#Susan R. Jacob
eesirachs · 5 months
For a school assignment, I'm assembling an anthology around the theme of queer divinity and desire, but I'm having a hard time finding a fitting essay/article (no access to real academic catalogues :/ ), do you know of any essays around this theme?
below are essays, and then books, on queer theory (in which 'queer' has a different connotation than in regular speech) in the hebrew bible/ancient near east. if there is a particular prophet you want more of, or a particular topic (ištar, or penetration, or appetites), or if you want a pdf of anything, please let me know.
essays: Boer, Roland. “Too Many Dicks at the Writing Desk, or How to Organize a Prophetic Sausage-Fest.” TS 16, no. 1 (2010b): 95–108. Boer, Roland. “Yahweh as Top: A Lost Targum.” In Queer Commentary and the Hebrew Bible, edited by Ken Stone, 75–105. JSOTSup 334. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim, 2001. Boyarin, Daniel. “Are There Any Jews in ‘The History of Sexuality’?” Journal of the History of Sexuality 5, no. 3 (1995): 333–55. Clines, David J. A. “He-Prophets: Masculinity as a Problem for the Hebrew Prophets and Their Interpreters.” In Sense and Sensitivity: Essays on Reading the Bible in Memory of Robert Carroll, edited by Robert P. Carroll, Alastair G. Hunter, and Philip R. Davies, 311–27. JSOTSup 348. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002. Graybill, Rhiannon. “Yahweh as Maternal Vampire in Second Isaiah: Reading from Violence to Fluid Possibility with Luce Irigaray.” Journal of feminist studies in religion 33, no. 1 (2017): 9–25. Haddox, Susan E. “Engaging Images in the Prophets: Feminist Scholarship on the Book of the Twelve.” In Feminist Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Retrospect. 1. Biblical Books, edited by Susanne Scholz, 170–91. RRBS 5. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2013. Koch, Timothy R. “Cruising as Methodology: Homoeroticism and the Scriptures.” In Queer Commentary and the Hebrew Bible, edited by Ken Stone, 169–80. JSOTSup 334. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim, 2001. Tigay, Jeffrey. “‘ Heavy of Mouth’ and ‘Heavy of Tongue’: On Moses’ Speech Difficulty.” BASOR, no. 231 (October 1978): 57–67.
books: Ahmed, Sara. Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006. Bauer-Levesque, Angela. Gender in the Book of Jeremiah: A Feminist-Literary Reading. SiBL 5. New York: P. Lang, 1999. Black, Fiona C., and Jennifer L. Koosed, eds. Reading with Feeling : Affect Theory and the Bible. Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2019. Brenner, Athalya. The Intercourse of Knowledge: On Gendering Desire and “Sexuality” in the Hebrew Bible. BIS 26. Leiden: Brill, 1997. Camp, Claudia V. Wise, Strange, and Holy: The Strange Woman and the Making of the Bible. JSOTSup 320. Gender, Culture, Theory 9. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000. Chapman, Cynthia R. The Gendered Language of Warfare in the Israelite-Assyrian Encounter. HSM 62. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2004. Creangă, Ovidiu, ed. Men and Masculinity in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond. BMW 33. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2010. Eilberg-Schwartz, Howard. God’s Phallus: And Other Problems for Men and Monotheism. Boston: Beacon, 1995. Huber, Lynn R., and Rhiannon Graybill, eds. The Bible, Gender, and Sexuality : Critical Readings. London, UK ; T&T Clark, 2021. Guest, Deryn. When Deborah Met Jael: Lesbian Biblical Hermeneutics. London: SCM, 2005. Graybill, Rhiannon, Meredith Minister, and Beatrice J. W. Lawrence, eds. Rape Culture and Religious Studies : Critical and Pedagogical Engagements. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2019. Graybill, Rhiannon. Are We Not Men? : Unstable Masculinity in the Hebrew Prophets. New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA, 2016. Halperin, David J. Seeking Ezekiel: Text and Psychology. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993. Jennings, Theodore W. Jacob’s Wound: Homoerotic Narrative in the Literature of Ancient Israel. New York: Continuum, 2005. Macwilliam, Stuart. Queer Theory and the Prophetic Marriage Metaphor in the Hebrew Bible. BibleWorld. Sheffield and Oakville, CT: Equinox, 2011. Maier, Christl. Daughter Zion, Mother Zion: Gender, Space, and the Sacred in Ancient Israel. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2008. Mills, Mary E. Alterity, Pain, and Suffering in Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. LHB/OTS 479. New York: T. & T. Clark, 2007. Stökl, Jonathan, and Corrine L. Carvalho. Prophets Male and Female: Gender and Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible, the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Ancient Near East. AIL 15. Atlanta, GA: SBL, 2013. Stone, Ken. Practicing Safer Texts: Food, Sex and Bible in Queer Perspective. Queering Theology Series. London: T & T Clark International, 2004. Weems, Renita J. Battered Love: Marriage, Sex, and Violence in the Hebrew Prophets. OBT. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 1995.
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pomp-quio · 2 months
tagged by @cattus-catos 💛 who has excellent opinions and always accurate takes (especially about Crassus) -
last book i read: Dragonfly by Frederic S Durbin. I try to intersperse my mostly classics and french revolution reading with my second great love, fantasy books. Dragonfly is a cute little creepy standalone novel that I read when I was a teenager and ended up reading again recently.
book i recommend: Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut. I have no explanation exactly for why but this is hands-down my favourite book. So it goes.
book i couldn't put down: Babel by R F Kuang. I was a bit concerned because I generally don't enjoy the plots of BookTok books, BUT the subtitle (The Necessity of Violence) intrigued me. And let me tell you I was blown away by this book. It was a bit clunky at times but I loved every second and coming from a country that is still recovering from its colonial past, with our own national language that is considered uneducated, crass, and rough, it just hit very hard.
book i've read twice: I'm a chronic book repeater because my brain is swiss cheese, but the one book I regularly re-read for fun (and sadness) is Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. It's such a good book, actually I'm probably due for a re-read again! Also Watership Down by Richard Adams, I love that book so much ✨prince with a thousand enemies✨. And of course I have read the Odyssey several times!
a book on my tbr: my current TBR list stands at over 300 books (my Goodreads is Pompey Watching if you're interested). I think the next book I pick up will be The Books of Jacob by Olga Tokarczuk.
a book i've put down: Decolonising the Maltese Mind by Charles Xuereb. Not because it's bad but because I get so pissed off at the British every few paragraphs that I genuinely just need to take a mental break.
a book on my wishlist: oh dear there are so many. I desperately want the clothbound versions of the Odyssey, the Iliad, the Aeneid, Paradise Lost, and Inferno. I also REALLY want a physical copy of Sextus Pompeius by Anton Powell and Kathryn Welch, but its so expensive.
a favourite book from childhood: The Edge Chronicles The Edge Chronicles The Edge Chronicles I will never be okay about them, the plot, the arcs, the art, the characters!!!
a book you would give to a friend: Feral by George Monbiot. I am first and foremost an environmental/animal girlie and while I have some criticisms about this book, it genuinely argues for a lot of what I believe in when speaking about wildlife rehabilitation.
a book of poetry/lyrics you own: I sadly own very few poetry books! I do have a copy of Wilfred Owen's war poetry which makes me far too emotional for my own good.
a non-fiction book you own: so many! I have a lot of animal behaviour books, wild fauna books, french revolution books, and ancient Rome books. I guess one of my favourites would be Choosing Terror by Marisa Linton.
currently reading: House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielewaki, Lucan's Pharsalia (Susan Braund trans), yay Pharsaliabookclub, and Xuan s posts made me start the Epic of Gilgamesh but I'm only at the introduction so far!
planning on reading next: I never quite know what I'm going to read next but it will probably The Books of Jacob by Olga Tokarczuk. I also want to get started on the Thebaid, but I fear reading it at the same time as Pharsalia will do some irreparable damage to my brain!
