urbanlifeindonesia · 8 months
Jasa cuci gorden di suvana sutera, citra raya dan telaga bestari 08118277272
Laundry khusus gorden di tangerang 08118277272 melayani suvana sutera, telaga bestari, citra raya, cikokol, lippo karawaci, perumnas tangerang dan serpong. Pelayanan jasa cuci gorden pertama di jakarta dan tangerang yang prosesnya cepat bisa one daya terpasang. Jasa cuci gorden ini sudah di gunakan dan di percaya oleh Rumah dinas Bupati tangerang sejak 2017 sampai saat ini.
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A MAGICAL DINING EXPERIENCE AT SUVANA RESTAURANT https://is.gd/YjL7gb @CentralPhuket #CentralPhuket
CENTRAL PHUKET 5TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION https://is.gd/d9oDqJ @CentralPhuket #CentralPhuket
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india-lgbt-news · 11 months
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monicaaulia777 · 1 year
Sifat dan karakter zodiak Gemini: Humoris, Cerdas, dan Senang Bergosip!
Sifat dan karakter zodiak Gemini yang lahir antara tanggal 21 Mei sampai 20 Juni tergabung dalam zodiak Gemini. Zodiak yang identik dengan simbol kembar dan elemen udara. Gemini OKEPLAY777 biasanya dikenal sebagai situs tergacor se-Indonesia,orang yang humoris serta banyak bicara.
Akan tetapi ada juga yang menganggap mereka bermuka dua. Kepribadian yang cukup berlainan ini nyatanya tetap membuat Gemini cukup populer di lingkungan pergaulannya.
Sifat umum lain dari seorang Gemini yang diamini banyak orang adalah senang bergosip. Bagi mereka gosip adalah sebuah keharusan, bahkan tak jarang melebih-lebihkan sesuatu.
Tentu saja masih ada sifat dan karakter zodiak Gemini baik yang positif maupun negatif. Bagi Grameds yang berzodiak ini atau bergaul dengan mereka, wajib banget baca penjelasannya di artikel ini sehingga Grameds bisa menjalin hubungan baik dengan banyak orang.
Sifat dan karakter zodiak Gemini yang positif
1. Terbuka, ramah, dan sopan
Pikiran seorang Gemini sangat terbuka dengan berbagai hal baru serta sudut pandang yang berbeda. Mereka juga bersikap ramah dan senang berbicara ketika bertemu orang lain. Kombinasi dua sifat ini tentunya membuatnya menjadi teman yang baik.
Di sisi lain, mereka selalu siap menyambut pengalaman baru, mengikuti perkembangan yang ada di sekelilingnya, dan persuasif. Saat berkomunikasi, Gemini sangat pandai melakukan basa-basi dengan cara yang sopan. Mereka juga memiliki rasa dermawan yang tinggi lho Grameds.
Tak ayal jika akhirnya mereka mampu menarik perhatian banyak orang dan membangun citra positif. Pokoknya kalau Grameds punya teman Gemini, jangan sampai lepas ya!
2. Inisiatif dan intelektual
Gemini sangat senang berinisiatif dalam banyak hal. Mereka tidak akan ragu mengambil langkah pertama jika sudah tertarik dengan suatu hal. Bagusnya lagi, banyak sekali ide cemerlang yang bisa mereka hasilkan untuk membuat inisiatifnya berbuah kesuksesan.
Di sisi lain, kekuatan para Gemini juga terletak dalam sifat intelektual yang ada dalam diri mereka. Gemini akan mengumpulkan semua informasi tentang hal yang membuatnya tertarik. Bahkan jika harus menjadi pemimpin, mereka akan selalu bersikap proaktif dalam berbagai hal.
Saat mempelajari sesuatu, Gemini juga bisa dengan mudah menyerap banyak informasi yang dia dapatkan. Otaknya seperti tak berhenti bekerja untuk memproses semua informasi tersebut.
3. Mudah berteman dengan siapa saja
Gemini tidak akan merasa canggung meski dikelilingi orang yang baru mereka kenal. Sebaliknya, dengan karakter ekstrovert dia menjadi lebih mudah berteman dengan siapa saja.
Bagi seorang Gemini, berada di keramaian dan menghabiskan waktu bersama banyak orang adalah hal yang menyenangkan. Dia juga punya sifat bawaan yang membuat orang lain nyaman berada di dekatnya.
Tak cukup sampai di situ saja, mereka juga mudah beradaptasi dan menyesuaikan diri dengan berbagai lingkungan. Di lingkungannya tersebut, Gemini sangat jarang menunjukkan jati dirinya sendiri agar mereka bisa memainkan banyak peran dan menempatkan diri di mana saja.
Ingin mudah berteman seperti Gemini? Grameds bisa baca buku Gimana Biar Punya Banyak Teman, Best Besties, dan Diterima Semua Sirkel? karya Irfan Suvana. Penulis menjabarkan langkah-langkah untuk mendapatkan banyak relasi dan membongkar alasan sebenarnya kenapa Grameds merasa tidak punya teman.
4. Memiliki energi yang besar
Energi setiap orang berzodiak Gemini sangat besar—bahkan untuk sebagian orang, cenderung tidak tergoyahkan. Ketika mereka menempatkan energi yang besar ini dengan cara yang tepat, para Gemini bisa meraih banyak hal yang dia inginkan dalam hidupnya.
