niconote · 8 months
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LISTEN BACK::: podcast ::: NicoNote - Chaos Variations ::: Ecco in podcast un mio intervento a TACTUS Radio Festival dicembre 2023 Repubblica di San Marino ::: Tre giorni di arte dell’ascolto aperti al pubblico: ascolti, narrazioni, tavole rotonde, performance, dirette radiofoniche
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usmaradiomagazine · 9 months
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🔴 𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐈𝐑 - Tuesday 2 January at 7:00 pm (CET) on usmaradio.org and also on Radio Campus Paris (93.9FM), Radio RaBe and ∏-node in the very next few days
#𝟭𝟲𝟰_𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗨𝗨𝗠_𝗧𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗨𝗦 𝗥𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗼 𝗙𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹 [59 min] collaborative network radio performance
CONTINUUM a collaborative radio performance conceived by Roberto Paci Dalò for TACTUS Radio Festival on the 2nd of December 2023 between 19:00 and 20:00 CET, it was broadcast on Usmaradio together with a global network of radio stations.
The challenge was to work on radical improvisation without any conduction and prior rules, giving a maximum of freedom to the participants. Most of the artists, performing from different locations, didn’t know each other and actually never talked to each other before the performance. Obviously the key of the project was an extreme attention during the performance from any single artist: “the art of listening” with 18 people performing together on-site in the Republic of San Marino and remotely from the USA, Germany, and Austria.
subtle texture of sounds with an amazing quantity of moments of silence despite the massive use of live electronics. The performance somehow proved that the planned lack of conduction can be balanced by the level of attention and involvement from the performers. It was a mesmerizing immersion in an acoustical world where electronics graciously merged with acoustical instruments and voices  nocturnal winterreise across galaxies.
CONTINUUM intended to develop the praxis of the “telematic performance” which the beginning of the 90s. Especially around activators such as the programme ORF Kunstradio in Austria, the Ars Electronica Festival and L’Arte dell’Ascolto radio festival, seminal projects such as Cheap Radio, Horizontal Radio, Rivers&Bridges, Realtime, designed an innovative use of telecommunication technologies in conjunction with the broadcast and telephone networks. The artist Robert Adrian was one of the major inspirations for many artists in the field. The arrival of the Internet obviously greatly the possibilitglobal interaction artists who could now participate from their personal spaces and with minimal need for financial support. But at the same time this provoked national broadcasting corporations reduce their involvement in such experimental projects. Let’s think of the infrastructure, technologies and the great professionals working in radio stations. The role of the engineers and their inspiring relationship with the artists has always been crucially important in such projects. CONTINUUM wanted to link these practices from the past bringing together both independent and broadcasting corporations in order to act in our present and investigate the possibilities of today’s technologies. À suivre… Continuum Idea: Roberto Paci Dalò Station manager and general coordination: Alessandro Renzi Mixing board: Lorenzo RicciPost-production and mastering: Alessandro Renzi Live performers: From the Republic of San Marino:Gaia Ginevra Giorgi, L’Impero della Luce, NicoNote, Roberto Paci Dalò, Tobia Bandini, Vittoria Assembri From Santa Cruz, California: Anna Friz From Vienna: alien productions (Andrea Sodomka and Robert Math) From Weimar: Bauhaus Radio Ensemble (Tilman Böhnke, Fritzi Buhtz, Adrian Ciesielski, Lefteris Krysalis, Finn Röhmer-Litzmann, João Afonso Soares Leiria Parreira Ticão, Amir Shokati, Karlotta Sperling) Broadcasted live on: Usmaradio, San Marino RTV, bauhaus.fm (Weimar), Wave Farm (New York's Upper Hudson Valley), ARTxFM / WXOX 97.1 FM  (Louisville, Kentucky), Beware The Radio (United Kingdom), Radio Tsonami (Chile), diffusion FM (Australia), Radio Bloc ORAL (Canada) and in Italy: Fango Radio, Radio Raheem, and NEU Radio. CONTINUUM has been heard globally through streaming, satellite (Eutelsat Hotbird 13B, channels 520, 93) and Digitale Terrestre 831 (Italy) with the collaboration of San Marino RTV (the National Broadcasting Corporation of the Republic of San Marino) In Europe and the USA has been heard locally via FM: bauhaus.fm UKW 106.6 MHz (Weimar), Republic of San Marino RTV 98.90 MHz (Romagna/Marche), WGXC 90.7-FM (New York's Upper Hudson Valley), ARTxFM / WXOX 97.1 FM (Louisville, Kentucky) TACTUS Radio Festival Republic of San Marino, 1-3 December 2023TACTUS Radio Festival is an international Radio Art project promoted by Usmaradio. Within the spaces of the Antico Monastero Santa Chiara, the festival offered three days of art of listening open to the public: narrations, round tables, performances, listening, live radio broadcasts and podcasts.
