#Sunny & Artie Comic
pancreasman · 4 months
Ok so now that the zine is out I can post the comic! Thankyou to @shadamyzine for giving me the opportunity to work on this and meet so many cool people! Please enjoy cause this took months! 🥲
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Also check out the zine for all the other cool art and stories! Not just mine.
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konstarnacja · 10 days
Blogi warte uwagi
Ojej, chyba za krótko tu siedzę, żeby dać pełnowymiarową listę takich blogów, ale postaram się jak mogę.
Luźne komiksy: @shencomix @jenny-jinya @loadingartist @sarahseeandersen
Mitologia: @sigeel @theia-mania-comics @medusaspeach @a-gnosis
Miracoulus: @buggachat @bigfatbreak @zoe-oneesama @lc-holy @danismilek @rosekasa @heartfulselkie @ceejles @edorazzi @anna-scribbles
Mlp: @colorful-horses @sunnys-side-upside-down @janegumball @my-quirk-is-fred @beluvbug @leavemebetosleep
Toh: @moringmark @lovemoroporo @turquoisespace35
Cudo arty: @junchiu @feefal @cracklewink
Własny fandom: @lackadaisycats @kfrances
Wszystko: @westywallowing @rubyleaf @landturtlealyce @kyacchan-comics @frostedpuffs @rocklain
Wiersze: @warzywoe36 @prettyy3
Cytaty: @nacpanaasoup @ogrody-ilangory @harmony-and-peace @e-uociec @niedoczytane
Fotografia: @jacobgraphy @polskiekoty
To chyba tyle na ten moment. Może reszta będzie miała jeszcze jakieś propozycje
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Hi lovely!!~
Well I need to scream right now...
It took me A LOT to find your account, a friend of mine show me a picture of your art (they show me the short comic: Meteor Showers, the stars and the bonfire, i cried HARD) and NEVER told me who the artis was, so now i can die happy.
Keep going, you make beautiful things. You won another follower, so if u don't mind i will put a 🌻 whenever i ask something.
Sending a lot of love,
Hello Anon!
Thank you so much for the kind words on my art and Ghost x Jade! Glad you love them o(*°▽°*)o
Yeah, about finding my account, it usually started from finding my art somewhere, probably on Pinterest on Google. My watermark is always placed on my art, but I must admit that my watermark used to be in script letters, so it's kinda hard to read (I've changed my watermark to a simple block letters now to make it easier to read). And yeah about that Meteor Showers comic. My name is only on the cover, not on the pages.
Many people told me it's pretty hard to find me because I'm literally only on Tumblr and Instagram. No Twitter, no TikTok or anything like that 😭 So kudos to you for finding me! Yay!
Anyway, thank you so much for the follow! And since you're gonna put sunflowers on my inbox, I'm gonna call you Sunny Anon.
Thank you Sunny!
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myfriendpokey · 6 years
zine thoughts pt 2
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where do you sell videogames? zine fairs, children's book stores, used record marts, from the trunk of a car like rudy ray moore, on etsy or on craiglist, with flyers on the wall of the local chip shop or library. through awkwardly hammered-together handmade electronic systems or the reverse, turning your game into a jumbled set of paper text and graphical fragments which can be sold in boardgame stores as some kind of reconstruct-the-narrative puzzle. you could make one-off bespoke games or game simulacra for movies that want to depict some kind of videogame being played onscreen without having to go through the licensing rights. you could ghost-develop games for wealthy people to put their names on ("american mcgee presents my life with princess diana by donald duck"). you could develop training games for the military-industrial complex, ha ha ha ha. you could get funded by the CIA to ensure the medium of videogames remains sufficiently arty and rehabilitated to function as propaganda for capitalism... i mean we already know they were involved with the paris review and iowa writer's workshop and all that jazz so they gotta have least a couple people on the payroll already, right, and we will all be treated to some very entertaining revelations following the inevitable freedom of information act request 15 years down the line. you could try connecting with the little self-contained fan communities for things like touhou, fnaf, undertale, m-minecraft, like those renaissance artists who had to drop their patron's face in the background of some religious scene except in this case it would be one of the homestuck guys. you could make "trainers" for more popular games, or demos that could show how they "feel" without a $60 investment. you could sell small games as assets for larger ones that want to have some kind of in-universe  playable arcade system without having to invent a whole new game from scratch. you could just make extremely specific forms of pornography, maybe not the worst option even, just make sure the very artistic sequences of the protagonist remembering his dead wife are broken up every now and then with scenes of him unhinging his jaw to swallow and slowly digest another, smaller sad games protagonist whole (with rumble function for controllers!!!). you could make games for all the people who are still on windows xp or earlier or have some kind of arcane video card setup that prevents them playing anything other than that one