#TBH Nolan is just one big struggle after the other
platinum-iridium · 3 months
My first watch, Serena was one of my faves because someone (who I now suspect is an enemy…) told me something really gay was instore so I assumed there were hidden layers lmao. Plus I think I was also just so over Abbie I was relieved by the time she came around but watching now the lack of consistency is super irritating. The other second chairs definitely get a lot more. But I wouldn’t mind her coming back and working with Nolan though I guess she’d be above him now? Idk how lawyers work but seeing her be firm in whatever her beliefs are would be cool. Maybe they can give her a wife. Think I stopped around her lesbian reveal because it was so worthless lmao. I remember some DA(?) being found in a trunk? By then the show was background noise while I did homework so idek what the plot was. Don’t think it’s the Connie era but it could be. I don’t really wanna rewatch after s12 but are there any stand out Connie eps in your opinion ? I’m curious now since you like her so much lol
serena is more fun to watch if you look for hidden messages but deadass there's one episode you could choose to believe is foreshadowing and that's about it. that and the fact that there's absolutely not a hint of flirting with jack. i don't really like serena but a lot of that is because the writers just dgaf about really making her a good character. i will say, once they sort of settle in with the conservative DA, i think her character gets better because they have a built in ideological enemy and she doesn't have to fill that role anymore.
i don't know if i posted much about it but i really liked claire and jamie the second time around. i don't think either of them made a big impact on me the first time because i didn't find them relatable yet, but now as a career woman it's different. that's the case with van buren too now that i'm a manager of white men @ work. certain shit just hits different with more life experience. like claire's whole thing for older men was viscerally offputting to me when i first watched and the thing with jamie's ex husband was utterly unrelatable but their character arcs have grown on me with age. lowkey i need a whole post about that because claire was damn near a baby and they need to send jack to the hague. she was grown but jack really should have kept his hands to himself. he's the epitome of the "feminist" man. like just watching her slowly open her eyes to who he really was and slowly develop the ick was honestly great. wish we got resolution on that. serena as a defense attorney or a project innocence type would make a lot of sense. i have mixed feelings about how they brought jamie back. i was glad to see her but if they weren't going to do her justice they could have left it on the playground tbh. she always struggled with real person ethics vs lawyer ethics and i guess i'm glad they were consistent about that but it just didn't hit to me. it doesn't make sense to me that she would still be in the DAs office tbh just given her character arc.
also the DA that died (borgia) was a waste of a plot point. i really like connie but without actually watching it again idk why. somehow i found her kind of relatable but idk if she's particularly well written because i do remember them treating her like a very pretty lamp a lot of the time. honestly i went back and watched an episode i enjoyed with mike and connie (the one where you find out mike never got his bachelor's) and i can't in good conscience recommend that episode bc it's not that great. the twist was good but the writing was just trash. chile i had to go back to make sure i had at least one good episode to show. season 18 episode 16 "strike" is an excellent episode that features her prominently. also after rewatching it i like her because i relate to her a lot. i wish the writers let her come out of mike's shadow more but when she did, just damn.
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ssvperboy · 2 years
Ultimate Ship Meme Christmas Edition - Grace & Skate
Ultimate Ship Meme Christmas Edition || accepting
Which one of them:
Spikes the eggnog? Skate of course. 😂😭
Hangs the stockings? Grace. I feel like she grew up helping get the house ready for Christmas, so she definitely would be the one to hang the stockings. Skate doesn’t even know what the stockings are for dkhskdja
Leaves cookies and milk out to keep up with the Santa tradition? This may seem STUPID, but Skate does it because he thinks Presley still believes in Santa ngl. He and Nolan  make it a whole thing and Presley just lets them believe she thinks Santa is real at her big age. Grace thinks this is cute af though.
“Accidentally” throws away the fruitcake: I can’t see Grace as someone who likes fruitcake at all, so her. Skate is the kinda person who would keep pastries and cakes and shit around even if he doesn’t end up eating them, to not waste them because idk, maybe someone else will have some lmao
Goes overboard on the whipped cream? Graceeeee and she would definitely go overboard on Skate’s drinks too <3
Is the inevitable Christmas Grinch? Hmm... this could go either way because Christmas could be a huge trigger for either of them tbh
Wakes up first on Christmas? Grace! 300% it’s Grace!
