#T-Mobile Mane Stage
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Miranda Lambert & Reba McEntire perform at the T-Mobile Mane Stage during the Stagecoach Festival at Empire Polo Club on April 27, 2024 in Indio, California.
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colucana · 11 months
Heart's megafauna pt1
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Common critters found around Heart kingdom, many of them roam in and out the Heart’s queen castle and are more than attached to Queen Lolopechika, much to the Spirit guardians’ (minus Gajah) dismay
Similar to the elves in Elysia, the Heart kingdom over the years developed a good bond with the critters that wander around the land, some may have serve for intimidation tactics when the neighboring kingdoms weren’t as willing to be civilized but nowadays most of the ones that were domesticated make for good companions
Gossypium lion/Cotton lion
Cotton magic
Social felines that form prides up to 20 or more individuals, they roams the open plains of Heart and nap on top of cliff where they can get a good doses of sunlight.
Standing almost as tall as a medium size horse, cotton grows around the males’ whole neck forming a mane while females grow it only on the back, though this is more related to their mana levels, health and season.
Their manes start to fall when the cold months end and get replaced by flower petals till the cold starts again, they will go through spiky trees to get all of the cotton off before growing their flowers.
In Heart, people either collect the cotton from the trees wild lions use to get the cotton off or brush themselves from domestic ones to manufacture different fabrics, some sell it to other kingdoms or even take requests on what kind of designs they want to put in the chosen purchased item.
Although carnivorous, these animals can stand going through long periods without food by lowering their mobilization patterns and spending time basking in the sun.
Domestic ones tent to grab their owners as if they were little cubs, drag them to a corner and curl around them, probably not letting them go for hours since they decided that their owners are in need for some cuddles.
Cumulus leopard/Cloud leopard
Cloud magic
Agile ambush felines that can walk and land on clouds as if they were solid ground, sky dropping when last expected.
Easily reaching a mage to the elbows, these big cats can use a technique akin to mana skin to control their falling velocity or temporally levitate for when they hop from one cloud to another, in order to make any necessary adjustments and prevent injuries.
They come in a variety of different coats that range through all the colors of the sky, blue, orange, yellow, etc, some people in Heart nickname them rainbow leopards due to this.
The clusters of clouds hugging their necks and other limbs varies depending on the altitude the felines are, the higher they go the more covered they get, meanwhile in lesser altitudes clouds can only be seen levitating over their necks.
A leopard which lives constantly in solid ground will have a hard time creating cloud platforms in quick succession contrary to one living in the sky.
In contrast to their wild counterparts, domestic leopards can’t handle staying in high altitudes for long periods of time, often parents need to keep an eye on their kids otherwise the house leopard might take them for a joy ride.
Ursus beaver/Bear beaver
Wood magic
Also known as thick-pelted beavers, these bear size rodents habits rivers and lakes that run around the Heart kingdom, building dams, lodges and cutting down trees with teeth that could easily rip a limb with little effort
Smart and mischievous, they are prone to get attracted by shiny objects in their more younger stages which leads to many people in Heart losing their belongings, reason as to why not many will have collections of shiny things
Youngsters are able to dig long tunnels that start at their core lodges and extend at random creating the strangest underground mazes that helps them stay away from predators, as adults they don't use tunnels nor dig, their size allows them to be less worried preys
Though thick looking, their coats allows them to float around like a raft which helps keep kits afloat when they are still learning to swim, although youngsters will rather prefer to use their parents as boats than getting in the water
They often use their magic to extend the trees they have already cut down and avoid long taxing trips from their homes when the trees are too far away
People that live with one often plop down on their backs as they lay spreaded on the floor instead of going for a couch, in return the beaver sometimes will lay on top of them as if its were a living weighted blanket
Euryale sloth/Swamp sloth
Water magic
Some of the biggest mammals in Heart easily looming over human for half a meter when walking on all four legs, usually staying submerged underwater in swamps with only their nose peeking out while its head gets hidden by a lilypad.
Good swimmers that can hold their breath for half hour, they will climb trees that are thick enough to support their weight only when they're looking for something that usually would be out of their diets, like flowers or even honey when they feel adventurous.
Though not lazy in any way, their preference for staying in water rather than land has allowed small algae to grow in their fur, the habits of rolling around in mud for time to time doesn’t help them get rid of it despite that the green makes for a good camouflage.