I'm tagging @kushielsmercy (Shiel this is my Rome sideblog hello and welcome sorry you had to find out like this) and @burritofriedrich ❤️❤️❤️
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medium-observation · 6 months
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Kimberly Akimbo - Broadway
February 10, 2023 - Medium Observation
Victoria Clark (Kimberly Levaco), Justin Cooley (Seth Weetis), Steven Boyer (Buddy Levaco), Alli Mauzey (Patti Levaco), Bonnie Milligan (Aunt Debra), Olivia Elease Hardy (Delia McDaniels), Fernell Hogan II (Martin Doaty), Michael Iskander (Aaron Puckett), Nina White (Teresa Benton)
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Very nice video of this show! A head can be seen at the bottom of the screen at times. Some washout, adjusting and shakiness are present. Overall a very nice capture.
NFT Date: October 1st, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjArKKL
Video is $20
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Company - Second US National Tour
November 11, 2023 - Medium Observation
Britney Coleman (Bobbie), Judy McLane (Joanne), Kathryn Allison (Sarah), Will Blum (t/r David), Ali Louis Bourzgui (Paul), Derrick Davis (Larry), Javier Ignacio (Peter), James Earl Jones II (Harry), Marina Kondo (Susan), Matt Rodin (Jamie), Emma Stratton (Jenny), Jacob Dickey (Andy), Tyler Hardwick (PJ), David Socolar (Theo)
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Near perfect capture of the Chicago stop featuring Will Blum during his temporary run! Minimal Washout and Obstruction.
NFT Date: October 1st, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB3kh3
Video is $20
Videos can be purchased through me at
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caelwynn · 7 months
I'm still physically wiped out and my head's too fuzzy to do 'real' writing/revisions on my story, but I'm just coherent enough that I want to chitter-chatter about my fic.
So in the course of working on Choices, one of the things I've spent an inordinate amount of time on is figuring out the 'cohorts' for the valleyfolk. What I mean by 'cohorts' are the groups of people who are in a similar age-range to one another and then further subdivided into 'natives' (aka 'people who grew up together in the valley') and 'transplants.' After all, one of the things I'm trying to accomplish is interweaving three large expansion mods with the base game and coming up with a cohesive whole, and that means knowing who from the various mods have known each other basically forever.
Under the cut, I break down who's in what cohort. I may or may not later flesh out my thinking about why I plopped certain people into certain groups, mostly because when I started to do so with this list, the post grew disgustingly (more) bloated. If I do, I'll probably do a separate post for each cohort. After all, this is the site for rambling about this sort of random stuff, right? 😅 (Edit: that's exactly how I spent my afternoon. You can find my thoughts on each cohort here: Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4, Gen 5.)
If you squint just right, these could be considered spoilers for SVE/Ridgeside/East Scarp.
I divided the population of the valley into five different cohorts/generations. Ages are based on how old they are/would be during the course of Choices. They are also in order of eldest down to youngest. I have actual ages recorded for most of the characters, but it cluttered up this list waaay too much.
(OG) - Base Game, (SVE) - Stardew Valley Expanded, (R) - Ridgeside, (ES) - East Scarp
Gen 1 (Aged 60+) Natives
Maive (R)
Richard (R)
Gil (OG)
Evelyn (OG)
Linus (OG)
Willy (OG)
Lenny (R)
Gen 1 (Aged 60+) Transplants
George (OG)
Mr. Aguar (R)
Sonny (R)
Mrs. Olsen (Emily and Haley's mother) (OG-ish)
Lola (R)
Freddie (R)
Gen 2 (Ages 40-60) Natives
Lewis (OG)
Vivienne (ES)
Jessie (ES)
Mr. Olsen (Emily and Haley's father) (OG-ish)
Lily-Anne (ES)
Ezekiel (R)
Clement (ES)
Helen (R)
Marlon (OG)
Daisy (Adventurer's Guild Expanded)
Mark (ES) (Sterling's father, unnamed in mod)
Jess (ES) (Henry's father, unnamed in mod)
Pierre (OG)
Alecto (Stand Alone)
Robin (OG)
Marnie (OG)
Gunther (OG)
Susan (SVE)
Kimpoi (R)
Kent (OG)
Bert (R)
Olga (R)
Lorenzo (R)
Caroline (OG)
Gen 2 (Ages 40-60) Transplants
Rasmodius (OG)
Carmen (R)
Pam (OG)
Andy (SVE)
Jodi (OG)
Demetrius (OG)
Olivia (SVE)
Pika (R)
Malaya (R)
Naomi (R)
Gen 3 (Ages 25-39) Natives
Tristan (ES)
Clint (OG)
Shane (OG)
Henry (ES)
Sterling (ES)
Mona (OG/ES?)
Jacob [He turns 31 during the fic] (ES)
Mateo (ES)
Jasper (ES)
Kenneth (R)
Emily (OG)
Sandy (OG)
Anton (R)
Maria (R)
Paula (R)
Gloria (ES)
Zayne (R)
Kiarra (R)
Sophia (SVE)
Gen 3 (Ages 25-39) Transplants
Harvey (OG)
Shanice (R)
Mia (ES)
Elliott (OG)
Leah (OG)
Bryle (R)
Philip (R)
June (R)
Kataryna (ES)
Jeric (R)
Aideen (ES)
Rosa (ES)
Flor (R)
Irene (R)
Gen 4 (Ages 18-24) Natives
Penny (OG)
Sebastian (OG)
Alissa (R)
Abigail (OG)
Shiro (R)
Corine (R)
Sam (OG)
Ysabelle (R)
Alex (OG)
Haley (OG)
Lexi (ES)
Blair (R)
Gen 4 (Ages 18-24) Transplants
Victor (SVE)
Maddie (R)
Faye (R)
Juliet (ES)
Sean (R)
Gen 5 (Ages 5-17)
Maru (OG)
Oliver (ES)
Ariah (R)
Trinnie (R)
Keahi (R)
Eloise (ES)
Louie (R)
Vincent (OG)
Jas (OG)
Yuuma (R)
Lavril (ES)
Gen 5 (Haven't decided ages yet)
Leo (OG)
Morgan (SVE)
Bliss (R)
Pipo (R)
Undreya (R)
Yeah, I know there are characters missing (especially from East Scarp, as I have difficulty keeping track of all the individual NPC mods, and SVE), but there it is. I wonder if this is actually interesting to anyone other than me. Oh well. 😅
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waitinqroom · 2 years
my 2023 reads 💌
(this year i’ve decided to include individual poems, articles, short stories, and more!)