Rolls their eyes as the same cheesy carol plays in the stores for the millionth time? Skate but he smiles happily every time Grace sings or mouths the words 🥹
Starts playing Christmas music the day after Halloween? Graceeeee lmaooooo 
Decorates the Christmas tree? I think Grace would have the idea to and Skate would help her bc he loves her 😌
Who wears the ugly Christmas sweaters: Both of them, 300%. Skate loves an ugly sweater and Grace would wear one for the christmas spirit 🥰🥰
Picks out the holiday movies and who makes the hot cocoa: I think Grace does both, because it’s been proven that Skate can’t make hot cocoa for SHIT and he’d also let Grace pick the movie every time 😌
Starts the snowball fight: I may be wrong, but I think Grace would to try and get Skate to smileeeeeee but it could be either orrr
Drags the other under the mistletoe: Grace, because Skate still doesn’t really understand how mistletoe works dskhlksdja
Decorates the house: Grace would start and any time Skate sees her struggling, he’d jump into help!.
Hangs up the ornaments on the tree: Same concept as decorating! 
Cooks Christmas dinner: Grace. Do not let Skate cook. ever...
Invites the other to sing a Christmas duet: Grace and Skate would go 100% because it would make her happy.
Has any holiday traditions: Grace probably has the most. Skate’s holiday traditions stop at leaving cookies out for Santa lmaoooo
Who would start a food fight during baking: Skate, because he doesn’t know what he’s doing and wants to be annoying lmaooooo
Would get drunk off of eggnog: Grace, because... well Skate is Skate lmaoooooooo
Who starts putting up decorations in October? Oh God, I think Grace might want to but knowing it’s Skate’s birthday on Halloween, she wouldn’t. So neither.
Buys the advent calendars? Grace, and Skate would want to open them all at once so she would have to teach him how to do it lmaoooo
Places mistletoes all around the house? Grace, to teach Skate about how it works lmaoooo
Wraps the presents for other people? Grace. Skate can roll a blunt no problem, but you should never ask him to wrap a gift lmaoooo
Puts the final star/angel on the top of the Christmas tree? Grace, and Skate would lift her up to do it 😌
Is the one that hates eggnog? Skateeeeee lmao, he doesn’t understand it 😂
Is the one that bakes Christmas cookies for guests? Grace. There is not way Skate knows what goes into making a cookie lmaoooooooo
Sends out the Christmas cards? Grace, because she thinks it’s nice to wish people a merry christmas 🥹
Knows all the words to Twelve Days of Christmas? Grace! Skate maybe knows up to day 5 😂😂😂
Is the better snowman builder? I feel like they might both be good??
Starts snowball fights? Could be either orrrr
Is the one that wakes the other on Christmas morning by playing Christmas songs really loudly? Grace, but Skate would not wake up pissed tbh. he’d probably wake up in the christmas spirit 😂
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Kiss Me Quiet - Nolan Sorrento x Reader (Ready Player One)
GIF Credit: X @wltz-bby​ @happyskywhale​ 
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‘Tell me something good’ is fantastic line context for later... FYI.😏😏
Author’s Note: Requested by @slurpin! Thank you SO much for your request! Especially as it’s Nolan 🥰🥰🥰
Well if there’s one good thing to come out of my slight writing (and life in general) spiral, it’s the first few paragraphs of this fic!
Also this went through three songs before I landed on this one, by accident on youtube as ever, and I loved it *so* much that it had to be the one I used. Kiss Me Quiet - Jess Moskaluke
Disclaimer: RPO naught to do with me / Of course we’re referencing Lacero again / gifs & lyrics not mine Premise: There’s been a lot weighing on your mind recently, even though you’re on holiday. Nolan Sorrento wants to cheer you up, and he’s got a good bottle of wine... Words: 2727 Warnings: sexual connotations / some sexy shenanigans / dirty talk / swearing / drinking.