Mothers and other females frequently end up picking lost baby creatures with them to their lairs, even males tend to fo this from time to time, when this happens individuals’ aggression levels increase making swamps a dangerous place to wander.
Their magic normally acts clothing their claws and tail making their blows stronger than normal but they can also shot water water at high pressure through their mouths, enough to blow a hole in a tree.
Domestic sloth usually act like guards to small children in places like schools, orphanages or playgrounds, some children climb them like they were another attraction in the place, adults are not recommended to get too close unless the sloths knows them priorly.
Bonus info
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Queen Lolopechika has a blue leopard named Spots that loves messing around by either “borrowing” people’s grimoires or flooding the castle with clouds
A small pride (12 individuals) of cotton lions although very chill, they will take the queen off her chambers or throne room and hide her somewhere among cotton manes, Gajah has increasingly getting the same treatment as years go by, nowadays other guardians have to negotiate with the pride to get the queen back
Sloths and Beavers commonly like to lay around the castle floors or hang in the underground pools, sometimes liking to slide around the floors after a dip making people slip when they walk pass
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ramtracking · 1 month
Jelly Roll Brings Daughter Bailee to Stagecoach for 'Cool Dad Points' [ Hip hop music ]
Jelly Roll Brings Daughter Bailee to Stagecoach for ‘Cool Dad Points’ [News Summary] Jelly Roll, Bailee Ann and Bunnie Xo are seen at the T-Mobile Mane Stage during the 2024 Stagecoach Festival on April 26, 2024 in Indio,… Debuting his Amazon-exclusive ‘Should’ve Been a Cowboy’ cover, Jelly Roll talks about Toby Keith, Stagecoach, new music and his social media… Jelly Roll put a new spin on the…
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5gdiginews · 1 month
Jelly Roll Performs Hip Hop Hits at Country-Themed Stagecoach Festival
jelly Roll The country-themed Stagecoach Festival got a new twist on Friday night with some rap songs t-pain To add even more spice to the performance. play video content stagecoach The country music star performed in front of a packed crowd at the T-Mobile Mane Stage in Indio, California — and announced there would be special guests. T-Pain then walked across the stage and sang a medley of…
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labelleperfumery · 1 month
Jelly Roll Performs Hip Hop Hits at Country-Themed Stagecoach Festival
Jelly Roll put a new spin on the country-themed Stagecoach Festival Friday night, cranking out a few rap songs while also bringing out T-Pain to add even more spice to the performance. The country music star hit the T-Mobile Mane Stage in Indio,… from TMZ.com https://www.tmz.com/2024/04/27/jelly-roll-hip-hop-stagecoach-festival-country-music-t-pain/
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caqi-cove · 5 years
FFXIV OC Trial Boss Asks - Qurcaqi Himaa
The Bowl of Embers - What would be the title of your trial listed as in the duty-finder?
Ash and Snow
Thok ast Thok - Write a brief flavor-text about your trial one would find as a listed description in the duty-finder
Using the speed and mobility of her people, the Khatun of Khans has circumvented the defensive line built by the Eorzean Alliance. There is precious little time before Ishgard’s defenses are swept away, and it is put to the torch in Nhaama’s name. One hope yet remains, to cut down the leader of the horde and end Qurcaqi’s ambitions.
Cape Westwind - What is the setting of the battle? Where will it take place?
The snowy fields outside of Ishgard is where the battle for Ishgard will be decided. The horde’s mounted warriors do battle with the beleaguered Elezen knights, the fields littered with the bodies. The fires from the already destroyed settlements cast gouts of ash into the air. Even so, Nhaama’s light shines down on the Khatun - her approval is clear.
The Howling Eye - Write a description of the opening cut-scene preceding the fight
A company of knights charge towards the Khatun’s honorguard with battlecries on their lips and fury in their hearts. A white blur dashes out from the Xaelic warriors, a spear striking with terrifying speed and precision to cut the heavily armed troupe down like ripened wheat.
The moonlight shines down on the figure to cast her in a silhouette, her white horse stamping at the ground as she surveys the damage done. She spurs her horse and slowly rides towards the Warrior of Light and their cadre of companions.
Thornmarch - What would be your character’s opening dialogue(s) upon the start of the battle?
