#young inuyasha
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Best mother-son duo
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athanza · 5 months
The 8 very first crushes I ever had...
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...I had my type figured out early huh
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Cartoon & Anime Romances + A Jacket to Keep Warm
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deathberi · 2 years
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best of 犬妖怪
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frogs-in3-hills · 23 days
i’m sure i’m setting myself up for failure here but genuinely i have such high hopes for the ranma remake…. the idea of a ranma remake has been my no.2 anime pipedream for years because i just think if they took out some of the homophobia transphobia sexism racism ableism etc it would be the perfect harem. lmao. (i can be your token “if only ranma wasn’t literally trash” ranma fan..) they just need gay kissing and they can double the complexity of the love dodecahedron so it can become peak camp. do you see my vision. plus i’m really interested in seeing a story that was so influential to anime romance/harem as a whole cycling around to being part of that wider genre discussion again. i mean i think modern harem is the epitome of anime content slop, but is it too much to hope that ranma can revolutionize the genre once more……..
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lordyouko · 3 months
Incorrect Inuyasha quotes
[Inuyasha telling Kagome he got a job at Sesshoumaru's company]
Inuyasha: I know what you're thinking but it's nothing like that, I really need a job
Kagome: Well, on that note, have a seat, let's go over some dos and don'ts
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Kagome: DO act professional.
DON'T sleep with your boss.
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DO wear pants.
DON'T take them off.
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knightelf · 1 month
still so jarring that kids know about naruto now like i was giving this kid a pokemon sticker at work the other day and the mom went "ohh is that Naruto!!" and i was rendered speechless for a moment. not just hecause this little boy obviously watched naruto but that his mom even knew AND its cool now. when i liked naruto nobody knew wtf i was talking about and i was bullied like all the time for it back in '07. same with zelda too like there WAS a time where that was a niche little known game and now everybody knows everything and im somehow both upset and so happy about it LOL
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mikodaiyo · 1 year
sharing my sesskag babies before I change them 🙆🏾‍♀️
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mobblespsycho100 · 10 months
never over the fact that before starting the show I thought Inuyasha was gonna be a polite young man and an upstanding member of society, if perhaps a big silly or fiendish at times. And yet.
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spkyart · 2 years
inuyasha pfp.
stares at you with my autistic eyes
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I like to mash up my faves into random crossover
Here Is some more inuyashas for your autistic eyes 🐾
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Book Pages Project 1
InuYasha Volume 1
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Takahashi, Rumiko. "InuYasha Volume 1, second edition." Shogakan INC. Translated by Mari Morimoto. Edited by Julie Davis. VIZ LLC, San Fransisco, California 94107, 2003.
InuYasha despite it's title actually follows the story of Kagome Higurashi. She's a 15 year old middle school girl from Tokyo who's house is an old shrine. She lives there with her little brother Sota, her mother, and her grandfather. Her grandfather is fond of telling her family the legends that surround the shrine and the Bone Eaters well which is on their property inclosed in a mini shrine. On her 15th birthday her cat Buyo goes into the mini shrine and Kagome has to go get him out. That is when she is grabbed by a demon and pulled into the well by the abomination. Said demon goes on about the "Jewel of the Four Souls" which Kagome's grandfather had mentioned earlier on in the book. Kagome is quite rightfully freaked out and in an attempt to push the demon away, she uses some sort of power against the demon and she disappears leaving only the arm that held onto Kagome. Kagome is now back in the well, but when she climbs out, she is no longer in Tokyo anymore. There are no shrines to bee seen at all, just forest. She then runs towards the "Sengoku God Tree" which was a tree that is over 500 years old, and when she was younger, she would use to find her way home. But when she gets there she finds a boy pined to the tree. Kagome is then captured by near by villagers, since she is in a forbidden place and dressed "funny" so she is suspected to be a spy of some sort. This is where she finds out threw inference that she has been transported to the warring states era (1482-1558 CE) (Davis). Before she has proper time to settle down in this village, the village is attacked by non-other than Mistress Centipede. She is instructed to run back to the Bone Eater's Well, in the forest of Inuyasha. She runs back there only to see that the boy pinned to the tree is now alive, and that he hates her. He is Inuyasha the other main character of the book. At the very begging, it is shown that he is pinned to the tree 50 years prior to when Kagome arrives in the time period by a priestess named Kikyo. Kikyo shoots Inuyasha with an arrow and seals him to the tree because he stole the Sacred Jewel (The Jewel of Four Souls). She then passes away from mortal wounds that had been inflicted upon her, but before then she instructs her younger sister Kaede to burn the Sacred Jewel along with her remains so it cannot fall into the hands of evil ever again. Now that Inuyasha is conscience he starts berating Kagome for not just finishing off the centipede saying things like "why don't you just finish her off like you did me Kikyo" while Kagome tries to explain in vain that she, is in fact, not Kikyo. The fight with the demon ensues and the demon bites Kagome in the side and it is then revealed that the Sacred Jewel had been inside her body. The demon swallows it and leaves Kagome with no choice but to release Inuyasha from the spell that Kikyo had put on him.