Artistic direction: Roberto Paci Dalò Curatorial team: Gianni Gozzoli, Roberto Paci Dalò, Alessandro Renzi General coordination: Alessandro Renzi Head of production and organization: Anna Guerra Communication: Sara Seu, Maria Chiara Romano Graphic design: Davide Di Gennaro (Tomo Tomo) Collaboration to the graphic design: Sara Seu Mixing board: Lorenzo Ricci Journal: Natalia Soldati Documentation photographs and video: Emanuele Lumini Press office: Jeffrey Zani Setting-up spaces: CoseMatte (Alessio Abdolahian, Matteo Giustozzi, Orsetta Rocchetto) Hosting: Natalia Soldati, Rebecca Rizzo Website: Alessandro Renzi
A project of Usmaradio – Research Centre for Radiophonic Studies Production: Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino Support: Segreteria di Stato alla Cultura della Repubblica di San Marino, Transcultures/City Sonic 20 years and Pépinières Européennes de Création Patronage: Segreteria di Stato per l’Istruzione e la Cultura, l’Università e la Ricerca Scientifica, le Politiche Giovanili; Segreteria di Stato per il Turismo, le Poste, la Cooperazione ed Expo Partners: Experimentelles Radio an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, ORF Kunstradio, RaiPlay Sound, RTV San Marino, Giardini Pensili, Sentire le voci – festa del podcast, Wave Farm, Congerie, Smagliature Urbane, Radia, Arci Servizio Civile Rimini APS, Farmhouse Rimini,CUE Press, Tempo Reale, Radio Papesse, Fango Radio, Neu Radio,Radioimmaginaria, Radio Raheem, ARTxFM / WXOX 97.1 FM, Radio Tsonami, Beware The Radio, Transcultures/City Sonic 20 years and Pépinières Européennes de Création, Radio Campus Paris 93.9 FM, diffusionFM, Radio Bloc ORAL Media partners: Altre Velocità,Gagarin Orbite Culturali Sound Exhibition: Morse Mountain (2022) Absolute Value of Noise and Anna Friz A generative radio art piece Transmitting on radiolada.net from the 1st December 2023 Visit: usmaradio.org/tactusfestival ↪ Radioart106 explores radiophonic works of worldwide radio artists. Radio art is a subset of Sound art where radio art is produced for the medium of radio and is specifically intended for broadcast. A new radio work will be aired every first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm CET on usmaradio.org
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tactusfestival · 11 months
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Da venerdì 1 a domenica 3 dicembre 2023, l'Antico Monastero Santa Chiara si trasformerà in un santuario di Radio Art, Performance, Talk, Ascolto, Podcast e Narrazione █ TACTUS Radio Festival, a cura di Usmaradio – Centro di Ricerca per la Radiofonia dell’Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino, vi invita ad una tre giorni in cui sarà possibile incontrare alcuni tra i protagonisti della scena radiofonica istituzionale e indipendente, del podcasting e della sound art internazionale ◾Cosa significa Tactus: nella musica dei secoli XV e XVI tactus è l'unità di misura del tempo, espressa dal gesto della mano. La durata effettiva fa riferimento al battito del polso connettendo così fortemente musica, corpo e sensorialità ▄ SARANNO CON NOI:
alien productions (Andrea Sodomka, Norbert Math)
Andrea Borgnino
Anna Friz
Bauhaus Radio Ensemble
Carola Haupt
Daria Corrias
David Monacchi
Elisabeth Zimmermann
Franco Masotti
Gabriele Frasca
Gaia Ginevra Giorgi
Giacomo Fronzi
Gianluca Nicoletti
Gianni Gozzoli
Graciela Martínez Matías
Ilaria Gadenz
Johann Merrich
Katatonic Silentio
Leandro Pisano
Lefteris Krysalis
L’Impero della Luce
Lucia Amara
Mariachiara Troianiello
Matteo Cavezzali
Meira Asher
Nathalie Singer
Pier Luigi Capucci
Roberto Paci Dalò
Tiziano Bonini
Tobia Bandini
Vittoria Assembri
Alcuni degli interventi faranno parte di un volume curato da Usmaradio, dedicato alla Radiofonia e alla Radio Art, in uscita nel 2024 per CUE Press 📍 LUOGO: Antico Monastero Santa Chiara, Contrada Omerelli 20, Repubblica di San Marino Ingresso libero Il programma completo sarà disponibile sul sito usmaradio.org
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usmaradiomagazine · 11 months
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Da venerdì 1 a domenica 3 dicembre 2023, l'Antico Monastero Santa Chiara si trasformerà in un santuario di Radio Art, Performance, Talk, Ascolto, Podcast e Narrazione █ TACTUS Radio Festival, a cura di Usmaradio – Centro di Ricerca per la Radiofonia dell’Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino, vi invita ad una tre giorni in cui sarà possibile incontrare alcuni tra i protagonisti della scena radiofonica istituzionale e indipendente, del podcasting e della sound art internazionale. ◾Cosa significa Tactus: nella musica dei secoli XV e XVI tactus è l'unità di misura del tempo, espressa dal gesto della mano. La durata effettiva fa riferimento al battito del polso connettendo così fortemente musica, corpo e sensorialità.
alien productions (Andrea Sodomka, Norbert Math)
Andrea Borgnino
Anna Friz
Bauhaus Radio Ensemble
Carola Haupt
Daria Corrias
David Monacchi
Elisabeth Zimmermann
Franco Masotti
Gabriele Frasca
Gaia Ginevra Giorgi
Giacomo Fronzi
Gianluca Nicoletti
Gianni Gozzoli
Graciela Martínez Matías
Ilaria Gadenz
Johann Merrich
Katatonic Silentio
Leandro Pisano
Lefteris Krysalis
L’Impero della Luce
Lucia Amara
Mariachiara Troianiello
Matteo Cavezzali
Meira Asher
Nathalie Singer
Pier Luigi Capucci
Roberto Paci Dalò
Tiziano Bonini
Tobia Bandini
Vittoria Assembri
Alcuni interventi faranno parte di un volume curato da Usmaradio, dedicato alla Radiofonia e alla Radio Art, in uscita nel 2024 per CUE Press Il programma completo sarà disponibile sul sito www.usmaradio.org 📍 LUOGO: Antico Monastero Santa Chiara, Contrada Omerelli 20, Repubblica di San Marino Progetto grafico: Davide Di Gennaro
Salva la data e preparati ad un viaggio nel mondo della radiofonia! Ingresso libero
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