preinstalled pinball game. you could try selling them at street vendors. you could try learning another language and making games for non-anglophones that don't sound like an english-written game that was localised without much thought after the fact.   you could make games for kids in the hopes that they sexually imprint on them enough to support your erotic oil paintings of the characters 10 years later, just like nintendo. you could make an extremely interesting and thoughtful videogame and then offer not to release it if the donation threshold is met, thus sparing people the emotional obligation of having yet another thing on their should-play-this-eventually list. you could develop games with some bewildering system of in-game and real-world currency interactions and then sell it to the mob as a way to launder money. you could make videogames that robots record themselves playing to upload en masse which are then watched by other robots as part of some weird, ungraspably abstract SEO economy, or better yet make robots to make the videogames as well. you could make virtual cemetary plots either private (downloadable exe) or public (hosted on the server) with their own customisable mood-themes and weather settings (dark, stormy, remember-you-will-die; sunny, quiet, circle-of-life etc). you could make prosperity orbs. you could make games for office workers or call center staff which resemble excel documents or phone system frontends from a distance. you could make games which really ARE excel files, some dense collection of interlocking hidden formulas that change to display text and ascii characters as you tab your way through. you could probably talk your way into "adapting" any of those old IPs that still float around long after anyone stopped having any particular thought or feeling about them at all, like the flintstones or ziggy or something, maybe do like those 1960s superhero cartoons where they just filmed panels from the comics - just break a 2d flintstones cartoon into constituent elements and have them hover around in a little cutout diorama that you fly thru, possibly explained in-universe as representing the 4-d vision of the great gazoo. you could make games that play themselves, for the depressed. you could become a ghastly serial m**derer where after each crime you upload a new game to itchio which will reveal the  name of your next victim, and costs only $9.99, and of course everyone buys and plays it because the police have put up a reward for solving the crime because they can't get past the dinosaur on level three, and all seems lost until some plucky young computer student who found the game on a friend's hard drive manages to solve the riddle hidden within the game's structure, following the clues, to an old castle, she knocks on the door, it's opened by, yes, it's will wright, wearing a wizard outfit, who tells her that by dint of solving all the puzzles she is now invited to join that mysterious organization known as "The Elect" which is assembled from the finest minds in all game design with a view to secretly controlling the world economy (via "werewolf blood", somehow), that she need only complete the ceremony by sacrificing one untutored soul, he holds out an ornate knife, she hesitates........
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the question is where to sell videogames rather than how because for the most part we already know how - there are a million more or less instructive articles out there about hitting up conventions or talking to the press, and it's not that they're wrong, exactly, more that they expect to be applied in an environment that no longer exists. but what should preface and qualify the idea of sheer volume swamping the indie games market is that, outside of a few small pockets, there never really was an "indie games market" to begin with - indie games drew and mostly still draw on the existing videogames market, rather than constituting a new one. it's telling that the glory days of indie games were just the ones where they were able to draw upon some of the same privileges larger titles already had in the ability to access that same audience - being frontpaged by steam, say, or making it onto a comparatively closed console platform, or generating earnest thinkpieces... you could say that they were tapping into structures the industry had already built but had not yet occupied to full capacity.
of course there are exceptions and various efforts to set up new economies for small weird interactive things (like patreon, or game bundles), and some efforts to reach outside the existing games audience likely were successful - but when we think of indie games "functioning" economically, whether that means supporting a small team, a single person, or just hitting minimum wage per hours spent, i believe we're mostly still talking about ones which are built around the existing games economy. which is fine, but i think it's also intrinsically precarious in ways which maybe get glossed over in discussions of the "indiepocalypse" - are all those new steam releases really causing a problem or are they just exacerbating a structural limitation which was already always there, a reliance within the indie game economy on a certain lucky-few-ism which just became grossly more noticeable the more disproportionate it got?
