#TBD || mary
antiqueanimals 2 years
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American Insects. Written by Vernon Kellogg. With illustrations from Mary Wellman. Second edition, revised. 1908.
Internet Archive
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risingsh0t 2 months
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maris starling | lorena deckard
beatrice aldine | elsie holloway
cappie | birdie harlow
tagged by @carrionsflower & @corvosattano to use these picrews 馃挌 ty beloveds!! i'm not sure who all has fallout ocs but consider yourself tagged if you wanna do this!
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tommyarashikage 8 months
someone just broke into our apartment building AGAIN. For the third time since we moved here like 6 years ago. I鈥檓 so tired. Stop stealing tires and GET A JOB
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babydxhl 4 months
me when i remember that for mary there is no long term end goal and instead she will just cycle back and forth between different levels anger, numb isolation and total commitment to murder-s.uicide without someone to drag her out of this endless loop
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devilatelier 10 months
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tsaricides 1 year
i think my general problem is that against my best wishes, i remain catholic
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v-arbellanaris 11 months
to be clear, she does cry for about 5 minutes and then. just. gets absolutely, incandescently furious that he just went off to die in the fade. after all her hard work to save him at the landsmeet. after she went to find a CURE. after surviving ORLAIS. he dies in the fade for some stupid fuck he met for 20 minutes, after blowing her off for a decade. she's going to rip another hole into the fade at adamant and then tear him a new one. he can't die - SHE'S going to kill him.
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antiqueanimals 2 years
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American Insects. Written by Vernon Kellogg. With illustrations from Mary Wellman. Second edition, revised. 1908.
Internet Archive
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lingeringscars 1 year
i'm writing a meta about mari rn but i do want to give samantha hanratty her flowers. i think everyone (rightly so!!!) compliments the same few actors and actresses, and i have no personally seen any for her (doesn't mean it's not out there etc etc). but i made a joke during the ep about how misty's speech to ben was real because misty is not that good an actress.
and it really hit me that like. samantha has this way of showing misty acting and herself acting as misty that like. even really seasoned actors struggle with. misty is just too over the top to be a good actor, but it's not the same sort of samantha trying so hard to be like Misty Is Acting Right Now that makes it unauthentic. idk how to describe this any better except that i just think she does a really great job w/ misty and all her reactions. and the difference between like her monologue at the baby shower and her speech about going to save crystal/her despair to akilah and mari and her speech to ben was so clear.
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corellianhounds 26 days
Wanting to talk about original characters but also wanting a visual representation to put with it first
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tommyarashikage 7 months
so... I caved and changed Santana's ship to K/enshi 馃槱
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babydxhl 6 months
these go so hard the person who draws mary in them gets my firstborn
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stannyramirez 5 months
19 gif packs of nicholas galitzine with 6656 gifs total. i have a major problem.
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thesearetheirstcries 1 month
@tofeelthecold gets mary
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"Remind me to not to this again" she told him softly as she looked at the paper before her. The words were swimming around the page and she was immediately regretting her choices. She closed her eyes, putting her head down for a moment in an effort to give herself a moment of rest.
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cwarscars 1 year
(( so, i've decided i'm going to keep my threads with @rikelusshinra, @ofgeneticperfection & @stingslikeabee (primarily because all are pretty plot-heavy / pre-plotted & spicy). consider everything else dropped purely because i wanna replenish all threads and maybe even some ships, too.
if we have a thread that's plot heavy but it's in my dropped pile, don't consider it as 'this dynamic is over / this plot's done' - i might just revamp the thread with you after some discussion.
i've lost a lot of my threads because my drafts got messy when things here went south and digging through my blog via the search/tag/archive doesn't seem like much fun to me so, i'll instead be likely rewriting these threads. i also wanna cut down the amount of threads i have with people - maybe limited each person to 1-2 threads, nothing personal, just as to not swampy dampy myself.
if we have a thread that's plot-heavy and on your end, you don't have to reply - we can work something else out. owo
i'ma post a plotting call tonight before i go out & then will hit people up maybe when i get back dependent on how tired i am (c:).
i hope everyone's cool with this and if you do have any questions or are like 'you fuckin slaaaag i wrote you a starter and you never replied!' hit me up and i will take a looksie and we can from there!
thankee friends i will get ready and then be back on shortly c: ))
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ann-chovi 1 year
Anyone want to send me an art prompt for Mari? I'm in a bit of a funk, and I miss drawing my girl, but am at a loss for ideas atm. :'D
Or maybe an ask or something? Idk
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