tfiolarry · 4 years
one: conincing
summary: after announcing the band’s hiatus, harry and louis announce their love, their soon-to-be marriage, and their two kids (who won’t be in a baby carriage).
[masterlist] [two]
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a/n: gif not ours creds to owner 
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One Direction Taking Extensive Hiatus Starting Next Month!
Yes, you read the title right: One Direction is going in many directions. We know - try to remain calm, Directioners. 
As one of the biggest boy bands to take over the 2010s, selling out tours in arenas and stadiums around the world, the foursome has decided that they will be taking a break for at least a year, starting next month and following the departure of Zayn Malik. Sources tell us that they will be using this time to “pursue solo projects”, rather than promoting their fifth album, due to release later this year. 
Rumor Has It Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles Are Together!
FINALLY! Larry shippers, this one’s for you - the ship is sailing! 
Former One Direction members, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, are getting cuffing season started right with some cozy by the fireplace pics in Harry's lovely London home. 
Harry Styles posted a picture late Friday night of his feet along with another pair of feet by the fireplace. Hold the foot fetishes, guys - LARRY’S REAL. It's so obviously Louis, especially because of his famous “The Rouge” tattoos on his ankles. 
We all knew Wellington wasn’t just a figment of our imagination.
Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson Are Getting Hitched!
That’s right folks, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson both liked it and appear to have put some rings on it. Finally!
Earlier tonight, Harry Styles posted an Instagram picture holding a ring with no caption, with his boyfriend-now-turned-fiancé Louis Tomlinson in the background. Not even ten minutes later, Louis posted a picture of Harry as well. The caption? “Can’t wait to say I do.” Too cute!
According to fan theory, this romance dates all the way back to their days on The X-Factor, coining the name “Larry Stylinson” to refer to this adorable pairing.(Article: “The Timeline Of Larry Stylinson, As Told By A One Direction Superfan!”) Sources have confirmed that after much time together, the two are definitely ready to “take their relationship to the next step.” 
Oh, how far they’ve come.
Louis Tomlinson to Paps -  “We’re in love and adopting two little girls.”
What? What? Whaaaat?
A lot to unpack here. 
While out on town today, Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles got tangled up with some nosy paparazzi. Yikes! The Hollywood Fix caught the two getting in their car asking about the engagement, when Louis frustratedly tells them that they are, in fact, very much so in love and going to be adopting children. 
• •
4:32 PM
Harry and Louis arrive at home, carrying smaller backpacks of the girls’ clothes and toys while holding their hands. They step into the foyer and Louis and Harry let go of their hands. Dani and Jordyn looking around and up at their surroundings, almost as if nonverbally asking if it’s okay to go ahead without them. 
LOUIS: You guys can go, it’s okay…
Dani and Jordyn look at each other and then run off, ending up somewhere in the living room. Louis looks at Harry, not saying anything but smiling a little.
HARRY: (looks at Louis) What? 
LOUIS: Nothing, just...it’s crazy that we actually did this. Like, they’re here in our house for real.
HARRY: (smiles too) I know, we’re, like...officially parents. (gasps while covering his mouth)
LOUIS: (laughs a little and nods) That we are. (looks at the kiddos) We should probably get them in some kind of routine, no? With their rooms and dinner and stuff? Is it too soon for that? (looks at Harry) Now I’m kinda nervous.
HARRY: (looks at the kids) Don’t be nervous, bub - we got this. We should probably get them settled in their room, though...or...rooms? Should we separate them? 
LOUIS: Maybe that’s too soon. Imagine being one of these two, tiny sorta-kinda strangers in a big, weird house with some bigger, scruffy lookin’, sorta-kinda strangers - personally, I would not wanna be alone.
HARRY: (looks at him and puts a hand on his chest) Did you just call me fat? 
LOUIS: (laughs, like genuinely) So annoying, I would never and you know that.
HARRY: (looks away) That’s right, never.
JORDYN: (knocks over a big plant and looks at Dani in a panic and whispers) Oh no.
DANI: (looks at her with wide eyes and then at Louis and Harry and then Jordyn again) Uh oh. (runs away as a small bundle of panic, hoping Jordyn follows)
JORDYN: (follows Dani)
HARRY: (watches them run away) Where are they going? (laughs and walks to see the plant is on the floor with a little dirt on the ground)
LOUIS: (follows Harry, laughing) I have no idea, I don’t even think they know where they’re going yet. (looks at the dirt on the floor) Perhaps first things first in our parent duty - get fake houseplants.
HARRY: (looks around for them) First thing is to actually clean this mess up while I go find the kids. (walks away to go look for the kiddos)
LOUIS: Aye aye, captain. (goes and grabs their broom from the kitchen and brings it to the scene of the crime, handling the fallen plant gently so he doesn’t ruin it at all and starts sweeping up the dirt)
HARRY: (goes to look in the bathroom because he hears some little voices coming from there and he peeks his head in)
JORDYN: (gasps when she sees Harry and hides behind Dani)
DANI: (pouts) Noooo….(moves from in front of Jordyn, no longer being a shield, and tries to climb in the bathtub to hide instead)
JORDYN: (whines) Dani… (pouts as well and looks at Harry with puppy eyes) I sorry.
HARRY: (smiles) It’s okay, we’re not mad or...upset or anything. (kneels down in front of Jordyn) Are you guys hungry? You want something to eat?
DANI: (gasps and gives up climbing the tub and sits on the floor instead) Yeah.