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thebuddhistcentre · 5 years
“Many people want their own front door...but to share and connect with other who chose to live in a similar way” - Tejasvini Suvana (‘Suvana’ meaning ‘happy realm’) project aims to develop Buddhist cohousing in Cambridge, UK. It will be newly built, sustainable, low carbon footprint, the community inspired by Buddhist values.   Here's a conversation with Tejasvini and Jeremy Peters, both involved in the project discussing co-housing as a response to the housing crisis, the plans for sustainable features, affordability, Buddhism almhouses and more. Find out more about the project - visit the blog or follow on instagram.suvana.org / @suvanacam
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mybrooklyn13 · 6 years
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SAILOR GIRL by shreyamshah24 featuring a sailor outfit ❤ liked on Polyvore
Blue color dress / Jessica Simpson mary jane platform pumps / Dolce Gabbana purse shoulder bag, $490 / Bohemian style jewelry / Casetify sailor jewelry / Xuella Arnold Jewellery oxidised necklace, $150 / Metal Couture sterling silver charms pendant / Betsey Johnson sailor jewelry / Kate Spade sailor earrings / Casetify iphone cover case / Eyebrow cosmetic / Georgie Beauty false eyelash / Foundation, $16 / NARS Cosmetics long wear foundation / Hydrating lipstick / Moyana Corigan face care, $35 / Hair styling tool, $35 / Deborah lippmann nail color / Thomaspaul pile rug / Seascape wall art / Clock / Deep Blue Sailor Striped Hair Bow
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jose-a-perez · 5 years
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Hanuman es el dios mono, el hijo del Señor del viento. Fue el mas ferviente servidor del dios Rama, avatar o encarnación de Rudra (Shiva)Se dice que Hanuman tiene un pacto con las ‘grahas’ o planetas, en particular con el dios Shani, regente de Saturno, para mitigar o suavizar, y hasta eliminar los efectos de estos planetas en nuestra vida, y quemar el karma planetario. El además fue bendecido al nacer con un don de cada una de las 33 mil ‘devas’ o seres divinos. Al recitar los mantras a Hanuman, podemos lograr lo que nos propongamos, bien sea sanación, amor, abundancia, o lo que deseemos.El mantra Hanuman Chalisa es una estrofa de 40 versos, escrita por el sabio Tulasidas en Hindi antiguo, i se conoce como uno del os mas poderosos y auspiciosos cantos de la India. Un himno dedicado a Hanuman, traducido por Sadguru Sant Keshavadas.Recitar el Hanuman Chalisa a diario ofrece inúmeros beneficios, incluso al escucharlo solamente. Los beneficios pueden se de orden mental, físico, espiritual, mundanos, o de cualquier especie. Al recitar este mantra a diario, el devoto obtiene las recompensas de sus obras y todo tipo de deseos, pequenos o grandes, son realizados. A través de la recitación continua y regular de este himno, se obtendrán bendiciones y la gracia de poderes gloriosos, y la vida de quien la recita será plena de dicha y felicidadOm Sri Hanumate NamahaDOHASri Gurú Charana Saroja Raja Nija Mana Mukura SudarSignificado: Medito en las partículas de polvo de los pies de Lotus del Gurú, quien purifica mi mente.Baranau Raghu Vara Vimala Yashu Jo Dayaku Phala Chari Significado: Me gustaría narrar la gloria de Raguvir Ram, el otorgador de lis cuatro objetivos de la vida: virtud, riqueza, familia y liberación.Siya Vara Rama Chandra Ki Jai Sharanam Victoria a Rama, el conjugue de Sita.Budhi Hina Tanu Janikai Sumirou Pavana Kumar Significado: Oh dios Hanuman, hijo del dios del Viento. Medito sobre ti.Bala Budhi Vidya Dehu Mohi Harahu Kalesha Vikara Significado: Sabiendo que soy débil de mente y cuerpo, bendíceme con iluminación, sabiduría y dicha, y remueve la dualidad y miseria de mi.Beneficios: Al recitar la Doha de apertura de la Hanuman Chalisa a menudo, se remueven las ‘doshas’ (maldiciones) surgidas de haber insultado con o sin intención a nuestro perceptor (Gurú) o algún devoto del Señor. Al recitar la segunda Doha se remueven las privaciones en la vida, concediendo sabiduría y fuerza.Siya Vara Rama Chandra Ki Jai Sharanam Victoria a Rama, el conjugue de Sita.CHOWPAYI1.  JAYA HANUMANA JNANA GUNA SAGARA JAYA KAPISHA TIHU LOKA UJGARA Significado: Victoria a Hanuman, el océano de sabiduría y nobles virtudes. Victoria al rey de los monos quien es muy conocido y adorado en todas tres esferas. Beneficios: El recitar de la Doha de apertura de la Hanuman Chalisa nos bendice con sabiduría divina.2.  RAMA DUTA ATULITA BALA DHAMA ANJANI PUTRA PAVANA SUTA NAMA Significado: Oh Hanuman, tu eres el servidor de Sri Rama y eres almacén de fuerza sin par. Eses el hijo de Anjani y del dios del Viento. Te saludo y alabo.3.  