#Sylva Nox Fleuret Caelum
zhenniguan · 1 year
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So, I'm writing a fic bc I read a fic and now I'm having THOUGHTS.
So. We fuck with the time table. Instead of Noctis being 10yo, Ignis being 12, Luna 14, and Ravus 17 (how old I normally hc them to be for the attack), they're about 2 years younger (Ravus is 16 but only has been for like 3 weeks). Noctis and Regis went to Tenebrea with Claruas, Ignis' uncle, and Ignis because they thought it would be a good idea for Noctis and Luna to get to know each other. Obviously this falls to shit and the Empire attacks. However, the kids make it out and Queen Sylva doesn't die. I have an oc (her name is Kendra and ill explain her more at the end) who ends up going with the kids because she's friends with Ravus. The kids end up going to Galahd to hide, and of course change their names.
So now Ravus is 'Ralin' but not really because they chose that sense it shortens to Rae, and that's Luna's nickname for him. Kendra just shortens it to Ken. Luna's now Lily. Ignis is Edward because Eddy sounds like Iggy. Noctis is Nathin because Nat sounds like Noct.
So they end up in Galahd, which is mostly open to the Tenebrain refugees, so long as they contribute in some way. They don't really need to worry about money because due to the war the government has all the money, and people just use trade. The kids end up on the largest island (will use map we see in ep. Ardyn and put screenshots at end), and they wander around for a few days before Ravus finds somewhere for them to stay. This is a slightly rundown inn with 5 floors and a basement, each floor has two apartments.
They are on the second room on the second floor. This inn is run by a woman, Miss Erica, and rather than paying rent they just kinda work for her. So she'll send Ravus out of run errands and teaches Kendra to cook. Because she is teaching them how to cook and clean. She also has a school on the top floor.
Their version of school is set up different and I will explain that in another post, but they all have to go to school at different times of day.
Nyx and his family also live here. Nyx ends up becoming friends with Ravus. Nyx's mom helps watch Luna, Ignis, and Noctis. And everything is good for about 2 years, then the Empire attacks again. Ravus protects Nyx's sister and motjer, and losses his left hand and about half of his left forearm. Kendra was hiding in the inn's basement like she was meant to be doing. Ignis and Noctis were out in a field not to far away and get attacked by a Maralith (giant 6armed sword welding snake lady). Ignis dies, but Noct doesn't know that so he accidentally brings him back to life. Iggy is now blind. Noctis has about the same ingury that would have sent him to Tenebrae in canon. Luna panics and ACCIDENTALLY SUMMONS A GODDESS.
She's also an oc, Ifrit's younger twin, goddess of molten rock. Her name is Agyua. She puts everyone in a pocket dimention of sorts, and kicks the Empire the fuck out of there. She did not send Luna away, and sort of goes through Luna's head to figure out where to put people when she puts them back. Like putting Ravus, Ignis, and Noctis in the hospital. Luna passes out, ends up in a coma to regain her strength. Same with Noct. Kendra has to help with cleanup, and Ravus and Ignis help each other relearn how to walk. (Ravus doesn't get a prosthetic for a few more years because unlike most healthcare in Galahd those aren't free.)
Now Agyua gives Galahd's solders and medics her blessing, and now you have the Glaive only not loyal to Lucis. These abilities do change a bit based on where you're from, like Tenebrain's are very good healers.
About now Sylva makes a deal with another oc, Miyako, goddess of the dead, and also Ardyn. Miyako was imprisoned by Bahumut and whipped from history, and is pissed at him. Cor also adopts Prompto around now. Kendra joins the hunters.
Another four years Regis still hasn't been able to track down Noct, and make Cor the heir. Regis keeps a group to secretly look for Noct (Gladio, Aranea, Cor, eventually Iris) Prompto has been online buddies with Noct for a while now, figures out who and where he is, and tells Cor. Cor sends him with Gladio, Aranea, and Iris to go get him. He's not home when they get there but Luna is, and she thinks them sus so she stalls until Noct does get home. Noct knows Prom, nobody else. And trusts Prom, but nobody else. Hence more stalling until Ravus can get beck, because he's been in charge from day one, Ignis isn't n town today and neither is Kendra.
Ravus has Prompto call Cor to better explain the situation, basically goes 'I'm not dragging us over that hell hole of a war zone to get to Insomnia' and now Gladio is mad at Ravus because Cor put Ravus in charge and Glado was supposed to be. Another year, and Miyako uses an army of dragon ghosts to drive the Empire out of Tenebrae. Miyako and Agyua are dating and have Tenenbrae and Galahd make an allince. Somewhere in there Ravus and Ignis get together. Also almost all of them end up fighting on the front lines at least once. Luna and Ravus (bc he also can heal screw u) fix up Noct and Iggy so Iggy can see in one eye and Noct's only issue is he now accidently shares him magic with Ignis in ways he's not supposed to be able to. Libertus and Crowe move in down the street, become friends with them.
Ardyn kidnaps Sol, kills her dad who was the heir the nif throne, and gives her to Sylva because that man doesn't know how babies work. Now the Empire is starting to self destruct.
Two years later, and our group gets to go to Insomnia. (Also Noct and Luna are a thing now.) They tell a few people about who they actually were, and Nyx is flabbergasted lol. After a bit Luna and Ravus have to go home, which isn't fun because by now they all have some level of seperation angxity and codependency issues (pls ignore bad spelling).
They figure out the whole Prophcey, go f*ck Bahumut, fight him with Agyua and Miyako, win, and Ardyn ends up ruling Lucis with Area after Miyako brings her back form the dead, while Noct and Luna get married and run Tenebrae. happy ending but Nyx dies only to come back during fighting god. so. just don't always trust that the dead are really dead.
Anyways! Kendra! She's 15 at the start, has long brown hair she likes to dye random colors, is pretty smart, and strong, basically the dad friend while Ravus is the mom friend. Also sarcasm.
Map screenshots! 1. what gods rule where, 2. map of Galahd as best i could, 3. Altissia, 4. Insomina in the light and the rest of Lucis, 5. the weird cost above nif is tenebrae, 6. full world map, 7. the other islands above tenebrae are where demons first popped up & are uninhabited, 8. nifelheim.
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ffxvficrec · 7 months
by JackShit , ThisIsNew Join Princess Lunafreya Nox Fleuret of Insomnia on her journey across Eos to marry Lord Noctis Lucis Caelum. Accompanied by Iris Amicitia, her shield, Aranea Highwind, her advisor, and Cindy Aurum, her friend, Luna must obtain the blessing of the gods and banish the scourge of darkness overwhelming the land. A collection of one-shots within the roleswap AU. Words: 342, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Multi Characters: Lunafreya Nox Fleuret , Aranea Highwind , Cindy Aurum , Iris Amicitia , Noctis Lucis Caelum , Aera Mirus Fleuret , Gladiolus Amicitia , Prompto Argentum , Ignis Scientia , Cid Sophiar , Cor Leonis , Clarus Amicitia , Sylva Via Fleuret , Ardyn Izunia Additional Tags: Crack Treated Seriously , Roleswap
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fallen-kingsglaive · 1 year
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Ein grünes, üppig bewaldetes Land voller Berge und darin eingebetteten Städten und Schlössern, dafür ist Tenebrae bekannt. Ebenso wie für die blaue Sylleblossom, die als Nationalblume des Landes gilt und auf offenen weiten Feldern blüht. Die Königsfamilie von Tenebrae hütet seit Generationen das Orakel, auch Kannagi genannt, die innerhalb der Nox Fleuret-Familie immer wieder geboren wird. Derzeitige Kannagi ist Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Prinzessin von Tenebrae und Prinz Noctis Lucis Caelum bereits seit der Kindheit versprochen.  Weiterhin bekannt ist Tenebrae in der heutigen Zeit dafür, durch Niflheim als eines der ersten Länder eingenommen worden zu sein. Dabei kam Königin Sylva, Mutter von Lunafreya und Ravus Nox Fleuret ums Leben. Mittlerweile stehen sowohl die Regierungsvertreter von Tenebrae, sowie die Kannagi selbst unter der Kontrolle des Imperiums. Standen Tenebrae und Lucis jahrhundertelang in freundschaftlichem Verhältnis zueinander, änderte sich das durch Niflheims Einfluss in eine antagonistischere Richtung. Auch wenn besonders Prinzessin Lunafreya sich stets versuchte gegen ihre Invasoren zu stellen und ihr unübersehbarer Halt zu Lucis unausgesprochen für jeden klar ersichtlich ist. 
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Kinktober Day 22 Sexting/ Phone Sex
So the pic to this is *spicy* so it's under the cut.
But it does feature Pelna Khara, (whose likeness comes from Tausif Patel- who is actually pictured as he is in real life) from FFXV Kingsglaive and his gorgeous wife Yasmine (face and body cast as Priyanka Chopra Jonas) who is studying to be an OBGYN at Miracles Hospital where Pelna got hired on in IT by Sylva Nox Fleuret-Caelum because she just...adopts everyone who is even remotely her children's ages, who in my universe are young adults. In my Magic and Miracles modern EVERYBODY LIVES AU. Because Final Fantasy has this thing where they just...kill everyone off. So this is my middle finger to canon going 'screw you- these precoius cinnomon rolls are going to be protected and live the dream and live happily ever after, so there' *sticks tongue out at canon*
a jagillion thanks to @starsandskies for her kinktober prompts. These have been so fun.
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Kinktober Day 22- Sexting/Phone Sex
‘Good morning Handsome’ Yasmine texted her husband as she got home from medical school and came home to their condo complex that they and all their friends were leasing condos together in the same complex and even had side by side condos. She pulled in already seeing Pashmina's car probably already in the garage while Gladio's Sherrif's SUV was already in the driveway and he was inside his condo with Pash as they were making dinner together and it smelled amazing.
But Yasmine, didn't have the strength or energy to cook. She had an extra long day, both in classes and in clinical hours and she was just plain exhausted. So she parked inside the garage and smiled bittersweetly at her husband's car. Because while his car was there, he was not. And while it had only been several hours since they kissed goodbye, she missed him something terrible.
She came inside and stopped at the laundry room and immediately took off her scrubs and put those into the washer with extra disinfectant since it was a messy day in the OBGYN today.
She looked at the time and she supposed it was supposed to be early morning, where her husband Pelna had flown overseas- just as she was getting ready to go into class that morning but while it was late evening for her, it was surely early morning for him where he was right now.
‘Good morning Beautiful’ Came Pelna’s immediate reply. 
‘You’re up really early already. So what’cha got going on today?’ Yasmine texted him as she went through their condo in nothing but her bra, camisole and underwear before she snagged a pair of short shorts to put on to serve as pajama bottoms. 
‘We have that presentation at the World Health Organization with the Eurpopean Union and then some more meetings with other nearby hospitals’ Pelna responded. 
‘Sounds like you have a full day’ Yasmine noted as she rummaged through the fridge to find some left overs so she didn’t have to cook dinner by herself for herself from scratch.
She found what she wanted and quickly put it into the microwave to reheat. Something she missed about having her husband home was whoever got home first got to make dinner.
And with Pelna flying with ‘Mom and the boys’ meant that she was on her own. Since Pelna got flying privileges as Sylva’s on staff IT Manager. Pelna did IT at Miracles Hospital, where she was currently doing her medical school and training and getting her clinical hours at the hospital.
And she was grateful that they could at least work together in the same place, even though Yasmine was training to be a doctor, an OBGYN specifically.