You're laying back chill, biting your tongue Taking it in, looking like you love Listening to me run my pretty little mouth And the sweet soft sound as the words fall out
Oh it's a sexy little dance You watching me talking with my hands Oh and you know I won't quit That look like you're trying to resist my lips says
Tell me what you want, where you wanna go Tell me who you are, what you think Yeah you're smiling like you wanna know All my crazy friends, boy I'll make you laugh Talking 'bout Panama City, best spring break I ever had Baby I know what you want When you crank my favorite song So I'll sing along, yeah, sing along Sing up a riot 'Till you kiss me quiet I'll keep going on and on until you kiss me quiet
Can you keep a secret, I'll whisper in your ear Boy, I'll make you hang onto every word you hear I'll keep spilling it, you keep listening till you can't hold back no more
I'll tell you what I want, where I wanna go Tell you who I am, what I think Yeah you're smiling like you wanna know All my crazy friends, boy I'll make you laugh Taking 'bout Panama City, best spring break I ever had Baby, I know what you want When you crank my favorite song So I'll sing along, yeah, sing along Sing up a riot 'Till you kiss me quiet
“How are you feeling?” Was such an odd question to be asked when on top of a hill, in the quiet, in sunshine, looking out over the serene view of Sorrento and the sweeping bay. Gorgeous sapphire blue sea stretching out towards the rest of mainland Europe. It wasn’t that he was asking you how you were feeling, but the tone Nolan was asking it in.
“Hmm?” You looked up at him, the way his blue eyes studied you with careful interest. There was a lot of concern there too. But he stayed sitting where he was; he didn’t want to get closer, didn’t want to smother you if it wasn’t needed or wanted. “You’ve been quiet for a while, nearly all holiday.” “I’m fine.” And you meant it, “Nolan you know me, I just... have quiet spells.” “I was starting to think it was me.” He murmured his thought almost guiltily. And you shook your head. No, no it wasn’t. It was just he, nor the view, could really cheer you up right now. You were fine, that was true, but you couldn’t say you’d raise it above that. Not quite yet anyway. Nolan Sorrento could probably change that around if he wanted; it was already clear by the fact you were up here that he was putting the effort in. Nolan always did. He knew how to break through that, so he could get to hearing the sweet sound of your voice again. Which was certainly one of his favourite things – something he could associate with the comfort of home, calm and welcoming after a long work day, soothing and delicate as you’d hold him and tell him it was all going to be okay, how loud you got when you talked a on and on around something you were passionate about, or when you got mad, or drunk… the way you laughed. That slight waiver you always tried to hide when you were sad that he could pick up on immediately to quiet your fears, or work on making you smile again. Luckily it wasn’t present right now, but Nolan was afraid of hearing it. Then that shake… a delightful thing to be able to draw from you: beside him, on top of him, pinned under him… it didn’t matter where; just that moment. And how it sounded over the phone, how you’d make the tone of your voice sweet, sultry… sexy - everything you would say when he was a little too far away from you for a little too long… Nolan shuffled uncomfortably for a moment where he was sitting and cleared his throat – painfully aware he’d thought on that for a little too long.  All he had to do was get you talking about something that made you happy, something that would bring you back to life. Pull you from whatever had got you so far gone… Maybe he could flirt with you, maybe he could even get you blushing. Nolan knew that he’d have to be careful with that one though; one false move and you’d be driven away, or you’d snap at him. That was a fine line, he’d just have to be careful and coax it out of you. Luckily the planned date was a picnic up here, so, admire the views all you want but cracking open a good bottle of wine was going to change all that; even if your only thought was put to teasing him about it. As you heard him rummaging around you couldn’t help be curious: Nolan muttered to himself - in Italian you had to note - as he uncorked the bottle, and although your first thought was ‘I hope he isn’t expecting us to drink the whole THING?!’ you couldn’t help but tip your head. Okay, you knew what he was doing, but you’d bite. “Let me guess, that’s Sorrento made?” “Sorrento?” God damn him for rolling the r’s like that, “Close…” He pulled out a glass and skilfully poured it like you might see a mixologist do behind a fancy bar. Party trick? You guessed he’d probably picked it up somewhere. “And what, it’s 1999?” “Oooh…” He smirked, “She’s close, once more.” He held the glass out to you, “But no dice.” “Then what!?” You took it and Nolan showed you the bottle, “Oh. My birth year? I thought it was only good if it was ’99.” “Usually. But, it’s not about me. This time.” He gave a gentle wink, and poured himself a glass before placing the bottle back, “So, to you. And trying to cheer you up!” For a minute your stare at him was blank, before you blinked slowly, “You are… infuriating.” “Ah, so it’s working?” “NO.” Although you couldn’t help but smile into the glass as you sipped. “Look whatever it is, you know I’d do anything to fix it. You do, don’t you?” “Nolan…” you sighed gently, “It’s not you. It’s just… a mood I get into sometimes.” “I know you might not think so,” His head tipped, blue eyes soft, “but I’m a good listener too. Like for like, you listen to me enough. About time I did the same.” You were quiet, staring back at your glass, the reflection of yourself in the red liquid – before you took a deep breath: “I don’t know. Work, I guess.” “Mm?” He raised an eyebrow. “You put in effort and, either no one recognises it or they just take the credit, then you wonder why you bother or… Is this it? Is this the life I’m going to live?” “Well, not everything’s bad right?” You could hear that slight hurt that you would do anything to take back. “N-No. Oh, Nolan, yes I have you! But… I can’t pin all my happiness on you. That’s not fair.” He very nearly tipped the whole glass back, “Fuck ‘em. Come work for me.” You immediately snorted, “Oh no, no no no, I’m not working for IOI.” “What!? Why?” “No way. I couldn’t!” You shook your head vigorously. “You’d be a damn sight better than most of them!” He sounded more desperate than persuasive. “Oh no, I’ve heard so many horror stories!” “Really?” “Yeah, especially about their CEO.” You couldn’t keep a straight face, and began to giggle. His eyes narrowed, smile knowing, “Is that right?” Then you couldn’t help but laugh, “Yes. Can confirm-” “Confirm?!” You waved your hand, laughing at his outrage, “-None of those rumours are true.” “You are on such thin ice!!” Nolan shook his head at you, but was grinning, then indicated to your glass, “Well?!” “Oh,” you looked to it, “you really don’t need me to tell you how good it is, do you?” “Eh, I dunno, feed my ego.” “It’s delicious. I wouldn’t trust anyone else to pick wine for me in a million years.” “That’s my girl!” He smiled, pouring himself another glass, then held it out to toast with yours, “Now I’ve got a smile back on your face, c’mon… let’s talk about something a little nicer!”
So, talk started to turn to other holidays, you’d both been to Sorrento before, both together and alone. In fact one year you’d come out here with your friends and explored the Amalfi coast before heading up to city areas like Rome and Milan; your ‘little’ Italian road trip. Apparently, that didn’t compare to being here with him – and you noticed that smirk – or your ‘best spring break ever’. He’d met your friends and each and every one of them was crazy: it’d been a lot to take in for him at once but once they’d broken through the play-it-straight businessman they all seemed to really like him. He’d never got vibes they didn’t, although Nolan knew why they were protective of you, and you’d never had the inclination to tell him they didn’t like him. But the stories about your adventures together? Downright hysterical. You’d been fairly lucky growing up in ways that Nolan hadn’t. He’d surely worked very hard in a very short period of time to become who he was. You’d always lived fairly comfortably; you at least had no complaints. So, Nolan lived all his wild spring break adventures through you. Much more likely to have spent his own fixing up old gaming and projection systems, or looking after his little sister. You’d had a lot of near misses and dodged bullets and you were the fairly careful one of your friends. Pretty soon you were both crying laughing and Nolan had to ask you to stop for just a second so he could catch his breath. He wasn’t averse to talking about some of his favourite things either, even if they were more recent memories. Even if some of them were just travels he’d got to take with IOI. Even just something he was building or planning for the OASIS. Nolan often had the imagination, but no means of execution. Even with the millions IOI made, he was fairly restricted by the happiness of his shareholders and the board of directors. You’d read his little book of plans that he’d kept ideas in ever since his earliest day of interning with Gregarious Games, and one day you hoped he’d be able to put all of these things into production. For now, Nolan was content and that was all that mattered