He kills the demon quickly and Kagome with the help of the old priestess from the village finds the Sacred Jewel and takes it out of the demons flesh so it does not revive its self. Now Inuyasha is angry and wants the jewel, so now everyone is in danger again. The old priestess though endows Inuyasha with some prayer beads and tells Kagome to say a subduing spell, she says "sit" and Inuyasha face-plants. Now everyone is safe, since Inuyasha is not a threat any longer. Now that Kagome has the scared jewel; however, now many demons and even humans will be hunting her down so they can have it for it grants great power. She also finds out that she is a reincarnation of Kikyo. They later encounter a crow demon that consumes the jewel and Kagome finds out she is very bad at archery, something that Kikyo was very skilled at. She does end up being the one to kill it, by attaching the crow's leg to an arrow, and due to the jewel's regenerative properties, the arrow is pulled to the crow and kills it. But it also shatters the jewel into a whole bunch of tiny tiny little pieces. The old priestess, Kaede, tells Kagome and Inuyasha that they will both need to work together to collect all the shards together and they fight about that. Which causes Kagome to go home.
Kagome goes toward the well thinking that it might send her back, but she looks in and sees the bones of Mistress Centipede, and is reluctant to jump in. Then she encounters a new demon who introduces herself as "Yura of the Hair" and before Kagome has much time to react, she falls back into the well. She is lucky transported home before Yura could kill her. She is now back home and is delighted to be back. She lover her Udon and hot baths! While she is eating with her family, Inuyasha bursts in telling her that she has to come back because of Yura. Then they have to fight the hair coming from the well, which only Kagome can see, so they have to team up so Inuyasha can not only save himself at the moment, but also Kagome's family. This is also when Kagome realizes that she HAS to deal with this or her family could be in danger. The book ends with them jumping in, and Yura waiting for them to get back.
Personal Response:
I read InuYasha when I was 11, so rereading it was kinda nice, but since I have had the book for so long, it was also hard to stay focused. InuYasha also has an anime adaptation which I have watched many times, so that probably added to my "I already know what's going to happen" part of my brain. The art is absolutely gorgeous, and Kagome is written pretty realistically as a 15 year old. It is interesting having read this now, and reflecting on how much I looked up to Kagome and frequently thought about how much older she was then I was when I was first reading it. When I was 11, I basically saw her as an adult, but now as a 20 year old, I see her as a child. But I still feel a lot of the same feelings about her as I did. In fact, I think I respect her a bit more now than I did then. She handles a lot of the situations she finds herself in remarkably well, but not unrealistically well either. She is very strong, to have went through all of those traumatizing experiences within such a short amount of time and not shed a tear or feel sorry for herself is remarkable. That being said, I feel like she takes on waaaaaay too much responsibility! It is not unrealistic for her to do so, I definitely would have at her age, but that does not mean it will be healthy for her to do so.
Given Volume 7
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Kizu, Natsuki. "given." SuBLime. Shinshokan Co. Ltd. Translated Sheldon Drzka. Edited by Hope Donovan. Jan, 2023.
The book follows 6 boys who are in a band, Akihiko Kaji and Haruki Nakayama being in college and the rest are in high school. They are all in relationships with each other and are all gay. It follows their struggles of graduation for all of them coming up, wanting to go pro with their band, and relationship troubles. The high school boy are also coping with the death of their band mate, and Mafuyu's boyfriend, Yuki. Shizusumi and Hiragi's relationship takes a dip due to Shizusumi thinking that Hiragi was in love with Yuki, and that that was why Hiragi wanted to finish Yuki's song. This makes Hiragi actually consider if he was or not. He then comes to the conclusion that he wasn't, but was he was like platonically in love with him. Hiragi later gets a revised version of Yuki's song, and then has a realization of what Yuki was going for. That the general feeling or vibe is the way Yuki feel when he looks at Mafuyu. That makes Hiragi realize just how he has to convince Shizusumi that he loves him.
Personal Response:
So to add some context, I picked this book up at Walmart, and this was the only volume they had, so I didn't really get any context for what had happened in the 6 previous volumes, but the relationships were still entertaining to watch. They are just as messy as adolescent relationships are, so that part was very accurate. What I didn't expect was how accurate the feelings of morning the high school boys go through is. These boys have been through some stuff and it shows. I had a friend I was very close to get killed in a car accident when I was 13, so I understand very well what that sort of morning can look like in this age demographic. For the characters, and for me, there is this sort of strange misty melancholy feeling surrounding the lost loved one. The longing to see them again, it is almost its own form of love. I too have found myself wondering if I was romantically in love with my best friend who passed away, but then when I think about it, I realized that I did love her, it was just platonic. She was like a sister to me, a member of the family. That, from my perspective, is what Hiragi is feeling toward Yuki. That, and just having a strong admiration of him. Of how awesome he was. I am not familiar with Yuki, so I only know what is discussed in the volume about him, but the way that he talks about him, he really did admire him. And I really resonate with that. I really admire my friend, she was going to be a Marine Biologist, and I often find myself thinking if she would still be working towards that goal today. We were very similar, and I had my life figured out in middle school, so perhaps she would. I often wonder what college she would have went to, where she'd be right now. How unfair it is, that such a wonderful person, who was set to change the world was just taken away like that. I also relate with Shizusumi feeling left out of the morning process. Like how his feelings have been ignored, or how no one seems to acknowledge that he too was close to Yuki. I had been friends with Lillith for 3 years, but when it came to her funeral, they all called upon people that I KNOW FOR A FACT were not as close to her as I was to speak about her. People that Lillith didn't even really like at that point in time before she passed. People that Lillith and the rest of our friend group (and two other people) would talk bad about. People that me and the other two people were almost laughing at how mad we were that they were picked to talk, because it showed just how little the organizers knew her. I know what it is like to feel like your grief is being down at. So I felt really bad for Shizusumi, because he felt like his friends were ignoring that he was friends with Yuki too.
