#T5 jaehyuk
dinotual-archive · 1 year
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MOVE (T5) — TREASURE (2023)
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hyuckie-angel · 1 year
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treasure reaction; obscure affections
in which they study and adore the silly little things <3
a/n; i wonder if you can guess who my bias is from this lol
최현석 • choi hyunsuk
taking videos whilst cooking
cooking with hyunsuk went one of two ways every time. either you made a delicious meal that would be shared in a sweet silence, basking in your adoration for the other; or it was hell.
as soon as you see him pull out his phone you know you're in for it, if you let down your guard for one second too long, he films himself smearing a dollop of chilli paste across your cheeks.
or, he would set up his camera on the bench and press record, capturing every moment of your cooking endeavour, and every conflict that happened along the way. the bickering at the time didn't sound that bad, but every time you watch back the footage you find yourselves screeching at each other to get out of the way, or yelling insults at each other that the members can definitely hear even with their doors shut.
he'd never admit it but those are some of his favourite pieces of media with the both of you in them. he finds himself uncontrollably smiling when he watches them back, and he feels a warmth in his chest as he watches you call him a bitch and then smile so lovingly afterwards. he knows the members wouldn't get it, but it's definitely one of those little things that he loves so much.
박지훈 • park jihoon
teasing the living daylights out of each other
sometimes, the members actually question whether the two of you are really in love, because wow it doesn't come across like it sometimes.
when you both had first met you could tell he was a teasing kind of person, but as time went on it developed from a simple laugh when you'd pronounce something wrong to full on stand up comedy acts based on what you were wearing.
fortunately for you, you knew how to give it right back, and this would often lead to stand off matches with both of you looking each other in the eyes and making fun of anything that would come to mind.
once, jihoon had yelled "are you actually an idiot??!?!" so loudly, that both yoshi and junghwan had come to see if you were alright, only to find you both in fits of laughter so intense you could barely breathe. and that right there is what jihoon loves so dearly about the way you two treat each other.
it's never taken too far, just far enough that the offended look on your face sticks around for a second, before breaking out into a grin as you think of something to say back. the times that he holds closest to his heart are the times you would call him stupid and then cuddle closer to him, juxtaposing your words with your actions. just a small thing, but one that he adores.
金本芳典 • kanemoto yoshinori
language barriers
the thing is with you and yoshi, between you, you speak a few languages.
obviously korean and japanese on his part, and on yours english and whatever else. having so many between you, it was often that you'd stumble across a word block, a barrier where he knew what he was trying to say, but couldn't say it in a language you would understand. or, you would attempt a sentence without being entirely confident on how to say it, and you'd both end up confused and laughing as you tried to figure out what was supposed to be said.
at first this seemed like it may be a hinderance to the relationship, as everyone knows communication is the most important part, however as time went on, it started to become something that spouted amusement and curiosity rather than annoyance. each time it happens both of you laugh as you pull out your cell phones, going straight to google translate.
hilariously, sometimes google translate is wrong, like the time you typed the word "phenomenal" into the search bar, and it had translated to ちんぽ, which literally just means penis. cue yoshi on the floor laughing his ass off for 10 minutes as you sit there utterly confused.
he loves the way the two of you come together whenever the language barrier makes itself known. your senses of humour align and you're able to strengthen your relationship through these experiences, which is something he finds absolutely wonderful.
김준규 • kim junkyu
talking in weird voices
junkyu has a very expressive voice, and he makes it known very often.
whenever he's tired or upset his tone is unbelievably forlorn, and when his happy he starts to sound like a 4 year old. there is no normal junkyu voice.
in your case, you don't have this problem, your tone of voice has always been quite level and expressive in its own degree, but spending so much time around this boy has begun to shift the way you say things.
the first time it happened, you'd stated that you were hungry, in the exact same tone junkyu would use to complain about something, and he'd looked at you like you'd commit murder. then, he'd proceeded to laugh at you whilst your face turned red and you repeated the sentence in your regular tone of voice.
from that moment on, it became a huge running joke in the relationship that you would often mock his overly expressive tone. each time it happens he pretends to be offended, but in reality he thinks its absolutely adorable.
the way you look at him with an over the top facial expression to match whatever it was you said, it fills his heart with a warm cozy feeling. just knowing that you pay that much attention to the little things about him to know how to do an impression of him so perfectly is just a little thing about you that he loves.
