#TB Ch5
fvkvrodani · 2 months
these days i look at arthur & wonder if he'd have changed had he not contracted tb... bc he already knew that the world doesnt allow outlaws. he already knew or at least suspected that dutch didnt have the gang's best interest. he already knew how things would turn out... or at least suspected.
bc i feel like even without tb, arthur still wouldve tried to save ppl simply bc thats just who he is; hes a responsible, caring person beneath all that tough guy act. & even if dutch was his father that man was tearing the family apart w his madness & bringing other ppl—innocent ppl—down w him too...
he might have grumbled, huffed & puffed, & self-deprecated his way through but he would have still helped people in ch5 & ch6 w/o the tb... the illness just accelerated everything...
("i aint a do-gooder" mhmhmm so why did you help albert mason even tho you had nothing to gain from his friendship? why do you keep helping strangers that have nothing to benefit you financially? why did you rescue a young girl from a murderous incestuous cult, sent her back home, & refused the money her mom was offering you for her return? why do you keep rescuing & helping ppl left right & center everywhere you go?
low honor arthur is canon but high honor arthur is even more so bc of all the things you can do in some of the stranger missions... where youre basically forced by the narrative to help them. sure, some of them do give money to arthur but some dont... some of the stranger missions he does are truly out of the goodness thats hidden in him.)
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yashira150fanwork · 5 years
El Comienzo./The Beginning.
Capítulo 5.
Nota de Autora: Así que, pensaba actualizar la semana pasada, pero tenía un examen de japonés qué presentar, por lo que me dediqué a estudiar. ¡Aquí tienen dos capítulos en uno como compensación! ¡Muchas gracias por su apoyo!
El primogénito del general del Oeste buscó cualquier rastro, por débil que fuera, en una zona considerable por horas, hasta que un aroma, mezcla de humano y shiroinu llegó a su nariz. Siguiéndolo, ya con el sol poniéndose, Sesshoumaru llegó a un valle con flores silvestres, y, en la colina que daba a éste, se encontraba una tumba reciente con una piedra por lápida sobre ésta. Era la tumba de Izayoi.
Inuyasha debía venir seguido a este lugar, pues, además de la gran cantidad de flores frescas sobre la tumba, su aroma se percibía con claridad aquí, a pesar de que el último rastro tenía ya varias horas. Quizás fuera de la mañana. Por lo menos ahora conocía el aroma de su pequeño hermano, y por tanto, el rastro que debía buscar, así que Sesshoumaru se dio a la tarea de seguirlo.
Conforme se alejó de la tumba, el rastro se volvió débil, y al cruzar un arroyo, casi lo perdió, pero Sesshoumaru no se inmutó por ello. Al saber que Inuyasha volvía seguido a visitar la tumba de su madre significaba que el muchacho había encontrado refugio cerca de aquí. Seguramente había estado sobreviviendo estos días gracias a su instinto. Sesshoumaru vagamente se preguntó si, como él, tendría un lado youkai al cual escuchar, pero lo creía poco probable.
Su búsqueda en el bosque se alargó hasta el anochecer, pero finalmente encontró un rastro fresco. Había estado cerca de un árbol de duraznos, probablemente alimentándose o recolectando alimento, así que siguió su rastro esta vez con facilidad...directamente hacia una pila de duraznos tirados por doquier y marcas de pequeñas pisadas y garras que indicaban que había corrido. Sesshoumaru frunció el ceño. También olía a youkai. Había empezado a ser perseguido hacía no mucho tiempo, y a juzgar por el aroma a miedo que aún era perceptible, la persecución había empezado hacía apenas unos minutos.
Sesshoumaru emprendió entonces el vuelo nuevamente, siguiendo el rastro del pequeño hanyou a través del bosque. Estaba cerca. Muy cerca. El aroma de tres youkai más, junto con sus gañidos y rugidos llegaron a Sesshoumaru, quien apretó los dientes al reconocer la cacería. Querían devorarlo.
Para cuando les dio alcance, los vio siguiendo el rastro del pequeño hanyou, quien apenas lograba correr lo suficientemente rápido como para permanecer fuera de la vista de aquellas bestias, poniendo maleza y vegetación de por medio. Afortunadamente estas bestias no tenían un olfato muy fino. El joven señor del Oeste comenzó a descender justo cuando Inuyasha alcanzó un acantilado, y, tras mirar a un lado y otro, descubriéndose acorralado, de pronto pareció brincar al vacío por la desesperación justo cuando aquellos youkai salieron del bosque.
Mientras un demonio, con un solo ojo por cabeza, estiraba su cuello para buscar con la vista al pequeño, los dos que se encontraban atrás vieron aterrizar al joven shiroinu... pero no alcanzaron siquiera a dar la alarma antes que los tres fueran despedazados por el poderoso látigo de veneno corrosivo de Sesshoumaru.