MAHAVIRA VIKRAMA BAJA RANGI KUMATI NIVARA SUMA TIKE SANGI Significado: Oh Hanuman, eres el cuerpo de diamante, siempre victorioso, héroe de poderes extraordinarios. Disipa la confusión y la negatividad de mi mente y bendíceme con iluminación. Beneficios: ayuda a reformar personas en mala compañía o q quienes hayan caído en malas costumbres. También otorga fuerza abundante.4.  KANCHANA BARANA BIRAJA SUVESHA KANANA KUNDALA KUNCHITA KESHA Significado: Medito en tu colosal pero hermosa forma, como oro fundido, con crespos y aretes brillantes.5.  HATA VAJRA AUR DHWAJA VIRAJAI KANDHE MUNJ JANEVU SAJAI Significado: Oh Hanuman, tu mano está cubierta por el diamante, arma y bandera de Sri Rama, y tus hombros cubiertos por el santo hilo Gayatri.6.  SHANKARA SUVANA KESARI NANDANA TEJA PRATAPA MAHA JAGA BANDANA Significado: Oh Hanuman, eres la encarnación del dios Shankara e hijo de Kesari, el cacique mono. Tus proeza y brillo son legendarios, tu eres reverenciado y adorado por todo el universo.7.  VIDYA VANA GUNI ATI CHTUR RAMA KAJA KARI-BEKO ATUR Significado: Oh Hanuman, eres muy sabio, de nobles virtudes, y muy inteligente. Siempre ansioso por completar el trabajo de Rama. Beneficios: El recitar el 7º y 8º versos nos ayuda a cultivar la devoción a Rama y ser cercanos a Shree Raam.8.  PRABHU CHARITRA SUNA BEKO RASIYA RAMA LAKHANA SITA MANA BASIYA Significado: Tu disfrutas de la gloria e historias de tu dios Rama, Rama Lakshmana y Sita han hecho de tu mente su hogar. Beneficios: El recitar el 7º y 8º versos nos ayuda a cultivar la devoción a Rama y ser cercanos a Shree Raam9.  SUKSHMA RUPA DHARI SIYAHI DIKHAVA BIKAT RUPA DHARI LANKA JARAVA Significado: Oh Hanuman, tu asumes una forma muy sutil y pequeña ante Madre Sita para consolarla. En seguida tomaste una forma colosal y terrible para destruir la ciudad de Lanka.10.  BHIMA RUPA DHARI ASURA SAMHARE RAMA CHANDRAKE KAJA SAMVARE Significado: Oh Hanuman, tomaste el terror de forma sorprendente, mientras matabas demonios, logrando la misión de Rama.11.  LAYA SANJIVANA LAKHANA JIVAYE SRI RAGUVIRA HARASHI URA LAYE Significado: Oh Hanuman, Trajiste el Monte Sanjivana para salvarle la vida a Lakshmana. Satisfecho con tu servicio, Sri Rama te abrazo con mucho amor. Beneficios: El recitar el 11º verso ayuda a remover los efectos de mordeduras venenosas y a eliminar el temor a las serpientes.12.  RAHU PATI KINHI BAHUTA BADAYI TUMA MAMA PRIYA BHARATA-HI SAMA BHAYI Significado: Oh Hanuman, Raghu Pati te alabo y dijo que tú eras tan querido para él como Bharata, su propio hermano. Ta saludo y alabo Beneficios: Recitar el 12º verso ayuda a remover los malos entendidos entre hermanos y promueve la unidad fraterna.13.  SAHASA BADANA TUMHARO YASHA GAWAI ASA KAHI SRI PATI KANTA LAGAWAISignificado: Oh Hanuman, Sri Rama al abrazarte te dijo que hasta el dios serpiente, Shesha, con sus mil bocas no es capaz de expresar tus interminables glorias. Beneficios: Recitar los versos 13, 14 y 15th nos ayuda a obtener fama.14.  SANA KADIKA BRAHMADI MUNISHA NARADA SHARADA SAHITA AHISHASignificado: Oh Hanuman, el más elevado de los sabios, como Sanaka Narada (el gran orador, bien como otras almas santas. Sharada, la diosa de la sabiduría incluso Shesha, el dios serpiente, son incapaces de expresar tus palabras de servicio a Rama15.  YAMA KUBERA DIGAPALA JAHA TE KAYI KOBIDA KAHI SAKAI KAHATESignificado: Yama, el dios de la muerte, Kubera y otras divinidades guardianas, poetas y filósofos no pueden cantar tu gloria de forma adecuada, dios Hanuman.16.  TUMA UPAKARA SUGRIVA-HI KINHA RAMA MILAYA RAJA PADA DHINASignificado: Oh Hanuman, fuiste de gran ayuda a Sugriva al tener amistad con Sri Rama, pues el dios Rama le devolvió su reinado. Beneficios: Recitar los versos 16 y 17 ayuda a recuperar el estatus perdido, o a obtener una promoción o puesto deseado.17.  TUM HARE MANTRA VIBHISHANA MANA LANKESHWARA BHAYE SABA JAGA JANASignificado: Oh Hanuman, tu mensaje fue adherido por Vibhishana. El mundo entero sabe que él se convirtió en el Señor de Lanka por obedecerte Beneficios: Recitar los versos 16 y 17 ayuda a recuperar el estatus perdido, o a obtener una promoción o puesto deseado.18.  YUGA SAHASRA YOJANA PARA BHANU LILYO TAHI BADHURA PHALA JANUSignificado: Oh Hanuman, es historia bien conocida que te tragaste el sistema solar, cogiendo al sol entre tus dedos como si fuese una fruta madura, volando miles de millas a través del cielo. Te saludo y alabo.19.  PRABHU MUDRIKA MELI MUKHA MAHI JALADHI LANGHI GAYE ACHA-RAJA NAHISignificado: Oh Hanuman, llevando el anillo del dios Rama en tu boca, volaste sin cuidados sobre el vasto océano de Lanka.20.  DURGAMA KAJA JAGATA KE JETE SUGAMA ANU-GRAHA TUMHARE TETESignificado: Oh Hanuman, por la gracia de Sri Rama, lo imposible para otros fue fácil para ti. De la misma forma, tu gracia lleva a tus devotos a través del océano de dificultades con facilidad. Beneficios: Recitar el verso 20 ayudara a lograr hasta las más difíciles tareas, superando todo obstáculo.21.  