#Survival Food Long Life Freeze Dried
loominggaia · 11 months
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(lore under cut)
Name: Slime [SLY-mm]
Class: Monster
Subclass: Terrian, Weightclass varies
PPL Category: 2 - Mostly harmless to peoples but invasive or detrimental to the environment.
Forger: ???
Slime monsters (also known as "slimes") are an ancient species of monster. Their place and time of origin, as well as the identity of their divine creator, remains unknown. There are several subspecies of slime monster, and some researchers theorize that they do not all share the same creator. While most slimes are not dangerous to people, all of them are considered harmful to the world's natural ecosystem.
Slimes cannot survive in hot, dry conditions for long. They prefer cool, damp environments such as caves, dark forests, and swamps. They are a common pest in basements and gardens worldwide. They often venture away from their lairs in search of food after dark, then return home at sunrise.
Different species of slimes have different properties, but all of them are covered in a thick layer of mucus which may be slimy, sticky, corrosive, malodorous, or neutral. They have no organs, only a permeable membrane of skin with gelatinous goo for innards. Though they have no brains or nervous systems at all, slimes are considered living creatures, as they react to stimuli and actively participate in their own survival. It seems that their intelligence is quite low, behaving purely on their mysterious, magical instincts. How they are able to sense their prey is still unknown, but researchers theorize that their mucus membrane can detect odors and sense vibrations in the air.
Because they have no bones, slime monsters are able to squeeze themselves through tiny spaces. They have quickly spread themselves across the globe by infiltrating ships and carriages, going undetected for long periods of time until they have multiplied out of control.
Slimes breed asexually by dividing themselves into two individuals. They can keep dividing until their offspring is the size of a pea. They gain more mass by eating, and lose half of their mass each time they divide. Exactly what prompts a slime to divide naturally is unknown, but they can also be forced to divide by cutting them into pieces.
Slimes will dry out and die if conditions are not moist enough. They can also be killed by freezing them solid, boiling them with flame, and exposure to large amounts of salt, which harms their mucus membrane and dries them out. (Note: red slimes are resistant to boiling)
Slime monsters cannot be killed by smashing, puncturing, or cutting them. They can survive heavy physical trauma, and gouging pieces from them only causes them to lose mass or divide into multiple slimes. They must be destroyed on a cellular level, which can be accomplished via magic spells or advanced weaponry.
There seems to be no limit to how big a slime can grow. However, they slowly lose mass over time, and the bigger they get, the more food they require to maintain their mass. They also lose half of their mass each time they reproduce. Because of this, a slime's growth is limited by its access to food, so they tend to top out to a certain size in the wild rather than growing endlessly.
The world's largest recorded slime was as big as an elephant, and in fact, had just absorbed an entire elephant when it was discovered.
5 subspecies of slime monster have been documented by the World Athenaeum. They can be visually identified by color, but each has other unique properties as well.
Green slimes are believed to be the oldest and most common subspecies. Their mucus is very slippery, making them nearly impossible to pick up. They are not dangerous to humans or animals, but they are a scourge to farms and forests, as they have a ravenous appetite for plants. Curiously, these slimes only eat plantlife which is green. They ignore flowers, bark, or any part of the plant which is a differnt color. They appear to suck the life right out of plants, leaving them gray and withered after feeding upon them. They are usually found in shady wooded areas.
Green slimes are sometimes kept as pets or even zoo attractions, as they are hardy, easy to find in the wild, and even easier to care for. While they are loathed by gardeners, some people have capitalized on green slimes by making products out of their slippery mucus, such as hair gels, soaps, and lubricants.
Their mucus is very sticky. They use this stickiness to anchor themselves tightly to surfaces and catch prey. While they're most commonly found in caves, blue slimes may also dwell in shady riparian areas. They feed on liquids, but not just any liquid will do. Blue slimes require balanced electrolytes to survive, meaning their best source of food comes from living creatures. They feed on sweat, saliva, urine, bile, or any other electrolyte-rich liquid that seeps from other organisms.
Some natural streams contain enough minerals to sustain blue slimes, as the water cascades over mountains and vegetation, collecting nutrients as it goes. This is why blue slimes like to colonize damp caverns in particular. These slimes can feed off of rocks and algae alone, although they will grow very slowly or not at all on this diet. To grow bigger, they must hunt living creatures and harvest their nutrients.
Blue slimes are opportunistic ambush-hunters. They are known to anchor their "feet" to the cieling and drop their "heads" down upon living prey, which becomes stuck in their sticky mucus. Larger prey may have the strength to escape their clutches, but blue slimes seem to be able to judge the size of their prey before they strike, and they rarely attack prey they can't handle. Small slimes only hunt small game like insects and rodents, but larger specimens can become a danger to peoples too.
Once a blue slime has ensnared its prey, it begins passively absorbing their liquids. Their prey struggles hopelessly, and the harder they struggle, the more they sweat, nourishing the slime. As time passes, they may even begin to cry or wet themselves, and the slime grows even stronger. Eventually they perish, surrendering their blood and all other liquid nutrients.
Once every last water molecule is extracted, the blue slime leaves behind a pile of dry bones, dessicated flesh, and any clothes or objects their prey may have been carrying. These grisly piles are a good indicator that large blue slimes could be lurking nearby, so explorers should exercise caution.
However, some people actually go looking for these creatures, as their sticky and dessicant properties are useful many applications.
Red slimes are considered the most dangerous subspecies, as they actively seek out and attack living creatures--including peoples. They feed exclusively off of living flesh. Their mucus is highly corrosive, causing damage to most materials including fabric, plastic, wood, and even metal. This mucus is especially harmful to skin. Brief contact with this slime may cause mild burns, but the longer material stays in contact with it, the more damage it takes. Red slime mucus can completely dissolve human flesh in just a matter of minutes. Harder materials take more time to dissolve, but given long enough, it seems to be able to dissolve just about anything.