mad girl’s love song by sylvia plath (1/02)
red by ted hughes (1/02)
the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe by cs lewis (1/01-1/03)
someday i’ll love ocean vuong by ocean vuong (1/04)
you think it, i’ll say it by curtis sittenfeld (1/01-1/04)
no exit by taylor adams (1/04-1/08)
the drinking water crisis on tribal lands and how the federal government is finally stepping up by marianne goodland (1/09)
the unfinished business of flint’s water crisis by anna clark (1/09)
do not go gentle into that good night by dylan thomas (1/09)
susan sontag on writing by maria popova (1/15)
dark they were, and golden eyed by ray bradbury (1/16)
we were dreamers by simu liu (1/08-1/19)
on photography by susan sontag (1/15-2/03)
diversity vs. fairness by david leonhardt (2/15)
an act of love by tommye blount (2/15)
the horse and his boy by cs lewis (2/11-2/15)
dept. of speculation by jenny offill (2/13-2/18)
sonnets to orpheus by rainer maria rilke (2/20-2/22)
prince caspian by cs lewis (2/18-2/22)
the summer i turned pretty by jenny han (2/26-3/02)
it’s not summer without you by jenny han (3/02-3/04)
we’ll always have summer by jenny han (3/04)
a history of performance (edition: hamlet) by david bevington (3/04)
hamlet by william shakespeare (1/31-3/23)
1984 by george orwell (1/29-3/28)
gone girl by gillian flynn (4/03-4/07)
the joy luck club by amy tan (5/06-6/04)
alexander hamilton by ron chernow (5/14-6/14)
letters to a young poet by rainer maria rilke (6/30)
animal farm by george orwell (6/30-7/02)
the bell jar by sylvia plath (7/02-7/15)
twelfth night by william shakespeare (7/16-7/30)
sappho: a new translation by sappho, translated by mary barnard (8/21)
the scarlet ibis by james hurst (8/22)
marigolds by eugenia collier (8/23)
the monkey’s paw by w.w. jacobs (8/23)
the open boat by stephen crane (8/24)
korean through english by sang-oak lee (2/20-8/24)
the lady or the tiger? by frank r. stockton (8/26)
the minister's black veil by nathaniel hawthorne (8/29)
an occurrence at owl creek bridge by ambrose bierce (8/29)
korean social emotions: han (한 恨), heung (흥 興), and jeong (정 情) by iljoon park (8/30)
the cask of amontillado by edgar allan poe (8/30)
the yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman (8/30)
beautiful world, where are you by sally rooney (7/02-8/30)
daisy jones & the six by taylor jenkins reid (8/30-9/3)
the chalice of the gods by rick riordan (10/08-10/12)
the beatrice letters by lemony snicket (10/14) - reread
yellowface by rf kuang (11/03)
diper overlode by jeff kinney (11/03-11/05)
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loneberry · 1 year
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From The Philosophical Pathos of Susan Taubes: Between Nihilism and Hope by Elliot R. Wolfson. According to the endnote, the block quote by Susan Taubes is from a letter to Jacob Taubes. Susan, the punctilious scholar of Simone Weil that she was, knows the grandeur of the blade of grass and all things fragile. As Weil writes: "The fall of the petals from fruit trees in blossom. ... The vulnerability of precious things is beautiful because vulnerability is a mark of existence."
This was the essence of the presentation I gave—in the Nietzsche class I audited—on one of his last texts, The Antichrist. During my presentation I quoted Nietzsche's disturbing passage on pity: “Suppose we measure pity by the value of the reactions it usually produces; then its perilous nature appears in an even brighter light. Quite in general, pity crosses the law of development, which is the law of selection. It preserves what is ripe for destruction; it defends those who have been disinherited and condemned by life; and by the abundance of the failures of all kinds which it keeps.” I then addressed the class: I find this quote haunting when I consider that Nietzsche suffered a mental breakdown in Turin a year after composing this text, a breakdown from which he never recovered. Supposedly, it was his pity for a horse that was being flogged that marked the beginning of his mental breakdown. How are we to read Nietzsche’s critique of pity in light of the events that took place later? If we construct a life philosophy based on strength, a philosophy that overlooks the sick, so-called failures, and those condemned by life, do we also miss out on the lessons that suffering has to teach us? Simone Weil: "Unconsoled affliction is necessary." Weil again: “All suffering which does not detach us is wasted suffering.” 
As Elliot R. Wolfson writes in relation to Susan's critique of Nietzsche's will-to-power: "the pledge that life must go on is the deceit that tragedy and mysticism share, but, in the end, the excruciating recognition that death is the incontrovertible terminus of living is what gives shape to the tragic orientation and the mystical vision. Both of these perspectives illumine the empowerment that results from the diminishing rather than the intensification of the will. The moral-pietistic demand is for one to become a hollow reed, to decimate the autonomy of the self, which allows the divine to enter and to sustain the vitality of the soul, an incursion that is compared intriguingly to a dream of rising waters." How memorable--the dream of rising waters as the fecundation of the soul...
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magic-spirit26 · 1 year
AU Suggestions