But with Yasmine being “adopted” by Sylva as well, meant that Pelna- also being in association with Tredd, Luche and Nyx and Ravus, Ignis and Noctis, meant he was one of the many “boys” Sylva practically adoptedtoo.
But Sylva had practically adopted her too way before she did Pelna because Pashmina and Yasmine had gone to Tenebrae Prep with Lunafreya and Ravus and Stella Nox Fleuret and at the time, Pash, Yasmine, Lunafreya and Stella all wanted to be doctors. Sylva herself was a doctor and the CEO and owner of Miracles Hospital and Sylva employed Yasmine's father as a Pain Specialist. And Pash had wanted to be a Pediatrition. But with Pash being squeemish, she ended up being Sylva's personal assistant instead. And actually made more than she would have being a Pediatrition at the hospital anyway. And she got to stay close and learn the ropes of being an Executive Assistant to the CEO.
But when Ravus and Luna transferred from Tenebrae Prep to Lucis High, while Sylva and Regis were dating and then got engaged and then married soon after. Lunafreya got triple credits for working as a medical assistant to the football team along with assisting a Chiropractor too.
So Yasmine and Pashmina transferred over to do the same and Yasmine got there just in time to do the same for Lucis High soccer team, which Pelna played both football and soccer.
They had actually first met at Sylva and Regis’ wedding since Yasmine’s father was a doctor at Miracles Hospital and were very good friends with Yasmine’s family. And since Yasmine and her family were Indian, they wore their traditional wedding saris to Sylva’s wedding.
And it just so happened that when Pelna came into the wedding with Tredd and saw Yasmine, Stella introduced them and he complimented her on her sari and they just happened to also speak not just English, but Hindi, Punjabi and Marathi. And when Pelna spoke those languages to her, her and her family immediately offered for him to sit with them and eat at their table. Since he was clearly Indian himself but had been wearing a western style suit to Sylva's wedding.
And Yasmine was used to guys hitting on her- all the time. Hell Gladio had even taken a shot at flirting with her but she ripped him a new one for it. But with Stella of all people claiming that Pelna was actually the opposite of Gladio and the nicest, sweetest, but also very intelligent but introverted and shy guy. Yasmine had looked over and agreed he was, actually really cute. And was ok with being introduced to him. And Stella was right on the money with Pelna. Pelna was everything both Yasmine and her family were looking for in a good match for Yasmine.
He was very intelligent, he was very active, he was sweet and charming and yes he was a geeky nerd sometimes. But his own dad was an IT manager at the largest tech company around. And their families actually had mutual friends that could vouch for both of their families to the other family. And Pelna had been the perfect gentleman for Sylva's wedding. He spoke several languages, he, being Hindu himself, worshiped at the same temple, worshipped the same gods, so they had the same religion. And the only way they had not met before was because his family just went on a different night than Yasmine and her family did. And after that, Pelna was Yasmine's date to all of the other weddings before they had one of their own.
Pelna's parents were actually overjoyed for it. Because to them Yasmine was the bride of the millenia and were eager to welcome her into their family the same way Yasmine's family had welcomed him into theirs.
And from there, once Sylva noticed the attraction, she did everything she could to help Pelna, including hiring him for IT at Miracles Hospital and letting him buy Yasmine’s wedding ring which was worth way more than Pelna could ever hope to afford but she only charged him a dollar for it. And with Sylva’s support getting Pelna hooked up with an amazing job with amazing benefits and with helping and supporting Pelna to get all the certifications he needed to be the IT Manager that he was now.
Pelna’s family and Yasmine’s family were more than happy to give their blessings and stamps of approval and were married shortly after graduating high school in between graduating high school and starting college. Much like their friends had done. 
And they had settled into life as a married couple, both of them pursuing their careers instead of having children right away, which especially for Yasmine was extremely important to her. Becuase she wanted to graduate medical school and at least get to be a Resident OBGYN at Miracles before she would have any child of her own. Which Pelna was happy to do. And was happy to let her take all the birthcontrol she wanted or needed so that neither of them hindered or interfered with the other's work and career.
‘I do, but we still have a few more hours before it’s day here’ Pelna texted. 
‘Did you get any sleep on the plane?’ Yasmine asked. 
‘Not much, decided to go over the presentation again just to make sure we have it down pat and I don’t fuck up any of the media while Noct, Iggy, Beavus, Sylva and Luche do the talking’ Pelna sighed as he laid in his hotel bed but didn’t feel tired, but instead, wished he could have asked for Yasmine to come with him for this trip. Because his body just couldn’t seem to settle down and find comfort enough to find sleep. He wanted to be home with his wife. He wanted to help strip her out of those dirty scrubs and make dinner with her or have found some way to get her to come with them. But she couldn't miss class or clinic, not when she really needed to be in those classes and get those clinic hours.
‘So where are you now?’ Yasmine texted. 
‘At the hotel. Presentation is in 4 hours which means we have to leave in three but I can’t sleep for anything. Because I’ve gotten used to sleeping with My Wife.’ Pelna complained. 
‘Aww, you poor baby!’ Yasmine giggled as she got her food out of the microwave before she sat down at the breakfast counter and dug into it. 
‘I should have found a way to get you to come with us.’ Pelna insisted. 
‘Yeah but then Selena and Ada would have wanted to go too and Pash didn’t even come so it’s literally just Sylva with her army of boys/employees. And we took the little jet this time so it was a tight squeeze already. Plus Pash didn’t want to push it with her pregnancy.’ Pelna sighed tiredly. 
‘Well I actually saw her today for her check up. She’s doing really good.’ Yasmine offered.
‘Can you tell me so I win the pool?’ Pelna asked hopefully since the moment Tredd knew Pash was pregnant, Tredd started up a pool of what it was and when the due date would be set vs when Pash would actually go into labor, just like he had done with Crowe and Ada so far. 
‘Still too early to tell.’ Yasmine grinned evilly because she and Pashmina went way back and Pashmina swore Yasmine to secrecy about the particulars. And Yasmine readily agreed because both for HIPPA and trying to some how try to get Tredd to lose the god damn betting ring. Because he and Sylva always put in their bets together and they always seemed to win. They had won with both Crowe and Ada and Pash didn’t want Tredd to win three times in a row. But Tredd and Pelna were also friends and Tredd had tried to sneak some insider info from Yasmine and she flat out refused and so to protect herself and Pelna, mostly from Tredd and a lawsuit regaurding HIPPA, she simply decided to keep her mouth shut about it until Pash and Gladio would announce it at their own gender reveal party in a few months, which Yasmine was helping to plan for her BFF Pash. 
And just as Pash was done with dinner, a bath sounded pretty damn good right about now. So she put the dishes in the dishwasher and set it to run while she went upstairs to do just that.
She looked at the special shower head and got an idea before she went into the bedroom to get her waterproof vibrator, got undressed and washed her face from all the makeup she had been wearing and started a bath before she hit the Duo icon on her phone that would video call her husband. 
“Hey, hey.” Pelna smiled brightly to see his wife naked and stepping into the bathtub. 
“Hey, so since you are all alone and need some sleep, want to have some phone sex?” Yasmine cooed as she used the water as her lubrication and put the phone into a special waterproof pouch so that she could use the phone to get closeups under the water. 
“Yes please!” Pelna nodded emphatically and stripped out of his pajamas and quickly got some hand lotion because that’s all he had on him to use as lube to see his damn sexy wife insert the waterproof toy as it turned on and started to pulsate in the water before she brought the phone out of the water so he could get a good view of his wife squeezing her own breasts as the hot water filled the tub up before she pulled the phone out of the waterproof pouch so that she could hear him and he could hear her. 
“By Brahma…” Pelna began to speak in Hindi which got Yasmine to smile because when Pelna would speak in his mother tongue, Yasmine knew he was happy, or really excited as they cooed and said the same amazing things in Hindi that just didn’t quite sound quite right in English but between Pelna’s heated and heady voice and Yasmine’s own voice and she barely had the water turned off before it overflowed the tub, it was still so sexy. Even sexier even because Pelna's voice got that dark- growly sexy tone to it that Yasmine really loved.
Yasmine’s body shook when her first orgasm rippled through her and her keening cry of bliss was all that Pelna needed to shoot a large load of cum onto his own belly as he used a tissue from the nightstand to clean it up as Yasmine reached to turn the vibrator off and pull it out of herself as she simply laid there and basked in the afterglow.
“Are you tired now?” Yasmine asked with a pleasured and sated smile. 
“Yeah, I think, I think I can get some sleep now.” Pelna agreed as his body finally felt tired enough to go to sleep now that he was sated. 
“Not as great as the real thing of course. But I needed this, thank you Yas.” Pelna breathed out as he fought to catch his breath. 
“You’re welcome. Get some sleep. You need it. I’ll see you the day after tomorrow. Be safe, I love you. You’ll do great.” Yasmine encouraged him. 
“Thanks,” Pelna grinned before they kissed the phone screens and ended the call before Pelna got redressed and rolled over and finally got some sleep as Yasmine rinsed out the tub after draining it and then practically collapsed into bed herself.
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seralii · 2 years
the oracle
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❥ the oracle — for posts / reblogs regarding ffxv!lumii
[ ♡ ] the shield — lumii x gladio posts / reblogs
[ ♡ ] sunlight — lumii x prompto posts / reblogs
[ ♡ ] nightlight — lumii x noctis posts / reblogs
[ ♡ ] the hero — lumii x nyx posts / reblogs
[ ♡ ] the glaive — lumii x crowe posts / reblogs
lumina nox fleuret is the younger sister of ravus nox fleuret and the daughter of the late queen sylva via fleuret. she’s the princess of tenebrae and the youngest oracle in history, regularly convening with the astrals.
noctis frequently calls her “lumii”, and has since they were both children. it took some time, but she eventually convinced the chocobros to do the same instead of any honorifics for a sense of familiarity and casualness.
her covenants with the astrals put a strong physical strain on lumii’s body that leaves her greatly weakened. however, she tends to overexert herself in order to awaken the next god for noctis’ trials and fulfill her destiny.
ravus is against her covenants out of a severe worry for his sister’s well-being and his hatred towards the crown. they have also caused her hair to gradually shift from a light cocoa brown to a stark white, the final pact with leviathan changing it completely.
lumii is an avid dog lover and it is common to see her with her two canines: pryna and umbra. only she and gentiana (later the chocobros) know that they are, in truth, messengers of the astrals.
while pryna typically stays with her, umbra regularly travels across eos to relay messages between her and noctis in secret. throughout her notebook, they communicate to stay in touch despite their distance.
lumii’s experienced with lances, staffs, and swords, training with them since she was young but very rarely actually needing to use them to defend herself. her go-to weapon is a rapier, but she also carries the trident of the oracle.
wanting to be of help to the world of eos, she often travels around in order to heal people suffering from the starscourge without expecting anything but a safe recovery in return.
m.e. year 735, lumina nox fleuret is born to sylva via fleuret.
moments after her birth, the high messenger gentiana appears and ordains that she is to ally with the lucian prince to restore light to the world. a less than a month later, noctis lucis caelum is born.
due to positive relations between tenebrae and lucis, lumina and noctis meet often and become childhood friends. she is aware that their meeting was done to tie their fates together, but genuinely cares about him and treasures their friendship.
despite the eight year age difference between them, lumina and ravus were extremely close that they were nearly inseparable. he provided a welcome relief and distraction to the heavy weight that came with becoming an oracle in the future.
pryna and umbra appear and are kept under lumina’s care.