RAMA DUVARE TUMA RAKHA-VARE HOTANA AJNA BINO PAISARESignificado: Oh Hanuman, siempre llevas a cabo las órdenes de Rama. Nunca harás nada sin su permiso. En otros mundos, tu voluntad esta n perfecta armonía con la voluntad de Dios.22.  SABA SUKHA LAHAI TUM HARI SHARANA TUMA RAKSHAKA KAHUKO DHARANASignificado: Oh Hanuman, toda la felicidad y la paz llega a aquellos que toman refugio en ti. No hay lugar al miedo cuando tú eres el protector. Beneficios: Recitar el verso 22 otorga Protección Divina en periodos de adversidad planetaria.23.  APANA TEJA SANHARO APAI TINAHOU LOKA HANKATE KAMPAISignificado: Oh Hanuman, al ver tu brillo ilimitado en la media noche, todas las tres ‘lokas’ o planos tiemblan de terror. Tal es tu poder,24.  BHUTA PISHACHA NIKAT NAHI AVAI MAHAVIRA JABA NAMA SUNAVAISignificado: Los demonios, duendes y espíritus malignos no se atreven a acercarse en el momento que escuchan tu nombre. Oh Mahavira Hanuman de Suprema Destreza. Beneficios: Recitar el verso 24 ayuda a ahuyentar Espíritus de Energía Negativas, incluyendo Bhuta’s, Pishaacha’s, Sakini’s, Dakini’s, y deidades de magia negra.25.  NASHAI ROGA HARAI SABA PIRA JAPATA NIRANTARA HANUMATA VIRASignificado: Oh Hanuman, el valor y la fuerza en persona, toda enfermedad y miseria son destruidos, problemas desaparecen para aquellos que constantemente recitan tu sagrado nombre.Beneficios: Recitar el verso 25 ayuda a mantener buena salud. También otorga la capacidad de soportar el dolor físico cuando uno está herido.26.  SANKATA TE HANUMAN CHUDAVAI MANA KRAMA VACHANA DHYANA JO LAVAISignificado: Oh Hanuman, alivias de inmediato el peligro de luto, en el momento en que se medita sobre ti con la mente, palabra u obra.Beneficios: Recitar el verso 26 nos alivia de dificultades.27.  SABA PARA RAMA TABA SIRAJA TINAKE KAJA SAKALA TUMA SAJASignificado: Oh Hanuman, has bendecido con satisfacción aquellos que se rinden ante Sri Rama. Beneficios: Recitar los versos 27 y 28 concede el cumplimiento de los deseos por Gracia Divina.28.  AUR MANO RATHA JOKOYI LAVAI TSOI AMITA JIVAN PHALA PAVAISignificado: Oh Hanuman, llueves abundancia sobre tus devotos, y ellos obtienen la satisfacción de sus deseos de toda una vida en un instante. Beneficios: Recitar los versos 27 y 28 concede el cumplimiento de los deseos por Gracia Divina.29.  CHARO YUGA PARA TAP TUMHARA HAI PARA SIDDHA JAGATA UJIYARASignificado: Oh Hanuman, tu proeza y fama son conocidas en todas las cuatro ‘yugas’ ( eras). El universo entero es consciente de todos tus actos supremos. Te saludo y alabo. Beneficios: Recitar el verso 29 otorga fama.30.  SADHU SANTA KE TUM RAHA VARE ASURA NIKANDANA RAMA DULARESignificado: Oh Hanuman, eres el protector de Sabios y Santos. El destructor de Demonios, eres muy querido por Sri Rama Beneficios: Recitar el verso 30 ayuda a obtener victoria sobre fuerzas malignas.31.  ASTA SIDDHI NAVANIDHI KE DATA ASA VARA DINA JANAKI MATASignificado: Oh Hanuman, la Madre Universal Janaki (Sita) te ha bendecido confiriéndote ocho tipos de poderes Sobrenaturales, y nueve tipos de riqueza sobre tus devotos. Beneficios: Recitar el verso 31 concede poderes ocultos y gran Riqueza.32.  RAMA RASAYANA TUMHARE PASA SADA RAHU RAGHU PATI KE DASASignificado: Oh Hanuman, constantemente saboreas le dulce néctar del nombre de Rama, al permanecer siempre un servidor dedicado de Sri Raghu Pati. Beneficios: Recitar los versos 32,33,34 y 35 nos ayuda a disfrutar de una vida con ética y satisfacción, sin preocupaciones o frustraciones. Y al final de una vida tan contenta, alcanzaremos la Divina Morada de Shree Raam.TUM HARE BHAJANA RAMAKO BHAVAI JANA-MA JAN MAKE DUKHA BISARAVAISignificado: Oh Hanuman, Sri Rama ama tu canto de devoción. Almas son liberadas de su karma de muchas vidas al escuchar tus oraciones de devoción. Beneficios: Recitar los versos 32,33,34 y 35 nos ayuda a disfrutar de una vida con ética y satisfacción, sin preocupaciones o frustraciones. Y al final de una vida tan contenta, alcanzaremos la Divina Morada de Shree Raam.34.  ANTA KALA RAGHU VARA PURA JAYI JAHA JANMA HARI BHAKTA KAHAYISignificado: Oh Hanuman, devotos bendecidos por ti alcanzan la morada de Sri Rama después de la muerte, y se convierten en los devotos de Dios más exaltados, Beneficios: Recitar los versos 32,33,34 y 35 nos ayuda a disfrutar de una vida con ética y satisfacción, sin preocupaciones o frustraciones. Y al final de una vida tan contenta, alcanzaremos la Divina Morada de Shree Raam.35.  AUR DEVATA CHITTA NA DHARAYI HANUMATA SEYA SARVA SUKHA KARAYISignificado: Oh  Hanuman. Traes felicidad a aquellos que meditan solo en ti. Cuando Hanuman esta presente no necesitamos refugiarnos en ningún otro ser celestial. Beneficios: Recitar los versos 32,33,34 y 35 nos ayuda a disfrutar de una vida con ética y satisfacción, sin preocupaciones o frustraciones. Y al final de una vida tan contenta, alcanzaremos la Divina Morada de Shree Raam.36.  