Only a few rare materials, such as pyriad skin and hair, are completely resistant to the red slimes' effects. Curiously, red elves also boast some resistance to it. Red slimes repel water and do not respond to boiling. Salt and flash-freezing can still kill them just as effectively as other subspecies. They are prey to some fire-breathing dragon species, who don't seem to suffer any negative effects from eating them.
Red slimes are thankfully not as common as the others, as their diets are more complex, they are prey to certain animals, and their scary reputation makes peoples are more eager to eradicate them when they're found. These slimes cannot survive on plants or minerals, so they only haunt areas where people and animals dwell. Wherever there are large concentrations of critters, such as vermin, there may also be red slimes lurking about. Abandoned buildings, livestock farms, and sewers seem to be the red slimes' favorite places.
Unlike blue slimes, which only attack prey they can handle, red slimes are much less discriminating. They are notorious for attacking creatures much larger than themselves. They may even divide themselves to launch a ranged attack, "spitting" their other half at prey from a distance. This of course costs the slime some mass, but it may also slow their prey down enough to be worth it.
Not only are they dangerous to animals and peoples, but these slimes can cause considerable damage to property as well. As they slop around an area, their mucus slowly corrodes everything it touches, and this is bad news if they happen to be near walls or foundations. Though these creatures are loathed worldwide, some brave souls actually farm them and use their byproducts to make things like industrial solvents.
Also known as "gold" or "brown" slimes, amber slimes are often smelled long before they are seen. Their oily mucus emits a foul odor, and the bigger the slime grows, the stronger this odor gets. It's no wonder they smell so bad, for this subspecies feeds entirely on decaying matter, and they are not picky about what it is. Rotting vegetables, old manure, and even decaying corpses make a delicious feast for these creatures.
Amber slimes won't consume anything that's still fresh. They only move in once matter is in the moderate stages of rot. Their mucus is only faintly corrosive and not strong enough to break down fresh matter, but it can finish digesting matter which is already breaking down. This mucus is not harmful to people or animals unless it is ingested, and it is not harmful to all species. The foul stench of these slimes is actually pleasant to trolls and ogres, and their stomachs happen to be strong enough to eat them too. In some trollish and ogrish cultures, amber slime jelly is considered a delicacy.
Peoples worldwide have used these slimes to cheaply dispose of unwanted waste. However, this has been outlawed in most regions because unlike worms and fungi, amber slimes do not produce beneficial byproducts. Worms and fungus nourish the soil with their waste as they break down matter naturally, but amber slimes just add mass to themselves while giving nothing back to nature. Because of this, they are considered harmful to the environment.
Trolls and ogres are the only creatures known to eat amber slimes, and while they may be tasty to these species, they don't actually offer much nutrition. Amber slimes are illegally farmed for culinary purposes, but for the most part they are considered loathsome pests. They tend to congregate near dumpsters, compost piles, battlefields, or anywhere flies and other vermin congregate. Large amber slime colonies are often found in sewers, where their stench might go unnoticed for a long time. But domestic infestations are rare, as home and business owners quickly catch onto the rancid odor suddenly coming from the walls, where these slimes may try feeding on rotting wood or dead vermin.
Pale slimes are the most recent subspecies to be discovered. It's rumored that they were secretly developed by a divine working with the World Athenaeum, in an experiment to control other slimes. However, Athenaeum officials have not confirmed or denied this. Pale slimes first appeared in the Midland Jungle region, but over the years their numbers have grown and sightings have spread all over the world. They are found wherever other slimes are, for they are exclusively cannibalistic, feeding only on other slimes.
This subspecies has a colorless, transluscent appearance. Their mucus is described as "neutral", not particularly sticky or slippery. It does not have corrosive properties and it is copletely odorless. Pale slimes seek out and absorb other subspecies of slimes. When they absorb a smaller slime, they temporarily take on its properties until they finish digesting it, which may take hours to days. If the pale slime tries to absorb a slime that is larger than itself, it may take on its properties permanently, essentially transforming into another subspecies.
The Peoples Protection League has tried using pale slimes to control other slime infestions with mixed results. In some cases it has proven effective, but in other cases it only made the infestation worse. This subspecies is still quite new to the scientific community and research is still ongoing, so their full potential and abilities are not yet known.
-The world's largest known slime monster was a red slime, discovered deep in the Midland Jungle. It was digesting an entire elephant when researchers stumbled upon it. This was considered a highly unusual specimen, as the largest slimes overall tend to be green and amber. Blue and red subspecies are more likely to stay on the smaller side due to their complex feeding habits.
-Hunting wild amber slimes to make jelly is legal worldwide, but farming amber slimes is illegal in all Great Kingdoms.
Lore Masterpost
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kismutt · 1 year
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 the  continent  welcomes  ELVIRA  KACHRYLION  of  the  WINTER  COURT ,   the  LADY  of  THE  WINTER  COURT .   when  the  HIGH  FAE  is  glamoured,  she  bears  a  resemblance  to  MILLY  ALCOCK .   the  TWENTY - THREE  /  201  YEAR  OLD  cis  woman  is  reputed  to  be  ENIGMATIC  and  CIVIL ,   but  a  decade  of  war  has  left  them  GLACIAL  and  CAUSTIC .  whispers  throughout  prythian  claim  that  their  allegiance  lies  with  THE  WINTER  COURT ,   where  they  conspire  to  KEEP  WHAT  REMAINS  OF  HER  FAMILY  IN  TACT,  NO  MATTER  THE  COST. 