gentiana once again reminds her of her given task and is moved to hear of her genuine resolve to be there to not only help noctis, but the people of the world as a whole. from there, gentiana’s faith in humanity is steadily restored.
m.e. year 744, noctis is brought to tenebrae to recover after his near-death experience and remained in a coma for a short period of time. while he receives medical treatment and awakens, he and lumina are reunited.
lumina reveals that he’s the chosen king and her future duties as the oracle, notably amused but sympathetic that he doesn’t quite understand yet. she promises to be by his side not just because of her duty, but because he’s her friend.
during this time, noctis gives her the nickname “lumii”. despite her confusion, she happily accepts it.
sometime later, niflheim attacks and conquers fenestala manor, killing queen sylva in the process. king regis attempts to flee with both noctis and lumina, but she stays behind to ensure their escape.
with tenebrae forcefully surrendered over to the empire, lumina and ravus are put into imperial custody and it becomes an imperial protectorate.
from then on, she participates in a rigorous training regiment to prepare herself for the eventual title of oracle. from physical training to mental to spiritual, she worked day and night to surpass her own standards and those of the public.
several months after turning thirteen, lumina forges a covenant with shiva. gentiana becomes a mentor and motherly figure to her.
at the age of sixteen, lumina becomes the youngest oracle in history and immediately acts. she starts traveling across eos to heal those of an unknown plague, later revealed to be the starscourge.
lumina writes prompto a letter to thank him for finding the missing and injured pryna after noticing the bandage with his name on it. she also thanks him for being noctis’ friend, under the belief they knew one another as he was why the messenger was there.
niflheim offers lucis the peace treaty, which is accepted. she and noctis are bound to marry as a part of the treaty, and the prince is sent to altissia for the wedding. lumina, meanwhile, travels to lucis to meet with king regis.
while in insomnia, lumina meets the glaive nyx ulric and befriends him. during the attack, king regis orders nyx ulric to protect lumina, who is now the protector of the ring of lucii.
instead of passing in chapter nine of canon, she lives and is secretly under the care of libertus for a short time. he helps her recover and then tracks down noctis’ party, which she joins and parts ways with him.
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luxbeati · 2 years
Name: Lux Lucis Caelum Face Claim(s): Drawn and unshaded fan art; no rl fc yet Age: 20/30 Occupation: Prince, Citadel Librarian ( paid ) Nationality: Lucian Birthplace: Insomnia, the heart of Lucis Hair: White Eyes: Baby / Powder Blue Skin: Tanned Height: 5’11" Birthday: August 30th Weapon proficiency: Formal sword training ( sabers and rapiers ), barrier magic, oracle’s healing abilities Notable Features:    -Ears are have triples ( three piercings per lobe ) due to a week of rebellion.    - His face is slightly thinner than Noctis’s, despite being fraternal twins    - Lux’s hair is naturally white; it is part of the oracle gene he got instead of having the bond with the crystal. The occurance makes people think he’s a lovechild between Tenebrae’s Sylva Nox Fleuret and Lucis’s Regis Lucis Caelum.
Insomnia has two princes, Noctis and Lux. Noctis is the heir apparent, born minutes before his fairer haired brother. But something far more interesting than a white headed child born to a ruling pair with dark hair, was that the crystal refused the child and accepted his elder brother. Though whether or not his rejection was bad or not wasn’t known until later when the reasoning for it was known. Lux had managed to get a gene that hadn’t been in their family for a long time, not since they had been given the crystal in the first place. He was an oracle though not ‘The Oracle’, and Sylva Nox Fleuret shared what information she’d learned about being an oracle, including the not so kind parts. He only got some of the crystal’s power, the ability to use the barriers and the wall that his father could, but with no access to the Arsenal and no way to attack using that magic.
As they got older it was apparent that they were not raised the same. Noctis enjoyed a bit more freedom, learning the finer points of life outside the Citadel, though he was not entirely free of lessons. Lux, on the other hand, was taught everything. How to rule and how to make sure to keep a council together, any and everything he could have ever hoped to have known. He didn’t question it, because Noctis was sure to learn this all before he took the throne, he’d have years to pick up on what he’d learned as a kid. So Lux spends most of his time in the Citadel, with Clarus and his father learning how to make as successful a country out of wherever he’d end up later in life.
Of course it wouldn’t last long, the announcement that Noctis was to be wed to Lunafreya enough to tell them that he probably should have learned some things earlier. Lux is told to stay in the city because one of their princes should be there as good will while the other went to do what he was told to. To marry the foreign princess.
Would that it had all planned out.
Twin AU created with @crystallinecaelum. Other Noctis blogs are welcome to get in on this, Lux is the brother that you all never wanted ( or always ) so treat him as you want and I will honestly adapt to you. Also for this verse, Lux ships with Gladio, though he knows full well that he will always be second. Noct’s safety comes before him being happy, he is the future king of Lucis, so he’ll be the first priority.
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solaeva · 3 years
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An answer for Ravus in the art ask. And this was a question about nightmares.
I don'like the FFXV ending ><
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radioactivepeasant · 3 years
Fic Prompts: Final Fantasy Friday
(Another part of my "Knight of Etro" au)
The dinner table was, for the most part, quiet. Noctis wasn't used to having a lot of company at dinner. And Ignis wasn't even here! But Lunafreya never seemed to mind him following her around, even though she was A Middle Schooler already and he was still a third grader. So Noctis leaned as far over the side of his wheelchair as he could and asked Luna questions about what she did for fun, whether they could go to the pool tomorrow, whether she liked video games etc.
"You should really meet Ignis. He's so cool! He's my re- retainer," Noctis babbled. "And Petrus, Lord Pavonem's son, he said a prince's retainer is a servant who gets paid to be my friend because I'm too much of a baby to make friends by myself. But Ignis says that's stupid, and he's older than Petrus so he knows more. And Dad says Iggy's mom taught him how to be a retainer because I didn't have any older brothers and I needed someone to look up to."
Luna's older brother looked faintly amused, but also just a little annoyed by the chatter. Noctis's dad had said that when he was a teenager, he should remember to be patient if a child ever tagged along at his heels, but also to remember that it was okay to want to spend time with people closer to his age. That's why sometimes he had to "give Ignis space". Noctis supposed that made sense, but he still thought Ravus was kind of boring.
Midway through the clearing of the dishes, there was a brisk tapping on the door. Everyone looked up, surprised. 
Everyone except for Gentiana, of course. She hid a smirk behind her sleeve and facetiously wondered who it could be.
Ravus, being closest to the door of the private dining room, stood and opened it. Immediately, he was greeted by a scruffy-haired man in rich, but tacky, clothes.
"Wh-" was all Ravus had time to say before a dismally battered old fedora was dropped unceremoniously onto his head.
"Godfather Ardyn!" Luna squealed, hopping up in her chair, "You didn't say you were coming!"
"He never does," Sylva remarked dryly.
Ardyn winked rogueishly. "All the better to surprise you, my dears. Milady," he swept into a grand bow, "You're looking well. These rascals are behaving themselves, then?"
"Yes, godfather," Luna said sweetly. 
"No, not particularly," Ravus contradicted, raising the battered hat. "Ask Lu why her puppy has a pink splotch on her butt."
"Ravuuuuus!" the little girl whined, "That was an accident!"
"Yeah, we didn't mean to," Noctis said sheepishly, despite having no idea who this godfather person was supposed to be.
Ardyn pretended to do a double take. "My goodness! Now who can this be? A new darling nephew to spoil?" He stroked his chin. "Hmmm no, you don't have the Fleuret eyes...a Hunter, perhaps, here for a job? I'm afraid I've already cleared out the naga today, so you're out of luck."
"No!" Noctis giggled, "I don't have a job!"
Ardyn snapped his fingers. "Ah! I have it! You're a very well-dressed Tonberry!"
Ravus pulled his hat back down over his face. "Uncle Ardyn, you're embarrassing."
"It's my job, dear boy," the man said airily. "You didn't think I'd come all the way to Tenebrae for your birthday just to be boring, did you?"
Noctis saw Ravus light up under the hat. "You came for my birthday?"
Ardyn stepped back and dropped an arm around his shoulders. "I most certainly did! I can't show you how your present works yet, unfortunately. Your mother has such strict rules about weapons at the table."
Regis stiffened at the table as he glimpsed armor under the raggedy coat and finally remembered where he'd seen the man before. 
Last time, he'd been standing over them amidst the blood and flames, plunging a blade into the Marilith.
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Magic and Miracles and BEYOND Chapter 15
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Woooo! Behold, the reignition of Magic and Miracles and BEYOND.
So, in case anyone was wondering, why yes, yes this does come from personal experience. Being in a high speed car accident SUCKS. Being careflighted from the scene and having all your clothes cut off of you, SUCKS. Having a tube crammed down your throat and being put on a breathing machine SUPER SUCKS especially when your brain wakes up and you're screaming at your body to breathe AND IT WON'T FUCKING LISTEN, SSSSUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKSSS. Having your mother, who you love dearly and your world would fall apart if anything ever happened to her be in the passenger seat with you in said accident OH MY GOD, IT SUPER DUPER SUCKS and she was just as scared and freaked out about me as I was about her. And yes my mother's ribs were broken and it took her forever to recover. Because usually if your arm is broken, you put it into a cast and you don't use it or touch it, it's fine. But your RIBS? You need to breathe! Constantly. There is no putting it into a cast and not moving, you need them to move so you can keep breathing! And it FUCKING HURTS.
Also, there is a nod to canon FFXV Kingsglaive in this too.
@the-immortal-marshal this is for you. This is your chapter. If you had not shown me the ways of the angst and I had not gone through what I have, this chapter may have never been written because I couldn't write it from experience. So, to balance all of the previous sweetness, here is- the angst, the hurt, the sorrow, the fear, the terror, the anguish and all of the wonderful- put your stomach in a knot anxiety. Enjoy.
Magic and Miracles and Beyond
Chapter 15
Two weeks later-
“Ok, we’re on our way to pick up Grandma Edie and then we’ll meet you there ok? Love you, bye.” Selena informed Ravus as she and her mom Sabrina were on their way to pick up Edith to take them to the florist to pick out flowers for Selena’s wedding and just as they were about to go through an intersection for a green light, two cars, a red brand new charger and a brand new black camaro, who had been racing each other, driven by the now graduated William Ronchester, aka Billy, the former captain of Niflheim Academy's football team and one of his former teammates- Chad Frawns, as the cars ran the red light and t-boned them, hitting the passenger side of the car where Selena was sitting and crashed their vehicle into the cars on the other side of them and thus into the cars that were starting to come in from the other side, so that it involved the already ten lanes of traffic, two lanes of traffic plus a turn lane in each direction, in the impact and carnage, Sabrina’s car got crumpled and overturned, pinning Sabrina and Selena between several other cars and upside down.
“Selena!” Ravus yelled into the phone when he heard the crash and her blood curdling scream through the phone and then the call dropped and when Ravus tried calling her back, it went straight to voicemail before he got on the app that showed where they were and rushed to his mom’s office from his own.
“Mom! Selena just crashed!” Ravus boomed as he came into his mother’s office before Sylva’s eyes went wide.
“I have to call you back.” She said into her phone as she quickly got up.
“Where? Where did Selena crash?” Sylva asked.
“At Kilgore and Stadium.” Ravus answered as his heart was pounding in his ears.
“Ok, ok, get down to the emergency room, I’ll dispatch an ambulance.” Sylva assured her son as she hit the speed dial on her phone and did just that as Ravus nodded and turned and hurried out and called Gladio.
