#Swiftfighter fucking murders her
snaill-dragon · 3 years
A Fragile dream
Oh boy. Hey! so, I redid another one of the prologues... I know I said I couldn't for a bit but my brother let me use his computer, so thanks him. this one, in my opinion, isn't that good. However given what I had to work with from before, know it could be worse/hj. this one is a lot more dark so tw: death, betrayal by a family member, and uhhhh, some briefly mentioned stuff about how two of the skywing hybrids who used to live in the sky kingdom but don't now for sad reasons. (also tumblr messed with the formatting *again*, nothing I can do about it, sorry)
Swiftfighter watched his sister out of the corner of his eye, she was sitting with Phoenix and Song, waiting for Paradise to arrive as well, he suspected. He thought that would be a good time to make his move, to ask her, Dream trusted Paradise, so she was more likely to leave the others alone when he was there. The group was perched on a few branches, above the edge of the crowd, Swift had to help carry Song up as she couldn’t fly yet, but the rainwing dragonet seemed comfortable up there. He had claimed he was going for snacks, but really he just needed a moment to breathe, to think about something other than his… job. And yet that’s all he found himself thinking of anyway. Swift shook his head a little, and decided to head throw the growing crowd of dragons to the festival's snack stands. This year they had imported some rock candies from the skywings he was sure Phoenix and Paradise would love, a reminder of a home they once had.
The line wasn’t long, and since Swift was big enough to be intimidating, dragons let him through the crowd without much issue. He grabbed a basket of the candy, dropping some coins on the table, and decided he would rather fly back over to his friends rather than move through the crowd again. He landed with a small creak on the wider branch Phoenix was also on, the skywing hybrids warmer scales brushed over him in greeting,
“Welcome back, what did you grab?” he asked eagerly, almost knocking Swift over in an attempt to peer into the basket.
“Phoenix,” Dream warned, and the slightly younger dragon pulled back as Swift handed the basket over to her. “Thank you, Swift.” She pulled out one of the colorful treats, and looked up at him again. “Whats this?”
“Rock candy, they got it from some skywings, figured he would like it.” Swift nodded in Phoenix’s direction, who had lit up.
“Can I have one?” he asked, already reaching out some talons, Dream handed him some red ones. Then reached back into the basket and offered a blue one to Song, the dragonet sniffed it for a second, before turning a disgusted shade of green and turning away.
“No.” she said, Dream sighed and decided to take a bite herself instead.
“Come on Song '' Phoenix insisted after swallowing, “you should try it, it's delicious.”
“No it's yucky.”
“You don’t know that if you haven’t tried it.” Swift added, he had gone out of his way to grab these, afterall. Dream glared at the pair of them,
“She doesn’t have to eat it if she doesn’t want to, you guys.” She said, and the subject
was dropped quickly, luckily just in time for a new prospect to come and ruin their conversation. A rainwing, much older than any of them, flew up and glowered at them.
“Move it along, dragonets, this is my spot.” He insisted, “I reserve it every year for the festival, as I’m sure you’ve seen.” Swift kinda glared at him, but followed without protest as Dream jumped off her branch, and he saw Phoenix grabbing Song before he dived after her. When they landed on the ground, they were quickly surrounded by other dragons, and Swift never saw where the other two landed. He looked around for a split second, before realizing he should probably take this moment to his advantage.
“Hey Dream… uh, can I show you something?”
“Hmm?” she asked, turning to look at him. “What is it?”
“Just on the outside of town, there were some odd rock formations I saw flying over this morning.” He lied, pointing in the direction he was meant to bring her.
“You think Stonecaller made them?”
“It's usually her, yes.” He agreed, the troublemaker was usually a pain in his neck, but he could use her to his advantage now. Dream sighed, rubbing her talons against her forehead,
“Great,” she muttered sarcastically, “I have to go deal with that later.”
“Actually I think we should go now,” Swift insisted, “someone could find them, with how many dragons are here.” Dream looked conflicted at his words,
“I suppose… but what about Song and Phoenix?”
“They can go for a few moments without us, isn’t part of raising them teaching them independence?”
“Well… yes.”
“Besides,” he nudged her in the right direction, and they started to try and shuffle through the crowd “Paradise might actually be here when we get back.” When I get back, he thought to himself, but he dismissed the thought, it had to happen.
“Maybe…” Dream agreed half-heartedly, she was probably worried about the others Swift suspected. He hurried her along before she could turn back, muttering apologies to anyone he moved by a little too fast. When they arrived, Dream turned to him.
“You're acting off, what's wrong Swift?” She asked, seeming more concerned than suspicious, he scoffed, his sister was always oblivious.
“I'm just worried,” he said, stalling now more than anything, any minute now. “About Stonecaller?”
“About me, really.”
“And why would you-” and then, with perfect comical timing, his sister keels over, a small dart sticking out of the back of her neck. A moment later there was a thump, and a large blue and red rainwing stood before him.
“Good job, Swift.” He nods, not looking at the newcomer and instead his sister. He reaches a talon over her neck,
“She’s just asleep right now right?”
“For now, oh and,” the dragon breaks off the gem embedded necklace Dream had been wearing, and hands it to him, “she won’t need this anymore.”
“...thanks.” He was pretty sure they knew he wasn’t actually thankful, but they nodded anyway, as slowly, at the now exposed part of her neck, Swift wrapped his talons around her.
“Make it quick, and she won’t feel a thing.”
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