윤재혁 • yoon jaehyuk
saying no but then doing it anyway
if there was one thing about yours and jaehyuks relationship, it was that you'd do anything for one another.
this fact became obvious very quickly after you'd gotten to know each other, but it didn't change the fact that you also both loved to muck around very frequently as well.
the first time you'd done this to jaehyuk, the poor boy had thought you were being serious and had gone "oh" in an upset tone, before realising you were holding his phone in front of his face already, which is exactly what he'd asked you to do. you had laughed at him, grabbing his cheeks and jokingly asking whether he really thought you would be that horrible.
from that day forth it became a common occurrence, one of you would ask the other to do something and they would say no, before going and doing exactly what had been said.
to others it may come across as passive aggressive, or as doyoung had put it "a bit weird", but to jaehyuk it was something that was only yours, and he absolutely loved the idea of having something with one another that nobody else was a part of.
浜田朝光 • hamada asahi
2am trying not to laugh
asahi is a quiet guy, this is a fact you knew from day one.
the start of your relationship had been full of silences and uncertainty as the two of you got comfortable, but as soon as you did you began to see the side of asahi that bursts out into random dance and makes stupid faces to make people laugh a whole lot more often.
the way his brain works would always be a mystery to you, but that didn't mean that you didn't have a good sense of humour to go alongside his.
one of your favourite things in the world were nights spent lying in bed with asahi talking about whatever comes to mind, before the conversation inevitably turns into a laugh fest. he said something in a weird tone, you reciprocated, he poked himself in the eye, you nearly fell out of the bed and yelled really loudly. each time something happened, the laughter would grow and grow until you were both clutching your stomachs with tears flowing down the side of your faces.
the issue was that if you were at asahi's dorm, the other guys would really not appreciate being kept awake by a couple of idiots laughing at a weird shape on the wall, so you would both have to strain so hard to keep the noise down, only causing further laughter as you looked silly pinching your noses tightly.
asahi's world felt complete whenever he was lying there with you watching you crack up over something mundane. it felt small and precious and warm and he just loved being by your side.
김도영 • kim doyoung
wardrobe malfunctions
doyoung is a bit of a fashionista in his own unique way.
one of your favourite things to do with one another was to pick out outfits and try them on, going outside in them afterwards being entirely based on how socially acceptable the looks turned out.
more often than not, however, doyoung would dress you so badly it would have him on the floor in tears laughing whilst you stand with no expression, exasperated by how terrible the outfit is. one of his personal favourite memories was the time he forced you to wear a pair of pants that were way too big for even him without a belt, and you'd walked back into the room with them down by your ankles because they wouldn't stay up. the image of you standing there looking so fed up with him in your underwear still makes him giggle whenever he thinks about it.
you weren't entirely innocent in this though. you always told him that if he makes you wear an outfit, you get to make him wear one too, cue doyoung walking into the room in a mini skirt and crop top that doesn't fit him, looking just as exasperated as you.
these fashion adventures are something doyoung treasures, despite both of you acting like its the worlds biggest inconvenience, you both love how hilarious it can get. he thinks you look adorable in his clothes.