cw:  murder tw,  child neglect tw
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iii.  biography  
there  was  little  love  lost  when  the  high  lord  slayed  your  father.  you’d  always  wondered  if  there  would  be  -  if  at  the  end,  after  everything,  you  might  feel  something  other  than  ice  for  the  man  that  sired  you.  perhaps  you’re  just  broken,  the  way  you  let  the  grief  slip  off  your  shoulders.  perhaps  he  really  did  break  you  ....
born  fourth  in  your  lineage,  you  came  out  of  the  womb  a  disappointment.  three  brothers  preceded  you  -  and  the  high  lord  of  the  winter  court  thought  himself  very  lucky  indeed.  to  have  sired  so  many  sons  -  gone  so  many  centuries  without  a  daughter :  the  cauldron  must  have  neglected  to  bless  you,  little  fae.  your  mother’s  womb  must  have  dried  and  shrunk.  maybe  you  were  meant  to  be  bear  food ? 
high  lords  are  calculating  creatures,  with  crowns  of  ice  and  mouths  full  of  blood.  that’s  how  you  always  saw  them  anyway.  your  father  very  rarely  deigned  to  speak  with  you.  it  was  your  mother  who  named  you,  who  swaddled  you  when  you  were  too  small  to  swaddle  yourself.  but ladies  grow  tired  of  children,  too :  especially  ones  that  can’t  seem  to  stop  crying,  can  never  seem  to  warm.  your  wet  nurse  tells  you  her  earliest  memories  of  you  are  all  chill  -  the  lesser  fae  made  of  ice  itself  was  afraid  to  hold  your  pale  form.  thought  you  might  starve.
you  aren’t  sure  when  your  mother  was  executed.  you  just  know  it  happened,  feel  it  in  her  absence  in  the  echoing  mountain  home.  no  one  liked  to  whisper  about  your  father’s  decisions  -  these  hills  have  eyes.  you  shoulder  the  fact  that  it  was  your  fault,  that  your  existence  as  a  girl  was  enough  to  end  her  life.  you  will  come  to  shoulder  far  heavier  truths. 
when  your  father’s  men  dropped  you  in  the  wood  as  a  child,  you  felt  you  were  being  tested.  that  if  you  could  survive  this,  you  would  earn  your  worth  in  the  palaces  and  frost.  you  were  naive  -  to  think  you  would  ever  matter  to  your  father.  to  think  you  were  meant  to  survive  at  all.  everyone  knew  how  cold  you  always  were,  had  always  been;  but  you  were  still  young.  didn’t  see  the  weakness  everyone  else  saw  in  you. 
though  you  remember  little  of  your  time  trudging  through  the  evergreens,  you  will  never  forget  what  it  revealed  to  you.  freezing  to  death  is  its  own  brand  of  hysteria.  it  felt  like  eons  and  it  felt  like  minutes,  crawling  in  what  very  well  may  have  been  circles.  small.  fragile.  lost.  you  learned  that  tears  freeze  to  your  face  like  makeup.  you  learned  that  sometimes  snow  feels  like  fire.  
cauldron  blessed  is  what  your  wet  nurse  calls  you  when  you  return  on  the  back  of  a  reindeer.  incurable  plague  is  what  your  father  corrects  later,  in  front  of  a  great  hearth.  you  let  them  wonder,  having  made  more  than  one  vow  in  your  time  away.  to  never  cry  again.  to  secrecy :  the  family  of  high  fae  that  heard  your  cries  and  thought  you  to  be  an  injured  fox.  that  warmed  you  in  their  isolated  home  until  your  teeth  stopped  chattering  and  you  could  remember  your  name.  that  sacrificed  their  only  reindeer,  so  you  might  make  it  home.  
you  spend  most  of  your  formative  years  amongst  the  high  priestesses.  you  think  you  might  even  long  to  join  them :  to  veil  yourself  in  cloaks  and  never  feel  cold  or  alone  or  too  womanly  again.  little  nomad,  all  you  wanted  was  a  place  to  feel  safe.  were  it  not  for  your  brothers,  you  might  never  have  even  came  home.  
time  in  the  mountain  home  felt  like  capture.  when  you  were  lucky,  your  father  left  you  alone.  he  resented  the  way  your  face  never  changed,  the  stoic  armor  you  crafted  on  your  own.  he  often  delighted  in  putting  out  the  fires  that  kept  you  warm,  your  shivering  the  only  sign  he  could  hurt  you.  the  threats  to  marry  you  off  to  the  court  of  nightmares,  to  the  king  in  hybern  -  empty  promises  but  enough  to  bring  their  own  chill.  you  dreaded  the  day  he  might  finally  find  a  way  your  existence  could  benefit  him.  he  sharpened  you  up,  left  you  to  freeze  again  and  again. 
the  war  began  before  you  were  even  two  centuries  old,  and  you’d  never  seen  wrath  like  your  father’s  then.  you  never  truly  knew  how  much  he  delighted  in  torment.  your  future  fell  dark  in  that  decade.  you  sat  at  your  father’s  side  sometimes  when  he  decided  fates.  you  swallowed  your  disgust  like  acid  and  bile.  you  didn’t  think  much  of  mortals  before  the  war.  knew  your  eldest  brother  thought  of  them  too  often.  saw  how  it  tortured  him.  resented  them  a  bit  for  that  alone.  you  didn’t  know  --   you  didn’t  know.  you’d  never  seen  something  so  fragile,  clinging  to  mortality.  felt  like  a  reflection  of  the  way  you  saw  yourself.  
....  there  was  little  love  lost  when  the  high  lord  slayed  your  father.  you’d  always  wondered  if  there  would  be  -  if  at  the  end,  after  everything,  you  might  feel  something  other  than  ice  for  the  man  that  sired  you.  perhaps  you’re  just  broken,  the  way  you  let  the  grief  slip  off  your  shoulders.  perhaps  he  really  did  break  you.