Hi everyone Arhi the hedgefox here so this will be new of the blog which are AU suggestions I haven’t said anything about this yet but now I amSo I’ll be taking AU suggestions for my ocs and I’ll list the resent ones below so you can suggest one for me to doMy ocs from the Sonic universe but they are hybridsJake the jaghog (Jaguar and Hedgehog)Danny and Xavier the bunndog twins (Dog and Bunny)Kelly the hedgehogGabe the HedgehogIan the hedgekidna (Hedgehog mix with one I can’t pronounce correctly but it’s a hybrid)Arhi the hedgefox (Fox and hedgehog)Zozo Lucifer (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox child)Lucy (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox child)Isa (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox child)Jack & Nick (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox children)Alex (Mix of 4 characters)Alice (Sil x A)Stacy (Sil x A)Raven (Son x A)Ace (Sha x A)Max (Sha x A)Linda MacyLily CollinMaxwell BlueMaxy  and Macey the hedgebunny (Hedgehog and bunny) Hodarr Zabus Taylor Kai Arhi the Dog Amber the bunny Alex the rabbit Dominic the Rabbit Jessica the Dog  James the Bunny  Max the wolfMikel the catAmanda the hedgehogAce the werehogJack the werehogMaddison the werehogMaddox the werehog Max the werehog Ian the werehog Mike the werehog Micale the werehog Jim the werehog Angel the werehog Zamen the werehog Josh the werehog Nick the werehog John the werehog Kim the werehog Jay the werehog Stacy the rabbit Miranda the dog Jaquinn the hedgehog Kayla the dog Oliver the dog Amilia the cat
Owen the hedgedog
Emma the hedgehog
Olive the rabbit
Angela the hedgedog
Pam the rabbit
Jason the wolf
Jonny the fox
Mason the rabbit
Grayson the cat
Ava the Dog
Conner the hedgehog
Lucas the Hedgehog
Jake the hedgehog
Aaron the hedgehog
Pat the hedgehog
Mat the dog
Jade the hedgehog
Kade the hedgehog
Jema the hedgehog
Kacey the cat
Jeremiah the hedgehog
Kenny the hedgehog
Ken the hedgehog
Melody the cat
Ortensia the hedgehog
Bob the hedgehog
Cole the hedgehog
Opal the hedgehog
Bobby the hedgehog
Chris the hedgehog
Janus the hedgehog
Jackson the hedgehog
Jacob the Hedgehog
McKayla the wolf
Eli the hedgehog
Jin the hedgedog
Layla the dog
June the Dog
Sam the dog
Rosey the rabbit
My exes and others: MS.exe Arhi.exe Danny.exe Xavier.exe Needlefox Isa needle Gorge Spirit Garry Spirit Len Spirit Jake Glitch King Glitch Alice Spirit Gabriela Spirit Ash Spirit Glitch Coby Grown Zosia Way Dallas Grown Maddox Way Marcus grown Mack Grown Ian Way Angela Way Gabe Grown Nick Way Sam way Owne Grown James Grown Jax Way Susan I. Speye and Linda I. Speye (Twins Identical) Karter Spirit Leo error Cristy Curse Cail Curse Ben Magic Kai Chaotic Malissa Chaotic Macey Chaotic Len Magic Nick Needle Nikky Magic Max Grown Sally Spirit Isaac Magic Samuel Spirit Angela Error Alice Needlefox Eil.exe
Backroom oc entities: Anti-gravity jack Ava Isaiah Ghost Sam Demon kitty Spider boi TV man Rainbowy Dreamcore ocs: Austin woodlock Tomas Woodlock (Resent character) tick tock tim/tom blind Emily rabbit Tarry Henry dream Kenny the robot cat Sana the robot rabbit Creepypasta ocs: Lexi Wolf Lost Exe Lost Alex Grey Elizabeth Morningstar
Cuphead OCS:
Cherry Mocha
Green tea
Chocolate mocha
Strawberry Calypso
Orange Jamaica
Black tea
Batim ocs:
MHA ocs:
Danganronpa ocs:
Leo Komaeda
Lucky Komaeda
Roy Komaeda
Lily Komaeda
Roy Hinata
Jim spirit
Jessica Hinata
Cassandra Kamukura
Katy Kamukura
Conner Spirit
Xavier Kamukura
Rosy and Cane
Vanessa Naegi
Sam Spirit
Samara Spirit
Isaac Komaeda
John Spirit
Cortney Naegi
Luna Naegi
Tim Spirit
Madoka Magica ocs:
Lily Jackquin
MVA ocs:
murder drones ocs:
Magic Spirit and Blare Spirit
Tai Kai
Macy Harkquinn
Casella Tarisa
Marcus June Keller John Keller Zen C. Akuma/Damien C. Akuma Zane B. Akuma Mr.Akuma Mrs.Akuma Leon Spirit Amilia Magic Azrail L. Zozo Thomas Quinn A lot more down the line  So here’s a list of all ocs Yes you can ask me to make your ocs into this as well or draw the actual character them selves Please have a good day/Night or afternoon
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im-getting-cynical · 1 year
Vintage 90s / y2k brands I search for online or at the thrift:
- Morgan and Co. by Linda Bernell
- City Triangles
- Byer too!
- Leslie Fay evenings
- Laundry by shelli segal
- I.N. San Francisco
- Dave & Johnny by Laura Ryner
- Alex evenings
- Rampage, CDC, R- wear
- Gilligan & O’malley
- My Michelle
- Hourglass
- Ceduxion
- Speechless
- Charlotte Russe
- Be Smart
- Per Seption
- Per Se
- Betsy & Adam by Linda Bernell
- Candy Rocket
- Bari Jay
- A fortiori
- Michaelangelo
- Steppin Out
- Jessica Howard
- Younique
- Sally USA
- Simco formal wear
- Rave city
- Blushe impressions
- Express
- Barbizon
- Taboo
- Cloud 8
- All That Jazz
- Robbie Bee
- La Belle
- Jay Jacob’s
- Brunnella
- ASpeed design
- LoLo
- Brilliante by J.A.
- Roberta
- CR Signature
- City Studio
- Two Roads
- Too Hot
- Moa Moa
- Ice
- Duplex by Tyte
- Get Used
- Jonden
- Self Esteem
- Ruby Rox
- Hot Kiss
- Hennes
- Personal Identity
- Judy Knopp
- Just in Time
- Diesel
- Lip service
- Vanity
- Interi
- 579
- Cosabella
- Limited Too
- Accomplice
- Hell Bunny
- Backstage
- Catch Me
- Mistress
- TV Firenze
- Helium
- Fleurish
- Necessary Objects
- Monsoon
- New Look
- Vixen
- Jonathan Martin
- Miss Chievous
- Gunne Sacs
- Soda Blu
- Eye Candy
- Beware
- 4 U Design
- Maxima
- No Boundaries
- Jamie Nicole
- Horoscopez
- Dollhouse
- Magazine
- Misdemeanor
- Goddess Trends
- Ellemenno
- Onyx
- Exact Change
- La petite francaise
- Bray Steven Alan
- Toba & Co
- Joey B
- Tahari
- Blondie Nites
- Van Heusen
- Mudd
- Miss Sixty
- Donna Ricco
- Outlooks
- Susan Lawrence
- Cato Woman
- Save The Queen
- Gasoline
- Southpole
- Heart Moon Star
- Pimkie
- Morgan De Toi
- K-scion
- i-doll
- Joule
- J for Justify
- Vol. 1
- Delaru
- Golf Punk
- Moa collection
- Minerva
- Bay
- Planet
- Aftershock
- Pilot
- Etam
- Hyphen
There’s so many here already but I’m constantly finding new brands to add. Also some of these brands are still active but I often look for old label pieces.