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of course it's easier to be dismissive after the fact, and my fantasy about "where" to sell videogames is partly a fantasy of them having a location to begin with - of attaining something of the grounded and immutable appearance of the non-digital, as though brick and mortar stores  don't have a relationship to the likes of amazon as basically precarious as any online storefront. and there are also real and obvious reasons why the various videogame audiences all tend to clump together - similarities in terms of the hardware required, the inputs allowed, of visual and cultural reference points, to say nothing of the personal / professional histories of the people involved in each. we are all contained within "the medium"...
so maybe it's also a fantasy of starting to pick apart that conception of the medium. i think small game developers already have more in common with artists or musicians working on the fringes of their respective industries than they do with even moderately successful teams within the same format, and use similar language, engage in similar forms of practice - particularly as near everything  comes increasingly mediated by the digital these days. i think they already ARE working in similar spaces to some extent, whether it's social media sites or digital storefronts or meatspace stores pushed by necessity not to specialise. and without wanting to be paranoid (or moreso than the CIA thing, at least) i think we should be cautious of the way a certain focus on mediumicity can obscure these overlaps.  a "new medium" is one which inherently pushes against the image of one as grouded ahistorically in some eternal human verity or other (where each medium supposedly embodies some different mode of perception / medieval humour / ninja turtle etc) - it is to see firsthand the way in which supposedly eternal, neutral qualities are materially constructed, which includes seeing forms of social organisation and usage become mystified into extrahuman conditions.  and given their basis in technology that includes drawing from wider trends in the use of that technology as a whole - which specifically, in tech circles, can mean more and more tightly interlocking systems of proprietary knowledge and speculative capital, as well as "new mediums" constructed so as to be inseperable from some storefront, website or monitoring technology. i don't think anybody will necessarily break even taking their games to a zine fair (not that they're breaking even now). but i do feel like trying to build networks across those medium boundaries could be more valuable in the effort to build some sustainable environment for these things than any amount of reform within the house that tech built.
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[PS: it occurs to me that you could plausibly argue that the very bagginess of medium-centric formulations is what makes them valuable, in forcing many different groups to butt against each other on one platform rather than just disperse into echo chambers. but i think exactly the reverse is the case: nobody really engages with each other's work in artgames because the stakes are simultaneously too small and too large. they're too small in that however much i might be picky about another person's work - and i think it's this vague pickiness or sense of not-quite-right-ness that drives the most searching critiques - it still feels pointless to pursue that instead of the glaring, omnipresent faults of the big AAA players, which means more complaining about far cry for all eternity. and they're too large in that most small game development is so precarious that it's not really worth the risk of knocking someone out of the circle over penny-ante shit. only with both economic security and broad similarity of outlook can a truly vital,  human culture of spiteful cattiness begin... our day will come]
(image credits: Eco Fighter, World Heroes 2 ,The Space Adventure, Nancy)
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ryuuza-art · 7 years
nonbinary-aigis mentioned you in a post “Spread the happiness! List 5 things that make you happy and send this...”
…@etherealpoison @deliciouslysporadiccollection @naomi-the-space-ace @sham-sia@sham-sia ryuuza-art
Finally getting around to this! Goes without saying that my partner, friends and family make me happy (I hope!), so here are my five: 1. My art, especially in the last couple of years where I’ve had a renewed motivation that I’ve not had in some time (and a lot of which is thanks to arty friends I’ve met from here and other places) 2. Music. I can’t imagine a life without it. If I’m not listening to particular songs, I’m still thinking about them. <3 Current favourite tracks (including Youtube hyperlinks): Leprous - Bonneville, Leashes and Mirage (all from the new album, Malina) And One - Killing the Mercy The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Heaven’s Light/ Hellfire (to those responsible for this revival, you know who you are :p) Adagio - Life, The Ladder, I’ll Possess You and Secluded Within Myself (from their new album Life) 3. Video games. Currently playing: - Persona 5 - Final Fantasy XV - Doom (the original) Got the PS2 Persona games and replays of the pre-3D era Final Fantasies coming up! 4. Cats! To be honest, I probably could have cheated and put them for all five. 5. Movies and cool TV series, including animation. Favourites from the last year or so (not necessarily released in that time): - Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu - Stranger Things - Hannibal (series) - Westworld - A Man Called Ove - Orange - Erased - JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure - It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia - The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
I’d mention comics and books, but unfortunately I’ve not read much lately ^^;
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tsukihotaru · 7 years
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On April 14th… a little skeleton without a place was created. Then for months I didn’t do anything. But now… I introduce to you Meteotale! And who else to be Meteotale’s sans then my lovely Sundrop!
Sundrops original story has been completely redone, no more is he just the other half of a broken classic Sans. He’s now his own person with his own story.
NOW BEFORE I EXPLAIN ANYTHING, There have been similar ideas floating around last year with the idea of using weather as the main aspect, but I assure you, Meteotale is my own au and has nothing to do with those other ones. But now, HERE’S METEOTALE!