to you. And all yours on weekends, and holidays. He was not allowed to bring work home with him and, on the rare occasions he did, Nolan always asked your express permission – not that you were going to say no when he was giving you that face. Although by this point, he had his tablet out and was shuffling through your playlist. You weren’t all alone up here, but other visitors to the site were far enough away for it not to disturb them. Nolan nudged the conversation back to you though, so that he could hear your voice, talking about anything and everything, now you were focused on Sorrento, on the view before you. Your tone dreamy and far off; his favourite person talking about one of his favourite places on earth. With fine wine and good Italian food, it was altogether a perfect mix. Nolan was focused so much on your body language, the way you moved, the sounds you made, every nuance of your face that added so much colour to what you were saying… whatever you were saying, because he wasn’t hearing words. But you were clearly talking to him, and asking him questions because the next thing he knew you’d turned your beautiful eyes on his awaiting an answer. “-Nolan!?” “W-what, I’m… I’m sorry I-” You folded your arms with a gasp, teasing, “You weren’t even listening to me?!” “No that’s not it… I was… listening so hard that I didn’t hear a word.” “…That- doesn’t make sense!” “Admiring… the way you say things, not… the what. Who you are. It’s- it just makes me happy. I guess I’m just thinking about you… a lot.” “Oh…” Your voice got quiet for a minute, and you looked to the blanket with a small blush. Ah… there was one…a perfect moment. And a good first chance. “I mean… I can’t figure out whether I like you best on top of me, beneath me, or next to me. What do you think?” Your eyes widened for a second, before flicking back up to meet his. The single beat you missed was to work out if Nolan was being serious, but it was obvious by the glint in his eyes. “I don’t really care, but I do know if these people weren’t around, I would jump you right now!” The slight shock on your face turned into a very pointed smirk. “If you were quiet I’m sure no one would notice…” “I have no intention of being quiet if I’m going to rip through the buttons on your nice shirt, Mr. Sorrento.” “This shirt was pretty expensive. You’re lucky I could cover the cost.” But he winked, “I hope you’ve eaten enough, because trust me you’re gonna need all that energy. I think I’ll go with beneath me. I’m sure there’s a tie somewhere I can bind your wrists with…” The blush across your face deepened and your body immediately latched onto that with an oh! that you were glad didn’t make its way out verbally. “Now I just want you to come over here and fuck me.” “Don’t care who’s watching?” “No.” “Imagine that one in the Columbus papers tomorrow…” Nolan breathed deep, “It’d almost be worth it!” You whined, tipping yourself back onto your hands with a pout. Nolan had this look in his eyes like he knew exactly what he was doing to you, and he wasn’t wrong; he was succeeding in turning you on. “God, I just want my hands all over you.” “Finish the bottle and I’ll consider it.” He sipped gently at his glass again, “I’m not wasting a vintage this good.” “Just pour it on me then.” “Red wine?!” He looked repulsed for a second, “Honey, there’s plenty of things I would lick off your body but red wine is not one of them. I do have a little bit of class.” “Nolan-!” Your protest of his name was breathless. “If it were Champagne, I’d consider it.” “You’re fucking killing me.” “Or just fucking you…” He smirked again, watching the way your chest rose and fell heavily, he could bet on the sweet ache between your thighs right now; touché, Nolan had one of his own that he was trying to control behind that façade. He pulled the bottle out of the basket again and studied the level in the sunlight, “Half glass each aughta do it…” You held yours out eagerly, making Nolan smirk a little harder as he turned to pour it, but his pour was agonisingly slow and he left the bottle tipped as he finished the measure. “C’mere…” He coaxed you gently; he’d been holding back what he really wanted to do all day, Nolan wasn’t about to now. And you weren’t about to resist him, as he pulled you into a wine-soaked kiss. You immediately grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer to you and hardly caring that you were probably spilling a good amount of this glass everywhere, even though Nolan himself had managed to carefully place the bottle back down, drawing your body closer his hand travelled beneath your skirt and he brushed his fingers delicately over your panties. This time your moan was into his kiss. Nolan pulled back with a chuckle, but his fingertips lingered there and he continued to tease you, “Mmm… I thought so. You’re already so wet, for me.” His voice was husky and you couldn’t help shiver in pleasure. “Nolan…” Your face was red and he wasn’t sure if it was the wine finally getting to you, or your blush was just that deep, but you looked gorgeous, and your voice was at a needy pitch. Yes, it was getting hard to control himself… He allowed you to kiss him again; and that wine tasted even better from your lips. “I know I shouldn’t be saying this on holiday but can we go back to our hotel room?’ Your voice was quiet, and your hands were steadying your body against his as he continued to touch you. Nolan’s smile was soft, as if you were sitting across from him at a fine restaurant and he was being an absolute gentleman, “Ab-so-lute-ly.” He circled your sweet spot with every syllable and you bit back your whine this time. “Will you speak Italian to me all the time too?” If there was one other thing that could get you off, it was that. You couldn’t trust him to speak Italian in anything less than the sexiest manner possible with his only intent to get you to push him against a wall, or beg him to find a quieter place at the party to get a little quick and dirty. He smirked deliciously once more, “Va bene.” And you cursed, shivering as Nolan leant forward to kiss your neck. Your stomach gave a flutter as he removed his hand from between your thighs – not for long… Soon your clothes would be strewn all over the floor of your hotel instead…
Thank you for reading my lovelies! 😘😘
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evie-quinn · 4 years
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Evie Quinn Biography
g e o m e t r i c s
↬ Full name ↫
Evie Tiara Quinn
↬ Nickname ↫
Her friends refer to her as E sometimes idk if that counts as a real nickname
↬ Birthday ↫
May 1st
↬ Birthplace ↫
Isle of the Lost
↬ Zodiac ↫
↬ Height ↫
↬ Orientation ↫
↬ Social Class ↫
Middle upper class I’d say?
↬ Wealth ↫
She does well for herself selling garments and baked goods but of course has always envisioned herself living “happily ever after” in a castle so there’s a bit of a disconnect there.
a p p e a r a n c e
↬ Tattoos ↫
She doesn’t have any tattoos yet mostly because she can hear her mother’s teachings engraved in her mind about tattoos “tainting” a woman which Evie obviously knows isn’t true but she still hasn’t worked up the courage to get one.
↬ Piercing ↫
Just her earlobes!
↬ Outfits ↫
Evie’s main passion is fashion so you know she’s always looking her best, usually she wears things she’s made herself and in her signature color: blue
↬ Accessories ↫
She’s a big believer in accessorizing and has a huge collection of rings and necklaces etc.
p e r s o n a l i t y
↬ Normal mood ↫
She’s always very bubbly and energetic. She prides herself on trying to remain positive and spread light. 
↬ Temper ↫
Evie’s probably one of the most patient people you’ll ever meet. She’s never been one to have much of a temper but can get angry if provoked.
↬ Discipline ↫
Evie generally likes to follow the rules. Aside from getting into trouble with the Core gang, she’s rather responsible. The Mama Bear so to speak.
↬ Strengths ↫
Her kindness is her main strength. She’s also a hell of a cook and baker and can create any type of clothing.
↬ Weaknesses ↫
Her relationship with her mother. They were close throughout her childhood and even when she first moved to Auradon but as of late she’s become more reluctant to maintain a good relationship with her mom because the woman has a very strong influence over her.
↬ Drive/dreams ↫
She dreams to open her own fashion boutique in Auradon complete with her personal handmade designs for clothing and accessories. She also always wanted to be royalty but after the whole Kit fiasco that dream has been sort of dissolved. 
↬ Fears ↫
Losing the bond she has with Rose, Kai, and Chase, being sent back to the Isle, and inheriting her mother’s cruelty are probably the biggest ones.
↬ Likes ↫
Fashion, socializing, learning, baking, her friends.
↬ Dislikes ↫
Bad attitudes, real fur in fashion, Nolan (sorry Sloane and Ben), but mostly Kit.
↬ Soft spot ↫
Always the Core gang. 
↬ Depression ↫
Thinking of how she was robbed from having a better upbringing by being on the Isle, especially after seeing that some of the kids raised in Auradon are scum.
↬ Inspiration ↫
Evie’s always been a materialistic girl, so her thought process at this point is if she works hard she’ll be able to earn things for herself to show off, so that’s kind of what drives her to be successful.
↬ Role model ↫
As a kid, it was her own mother and also Ben’s mom because she was basically who Evie aspired to be (a fancy royal). Now? Her role models are probably Rose and Sloane because she admires them both so much in different ways.