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ulkaralakbarova · 26 days
A blind Vietnam vet, trained as a swordfighter, comes to America and helps to rescue the son of a fellow soldier. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Nick Parker: Rutger Hauer Frank Devereaux: Terry O’Quinn Billy Devereaux: Brandon Call Cobb: Charles Cooper MacCready: Noble Willingham Annie Winchester: Lisa Blount Lynn Devereaux: Meg Foster The Assassin: Sho Kosugi Slag: Randall “Tex” Cobb Lyle Pike: Nick Cassavetes Tector Pike: Rick Overton Latin Girl: Julia González Gang Leader: Paul James Vasquez Crooked Miami Cop #1: Woody Watson Crooked Miami Cop #2: Alex Morris Bus Station Cop: Mark Fickert Popcorn: Weasel Forshaw Six Pack: Roy Morgan Snow: Tim Mateer Female Biker: C.K. McFarland Cornfield Killer #1: T.J. McFarland Cornfiled Killer #2: Blue Deckert Cornfield Killer #3: Glenn Lampert Cornfield Killer #4: Red Mitchell Rockwell Mom: Bonnie Suggs Rockwell Dad: Harold Suggs Freeway Lady #1: Barbara Gulling-Goff Freeway Lady #3: Holly Cross Vagley Freeway Lady #2: Dorothy Young Colleen: Sharon Shackelford Casino Bodyguard #1: Jay Pennison Casino Bodyguard #2: Masanori Toguchi Crooked Croupier: R. Nelson Brown Croupier #2: Lincoln Casey Jr. Croupier #3: Gene Skillen Big Mama: Debora Williams Casino Cowboy: Kyle Thatcher Casino Patron: Patricia Mathews Waiter in Elevator: Mitch Hrushowy Penthouse Guard #1: Ernest Mack Penthouse Guard #2: Linwood Walker Drug Dealer: Robert Prentiss Ski Lodge Killer #1: Jeffrey J. Dashnaw Ski Lodge Killer #2: Glenn R. Wilder Ski Lodge Killer #3: David R. Ellis Ski Lodge Killer #4: Michael Adams Ski Lodge Killer #5: Dave Bartholomew Ski Lodge Killer #6: Fred Lerner Ski Lodge Killer #7: Mike Shanks Ski Lodge Killer #8: Ray Colbert Film Crew: Director of Photography: Don Burgess Executive Producer: Robert W. Cort Producer: Daniel Grodnik Director: Phillip Noyce Producer: Tim Matheson Executive Producer: David Madden Associate Producer: Charles Robert Carner Production Design: Peter Murton Editor: David A. Simmons Original Music Composer: J. Peter Robinson Location Manager: Carole Fontana Unit Production Manager: Dennis Stuart Murphy Location Scout: Mike Harrowing Set Designer: Lauren E. Polizzi Title Designer: Michael Lodge Costume Design: Katherine Dover Production Coordinator: Jeffrey J. Kiehlbauch Casting Assistant: Louise Marrufo Production Coordinator: Gina Scheerer Casting: Junie Lowry-Johnson Casting Associate: William A. Johnson Art Direction: John Myhre Casting Assistant: Elisa Goodman Location Manager: Susan Elkins Script Supervisor: Helen Caldwell Set Decoration: Tom Talbert Second Unit Director: Dick Ziker Key Makeup Artist: Karoly Balazs Special Effects Makeup Artist: J.C. Matalon Assistant Hairstylist: Jan Sebastian Key Makeup Artist: Jeanne Van Phue Hairstylist: Cinzia Zanetti Production Manager: Leonard Bram Executive In Charge Of Production: Ted Zachary Additional Second Assistant Director: Sandy Collister Second Assistant Director: K.C. Colwell First Assistant Director: Tom Davies Second Assistant Director: Douglas Dean III Second Assistant Director: Thomas A. Irvine First Assistant Director: Donald P.H. Eaton Second Unit Director: Max Kleven Set Dresser: Joel Bestrop Art Direction: Michael Marcus Set Decoration: Nicholas T. Preovolos Sound Editor: Gregg Baxter Production Sound Mixer: Jacob Goldstein Assistant Sound Editor: David Hagberg Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Grover B. Helsley Sound Editor: Michael Hilkene Sound Mixer: Walter Hoylman Sound Editor: David M. Ice Sound Editor: Doug Jackson Special Sound Effects: Eric Lindemann Sound Re-Recording Mixer: William L. McCaughey Boom Operator: Prometheus Patient ADR Editor: Tally Paulos Foley Mixer: Troy Porter Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Richard D. Rogers Foley Artist: Joan Rowe Sound Editor: Christopher Sheldon Assistant Sound Editor: Thomas W. Small Foley Artist: Jerry Trent Special Effects Coordinator: Martin Bresin Special Effects Assistant: Steven C. Foster Special Effects Assistant: Marvin Gardner Special Effects Coordinator: Allen Hall Special Effects Supervisor: Mike Manzel Special Effects Assistant: Joe Montenegr...
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identity-library · 5 months
Disability (Books)
A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens)
Tiny Tim (Unspecified Disability)
A Different Kind of Beauty (Sylvia McNicoll)
Kyle (Blind, Diabetes)
All Our Broken Pieces (L.D. Crichton)
Kyler (Facial Difference - Scarring)
American Girl (Series - Various Authors)
Blaire (Food Allergy)
Gabriela (Stutter)
Josie Myers (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Joss Kendrick (Deaf)
Joy Jenner (Deaf)
Maryellen Larkin (Limited Mobility)
Sam Walker (Amputee)
A Step Toward Falling (Cammie McGovern)
Anthony (Down Syndrome)
Belinda Montgomery (Low Vision, Unspecified Developmental Disability)
Douglas (Unspecified Developmental Disability)
Eugene (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Francine (Down Syndrome)
Harrison (Autistic, Blind)
Sheila (Autistic)
All The Light We Cannot See (Anthony Doerr)
Marie-Laure (Blind)
Animorphs (K.A. Applegate)
Collette (Paralyzed)
Craig (Unspecified Disability)
Erica (Unspecified Disability)
James (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Jessie (Unspecified Disability)
Judy (Unspecified Disability)
Julio (Unspecified Disability)
Kelly (Cystic Fibrosis)
Liam (Unspecified Disability)
Ray (Unspecified Disability)
Timmy (Cerebral Palsy, Wheelchair User)
Tricia (Unspecified Disability)
Blind (Rachel DeWoskin)
Emma Sasha Silver (Blind)
Blindsided (Priscilla Cummings)
Natalie O'Reilly (Blind)
Blind Sighted (Peter Moore)
Callie (Blind)
Blind Spot (Laura Ellen)
Roswell "Roz" Hart (Blind - Macular Degeneration)
Bruised (Tanya Boteju)
Caihong "Cai" (Deaf)
Catching the Light (Susan Sinnott)
Cathy (Unspecified Learning Disability)
Cemetary Boys (Aiden Thomas)
Julian Diaz (ADHD)
Connection Error (Annabeth Albert)
Josiah Simmons (ADHD)
Ryan Orson (Multi-Limb Amputee)
Crown of Feathers - Series (Nicki Pau Preto)
Sparrow (Blind)
Daughter of the Deep (Rick Riordan)
Ester Harding (Autistic)
Dear Mothman (Robin Gow)
Noah (Autistic)
Finding Phoebe (Gavin Extence)
Phoebe (Autistic)
Frankie's World (Aoife Dooley)
Frankie (Autistic)
Sam (Wheelchair User)
Future Girl (Asphyxia)
Piper McBride (Deaf)
Gifted Clans (Graci Kim)
Sahm (Limb Difference)
Girl, Stolen (April Henry)
Cheyenne Wilder (Blind)
Good Kings, Bad Kings (Susan Nussbaum)
Joanna Madsen (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Handle With Care (Jodi Picoult)
Willow O'Keefe (Osteogenesis Imperfecta)
Hello, Universe (Erin Entrada Kelly)
Valencia Somerset (Deaf)
Highway Bodies (Alison Evans)
Jojo (Amputee)
House Rules (Jodi Picoult)
Jacob Hunt (Autistic)
How to Speak Dolphin (Ginny Rorby)