About: Meteotale is about the Undertale gang having abilities of the weather, like fire for sun, water for rain, electricity for lightning, steam for mist, ice for snow, and so on. Here is a list of some abilities certain characters might have,
Blooky can use water attacks, representing rain, Toriel and Asgor can use fire attack, representing Sunny days. Papyrus can use Ice attacks, representing snow and his blue attack. Undyne also uses water and electricity attacks, representing thunder storms. Alphys can use steam and electricity, representing a foggy days after a lightning storm. Mettaton can use electricity. Frisk and Chara do not possess any special abilities, they are just human.
Now that thats settles, heres Sundrops story and Bio
Magic- 3 types of blasters (fire water and lightning), with his magic he can predict the weather, he can teleport and use blue magic, along with normal bone attacks
Facts- hes 5′4 ft, due to his soul being encased in ice he is always cold, he loves the rain, and he got his blasters after being exposed to said element, his nickname is Sundy
His Story: Sundrop’s au was victim to a horrible genocide run. After so many resets and so many deaths, he decided to confront Chara before she could cause more damage. But he couldn’t stop her, and ended up dying at the entrance of waterfall alongside his brother’s dust, his soul freezing in ice. But with him dead, there wasn’t any fun in the route anymore, so Chara reset. But within the reset, a glitch happened. Sundrop’s soul was ripped away from the code of his world, and stayed within the darkness. There in the darkness, Sundrop’s memories started to fade away. He couldn’t remember who he was, where he came from. Nothing.  So once he was finally able to break out of there, he knew nothing, so he decided to travel to different places gain back his lost memories. (If it doesn’t make any sense im sorry it will be clear within my comic :’) )
I will be making designs for Papyrus in the near future so… look forward to that >u>
I wanna give a special thanks to @azy-arty​, for helping me and always being there for me and supporting me no matter what.
and yea… I used a skull ref for the blasters… Im still learning ;u; 
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pancreasman · 7 months
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Sunny & Artie #2 - Spooky edition 👻🎃
Yes I know Halloween is over but whatever art takes time
And yes, Artie eventually quit wearing it once it became impossibly small on him (still has it tho)
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omtripsblog · 6 years
Or how you can see Paris from a different angle?
In 2014, we spent one week in Paris. Dido was celebrating his 30 and I was there regarding my Ph.D. research. It was March just before the start of the spring and we knew that the sunny weather was just a dream. We were ready to face the grey street in Paris, the rain, and the wind. But we also knew that the quiet and warm halls of the Library and the Archive will welcome us without objection. For me, Paris is rainier than London and the weather in the French capital is more inconstant. But it is Paris and that’s enough. Here is an alternative itinerary which you can consider for your next trip. 
That’s was our first time using Airbnb and since then we haven’t booked any hotels. We chose a flat in an old French building at the 13th arrondissement close to the National Library. The key was under the mat. We had a wonderful view. The metro was just around the corner, not more than 5 minutes walk. And one of the days we even visited the street market on Boulevard de Reuilly organized every week. Street murmur, breakfast, French black coffee, that’s how we fell in love with 13th arrondissement.
My view for the next week! One week in Paris! #omtripping #omtripsblog #thepeaceisinsideus #travelblog #blog #bloggerstyle #seemyparis #ig_europe #igersparis #parismaville
A post shared by OmTripsBlog (@sgrueva) on Mar 24, 2014 at 4:15am PDT
National Library of France
To be able to do my research and not “damaging” the plan we have prepared, I was getting up early in the morning and walking to the Library. It was 10 minutes away from our flat. The neighborhood was great and that’s allowed me to relax completely before the long day outside. I even managed to help an old woman to find the metro station (yep, I became a real Parisian for less than a week).
I spent every morning in the reading room, buried in books, articles, walking through the large corridors with red, soft carpets. An incredible building, with rich and amazing collections, and a wonderful team of librarians (this word always reminds me of The Mummy and how Rachel Weisz proudly says: I am a librarian). The French Library also has exhibition spaces so anyone interested can visit it. Complete silence, only the noise from the pages of the books and the keyboards. Parisian mornings offer zen sounds that few people can appreciate.
National Archive of France
The other very special place I would like to share with you is the National Archive of France. Do not miss to visit the museum there. Many years ago, this building has been the Museum of the French history and it is not a coincidence that you can find remarkable interior design and architecture, the preserved rooms from XVIII century. The Museum of the National Archive is situated in the building from XIV century the last saved from this period in Paris.