JORDYN: (just nods her head still a little nervous)
HARRY: Alright. (stands up and holds both his hands out for the girls) Let’s go eat!
JORDYN: (takes his hand)
DANI: (gets up, smiles a lot and goes to him, grabbing his hand)
HARRY: (sings) Food time. (walks out the bathroom with the girls)
JORDYN: (giggles) You funny. 
HARRY: (looks down at her) You think so?
JORDYN: (nods) 
HARRY: (looks at Dani) What about you? What do you think? 
DANI: (looks at him like she’s thinking about it, like a little head tilt and everything)
HARRY: Oh. I see how it is. 
JORDYN: (looks at her) Say he funny Dani. (pouts)
DANI: (giggles and nods) Yeah, you funny. See? (points to herself and smiles really big)
HARRY: (laughs) Very convincing, Dani, thank you.
JORDYN: (looks up at Harry) What conincing? 
DANI: (nods and looks at Harry) Yeah, what?
HARRY: (looks at both of them and then up and sees Louis) Hey sweetheart, how do you explain to three year olds what “convincing” means? 
LOUIS: (looks at him and then hums in thought before looking at Dani and Jordy) Well, I would say...convincing means...that you mean it for real. No funny stuff. 
DANI: (nods once) For real.
LOUIS: (nods back and waits for confirmation from Jordy that it makes sense to her too)
HARRY: Okay, food Louis?
JORDYN: Lou Lou. (giggles)
LOUIS: Lou Lou is definitely down for food, but what are we feeding these adorable children, Harold, lover of mine and light of my life?
HARRY: Um... (looks at the girls) ...chicken tenders?
JORDYN: (eyes go so wide) Yes! Please? 
LOUIS: So that’s a winner. (to Harry) We should stock up then. (starts going to the kitchen)
8:05 PM
After dinner is done Harry and Louis make sure the girls are washed up and their teeth are brushed. They show them their room which they chat a bit about nonsense the little ones want to talk about. 
DANI: (in the middle of a story about a friend in the foster home) ...and the ball, it went—(gestures with her hand)—like that to a, um…(gestures to explain a bush with her hands) lots of leaves, and then, it was gone. (nods as if that made all the sense in the world)
LOUIS: That is quite a story, Dani, did you get it back?
DANI: Yeah.
LOUIS: I’m glad. 
JORDYN: Dani cry.
HARRY: You cried over the ball Dani? (pouts at her)
DANI: Yeah, it gone, I sad, I cry. 
LOUIS: Yeah Harry, c’mon, it only makes sense. 
DANI: (nods) For real.
JORDYN: Conincing. (nods)
HARRY: Alright, sorry, geez.
JORDY: (looks at Louis) I sleep here? (points to her bed)
LOUIS: Yeah, that’s your bed, and Dani’s gonna be over there. (points casually to the other bed, probably on the other side of the room)
DANI: (looks confused) Why?
DANI: Yeah.
LOUIS: ...Did you want the floor?
DANI: (looks at him even more confused than before) No? (looks at Harry) Why?
HARRY: (looks at her confused) Because that is your bed and this is Jordyn’s.
JORDYN: (pouts and looks at Dani) 
DANI: (looks at Jordyn and then at Harry and Louis) You too?
LOUIS: Us too what, love?
DANI: Like…(points to their separate beds to make a point)
LOUIS: (shakes his head) No. It’s different.
DANI: (looks at Jordyn sadly) Okay…
JORDYN: (blows kisses to Dani) We big girl, ‘member? (nods)
DANI: (shrugs) Yeah...
LOUIS: (looks at Harry, mouthing) Did we mess up already?
HARRY: (looks at Louis and shrugs) Okay, well (looks at the girls), you girls gotta go to bed and get your beauty sleep.
JORDYN: (lays down) Night night.
DANI: (baby sighs and gets off of Jordyn’s bed and shuffles over to her own and sits sadly)
LOUIS: (looks at her and laughs a little) Oh, stop it, bug, you’re not far. (nudges Jordyn) Say hi so she knows you’re still here.
LOUIS: (looks at her) That won’t help?
DANI: (shakes her head and lays down too)
LOUIS: You’re so cute, c’mon…
DANI: (with all her tiny might, unmakes her bed and gets under the covers, from head to toe)
LOUIS: (looks at Harry) Should we have done bunk?
HARRY: Maybe? I’m sorry, Dani. 
JORDYN: Dani, I wuv you! 
DANI: (muffled because she’s hiding) I wuv you too. (to Harry) It’s okay. 
LOUIS: Alright, we’re gonna go now so you guys can sleep, you guys are okay, right?
DANI: (peeks from under her blanket) Yeah.
JORDY: For real. 
HARRY: (looks at Louis) Conincing. (looks back at the girls) Alright goodnight. 
LOUIS: (laughs and gets up) Goodnight, babies.
DANI: Bye bye.
Harry and Louis leave.
JORDYN: (whisper yells) Dani! 
DANI: (looks at Jordyn all smiley) Hi. (giggles) 
A/N: we were fourteen and had big dreams of becoming fic writers. the idea for the fault in our larents came to be for the mere reason of creating a dream life using a ship we both loved - the one and only larry stylinson. over the years (yes, literal years) the story has evolved and grown, including other generations and going through a few rewrites until it became the version in which we present today. blood, sweat, fights and tears have been poured into this. pls enjoy it.
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