bravevolunteer · 8 months
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@tenfoldrage ran to do this as soon as i could . also have that time i drew him dying in a glue trap
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mvndrvke · 7 months
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i’ve been in a trash mood lately, so to bring myself out of it, i’m sending out love and positivity to the amazing people i write with and interact with every single day. i have so many talented and incredible people that i write with, so i’m going to do shoutouts to people that especially brighten my day.
this shoutout goes to @tenfoldrage !
denise!!!!! i'm not someone who is easy to bond with via IMs and general interactions with, but denise fully kool-aid man busted through my emotional walls to form a deep and complicated dynamic with my muses. it's such a rare and incredible thing to forge a dynamic with someone who is so strongly a "yes and !!!" personality, but denise goes above and beyond to be an exceptional rp partner. i feel so seen. i feel so heard. i know without a shadow of a doubt that denise is someone who gives their all when it comes to plotting and interactions.
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lghtyear · 8 months
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not every day he wanders into tardis to find the inside completely different than he'd expected . and not every day you see another tardis with a different man inside . @tenfoldrage stands by the console with the same ease the doctor does , but rory was observant enough to know he was clearly in the wrong place . " oh ! sorry , mate . wrong. . . wrong police box. " said with a dry chuckle before he's turning on his heels and wandering back out of the door . he'd have to tell the doctor about this . another man with a tardis? that can't be good .
starter call . still accepting !
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carbondated · 8 months
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. She'd never been one to believe in fate or destiny, causality and fixed points yes, because those things were rooted in science. Destiny was for people who believed that the force acting on the universe had any kind of control over what it was doing, like there was a conscience behind it, a sense of guilt or kindness. Because destiny would be kind to them. Surely. Didn't they deserve it after everything? She'd gone to her death vehemently denying the existence of destiny ... but the trouble with death was, it didn't always stick. A fresh face had given her a new outlook as well, hopeful that maybe, maybe the universe wasn't made of pure chaos. Maybe there was a mind to it, and that mind had decided that this face would meet theirs. Oh, hello you! She stopped in her tracks, a mere three feet across from them in the conservatory of a house she'd already forgotten the name of ... they'd run from a mansion just like it, so long ago now.
She had vague memories of that house, A great mysterious monolith that stood alone in time. Well, weren't we all ? River Song's smile widened, delighted where her predecessor would have dismayed. The Doctor doesn't know you ... none of them did, not anymore. ❝ —— is that a new suit? ❞
@tenfoldrage 🩷'd // accepting.
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wasdeviant · 8 months
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'this is not technology i recognize,' connor steps up to the telephone box, led flashing yellow as he processes the device ( vehicle? ) in front of him. eyes glance over the worn paint, the cracks and crevices, the light at the top of the thing, before stepping away, his hands held behind his back. 'the exterior is disguised as a police call box from the 1950s. however, i can feel unfamiliar electrical currents, which leads me to believe the interior of this device is not the same as the outside,' dark eyes move to the other standing next to him - the assumed owner of the box. connor looks them over carefully. 'i am unsure if this technology is prohibited within the city. i may have to report this to cyberlife,' @tenfoldrage / sc.
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meandcring · 8 months
she's  never  told  larry,  how  she's  kept  her  eyes  and  ears  peeled.  for  anything  out  of  the  ordinary,  anything  at  all.  anything  alien.  patiently  waits  until  he's  nodded  off  in  the  back  before  she  does  her  research,  controls  her  '  d-day  binder  '  (  the  '  d  ',  in  this  case,  referring  to  '  doctor  '  )  to  see  if  everything's  in  order  -  more  or  less  exact  copies  of  everything  she'd  given  to  the  doctor  that  day.  and  she's  added  on  to  it,  too.  newspaper  clippings,  own  photgoraphs,  first-hand  accounts  of  some  of  the  people  who'd  narrowly  escaped  canary  wharf.  anything  that  might  come  in  handy  ...  one  day.
if  she  ever  told  larry,  he  might  call  her  obsessed,  out  of  her  mind,  so  she  keeps  it  to  herself.  their  relationship  precarious  enough  as  is  since  she  ended  things  about  a  year  and  a  half  ago.  they've  been  dancing  around  each  other  in  the  shop  since  then,  awkward  smiles  in  the  aisles  before  larry  will  find  an  excuse  to  pop  into  the  back  or,  by  some  merciful  force,  a  customer  finds  their  way  into  the  shop  and  requires  sally's  assistance. 
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it's  a  quiet  day  -  as  are  most  days  in  a  used  book  and  dvd  shop  -  and  yet  it's  unsually  quiet,  in  a  way  that  she  can't  quite  place.  (  she's  felt  no  need  to  check  the  binder  at  all  )  there  is  something  in  the  air  ...  as  if  the  atoms  shifted,  the  humidity  changed,  and  all  of  a  sudden  you  feel  that  something's  about  to  happen.  something's  just  around  the  corner  ...
the  stack  of  dvd's  she's  about  to  shelve  clatter  to  the  floor  -  she  doesn't  need  to  turn  her  head  to  confirm  the  source  of  the  peculiar  wheezing  noise  that  bleeds  through  whatever  song's  playing  through  the  speakers ,  she'd  recognise  it  anywhere.  in  an  instant  she's  back  in  the  wester  drumlins  basement,  holding  on  to  larry  for  dear  life,  convinced  that  the  next  time  she  opens  her  eyes  it'll  be  during  the  reign  of  queen  vic. 