These two locations keep the French spirit and they can be included in the list of the places to visit.
Art Paris Art Fair
A contemporary art fair in the art capital of the world is something pretty normal, right? The main mission of the event is to present modern art in an accessible form to everyone. Every year since 2012, Art Paris Art Fair has a different focus. In 2014 г., when we were in Paris it was an Asian focus. Asia is developing the contemporary art scene and follows interesting tendencies. What we saw was very brutal and connected with their culture and understanding of their life and the world. This place is a must-see for one more reason – the location. The Art Paris Art Fair takes place in the Grand Palais. Nowadays this historical location is mainly used for cultural events and an exhibition hall which is impressive.
Centre Pompidou
We continued our arty walk thirsty to see contemporary art in different shapes. In Centre Pompidou, we visited the exhibition of the world-famous photographer Henri Cartier Bresson. He has been part of the Magnum and he has left his trace in the contemporary photography as we know it today. We waited on the line to see this incredible artist in the center of contemporary art. Omg! When that will happen in Bulgaria?
We were so happy to see the original works from Bresson. We didn’t plan this in advance, Paris surprised us. 
The building is so big that one day won’t be enough to see everything. We chose to see only this exhibition and we headed to other places part of the plan. 
Album Comics Paris
Who is a fan of comic books and superheroes? We are. Who loves to visit different comic book stores around the world while traveling? We love.  That’s why finding one of the famous comic book stores in Paris wasn’t so hard. When we crossed the door of this magical place Atlas Comics Paris we stayed there more than one hour and we bought many comic books for our collection. In the store, there are new issues and old comics, it’s like a real archive representing the evolution of the superheroes. I don’t know about the kids, but we felt in the right place. This imaginary world is so tempting when we compare it to the reality we live in.
  Graffiti art
  Besides the classical and contemporary art, on the streets of Paris, we saw many graffiti art from famous artists. One of the treasures we found was Le Tour 13 right before its destruction. Le Tour 13 is a gallery building where every floor, every wall, every possible spot were turned into a masterpiece. Unfortunately, the building was destroyed even that lots of people try to save it. There is an interactive site where you can see all the colorful wall paintings.
We saw some of the works of Space Invader. And you, which graffiti artists have you seen during your travels?
     Les Jardins in Paris 
Our itinerary passed by Les Jardins du Luxembourg, Jardins des Tuileries, Jardin des Plantes, definitely must see places. But I was searching for one specific park – Parc des Buttes Chaumont. Have you heard of it?
From Montmartre, we decided to walk to this park by foot. Well, this short walk offered us a little adventure because we passed by some strange neighborhoods, we saw people who looked at us even more strange, we crossed the streets that can be walked by foot… omg, where we were? Finally, we got there. The sun was high in the sky, the dogs were running, the kids were playing, some of the people were laying down on the lawns, some of them just were reading books. So Paris! 
Paris is different for everyone. That’s how we saw it. We hope that you will be inspired to see the French capital from a different angle and enjoy the daintiness.
Be happy everywhere!
One week in Paris Or how you can see Paris from a different angle? In 2014, we spent one week in Paris…
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abrikozen · 7 years
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48 Hours in London
There is SO much to see and do and taste and smell in London, that every time I plan a minibreak to visit this lovely bastard of a city, I have a hard time deciding where to go. Luckily, it’s only a short ride from Brussels with Eurostar and you’re at the city center. Here are some tips for the areas I hung around a few weeks ago.
Marlybone is quite posh, so perfect for window shopping and strolling around on sunny days, gazing at well dressed people and beautiful facades. If you love books, head to the wonderful Daunts Books, an independent bookseller with walls stacked with treasures and an interior to fall in love with.
On Sundays, there’s a Farmer’s Market nearby, selling tasty cheeses, sweet buns, organic juices, delicious pies and mouthwatering cakes. The prices are quite reasonable, so don’t hold back and stuff yourself with the yummy goods!
Walk up Marlybone High Street and enter Regent’s Park, a gigantic park with lush, green fields and sporting facilities. Best views can be found at the boating lake, where you can rent rowing boats and pedalos (even for children) and you can have a romantic moment with your loved one(s).. and the ducks surrounding...
Continue your journey north, pass by London Zoo and walk along Regent’s canal towards Camden. You’ll see charming houseboats and end up at the Camden Lock Market. 