Five Nights at Freddy's: The Twisted Ones
The Graphic Novel
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Cawthon, Scott, et al. "Five Nights at Freddy's: The Twisted Ones The Graphic Novel." Scholastic Inc. 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012. 2021.
The book follows Charlie trying to figure out what happened all those years ago with her twin brother who disappeared at the Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria while she struggles in college. She moves in with her good friend Jessica and talks about how she is exited that her childhood friend John was coming back to town and was a little nervous that since they had nothing to talk about that he would end up bringing up an incident that happened at Freddy's last year, and she was just not ready for that. The date goes well, and on her way back she was stopped by Mr. Burke, a police officer that she knows. He wants her to identify a body, because he knows that she is the only one that can tell him if what he thinks happened, happened. It turns out that his hypothesis was correct, since she confirms that the man was definitely killed by a spring-lock suit. She goes on another date with John, but a lot of the time she is just consumed with thoughts of the body and what had happened at Freddy's. When she gets back, she asks Jessica to do "girl stuff" like go get some clothes for another date with John, so she could sort of lure her to Freddy's under false pretenses, since Charlie did not want to go alone.
The go into the mall where Freddy's was and reminisce about all the scary stuff that happened, and how now after the hurricane hit, the mall and everything was just so peaceful. Then they stumble upon "Dave" and confirm that he is "definitely dead" and leave. After studying with Arty for a little bit, she has to leave due to her just not being able to focus and having flash backs. In the car, she sees a bunch of vultures so she decides to investigate what they are swarming around and finds another body. With the same injuries, so she was killed by a spring-lock suit, but the thing is, this girl looks exactly like Charlie. She calls Mr. Burke and he is also creeped out by the dead woman's resemblance to Charlie. She is given the address of the girl, she finds nothing in her house but she discovers these weird graves in her backyard and freaks out. Then she remembers that she was supposed to meet John 2 hours ago. She rushes to the restaurant and meets up with him. They then decided to go back to Charlie's house that was hit by the hurricane, and then she tells John about the body she found. While exploring the house they come across graves just like those that had been at that girls house. She starts messing in one and finds the head of a Foxy animatronic. Charlie finds this strange as her dad never kept defective robots, so why did he burry this one instead of using it for parts? She has just about enough time to express this confusion and the gets jumped by this freaky Foxy animatronic. John panics and just pulls its head off, and Charlie finds the a chip that makes the world's most annoying noise. This chip causes all kinds of wacky allusions and causes the animatronics to come to life.
They start tracking where these animatronics are coming from and go to a predicted area. Charlie starts digging and finds another one. The animatronic comes to life and then they all get in Mr. Burkes' police car. They fall asleep and then they wind up missing the animatronic moving. They find another girl, but this time she survived the spring-lock suit. Charlie the next day decides to go back to her old house with one of the illusion chips and basically just waits to "be reunited with her twin Sammy" which basically means she was waiting to die. Her friends go to that house, but by the time they get there, she's gone. They then go to Mr. Burke's house to try and get the Freddy's animatronics that he just sort of stole and stored in his basement (hope he got the children's bodies out of them before hand) they get violent at the mention of William Afton's name, and then they have to barricade themselves for protection purposes. Once they are safe, they find that the animatronics left and the follow where they went. Eventually being led to the old Freddy's location. They find Charlie and they try to escape and come face to face with William Afton, who they also knew as the alias "Dave", but now he calls himself "Spring Trap" because he has become one with his fursona. He then reveals that he didn't kill her brother Sammy, he killed her. They eventual sort-of escape, but Charlie is drawn to something. The feeling of her twin, something like pulling at her. Then the big scary melted Freddy attacks her and like gets her all up in his spring locks. Then she fricking dies. Charlie. Is. Dead. They are all mortified, and John keeps looking on as the back up that Mr. Burke called for drags them out of the falling apart house. John, for the last few second sees another woman standing next to Charlie's corpse that looks remarkably like Charlie. It seems like days pass, and John and Jessica are talking in a coffee shop or restaurant and John is trying to help Jessica except Charlie's death. They are then joined by other characters and they talk. Then they look out the window and see a woman who looks like Charlie, and Jessica and this other girl run out to go and hug her, but John stays behind. His last words are "that's not Charlie."
Personal Response:
I have been a FNAF fan for a long time, since before the 3rd game came out. It was pretty hype to get to see more Spring Trap. Spring Trap is honestly one of, if not the best animatronic designs in the whole series when it comes to the ominous creep factor that the original games had. The first half of this book was like pulling teeth for me, it probably would have been helped if I had read the other books, but this one didn't have a number on it, so I didn't know where it was in the book series. I am also not extremely familiar with the book's lore, except when it comes to Charlie, and even then. I was sitting there going "who tf is this 'Dave' guy? I know y'all talking about Afton, stop playing" but then it made some since at the end when I thought about it. The art was definitely mixed in my opinion. There were some points where it was extremely cool, and other points where I know if I was drawing it, I would NOT have let some of those panels slide. Oddly enough the plot itself did not really have much to do with being an adolescent or young adult hood. Most of the characters where within that age range, but it didn't really effect it. That being said; however, the book does have adolescent vibes. That could be do to the source material and/or the age demographic the book is aimed at. There were some horror elements that definitely feel like a middle schooler would think is cool, which is not necessarily and insult. It is almost nostalgic in that sense.
