#Supergirl mma au
lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
Listening to the Arcane soundtrack again and it's making me think of an AU where during the rift Lena realizes much earlier that Non Nocere is evil, and destroys all her research to keep anyone from using it. And then she drops off the face of the planet. She goes dark, and she goes deep.
Kara frets and panicks, but Alex gives her a long measured look and tells her "It's clear that Lena is asking for space. And I think you owe it to her to finally respect what she wants."
So, hurt and worried, Kara lets her go.
On her own, Lena keeps a low profile. Maybe gets a menial or union job under a fake name, maybe welding in a port somewhere, where she can get lost in the passing names and faces. In her freetime she gets into MMA and parkour, because really when it comes down to it the only thing Lena feels like she still has control over is her body.
The result is that her body hardens with muscle in the same way her heart hardens to both herself and the world. By the time Kara finally tracks her down for help defeating a baddie (not Lex), Lena is almost unrecognizable. She's hard, she's sharp, she's implacable.
When Kara pleads after Lena's initial denial, Lena stalks into a back room of her tiny apartment and comes back with a gallon size ziploc of a pulverized hard drive.
"You know what this is?" Lena says when she plunks it down in front of Kara. Kara can only stare, blinking dumbly at the bag of bits. "It's mind control. The entire fucking planet. I worked it out, nearly activated it before my conscience caught up to me, because I was ANGRY. I took it with me as a reminder."
"Reminder of what?"
"Of how close I came to the point of no return." Lena scowls at her. "How I can't be trusted while I feel as bitter that. But here's the thing, Supergirl. I will never not be angry. I will never not be hurt. And I will never not hate you."
Kara recoils at the vehemence of Lena's words, as cold and as measured as they are. She knew that Lena was angry with her, but Lena has never let her see it. She had no idea what it looked like, and she is entirely unequipped to face it now.
"You destroyed my heart," Lena continues. "And then Lex took what was rest of my life." She folds her arms across her chest. " "Whoever you thought you came to beseech today... she doesn't exist anymore."
Kara goes home alone and empty handed. She and the others are forced to find a way to victory the hard way, without the miraculous save Lena has always provided them before. She doesn't go to see Lena again.
Meanwhile, a mysterious figure has also tracked Lena down. This time, someone not from her own past, but her mother's. Florence, an old friend of Elizabeth's who claims that Lena is a witch, just as her mother was.
Lena of course rejects it. It's nonsense, and she tells Florence so. Until strange things start happening around her when she gets flustered, irritated, upset. Angry.
But still, she tries to ignore it... until Florence counters one of her arguments about how nothing ever happened when she was a child by saying that it's possible to quash magical abilities via talismans and charms.
At which point Lena can't get the thought out of her head. So now is when she goes vigilante, but solely for herself. She breaks into the Luthor mansion and goes searching for clues-- only to find the talismans Florence mentioned tucked into her bedframe, under her desk, buried in pillows.
She's caught by Lillian that night, who she confronts with said evidence. Lillian confirms Florence's claims, confesses to suppressing Lena's powers. She sics the estate's guards on Lena, presumably to hold her for Lex purposes, but Lena uses her MMA and parkour moves to slip through their fingers.
When she returns, she finally lets Florence have her way-- she will learn the ways of the witch, if only to ensure her powers will no longer flare and cause distruction through her inaction.
Lena becomes a witch of great power, her control as finely tuned as her anger and resentment towards her former friends. She is a force to be reckoned with, but still she remains apart from the world, refusing to lend her power to any side whatsoever. It's no longer her responsibility, and the addition of magic only makes her resentment more dangerous.
But through her lack of action, Lena inevitably falls victim in her own story.
Lex finds her and abducts her to use as leverage against Supergirl, for despite their rift it's clear that Kara still cares deeply for Lena, both as an innocent and as her friend. Lena refuses to use her powers to save herself, perhaps secretly glad that her story may be coming to an end.
The final confrontation happens on the roof of the LuthorCorp building. In the scuffle, Lena slips over the edge. Kara reaches for her outstretched hand....
Only for their fingers to just brush as Lena slips out of reach.
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smallandsundry · 5 years
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quick alex danvers doodle 
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smolgae · 7 years
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Maggie Sawyer on the weight-in
from Handmade (or mma au) from @canaries
(it’s kinda shitty but the intention that counts right?)