↬ Mental disorder ↫
↬ Habits ↫
She fidgets with her fingers quite a bit. She used to bite them as a child until her mother made her wear nail polish constantly to try and break the habit. Now, Evie is rarely seen without painted fingernails.
r a t i n g s
(5 Stars means very high strength, 1 star means very low strength aka weak)
↬ Psychological strength ↫
I’d say 3 or 4. There are some cracks in her mental stability as she starts to unlearn the not so great things her mother taught her.
↬ Physical strength ↫
3, she can hold her own but is still just of average strength.
↬ Leadership ↫
I’d say 5. Evie can lead or be lead, and she enjoys both. When her Mama Bear instincts come out though, she is In Charge and no one will stop her from achieving her goal.
↬ Wisdom ↫
4, she is incredibly wise and is rather calculating in thinking through her decisions (aside from the Kit stuff)
↬ Intelligence ↫
5 for sure, street smarts from the Isle and then straight As in Auradon.
↬ Confidence ↫
I’m gonna say 5 because appearance wise she is fully confident and doesn’t have any struggles there, and she’s also pretty confident when it comes to decision making.
↬ Endurance ↫
Evie’s tough despite her pleasant outlook on life. She doesn’t handle change all that well but can fake it till she makes it.
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
↬ Father ↫
She never knew her father and as a child, Evie’s mother was always enough for her.
↬ Mother ↫
The Evil Queen who is still back on the Isle spent Evie’s childhood grooming her into “the perfect lady” which has left Evie equal parts thankful and resentful towards her mother.
↬ Siblings ↫
She has no siblings and grew up as the center of attention.
↬ Other relatives ↫
Oh Nolan, sweet great step nephew Nolan. They do not get along although Evie is truly trying for Sloane and Ben.
↬ Enemies ↫
Kit Charming
↬ Rivals ↫
Also Kit Charming I guess, maybe Cora to spice things up a lil
↬ Friends ↫
Rose, Sloane, Chase, Kai, Ben
↬ Best friend ↫
Rose, there’s just so much history there and they came out of it stronger.
↬ Love interest ↫
Chase even if she doesn’t know it yeeeet.
↬ Marital status ↫
She’s single for the moment.
↬ Children ↫
↬ Pets ↫
Now that she has her own place and gets kind of lonely, she’s been toying with the idea of adopting a cat.
p a s s - t i m e
↬ Hobbies ↫
Bake, sew, read.
↬ Talents ↫
She can take the ugliest piece of fabric and turn it into something beautiful. She’s also impeccable at cheering people up.
↬ Sports ↫
She loves a good Tourney match every now and then.
↬ Classes ↫
Evie always tries to take the most diverse course load she can because she absolutely loves learning in every subject and she’s damn good at it.
↬ Occupation ↫
She’s mainly a student but often does little fashion related sidejobs and sells some home baked goods to classmates.
h o m e   l i f e
↬ Location ↫
↬ House size ↫
Small in general but more than enough for her right now.
↬ House type ↫
I’d say more modern.
↬ Level of luxury ↫
Her place itself doesn’t look very luxurious at first glance but Evie’s spruced it up with decorations of course.
↬ Outdoor description ↫
Cozy and modern.
↬ Indoor description ↫
It’s basically a two bedroom with one of them acting as her studio but she’s kind of overflowed her fabrics and designs into other areas of her home because you never know when inspiration will strike.
↬ Bedroom description ↫
Lowkey princessy like her bed spread looks like it belongs in a castle and her vanity is by the window so she can see outside while getting ready.
L I F E    S T O R Y
↬ Age 0-12 ↫
Her mother began basically a type of home-finishing school in which Evie was trained in all the ways she was supposed to behave if she ever wanted to be noticed by royalty. I imagine her and Rose didn’t get along much during this time.
↬ Age 13-18 ↫
Spent most of her days with the Core gang getting into mischief and dreaming of a day she could visit Auradon and live amongst the heros she wanted to be around, little did she know she’d actually get the chance to live there.
↬ Age 19-30 (or 25) ↫
Living the dream in college tbh making new friends, keeping her old ones, and trying to find her own path in the world. Kind of unsure if her wants and goals are her own or if they’ve trickled down from things her mother instilled in her as a child which as she’s learned now, some of those lessons were problematic. 
↬ Darkest secret ↫
N/A for now...
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