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dalekriz · 1 year
greetings, Earthlings!
Delmaru has encouraged me to 'blog'. They explained to me that blogs consist of day-to-day moments and interests. I do not know why Delmaru is not the one running this blog.
It's thaw season here on Lost Skaro. That means we are now stranded in the city until the lake freezes back over in a few months! but that's fine, we're used to it. It also means the acid rain starts again. It makes life more difficult and Dalek Cess has been burned 3 times already.
The thaw season shifts us away from our ever-constant concern with the outside world. We can't do much about any Dalek ships that make contact, only send their transmissions to the outposts. So we use this time to prepare for the next freeze season. Our city grows busy. We all have a genetic need to contribute something to the city, so most Daleks start fishing off the city's edge. Others start garden boxes under awnings. A select few know beekeeping. Any food caught or grown gets turned nutrient slurry (unless they're Delmaru and insist to preserve their own food supply because it 'tastes better') which can be kept for the next freeze season without concern of spoiling.
I don't have the hands for any of these. I was made to recall information, and now this information is about fishing bate, seed germination times, and bee nesting habits instead of long and terrible wars or ancient Dalek battle techniques. And the citizens of Lost Skaro tend to need me less. So I have more free time.
Delmaru is bugging me to mention the tea thing. It's a completely un-Dalek hobby. But apparently, it's charming. I make tea. It's normally for myself, but sometimes another Dalek will try it. I like how it tastes and it makes me slightly less anxious. There are no tea companies on a deserted alternate Skaro so I have to pick my own herbs during thaw season. I find them in the cracks of buildings and underneath the city's platforms. Delmaru's a good swimmer, so they bring up water plants from the lake. Most of it's no better than pond scum but they try. Most plants others bring me are useless, actually. but some can be helpful!
Here is where I warn you, Earthling reader, that most of the names I mention are going to be in Dalek-Speak. I put more effort than most to speak in English. But these plants have no name in English because no human has survived long enough to learn of them. So I will teach you.
Almost every plant on Skaro is poisonous until it's been prepped correctly. Some need to be peeled, a couple can be dried, and most need to be boiled. The plants that require boiling are the easiest. My personal favorite for tea, Ventrillis (it's sort of like mint), needs to be charred to cancel out the toxins on its outer layer without allowing them to spread. the charring also brings out the flavor.
Ma-Pandlya (roughly translates to 'very spiny', and it tastes like sage) branches are similar to the Earth plant Himalayan Blackberry, thick and prickly. But the spongy material inside the branches is great for tea. It just takes a knife and patience to get it out. again, I'm missing all my fingertips, so I have to get Delmaru or Dalek Rescue Specialist Sey (who has nothing to do with no rescue missions going out) to do it for me. They both like tea though, so I can repay them.
I've heard that Thals used to make tea out of Arkellis. Arkellis is a tropical flower, which is why it doesn't grow on Lost Skaro, and I can't tell you what it tastes like because I've never seen one. It only takes root on metal, so magnodons (which we DO have) on regular Skaro are sometimes covered in them. I'll never see a real one, but I can dream. Which isn't very Dalek of me either.
Wishing Earth minimal extermination,
-Dalek Biological Archives Riz.
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spiceluxe · 2 months
The Importance of Survival Food in Emergency Situations
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Survival food is a crucial aspect of emergency preparedness. In times of disaster or crisis, access to food may be limited or disrupted, making it essential to have a stockpile of non-perishable survival food on hand. Whether it's a natural disaster, power outage, or other emergency situation, having a supply of food that can sustain you and your family for an extended period is vital for survival.
In emergencies, access to fresh food may be limited, and traditional cooking methods may not be possible. Non-perishable survival food items such as canned goods, freeze-dried foods, and meal replacement bars have a long shelf life and require no refrigeration or cooking. This makes them ideal for emergency situations where resources may be scarce.
Survival food provides essential nutrients and calories needed to sustain energy levels and maintain health during a crisis. These foods are specially designed to be high in calories, protein, and other nutrients to provide a balanced diet in times of need readywise emergency food. It's important to choose a variety of survival food items to ensure you have a well-rounded intake of nutrients.
Having a supply of survival food on hand can also provide peace of mind in uncertain times. Knowing that you have a stockpile of food that can sustain you and your family can alleviate stress and anxiety during emergencies. It allows you to focus on other aspects of survival, such as securing shelter and staying safe, without having to worry about where your next meal will come from.
In conclusion, survival food is an essential component of emergency preparedness. By having a stockpile of non-perishable food items on hand, you can ensure that you and your family have access to essential nutrients and calories during times of crisis. Whether it's a natural disaster, power outage, or other emergency situation, having survival food readily available can make a critical difference in your ability to survive and thrive.
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survivalsupplies01 · 3 months
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tinyshe · 4 months
Garden Report & Frugal Living 24.21.02
Yesterday I planted carrot seeds that Jen gave me. They are to be purple skinned and red core. I pulled lanky and bolted radishes so I could lay them gently under the protective leaves of the swiss chard. I then layed a light blanket of pear leaves over the top. I'm not sure this was a good choice: days of rain predicted; favored duff material of the little rototiller birds; damn neighbor's cat who have the whole wide world to shite in but are determined to use my grow boxes. I think every day/ everyother day I will send 5 minutes between rain storms either to plant a small row of things that won't drown/rot or some garden chore. I can't get in too much trouble in 5 minutes ...