This area can be described as “young, hip, arty and vibrant”. Busy spots are Brick Lane, Spitalfields Market and Old Street.
We stayed at The Hoxton Hotel , which is located right in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the neighbourhood. A few minutes from here you can find Dinerama, a street food arena with dj’s, food stalls and bars. Enjoy sweet and savoury bites and a drink and if you feel like it, you can have a dance to celebrate the weekend (open THU-SA). 
When Dinerama closes, you just have to cross the street to enter the next party at The Village Underground. Check the website for concerts, club nights, live acts, exhibitions, etc. You can’t miss it, thanks to the graffiti-covered tube carriages on top of the building! (LOOK!)
In the mood for shopping? Eat your heart out in Soho! Big spenders go to Liberty, children are in awe at Hamleys, fans of comics and illustration spend their time at Gosh! and lovers of witty cards smile their faces of at Paperchase.
Finish the day with a comedy theater play at Soho Theatre, have a tasty pizza at Soho Joe’s next door or have the most excentric dinner at Sketch. Here you enter a world of pure imagination, eggs for toilets, a pink room (Almost everything is pink. Yes, pink.) and a menu with exotic choices.
I’m already dreaming of my next visit!
If you want to stay up to date on my stories -> follow ABRIKOZEN on fb!
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pancreasman · 7 months
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Sunny & Artie #3 - Brother of the year
Lars would die for Specs, ‘nough said.
Also those are NOT Tails and Cream’s final adult designs. I just wanted to get the comic put out.
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pancreasman · 8 months
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Sunny & Artie #1 - Sibling Fights
Sunny and Artie get along fine most of the time, but all siblings fight occasionally.
Hey! So I’m going to start uploading short, episodic comics of my Sonic Fankids once a week (hopefully!) because I love them and I need comic practice. I may also upload some stories about them to Ao3 as it’s something I’ve been meaning to do. I’m naming the series after the Shadamy siblings because they were made first and they’re my favorites. It’ll be slow-going at first because I currently don’t have a stylus and have to draw with my fingers, but do expect the comics to get better as we go! Anyway, hope you grow to enjoy them!
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pancreasman · 7 months
Btw sorry I didn't post a Sunny & Artie comic this week. I've been kind of down, I'm struggling with art block, and it's so much harder to draw without a stylus. I've been putting all my wrist strength into the upcoming big boy comic and I don't want to strain my hand by drawing much more without a stylus. But I still want to be creative so how about a poll?
I know that I've just started this project and they're not my most popular work. My audience isn't super active in general which is totally fine. But I'm just here to make stuff I think is fun and I like getting to talk to you guys and getting your input. So please, let me know!
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pancreasman · 6 months
I haven’t been posting lately and I feel like shit for not drawing or writing barely anything lately even tho it’s just so I can get my grades back up so I can graduate.
Honestly can’t believe I could try and debut a comic while failing 3 classes. Thankfully, I’m graduating early. Just one more week. Cheers to that! 🥂 
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In the meantime. I posted a poll a while ago on what y’all wanted in terms of fankid content and y’all suggested I write some one shots and stories on Ao3. Which sounds fun. So, here’s another poll cause I have no idea where to start
Let me know what y’all think. As soon as this week is over I really want to try and throw myself into making cool stuff. I can’t guarantee I’ll be super productive at first but I sure as hell am gonna try.
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
What To Order In When You Want To Feel Like You’re Going Out added to Google Docs
What To Order In When You Want To Feel Like You’re Going Out
Ordering in isn’t the same as going out, but life is about compromises. About making the best of a bad situation. About being told the McFlurry machine is broken again and thinking - ‘that’s okay, I’ll get a Cornetto from the shop’. This is the situation we’re in now. And it means when you do crave that feeling of being wined and dined on a Thursday, Friday, or whatever night, then you need to make it feel a little special. To set the mood. To make your home feel something like the restaurant you crave. Only with your bed next door.
the spots  Karolina Wiercigroch Clipstone Restaurant £ £ £ £ British  in  Fitzrovia ££££ 5 Clipstone Street 8.6 /10
After two months of kneading various balls of dough into various disappointing shapes, it’s time to treat yourself. It’s time to take yourself out of the kitchen, and into a place where dexter beef, potato and black truffle pithiviers are served. Where gravy, no, jus, is delicately poured from a height. What’s that? Your housemate has nothing on tonight? Why not ask them to don a selvedge denim apron and bring your radishes with anchovy cream in? Sure, you’re not quite at Clipstone, but it’s not bad for a Thursday night.