”This battle is not yours to fight. Where is the blue knight?” The Khatun demands, pulling her helm free of her head to look directly at the Warrior of Light. Her mismatched eyes flash with fury as she circles ‘round. “If he is one chosen to be their leader, he should be one to face me! Not you, not rabble gathered! This is justice, for horrible slaughter and for hubris.”
She levels the tip of her spear at the warrior of light. “Giving chance, turn away stranger. Blood is not on your hands, no side in this fight. Only those who are guilty must die.”
The Chrysalis - What would be your character’s final words upon defeat?
The khatun falls from her saddle and struggles to get up, her eyes slowly rising to the heavens. “Dayuuqi.. was.. right.” She gasps, the words hard to form. “Sarnai.. I love.. you.” The Khatun of Khans falls into the snow, ash, and blood of the battlefield, never to rise again.
(Note: Assuming in this universe that Iyrn would not fall for a more slaughter-focused and militant Qurcaqi. So she’s speaking of her lost wife.)
The Final Steps of Faith - How would some of the mechanics of the fight operate? Include as many as you want and specify whether it is for hard-mode or extreme (if applicable)
In hard mode, Qurcaqi’s primary mode of attack would be charging up her attacks much like the Magna Roader from Castrum Abania. She would ready her attacks and then launch them in wide corridors. The longer the fight went on the more rushing strikes would be added as she ping-pongs around the battlefield.
In Extreme she would toss her spear aside and pull out her greatsword instead. Now wreathed in dark aether all of her attacks are amplified and have additional effects. She would also launch an orb of dark energy to ping-pong around the battlefield alongside her, then at 50% add a second.
Urth’s Fount - Would there be any mechanics that when ignored would result in an instant wipe?
No, I’m honestly not fond of a lot of instant-death mechanics unless they make sense in the story. Arbitrarily being wiped out by a slightly stronger blast of magic feels lazy.
The Royal Menagerie - Describe your OC’s techniques or special attacks that the party will have to avoid or be cautious dealing with
Only in Extreme mode, whenever a player dies, she unleashes a blast of dark energy that hits the entire party for heavy damage. On top of her other techniques this is a fight where healers will need to stay on the ball, and players will need to be mindful of their positioning. If people are too slow or too focused on DPSing she can easily wipe up non-tanks.
The Singularity Reactor - Will your character summon adds and companions throughout the encounter, or would it be a single-target fight?
Nope! Qurcaqi would directly engage her enemies. However, there will be warriors around the ring that will damage enemies and knock them back into the ring. Though they will not be joining.
Akh Afah Amphitheater - Will your trial be a single-phase fight or will there be different segments to the encounter?
A single phase endurance fight, primarily because I can’t see Caqi willingly holding back until she is arbitrarily wounded enough. She’ll hit you with her best attacks, growing more furious and bloodthirsty as she goes.
Battle on the Big Bridge - What would the battle theme sound like? Will the music shift when the second phase of the fight begins?
Something akin to the Green Horde Rises from Dawn of War 2. A sharp rise with the sounds of morin khuur playing along with throat singing, and warcries from her people. She would be, at least in her mind, the embodiment of Nhaama’s wrath and her people’s culture.
In the end, however, she’s being little more than a murderous savage who is holding onto her fury just like the dragons. The very things her people were killed for resembling.
The Navel - How easy would it be for a DRG to fall off the edge of the stage in your trial?
A DRG or RDM would not fall off, but they’d be ping-ponged about by the warriors around the ring. In Extreme there’s a good chance they’d die and cause more damage to hit the raid. Be careful where you jump!
Castrum Fluminis - Would your OC drop any loot at the end of the fight? If so, describe them (tokens, tomes, weapons, crafting reagents, mounts, etc.)
In terms of tangible gear, mostly weapons that looks to be of steppe make. The special part would be her horse, Ganbataar. A white horse with a grey mane with Steppe barding. Extreme only, because that’s how FFXIV makes you work!
Emanation - Name someone else’s OC you would like to see as a trial boss. Be sure to tag them
Doing that at the end, you’re not my dad!
Ultima’s Bane - On a scale of 1 to 10, with ten being the most extreme, how would you rate the difficulty of your trial?