“Please tell me you are out on patrol.” Ravus pleaded with Gladio.
“Yeah, why?”
“How close are you to Kilgore and Stadium, Selena just wrecked, she’s with her mom.” Ravus answered as he practically willed the elevator to get to the ground level as fast as it could.
“We can be there in about seven minutes.” Gladio told him.
“Dad, Selena and her mom just wrecked. We got to go make sure they’re ok. Kilgore and Stadium.” Gladio repeated to his father.
“On it.” Clarus nodded and put the sirens on and just then, a call came in about the crash over the radio before other first responders got called in as Sylva quickly got rooms ordered and readied for Selena and her mom and whoever else was in the crash as Ravus called Dorian. “Dorian, Selena and Sabrina just crashed.” Ravus informed his soon to be father in law.
“I know, I just got the call from Sabrina, they got t-boned, two knuckleheads were racing each other and ran the red light. They’re alive, I don’t know how ok they are though. I’m on my way there now, call Nyx for me, I gotta drive.” Dorian requested as he hastily left work to go there.
“Will do.” Ravus answered before he called Nyx.
“Nyx, your mom and your sister just got into a car accident. Your dad said he got off the phone with your mom so they’re both alive, I just don’t know how hurt they are.” Ravus informed Nyx.
“Where?” Nyx asked.
“Stadium and Kilgore.” Ravus answered.
“I can be there in five.” Nyx said since that was closest to his work.
“Stacy! My mom and Selena were in a car accident, I gotta go!” Nyx hollered as he literally dropped what he was doing and made a run for the back door as Libertus picked up the dishes Nyx was about to finish before Nyx had dropped them and finished them and put them out before he quickly called Crowe to let her know what had happened since it was her day off.
Ravus finally got down to the ER and logged in to see which room Selena would be going into as he could see that his mom had already registered her to a room before he heard the code, it was an accident that involved several vehicles, one was overturned and first responders were on scene as many others were rushing in as dozens of ambulances were sent into the scene.
Ravus knew from the descriptions that the red overturned vehicle- was Sabrina’s before Sylva appeared in the ER only a few moments after Ravus did as she walked them to the nurses’ station.
“Sabrina’s car is overturned.” Ravus revealed to her as Luche came only a moment later.
“I’m so sorry Rae, hopefully they’re both ok.” Luche offered as Sylva nodded as she gently moved Ravus from the computer as she quickly got in there and made more arrangements in the computer and Ravus was too sick with fright to take notice of what was happening as Luche just put his arm around Ravus’ shoulder in an effort to comfort him. Remembering how sick with worry he was when Ada had been kidnapped before Sylva put them into the room Selena would be going into to get out of the nurse’s and doctor’s way in the nurses station.
Meanwhile Tredd had suited up and came with the other firefighters to the scene since his firehouse was only a few minutes away and his stomach dropped when he recognized Sabrina’s car and he was the first one off the truck as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him over to Sabrina’s car and recognized Sabrina as the airbags were deflating and hanging down as he cut them out so he could see them easier as Selena had passed out, her limbs had gone limp as her right arm hung down, clearly broken and mangled as her left arm hung as well while her legs were pinned inside the crumpled footwell, her promise ring and engagement rings sliding off her fingers and dropping to the broken glass that covered the mangled ceiling of the car as blood started dripping from all of Selena’s right side since she was the passenger seat.
“Get her out, get her out!” Sabrina screamed as she tried to reach over to touch Selena’s left arm to make sure she was still alive because upon impact, Selena had instantly screamed and when the car came to a stop, Selena had lost her phone in the wreck but Sabrina’s was still in it’s holder on the crumpled dash which allowed Sabrina to call Dorian but after that first scream, Selena went deathly quiet and Sabrina had feared for the worst and was screaming her head off for help. Tredd cut Sabrina out of the car and with herculean strength pulled her out and into the arms of the other EMT’s who had come to her aid before other’s came as Tredd crawled into the space where Sabrina had been to get to Selena.
“Selena!” Tredd yelled, hoping to get a response.
“Jaws of life! I need the jaws of life!” Tredd called as he tried to make sure she was still alive and felt some relief when she was at least breathing and had a pulse but he could see the blood seeping into her clothes as Selena's body simply hung there from the seatbelt.
“Come on Selena, you gotta stay with me, come on baby girl, pull through.” Tredd tried to coach as his fellow firefighters came with the jaws of life and crowbars to untangle the crumpled door and side panels to get her out as Sabrina was loaded into an ambulance and immediately taken to the hospital as Tredd held Selena's neck in place and kept his fingers on thumbs on her pulse to make sure her heart was still beating.
“The car is starting to smoke! It’s gonna catch fire! We gotta get her out!” His captain hollered as the others worked on breaking her out and what felt like hours but was in reality only minutes- they got the door and body panel off before Tredd let go of her neck as an EMT secured it with a C-collar and flipped onto his back to catch Selena once her seatbelt was cut as paramedics and Gladio came over to help get her out of the carnage and onto a stretcher before she was rushed to another waiting ambulance as Tredd had rolled over and noticed her rings and quickly picked them up and pocketed them and got out of there just as the car then caught fire just as Nyx ran to the scene.
“Selena!” Nyx hollered as he ran towards them.
“That’s her brother, let him through.” Gladio and Tredd told the paramedics who let him approach.
“Selena?” Nyx asked as he grabbed her hand and squeezed but she didn’t squeeze back as Selena was strapped into the stretcher.
“She’s not responsive, I got a pulse and breathing but it’s shallow and awfully quick and she’s unconscious.” Tredd reported to the EMT’s as Gladio, Clarus and him ran with the stretcher and EMT”s.
“And these came off of her.” Tredd said as he gave Nyx the rings as Nyx simply grabbed them and put them into his own pocket before he got in the ambulence with Selena as Dorian had already gotten into Sabrina's ambulence with her as Libertus got off work and drove Crowe to the scene to pick up Nyx's truck and take it to the hospital.
“We’ll clear a path.” Clarus offered as he and Gladio left with Selena’s ambulance as the others who had come and gotten their charges from the accidents as Tredd then took care of putting Sabrina’s car fire out before he tried to salvage what he could from it, like their purses and other personal affects and sent them with Crowe and Libertus who came shortly after Selena left as Tredd told them what he found when he got there before he got called back to help with the others who had gotten invovled in the crash.
Meanwhile on the way to the hospital, Gladio called Ravus back.
“Ok, Tredd got to them first, he got Sabrina out of the car and helped pry Selena out of it. The fire department had to use the jaws of life to get her out before the car caught fire. Ravus, she’s...she’s not responsive. She’s barely breathing and has a weak pulse and she’s bleeding, a lot, Nyx is following us to the hospital. Right now we’re leading the way to you.” Gladio gravely informed him as his own tears flooded his vision as emotion choked his voice, never wanting to find his friends like this.
Ravus simply closed his eyes and winced as tears continued to stream down his face as his heart dropped and gut knotted up anxiously as he sat down in the room that Selena would be taken to once she got there as Sylva was still orchestrating all the surgery rooms if there needed to be any surgery for Sabrina or Selena as she also pulled all available nurses into the E.R. because she needed all hands on deck for the sudden influx of patients.
Sabrina was brought in first as her clothes were cut off of her as she was checked over before Sylva managed to squeeze into the room as Sabrina answered the nurses and doctor’s questions as best she could as they checked her over.
“Has anyone heard anything about my daughter? She was with me in the crash, she wasn’t responsive when I left.” Sabrina asked as tears streamed down her cheeks from inside the C-collar neck brace.
“Sabrina, she’s on her way here, Tredd pulled her out of that wreckage himself, she’s alive, she’s coming straight here, right now, just focus on your own recovery. I swear on my life we will do whatever it takes to make sure she’ll pull through.” Sylva offered as she came into view from Sabrina’s head and held her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“Thank you Sylva.” Sabrina thanked her before a roar of medics barking codes at the nurses was heard. “That’s her, I gotta go.” Sylva said as she quickly slipped out of receiving room into the others and simply stood on the wall and listened closely and watched as Selena was also cut out of her clothes, quickly intubated and rushed into a CT scan as she followed and Sylva’s heart was in her throat when she saw the blood pooling into Selena’s brain and had to cover her mouth to keep herself from crying out as Selena was then rushed into surgery as Sylva herself got prepped for surgery too and made sure she had multiple teams working on Selena as Sylva was silently praying like her life depended on for Selena to pull through as she did her best to kick into doctor mode since she had more than enough adrenaline pumping through her body and mind to do so.
Crowe and Libertus came and gave Ravus Selena's purse before going to Dorian to deliver his wife's purse as well as her phone that had been on the dash before they returned to Selena's room as they, Luche, Ravus, Nyx and Luna all crowded around the computer in Selena’s room as Ravus cradled Selena’s bloodied and scratched and damaged rings in his hands as Selena's purse was between his feet as Nyx had handed them to him before Pelna, Yasmine and Stella came rushing in, Yasmine, putting her own medical coat on since she was in the doctorate program already as she, Luna and Stella poured over the medical jargon.
“I got a call from Pashmina who heard from Gladio that Selena’s in the OR.” Yasmine explained before she got around to the computer to see everything.
“Fuck!” Yasmine cursed as she read through it.
“Everyone start praying, Selena will need a miracle. She has a brain bleed, but they're trying to relieve it by going in through her arteries and pulling the blood out that way, instead of cutting her head open, a brain bleed that means blood is rushing into her skull and putting pressure on the brain, if they don’t relieve the pressure, either artillary or otherwise, she’ll either be a vegetable or could very well die. Her seventh through twelfth ribs broke and they punctured her lungs and her liver, that’s why she can’t hardly breathe and she’s inundated and she’s bleeding internally because of the punctured liver and the broken ribs punctured her side, so she’s bleeding externally and internally. But good news is her spine doesn’t seem to be damaged, so far, so yay on the paraplegia and possible quadrapalegic, we’re still waiting to see if her legs are broken or not but her right forearm is definitely broken in two places, both the radius and the ulna, compound fractures but her top priority is that brain bleed and punctured liver and lungs.” Yasmine offered as the rest of them simply wept and prayed because there was nothing else for them to do.
Selena was having the most peculiar dream, she was on a beach as she saw a really blonde guy painting a picture as two little blonde kids played in the sand, making a sandcastle with their mom but they either didn’t see her or were ignoring her.
“Selena,” the guy called her over as he smiled and waived her over. He looked familiar. Almost like a cross between Ravus and his uncle Vincent.
“Well hello there, it’s a pleasure to meet you, sit and rest a while.” He invited as he gestured to the sunchair next to him in the sheltered cabana after they shook hands.
“Your artwork is beautiful.” She praised as she saw it.
“Why thank you, no matter how many times I’ve repainted this picture, it’s never quite perfect.” He mused as he looked from the picture to the scene he was trying to paint.
“Repainted it?” Selena felt compelled to ask.
“Yup. I’ve repainted this picture many times, in more styles than I can count. But I always come back to this one, trying to make it look as real as I can, like a photograph. Like Paul Cezanne, painting his favorite mountain over and over again, trying to get it perfect.” He mused with a soft chuckle.
“Why this one?” Selena asked.