Siguiendo su olfato, el joven se acercó a la orilla con cierta rigidez en su andar y miró hacia abajo, esperando encontrar muerto, o, por lo menos muy herido al pequeño, pero al fondo del acantilado no había nada. Confundido, Sesshoumaru formó una nube de youki bajo sus pies y se elevó ligeramente antes de comenzar el descenso por el acantilado, pero apenas un metro más debajo de la saliente, vio una pequeña forma vestida de rojo, el traje hecho con pelo de rata de fuego. Había pertenecido a su padre. El cabello plateado y los ojos dorados, símbolo de su familia, estaban presentes en el cachorro, y arriba, en su cabeza, había dos triangulitos blancos que estaban echados a los lados en señal de temor, pero su expresión era valiente y pretendía ser amenazante, a pesar del revelador aroma a miedo que emanaba de él. Lo vio levantar sus garritas y exponer sus pequeños colmillos de leche mientras gruñía como el cachorro que era, y, de pronto, para su gran sorpresa, brincó hacia él, en un intento por atacarlo para defenderse.
Naturalmente Sesshoumaru lo atrapó en el aire por las muñecas y lo levantó a pesar de los desesperados forcejeos del pequeño por soltarse. -Inuyasha.- llamó, y esas orejitas pequeñas se orientaron al frente a la vez que una expresión de sorpresa aparecía en sus facciones, pero por fin se quedó quieto. –He venido por ti, ya que a partir de hoy vivirás conmigo. Soy tu hermano mayor. Mi nombre es Sesshoumaru.- le dijo mientras lo sentaba en su brazo izquierdo para sostenerlo mejor.
Vio al pequeño abrir la boca en señal de sorpresa mientras lo miraba más detenidamente, aparentemente notando las similitudes físicas entre ellos, y después, con la falta de vergüenza característica de cualquier cachorro, se inclinó hacia el frente tímidamente, sus orejitas descendiendo levemente hacia los lados en señal de sumisión mientras acercaba su rostro para olfatearlo en confirmación, descubriendo rápidamente la similitud entre sus aromas -¿Mi...mi hermano..?- preguntó con cautela y esperanza. Era demasiado expresivo.
Sesshoumaru asintió una vez, y ese simple gesto hizo que un mar de emociones se reflejaran en el rostro del pequeño: sorpresa, emoción, alivio, tristeza, desesperación... ¡lo había encontrado! ¡Finalmente lo había encontrado! ¡La familia de la que su difunta madre le había hablado! ...y de pronto, mientras sus ojitos se llenaban de lágrimas y sus orejitas descendían por completo, el pequeño lo abrazó por el cuello y se aferró fuertemente a él mientras rompía a llorar contra su cuello.
Confiaba demasiado. Podría haberle estado mintiendo. Podría querer asesinarlo en realidad, y aún así este joven cachorrito lo aferraba desesperadamente y, en brazos de un perfecto extraño que le aseguraba ser su hermano, se desahogaba del miedo y dolor que había vivido en las últimas semanas. Confiaba demasiado, pero eso sólo era natural para un cachorro de su edad.
El joven señor del Oeste le permitió continuar con aquel desahogo que tanto necesitaba, posando con cierta duda y extrañeza su mano derecha sobre la espalda de su hermanito. Su hermanito...
Pasados unos minutos, cuando el intenso llanto del menor se había reducido a meros sollozos, Sesshoumaru se movió, elevándose nuevamente y emprendiendo el camino de regreso al palacio en tierra, con Inuyasha aún aferrándolo fuertemente. -Te...te estaba buscando...Madre...ella dijo que...vivías en las tierras del Oeste...y que debía buscarte...- murmuró contra su cuello, interrumpido constantemente por sus propios sollozos. Sin embargo, Sesshoumaru no respondió. No porque le pareciera molesto o porque no le importara...sino porque genuinamente no tenía idea de qué decirle o cómo expresarse con él.
El cachorro levantó tímidamente la vista hacia él, mirándolo ver impasible hacia el frente....quizás para volar necesitaba concentrarse...así que, decidiendo no interrumpir, y reconfortado por el primer contacto gentil que había tenido desde la muerte de su madre, Inuyasha se recargó contra su hombro, aún aferrando el haori del mayor, y, lentamente, comenzó a quedarse dormido, exhausto no sólo por este día, sino por todos los anteriores en los que no había podido tener una sola noche de descanso adecuado.
Chapter 5.
Author's note: So, I was planning to update last week, but since I had a japanese exam, I decided to study instead. Here's two episodes in one in compensation! Thank you for your support!
The general of the West's firstborn looked for any trail, no matter how weak, in a considerable zone for hours, until a scent, a human and shiroinu mix, reached his nose.
Following it with the setting sun, Sesshoumaru reached a valley filled with wild flowers, and, in the hill facing it, there was a recently made tomb with a stone for a tombstone on top of it. This was Izayoi's tomb.
Inuyasha came frequently to this place, for, aside from the large number of fresh flowers over the tomb, his scent could be clearly perceived here even though the most recent trail was already many hours old. It was probably from this morning. At least now he knew his younger brother's scent, and therefore, the trail he should follow, so Sesshoumaru started tracking him down from here.