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sally  doesn't  dare  blink  -  ha  !  -  as  she  steps  over  the  pile  of  dvd's,  a  little  bell  above  the  door  indicating  her  leaving  the  shop.  sure  enough  -  there  they  are.  for  a  second  she  simply  narrows  her  eyes,  unsure  whether  to  be  happy  or  worried.  a  tug  at  her  lips,  she  settles  on  a  smile  shortly  after.
 "  well.  hello.  "  voice  barely  above  a  breath  "  long  time  no  see,  doctor.  "
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mutherless · 6 months
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fashion for @tenfoldrage who apparently rly needs it.
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n1teshade · 9 months
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. ❝ 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔇𝔬𝔠𝔱𝔬𝔯 .... of course .... you've come for the cadaver. ❞ A mournfulness hung in her tone, as if she were saying goodbye to the oldest of friends. In truth she had only known the deceased for a few short hours .... and they had been face up in the dirt for all of that time. But what adventures the family had had with their newfound friend in that short time, playing wake the dead, enjoying the stale air of the graveyard on a cool autumn evening, basking in the glow of the moonlight. Memories. ❝ ..... the children will be inconsolable. ❞
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thiefscant · 9 months
@tenfoldrage — starter call / accepting!
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        “Is this some kind of trick?” Anais holds their dagger steady, pale peridot eyes narrowing at the man as their uninvited guest squirms in their head. Again, the tadpole reaches out towards his mind as if expecting to find its kin, only to find a vast, echoing emptiness. (They've never been to space but they're reminded of it somehow.) “You're no illithid, but I can feel your mind.” This, they do not like. They don't even like it when they know why it's happening. “What manner of wizard are you?”
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thecptn · 8 months
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it was a strange sound, resonating throughout the house, one that the captain hadn't heard before. but, even then, there was no mistaking it — an engine. a wheezing, whooshing mechanical sound. naturally, it had set the company on high-alert. throughout his time at button house, the captain had attempted to instill in his troops a certain kind of readiness — the enemy could attack, could invade at any moment. for all they knew, that moment was NOW.
james was never very good at thinking clearly under pressure, often getting swept away in the chaos, but as captain he damned-well tried his best to remain calm, to give his orders as clearly and as efficiantly as possible. in the sea of greens and browns, uniformed officers going about their duties as they prepared the emergancy lockdown and stand-to proceedures, one man in particular caught the captain's attention. an outsider, clearly; lanky, with spiked brown hair ( certainly not a military standard style ) and civilian clothes.
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❝ excuse me! you, sir— ❞ the captain called, channeling all the command he could muster into his voice as he made towards the stranger, determined not to let the possible insurgent from his sights.
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@tenfoldrage / plotted starter
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mvndrvke · 9 months
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@tenfoldrage : "So... you're sticky?"
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"Sticky? No!" Peter laughs, swinging idly from the ceiling. "I'd get stuck if I was sticky. It's more grippy. I'm grippy."
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lovehoned · 8 months
@tenfoldrage / starter call
"don't touch anything!" both hands out in front of her in the classic stay right where you are movement. people don't usually come into the tree house. they just don't. she's unsure whether the tree house hides itself from people, if it's magic, or if it's just plain luck.
either way, no one comes up here but her and jack.
and now this face that's poking up over the rope ladder. they don't look like much. just your normal guy. maybe they're meant to be up here. the world works in mysterious ways. sometimes when she and jack get sent on their quests, things happen in the way you don't expect. that's just how things work!
still, she's got a book raised to bonk them over the head with, in case they're some sort of evil minion.
"why're you here? what are you doing? what's your name?"
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cora2ons · 9 months
you play your role very well, you know. @tenfoldrage, from ten.
she could say this show went particularly well, not a single tongue-tie or vaguely awkward delay on a sound cue, so she was already a bit giddy on the way down the stairs as she waved her co-star out the door. it's a good mood to catch her in - anything but exhausted after running her throat dry for the lion's share of a couple hours, & with a long night of nothing ahead of her.
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‘ thanks, i try, ’ she gushes, never unreceptive to praise; nor is she to the workings of most things around her. cora wonders if she'd missed a name on the guest list, someone she could have accounted time for on the way out. no one else seemed to have plans to hang back. ‘ are you here for someone? ’
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carbondated · 9 months
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incorrect quotes: / @tenfoldrage / accepting.
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espercr · 9 months
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❝  what'll  it  be  this  time  -  tea  ?  coffee  ?  ❞  hope  works  with  all  the  grace  of  a  𝒃𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒂  ,  each  movement  rehearsed  &  precise  .  anything  she  might  need  to  warm  the  hearts  of  her  patrons  is  right  at  her  fingertips  ,  all  of  it  placed  with  seasoned  foresight  .  she's  spent  years  running  the  shop  by  now  ,  most  of  which  spent  working  behind  this  very  counter  .  it's  𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄  ,  familiar  .  she's  never  felt  more  in  her  element  than  right  𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆  ,  serving  up  smiles  -  &  it  shows  . 
❝  oh  !  ❞  her  dance  comes  to  a  sudden  pause  as  she  turns  back  toward  @tenfoldrage  ,  it  seems  an  idea  has  struck  her  .    a  𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃  one  ,  too  ,  judging  by  the  giddy  smile  spreading  across  her  freckled  features  .  ❝  y'know  .  .  .  i've  got  a  few  new  recipes  i'm  𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈  .  you  wouldn't  mind  giving  me  some  feedback  on  'em  ,  would  you  ?  ❞
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starwent · 9 months
@tenfoldrage liked!
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everyone knew the doctor... changed. regenerated, that's they called it but here he is, just the same. bit older, sure, different suit too but still the doctor. " doctor! " still, she is happy to see him, after all this time. " did you get older? " time lords aren't meant to do that, she thought.
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