The spearmint is freshly growing and ready for first harvest as is the horehound. I'm not sure the lemon balm survived this much wet. Fruit trees are still in need of pruning but too much rain. People don't want to hang out in a storm and trim trees especially up on an orchard ladder than is sinking precariously in the sog. The hens have had enough -- they hate the wind; they hate the rain; they hate being in their aviary; they hate their freeze dried mealworms; they hate the singing little birds with their lusty antics ... just grumpy old hens. They need some tea (yes, people make tea for their chickens ... google it). Personally, my biddy birdies would still complain because they just be that way.
Frugal tip is about buying bulk. Even people that are single can buy bulk and benefit from the savings. Go in with family and friends if you don't want the whole lot, then divie it up or get mason jars and use for storage to build your pantry. Dry Good Things like beans, rice and some grains have a long shelf life. If you go to grocer warehouse during their seasonal sales, you can manage some good buys (look at harvest dates/years on bags). Make sure you transfer info onto your storage containers. If you are using recycled/reused containers, make sure they are tight against moisture (a little insert of wax paper around the container's 'mouth'/opening may help fill the gap). Here's a link to grain storage that may be helpful https://commongrains.com/how-long-can-you-store-whole-grains-or-flours-a-reference-chart/
Encouraging everyone to think about growing your own food as well as thinking about building a pantry no matter what the size. Once you have thought about it, go out and do it! Its not a one size fits all -- make it yours and fit your life. If you need more ideas or encouragement, just go ahead and dm.
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sandrachens-blog · 8 months
Survival Food Storage Tips: Ensuring Longevity and Safety
In a world where uncertainties loom, being prepared is not just a scout's motto but a necessity for many. One of the primary concerns for those preparing for emergencies is food storage. Properly stored food can be the difference between survival and disaster. Here are some essential tips to ensure that your survival food storage is both long-lasting and safe.
Choose the Right Foods:
Start by selecting non-perishable items. These include canned goods, dried fruits, grains, beans, pasta, powdered milk, and freeze-dried meals. These foods have a longer shelf life and are less likely to spoil. To learn more about survival food storage, click here - https://wildoaktrail.com/collections/nutrient-survival-food.
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Rotate Your Stock:
It's essential to practice the "first in, first out" principle. Always use the oldest items first and replace them with new stock. This rotation ensures that your food remains fresh and reduces the risk of consuming expired items.
Optimal Storage Conditions:
Most foods should be stored in a cool, dark, and dry place. The ideal temperature range is between 50°F and 70°F. Avoid areas where temperatures fluctuate, as this can reduce the food's shelf life. Basements are often ideal, but if that's not an option, a dark closet or pantry will suffice.
Use Proper Containers:
Invest in food-grade storage containers. These containers are designed to prevent contamination and protect against pests. Vacuum-sealed bags, Mylar bags, and food-grade buckets with airtight lids are excellent choices. For added protection, consider using oxygen absorbers inside the containers, which can extend the food's shelf life.
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Label Everything:
It's crucial to label all your food containers with both the contents and the storage date. This practice not only helps with rotation but also ensures you know exactly what you're consuming.
Protect Against Pests:
Rodents and insects can quickly ruin your food storage. Ensure that your storage area is free from holes or gaps where pests can enter. Regularly inspect your storage area for signs of pests and take immediate action if you find any.
Store Water:
While not food, water is essential for survival. Store at least one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days. Like food, water should be rotated regularly. Consider investing in water purification tablets or filters to ensure safe consumption.
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Diversify Your Storage:
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. It's wise to have a mix of freeze-dried foods, canned goods, and basic staples. This diversification ensures that if one type of food becomes compromised, you'll have other options available.
Learn Preservation Techniques:
Understanding basic food preservation techniques, such as canning, dehydrating, and pickling, can be invaluable. These skills allow you to store fresh foods safely and extend their shelf life significantly.
Consider Special Dietary Needs:
If someone in your household has dietary restrictions or allergies, ensure that you store foods that they can safely consume. It's also wise to store vitamins and supplements, especially if your stored foods might not provide all the necessary nutrients over an extended period.
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Regularly Check for Expiry:
Even non-perishable foods don't last forever. Regularly check the expiration dates on your stored items. If something is nearing its expiration date and you can't consume it in time, consider donating it and replacing it with a fresh supply.
Stay Informed:
Food storage guidelines and best practices can change based on new research and findings. Stay informed by regularly checking reputable sources and updating your storage methods accordingly.
Plan for Cooking:
Remember that many stored foods will require cooking or preparation. Ensure you have alternative cooking methods available, such as a solar oven or a portable propane stove, especially if you're preparing for situations where electricity might not be available.
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Test and Taste:
Every once in a while, prepare meals using your stored foods. This practice not only helps you rotate your stock but also ensures you're familiar with cooking these items and that they're palatable.
In conclusion, proper food storage is a blend of choosing the right items, storing them correctly, and regularly maintaining your stockpile. By following these tips, you can ensure that in times of emergencies, your food supply will be a source of comfort and sustenance, rather than a cause for concern. Preparedness brings peace of mind, and with the right approach to food storage, you're one step closer to ensuring the safety and well-being of your loved ones.
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storagechef · 1 year
While consuming food that has lost its nutritional value still provides you with the calories you need to survive, you are deficient in the vitamins and minerals your body needs for vital processes. The scant water present in freeze-dried Prepper Food Storage food preserves nutrients for a long time.
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survivalsupplies01 · 6 months
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User Guide On Freeze Dried Emergency Food Supply
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It is essential to be prepared in a world that is unpredictable. Prepper Food Kits, commonly known as Emergency Food Supplies, are meant to provide sustenance for individuals and families during disasters. These kits consist of a wide range of nutritious and durable food products that can be stored easily. They are intended to ensure the survival of families and individuals in times of disaster. This article explains how important prepper food packs are, along with their benefits and essential features. Natural disasters, pandemics or economic downturns may make it difficult to access or obtain regular food supplies. Prepper food packages provide a lifeline in such times by providing a consistent supply of sustenance. These kits are useful not only for survivalists or severe preppers but also for everyone looking to protect their own and their loved ones' well-being. Are you hunting about freeze dried emergency food supply? Look at the previously mentioned website.