On hard I’d rate it a 4. It’s mostly a ‘Don’t stand around’ that may tax speed rezzers. Extreme I’d rate it a 6 or maybe a 7 depending. It’s similar in style but the punishment for failure means your entire trial party takes massive damage. Good job!
Tagged By: @moonstruck-ffxiv
Tagging: @rasha-tahl , @crazy-coeurl-lady , @roegadynlibrarian , @lichface
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kosa12-blog · 7 years
Billboard Music Awards 2017 Winners: The Complete List
May we have your attention, please? The 2017 Billboard Music Awards are finally here and some of your favorite artists may we walking home with a big trophy this weekend in Las Vegas. As Ludacris and Vanessa Hudgens host the live telecast from the T-Mobile Arena, artists from a wide variety of genres are looking forward to several performances from singers including John Legend, Miley Cyrus, Cher and more. Most importantly, the artists who have topped the charts in the past 12 months will be recognized for their hits, lyrics, beats and accomplishments. Will frontrunners Drake and The Chainsmokers take home the most trophies? Take a look at our complete winners list updating throughout the night below.    Musicians Performing Live on Stage Top Artist: Adele Beyoncé Justin Bieber The Chainsmokers Drake Ariana Grande Shawn Mendes Rihanna Twenty One Pilots The Weeknd  Top Female Artist Beyoncé - winner Adele Ariana Grande Rihanna Sia  Top Male Artist Justin Bieber Drake Future Shawn Mendes The Weeknd Top New Artist: Alessia Cara Desiigner Lil Uzi Vert Lukas Graham Zayn  Billboard Chart Achievement Award: Luke Bryan The Chainsmokers Nicki Minaj The Weeknd Twenty One Pilots  Top Duo/Group: The Chainsmokers - winner Coldplay Florida Georgia Line Guns N' Roses Twenty One Pilots  Top Billboard 200 Artist: Drake - winner Beyoncé Prince Twenty One Pilots The Weeknd  Top Hot 100 Artist: Drake - winner The Chainsmokers Rihanna Twenty One Pilots The Weeknd  Top Song Sales Artist: Drake - winner The Chainsmokers Prince Justin Timberlake Twenty One Pilots  Top Radio Songs Artist: Twenty One Pilots - winner Justin Bieber The Chainsmokers Drake Rihanna Top Streaming Songs Artist: Drake - winner The Chainsmokers Desiigner Rihanna Twenty One Pilots Top Social Artist: Justin Bieber BTS Selena Gomez Ariana Grande Shawn Mendes  Top Touring Artist: Beyoncé - winner Justin Bieber Coldplay Guns N' Roses Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band  Top R&B Artist: Beyoncé - winner Bruno Mars Frank Ocean Rihanna The Weeknd  Top R&B Tour: Beyoncé - winner Lionel Richie Rihanna  Top Rap Artist: Drake - winner J. Cole Desiigner Future Rae Sremmurd  Top Rap Tour: Drake - winner Future Kanye West Billboard Music Awards 2016 Red Carpet Arrivals The Billboard Music Awards' Former Couples Top Dance/Electronic Album: The Chainsmokers Bouquet (EP) The Chainsmokers Collage (EP) Flume Skin Kygo Cloud Nine Lindsey Stirling Brave Enough - winner Top Christian Album: Lauren Daigle How Can It Be - winner Casting Crowns The Very Next Thing Joey + Rory Hymns Hillary Scott & The Scott Family Love Remains Skillet Unleashed  Top Gospel Album: Tamela Mann One Way - winner Kirk Franklin Losing My Religion Travis Greene The Hill Tasha Cobbs One Place: Live Hezekiah Walker Better: Azusa - The Next Generation 2 Top Hot 100 Song: Drake Featuring Wizkid & Kyla "One Dance" - winner The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey "Closer" The Chainsmokers Featuring Daya "Don't Let Me Down" Justin Timberlake "Can't Stop The Feeling!" Twenty One Pilots "Heathens"  Top Selling Song: Justin Timberlake "Can't Stop The Feeling!" - winner The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey "Closer" The Chainsmokers Featuring Daya "Don't Let Me Down" Drake Featuring Wizkid & Kyla "One Dance" Twenty One Pilots "Heathens"  Top Radio Song: Justin Timberlake "Can't Stop The Feeling!" - winner The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey "Closer" The Chainsmokers Featuring Daya "Don't Let Me Down" Drake Featuring Wizkid & Kyla "One Dance" Sia Featuring Sean Paul "Cheap Thrills" Top Streaming Song (Audio): The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey "Closer" Drake Featuring Wizkid & Kyla "One Dance" D.R.A.M. Featuring Lil Yachty "Broccoli" Rihanna "Needed Me" The Weeknd Featuring Daft Punk "Starboy" Top Streaming Song (Video): Desiigner "Panda" - winner The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey "Closer" Zay Hilfigerrr & Zayion McCall "JuJu On That Beat (TZ Anthem)" Rae Sremmurd Featuring Gucci Mane "Black Beatles" Twenty One Pilots "Heathens"  Top Collaboration: The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey "Closer" - winner The Chainsmokers Featuring Daya "Don't Let Me Down" Drake Featuring Wizkid & Kyla "One Dance" Sia Featuring Sean Paul "Cheap Thrills" The Weeknd Featuring Daft Punk "Starboy" Top R&B Song: Drake Featuring Wizkid & Kyla "One Dance" - winner Bruno Mars "24K Magic" Rihanna "Needed Me" Rihanna Featuring Drake "Work" The Weeknd Featuring Daft Punk "Starboy"  Top R&B Collaboration: Drake Featuring Wizkid & Kyla "One Dance" - winner PARTYNEXTDOOR Featuring Drake "Come And See Me" Rihanna Featuring Drake "Work" The Weeknd Featuring Daft Punk "I Feel It Coming" The Weeknd Featuring Daft Punk "Starboy"  Top Rap Song: Desiigner "Panda" - winner Drake "Fake Love" D.R.A.M. Featuring Lil Yachty "Broccoli" Migos Featuring Lil Uzi Vert "Bad And Boujee" Rae Sremmurd Featuring Gucci Mane "Black Beatles"  Top Rap Collaboration: Rae Sremmurd Featuring Gucci Mane "Black Beatles"  - winner D.R.A.M. Featuring Lil Yachty "Broccoli" Zay Hilfigerrr & Zayion McCall "JuJu On That Beat (TZ Anthem)" Machine Gun Kelly & Camila Cabello "Bad Things" Migos Featuring Lil Uzi Vert "Bad and Boujee" Top Country Song: Kenny Chesney Featuring P!NK "Setting The World On Fire" - winner Florida Georgia Line "H.O.L.Y." Florida Georgia Line Featuring Tim McGraw "May We All" Little Big Town "Better Man" Keith Urban "Blue Ain't Your Color"  Top Country Collaboration: Dierks Bentley Featuring Elle King "Different For Girls" Kenny Chesney Featuring P!NK "Setting The World On Fire" Eric Church Featuring Rhiannon Giddens "Kill A Word" Florida Georgia Line Featuring Tim McGraw "May We All" Chris Young Featuring Vince Gill "Sober Saturday Night"  Top Rock Song: Twenty One Pilots "Heathens" - winner Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons with Logic & Ty Dolla $ign Feat. X Ambassadors "Sucker For Pain" Twenty One Pilots "Ride" Twenty One Pilots "Stressed Out" X Ambassadors "Unsteady" Top Latin Song: Nicky Jam "Hasta El Amanecer" - winner Daddy Yankee "Shaky Shaky" Enrique Iglesias Featuring Wisin "Duele El Corazon" Shakira Featuring Maluma "Chantaje" Carlos Vives & Shakira "La Bicicleta"  Top Dance/Electronic Song: The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey "Closer" - winner The Chainsmokers Featuring Daya "Don't Let Me Down" Calvin Harris Featuring Rihanna "This Is What You Came For" Major Lazer Featuring Justin Bieber & MØ "Cold Water" DJ Snake Featuring Justin Bieber "Let Me Love You"  Top Christian Song: Hillary Scott & The Scott Family "Thy Will" - winner Lauren Daigle "Trust In You" Skillet "Feel Invincible" Ryan Stevenson Featuring GabeReal "Eye Of The Storm" Zach Williams "Chain Breaker"  Top Gospel Song: Travis Greene "Made A Way" - winner Jekalyn Carr "You're Bigger" Tasha Cobbs Featuring Kierra Sheard "Put A Praise On It" Kirk Franklin "Wanna Be Happy?" Hezekiah Walker "Better"
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