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ao3feed-supercorp · 5 years
Say it With Your Hands
by karalovesallthegirls
Lena doesn’t take well to threats, and Kara Danvers? She’s a threat.
Words: 5238, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Blood and Violence, Enemies to Lovers, MMA AU, Crime Boss Lena / MMA Fighter Kara
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/2N8hNFp via IFTTT http://archiveofourown.org/works/20209981
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Mortal Kombat Film Stream German Online Komplett Kostenlose
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Wenn Sie an Mortal Kombat denken, denken Sie an Blut. Eimer davon. Diese Art von schrecklichem Spritzen kommt von "kali ma shakti de" - einem Gegner in einem wilden Kampf bis zum Tod. Aber Blut hat viele Bedeutungen, wie Regisseur Simon McQuoid für den Neustart des von Videospielen inspirierten Films dachte. "Blut repräsentiert die Familie", sagt er EW. „Blut ist eine Verbindung. Blut repräsentiert, wer wir sind. Ohne zu kompliziert zu werden, haben wir bei der Hinrichtung Blut verwendet. “ Und es beginnt von Anfang an zu fließen. Wenn diese neue Vision von Mortal Kombat, die auf den ersten exklusiven Fotos von EW enthüllt wurde, ein "Blutuniversum" ist, dann sagt McQuoid, dass sich die Kunai-Klinge in ihrer Mitte befindet. Es ist die charakteristische Waffe des Lieblingscharakters der Fans, Hanzo Hasashi, auch bekannt als Scorpion, gespielt von Hiroyuki Sanada, Star von The Wolverine und The Twilight Samurai. „Wir haben einige Nachforschungen angestellt und der Kunai ist eigentlich ein altes japanisches Gartengerät“, erklärt der Regisseur. "Eine der ersten Szenen im Film ist die Kunai-Klinge, die von Hanzos Frau als Gartengerät verwendet wird." Mortal Kombat, produziert von Todd Garner und James Wan von Aquaman, beginnt mit einem entscheidenden Teil der ursprünglichen Spieltradition: der Blutrivalität zwischen den Clans Hanzo und Bi-Han (Joe Taslim von Warrior). Die 10-minütige Eröffnungssequenz beginnt im feudalen Japan, lange bevor diese Kämpfer übernatürliche Fähigkeiten wie Skorpion und Sub-Zero ausüben, und endet in einem "sehr unangenehmen Nahkampf" zwischen den beiden, sagt McQuoid. Aus diesem Grund besetzte der Debüt-Filmemacher Sanada und Taslim, zwei Schauspieler, die für ihre Kampfkunstfähigkeiten bekannt sind. "[Hanzo] ist der Anführer eines Ninja-Clans und er ist stark, aber auch ... am Anfang ist er ein friedlicher Familienvater", sagt Sanada. „Es ist wie ein Familiendrama mit aufregend brutalen Kämpfen. Das ist für mich das Bild des Films “, fügt er hinzu. Die Geschichte von Bi-Han und Hanzo „musste während des Kampfes erzählt werden“, sagt McQuoid. „Es gibt einige großartige Kamerabewegungen, die ein wenig Dynamik verleihen, was es wirklich angenehm macht. Wir brauchten es, um wirklich elementar und wirklich brutal zu sein. Es ist kein brillanter Film ... Ich wollte, dass Schmutz und Dreck auftauchen. “ Diese Brutalität hält bis heute an, wo wir Cole Young treffen, einen völlig neuen Charakter in der Welt von Mortal Kombat, gespielt von dem Schauspieler und Kampfkünstler Lewis Tan (Wu Assassins, Into the Badlands), der trotz allem stolz darauf ist, seine eigenen Stunts auszuführen die Schmerzen und Leiden, die während des Trainings auftreten. "Als wir Cole trafen, war er in einer wirklich schlechten Situation", sagte Tan. „Er hat kein Glück. Er ist ein gescheiterter MMA-Kämpfer, der ein Champion war, der an sich glaubte, der viel Hoffnung in seiner Karriere hatte. Und alles ging den Bach runter. Es ist ein sehr interessanter Ort für einen Helden, und ich denke, dass Sie auf der Reise von Mortal Kombat und Cole, die herausfinden, woher er kommt, all diese anderen ikonischen Charaktere und Elemente kennenlernen, die jeder so sehr liebt. „ Cole weiß nichts über sein Erbe, außer dem mysteriösen Muttermal auf seiner Brust - in Form des Mortal Kombat-Symbols. Tan schweigt darüber, wie sich dieses Muttermal mit den Ursprüngen des Charakters verbindet, stimmt jedoch zu, dass "es ein einzigartiges Symbol ist", das "sich irgendwann mit der Reise verbinden wird, die er unternimmt". Es bleibt der einzige Hinweis, den Cole hat, wenn der finstere Zauberer und Kaiser des Königreichs der Außenwelt, Shang Tsung (Chin Han vom Wolkenkratzer), Sub-Zero, jetzt mit seinen kryogenen Kräften, sendet, um ihn zu jagen. Major Jackson "Jax" Briggs (Mehcad Brooks von Supergirl), ein Major der Special Forces, der dieselbe Marke wie Cole trägt, ermutigt ihn, Sonya Blade (Jessica McNamee von The Meg) aufzusuchen. Sie bringt ihn zur nächsten Etappe der Reise, zu dem mächtigen älteren Gott, bekannt als Lord Raiden (Thors Tadanobu Asano), der allen, die das Zeichen haben, in seinem Tempel Zuflucht gewährt. Dort trifft Cole auf noch erkennbarere Charaktere aus den Mortal Kombat-Spielen - Liu Kang (Ludi Lin von den Power Rangers), Kung Lao (Schauspieler und Stuntman Max Huang) und Kano (Josh Lawson vom Superstore) -, während alle für ein High trainieren -profil Turnier. Wetten, um die eindringenden Feinde von Outworld zu besiegen.
