#bb luna
go-see-a-starwar · 5 months
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Hayden Christensen Fave Photos Pt 8/? ♡Birthday Edition♡
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sigelfire · 7 months
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chaoslordjoe · 1 year
Do not let CRWBY deter you.
The current FNDM situation involving Volume 9 Episode 6 needs no introduction, by now, y'all know what happened and how pissed most everyone is in the following episode at recent character actions. Who can blame them?
But after scouring some RWBY-related forums and channels, I have to say that I'm almost not surprised by how disheartened everyone is rather than enraged. Well, there are folks who are angry, but what really shocks me is how everyone is more sad and disappointed rather than pissed off.
Anyway, with my point being made, let's cut straight into it: Don't let RWBY's latest controversy deter you from criticizing this show. And to any fanfic writers, fan-artists or general content creators who still write RWBY fanfiction, don't let the events of this episode or CRWBY's "planned from the start" mantra make you feel bad. 
That's exactly what they want to make themselves feel like they're being smart about this to flex on us, the beleaguered critics of this show.
Perhaps then, this isn't the right sub for this kind of rallying cry. But rather, the kind of post to motivate creators of fan content who have been burned out, and it seems like the Wasps and other toxic elements of the FNDM have won.
We should not let CRWBY win either. They got the last laugh in deciding the events to canonize a controversial ship, but we should resist their efforts to dominate the FNDM discussion as we have more power than them, we can still write our own fanfics, our own alternate universes, rewrites, whatever else.
Do not let CRWBY's idiocy deter you. They started this shipping war, and the only way to resist that is to let them know that you will ship whoever you please, however if fits within YOUR narrative. Not Rooster Teeth's. If you give in, then Miles, Kerry, Eddy and Kiersi wins.
Arryn Zech wins.
Barbara Dunkelman wins.
Where they've successfully demoralized you. You have more creativity than those braying jackasses ever will. Continue writing fanfiction. Continue drawing art. Do not let CRWBY deter you.
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By Yuuki Kato
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snowy-bones · 8 months
I'm weak, his cuteness has captured my heart and made me bring him flowers. 💐🌷🌹🪻🌼🌻🌺💐!!!!
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*such a happy bumble! *its amazing how such a fluffy bumble can fit into such a tiny flower!
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coffee-and-uhg · 10 months
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“Mi Familia” from Camila Sodi’s IG April, 2016
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useless-rambling · 9 months
che poi, pur accantonando i simuel, se il pubblico target non fosse stato quel che è manuel avrebbe comunque dovuto avere (anche) un love interest maschile
(la confusione nel non capire cosa prova per il proprio migliore amico; avere le prime esperienze con lo stesso sesso con detto migliore amico, ma realizzare di non provare niente di più profondo della pura attrazione fisica; cercare, quindi, di risanare il rapporto platonico preesistente e contemporaneamente tirare un sospiro di sollievo davanti a ciò che si convince sia l'eccezione alla regola, il caso isolato che non si ripeterà mai più; fare la conoscenza, intanto, di una nuova compagna di classe da cui è immediatamente attratto, cementificando l'idea di essere assolutamente etero -- solamente per essere sorpreso dalla vita ancora una volta in seguito all'incontro con un ragazzo che non solo - fatica ad ammetterlo - lo attrae, ma la cui presenza gli manda il cervello in panne, il cuore in subbuglio e gli fa contorcere lo stomaco -- sono queste le famose farfalle?; farsi coraggio e parlarne con simone, con cui hanno riallacciato pienamente i rapporti e che non lo giudicherebbe mai, ponendo così le basi per quel rapporto fraterno - consolidatosi, purtroppo, off screen - millantato dagli sceneggiatori; parlarne anche con sua sorella, che ha dei modi bruschi ma che lo adora; ricevere le rassicurazioni di cui ha bisogno, smettendo di avere paura e accettando - finalmente - se stesso >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sequestro di minore).
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y0nain · 10 months
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ʚ @milcw @yongsaengz ) cruza sus brazos a la altura de su pecho ante la propuesta. su rostro se ladea en una desconfianza que no tiene que ver con su compañía, sino con toda la situación. "¿por qué me llevarías en tu espalda?" susurra, alzando su mentón en una postura orgullosa que no va con ella. por lo demás, su semblante es neutro. "no creo que sea por mis tacones... ¿o sí?" si bien los mira un par de segundos, es una broma. pronto vuelve a alzar su mirada.
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bumblingbriars · 2 months
📻 + all the BB ocs 🕶️
Ofc sir it's all under the cut!
All Kat wants is for people to love her after years of being bounced from home to home. She wants to take ahold of her destiny and be in control of it after not having control for several years. This leads to her making unhealthy decisions, which we will see in the fic.
For Etta here, she's disconnected from her family. Nonetheless, she is still her parents daughter and can feel the echoes of their family baggage in her own person. She's kind, she's patient--but she's also a bomb waiting to go off.
After her relationship with Theo fails, her heart is broken for quite a while. In this time she tries to give her self love, but it doesn't work out as she hopes. She's a romantic--heartbreak is hard to heal from. At least she's able to befriend her future husband due to this, but it sure takes a bit to get there...
Dorothy is certainly a "weird kid." She's always been weird. While kind and cheery, she does struggle with autism and bullying as a child due to several factors in her life. But she pushes through these troubles with a smile on her face because she knows she doesn't have to change for anyone. It does take a while for the lingering low self-esteem issues to peter out, of course...
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cosmic-ships · 2 months
Poem guy
(For the describe the f/o game)
Ah yes the man who write the words on the dead trees and drives big vroom vroom (bus) aksbsksbsis
( Describe my f/o poorly )
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hematomes · 1 year
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honestly all of this in 108 pulls is. good. like "ive never had this much luck before even with xiao's banners" good
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salunalover · 2 years
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This is a flirty fruit
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This is a fruit that t r i e s and wants to flirt but doesn’t really know how and/or is nervous to do so
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sigelfire · 7 months
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ac1dfaerie · 2 years
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🌌Night and Day 🌅
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scuddle-bubble101 · 1 year
Hazard, could you answer number 34 for me? You can hold a crayon that's the color you choose!
What is a color that calms you?
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*picking it is easy, its pronouncing that takes awhile!
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maximusboltaqon · 6 months
i keep trying to figure out the ages of the main family members and then remembering ohhh right none of this matters because of the timescale. these ages will be inaccurate in like six months.
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