Adam (Autistic)
Zoe (Blind)
Jerk, California (Jonathan Friesen)
Sam Carrier (Tourette's Syndrome)
Keep This to Yourself (Tom Ryan)
Junior Merlin (Partially Blind - One Eye)
Learning Curves (Ceillie Simkiss)
Cora McLaughlin (ADHD)
Light a Single Candle (Beverly Butler)
Cathy Wheeler (Blind)
Love and First Sight (Josh Sundquist)
Cecily Hoder (Facial Difference)
William "Will" Porter (Blind)
Maximum Ride (James Patterson)
Iggy (Blind)
Nestlings (Nat Cassidy)
Ana Greene (Paralyzed, Wheelchair User)
Not If I See You First (Eric Lindstrom)
Parker Grant (Blind)
On the Edge of Gone (Corinne Duyvis)
Denise (Autistic)
Percy Jackson - Universe (Rick Riordan)
Amphithemis (Short Term Memory Loss)
Ben (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Ethan Nakamura (Partially Blind)
Halcyon "Hal" Green (Mute)
Hearthstone (Deaf)
Hephaestus (Facial Differences, Limb Differences)
Leo Valdez (ADHD, Motion Sickness)
Phineas (Blind)
Thalia Grace (ADHD, Dyslexia)
Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes (Jonathan Auxier)
Peter Nimble (Blind)
Planet Earth is Blue (Nicole Panteleakos)
Nova Vezina (Autistic)
Punk 57 (Penelope Douglas)
Ryen Trevarrow (Allergies, Asthma)
Rainbow Magic (Daisy Meadows)
Camilla (Deaf)
Elsie (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Harper (Down Syndrome)
Riley (Limb Difference)
Remember Dippy (Shirley Reva Vernick)
Remember "Mem" Dippy (Autistic)
Retina Boy (Ben Shaberman)
Doug Anderson (Blind)
Marcy (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Sadie (Courtney Summers)
Sadie Hunter (Stutter)
Sal and Gabi Break the Universe (Carlos Hernandez)
Floramaria Vidón (Diabetes)
Salvador "Sal" Vidón (Type 1 Diabetes)
She is Not Invisible (Marcus Sedgwick)
Laureth Peak (Blind)
Six of Crows (Leigh Bardugo)
Kaz Brekker (Chronic Pain, Cane User)
Wylan Van Eck (Dyslexia)
Song for a Whale (Lynne Kelly)
Grandfather (Deaf)
Grandmother (Deaf)
Iris Bailey (Deaf)
Wendell (Deaf)
Tall Story (Candy Gourlay)
Bernardo (Gigantism)
The Good Hawk (Joseph Elliot)
Agatha (Down Syndrome)
The Heart of Applebutter Hill (Donna Hill)
Abigail Jones (Blind)
The Idiot (Fyodor Dostoevsky)
Lev Myshkin (Epilepsy)
The Locked Tomb (Tamsyn Muir)
Cytherea the First (Cancer)
The Luis Ortega Survival Club (Sonora Reyes)
Ariana Ruiz (Autistic, Situational Mutism)
The One Thing (Marci Lyn Curtis)
Ben Milton (Spina Bifida)
Maggie Sanders (Blind)
The Storm Runner (J.C. Cervantes)
Renata "Ren" Santiago (Allergies, Epilepsy)
Rosie (Amputee)
Zane Obispo (Leg Length Discrepancy, Cane User)
The Tragedy Paper (Elizabeth LaBan)
Tim Macbeth (Albino, Blind)
The Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan)
Mat Cauthon (Blind)
The Window (Jeanette Ingold)
Mandy (Blind)
Things Not Seen (Andrew Clements)
Alicia Van Dorn (Blind)
Thousand Worlds - Series (Yoon Ha Lee)
Myung Juhwang (Amputee)
Quartermaster Yang (Deaf)
Tristian Strong - Series (Kwame Mbalia)
Jessica "Jess" (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Warriors (Erin Hunter)
Berrynose (Amputee)
Briarlight (Limited Mobility)
Brightheart (Partially Blind)
Cinderpelt (Limited Mobility)
Deadpaw (Limb Difference)
Fallowfern (Deaf)
Finleap (Amputee)
Halftail (Amputee)
Jayfeather (Blind)
Leopardstar (Diabetes)
Lilywhisker (Paralyzed)
Longtail (Blind)
Moth Flight (ADD)
Oddfoot (Limb Difference)
One-Eye (Partially Blind)
Petalfall (Epilepsy)
Shadowsight (Epilepsy)
Snowkit (Deaf)
Whitewater (Partially Blind)
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the East (Gregory Maguire)
Nessarose Thropp (Unspecified Disability, Wheelchair User)
Wings of Fire (Tui T. Sutherland)
Addax (Limp)
Battlewinner (Fantasy Disability)
Chameleon (Facial Difference, Limited Abilities)
Clay (Limp)
Dune (Amputee)
Jerboa ||| (Amputee)
Mayfly (Amputee)
Onyx (Limited Mobility)
Osprey (Blind, Paralyzed)
Peregrine (Partially Deaf)
Sapphire (Amputee)
Scarlet (Facial Difference)
Sequoia (Amputee)
Snowflake (Limited Mobility)
Starflight (Blind)
Stonemover (Limited Mobility*)
Tamarin (Blind)
Tau (Limb Difference, Limited Mobility)
Vengeance (Facial Difference)
Wasp (Facial Difference)
Wonder (R.J. Palacio)
Auggie Pullman (Facial Difference)
100 Days (Nicole McInnes)
Agnes (Progeria)
100 Sideways Miles (Andrew Smith)
Finn Easton (Epilepsy)
13 Gifts (Wendy Mass)
Angelina D'Angelo (Facial Difference)
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Birthdays 12.10
Beer Birthdays
Eugene O’Keefe (1827)
Jack Joyce (1942)
Paul Holgate (1967)
Ed Kopta (1969)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Kenneth Branagh; Irish actor (1960)
Melvil Dewey; librarian, Dewey Decimal System creator (1851)
Emily Dickinson; poet (1830)
Douglas Kenney; National Lampoon co-founder (1947)
Ada Lovelace; English mathematician and computer scientist (1815)
Famous Birthdays
Ken Albers; pop singer (1924)
Allora Ashlyn; pornstar (1993)
Elizabeth Baker; economist (1885)
Isaac Beeckman; Dutch scientist and philosopher (1588)
María Bibiana Benítez; Puerto Rican poet (1783)
Rod Blagojevich; Illinois politician (1956)
Dan Blocker; actor (1928)
Philip R. Craig; author (1933)
Susan Dey; actor (1952)
Michael Clarke Duncan; actor (1957)
Bob Farrell; businessman, founder of Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour (1927)
Bobby Flay; celebrity chef (1964)
César Franck; Belgian composer (1822)
Cornelia Funke; German writer (1958)
Giovanni Gioseffo dal Sole; Italian painter (1654)
Greg Giraldo; comedian (1965)
Rumer Godden, English author and poet (1907)
Harold Gould; actor (1913)
Morton Gould; pianist and composer (1913)
Paul Hardcastle; English musician, composer (1957)
Jack Hues; English singer-songwriter (1954)
Chet Huntley; television journalist (1911)
Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi; German mathematician (1804)
James I of Scotland; Scottish leader (1394)
Tommy Kirk; actor (1941)
Carolyn Kizer; poet (1925)
Dorothy Lamour; actor (1914)
Harry Locke; English actor (1913)
Pierre Louÿs; Belgian-French author and poet (1870)
Mako; actor (1933)
Victor McLaglen; English-American actor (1886)
Una Merkel; actress (1903)
Oliver Messiaen; French composer (1908)
Stephanie Morgenstern; Swiss-Canadian actress (1965)
Ray Nance; trumpeter, violinist, and singer (1913)
Nikolay Nekrasov; Russian poet (1821)
Barbara Nichols; actress (1928)
Mary Norton; writer (1903)
Hermes Pan; dancer and choreographer (1909)
Nia Peeples; pop singer (1961)
Summer Phoenix; actress (1978)
Nelly Sachs; German-Swedish poet and playwright (1891)
Caroline Mehitable Fisher Sawyer; poet (1811)
Guitar Slim; blues singer-songwriter and guitarist (1926)
Johannes Stöffler; German mathematician and astronomer (1452)
Penelope Trunk; writer (1966)
Adriaen van Ostade; Dutch painter (1610)
Meg White; rock drummer (1974)
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edwardmichealsmith · 2 years
Anonymous, “Letter to the Editor,” The Rosebud 4, 1 (September 22, 1832).