These kits provide a sense security and self sufficiency by providing food when the grocery store is unavailable or depleted. Prepper food kit are created according to strict criteria. This includes the shelf-life, nutritional value and ease of usage. In these kits, non-perishable products like canned goods and freeze-dried meals are included. Dehydration or freezing of food products is done to increase shelf life and preserve nutritional value. In order to maintain freshness, and because portability is important, kits are packed in compact containers. Some kits include water filters or pills to purify the water. The purchase of survival food kits offers many advantages. They remove the need to rush out and buy food in an emergency, which allows people more time to attend other important obligations. Second, the kits are a great way to relieve stress and anxiety during a crisis by providing reassurance.
Furthermore, prepper food kits promote self-sufficiency, allowing people to take responsibility for their survival needs. In the long term, they are more cost effective because they reduce waste and the need to replenish food frequently. The food prepper packages may be tailored for specific dietary requirements. In an era of increasing global uncertainty, it is wise to be prepared for any emergency. These packages offer a reliable, practical answer to the problem of ensuring food in times of difficulty. These kits offer essential nutrition, convenience and peace of mind to individuals and families, allowing them to be more confident in the face of crises. Well-stocked prepper kits are essential for ensuring well-being during a disaster, epidemic, and other emergencies. People can protect themselves and those they love by preparing for the unknown, resulting in resilience when disaster strikes.
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Want to Survive in the Wilderness? Be Prepared!
Whether you want to go into the wilderness for just a couple of days or you want to take on a longer challenge, having a good handle on some survival basics is a must for anyone planning a trip beyond the reaches of civilization.
So what's the single most important thing when it comes to surviving "out there"?
Be prepared - that is the number one survival rule. This means having proper training and experience for the challenge you're planning to undertake, but also having the right gear with you can go a long way to preventing a catastrophic situation, or at least minimizing the severity of any problems that do arise. Such gear typically includes the right amounts of food and water, and items like a first aid kit and other supplies.
Fortunately, it is now possible to take these essentials with you without over packing, especially as many of these items are now designed specifically for hikers, backpackers, campers and so on, meaning that they are designed to be as compact and lightweight as possible.
Food and water are of course essentials when it comes to camping survival. You will obviously want to plan to take all the food and water you'll need, and then some, but an emergency food kit is something many people fail to consider. But there is always the chance that your supplies of granola, dried fruit and jerky will run out or simply won't suffice if things take a turn for the worse. Food kits typically include small canned items, dehydrated food, and freeze-dried meals. Vitamins may also include. These products are generally very lightweight and have a very long shelf life. They might not give a gourmet chef anything to worry about, but if you find yourself stranded in the wilderness, they can literally be a lifesaver.
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Another important item to have is a field guide to finding edible nuts, berries, mushrooms, plants, and other foods that you might find in the wild around you. A good guide will not only help you avoid eating potentially dangerous things, but should also give tips on where to look for various items and how to prepare them. The items Nature provides vary substantially from one region to another, so be sure to look for a guide that addresses the area where you're going.
A good first aid kit is another critical part of wilderness survival planning. A basic kit will likely include aspirin and/or acetaminophen or ibuprofen, various sizes of gauze and bandages, antiseptics, burn cream, sunscreen, scissors, tweezers and so on. More comprehensive kits may include everything from cotton swabs to tourniquets to wound irrigation systems. It might seem obvious, but you should be sure to buy a kit (or assemble your own) that contains items appropriate to where you're going. You probably won't need mosquito repellent if you're going trekking in the arctic, and frostbite is not a significant risk. There is a wide variety of kits available at a broad range of price points, and many are surprisingly affordable, so be sure to get what's right for your adventure. Remember, however, that first aid kits are generally intended to treat only minor irritations, discomforts or wounds. If a serious wound or injury occurs, you should first stop any bleeding, and then keep the victim stabilized while you attempt to contact proper rescue services via smartphone, emergency beacon or other measures, depending on your circumstances.
Still in the medical vein, if there is a certain medication you take regularly, such as an inhaler, insulin, allergy medication or other medicines, you should make it a point to over pack, ie, include extra doses so that in case of an emergency you won't have to worry about whether you have enough of your everyday medicines.
One item many people don't think of as survival gear per se, but which is becoming both critical enough and portable enough to consider putting on your list of essentials, is a portable inverter generator, such as the Yamaha EF2000iS, a compact and lightweight 2000 watt powerhouse. As our electronic gear becomes increasingly essential in our everyday lives, and even more important in emergency situations, and batteries of all kinds fall short of what's needed, a really portable source of real power is becoming increasingly important - and, surprisingly, practical. While they are not yet something you can just toss in your backpack next to your extra socks, these units have become incredibly smaller, lighter, more powerful, versatile and efficient in recent years. They've also become almost unbelievably quiet. And out there in the great outdoors, a little jolt of civilized electricity might be just the thing!
Of course, there is always the possibility that your skills will be put to the ultimate test. In the event that you become lost or injured in the wilderness, you should have a few items on hand that can help you find your way, or help others find you. Some basics include compasses, radios, flashlights, and flares. And these days, of course, electronics are taking the lead in emergency location. Remember, your Smartphone probably won't get a signal out in the middle of nowhere, so you want to consider an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB). These miracle gadgets cost anywhere from about $200 to around $1500, and are designed to save your life if you become lost, stranded or injured, by alerting rescue authorities and indicating your location.