Optional extras: Marble dining table, oversized serving tweezers, a subscription to Cereal magazine.
 Karolina Wiercigroch Sushi Atelier £ £ £ £ Japanese ,  Sushi  in  Fitzrovia ££££ 114 Great Portland Street 8.3 /10
You’ve washed your hair. You’ve changed out of your Star Wars PJs. You no longer look like a yeti that attended Comic Con. Congratulations, because we’re pretty sure Sushi Atelier has a no ape-like mythical creature policy. You’re going to want to set the scene with a Zen playlist, some dainty flowers on your table, your very best chopsticks, and their big sushi sets delivered. This excellent Japanese spot also has a soft spot for theatrics, including smoke-filled domes and top service, so a little dramatic description of each piece of nigiri whilst dishing up will go a long way.
Optional extras: Dry ice, old school Japanese news clippings, a very majestic mural.
 Jamie Lau Gymkhana £ £ £ £ Indian  in  Mayfair ££££ 42 Albemarle St 9.1 /10
Unless you’re into pirate cosplay, it’s unlikely that your home is going to have required opulence and carats-on-display to recreate Gymkhana’s opulent feel. That said, a dimmer switch and an imagination is all you really need, because their lamb chops, biryani, and butter masala will do the rest of the work for you. Getting a curry in may not seem that unusual, but getting London’s best curry in? That’s as good as going out.
Optional extras: Gold-detailed cutlery, gold-detailed plates, gold-detailed everything.
 Giulia Verdinelli Mazi £ £ £ £ Greek  in  Notting Hill ££££ 12-14 Hillgate St 8.0 /10
We miss going on holiday. In case you’ve forgotten what a holiday is, it’s where you fly somewhere hot and drink so much sangria that you end up dry-humping a lilo by 3pm. We also miss Mazi, a Greek spot in Notting Hill with a foliage-filled back patio that always feels like a holiday on a sunny day. Now they’re delivering their grilled octopus, tzatziki, and more to your door. But getting the feel of this place at home isn’t about having a garden. It’s about a mindset we’ve dubbed Ouzo 4 U. Flip flops, open windows, early Hot Chip albums, and serious daylight boozing encouraged. Don’t miss the calamari.
Optional extras: arty ceramics, full-on foliage, the smell of suntan lotion.
 Casa Fofó £ £ £ £ Modern European ,  Vegetarian  in  Hackney ££££ 158 Sandringham Road 8.1 /10
Be honest, what are the odds of you making caramelised butter to go with your sourdough? Or having tagliolini with mushroom and dried mandarin dashi for dinner? Absolutely naff all. Unless you’re like a chef, or something. In which case why are you even reading this guide? The point is, Casa Fofó makes some pretty unique and delicious fine-dining style food. And at £22 a head for three courses, it’s an excellent way of bringing some restaurant-only feeling into your front room.
Optional extras: A dictionary, textured ceramics, a bottle of the orange stuff.
 Giulia Verdinelli Quality Wines £ £ £ £ British  in  Clerkenwell ,  Farringdon ££££ 88 - 94 Farringdon Road 8.0 /10
In the immortal words of noughties pop star and bird enthusiast, Nelly Furtado, it’s time to ‘turn off the lights’. To really get the feel of this little Clerkenwell wine bar at home you’re going to need candles and a small space. That’s right, the fact you live in a flat clearly only fit for The Rescuers is finally a perk. You’re going for an aura of lowkey, candlelit sophistication. Basically, if it looks like a borderline fire hazard you’re doing it right. When it comes to the food, their three-course delivery options change weekly, but expect things like gnocchetti sardi with fennel sausage, pistachio and orange upside down cake, and a ricotta and aubergine salad.
Optional extras: a bottle of merlot, fogged-up windows, the menu written on a big blackboard.
 Din Tai Fung £ £ £ £ Taiwanese  in  Covent Garden ££££ 5-6 Henrietta St 6.9 /10
Sometimes, the 100% real experience is not what you want. Sometimes, you want to watch The Irishman over several months in 15-minute segments on your phone, on the toilet. Sometimes, the idea of queuing to get into a restaurant is frankly outrageous. If that sounds like you, then you’ll be happy to hear that walk-in-only Din Tai Fung is now delivering their dim sum, and there isn’t even an online queue to navigate. Make an order and throw your family behind some plexi-glass for a little extra authenticity.
Optional extras: A queue barrier outside your front door, steamer baskets, white aprons.