Aulette, Judy, Judith Wittner, and Kristin Blakely. Gendered Worlds. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Ball, Charles. Slavery in the United States: A narrative of the life and adventures of Charles Ball, a black man, who lived forty years in Maryland, South Carolina and Georgia, as a slave (1837). 3rd edition. Pittsburgh: John T. Shryock, 1854.
Bourke, Joanna. Rape: Sex, Violence, and History. Great Britain: Virago Press, 2007.
Brooks Higginbotham, Evelyn. “African American Women’s History and the Metalanguage of Race” Signs 17 (1992): 251-274.
Brownmiller, Susan. On Our Backs: Men, Women and Rape. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1975.
Caron, Simone M. Who Chooses? American Reproductive History Since 1830. Florida: University Press of Florida, 2008.
Clinton, Catherine. The Plantation Mistress: Woman’s World in the Old South. New York: Random House, Inc., 1982.
Elder, Robert, “A Twice Sacred Circle: Women, Evangelicalism, and Honor in the Deep South, 1784-1860.” The Journal of Southern History 78, 3 (2012): 579-614.
Foster, Thomas A. “Sexual Abuse of Black Men Under American Slavery.” Journal of History and Sexuality 20, 3 (2011): 445-464.
Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth. Within the Plantation Household: Black and White Women of the Old South. Chapel-Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988.
Higginbotham, Evelyn Brooks. “African American Women’s History and the Metalanguage of Race” Signs 17 (1992): 251-274.
Hodes, Martha. White Women, Black Men: Illicit Sex in the Nineteenth-Century South. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997.
Hooper, William, “Address on Female Education,” Address on female education, given to the Sedgwick Female Seminary, Raleigh, N.C. (February 27, 1847).
Jacobs, Harriet A. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl., Written by Herself. Edited by Maria Fairchild. Boston: Published for the author, 1861. Accessed online at http://etext.lib.virginia.edu.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/eaf/.
Powell, Anastasia. Sex, Power and Consent: Youth Culture and the Unwritten Rules. Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Scott, Anne Firor. The Southern Lady: From Pedestal to Politics, 1830-1930. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970.
Varon, Elizabeth R. We Mean to Be Counted: White Women and Politics in Antebellum Virginia. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998.
Young, Iris Marion. “The Logic of Masculinist Protection: Reflections on the Current Security State” Signs 29, 1 (2003): 11-25.
Young, Vernetta D. and Zoe Spencer. “Multiple Jeopardy: The Impact of Race, Gender, and Slavery on Women in Antebellum America,” in Race, Gender, and Punishment: From Colonialism to the War on Terror, edited by Mary Bosworth and Jeanne Flavin, 65-76. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2007.
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simplysummers · 3 years
i'm kinda blind and very interested in history, could you list the authors and titles of the books on the post "Calling out to the AmRev fandom. I need your help." thanks
Hey there, anon! I’d be more then happy to do that for you!
These are the majority of my amrev books, sparing a few tucked away under my bed, and maybe a couple I just missed off the shelf, the majority of them are amrev bios, with a few historical fictions and stories thrown in for good measure.
I’ve tried to priorities them all into certain categories of person/event/time, and they are listed left-to-right below each photo! Hope this helps!
General events:
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Founding Fathers (by Captivating History)
The Founding Fortunes (by Tom Shachtman)
The Glorious Cause (by Robert Middlekauff)
Valiant Ambition (by Nathaniel Philbrick)
Redcoats and Rebels (by Christopher Hibbert)
General Events:
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(From left to right)
The British are coming (by Rick Atkinson)
Rebels & Redcoats (by Hugh Bicheno)
1776 (by David McCullough)
Scars of independence (by Holger Hoock)
General events/key figures:
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American Revolutions - a continental history 1750 - 1804 (By Alan Taylor)
The Drillmaster of Valley Forge - The Baron de Steuben and the making of the American army (by Paul Lockhart)
Revolutionary Characters (by Gordon S. Wood)
George Washington’s secret six - the spy ring that saved the American revolution (by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger)
Key figures (Laurens, Arnold and Hale.):
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Duty and Inclination (by Rebecca Dupont)
John Laurens and the American revolution (Gregory D. Massey)
Benedict Arnold (by Robert Zubrin)
The Martyr and the Traitor (by Virginia DeJohn Anderson)
Alexander Hamilton centric:
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Alexander Hamilton (by Ron Chernow)
Alexander Hamilton - Adultery and Apology (forwarded by Robert P Watson)
Hamilton and Peggy - a revolutionary friendship (by L.M Elliott)
Hamilton’s choice (by Jack Casey)
George Washington centric:
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Washington - A life (by Ron Chernow)
Washington’s Crossing (by David Hackett Fischer)
Adopted Son - Washington, Lafayette and the friendship that saved the revolution (by David A. Clary)
Martha Washington - An American life (by Patricia Brady)
Eliza Schuyler Hamilton Centric:
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(The second and third book on this list are supposed to be historical fiction, but just take the accuracies with a grain of salt, if you will)
The Founding Mothers (by Thomas Jacobs)
I, Eliza Hamilton (by Susan Holloway Scott)
My Dear Hamilton (by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie)
Marquis De Lafayette Centric:
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Hero of Two Worlds (by Mike Duncan)
Lafayette (by Harlow Giles Unger)
Lafayette comes to America (by Louis R. Gottschalk (this book was a bitch to find in Europe, I tell ya.))
The Marquis - Lafayette reconsidered (by Laura Auriccho)
Political texts:
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Common Sense, Rights of Man and other essential writings (by Thomas Paine)
The federalist papers (by John Jay, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton)
The penguin guide to the American constitution (by Richard Beeman)
The Declaration of Independence - with short biographies of its signers. (No designated author.)
Key figures (Hamilton, Adams and Jefferson.):
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The Patriots (by Winston Groom)
Hamilton (by Tony Williams)
Thomas Jefferson - the art of power (by John Meacham)
John Adams (by David McCullough)
Aaaand that’s all I have on hand for now, Anon! I sure hope this helped you out! (I’m also blind as hell so I struggle to see authors and titles on photos alone also! So I get you completely!)
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thankyoutsfriends · 3 years
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We're dedicating the month of September to Thomas Sanders' friends! They all have contributed so much to @thatsthat24's content and his life, and they're all incredible individuals, so we want to thank them for everything that they do and celebrate them for the lovely people that they are!
On each weekday of September, we'll be celebrating TWO of Thomas' friends! (The schedule along with each person's individual hashtag is listed above in picture form and below in text form.)  Join in on Instagram, Twitter, or Tumblr by posting messages, artwork, etc of love, appreciation, and support! Be sure to tag your posts with the corresponding hashtag so Thomas' friends can see them!