So, always be prepared. And once you get prepared, go out there and have the adventure of a lifetime!
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khartoumnews · 1 year
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delta-6a10a-g6ar · 1 year
The 11 Ideal Survival Food Pa
Nonetheless, I'm worried about where these added calories come from. If you don't consume the whole bag immediately, much of the products will last approximately a year after the bag has actually been opened up. ReadyWise has a huge option of freeze-dried foods that are packaged in bags. For the very best offers, you can get assorted containers of freeze-dried foods.
best costco emergency food bucket
They are one of the best-tasting emergency situation food brands without adding lots of salt and chemical flavoring). My Patriot Supply concentrates on assisting Americans be gotten ready for emergency situations. It seems like they have actually thought about just about whatever consisting of the coffee! They differ from many long term food storage space companies since they promise 2,000 + calories in each meal. They're extremely to have on hand for quick dishes or to take to potlucks. These stackable, interlacing 3.5-gallon containers make keeping an emergency supply of food and water a little easier. The 4 air-tight, moisture-resistant FoodBricks can keep food fresh for the long haul. The six WaterBricks withstand severe temperatures and can be iced up. Nonperishable foods are a have to for a lot of possible emergency situations. Protein bars such as this very pertained to Costco brandhave a long service life and supply a lot of power regardless of their small size. One of the advantages of ReadyWise is their convenience to make use of. A lot of their meals have real meat and are high in healthy protein. It's difficult to state whether there's enhancing demand for survival foods. Research firms don't track sales, though recent polls show individuals's doomsday concerns are increasing due to all-natural catastrophes and recent geopolitical concerns. According to a study from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs cited by the Free Press, three-quarters of Americans last month cited North Korea as an important hazard to the united state . An army excess store owner likewise informed the Free Press he's seeing even more individuals can be found in to get emergency situation materials. When it involves creating emergency situation materials, The USA Department of Homeland Protection has a listing of suggestions for every American household. https://s3.amazonaws.com/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://tfsites.blob.core.windows.net/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://storage.googleapis.com/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://s3.us-west-004.backblazeb2.com/best-emergency-food-supplier/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://us-southeast-1.linodeobjects.com/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://ewr1.vultrobjects.com/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://objects-us-east-1.dream.io/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://emergency-food-supply.b-cdn.net/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://ax282hrzyfax.compat.objectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/best-emergency-food-supply/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://callofdestiny.neocities.org/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://sites.google.com/view/bestcostcoemergencyfoodbucket/home/ https://the11idealsurvivalfoodpackagesof2023.blogspot.com/ https://loftconversioncostmiddlesbrough.blogspot.com/ https://loftconversioncostmiddlesbrough.blogspot.com/2023/02/loft-conversion-cost-middlesbrough.html https://cheshire-loft-conversion.blogspot.com/2023/02/loft-conversion-company-cheshire.html https://choose-mainstream-loft-conversion.blogspot.com/
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The 11 Ideal Survival Food Pa
However, I'm concerned about where these additional calories originate from. If you do not take in the whole bag immediately, a number of the items will last approximately a year after the bag has been opened. ReadyWise has a massive selection of freeze-dried foods that are packaged in pouches. For the best bargains, you can purchase various buckets of freeze-dried foods.
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They are just one of the best-tasting emergency situation food brand names without including tons of salt as well as chemical flavoring). My Patriot Supply focuses on helping Americans be prepared for emergencies. It feels like they have thought of just about whatever including the coffee! They stand apart from a lot of long term food storage business since they guarantee 2,000 + calories in each meal. They're incredibly to have on hand for fast meals or to take to potlucks. These stackable, interlocking 3.5-gallon containers make keeping an emergency supply of food as well as water a little simpler. The 4 air-tight, moisture-resistant FoodBricks can maintain food fresh for the long run. The 6 WaterBricks resist severe temperatures as well as can be iced up. Nonperishable foods are a must for lots of prospective emergencies. Protein bars such as this very pertained to Costco brandhave a lengthy shelf life as well as deliver a great deal of energy regardless of their small size. One of the advantages of ReadyWise is their simplicity to use. The majority of their meals contain actual meat as well as are high in protein. It's difficult to claim whether there's boosting need for survival foods. Research study companies do not track sales, though current surveys show individuals's end ofthe world concerns are climbing due to natural catastrophes as well as current geopolitical issues. According to a survey from the Chicago Council on Global Matters cited by the Free Press, three-quarters of Americans last month cited North Korea as a vital threat to the U.S . An army surplus shopkeeper additionally told the Free Press he's seeing more individuals coming in to purchase emergency situation materials. When it concerns putting together emergency situation materials, The United States Department of Homeland Safety has a list of recommendations for each American household. not finished https://s3.amazonaws.com/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://tfsites.blob.core.windows.net/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://storage.googleapis.com/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://s3.us-west-004.backblazeb2.com/best-emergency-food-supplier/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://us-southeast-1.linodeobjects.com/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://ewr1.vultrobjects.com/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://objects-us-east-1.dream.io/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://emergency-food-supply.b-cdn.net/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://ax282hrzyfax.compat.objectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/best-emergency-food-supply/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://callofdestiny.neocities.org/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket/best-costco-emergency-food-bucket.html https://sites.google.com/view/bestcostcoemergencyfoodbucket/home/ https://loftconversioncostmiddlesbrough.blogspot.com/ https://loftconversioncostmiddlesbrough.blogspot.com/2023/02/loft-conversion-cost-middlesbrough.html https://autodetailingriverview32.blogspot.com/ https://autodetailingriverview32.blogspot.com/2023/02/auto-detailing-riverview.html https://cheshire-loft-conversion.blogspot.com/
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Review: Patriot Cupboard 72-h
So you're mosting likely to need to invest a great total up to obtain a feel for the preference of their products. With Hill Home foods you just include water to the Bag or # 10 Can and also linger 8-10 minutes. Adding water directly to the Bag or Can hence eliminates waste and also any kind of added preparation or tidy up. AKA "bung wrench" is not included with your jug. Augason Farms suggests that you save at least one bung wrench alongside your food storage jugs so they can be swiftly opened up in an emergency situation. Flourish Life supplies the biggest selection of freeze dried vegetables that I have seen sold in # 10 containers. Asparagus, Broccoli, Kale, Red Bell Peppers, Zucchini and also much more.