SANKATA HARAI MITAI SABA PIRA JO SUMIRAI HANUMATA BALA BEERASignificado: Oh Hanuman, situaciones dolorosas son removidas y la miseria se termina para aquellos me meditan sobre ti continuamente. Beneficios: Recitar el verso 36 alivia todas las dificultades y dolores.37.  JAI JAI JAI HANUMANA GOSAYI KRIPA KARO GURU DEVAKI NAYESignificado: Oh Hanuman, Gurudeva, vierte tu gracia sobre nosotros, pues eres le Maestro Supremo. Victoria, Victoria, Victoria a Hanuman, el gran Maestro, Beneficios: Recitar el verso 37 asegura la Gracia de Hanuman.38.  YO SHATHA BAR PATA KARAI JOYI CHUTAHI BANDI MAHA SUKHA HOYISignificado: Oh Hanuman, si uno está en esclavitud o encarcelado, tú liberas de dicha esclavitud y dolor, a quien recite esta oración cien veces. Obtendrá libertad y paz.39.  JO YAHA PADAI HANUMAN CHALISA HOYA SIDDHA SAKHI GAURISHASignificado: Quien recite el Hanuman Chalisa, la Oración al dios Hanuman, que consiste de cuarenta coplas, obtiene la perfección del dios Shiva, el esposo de Gauri, la blanca diosa.40.  TULASIDAS SADA HARI CHERA KI JAI NATHA HRIDAYA MAHA DERASignificado: Oh Hanuman, haz de mi corazón tu morada. Tulasidas es tu dedicado siervo por siempre.DOHAPavana Tanaya Sankata Harana Mangala Murute Rupa Rama Lakhana Sita Sahita Hridaya Basahu Sura BhupaSignificado: Oh Hanuman, hijo del dios Viento, liberador de agonías, eres la dulzura y buenos augurios en persona. Oh Hermoso servidor de Dios, por favor coloca al dios Rama con Sita y Lakhmana en mi corazón.Siyavara Rama Chandra Ki Jai Sharanam Pavana Suta Hanumana Ki Jai Uma Pati Maha Deva – Hara Hara Maha Deva!Victoria a Rama, el esposo de Sita Victoria a Hanuman, hijo del dios Viento Victoria a Shiva, esposo de UmaOm Shantihi Shantihi ShantihiOm, Paz, Paz, Paz
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writerdragon4 · 3 years
Through the woods, where the forest melted into oak suvana, sat a phonebooth. A young tree’s light orange leaves reached for the box. Long dry grass grew around three sides. The metal frame had taken on a sun bleached pink color. The windows set in between the metal bars were dusty windows that fogged the view of the interior. Amber opened the door. The frame rattled when she pushed the door harder the two times it got stuck. Amber took a sideway step into the box and closed the door. An elbow knocked against the glass when Amber dug around in her pocket for coins. Into the slot slid one, two, three quarters, one nickel, and one, two dimes. Amber picked up the phone as she dialed a number she knew by heart.
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Indian swimmer creates record by winning gold in Uzbekistan
Indian swimmer, named Srihari Nataraj, had won his second gold in 50 m backstroke swimming created a national record in Uzbekistan Open Championship.
Srihari, who is 20 years old took 25 seconds to get the top prize in the Olympic qualifying event last night.
Indian swimmers got a total of 29 medals, which comprise of 18 gold, 7 silver and 2 bronze in the event.
This was Srihari’s third national record in the last two days as he had done it twice in 100 m backstroke, during this week.
Srihari had achieved the ‘B’ standard time for Tokyo Olympics in the 100 m backstroke. His personal best score 54.10 seconds but he later improved it to 54.07 seconds in the final match to win gold. He missed the Olympic ‘A’ mark by just 0.22 seconds.
There was another Olympic aspirant named, Sajan Prakash, who also impressed us in the event, by winning gold medal in all the four categories he participated in.
On the final day, Sajan, who is recovering from shoulder injury, finished in 53.69 in the 100 m butterfly to top the table.
Maana Patel and Suvana Bhasker, the women swimmers, had won gold and silver medals respectively in the 50 m backstroke event with the best score of 30.28 seconds.
Apart from and Srihari and Sajan, the only male swimmer from the country to participate at the 2016 Rio Olympics, fell short of the Olympic ‘A’ mark for the Tokyo games.
Sajan, who took part in the 200m butterfly on Tuesday, completed his lap in 1m57s, and missed the Olympic ‘A’ cut, which was set at 1m56s.
A ‘B’ mark Olympic means that the swimmer might get an invitation for the event, if the places are not filled up, on the other hand, a ‘A’ mark means an automatic position for the Tokyo Olympics.
Other than, Sajan and Srihari, there are other Indian swimmers who had got the Olympic ‘B’ mark for Tokyo Olympics. They are- Virdhawal Khade, Kushagra Rawat, Aryan Makhija and Advait Page.
None of the Indian swimmers had received the Olympic ‘A’ mark for the Tokyo Olympics.