“Because this is one of my favorite memories. Ravus and Lunafreya aren’t arguing or fighting over anything, they’re getting along wonderfully. Sylva is happy and fully immersed into motherhood, the one thing she feels in her heart she was meant to do but her body wouldn’t agree. And she isn’t being pulled in a thousand and one directions, by her work, by her parents, or anything else. She’s simply present and enjoying the moment without having to always figure out and plan for the future. She always looks so young and her energy is equally so, but her soul is quite old, all the worry taxes her quite a bit. But she’ll always be my ray of sunshine.” He praised as he watched his family fondly, trying to make sure he got the hue of their blond hair just right as he mixed white with yellow with a pinch of gold and tan.
“Ravus and Lunafreya?” Selena repeated as she looked from the painting to the little kids and looked closer at them as she tilted her head and recognized them as children.
Suddenly her body felt really warm like it was getting sunburnt as the air got super hot and it was hard to breathe before the cabana stretched over both of them even more as the warmth and burning abated and it felt easier to breathe before pain started to seep into her body as she started to rock and clutch her middle like she had been kicked by a horse or something. Selena wanted to scream but she couldn’t.
“Selena, just breathe, just focus on my voice and the sound of the ocean, it’ll be ok.” He urged before the pain started to slip away again as she felt her body relax again before she noticed a strange bird nearby- chirping a beeping sound. It was kind of annoying but Selena was just grateful she wasn’t in so much pain now.
“Here, now you try.” He insisted as he handed her a canvas as a easel seemed to appear out of nowhere before helping her set up her own palette, sharing all of his paints and getting her set up before she started painting her own picture of them but one moment she could see Sylva, Ravus and Lunafreya as she looked from them to the canvas and, the next when she looked up, she could see Ravus only as an adult now, as he helped three kids build a sandcastle, two little girls, both as blonde and fair as he was, the eldest girl was only 5 or six, the other was only two, then a little boy, who looked to be about 4. He had her darker complexion and brown hair and was just darling as he was carefully sorting through all the seashells, organizing them according to size and kind while the youngest was simply squishing the soft sand between her chubby little fingers over and over again and giggling at the texture while the oldest worked most diligently with Ravus about setting up the base of the sandcastle as she pushed the sand into the bucket and drenching it and making sure the sand was dense and as solid as it could be before she dumped it very carefully where Ravus had directed to her as Selena just watched on happily before she felt a strange yet familiar weight in her abdomen as she laid back into the sunchair and noticed she was pregnant and watched as her feet were impossibly swollen as she simply resigned to enjoy the scene as she sipped on a refreshing but non alcoholic drink as she watched Ravus under his own big umbrella to shield himself and the kids from the scorching sun as it was now the artist in her cabana, the art supplies and canvases now long gone.
“Now, isn’t that a sight you wish you could make last forever?” The artist asked her as he watched the scene with happiness, pride and fondness with a bittersweetness in his eyes.
“Yes.” Selena answered happily.
“Now all you have to do is hang on, just hold onto life as hard as you can. Pain is coming, but you can endure it. If only to enjoy this. You’ll get there, you just got to endure the pain.” He advised her as Selena once again felt pain wrack her body and it felt like she couldn’t hardly breathe.
“Wait for the air, it’ll come, remember, three taps, they mean “I love you”, three squeezes, you can do it, three squeezes.” He urged her as he turned to her and held her left hand and squeezed three times before Selena mirrored the motion as air finally got pushed into her lungs as she breathed in as deep as she could before it was gone again, like it was being sucked out of her a moment later.
“Just wait, it’ll come right back. Just keep your eyes on them, just focus on them , your family, they're worth living and surviving for. The air will come. Just hold onto them. Don’t lose your focus. You have to get through the nightmare before you can make this dream a reality. You can do it Selena, I have faith in you, I’m so proud of you and I am so grateful and thankful for you to come into my family’s lives, you’ll be ok, it’s not time for you to leave them yet, not for a good, long while. Remember, I love you- three squeezes, one, two, three, three taps, one- two- three.” He insisted as he did it again as she did it back.
“Just don’t let go.” He repeated before Selena could hear yelling and machines and the beach started to fade to black as she tried to hold onto him.
“Selena, come on, pull through. You can do it.” The artist’s voice morphed into Sylva’s voice.
Sylva had been talking to Selena, begging her to pull through as she held Selena’s hand as she watched her face before Selena’s hand squeezed her hand back in a pattern of threes as Sylva’s eyes went wide as tears continued to flood her vision as a hopeful smile soon threatened to bloom as Sylva squeezed back three times, like all the times she and Victor would squeeze and tap each other in their way to say ‘I love you’ back when they first met and because Sylva had never heard ‘I love you’ spoken to her often, she had a hard time saying the words so Victor and her worked out that three squeezes, three taps, meant “I love you”. She knew Ravus knew about this, she just felt that he must have told her about this as she hopefully returned the three squeezes before Selena did it back again, over and over again back and forth.
“Atta girl Selena! You’re doing great! We’re almost done, hang on! Just hang on a little longer. You can do it!” Sylva encouraged as she kept squeezing back three times as much as she could.
“Just keep squeezing my hand, let me know you’re still there Sweetheart, listen to my voice, you’re on a breathing machine, just wait for the machine Darling, the air will come.” Sylva coached as she noticed Selena struggle to breathe on the monitors as Sylva and Selena just kept squeezing back and forth as Sylva cried tears of happiness and relief that Selena wasn’t lost mentally. Everything else could be fixed as the doctors were setting her right arm back into place as the surgeons were stitching up her sides from setting her ribs back into place and fixing her punctured liver and lung as it was a miracle that her legs were not also broken. She was almost done with surgery and Sylva had been praying the whole time for Selena to pull through and it seems her prayers had been answered.
Once the surgeries were done, Sylva noticed Selena was crying from her eyes and when she was unplugged from the breathing machine, she started gasping for air, trying to catch her breath.
“She’s breathing on her own, just let her catch her breath.” Sylva ordered.
“We’re done Selena, the surgery is done, we’re going to the room now.” Sylva told Selena as she kept a firm hold of her hand and wouldn’t let go as they kept squeezing three times back and forth.
Selena was brought back to her ICU room in the Emergency room where Ravus and Luna and everyone else was eagerly awaiting them.
“She’s ok, she’s tapping!” Sylva announced happily through her own tears when she saw them as Selena was put into place in the room.
“Tapping?” Ravus and everyone else repeated.
“Ravus you did so good by telling Selena about the tapping and squeezing in threes to say ‘I love you’ the way your father and I used to all the time when you were growing up, Selena was able to squeeze that over and over and over throughout the surgery. She’s there, we didn’t lose her. She’ll be ok.” Sylva announced as Ravus just stared at his mother in confused shock.
“Mom...I never told her about that…” Ravus confessed as Sylva let go of Selena’s hand so that Ravus could hold her hand so Sylva could get changed out of the special operating room scrubs before Selena grasped Ravus’ hand and squeezed three times before he squeezed back in kind before he completely broke down in tears by the bed as they kept doing that back and forth.
“Well then did you?” Sylva turned to Luna who shook her head no.
“I completely forgot about it, I never told her either.” Luna professed as she looked to Nyx.
“I’ve never heard of it either. Dad?” Nyx turned to his dad as everyone else looked at each other in surprise but everyone was at a loss because they had never heard of that kind of thing either.
“No, we don’t have anything like that in our family either.” Dorian shook his head no.
“But she’s squeezing it over and over like her life depends on it.” Ravus confessed before he let Dorian feel it and return it then Nyx got to then Luna got to also, all of them crying tears of happiness to feel it though.
“Maybe she’s trying to say ‘I’m still here’. Three words, ‘I’m still here’.” Regis offered.
“Oh, maybe.” Sylva allowed as she frowned.
“Selena, can you open your eyes?” Dorian asked as he reached out and wiped the tears from her eyes from the other side of her but all Selena did was scrunch her eyes shut as she continued in her labored breathing. It hurt so bad to breathe but her lungs and her body were screaming for air.
“Hey, it’s a response.” Sylva allowed as Ravus got Selena’s hand again and squeezed three times again as Selena’s toes then started tapping together like she was standing up and tapping her foot, three times.
“Yay! Her legs still work!” Dorian cheered.
“And it’s still in threes, ‘I’m still here’.” Regis insisted as he clasped Ravus’ shoulder because Regis had surprisingly been the one to offer the most comfort and support to Ravus through all of this because Regis had been through the same thing several years earlier before Dorian left to tell Sabrina the news that Selena was ok, and asked if Sabrina knew about the tapping or squeezing three times thing and Sabrina as well as everyone else was also at a loss to explain it but Sabrina was relieved to know that she had not lost her daughter and was grateful Selena made it through surgery and was still alive as she was in the next room over as her parents and siblings had come to the hospital and were currently in her room and none of them could come up with a solution either before Selena stopped squeezing and instead tried to sit up before Ravus and Sylva gently tried to push her back down.
“Selena, you’ve been in a really bad car accident, you’re in a neck brace and we need to keep you as flat as we can to make sure your spine is ok. Your right arm is broken and in a cast right now which is why you can’t move it. You also broke some ribs, they hit your lungs and your liver so that’s why your right side probably hurts as bad as it does and we had to intubate you because your ribs hit your lungs, that’s why you can’t talk. But we’re so happy that you’re alive.” Sylva informed her as Selena tried to chew on the tube itself before she got a good bite on it and just kept crying but she was able to lift her left hand as everyone turned their attention to her hand as she held up her index finger to indicate 1 then made a fist.
“One squeeze?” Ravus asked as Selena signed ‘yes’.
“One squeeze means yes?” Ravus asked as Selena signed yes again before she then held up her index and middle finger to indicate two then made a motion of two squeezes and signed in ASL ‘no’.
“Two squeezes say no?” Ravus continued before Selena signed yes again as she felt the strength in her arm start to zap but she needed to get this last bit across if it was the last thing she could do. So then she held up three fingers and slowly spelled ‘I L U’.
“Three means I love you?” Ravus asked as he smiled through his tears before he wiped his falling tears off her face before Selena reached for his hand before she found it and gave one squeeze and then three more squeezes before she gave him a pained smile.
“So it does mean I love you!” Sylva beamed.
“Are you in pain?” Ravus asked and he got one squeeze.
“How much more pain killers can we give her?” Ravus asked as Sylva came over to check Selena’s eyes for a concussion and saw the signs of a small one.
“Her left pupil is larger than her right which is a sign of a concussion.” Sylva realized before she lowered the lights in the room so that they weren’t blinding Selena before she ordered more pain meds before she went and got them herself from the ER pharmacy and came back and administered them herself as Selena took a deep, and steadier breath and began to breathe easier before she squeezed Ravus’ hand four times.
“Is four times ‘thank you’?” Ravus guessed before Selena squeezed one more time as a ghost of a smile spread on her face as she tried to blink away her own tears before she signed ‘mom’.
“Your mom is ok, she’s banged up but not nearly as bad as you Sweetie, she’s in the next room.” Dorian answered before Selena signed ‘ok’.
“Thank the heavens for ASL.” Luna murmured as she wiped her relieved tears from her own eyes as she and Nyx held each other tightly as Gladio and everyone else nodded and murmured their agreement to that before the surgeons made back into the room and gave the family updates on what they found and what they did and about how long it would take for her to heal as Selena raised her hand and pointed to the tube and made a motion to pull it out over and over again.
“How about we move her to a room and make sure she stays stabilized and then we get the tube out.” The surgeons advised.
“On it.” Sylva answered before she had the nurses help get Selena prepped for moving as Sylva also ordered for Sabrina to moved to a room too before they all followed Sylva who moved Selena’s bed herself to the elevators and up to the VIP rooms of the hospital before in a few moments, Sabrina was moved in right next door.