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leche-flandom · 5 months
I'm sure somebody already pointed this out
but I haven't found a post about it thanks to tumblr's clumsy search feature. So for my own amusement, I'll share this thought that keeps popping up when I rewatch "The Heirs."
Sesshoumaru & Inuyasha = Kim Won & Kim Tan
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Cartoon & Anime Siblings + Brother/Sister-In-Law
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encantadiafan12 · 2 years
Young Severus Snape x Ravenclaw! Priestess! Half-blood! Reader (Feat. Sesshomaru, Naraku, and Voldemort a.k.a Tom Marvolo Riddle)
The Priestess’ admires 🌜🕷️🐍
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Introduction: The 70s Modern era Priestess doesn't know what she gotten herself into as three men were interested on her. How is this going to end?
Warnings: Death, Stalking, and Swords.
This is a continuation to this: Link
When they had come the village held a small party for the return of their friends and the ladies were wearing a very elegant kimonos.
Severus saw Miroku flirting with other women to where Sango wants to hit him with Hiraikotsu. The Slytherin teen sighs at his friends behavior. Miroku will be a lecherous monk.
The perverted monk had been flirting with other woman to the point his other friend get jealous.
Miroku introduce some women to Severus making Y/n and Sango smack his head so hard. The Demon Slayer will literally slap Miroku's face so hard that the other women will scattered away.
The Ravenclaw girl then glares at Miroku. “Lecherous Monk.” she mutters under her breath before grabbing her boyfriend's hand.
Y/n took Severus to a more quite and peaceful place so that she can spend some alone time with him.. And as they both cuddling a cold wind suddenly make their skin crawl and when the other Priestess turn to other side it was Naraku. The Slytherin teen then glares at the mask Half-Demon.
The Ravenclaw girl glares at him as Severus holds her close. “What do you want, Naraku?” She snarls.
Naraku smiles at her “Y/n the brave Priestess from other world...” Naraku never move from his spot and the Slytherin teen Took out his wand and pointed it out to Naraku “Human? *Scoff* Do you think that your funny looking weapon will harm me?” He said making Severus clench his hand in anger.
Y/n places her hand on her boyfriend's shoulder before glaring at the Spider Half-Demon in front of them. “What do you want exactly?” she asks in a monotone.
It wouldn't be obvious on what the Spider Half-Demon wanted. “Knowing you. You're looking for more sacred jewel shards but we have none.” she says keeping her eyes narrow at him.
Naraku grins at her making Y/n to feel disgusted. First, was Evans, then Sesshomaru, and now Naraku? Who would've thought her day would get any worse.
But she oddly feels fine with the Great Dog Demon except when he threatened to kill Inuyasha.
The Spider Half-Demon then tooks off his mask as he then smiles at the Ravenclaw girl. He had to admit she was so beautiful no wonder why Sesshomaru is attracted to her.
Severus then notice he was staring at his girlfriend. He then later stood in front of Y/n. “Quit staring at her Naraku.” he says glaring at the Half-Demon in front them.
The Spider Half-Demon remember looking at her through Kanna’s mirror. Beautiful and brave which is fits her very well. However, he notices how Sesshomaru looks at her every now and then.
He then starts approaching the two. The Slytherin teen was about to point his wand at him before Y/n stop him. As Severus move a side. Naraku then finally approaches her before he holds his hand out. The Ravenclaw girl was sure he would attack her but he didn't instead he just caresses her cheek gently with his hand.
“You are indeed such beautiful and fine woman.” He says still caressing her cheek. She looks away from him as he continues to do this.
Y/n widens her eyes. Okay, first off Sesshomaru is acting oddly towards her and now Naraku. This day wouldn't get anymore weirder.
The Ravenclaw girl was then snap out off her thoughts when the Spider Half-Demon chuckle. “We’ll meet again....” He says before disappearing. Y/n blinks a few times. “What just happened?” she asks to herself.
Severus then made his way towards his girlfriend. Naraku real pissed him off when he caressed her cheek.
The Slytherin teen caress his girlfriend’s cheeks and started to check on her “Are you okay, my love?.. Did he do something?” He ask worriedly and Y/n shake her head in respond still not believing what has just happened.. Did Naraku was attracted to her like Sesshomaru did? Why is this happening?! She ask to herself.
Speaking of Sesshomaru, the Demon Lord was following his scent along with Jaken and Rin.
However, another familiar scent fills his nose. Scent of berries, books, the sweets ate in a different era. He recognize this scent this the other Priestess’ scent who accompanies his brother.
“Jaken, stay here and watch over Rin.” The Dog Demon says to his Vassal. Sesshomaru went ahead there he saw was the Ravenclaw girl who he wouldn't stop thinking about and of course her lover who was often around her.
“Y/n....” He calls out her name. The two widen their eyes when they heard a familiar deep voice. The two look up to see the Demon Lord. “Sesshomaru?” The 70s Modern Era Priestess calls out in disbelief.
Strange, he address her by her name. Severus then glares at the Demon Lord. First Naraku and now Sesshomaru again.