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whatkeepsmeup · 3 years
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read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2l7UbTZ
by CanariesWrites (onwardlexa)
"You can't just keep living in a cage." Alex hisses with anger, venom lacing her words.
"I can! It's easier. When I'm in the ring no one else matters, so why not have that safety net when I'm out of the ring!" Maggie's fists hit the practice bag, her punches are frantic and Alex can see the effects of lack of sleep and food. Her legs shake and her hands falter.
"Because you matter to someone else!" She slowly moves in between Maggie and the bag, gripping her wrists to prevent further punching. "To me. You matter to me."
mma au
Words: 3271, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F
Characters: Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, mixed martial arts au, mma fight!maggie, doctor!Alex
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2l7UbTZ
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Say it With Your Hands
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2N8hNFp
by karalovesallthegirls
Lena doesn’t take well to threats, and Kara Danvers? She’s a threat.
Words: 5238, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Blood and Violence, Enemies to Lovers, MMA AU, Crime Boss Lena / MMA Fighter Kara
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2N8hNFp
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ao3feed-sanvers · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2l7UbTZ
by CanariesWrites (onwardlexa)
"You can't just keep living in a cage." Alex hisses with anger, venom lacing her words.
"I can! It's easier. When I'm in the ring no one else matters, so why not have that safety net when I'm out of the ring!" Maggie's fists hit the practice bag, her punches are frantic and Alex can see the effects of lack of sleep and food. Her legs shake and her hands falter.
"Because you matter to someone else!" She slowly moves in between Maggie and the bag, gripping her wrists to prevent further punching. "To me. You matter to me."
mma au
Words: 3271, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F
Characters: Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, mixed martial arts au, mma fight!maggie, doctor!Alex
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2l7UbTZ
0 notes
smallandsundry · 5 years
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i had some holiday drawings but i can’t remember what i saved them as and i’m too lazy to go through my drive so have some post workout kara doodles and a thirsty lena 
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smallandsundry · 6 years
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kara danvers and some morning push-ups
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smallandsundry · 6 years
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mma au karalena kiss
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smallandsundry · 6 years
I always love when karas pushups appear on my dash! It's such a great piece of art that you did!
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look, i am never animating again, that shit took forever, but thank you and have some more push-ups in the mma au anyway:)
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smallandsundry · 6 years
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kara danvers in a supergirl mma au
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smallandsundry · 6 years
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i forgot about inktober whoops
mma au kara danvers
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smallandsundry · 6 years
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mma au, kara works out and we are all lena
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