakashi
Porn/No Porn: No porn please.
Wish: Sakura is sent on a long term mission with Team Eight. What the mission is is up to the author. What I want is Sakura and Team Eight being awesome.
Likes: Sakura/Kiba, Hinata and Sakura friendship, Shino
Dislikes/Triggers: Non-con, dub-con, A/B/O
Bonus for: Sakura/Kiba
Porn/No Porn: No porn.
Wish: Genma and Raidou+the desk chuunin have many late nights in the tower, to make it better they play some music, one things leads to another and suddenly it's a dirty dancing competition! And it's all fun&games until a jounin coming in from a late mission walks in. The chuunin are embarrassed, but the jounin ends up joining in too???
Likes: Side-characters, dancing to cheesy early-2000s pop music, random fluff, multi-pairs/poly pairs (if you are up to writing it)
Dislikes/Triggers: Character hating, non-con, daddy kinks, etc
Bonus for: The jonin who walks in is Kakashi.
Porn/No Porn: Either is fine for me, it depends on how the story is going for you.
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sumigakure · 7 years
On the 3rd day of Wishmas…
To: @definitelynotaminion
From: @kaless39
Title: On the 3rd day of Wishmas…
Rating: General
Word count: 307 words
Prompt: On the 3rd day of Wishmas… My Jonin gave to me: Three ninja Genin, Two poisoned kunai, and a ninja hidden in a tree.
Warning/Notes: N/A
Summary: Takuma swore that Hatake-jonin was just doing this to screw with him…
Takuma just wanted to know how this was his life.
“Ma~ I just need you to find out a bit about Might Gai’s team Who’s stuck with him, how they’re doing… that kind of thing. I’d do it myself but-” the silver-haired jonin made a vague gesture with his worn copy of Icha Icha Paradise.
Takuma’s eyes flashed in irritation as he adjusted his position in a tree at ten to dark in the morning for surveillance on a genin team! He didn’t even agree to this! Why was he even here?!
He let out a long breath through his nose and gave a momentary prayer for inner strength, then froze as he heard a sound. Moments later as a very enthusiastic, very green, mini-Gai genin powered his way onto the training field at high speeds. The boy was at least high chunin speeds and very distracting. Which was the only reason he didn’t notice the two kunai coming towards him until after they were thrown.
Takuma dropped down to a lower branch to dodge. “Crap, they dodged!” The girl of the team exclaimed. She must have been the one to throw the weapons. “Neji, the sedatives won’t work without blood-contact.”
Sedatives! Takuma side-eyed the kunai with some trepidation. What kind of baby genin poisoned their kunai!?
That was the only thing he had time to think before the third genin, a Hyuuga, was on him. “Who are you and what are you doing here?” The brat demanded. Takuma managed to dodge most of the gentle fist, but… you know what?
Screw Hatake Kakashi!
Takuma shunshined away.
The bastard would just have to ask his Eternal Revival about his genin team himself.
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sumigakure · 7 years
Winter Wishes 2017: 24 Hours Left!
You’ve got 24 hours to get those Wishes in, you stragglers!
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sumigakure · 7 years
Winter Wishes 2017: Sign Ups Open!
Sign Ups – Part I for the Winter Wishes 2017 are now open! To sign up, read the Rules on the Event Post, and submit your wish using the correct format shown there.
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sumigakure · 7 years
Winter Wishes 2017: Sign Ups Closed
Sign Ups for the Winter Wishes 2017 are now CLOSED!
You’ve got your prompts, and twelve days, so get cracking! 
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sumigakure · 7 years
Winter Wishes 2017 - Casual Reminder
Folks, don’t forget that the prompt time for Winter Wishes 2017 is drawing to a close. You’ve got less than 24 hours to submit/choose a Wish.
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sumigakure · 7 years
Winter Wishes 2017 is CLOSED!
All Ficlets should now be on their way into our Submission box now, and we’ll be making final checks on the Wish List.
Volunteers to cover emergency fills would be appreciated – just in case somebody has slipped through the cracks/an emergency has come up.
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sumigakure · 7 years
Winter Wishes 2017: Claim Your Wishes!
Sign Ups – Part II is now Open!
You can now start to request prompts from the Wish List. We’ll mark them as we go along, but we’ll still have to confirm your claim. If it’s been claimed – somebody might have snagged it seconds before, or we might be out and about and unable to edit the Wish List – then pick another. :)
Prompts can still be submitted until the 7th December, when all prompts are closed.
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