The Great Dog Demon approaches the Ravenclaw girl “I smell the scene of Naraku in here.. Are you okay?” He ask making the Priestess look at him in confusion “Why do you care?” the Slytherin teen ask with the hint of jealousy into his Voice “For you information, mortal.. The only reason that I came here is because I smell the scent of Y/n and at the same time Naraku's smell was lingering all over the place so I rushed here immediately just to make sure that she's alright” Sesshomaru responded making Y/n gasp in disbelief... The Demon Lord turn on his back “You needed to br careful at most of the time, Y/n.. That mortal you're with can never protect you like I did.” He said before disappearing throughout the deep forest.
The Ravenclaw Priestess couldn't believe that Inuyasha’s brother was worried for her. But how dare he insult her boyfriend in front her.
Y/n drag Severus to the village the tell their friends what had just happened and how Naraku was sort of interested in her. Kagome and Sango were the first to approach her.
The two women then comfort their friend as she also told them that Sesshomaru also came out of nowhere. Speaking of the Demon Lord he then shows up to the village with Jaken and Rin following behind him.
Inuyasha growls when he saw his brother. “Sesshomaru, what are you doing here?!!” He demands.
However, as usual the Great Dog Demon was ignoring his brother's ranting.
His attention was focus on the Ravenclaw girl but the Slytherin doesn't like how he looks at his girlfriend.
“Naraku was after Y/n.. And you know how dangerous and risky it is so I wanted to take her with me just to make sure she's safe” Sesshomaru says making the whole group surrounded Y/n with their weapons “You can't take her away from me!” Severus says while holding Y/n’s Hand “You can do nothing, you filthy mortal!!!” He spat.
The Ravenclaw Priestess has enough for one day. The argument is getting out of hand. “Stop!!!” she says as they all stop arguing. “Guys, I had enough dealing a lot of craziness for one day. So please can I have a break?” she says. The 70s modern era Priestess then walks away from them as she was on her way to the well.
The Slytherin teen then runs after his girlfriend. Kagome then figure out something. Y/n seems to be stuck in some kind of love quartet even though she's already taken.
The Half-Demon growls a his brother “Stop your craziness and stay away from her” He said.
But the Demon Lord doesn't care at all and he will get Y/n no matter what may happens.
With Y/n and Severus....
They jump in the well. Returning to Hogwarts however Severus decided to allow the Ravenclaw girl to stay with him in his dormitory.
The Slytherin teen then took her to the Dungeons as they enter the Slytherin common room after that they made their way towards his dorm. Where they spent the rest of the night.
The next morning....
They were both in the Great Hall. Lily was watching both of them as she was paying little attention to what her boyfriend's saying. Severus was comforting Y/n because of what happened with Sesshomaru and Naraku.
The Slytherin teen felt familiar eyes on him and his girlfriend but he just ignore it.
After eating breakfast while on their way towards their classes. The two saw Inuyasha, Kagome, and surprisingly Sesshomaru in the Hallway.
The Ravenclaw Priestess then sighs in annoyance. Severus sighs. “Inuyasha, Kagome. Not now she's still not alright because of what happened yesterday.” he tells his friends.
The reincarnation of Kikyo sighs. “Sorry, Sev, but Inuyasha wants you guys to come back. But I kept telling him that you guys can come back once Y/n’s mood get better.” she says.
Before Inuyasha could say anything he was interrupted when his brother punch by his canine's. He drop to the floor holding his mouth. “You bastard..... That hurts....” The Half-Demon says while wincing in pain. Sesshomaru just ignores his brother.
Severus sigh “I wish we could but as you see Y/n was still not in the mood to go back.. She needs some time to process everything” He said before turning his attention on Sesshomaru “And you.. I wanted you to stay from my beloved or else-” The Slytherin teen's words were Interrupted by the Great Dog Demon “Or what?? You think you can stand against me? *Scoff* don't make me laugh, you lowlife mortal.” He said making the Ravenclaw girl snap at him and use her wand “Stupefy!” Y/n send Sesshomaru flying making the group look at her in shock “I already told you not to disrespect my man!!” She said when a familiar voice calls their Attention “Miss L/n! What's happening in here!” Professor McGonagall calls out.
Kagome sighs “I told you two that we can't go here. Y/n’s not in the mood to go back to the Feudal Era. To the point we cause her trouble.” she says scolding Inuyasha.
Y/n’s face pale when McGonagall approaches them. ‘Dang it. I'll get detention for this but Sesshomaru should know better not to insult Severus in front of me.’ she thought.
Severus then sighs before he made his towards the unconscious Demon Lord when he was hit with the Stunning Curse.
Professor McGonagall puts Y/n in detention with Professor Slughorn which she didn't mind at all “Now all of you take that person to the Hospital wing so he can treated” She said before taking her leave.
And his girlfriend has detention with Slughorn after classes.
The Slytherin teen held Y/n's hand and kiss her forehead “Everything will be fine My Love *smile*” His smiles warms the Priestess's heart “I know.. as long as you're with me and our friends, i know that everything will be fine” she replies.
Severus then glares at Sesshomaru. They wouldn't be in this situation if he hadn't followed his friends.
As the night has come Y/n spent her time on detention with Slughorn and making some sort of Healing Potion.
She never really regret hexing the Demon Lord but he deserves it for insulting her boyfriend. She wouldn't admit that to anyone.