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urbanlifeindonesia · 9 months
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FLORESTA FOOD PARADISE 2023 http://gg.gg/16fkym @CentralPhuket #CentralPhuket
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svsembedded · 3 years
ESP32 Capacitive Touch Switch Board for Home Automation
ESP32 Capacitive Touch Switch Board for Home Automation | WiFi Based Touch Switch Board for Home Automation | Touch Switch Board, Touch Sensitive Switch, Touch Sensor Switch, Touch Switches. ****************************************************************** If You Want To Purchase the Full Project or Software Code Mail Us: [email protected] Title Name Along With You-Tube Video Link Project Changes also Made according to Student Requirements http://svsembedded.com/ è https://www.svskits.in/ M1: +91 9491535690 è M2: +91 7842358459 ****************************************************************** 1. WiFi switch for Smart Home - ESP8266 IoT Switch for Home Automation - DIY - Part 1 Introduction, 2. Multi functional Smart Touch Switch Panels for Home, 3. WiFi Smart Touch Light Switch Board for Home Automation , 4. Smart Arduino Touch Switch Board For Home Automation, 5. TTP223 Touch Sensor, Touch Control Any Home Appliance Without IC, Details Connection (Hindi), 6. TTP223 Capacitive Touch Switches, 7. Touchable Switch Board | How to Make touch Switch Board, 8. Touch(capacitive) Sensor with ESP32, 9. Touch switch,touch fan reguletar mirror glass plate |by ewk, 10. Touch Switch Board, Smart Home Products, 11. Touch Switch Board For Home Automation, 12. TOUCH KEY CAPACITIVE SWITCH MODULE TTP223, Home Automation IOT / Touch Sensor by Manmohan Pal, 13. Touch based Home Automation || Piezoelectric sensor Arduino, 14. Telegram App Controlled Home Automation Using ESP32 | IOT, 15. Smart WiFi control switch board for light/fan home automation with amazon alexa and google Home, 16. Smart Switch Board | Smart Home | Home Automation | by Farhan, 17. Smart Home Touch Switch With Arduino(English), 18. Smart Home Touch Switch Board Smart Music Control System Flat Hotel Automation India, 19. Smart Arduino Touch Switch Board For Home Automation , 20. Remote control switch board with touch switch by Manmohan Pal, 21. Phlipton WiFi Modular Smart Touch Switches | alexa Enabled Made In India, 22. My biggest Home Automation project using ESP32 | IoT Projects | ESP32 Projects | Ubidots | LCSC, 23. MQTT+Touch switch + ESP8266 EP2, 24. Make your own Capacitive Touch Switch, 25. IoT with Touch based Home Automation- Using Touch sensors of ESP32, 26. Introduction to ESP32 - Getting Started, 27. Introduction into ESP32 with first tests: PWM, Servo, Web, Touch Sensors (Tutorial), 28. How to use Capacitive touch pins of ESP32 Development board to control AC but or LED – Robojax, 29. How To Make TTP223 Touch Sensor Based RGB Tubelight Without Microcontroller In Hindi, 30. How to make touch switch with TTP223 sensor module with control 220v AC appliance, 31. How to make Touch Sensor Bluetooth Controlled Modular Board at home, Ceneloctronics, 32. How to make Touch and Android Application Controlled switch board | Bluetooth based Home Automation, 33. how to make Smart Switch Board | Smart Home | Home Automation | by Farhan, 34. How to Make Bluetooth Based Home Automation Circuit with 8 Channel Designed Circut Added (Hindi), 35. how to make a ttp223 touch used Switch Controller, 36. How to do Simple Home Automation with Amazon Alexa || ESP8266, 37. How to Connect TTP223 with RELAY Module Properly in Hindi ll Ceneloctronics, 38. How I made touch sensor modular board at home, TTP223 touch sensor modular board by Ceneloctronics, 39. Home Automation using Nextion Touchscreen Display and ESP8266, 40. Home automation using ESP8266+ardunio MEGA+Android app, 41. Home Automation Extension Box | 2 way Switch and Smartphone | ESP8266, 42. Google Assistant| Home Automation IOT | Smart Wall Touch Switch | ESP8266, 43. ESP32-Sense Kit Tutorial, 44. ESP32 Touch Sensor, 45. ESP32 SIM800L: Send Text Messages (SMS Alert) with Sensor Readings, 46. ESP32 MicroPython Capacitive Touch & Sound Tutorial, 47. ESP32 Internal sensors - temperature, hall & touch sensors Arduino, 48. ESP32 Capacitve Touch Three Button Demonstration, 49. ESP32 Capacitive Touch Sensor Pins with Arduino IDE, 50. Esp32 and AD7747 capacitive distance sensor, 51. Control Your Room Lights With Your Mobile | Make Your Home "Smart" | Arduino Uno FULL Setup, 52. Capacitive Touch Switch vs TTP223, 53. Capacitive Touch Switch Board | Suvana Solutions, 54. Capacitive Touch Sensor with ESP8266, 55. BEST Touch Switch Review | Smart Light Switch | HG Guideline, 56. Arduino Touch Display Switch Board Home Automation (Hindi), 57. 2.4 inch Arduino TFT LCD Touch Screen Home Automation System,
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Hanuman Chalisa sri guru carana saroj raja nija mana mukura sudhar, varanaun raghuvara vimala yasa, yo dayaka phala chara "Having cleaned the mirror of my mind with the dust from the lotus feet of my Guru, I sing the pure glories of Lord Ramachandra, who bestows the four fruits of life: religion, wealth, pleasure and liberation." buddhina tanu janike sumiraun pavana kumara, bala buddhi vidya dehu mohin, harau klesa vikara "As I know I am an ignorant fool, I meditate on the Son of Wind, Hanuman, and pray him to give me strength, wisdom and knowledge, purifying me from all defects and bad things." siyavara ramachandra ki jaya, pavanasuta hanumana ki jaya, umapati mahadeva ki jaya "All glories to Mother Sita, all glories to Lord Ramachandra, all glories to the Son of the Wind, Hanuman, all glories to Lord Shiva, consort of Parvati." jaya hanumana jnana guna sagara, jaya kapisa tihun loka ujagara, rama duta atulita bala dhama, anjani putra pavana suta nama "Glory to Hanuman, ocean of knowledge and good qualities. Glory to the lord of the Vanaras. His fame echoes through the three worlds. Glory to the divine messenger and servant of Sri Rama! He is known as Pavana Suta, son of the Wind and Mother Anjana, and his prowess is invincible." mahavira vikrama bajarangi kumati nivara sumati ke sangi, kanchana varana viraja suvesa, kanana kundala kunchita kesa "O Hanuman, you have unlimited courage and strength, you destroy ignorance and grant wisdom. Your complexion is golden, your hair is curly and you wear ear-rings." hatha