Wed Sept 1: Dahlia and Kenny #ThankYouTSFDahlia #ThankYouTSFKenny
Thurs Sept 2: Leo and Brittney #ThankYouTSFLeo #ThankYouTSFBrittney
Fri Sept 3: Joan and Talyn #ThankYouTSFJoan #ThankYouTSFTalyn
Mon Sept 6: Jay and Nicole #ThankYouTSFJay #ThankYouTSFNicole
Tue Sept 7: Aleks and Manny #ThankYouTSFAleks #ThankYouTSFManny
Wed Sept 8: Calypso and Tammy #ThankYouTSFCalypso #ThankYouTSFTammy
Thurs Sept 9: Esteban and Leannis #ThankYouTSFEsteban #ThankYouTSFLeannis
Fri Sept 10: Rafaela and Paige #ThankYouTSFRafaela #ThankYouTSFPaige
Mon Sept 13: Dominic and Courtney #ThankYouTSFDominic #ThankYouTSFCourtney
Tue Sept 14: Valerie and Dalton #ThankYouTSFValerie #ThankYouTSFDalton
Wed Sept 15: Chris and Alex C #ThankYouTSFChris #ThankYouTSFAlexC
Thurs Sept 16: Davi and Jack #ThankYouTSFDavi #ThankYouTSFJack
Fri Sept 17: Fariha and Lev #ThankYouTSFFariha #ThankYouTSFLev
Mon Sept 20: Alex R and Gavin #ThankYouTSFAlexR #ThankYouTSFGavin
Tue Sept 21: Taylor and Susan #ThankYouTSFTaylor #ThankYouTSFSusan
Wed Sept 22: Brei and AJ #ThankYouTSFBrei #ThankYouTSFAJ
Thurs Sept 23: Jacob and Dennis #ThankYouTSFJacob #ThankYouTSFDennis
Fri Sept 24: Derionna and Cam #ThankYouTSFDerionna #ThankYouTSFCam
Mon Sept 27: Terrence and Kyle #ThankYouTSFTerrence #ThankYouTSFKyle
Tue Sept 28: Jamahl and Joseph #ThankYouTSFJamahl #ThankYouTSFJoseph
Wed Sept 29: Artie and Quil #ThankYouTSFArtie #ThankYouTSFQuil
Thurs Sept 30: Mama Sanders and Papa Sanders #ThankYouTSFMamaSanders #ThankYouTSFPapaSanders
(All Saturdays and Sundays are rest days, by the way!)
Check out the FAQ post for more information. If you still have any questions, our inbox and our asks are open! If you don't use Tumblr, you can message us on Instagram or Twitter!
We're so excited to be hosting this project for the 2nd year in a row and we hope you're excited to join us!
See you on September 1st!
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rafaelsilvasource · 3 years
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Rafa’s Book Recommendations:
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
I Am Not Your Negro: A Major Motion Picture, directed by Raoul Peck from texts by James Baldwin
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
The Normal Heart by Larry Kramer
She’s Come Undone by Willy Lamb
The Earth Shall Weep: A History of Native America by James Wilson
Bent by Martin Sherman
Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by James W. Loewen
The Mystic in the Theatre: Eleonora Duse by Eva La Gallienne
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by Frederick Douglass
Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History by S.C. Gwynne
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain
The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing by Benjamin Graham
Asian and Latino Immigrants in a Restructuring Economy: The Metamorphosis of Southern California, edited by Marta López-Garza and David R. Diaz
Unworthy Republic: The Dispossession of Native Americans and the Road to Indian Territory by Claudio Saunt
Creating Black Americans: African-American History and Its Meanings, 1619 to the Present by Nell Irvin Painter
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
State of Emergency: How We Win in the Country We Built by Tamika D. Mallory
Cassavetes on Cassavetes by Ray Carney
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin
The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee: Native America from 1890 to the Present by David Treuer 
How to Win Friends & Influence People in the Digital Age by Dale Carnegie
How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Becoming by Michelle Obama
Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes by Tony Kushner
RAFAEL SILVA via IG Stories - November 14, 2021
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therealcalicali · 3 years
what are some of your favourite movies or books?
Thanks for the awesome question, hun.❤🥰❤ Since I'm a bit of a neurotic Bibliophile, l'll try to keep things short.😂
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Children's Books:
Heidi - Johanna Spyri
Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales - Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Bezzus and Ramona - Beverly Cleary
How To Eat Fried Worms - Thomas Rockwell
Henry Higgins - Beverly Cleary
Charlotte's Web - E.B. White
Esperanza Rising - Pam Munoz
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Aesop's Fables - Aesop
The Complete Fairy Tales - Hans Christian Andersen
Dinotopia - James Gurney
The Wishful Princess - Kathie Kalafatis
The Complete Short Stories Of Mark Twain - Mark Twain
The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain
Pagan Papers - Kenneth Grahame
Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
Hometown - Norman Rockwell
The Wind In The Willows - Kenneth Grahame
The Legend Of Sleep Hollow - Washington Irving
Dave Dashaway The Young Aviator - Roy Rockwood
The Outsiders - S.E. Hinton
Campfire Girls Collection - Halcyon Classics
Pippi Longstocking - Astrid Lindgren
The Children Of Green Knowe (Collection) - Lucy M. Boston
Anglo-Saxon Boy - Tony Brandman
Perrault's Fairy Tales - Charles Perrault
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Adult Literature:
The Twelve Ceasars - Suetonius
The Prairie Trilogy - Willa Cather
The Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft - H.P. Lovecraft
The Canterville Ghost - Oscar Wilde
SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome - Mary Beard
Major Works of Charles Dickens - Charles Dickens
True Grit - Charles Portis
King Arthur and His Knights - Howard Pyle
The Complete Sherlock Holmes - Conan Doyle
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Ivanhoe - Walter Scott
The Iliad and the Odyssey - Homer
The Art of War - Sun Tzu
Madame Bovary - Gustav Flaubert
Angels and Insects - A.S. Byatt
My Confession - Leo Tolstoy
The Complete Bronte Collection - Bronte Sisters
Valperga- Mary Shelley
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Earnest Hemingway
Uncovering Celtic Mythology - Lucas Russo
The Way of the Wyrd: Tales of An Anglo-Saxon Sorcerer - Brian Bates
The Castle of Otrano: A Gothic Story - Horace Walpole
Lord of the Flies - William Golding
The Complete Tales of Edgar Allan Poe - E.A. Poe
The Complete works of Jane Austen- Jane Austen
The Alchemist- Paulo Coelho
The Orphan on the Rhine - Eleanor Sleath
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Louis Stevenson
The Last Kingdom - Bernard Cornwall
Toll the Hounds - Steven Erikson
The Midnight Bell - Francis Lathom
Dracula - Bram Stoker
The Woman in Black - Susan Hill
The Divine Comedy: Inferno - Purgatorio - Paradiso - Dante Alighieri
Saxons, Vikings and Celts - Bryan Sykes
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman - Laurence Sterne
Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell
The White Horse King: The Life of Alfred Great - Benjamin R. Merkle
Moll Flanders - Daniel Defoe
The Last of The Mohicans - James Fenimore Cooper
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Salaam Bombay (1988)
The Assassination of Jesse James (2007)
Creepshow (1982)
The Wolf if Wallstreet (2013)
Gangs of New York (2002)
Stand by Me (1986)
The Outsiders (1983)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
The Lost Boys (1987)
Interview with the Vampire (1994)
Scarface (1983)
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane (1962)
Bandit Queen (1995)
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1853)
Dances With Wolves (1990)
Gone With The Wind (1939)
The Return of the Living Dead (1985)
The Godfather (1972)
Titanic (1997)
Hellraiser (1987)
The Terminator (1984)
The Exorcist (1973)
Last of the Mohicans (1992)
Goodfellas (1990)
The Omen (1976)
Psycho (1960)
Bully (2001)
My Lovely Sam Soon - KDrama (2005)😂😭🤣
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