#Sydnfra Dras
thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
Here’s another weekly prompt submission for the Angels’ discord! The prompt last week was “voice claim”, and this time around I actually went ahead and did something serious! It’s based on this scene from OITNB (featuring Hes’ voice claim, Danielle Brooks), and it’s kind of a snippet from a story idea I had wherein the Empire burns the city of Tikaroo—more on that some other time, though. For now, though, enjoy this! It was super fun to write and I really like how it turned out, so yeah, hope y’all like it too! :D
Characters: Hes Chaddic, Sydnfra Dras
Word Count: 913
TW: None
(full story below the cut)
“Dras…you ordered this?”
Hes stared down the street as Dras turned to face her. Illuminated by the bright blue, sulfurous flames roaring around her, Hes saw her clearly: standing with her two Death Trooper bodyguards, looming like three obelisks over the destruction of Tikaroo, watching in silence as countless peoples’ homes went up in smoke. Though Dras wore a mask to protect herself from the fumes, Hes could still see her face. If she felt any remorse, she didn’t show it.
“Why?” Hes stammered. “Why do this?”
Dras’ brow furrowed, and she and her troopers began to walk towards Hes. “I said it clearly before, Chaddic: should you continue to take up arms against your Empire and resist our rule, we shall rain hellfire down upon you and destroy you, completely and utterly, with neither mercy nor hesitation. You made the mistake of inspiring this city’s people to fight, and with that, aid in you taking this city. Thus,” she swept her hand out in front of her, gesturing to the city burning around them, “Hellfire.”
“I thought you were different,” Hes growled, her shock slowly morphing into righteous fury. “I thought there was hope for you, but—”
“But you were wrong” Dras almost shouted, stopping short a few yards from Hes. “Get it through your head, Chaddic: I’m where I want to be. I am a proud member of the greatest Empire the galaxy has ever known, and I will be the one to bring peace to Devaron. Not your Angels. Not you. That said,” she paused, turning her back on Hes and starting to walk away, “troopers: dispose of the Archangel.”
Dras smiled as she heard the troopers raise their blasters, but another sound caused her to stop short. Instead of blaster fire, she heard the two troopers gasping for air, and she turned to see them being raised off their feet, desperately clawing at their throats. A few yards from them, she saw Hes, her right hand raised while, with the left, she slowly and methodically unsheathed a saber tonfa. Before Dras could say anything, Hes suddenly clenched her fist, snapping both troopers’ necks in an instant. Their bodies fell to Dras’ left and right, and while she stared at them both in disbelief, Hes lit her saber, its loud, booming ignition calling Dras’ attention back to her.
“Oh…” Dras almost whispered, trying her best to keep her voice from shaking. “I should have known you wouldn’t be that easy to defeat. Well don’t think that I—GAH!” Dras had moved to grab her own weapon, but Hes wrestled it away from her with the Force as soon as she did, instead twisting Dras’ arm behind her back. Before Dras could even begin to resist, she felt herself flying backwards, only stopping when she collided with the stone wall of what was once a building. The impact broke the hand behind her back, not to mention knocked the wind out of her, but that was the least of her problems; held in place by the Force, she could only watch in horror as the Archangel slowly walked towards her, fangs bared and violet blade humming at her side.
With her free hand, Hes dragged Dras up the wall with the Force, so that when she was finally upon her, their eyes were level. Slowly, Hes brought her tonfa’s blade up to Dras’ throat, so that with one small movement of her elbow, she’d slice clean through her neck. Yet even then—even with all Dras had done, and even with the sulfur fumes messing with her brain, telling her to give into her animal instincts and cut off the evil bitch’s head—she wanted to find some reason not to do it. Through clenched teeth, she snarled at Dras. “Say something.”
Dras said nothing—she could only stare wildly into Hes’ slowly yellowing eyes, the hum of the saber’s blade drowning out any thoughts she could have had. Infuriated at having to repeat herself, Hes shouted in anger and punched the wall next to Dras’ head, leaving a craggy, fist-shaped crater in the stone. “SAY SOMETHING, GODDAMMIT!”
“I’m sorry!” Dras suddenly shouted, shutting her eyes and wincing as the stone vibrated on the back of her head. Why the hell did I say that, she screamed in her mind, knowing it would only serve to worsen her situation.
After a pause, Hes spoke again. “Thas all you got?” she said, her tone as much one of belittlement as one of contempt. “You sorry?”