my patriot supply
With the globe in its present problem, it always is a good idea to be ready for what can come. So I eagerly anticipate keeping up with your notes and also such. A staple in a lot of survival dish sets, beans, and also rice are a well balanced dish that satisfies. Even meals from my favorite emergency situation food provider, Valley Food Storage, call for a short chef on the cooktop. As I mentioned, you'll require to prepare My Patriot Supply emergency situation food prior to you consume it. While instant would certainly behave, cooking for 15 to 20 minutes isn't completion of the globe. Cook Time ~ These meals are not "instantaneous" like freeze-dried camping food (ie. Hill Home meals), where you simply pour boiling water over the leading and also wait. https://s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/10mypatriotsupply/my-patriot-foods/index.html https://tfsites.blob.core.windows.net/15-seconds/my-patriot-supply/index.html https://storage.googleapis.com/15-seconds/mypatriot-supply/index.html https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/patriot-dehydrated-food/index.html https://s3.us-west-004.backblazeb2.com/best-emergency-food-supplier/patriot-dried-food/index.html https://us-southeast-1.linodeobjects.com/15-seconds/patriot-food-packs/index.html https://nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/15-seconds/patriot-food-storage/index.html https://ewr1.vultrobjects.com/15-seconds/patriot-freeze-dried-food/index.html https://objects-us-east-1.dream.io/15-seconds/patriot-freeze-dried-foods/index.html https://emergency-food-supply.b-cdn.net/patriot-long-term-food/index.html https://ax282hrzyfax.compat.objectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com/best-emergency-food-supply/patriot-meals-ready-to-eat/index.html https://callofdestiny.neocities.org/15-seconds/patriot-ready-to-eat-meals/index.html https://evaluationpatriotpantry72hourpackage.blogspot.com/ https://evaluationpatriotpantry72hourpackage.blogspot.com/2023/01/evaluation-patriot-pantry-72-hour.html https://columbusohiohelicopterride952.blogspot.com/ https://columbusohiohelicopterride952.blogspot.com/2023/01/columbus-ohio-helicopter-ride.html https://persianrugrepairimperialbeach734.blogspot.com/2023/01/persian-rug-repair-bonita.html
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Best Survival Food Kits: Top
For lots of households it's not going to be worth screening and rotating out dried food stocks every year when industrial alternatives are so readily offered. After examining other guides and discussions on Reddit's r/preppers, The Prepper Journal and , we thoroughly compared the most popular choices with main guidelines and assembled our list of criteria for a home or automobile survival set.
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Prepper Food Ranked by Taste: The 3 best tasting Survival Food Companies - Practical Preppers
If you're sedentary you may only need half of that, but in any case you must understand just how much food you have in your set, and plan for for how long you'll have the ability to make it last. Stability in high temperature levels: If you're keeping an emergency food supply in your automobile or attic, keep in mind that high heat will decrease the stable life span of anything that has water in it.
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Prepper Food Ranked by Taste: The 3 best tasting Survival Food Companies - Practical Preppers
We evaluated meal packages under the expectation that we 'd have some way to boil water in an emergency, but we likewise attempted samples prepared with just cold water to see how they 'd fare in a no-power-no-fuel situation. Heat loads: MRE pouches frequently though not always include water-activated chemical heating units so you can enjoy your processed meat or re-hydrated drink hot rather than room-temperature. Our list, After taking a look at the range of ingredients and the cost-per-calorie of three-day survival food packages provided by the best-rated providers, we picked 3 dry food packages, 6 MRE alternatives and 3 emergency provision packages. Our test household consumed meals out of these packages over the course of a week, and after their first-hand experiences preparing and eating them, they ranked the finest emergency food as follows.
Freeze-dried provisions are easy to use, and this set is guaranteed to taste great for a minimum of 30 years in storage. Mountain Home is the best-known brand name of freeze-dried food we found, with meal pouches that are popular amongst backpackers and preppers alike. All the food in this box is cooked before freeze-drying, so you can prepare it quickly even if all you have is cold water. https://bestsurvivalfoodkitstop6revie722.blogspot.com/2022/12/best-survival-food-kits-top-6-reviewed.html https://tfsites.blob.core.windows.net/2bestsurvivalfood/Best-Tasting-Survival-Food-Kits-Best-Survival-Food.html https://tfsites.blob.core.windows.net/2bestsurvivalfood/index.html https://tfsites.blob.core.windows.net/2bestsurvivalfood/The-Best-Survival-Food-Best-Survival-Food.html https://tfsites.blob.core.windows.net/2bestsurvivalfood/Top-Survival-Foods-Best-Survival-Food.html https://tfsites.blob.core.windows.net/2bestsurvivalfood/What-Are-The-Best-Survival-Foods-Best-Survival-Food.htm https://foodsdiabeticscaneat793.blogspot.com/ https://foodsdiabeticscaneat793.blogspot.com/2022/12/foods-diabetics-can-eat.html https://testoprimewheretobuynearme337.blogspot.com/ https://testoprimewheretobuynearme337.blogspot.com/2022/12/testoprime-where-to-buy-near-me.html https://home-health-zw3m9.tumblr.com/rss
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