And thankfully once Selena moved and was stabilized and all the results came back that her spine had not been damaged and she could sit up, they sat her up and took off the C- collar and made her comfortable before Sylva helped remove the breathing tube.
“Now, very little, slow sips of water.” Sylva urged as she disposed of the tube as Ravus handed her a little cup of water so Selena could drink some.
“Thank you.” Selena thanked him as she squeezed his other hand three times which brought a little wry grin to his lips as he squeezed back three times. This was going to be their new little thing.
“Tea.” Selena requested as she winced as the way the ice cold water assaulted her throat.
“On it.” Luna practically lept from her spot on a sofa and immediately went to the cafe on that level and got four cups of hot water and two of every kind of tea they had before she came back and listed them off before Selena chose one before Luna got that going for her before Tredd came in since Stella had been texting him updates ever since she had come in with Yasmine, Tredd still in his work uniform and not looking cleaned up at all, but he was clearly still anxious and worried even though he had gotten several texts from everyone about the update throughout the rest of his shift as he was so relieved and grateful that Selena made it through while Billy and Patrick were still downstairs in the ER getting attended to as he handed Selena her phone which had actually been ejected from the car itself upon impact but thanks to it's protective case, which had taken a beating, the phone was still functional.
"Thank you for saving my life." Selena thanked Tredd as the two hugged.
"Are you kidding, the shit Ravus would give me if you had died on my watch? He would harrass me and make me pay- eye for an eye and all that shit. You would haunt me yourself from beyond the grave, I have bad enough karma as it is, I don't need any more." Tredd tried to tease and play off as he wiped his relieved tears from his eyes but his happy and relieved smile still showed how deeply he still cared.
"But you're welcome." Tredd offered lowly.
"But don't you do it ever again, I don't have that much good luck to doll out to just anyone and everyone, you got L-U-C-K-Y, lucky girl." Tredd added as Selena just snorted a laugh because actually laughing would hurt too much as she gave him a grateful and appreciative smile before Luna came over with Selena's tea.
“Thank you.” Selena managed to whisper to Luna with a grateful smile once the tea was given her as she took a sip of it with her left hand since her right was still laying on her in a cast and a sling.
“So we have some updates.” Gladio came back into the room with his dad.
“William Ronchester, aka Billy, the former captain of Niflheim Academy's football team and one of his former teammates- Chad Frawns, who just graduated in May, were the drivers of the cars that smashed into you, they were racing each other and ran the red, we have them on the cameras from the intersection, going at least 80 in a 35.” Gladio reported.
“Fucking Nifs!” Nyx, Luche, Ada, Tredd, Crowe and Libertus all growled as Craig just shook his head and groaned in frustration.
“Of course they were, Chad and Billy were always doing stupid shit like that, it’s always a pissing contest between those two.” Craig offered up.
“So that’s two attempts on the Ulrics by the Niflheim football team, by the same people, by the same, exact fucking people, great.” Luna grumbled angrily as she and Nyx had flashbacks to when that football team was hired to have it out for him.
“But the important part is both of them lived through it. As long as Selena doesn’t get any complications from any of her surgeries, she should make a full recovery.” Sylva consoled.
“Well is it too early to start pressing charges?” Ravus asked as Gladio and Clarus grinned wryly.
“No it’s not.” Clarus answered before he got Selena’s statement to add it to Sabrina’s and once it was clear that Selena was going to be ok, Nyx went back and spent more time with his mom as Dorian had done the same as they hung out as Gladio and Clarus went back downstairs to check up on everyone involved in the wreck as the other officers were at the other hospitals where the other patients had been taken to and finished the rest of their jobs as well as inform Billy’s family as well as Chad’s family of who they hit as Clarus and Gladio saw the color drain from their family’s faces as their eyes go as wide as saucers.
Ravus was adamant that he wasn’t leaving Selena’s side as Luche simply went to Ravus’ office and packed what he could from Ravus’ office so that Ravus would have some of what he needed there before Luche left and he and Ada went to Ravus’ and Selena’s apartment to get what Selena and Ravus would need for staying in the hospital for at least a few weeks and simply got their dogs and brought them to their own yard. Sasha being all too happy to play with her siblings Kona and Kahlua while Bunny simply laid down forlornly.
“Mommy’s ok. I promise, she’ll be home soon.” Luche offered to Bunny as he pet her affectionately as Duchess simply took command of the tallest level of Luche and Ada’s cat tower as Luche pet Duchess affectionately in turn before Ada went through her own tea collection to get what she thought Selena would like and once they were ready they went back to the hospital just as Sylva had ordered dinner for everyone who was left as Selena very slowly ate the soft foods that the hospital prepared for her as Sylva made sure that her pain medication was always given on time so that she wasn’t in too much pain in any one time and was of course administered the best pain medicine available.
When it was late and after everyone but Nyx and Luna went home to rest and Ravus was getting ready for bed himself, Sylva made one last check up to see if Selena needed anything before Selena simply reached out and gave Sylva’s hand three squeezes sleepily but smiled sweetly nonetheless, despite her pain and exhaustion.
“Where did you learn that?” Sylva asked curiously.
“When I was in surgery, I think I was dreaming, or in a coma, or something. I was on a beach. I was in the picture that’s in our living room. Only, it wasn’t finished yet. I saw you playing with Ravus and Luna, only they were little. And..this artist, he looked like he was a cross between Ravus and Vincent, he was painting the picture, he asked me to sit and paint with him. He said that it was his favorite painting, that he had repainted it over and over and over again, trying to get it perfect, trying to make it look as real as a picture. He said it was his favorite memory because Luna and Ravus weren’t fighting and you were there and not being pulled in a thousand directions at once, and that you just got to enjoy the moment with your kids and being a mom. He said that you were an old soul from worrying about everything all the time. But that you were always his ray of sunshine. I think my imagination built Victor. He’s the one who held my hand and told me that pain was coming but that I could endure it. He held my hand and said that three taps and three squeezes meant ‘I love you’ and we just were squeezing it back and forth and then his voice morphed into yours in surgery.” Selena confessed as Sylva, Ravus and Luna were utterly sobbing.
“That’s nothing short of a miracle.” Lunafreya cried as she soaked up her renewed tears.
“I don’t think it was your imagination. I’m pretty sure you met him in the afterlife, he always told me that- that was one picture that he would give anything to redo and repaint over and over again because it was the perfect moment and he wanted it to last forever and he was sure that he could get it perfect eventually.” Sylva revealed as she sobbed before she held Selena.
“We’re so happy you lived and you made it through Darling.” Sylva cried into Selena’s shoulder.
“Ditto, I would have lost my mind if I lost my best friend.” Luna confessed as she hugged Selena next before Nyx came over and hugged her tight before they bid her goodnight and left Ravus and Selena in peace before saying goodnight to Sabrina and Dorian who were in the next room over.
Ravus waited until it was just himself and Selena before he slipped Selena’s rings back on her hands.
“They fell off in the accident. Tredd picked them up and saved them from the wreck.” Ravus told her.
“Only Stella and your mom could have seen the great man underneath the asshole, turns out he was exactly who was needed in that moment, I owe him big.” Selena noted as she looked at her rings affectionately.
“We both do.” Ravus had to admit. “He saved your life today, I never would have thought that he of all people would have been the life saving type.” Ravus admitted.
“But he was a natural wasn’t he? From what Gladio said he saw, Tredd knew exactly what to do and how to do it and do it in the nick of time. Another moment later and I would have been toast, literally. The car caught fire for crying out loud. For as much as Tredd is a pyromaniac, being a firefighter is strangely a perfect fit and he’s a natural.” Selena murmured tiredly, but fondly all the same.
“He told my mom that he wants to become a paramedic too after what happened today.” Ravus informed her.
“He’d be good at that too. Nyx isn’t the only one with a hero complex apparently.” Selena nodded as Ravus nodded his agreement to that too.
“There was something more to my “run in” with your dad though.” Selena said as Ravus sat on the bed next to hers.
“Oh?” Ravus asked.
“When he gave me my own canvas and invited me to paint with him, I looked at the scene of you and Luna and your mom on the beach to the canvas and began filling in where the sea met the sand and when I looked back up, I saw you with not one, or two, but three children, our children while I was pregnant with number four.” Selena revealed as Ravus’ tears came flooding back to his eyes as his smile was heartbreakingly beautiful.
“Really?” Ravus asked.
“Yup, two little girls, the oldest was five or six, the younger girl was only one and a half, maybe two, the middle, was a boy, he must have been only four or so. The girls were just as fair and blonde as you are and so precious and beautiful, the boy took after me and was quite handsome himself. You were all under a big umbrella so none of you would burn, you were all building a sandcastle, the oldest was doing most of the work, gathering all the sand into the various buckets, getting them wet then draining them before turning them over in the right spot, the boy was organizing seashells and the youngest was just squishing the sand between her chubby little hands. Your dad told me that he was grateful and thankful for me becoming a part of your family’s lives and that it wasn’t my time to leave yet and that he was proud, and happy and that- that moment, with you and our kids on the beach- that was going to be my ‘want to last forever’ moment. And that I could get there as long as I held onto life as hard as I could and warned me that the pain was coming, but that I could endure it. I just had to hold on and keep tapping three times, I love you, over and over and he held my hand and we did it back and forth as long as we could before things faded to black and his voice morphed into your mom’s in the surgery room.” Selena revealed as she held Ravus’ hand and squeezed it three times as he returned it over and over again as Ravus knelt down next to the bed with Selena’s left hand in both of his as he pressed his forehead to her hand and continued to cry and mentally offer thanks for the miracle as his faith in God began to flicker back to life.
“Then that’s what will happen. It’s worth waiting for.” Ravus insisted as he lifted his head and kissed her hand as firm as he dared.
“It will be.” Selena repeated as she was fighting sleep.
“Get some sleep, you need it Darling.” Ravus encouraged before Ravus to get into bed himself, reaching out and still grasping her left hand and giving it three little squeezes as she gave three little squeezes back before the two finally fell asleep.
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a-world-in-grey · 4 years
Sunshine Never Stops au hcs - part 4
part 1 part 2 part 3
In which things start to speed up.
-Around the same time Cor gets his present - and heart attack - Alata and her group visit one of the Kingsglaive bases in Duscae. It’s near enough to Costlemark Tower that the group hopes to leave the truck at the base and travel on foot.
-Unfortunately for Selena, her brother is stationed at that base. Nyx is not pleased to learn that Selena is taking daemon Hunts. While those two argue - loudly - and Loqi and Ravus staying to make sure that Selena doesn’t try to sock Nyx one and that Abyssus doesn’t get up to mischief, Alata asks Titus for a private word.
-Once assured of privacy and security, Alata proceeds to reveal that she’s aware of Titus being Glauca (hello miasma beacon), asks why no one’s treated him for Miasma Poisoning, and then straight up offers to heal him. Titus is justifiably paranoid until Alata informs him that she’s Alata Mederi, the Chancellor’s niece, and she’s not going to blow a deep cover operation. But he’s got Miasma Poisoning, and that will compromise both his mental and physical faculties long before it kills him. Titus schedules an appointment with Alata after they return from their Hunt.
-Alata grabs her group, but is convinced to take along a group of Kingsglaive when the glaives learn what they’re going after. They take Luche, Tredd, and Axis, because Titus puts his foot down on Nyx going.