 Karolina Wiercigroch Brigadiers £ £ £ £ Indian  in  City ££££ 1-5 Bloomberg Arcade 8.7 /10
Short of building a tardis or hitting up Doctor Strange, getting the best lamb chops in London delivered is a sure fire way of feeling like you’re back at Brigadiers. This big Indian restaurant in the City has a whisky vending machine, a pool table, and big screens for the football. Are we suggesting these should be your three next quarantine purchases? We’re not not saying that. But the main thing you need is several cold pints, a favourite game on in the background, and their butter chicken on your table. Did we mention the best lamb chops in London?
Optional extras: pool table, a monkey-shaped lamp, a shrine to Thierry Henry.
 Endo at the Rotunda £ £ £ £ Sushi  in  White City ££££ 101 Wood Lane 9.4 /10
If you’re after a truly special experience in the same space that you scratch your armpit and eat lasagne sandwiches in, then you’ll want to get a bento box from Endo. Ordinarily, Endo at the Rotunda isn’t just a restaurant you plan to go out to, but a restaurant you plan to go out to for a once-in-a-lifetime meal. Only now, for a cool £140 you can get a bento box meal for two that includes a homemade “ozaki” wagyu sandwich, Tokyo-style bara-chirashi with salmon, otoro, unagi, and more. Trust us when we say it will take you to another place.
Optional extras: Japanese flip flops, sake, Kleenex for your tears of joy.
 Giulia Verdinelli Circolo Popolare £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Fitzrovia ££££ 40 - 41 Rathbone Place 8.1 /10
The success rate of recreating Fitzrovia’s Circolo at home really depends on two things. How many old school portraits of Italian families you own, and how willing your flatmate / partner / houseplant is to pretend to be a charismatic, slightly flirty Italian waiter. Thanks to Circolo’s delivery and collection service you can now eat their signature cheese-fest carbonara and XXL desserts at home, without having to worry about the absolute ’mare that was their pre-lockdown queues. Plus, the main feature of this huge, loud and proud trattoria is the thousands of bottles of Italian spirits that line the walls, and if your lockdown is going anything like ours you probably have that in your kitchen already, right? Dress up a little sexy, put your party playlist on, and definitely get involved in their Sex On The Couch and Zoom Service cocktails.
Optional extras: pecorino, fake plants, flirting with a stranger through your window.
 José ££££ 104 Bermondsey St
Your plans to get out - not just the house for al fresco boozy meals, but of the country - have been well and truly scuppered. Ours too. But, get a load of tapas in from José Pizarro, sticking Roy Ayers on the speakers, and putting a few pillows on your front step will be something like getting away. Especially once you’ve got 100% iberico pork loin and glass of rosé by your side.
Optional extras: A balcony (your window), a sun terrace (your front steps), a garden (the pavement).
 Giulia Verdinelli Bao £ £ £ £ Taiwanese  in  Soho ££££ 53 Lexington St 8.6 /10
The Bao aesthetic is all about clean lines, simple graphics, and crisp white walls. What we’re saying is, tidy up your shit. Yes, even that easel you bought on day two of lockdown and have not used since. Because transforming yourself into Bob Ross is hard, but ordering in from Bao is easy. Their delivery service - aptly called Rice Error - means you can eat their Taiwanese fried chicken and pork belly rice whilst creating that cool and casual feel with a stool and a calm indie soundtrack. Bonus points for whipping out the karaoke machine over a couple of their Umeshu negronis in place of an after-dinner trip to Bao Borough’s karaoke room.
Optional extras: Neatly organised pencils and cutlery from their online shop.
 Giulia Verdinelli Lina Stores – 51 Greek Street £ £ £ £ Italian  in  Soho ££££ 51 Greek Street 7.4 /10
Step one: Go online and purchase ten litres of mint pastel paint. Step two: Paint your entire home in said paint. Step three: Order in Lina Stores’ £32 fresh pasta meal kit and enjoy. Okay, maybe that’s a bit extreme. But this pastel palace of pasta - try saying that three times in a row - are delivering everything from antipasti to pizza meal kits. The aesthetic is Italian wet dream meets Baz-Luhrman-on-steroids, so exile all dark furniture and news-alert gloom into the hallway, crack out the campari, and fuck it, bask in the glory of not having to cook any mince to make your spag bol. Heads up, they’re delivering nationwide.
Optional extras: candy stripe napkins, limoncello, a serious order of cannoli.
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/london/guides/londons-best-delivery-for-a-big-night-in Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created May 22, 2020 at 10:42PM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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