As he walked away from the tomb, the trail became weak, and even when, after crossing a stream he almost lost it, Sesshoumaru wasn't fazed by it. Knowing that Inuyasha went continuously back to his mother's tomb meant that the boy had found refuge nearby. He probably had survived this days thanks to his instinct. Sesshoumaru vaguely wondered if, like him, he had a youkai side to listen to, but he believed it to be unlikely.
His search in the forest lasted until nightfall, but finally he found a fresh trail. He had been near a peach tree, probably feeding or collecting food, so it was easy to follow his trail... directly to a former pile of peaches that had fallen everywhere, and with them, small footprints and claw marks showed that he had run. Sesshoumaru frowned. He could also smell youkai. He had started being chased not too long ago, and judging by the scent of fear that still lingered, the persecution had started just a few minutes ago.
Sesshoumaru then took off once more, following the small hanyou's trail through the forest. He was close. Very close. The scent of three other youkai, along with their growls and roars reached Sesshoumaru, who gritted his teeth when he recognised the hunt. They wanted to devour him.
When he caught up with them, he saw them following the young hanyou's trail who could barely run fast enough to keep out of their sight, putting bushes and vegetation between them. Fortunately those beasts didn't have a keen nose. The young Lord of the West started his descent just when Inuyasha reached a cliff, and, after looking to one side and the other, finding himself cornered, he suddenly seemed to jump to the emptiness out of desperation just as those youkai exited the forest.
As a demon, who had an eye for a head, stretched his neck to look for the kid, the two that stood behind saw the young shiroinu land... but they couldn't even call the alarm before the three of them were torn into pieces by the powerful whip made of Sesshoumaru's corrosive venom.
Following his nose, the young lord approached the edge of the cliff with some stiffness to his walk before he looked down, expecting to find the kid either dead or badly injured, but there was neither at the bottom of the cliff. Confused, Sesshoumaru formed a cloud of youki under his feet and it lifted him some before descending, but just a meter under the edge, he saw a small form clad in red, the robes made with fire rat fur. That had belonged to his father. Silver hair and golden eyes, his family traits, were present in the pup, and up, on top of his head, were two small white triangles that were thrown to the sides as a sign of fear, but his expression was brave and he tried to look threatening even with the revealing scent of fear emanating from him. He saw him lift his small claws and bare his equally small milk fangs as he growled as the pup he was, and suddenly, to his great surprise, he pounced in an attempt to defend himself.
Naturally, Sesshoumaru caught him mid-air by his wrists and lifted him despite the kid's desperate struggle. –Inuyasha.- he called, and those small ears turned forward as a surprised expression appeared in the child's face, at least he had finally stopped fighting. –I have come for you, for today on you will live with me. I am your elder brother. My name is Sesshoumaru.- he said as he sat him on his left arm to support him better.
He saw the child's mouth open for the surprise as he looked at him more closely, apparently noticing their physical similarities between them, and them, shamelessly like any pup, he leaned forward shyly, his ears descending slightly to the sides submissively as he moved his face closer to confirm his scent, discovering quickly how similar their scents were –My...my brother...?- he asked with caution and hope. He was far too expressive.
Sesshoumaru nodded once, and that simple gesture caused a sea of emotions to reflect in the boy's face: surprise, excitement, relief, sadness, desperation... he had found him! He had finally found him! The family his late mother had told him about! ...and then, while his eyes were filled with tears and his ears descended completely, the child hugged him by the neck, clinging to him tightly as he broke in tears against him.
He trusted too much. He could have been lying. He could have really been trying to kill him, and still this young puppy was clinging to him desperately and, in the arms of a complete stranger that claimed to be his brother, he was relieving the fear and pain he had gone through in the last weeks. He trusted far too much, but it was just natural for a pup his age.
The young Lord of the West allowed him to continue the much needed crying, placing, with some hesitation and awkwardness, a hand over his little brother's back. His little brother ...
After a few minutes, when the child's wailing had reduced to mere sobbing, Sesshoumaru moved, ascending once more and heading back to the palace in land, with Inuyasha still clinging tightly to him. –I...I was looking for you...Mother...she said that you...lived in the Western lands...and that I had to look for you...- he murmured against his neck, constantly interrupted by his own sobs. However, Sesshoumaru didn't reply. Not because he found him annoying or because he didn't care, but because he genuinely had no idea about what to say or express to him.
The pup lifted his eyes shyly towards him, watching him look impassively forward... maybe flying required him to concentrate... so, deciding against interrupting, and comforted by the first gentle contact he'd had since his mother's death, Inuyasha leaned against his shoulder, still clinging to the eldest's haori, and, slowly, he fell asleep, exhausted not only for this day, but because of all the previous ones in which he had been unable to have a single night of proper rest.
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legal-poppy · 3 years
to-do 10/7
go to class
go to work
pack for retreat
read engl poems (2/2)
find ethics tb :/
ethics ch5 lecture notes (1/3 videos)
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maple-moose-muffin · 6 years
So TB ch5 is 7k before beta reviews. I hope that makes up for the wait aldhdha
And holy shit am I glad I made chapter 4 it's own thing instead of part of this chapter
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