After her detention the other Priestess make her way to her boyfriend's dormitory and before she can get there a voice suddenly calls her. “Y/n... The daughter of Y/m/n come with me my child” Y/n's Eyes got widen it was Voldemort.
“You’re... The Dark Lord....” The Ravenclaw Priestess says before narrowing her eyes at the man in front her.
“Come with me.. don't waste your talent in this place” He says.. The Priestess can't believe what has just happening.. First Sesshomaru, second Naraku and now even the Dark lord himself wants her?!!! She step back only for the Dark Lord to step forward “Y/n my dear.. Come with me and join my alliance” He said.
“Come with my child.....” He says to her again. However, the Priestess just shook her head. She knew her boyfriend originally intends to join the Death Eaters however that change when they both ended up in the Feudal Era.
“No, I'm not coming along with you.” The Ravenclaw girl says as she had no intention in joining him.
Before Y/n could say anything she hears a familiar voice. “Y/n, there you are!” She turns around to see Inuyasha.
He then approaches his friend. The Half-Demon then diverted his attention towards Voldemort before he snarl taking out Tessaiga from it's scabbard. “Who are you and what do you with my friend?” he demands.
Voldemort smiles at him and said “A Dog Demon.. What a pleasant surprise” He said before Entering on Inuyasha's Mind and see his past with Kikyo “Ohh I see that you're holding a deep passion with a certain Mortal named Kikyo” The Half-Demon’s eyes got widen. “Don't speak her name!” He says before attacking the Dark Lord “Avada Kedavra” Voldemort said and just in time Y/n pushes Inuyasha out of the way only for her to hit by the Killing curse.
In the commotion Sesshomaru heard what's happening.
Severus runs to his beloved and knelt besides her “Y-Y/n? Love?” He ask but no response.
Seeing Y/n’s lifeless eyes made the Demon Lord’s eyes turn red. However, the Tensaiga on his waist pulse. Sesshomaru push Severus out of the way and use his Tensaiga on Y/n. He then took out the sword as it then glow. The Demon Lord could see the minions of the underworld were about to take her soul. He then immediately slay them.
As a bright light surrounded the Ravenclaw girl.
As Severus was crying Y/n's eyes suddenly opens only for her to see the Demon Lord's worried gaze.
The 70s Modern era Priestess just looks at him in confusion before turning to look at her boyfriend before she gently place a hand on his shoulder.
That startles the Slytherin teen when he Y/n or what he thought to be her. Is he dreaming? The Ravenclaw girl then gives him a hug. Severus sighs in relief she came back. Sesshomaru must've used the Tensaiga to revive her. The Great Dog Demon then frowns that she doesn't pay him any attention.
Y/N Stood slowly up and approach to Sesshomaru “I know it was you.. Thank you” She said before give the Demon Lord a Hug.
Sesshomaru was stunned he did receive hug from Rin but coming from the other Priestess it was very surprising.
The Demon Lord was so stunned and slowly hug her back.. Severus on the hand was happy but kinda jealous at the same time because feels useless for not being able to save his beloved like Sesshomaru did.
The Half-Demon then growl when he saw his brother hugging his friend. “Hey, keep your hands off her!” he snarls out.
Voldemort on the other hand grips his wand he unintentionally killed Y/m/n’s daughter. However, he was impressed of the other Demon managing to revive her with a stroke of his sword.
He then chuckles getting the group’s attention before the Demon Lord tighten his grip on the Priestess.
The Ravenclaw girl then narrows at the man in front of them. “What do you want from me?” she demands.
“My, how surprising to see someone who can bring the dead back.” He says.
Kagome then glares at him. “Yeah, what do you want with Y/n?” she asks.
The rest of the group glare at the Dark Lord in front of them.
“Hmmm as you see Y/n was a daughter of a great witch named Y/n/n L/n and I wanted her to join my alliance and become a death eater” He said casually.
“No! I would never ever join your silly troupe!” Y/n shouted making the Dark Lord smile at her. “Someday you will.. and there's nothing you can do about it” He said before disappearing.
The Ravenclaw girl then narrows her eyes when he mentioned her mother. Her mother was a great witch but she was also a Priestess.
Kagome then approaches her friend. “Y/n, are you okay?” she asks as the other Priestess sigh. “Yeah, I'm fine.” she says before diverting her attention towards the Demon Lord who still has his arm around her. “You can let me go now, Sesshomaru.” she says to him.
The Great Dog Demon frowns but nonetheless let's her go.
After that Severus's arms suddenly wraps around his girlfriend in a protective way “You need some rest now” He said making Y/n smile at his kindness “Alright. Can I sleep in your room?” She ask and her boyfriend agreed “We have to go now.. Y/n needs her rest.” The two say their farewells to their friends and leave.
They then return to the Dungeons all the way to the Slytherin common all the way to his dorm. They spent the rest of the night cuddling.
The next morning.....
After they took a bath and brush their teeth. The couple then made their towards the Great Hall. Only to find their friends and Sesshomaru in the Ravenclaw table. “Why are you guys still here?” The Ravenclaw Priestess asks the three quietly. Kagome scratches the back of her neck. “Well, your headmaster sort of found out what happened last night so offered us to stay in the Ravenclaw dormitories.” she explains.
The two looks at them confused. “He let you stay in Ravenclaw Tower?” Severus asks in disbelief.
Inuyasha nods. “Yeah, and also there's something he wants to talk to us after breakfast.” he says while munching on his pancake.