“I’m sorry…” Dras repeated, opening her eyes again in one last burst of courage. She felt tears welling up now, and with every other sentence she gasped for breath. “Sorry...that you can’t see what I’m trying to do. There’s no other option for any of us, Chaddic. If the galaxy...if Devaron is to have peace, it must be on the Empire’s terms. There’s no other way. Don’t you get it? I’m trying to save this planet, all of it’s people, even you! I’m trying to save Deva—”
“SHUT UP!” Hes shouted, pounding the wall in the same spot she had before, effectively silencing Dras. There was another pause as Hes waited for Dras to open her eyes again, and eventually she did. If that was all Dras had to say at a moment like this, then maybe Hes had misjudged her. Now, though, she saw her for what she really was.
“You just tryna save ya own damn life.”
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thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
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Taking a break from the big Angels group pic (I’m waiting on one person to finish their Angel anyways), here’s a character I’ve hinted at before but am only just now showing off! Meet Sydnfra Dras: Imperial army general, master martial artist, and probably Hes and the Angels’ worst enemy.
Pictured here is her in all her different outfits and armor, since unlike most Imperials she’s no stranger to fighting in the field herself—more on that in her bio, though. She was super fun to design and draw, so yeah, I hope you guys think she’s interesting too! :D
(bio/backstory below the cut)
Syd Dras was born in 36 BBY, to less-than-fortunate circumstances. The illegitimate daughter of Republic Admiral Vidris Dras and a Devaronian waitress Vidris met while on leave, Syd was disowned by her father as a stain on his otherwise spotless reputation, and for the first fourteen years of her life she lived in poverty with her mother on Devaron. Following Cad Bane’s attack on the planet and her mothers’ death at the hands of his droid forces, however, Syd was taken in by her father, which she saw as a chance to finally connect with her family.
It wasn’t that, though—between Vidris still resenting his daughter and him being busy serving under General Pong Krell, the two barely saw each other. Nevertheless, Vidris begrudgingly payed for his daughters’ existence, and as soon as she was old enough he shipped her off to the Republic academy on Coruscant, more than anything just to get her out of his hair. Even so, Syd relished the opportunity to become a naval officer, both to follow in her father’s footsteps (she considered him an idol for the longest time) and to avenge her mother’s death by fighting off the Separatists and making the Republic safe again.
Then, right as she was about to enter her new year of school, the Republic was reorganized into the Empire—and of course, things only got harder. As the anti-alien sentiments of some in the republic became universal law in the Empire, Syd faced discrimination from her peers and higher-ups alike, continuing into her time with the Imperial army. For whatever reason, Syd took their criticisms to heart, and over the years she began to resent her Devaronian blood. She still fought to avenge her mother’s death, and she still had a secret respect for her culture, but Devaron was no longer her home—her only home was with the Empire.
With that mindset, Syd set about to prove herself a loyal Imperial. Over her 20+ years of service with the Imperial army, she rose to the rank of general, became as skilled with her fists as her electro-staff, and was granted her own legion of stormtroopers to command. Despite continuing harassment over her Devaronian blood, she showed she was devoted to her cause, and many in the Empire even grew to respect her.
However, not all were convinced, leading Sydnfra to her latest task—putting down the growing rebellion on Devaron, through any means necessary. Her superiors really stressed that last point: “Slaughter the lot of those devils if you have to”, they told her. If she had any reservations about her task, she did not let them show, and she simply went to Devaron with her forces as she was told to.
So now, in conjunction with the Devaronian government, she works towards what she hopes is a quick and easy victory. She didn’t count on one thing, however—a certain ex-Jedi who isn’t about to let her planet fall to some Imperial sellout.
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thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
So who are all the Angels’ enemies?
Good question! Here all the ones I and others have thought up so far:
The Empire (obviously)
Kardue’sai’Malloc (only briefly on their shit list, as I imagine he went into hiding post-Montellian Serat Massacre)
The Nohnanzo Gang (they go back-and-forth between being allies and enemies)
Rhodo Croseit (who belongs to @deer-head-xiris)
Cypher Delzin (who also belongs to @deer-head-xiris)
Maarhegul G’vund (briefly, before she allied herself with them)
Markhor’sai’Malloc (briefly, before he also allied himself with them)
Naria Corcer (who belongs to @in-a-nutcase)
Crimson Dawn
Black Sun
The Broken Horn Syndicate
The Hutts
Basically any and every crime syndicate/family out there, as Hes made it a rule not to deal with criminals (or at least not criminals motivated by their greed)
Captain Gideon (very briefly an enemy, before Hes and him had the best sex of his life and he pledged his ship and his crew to the Angels’ cause if ever they needed his help)
Sydnfra Dras
The list is probably far bigger than that, but yeah, those are the bigger enemies of theirs :D
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