渡辺春虎 • watanabe haruto
poking one another till someone cracks
haruto is the love of your life, the apple of your eye, but sometimes it feels like he is being the most annoying person on earth on purpose.
it started off as a joke, you'd been studying and he'd been bored, so he sat just close enough to you so that he could poke your leg in uneven intervals. at first you hadn't even acknowledged what he'd been doing, but as the minutes passed and he didn't stop, you asked if he was alright. he looked at you with a bemused expression and asked why, and you realised he was pretending not to know.
from that day forth it was war, anytime either of you was doing something that required your full concentration, the other would be there sitting just close enough to painstakingly poke them until they grab the others hands and beg them to stop.
once, hyunsuk had watched haruto do this to you whilst you were on a phone call with your boss. each time he poked you, you looked at him more and more annoyed, until you finally cracked and muted the phone, pushing him away from you and laughing whilst asking him to politely fuck off.
although it was just a mundane thing, this is one of haruto's favourite parts of your relationship. the way it let him be close to you whilst also being an amusing act just made it the most fun thing he could be doing with his time.
박정우 • park jeongwoo
voice breaks
park jeongwoo's voice is like a sprinkle of rain on a sunshiny day.
you could listen to him sing, and even just talk for hours, maybe even forever. but the thing is with talking, sometimes your voice decides to give up on you.
the first time jeongwoo was singing and his voice broke he had turned a brilliant shade of red, as you laughed and imitated the noise. now, anytime either of your voices crack even slightly, the other is there to point it out and make a huge deal out of it for 10 minutes to be as annoying as possible.
once, you had been talking to jihoon, jeongwoo literally not even in the room with you, and your voice had broken. jihoon raised an eyebrow but said nothing as to not embarrass you, but from his bedroom you heard jeongwoo scream a repetition of what you'd said so loudly that it sounded like he was right in front of you. you and jihoon cracked up as you went to his room to scold him, only to find him lying on the floor laughing at his own joke.
it was only a little thing, but jeongwoo loved how it was a routine, every time a voice crack occurred, so did teasing. although it may be interpreted unconventionally by others, to jeongwoo it was just a weird little thing he adored.
소정환 • so junghwan
eating too much too fast
you and junghwan had bonded over your shared love of good food.
you both loved trying new foods, and just indulging in ones you knew and loved. but sometimes this could be an issue, as you tried to eat a bit more than your mouths could handle.
it's a common occurrence for the two of you to be eating and one of you looks up, only to find the other with an absolutely stuffed mouth. many-a-photo has been taken of you with your cheeks protruding like a squirrel collecting nuts for the winter, and many have been taken of junghwan trying to cover the lens with lettuce poking out from between his lips.
each time it happens you both end up laughing so much you can't keep eating for a few minutes, which is why its become something that junhwan adores so much in the relationship.
to have a camera roll full of each other looking so dumb is hilarious to him, he even made one of the pictures his lock screen until junkyu saw it and told him he needed to change it, albeit laughing whilst he spoke.
you both just love having a good laugh and enjoying each others company, whilst also enjoying some amazing food.
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awaregei · 1 year
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treasure t5 ; move mv icons
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action made by @harupsds
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treasureloversclub · 8 months
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yukisroom97 · 1 month
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𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚖𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚟𝚎
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sungtaro · 1 year
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kimteume · 4 months
TikTok update from Jaehyuk and Doyoung (07.06.2024)
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artiemisia · 1 year
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⊹ treasure t5 (move concept poster) headers ɞ..
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thebvbbletea · 1 year
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T5 - 'Move' Dance Practice
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cyeeprovs · 1 year
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The way that their slayyin 🔥🔥🔥
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kpopmultifan · 1 year
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TREASURE’s upcoming 1st sub-unit T5 has released a solo concept photo announcing Yoon Jaehyuk as the unit’s 4th member.
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theunnieteume · 1 year
I choked on my own spit when junkyu appeared on the screen pulling up his shirt all of a sudden 💀there should’ve been a warning label or sumn to had prepared me for that attack 😭
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creamwoo · 1 year
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awaregei · 1 year
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treasure t5 ; move concept poster icons
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treasureloversclub · 1 year
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trejoring · 1 year
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Are we ready for this? They're coming.🔥
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