bajur aru dhvaja virajai, kandhe munja janeu sajai, sankara suvana kesari nandana, tej pratapa maha jaga vandana "In one hand you hold the divine Vajra weapon, in the other you have the flag with your emblem. Your shoulder is decorated with the holy thread. You are the son of Lord Shiva and Mother Keshari. Your great prowess is famous all over the world." vidyavan guni ati chatur, rama kaja karive ko atur, prabhu charitra sunive ko rasiya, rama lakshmana sita mana basiya "You have the greatest wealth of divine knowledge. You are virtuous and intelligent, always ready to serve Lord Rama, and your greatest pleasure is listening to His glories. Rama, Laksmana and Sita always reside in your heart." suksma rupa dhari siyahin dikhava, vikata rupa dhari lanka jarava, bhima rupa dhari asura sanhare, ramachandra ke kaja sanvare "You appeared before Sita in a very small form, but you burned Lanka with a terrifying form and a killed the demons with a gigantic form. In this way you always serve Lord Rama." lae sanjivana lakhan jiyaye sri raghuvira harshi ura laye, raghupati kinhi bahuta badai, tum mama priya bharatai sama bhai "You brought the medicinal herb to revive Lakshmana, and overcome with joy Rama embraced you and glorified you, saying that He loves you as much as He loves His own brother Bharata." sahasa vadana tumharo yasa gaven, asa kahi sripati kantha lagaven, sanakadika brahmadi munisa narada sarada sahita ahisa "Sesanaga with his thousands mouths is singing your glories: with these words, Rama embraced you. Even the Kumaras, Narada, Sarasvati cannot complete describe your glories." yama kuvera digapala jahante kavi kovida kahi saken kahante, tuma upakara sugrivahin kinha rama milaya raja pada dinha "Even Yama, Kuvera, the lords of the directions, poets and sages are incapable of fully describing your glories. You introduced Rama to Sugriva, causing him to become the king of the Vanaras." tumharo mantra vibhisana mana lankesvara bhae saba jaga jana, yuga sahasra yojana para bhanu, lilyo tahi madhura phala janun "By following your advice, Vibhisana became the king of Lanka: everyone knows this. You grabbed the sun, millions of kilometers away in the sky, taking it for a ripe fruit." prabhu mudrika meli mukha mahin jaldi landi gaye acaraja nahin, durgama kaja jagata ke jete, sugama anugraha tumhare te te "You crossed the ocean keeping Rama's ring in your mouth as a token for Sita. You could perform such a miraculous task because with your grace even impossible tasks become possible and even easy." rama duare tuma rakhavere hot na ajna vinu paisare, saba sukha lahai tumhari sarana, tuma raksaka kahu ko darana "You always guard the door of Sri Rama, and without your permission no one can enter. By taking shelter in you, all the joys of life are obtained, and one under your protection has nothing to fear." apana teja samharo ape tinon loka hankate kanpe, bhuta pisacha nikata nahin ave, mahavira japa nama sunave "Your radiance is supreme, and the three worlds tremble when you move. You are the supreme brahmachari, conserving your energy. By repeating the name of Hanuman, all the ghosts and demons are chased away." nashai roga harai saba pira, japata nirantara hanumata vira, sankata se hanumana churavai, mana rama vachana dhyana jo lavai "All diseases and sufferings are destroyed by the constant repetition of the name of Hanuman. One who meditates on him with his mind, heart and activities is saved from all difficulties." saba para rama tapasvi raja tina ke kaja sakala tuma saja, aur manoratha jo koi lavai soy amita jivana phala pavain "Rama is the Lord of yoga, and all your actions are dedicated to Him. By your grace, all desires are granted." charon yuga paratapa tumhara, hai parasiddhi jagata uyjiara, sadhu santa ke tum rakhavare, asura nikandana rama dulare "In all times, you are famous for your prowess and talents, your glories are spread all over the universe. You protect the devotees and the sages, you destroy the demons, and you are Rama's beloved." asta siddhi nava nidhi ke data, asa vara dina janaki mata, rama rasayana tumhare pasa, sada raho raghupati ke dasa "Mother Sita blessed you with the power to grant the eight spiritual perfections and the nine material prosperities, and Sri Rama gave you the power to heal. You are always His humble servant." tumhare bhajana rama ko pavai janma janma ke dukha visravai, anta kale raghupati pura jay, jahan janmen hari bhakta kahai "By meditating on you, one reaches Lord Rama, and eliminates the sufferings of many lifetimes. After death, your devotee will reach the abode of Rama, where he will always be a devotee of the Lord." aur devata chitta na dharai, hanumata sei sarva sukha karai, sankata harai mitai saba pira, jo sumire hanumata balavira "The other Devas do not care for the sufferings of the human beings: only Hanuman is the source of all joys, and by remembering him all sufferings disappear." jaya jaya jaya hanumana gosain, kripa karau gurudeva ki nain, yah satavara patha kara jaya chhutahin band maha sukha hoy "Victory and glory to lord Hanuman! O divine Guru, bless us with your grace. By repeating this mantra one hundred times, one is liberated by all problems and obtains unlimited happiness." jo yaha parhai hanumana chalisa haya siddhi sakhi gaurisha, tulasidasa sada harichera kije natha hridaya mahana dera "One who repeats this song with the glories of lord Hanuman obtains all the spiritual perfections. Tulasidasa, the eternal servant of the Lord, gives this promise in the name of Mahadeva, the lord of Gauri. O lord, may you always reside in my heart." pavanatanaya sankata harana mangala murti rupa, rama laskmana sita sahita hridaya basahu sura bhupa "O Son of the Wind, you destroy all difficulties. Your form is all auspicious, and you always reside in my heart together with Rama, Laksmana and Sita." siyavara ramachandra ki jaya, pavana suta hanumana ki jaya, umapati mahadeva ki jaya "Glories to Sita Rama, glories to lord Hanuman, son of the wind, and glory to Shiva Mahadeva, husband of Uma!" Om Sri Hanumate Namah Yatra yatra raghunatha kirtanam; Tatra tatra kritha masthakanjalim; Bhaspavaari paripurna lochanam; Maarutim namata raakshasanthakam MEANING: “We bow to Maruti, Sri Hanuman, who stands with his palms folded above his forehead, with a torrent of tears flowing down his eyes wherever the Names of Lord Rama are sung”.