-They kill the overpowered Jormungand, Alata demonstrates Ifrit’s Blessing for Solheim tech and fire immunity, and somewhere between Alata losing her favorite leather jacket and returning to base, Tredd and Alata have become snark-buddies. Loqi Despairs. He’s witnessed three bondings already, so he clearly sees the snap-bond happening right in front of him.
-The group returns, and Alata - who might be suffering the effects of a not-quite healed concussion - finally gets a good look at Libertus and has an ‘oh no he’s hot’ moment. Alata cures Titus with the Holy Fire the next day, which is more than a bit hard on everyone’s nerves.
-Alata and co head off to Lestallum leaving a Cleansed Titus - who is experiencing first hand exactly what Alata meant by ‘compromised mental faculties’ because he can think for the first time in over five years - and a murderously angry Tredd (and Kingsglaive) because people saw the scar over Alata’s heart and spine. Alata got to tell them that her grandfather caused it and her uncle saved her life - all true, just not the whole truth - and more than one Galahdian is maybe pissed that Alata’s grandfather is already dead and they can’t kill him again.
-Two days after Alata and co leave the base, Cor drops by, and Nyx learns that a magical giant snake is not the worst thing his little sister has recently killed. Of course, the glaives collectively bluescreen when they learn exactly who Nyx’s little sister has been Hunting with, and Cor has three consecutive heart attacks when he learns that Sola’s been hunting the Menaces, has Ifrit’s Blessing, and died because apparently Mors put a sword through her chest!
-(It wasn’t Mors, but Cor hears grandfather and thinks the worst, not knowing that Sola was referring to Somnus instead.)
-In Lestallum, the group’s plan to pick up a couple Hunts are dashed when Loqi gets a splitting migraine, because apparently now that they’re close to the Disk of Cauthess Titan’s decided to poke his nose into things.
-Alata does not appreciate the assault on her Shield’s mind. She’s still protective from the Tempering Grounds, so the group beelines for the Disk - passing the smoldering remains of Ullder’s former command - comes face to face with Titan, and proceed to kick Titan’s stony naked butt because apparently the guy has absolutely zero social skills.
-And somewhere during that, Alata’s far too stubborn Shield loses possession of the Braincell, decides to nail Titan in the face with one of the Ifrit Special ammunition Alata made for him, and winds up gaining Titan’s Blessing.
-Alata is going to sit on her Shield. After they hightail it out of the area before people come investigating because like Pyre that was quiet.
-And in Niflheim, Ardyn receives a personal invitation to visit Queen Sylva and discuss ‘his niece’s accomplishments with interested parties.’
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eternal-nox · 5 years
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Kings and Oracles.
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ffxvficrec · 27 days
by TheVoyager Set between Chapters 4 & 5 of Final Fantasy XV: After the Fall of Insomnia, Lucis is under occupation by the Niflheim Empire and darkness encroaches. Lunafreya Nox Fleuret must travel to Angelgard--the most sacred place on Eos--and forge a covnent with Ramuh the Fulgurian. Along the way she encounters people who give her aid, and whom she inspires hope in during uncertain times--times that awaken Luna's more traumatic memories. Finally, Luna must confront herself in order to fulfill her calling as the Oracle and see the future she hopes for come to fruition. After a year of writing, my take on Episode Luna is finally finished! She was a harder character to figure out than Ardyn, but I hope my admiration for the character and the grace she bestows shines through. Just like The Gospel of Ardyn, I did take some inspiration from Dawn of the Future (at least the lore elements I felt worked) and in important ways this fic is thematically opposed to Luna's chapter of the book as I wished to retain Luna's character (and what she represents) as she was in the game and other media pre-DOTF. It is NOT a "fix-it" fic. I hope you enjoy! Writing Consultant: Obinya End Art by: BlueSakuraBranch Words: 21778, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English Series: Part 2 of The Great Wars Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Lunafreya Nox Fleuret , Gentiana (Final Fantasy XV) , Umbra (Final Fantasy XV) , Pryna (Final Fantasy XV) , Noctis Lucis Caelum , Ramuh (Final Fantasy XV) , Sylva Via Fleuret , Ravus Nox Fleuret , Astrals (Final Fantasy XV) , Dino Ghiranze Additional Tags: Spiritual , Canon Compliant , Canon-Typical Violence , Sabotage , Magic , Original Character(s) , Emotional , Self-Reflection , Cut Content References , Daemons , Family , Covenants , Angelgard (Final Fantasy XV) , Tenebrae (Final Fantasy XV) , Tenebraen Culture (Final Fantasy XV) , Post-Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV , Mentioned Kingsglaive (Final Fantasy XV) , Visions , Temptation , Starscourge (Final Fantasy XV) , Niflheim (Final Fantasy XV) , Childhood Trauma
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caelumfleuret · 6 years
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tenebraetrash17 · 6 years
Hey, hey, hey, hey...so with the Dawn Of The Future novel announced, it means that those NoctLuna babies from the picture? Probably cannon. And Noctis and Luna’s wedding? Hella cannon.
But was the discussion on what Luna’s last name going to be ever solved?? Because I remember it being a thing awhile back so yee, here I am, bringing up old things.
I can actually safely say that Luna’s name probably wouldn’t have changed at all, and in fact, her daughter’s name would have been the only one that’s different! 
Reasons why??
Well, after learning of Sylva’s name actually being Via Fleuret and with Aera as Mils, it’s safe to say that Fleuret is the name that gets passed down, and I have reasons to think that the middle factor of the name, such as Nox, is actually the last name of the father!
So since Sylva apparently didn’t change her name while Ravus and Luna both share the same “Middle Name”, it probably points to it being the Fleuret way of taking on the father’s name, But since the Oracles are all females, they had to retain a set name for their house, 
So comes the solution of giving the child the father’s last name to come in front of the Fleuret, so not only can the father’s legacy somewhat carry on, the Fleuret name continues!
But what does this have to do with Luna and the Lunoct babies???? 
So, unless Ravus fathered a baby girl who happens to have Oracle powers, I believe that the unnamed daughter will eventually become the Oracle in her mom’s place! So it’s likely her name will go as _____ Caelum Fleuret? But as for the son?? I believe he’ll have the full name of Lucis Caelum since the crown will most likely be passed onto him since his sister is already designated a task. In this sense, both lines will be able to continue.
Luna is most likely to keep the Nox Fleuret as her mother kept her name as well, just given how Sylva has a different name than her children!
And since y’know, I love Ravyoli and felt the need to put a thing in here on him, I’m actually pretty curious if he would continue that tradition with his kids? Or would they take on his full ‘Nox Fleuret’? It’s something to think about!
Also, with the Fleuret name being passed down and how the Queens don’t alter their name when it comes to marriage, it pretty much solidifies that Tenebrae has been run by the Queen Fleurets for as long as Aera at least! 
It also somewhat makes me believe that after Ardyn and Aera, the Oracle and King lines were no longer allowed to mix, not only is there now only one person to carry on the bloodline, there’s also a name and title to be passed on as well, and with the marriage of a Lucis Caelum and a Fleuret, if that couple happened to only have one child, or all sons and no daughters, one of the names would have died out and the bloodline might have become less pure as a son would not be able to pass on anything truly ocular. As Ravus shows that, while he is gifted with powers unexplained, he lacks the needed abilities to become the Oracle.
Sooooo, this feels really messy and all that, so sorry, it’s not one of my more sounder theories, although I do believe I'm at least somewhat correct with the names !!!
Another thing I mentioned in the past is that the Fleuret’s could have only had girls up until Sylva when the world was basically unraveling around them and the God’s were “Nah fam”-ing away, given how they address Ravus in some standpoints. Gladio, who the heck refers to someone as a Son Of Tenebrae? I don’t see you being referred to as a son of Lucis. Perhaps through the blessing of the Astrals? The only reason why I think this theory would hold any weight is because of the chance of the Oracle line fading away, since only girls could be the Oracle. After all, not everyone can have more than one kid, and unless a girl is born, the Oracle’s are through. So perhaps by some miracle of the Gods, they made it so that the deciding factor for having a girl was strongest and would be the most common occurrence, if not the only one. Given that both Luna and Ravus are the last of the Fleurets Thanks Ardyn , a birth of a boy, especially as a first born, in that time might have meant a bad omen, and worried the people of Tenebrae until Luna was born. Not only would that lend to Ravus’ ‘OH LOOK AT HOW POWERFUL I AM, I COULD BE CHOSEN’ complex, but it would also show the signs of the end of the era for the Fleurets.
But idk, maybe that’s just me grasping at straws. Weirdly enough, I remember in game that a random passerby mentioned Ravus as the first son of Tenebrae, but I can never find it anywhere- was it patched out because it didn’t coincide with other lore? Or was I just hallucinating? I honestly don’t know why I remember this so vividly.
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robininthelabyrinth · 6 years
Fic: Nocturne (30/30) - Ao3 Link
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Pairings: Mostly Gen
Summary: In which Cor Leonis loses his temper, accidentally acquires a kid, and tries to single-handedly dismantle the Lucian immigration system – and that’s before he and his lawyers find out about this Prophecy business. If the Astrals think Cor’s going to let his kid’s best friend die without a fight, they’ve gotten the wrong cheetah ‘taur.
(a young adult novel set in @kickingshoes’ ‘taur AU)
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“You know, maybe I ought to be the one in charge,” Aulea says, reclining on the bed to stretch out her hindlegs and forelegs, smirking at Regis as she does. “If we’re putting a regency in place anyhow…”
“My love,” Regis says, lifting her hand and kissing it. “You’re already in charge.”
She laughs. “Maybe I want formal control,” she says mischievously. “You can be my Prince Consort, how do you like that?”
“Does that mean you can take afternoon court and I can – oh, wait, you attend afternoon court with me as it is,” Regis sighs dramatically as Aulea snorts. “For shame. And here I’d been imagining a life of leisure.”
“Fat chance,” she giggles. “But look on the bright side: I could shake all the hands and sign all the formal documents, while you could be in charge of hosting all the parties.”
“I’ve seen your parties,” Regis says dryly. “I’ll take the shaking and the signing.”
Aulea hums in agreement. “It’ll only be worse now that we’re making peace with Niflheim, you know. There’ll be food requests. Weird new customs to adjust to. Seating charts.”
“You’re not making this whole Prince Consort business sound very appealing, you know,” Regis tells her. “What must a ‘taur do to get a nice, stress-free position in this government?”
“Not be in government,” Aulea laughs. “For a start.”
“Think we can get Clarus to do it?”
“Regis!” Aulea smacks him lightly with a pillow.
“We are discussing a regency!” he laughs. “We could put anyone there – after all, I’ve abdicated! I’m an ex-king!”
“You know, I think you’ve already found what may be the one government position in which you don’t have to do anything. And yet here you are, giving it up.”
“I’ve clearly gone mad,” Regis says.
“Clearly,” Aulea agrees. “Which means, of course, that it’s only right for me to take the throne.”
“I’m sorry, my dear,” he says, catching her around the waist and pulling her closer. “I’m going to coup you and seize power from under your fingertips in order to put myself in as regent.”
“You monster!” she mock-gasps. “Stealing the power away from your only son!”
“Mmm,” he says, nuzzling her cheek. “You know, ever since the Ring was destroyed in that final confrontation with Ardyn, I’ve been feeling positively peppy – we could always see about fixing that ‘only’ business –”
“Why, Regis, you old tomcat–”
“I think that’ll do it,” Clarus says, putting his pen down and looking at the newest version of the peace treaty that he’s marked up with satisfaction. “We’re getting close to something that may even be sustainable.”