Sesshomaru was just listening while eating his pancake.
The Priestess looks confused is it about the Dark Lord wanting to recruit because her mother was a great witch and of course was also a Priestess.
She knew she has an ancestor who was Japanese. So it would make her a Japanese descend.
After breakfast Y/n and Severus Went straight to their classes while their friends went to the Headmaster's Chamber.
When Inuyasha, Kagome, and Sesshomaru made it to the Headmaster office they were then met with McGonagall. The one who caught the Ravenclaw girl after she hexed the Great Dog Demon for insulting her boyfriend.
“What a pleasant surprise to see all of you again..” She smiles warmly. “Have a seat.” Dumbledore offer and after the three of them went to their seat Dumbledore started to ask them a couple of questions.
“So Tom wants to recruit her?” Dumbledore asks. The three looks confused. “Tom?” Inuyasha asks. “That was the Dark Lord's true name but he hates it.” The Headmaster explains.
Kagome then nods her head in confirmation. “Yeah, he try to recruit her when she was alone after she left her detention.” She starts. “He also found out about Kikyo to the point I attack him but I made mistake he nearly killed me but Y/n jump in the way and got hit by the spell when it was supposed to hit me.” Inuyasha finish.
That made Sesshomaru angry on what he just heard from his brother. “That wouldn't happen if you didn't foolishly attack him, Half-breed!” he spat to his brother.
The Half-Demon then glares at his brother. “Take that back, Sesshomaru.” he says as they both glare at each other.
The reincarnated Priestess sighs. There they go again.
“Well it's a great thing that she's okay now.. And that's thanks to you young man..” The Headmaster points out on Sesshomaru “No need for that.. She's important to me too after all” He says “Do you really think that she actually cares for you that way?” Inuyasha provokes his brother “Not for now..but someday she will” The Demon Lord respond.
Kagome then remembers something. “About what he said about Y/n’s mother being a Great witch. Is she also Priestess like me and Y/n?” she asks. That seem to caught the two Dog Demons’ attention.
The Headmaster then clears his throat. “Well, as a matter of fact yes, Ms. Higurashi. You see she and her mother has an ancestor who was a Japanese. Making Ms. L/n a Japanese descend.” he reveals as that surprised the three.
“And what is it something to do with Tom going after her?” Inuyasha asks not getting where does this lead to.
Dumbledore then clears his throat once again. “You see when the Dark Lord is known as Originally by the name of Tom Riddle. During his time here at Hogwarts he uses his charm to manipulate those around to get what he wants. Particularly he was in love with her mother that is until she met and fell in love with her father. Her mother was in Ravenclaw like she was.” he reveals.
The three were in shock. That the Dark Lord was originally in love with Y/n’s mother. Sesshomaru was more surprise than Inuyasha and Kagome.
“He’s really a creep for trying to go after Y/n.” The reincarnation of Kikyo points out.
Dumbledore smile lightly “That's what a love can do anyway..”He said “Do you think the Dark Lord only wants Y/n because she was looked like her mother?” Kagome ask “Well maybe that's the case for him to want her.” The Headmaster says.
“How unpredictable!!” The reincarnated Priestess exclaimed “that's why I called the three of you in here” Dumbledore admitted “I wanted the three if you to take Y/n with you so that she can be safe from the Dark lord” He says. “Maybe she has a relative from the Feudal Era and then maybe 100 years or so Y/n has another relative who came to this country. Which explain why she looks a bit like a Japanese.” Inuyasha points out.
“A relative who's a native Japanese?” The reincarnation of Kikyo asks before the Half-Demon then nods. “Yeah, which would explain she was a Japanese descend.” he points out.
“Actually she has a relative she can live with” Dumbledore says.“She has?” Inuyasha asks.
“They Lived on Akita Japan” Dumbledore Added “That's It!” the Half-Demon says happily “We can take her there.” The reincarnated Priestess added.
“But are they aware of their relation?” Kagome asks.
Sesshomaru on the other hand Interrupts the conversation “Do you think that she'll let you to take her away?” He asks. “No, will never let any of you take her especially from that mortal she was with” He added “Then what can you suggest??” The Headmaster then asks.
Just before he could speak his brother interrupts him. “Oh no way, Sesshomaru. She can't go back to Feudal Japan she's not safe there either. Because Naraku was also after her.” he snarls.
The Demon Lord then glares at him. “Stay out of this, Half-Breed!” he says coldly.
Inuyasha was about to attack his brother when Kagome ordered him to sit “What are we supposed to do?” She ask the Headmaster “If she doesn't want to leave then we had need an alternative Solution” Dumbledore says.
The Half-Demon then stood from his spot. “You do have a point she wouldn't want to leave but it's not for in the Feudal Era either. And Naraku is after her not to mention Sesshomaru here.” he says as he looks at Sesshomaru on the last part.
The Great Dog Demon glares at his brother for him also being after Y/n but that's only because he was concern for her safety like Severus was.
“Maybe we can take her with us” The Demon Lord says “No! You know that Naraku was after her too!” Kagome said “I'm not leaving her side.. I'll be protecting her” Sesshomaru says making Dumbledore and McGonagall smile at him “Then it's settled then.. Y/n’s safety was into your hands” Dumbledore says along with a satisfactory huff “I had one request” Sesshomaru says “Yes?” The Headmaster responds. “I don't want that filthy mortal to come with us” The Half-Demon and the reincarnation of Kikyo were shock about the Demon Lord's statement.