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zanaryl · 6 years
Interrogation Log 7714-001
“It was a dream come true, to serve on the Zanaryl. A vessel that had been in construction for as long as I could remember. A ship that could hold millions of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of vehicles. Practically a city in space, completely self sustainable. It could do its own repairs, mine for its own fuel, produce its own food, build its own army. It was truly a marvel of technology, though not exclusively Qaeylian technology. The Zanaryl takes advantage of reverse engineered Chikarian technology like the Delar-Suvana Drive, a faster-than-light engine unlike anything any other country on Qaeyl has access to.
That's why we're here though, I think. I still don't know exactly what happened, I don't think I ever will, but that drive must've had something to do with it.”
The silvery feathered interrogator narrowed her crimson eyes at my spiel, clearly unimpressed. She sat perfectly still with her penetrating gaze, leaving me stirring in my seat. Nothing was said for a good few seconds, so I decided to break the dead air.
“So, um, am I supposed to-”
“You're supposed to cooperate, not go off on grandiose tirades.” Her voice was icy, cold, and demanded the respect she undoubtedly deserved.
“Y-yes, I apologize. What, what do you want to know?”
Satisfied that she had me back under her thumb, she started thumbing through the mountain of folders stacked so high it looked prone to toppling over. She selected a red covered folder from the pile and opened it up.
“You were a damage controller in the 51-64 sector of the Zanaryl, correct?” She asked, her tone a whole lot more amiable now that I was cooperative.
“Yes, Officer.” I replied and nodded my head.
“What were you doing at the time the Zanaryl discovered the Derelict Vessel?”
I leaned back in my chair and stared at the ceiling as I recalled that moment that happened oh so long ago.
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olympictickets · 5 years
Indian swimmers goal to achieve 'A' Qualification mark for Tokyo 2020 Olympics
The likes of Virdhawal Khade and Srihari Nataraj will look to achieve the 'A' Qualification mark for the 2020 Olympics when they compete at the 10th AASF Asian Age Group Championships, starting here on September 24. Fans from all over the world can book Summer Olympic Swimming Tickets online from our trusted online ticketing market platform.
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The honorable show will see the contestants competing in 4 different aquatic disciplines swimming, diving, water polo and artistic swimming in several locations spread across the city, which is set to host the tournament for the first time.
India will be signified by a strong contingent, covering Olympians like Khade, Sajan Prakash and Shivani Kataria, backstroke sensation Nataraj, sprinter Anshul Kothari, national record holder in breaststroke Likith SP, freestyle specialist Khushagra Rawat in the Open Category.
The contestants who will take part in the age-group categories are; Kenisha Gupta, Kushi Dinesh, Suvana C Baskar, Tanish George Mathew, Sanjay CJ, and Riddhima Virendra.
Apart from the host country, the contest will witness top swimmers from Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore as well.
Expert sports administrator Virendra Nanavati, vice president of Indian Olympic Association said:
"This is a very crucial period for the Indian swimmers as some of them are vying for the 'A' Qualification mark for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. At the recent FINA World Championships, we had good participation with six swimmers, four Open Water swimmers and one diver qualifying to take part and some of them even improved the best Indian performance record. Good show here at the 10th AASF Asian Age Group Championships Bengaluru 2019 will put them in good stead to make the qualification mark for the forthcoming Olympics." 
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In the previous edition held in Uzbekistan in 2017, India gained a total of 40 medals in swimming -- five gold, 13 silver, and 22 bronze -- while in diving, India gained 3 gold, 2 silver, and 3 bronze.
Olympic fans can get Olympic 2020 Tickets through our trusted online ticketing market place. OlympicTickets2020.com is the most reliable source to buy Summer Game Tickets.
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inventivaindia · 5 years
Undergraduate students win Smart India Hackathon 2019 for developing tech using AR and VR
Undergraduate students win Smart India Hackathon 2019 for developing tech using AR and VR
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At the recently held grand finale of the Smart India Hackathon-2019 hardware edition, team STAC 1 from Ajeenkya DY Patil University, Pune, bagged Rs 1 lakh cash prize for its innovation under the theme ‘Robotics and Drone’. 
Apart from STAC 1, Suvana from Muzaffarpur Institute of Technology, Muzaffarpur; and Quebik from Viva Institute of Technology, Maharashtra, and FORBOTS from Mar Baselios…
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