Cyrella snorts, flicking her tail in his direction. “Really, Clarus? Optimism?”
He shrugs. “It’s a new age. I don’t see why not.” He grins. “Besides, if they disagree, our armies are in a far more equitable posture at the moment, and with Tenebrae demanding actual independence in exchange for refereeing this agreement, even if they do pull a draft, we’ll have early notice of it.”
“There is that,” she says, smiling. “But a preliminary question: do you think they’ll sign it?”
“That may take a bit more doing,” he concedes.
“Well, if they don’t, I’ll hit them with the Sword of the Tall until they agree,” Cyrella says, sounding very pleased with the idea.
“Not very diplomatic of you,” Clarus says. “Also, shouldn’t you give that back at some point?”
“I don’t see why.”
“Don’t you ‘Cyrella’ me,” she says, pointing at him. “I just helped save the world. The least I deserve for my active participation is a sword as long as I am tall that is absolutely badass.”
“You’re absolutely badass enough on your own, you know.”
“Thank you. Still not giving it back.”
Thinking to himself that it would be wiser to withdraw from this field of battle, at least for now, Clarus decides a change in subject is called for. “You know, when this is done and Regis is re-installed as monarch – or, at least, as regent until Noctis is appropriately of age –”
“Which, if we leave the choice up to Noctis, won’t happen until he’s at least forty,” Cyrella opines.
“…you’re not wrong. But as I was saying, when this is done, Reggie is going to be reigning over a peacetime kingdom for the first time in his life.”
“So, my dear, that means he doesn’t exactly have much immediate use for his War Minister, does he?” Clarus asks, arching his eyebrows at her. “Or, for that matter, his Shield.”
“Clarus Amicitia,” she says. “Are you suggesting that we might take a vacation?”
“I am indeed,” he says.
“And what exactly did you have in mind?”
“Well,” he says, smirking. “You did seem like you liked the way I described Galahd…”
Her tail flicks again, this time with interest. “I did,” she says. “Gladio sounded like he liked it, too.”
Clarus arches his eyebrows at her. “Are we lacking for babysitters now? I was thinking we’d leave him here.”
“With who? Regis and Aulea are going to be thinking the same thing, you know; you so much as as hint at a vacation and they’ll sign up right alongside.”
“Yes, they will,” Clarus says patiently. “But you know who isn’t?”
“Cor,” he agrees.
“He’s going to kill you,” she predicts.
“Well,” Clarus says. “Luckily for me, my wife’s just come in to ownership of this sword – long as she is tall, I’ve heard it said – ‘absolutely badass,’ even –”
Cyrella laughs.
“I cannot believe you!” Libertus bellows. He’s gotten pretty good at it. “You were supposed to be at training! You were supposed to be leading training!”
“I’m sorry!” Nyx yelps. “I didn’t – I was just –”
“In the storage shed?!”
“It was a spur-of-the-moment thing!”
“With Aranea Highwind?!”
“Hey, I’m a member of the Crownsguard Aerial Corps,” Aranea says, flicking her tail smugly. “You have no authority over me.”
“And yet, oddly enough, you’re on the Kingsglaive training field right now,” Libertus says. “Besides, weren’t you going out on a date with his sister the other day?”
Libertus crosses his arms. “Stop screwing my lieutenants. Or else.”
Aranea crosses her arms. “Or else what?”
“Or he’ll hand you over to me,” Cor says mildly from behind her, causing both her and Nyx to jump into the air. “Or would you say I also don’t have authority over you, Crownsguard?”
“Um,” Aranea says.
“I have more pamphlets,” Cor adds cheerfully.
She turns pale.
“You seem to have gotten the idea behind the whole asexuality thing,” Cor muses. “But maybe a few on healthy sexual practices –”
“I’ve changed my mind,” Aranea says hastily. “Libertus, I accept whatever punishment you choose to bestow.”
“I thought I ‘had no authority’ over you?”
“I’m willing to put that aside!”
“Oh, one thing,” Cor says. “Before you impose punishment, Captain –”
Libertus winces.
Cor smirks.
“– I think you should consider expanding that punishment to three.” He reaches down with one forepaw and stamps on the ground.
There’s a yowl and Hemera leaps into the air, clutching her tail.
“You too?” Libertus howls.
“I wasn’t doing anything!” she signs quickly. “I came to argue with Nyx!”
“Well, see, I thought it was my turn, and he thought –”
“You’re all on punishment duty! Now!”
Luna’s having a pretty good day so far.
School’s let out early, she’s going to meet her girlfriend for a nice lunch, and – she’s never going to get over this – they’re not at war.
She has a delightful spring in her step as a result, kicking up her heels cheerfully as she trots along, turning the corner to go around the Kingsglaive training grounds – she likes taking that route, even if it is a bit longer, because it provides such delightful eye candy.
(Yes, she’s dating Cindy, but Cindy of all people understands the importance of some good eye candy.)
“Hey! Luna!”
Luna blinks and looks around when a new Kingsglaive trainee appears in front of her in a burst of warping.
Dark hair, dark eyes –
“Crowe? What’re you doing here?”
“They opened a junior wing for the Kingsglaive, since it’s still building up,” Crowe says, beaming at her. “We come here for the last few years of school and part-time with the Kingsglaive, getting us ready to join on the officer track. They’re hoping to expand.”
“That’s – great,” Luna croaks.
She hasn’t seen her in years.
Crowe’s grown.
She’s lean and dark and her eyes are flashing and her cheeks are flushed and her maned fox hindquarters are lean and sharp and –
Oh dear.
She’s very attractive.
Luna, you have a girlfriend, Luna reminds herself desperately. And Crowe is dating – uh –
“How’s your girlfriend?” Luna blurts out. “Back in Galahd?”
“No idea. We grew apart and ended up breaking up,” Crowe says cheerfully, totally unphased. “It happens. How about you? You seeing anyone?”
“Uh – yes – there’s this girl –”
“Heya, bambi girl!” a familiar voice trills out. “You ready for lunch?”
“Cindy!” Luna exclaims, relieved. Show, not tell; that will surely make this conversation easier.
Cindy hops over. “You were running late,” she says with a grin. “Oh – and who’s this?”
“Crowe Altius,” Crowe says, sticking out her hand, her eyes going a bit round in appreciation, which is pretty much everyone’s usual response to Cindy. “Nice to meet you.”
“Cindy Aurum,” Cindy purrs. She’s got a surprisingly good purr for a jackrabbit. “And darling, trust me, the pleasure’s all mine.”
Luna’s in trouble.
Good trouble, bad trouble, she’s not sure yet – but definitely trouble.
“You’re – you’re serious?” Ravus says, staring at his mother over the dining room table.
“That the ruler of Tenebrae has always been the Oracle is more tradition than any legal requirement,” Sylvia says, smiling at her son.
“Trust me, I’ve checked,” Scientia interjects. “At length. With some difficulty, because your libraries are still being reconstructed.”
“It’s unseemly to brag about doing your job,” Sylvia jibs back, rolling her eyes.
Scientia sniffs. “I didn’t have to take the job.”
“Why are you even here?” Sylvia complains. “I know we agreed to have joint family dinners, but Luna’s off on date night and the younger children are all sleeping over somewhere –”
“I always could go, you know,” Scientia says. “I’ll just be taking the food I brought with me.”
“You can stay,” Ravus says quickly.
“Sorry, Mom. But the food is really good.” He shrugs when she glares at him. “It is!”
“Well, yes, it is,” Sylvia concedes. “But we’re getting away from the point.”
“That you still owe me one?” Scientia coughs into her hand.
“One day you two will have to explain that,” Ravus says. “But first – you actually want – you want me to inherit the throne of Tenebrae?”
“You’re my eldest son,” Sylvia says. “And you love the blue hills of Tenebrae as much as I do. Luna – well, Luna’s young. She may yet grow into the role, but I don’t think so. Right now, she wants to explore, to travel – she wants to be a healer, not a queen, and she’d never have the patience for all of hard work of ruling a country. You do.”
“And you don’t – what I did –”
“You need to learn to forgive yourself,” Scientia says crisply. “Accept your failures, understand them, decide not to do them again, and move on.”
“Are you the one with experience ruling a country here or am I?” Sylvia asks acidly.
“Were you going to give him any other advice?”
“That isn’t the point –”
“What would I have to do?” Ravus interrupts, looking at his mother with wide eyes. “Going forward?”
“Not much different than what you do now,” Sylvia says. “You stand by my side, you watch and you learn – Tenebrae’s going to be independent now, and that’ll be a learning experience for both of us. You’ll have a lot more classes in a hundred different subjects – but you’ll have me to guide you through it. Is that something you want?”
“Yes,” Ravus says, smiling so hard it looks like it hurts. “Yes. I do.”
“All right, you’ve got the set up down, right?” Noctis says into his headset microphone, looking around him to confirm that everyone else on his side is set up, too.
Prompto gives him a thumbs-up and Gladio grins.
Ignis just stares at his screen, but that’s okay; he always does that right before they go in. Prompto likes to joke that he’s calibrating.
Noctis doesn’t really care, since whatever it is, it seems to work. Ignis is deadly.
“Yeah, we’re good, assuming your pathetic connections can keep up with ours,” the voice says over the headset, snotty and arrogant as always.
Ugh, Noctis can’t believe they’re friends with this jerk.
“I wouldn’t worry about that, Loqi,” Gladio replies. “We’re gonna kick you and your friends’ hindquarters even with you Niffs tearing down all our towers to get yourself a leg up.”
“Yeah, right,” Loqi snorts. “You just want an excuse to explain how bad you’re going to lose.”
“You wish.”
“Enough chatter on the lines,” Ignis says, his voice dark and somehow incredibly intimidating. “Let’s get started.”
“What Iggy said,” Noctis adds, to help fill the cowed silence in the wake of Ignis’ declaration. “Let’s get this show on the road!”
“I’m just happy that they finally expanded this MMORPG to be cross-border,” Prompto says happily. His tail is wagging like mad, but then, he’s always been remarkably unaffected by Ignis’ unparalleled skill at trash talk. “It was getting boring just fighting Lucian teams all the time.”
“No kidding,” one of Loqi’s friends – Noctis doesn’t know her name, just her user handle – says. “The league in Niflheim has been dull as dust ever since Gralea basically dropped off the usenet for a while there.”
“Consider less censorship,” Gladio recommends.
“Says the people who weren’t allowed on the network at all for how long?”
“We were on a different network, moron.”
“I still think we should be allowed to bring in an electronic avatar version of the Kaiser Behemoth,” one of the other Niff kids says.
“You’re not allowed to,” Prompto says. “You just be glad we let you keep the Kaiser Behemoth. The real one, I mean.”
“The Kaiser Behemoth’s pretty awesome,” the Niff – presumably from Gralea – concedes.
Noctis decides to ignore them all and click on the loading screen. Everyone quiets down as soon as they see it, mentally planning their first moves once their avatars all get dropped into the same landscape – chosen at random, as is only fair.
The best part of this, he thinks happily, is that he can even tell his parents that he was ‘fostering a further relationship with peers in Niflheim’ or whatever they’re calling it nowadays.
The screen finishes loading.
“Glory to the empire!” Loqi shouts gleefully, his character leaping forward.
“Long live Lucis!” Gladio shoots back, his own character jumping up to intercept.
"Long live Eos!" Noctis laughs.
And the game begins.
A/N: And that's all she wrote, folks! (Literally.) I hope you enjoyed the story!
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