Kagome then remembers how Y/n hexed Sesshomaru yesterday. “Do you want her to hex you again?” she ask in disbelief.
“*scoff* I was just caught off guard at that time.. And it will never happen again” He adds but Inuyasha was angry at him “You can never separate Severus from y/n!” He shouts at his brother “Well i can.. I had my ways so that she can forget that merely mortal” Sesshomaru responds.
Before the two could reply there was a knock on the door.
McGonagall open the door to reveal the Ravenclaw girl and Slytherin teen.
She then looks Inuyasha, Kagome, and Sesshomaru. “Ummm.... What's going on here?” she asks as she and Severus enter before the Head of Gryffindor close the door.
Kagome then scratches the back of her neck nervously. “Nothing, Y/n.” she says. The other Priestess raises an eyebrow towards her.
Y/n approach them and sit st the nearest chair along with her boyfriend Severus “Kagome.. You know that you can't lie to me.. So tell what is it” she says while holding Severus's cold Hand on hers.
“We-Well, ummm.....Y/n.....ummmm” Kagome was stuttering and can't form a right words to explain to their friend.
Inuyasha sighs. “We managed to figure out why the Dark Lord is after you. You see back when he was Tom Riddle. He was originally in love with your mother before she met and fell in love with your dad.” He explains as the Ravenclaw girl and the Slytherin teen looks at their friend in shock.
“He’s originally..... In love... With my mother?” Y/n questions not believing what she's hearing.
"Yes" Inuyasha says. Severus then holds her hand trying to calm her down.
"And obviously that person sees you as your mother and that's the reason why he wants you so bad like Naraku did” The Half-Demon adds.
“Also about your Priestess powers. You have a relative who was a Japanese who came to live here on Britain centuries after Feudal Era which would explain why you look a bit like a Japanese.” Kagome then adds.
“My guesses were if I have a relative who's completely Japanese and I was right.” Y/n says.
"Yes" her friend says. The Slytherin was comforting the Ravenclaw girl. “You’re not safe here.” Kagome points out.
The Half-Demon nods in agreement. “Yeah, with this Tom Riddle and of course Naraku after you.” he says. The Ravenclaw Priestess then sighs. “Why did this happen for the past two days?” she questions to herself.
“My love, don't worry I'm here” Severus says giving his girlfriend a comforting smile “As if you can protect her” Sesshomaru says and The Slytherin turn his attention on him “Yes I can” He says “Oh Really? Not obvious actually” The Demon Lord coldy says “At least she believes and loved me” Severus sarcastically says making Sesshomaru glare at him fiercely.
The other Priestess then took out her wand pointing it at the Demon Lord “Flipendo!” she says as that hits the Great Dog Demon as he was thrown against the wall.
The Ravenclaw girl just glares at the Sesshomaru. “I told you not to insult my boyfriend in front of me.” she says as she had enough of him doing that.
McGonagall then realizes the reason why she hex the Dog Demon was him looking down on Mr. Snape.
The Great Dog Demon groan in pain as he stood up “Ms. L/n, I never expected you to be so feisty when it comes to Mr. Snape” McGonagall said making Y/n and Severus blush in embarrassment.
Inuyasha tries not to laugh at his brother after he was hexed by his friend. Kagome on the other hand sweatdrop.
The Great Dog Demon then glares at his brother. “It’s not funny, Inuyasha.” he says coldly. Half-Demon tries his best not to laugh so hard.
“Really??” Inuyasha provokes along with a breathy Laugh “Sit Boy” Inuyasha fell on the ground “Why did you do that?!” He ask Kagome.
The Priestess just narrows her eyes at him. “Rather not have him kill you if you continue to provoke him.” she says.
The Ravenclaw girl then turns to look at Sesshomaru but she just narrows her eyes at him when he looks at her.
She never completely likes Sesshomaru because he hates humans and Half-Demons in general but that change after he met Rin who travels around with him and Jaken. Of course, another human he enjoys being around was technically her but he hates her boyfriend. If he keeps insulting him she'll keep hexing him for that.
The Demon Lord on the other hand couldn't believe it. This is the second time she hex him for insulting her boyfriend in front her. The girl often narrows her eyes at him when she caught him staring at her. However, he wouldn't forget how she felt in his embrace. She smell of berries, books, and of course sweets of this era.
But knowing her she hated him for insulting her boyfriend and of course his attempts to kill Inuyasha to get the Tessaiga.
The Ravenclaw then remembers something. “Wait a moment I remember something.” She then says as she stood up from the chair. The Slytherin teen then looks at his girlfriend. “What is it, love?” he asks.
Y/n then made her way towards the door Severus, along with Kagome, Inuyasha, and Sesshomaru follow her.
Before leaving the Headmaster's office she bows to both of her Professors before she then opens the door with her friends and boyfriend following behind her. Sesshomaru close the door behind them.
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valeriestorm · 2 years
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joviantwelve · 2 years
someone stop me from buying an adopt that would be my 3rd humanoid adopt (out of 4) with white hair
im beginning to get SELF CONSCIOUS
its so funny especially on Art Fight where I curate my OCs a bit more tightly than on Toyhouse so I was scrolling my AF bio like "...............half of my prioritized blorbos have white hair"
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