all4jisung · 1 year
jisung they cut the cameras- jisung...
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futurewriter2000 · 6 years
Because I hate you the most
A/N: Well....unexpected but real. I love it. I don’t know why but I love it and I know it’s short but I hope you love it too. If you don’t I can delete it and write another but like..pls like it.
REQUEST: Can you do a image about the reader being Sirius daughter and god daughter of Remus, but when Sirius got sent to Azkaban Remus didn’t want to raise her because he believes he is going to hurt her(cuz he’s a werewolf) so she got raised by the Malfoys or something like that and they finally reunite in the Prisoner of Azkaban or The Order of tge Phoenix.(only if you understand what I am saying)
TAGS:  @siriusly-loves-snuffles, @slither-in-a-half, @nadinissavage, @shadyladyperfection, @geeksareunique, @ashkuuuu, @xinyourdreamsx, @maralisa124, @loserslytherpuff, @chloe-geoghegan1, @heritier-de-la-ravenclaw, @musekala, @moonysmilkshake, @crispyfrenchfrieschrusis, @unicorn-sparkles123
The day you found out you weren’t a Malfoy you were in your 4th year at Hogwarts. It came out of your father’s, Lucious’, mouth on the day of your big fight.
The two of you always fought about little things. You weren’t as obedient as you were before. You became stubborn and troublesome when a rumor started spreading around about Sirius Black secret daughter. It circled the Hogwarts’ halls when he escaped Azkaban and you always wondered who is the mystery, daughter?
It all made sense.
Why you didn't have platinum blonde hair? Why there wasn’t any resemblance to your little brother or your father, only your mother, Narcissa. That’s what you always called them because they were your parents, not him.
Though your father was strict and though the two of you had many fights, arguments, and disagreements, he loved you. He loved both you and Draco with the same amount of love his heart could provide. He may not have shown it but he did and he still does. There were times where he couldn’t keep his laugh in because of your humor. Times where you were so stubborn he’d take all four of you somewhere but called it “because he wants to not because you asked him to”...
But that day, when the two of you had an argument of a meaningless thing he blurted out the secret.
Deep down you knew. Somewhere, buried, hidden,... you knew. But it hurt. Why he said it, how he said it...and you knew he regretted it the moment he let the words come out his mouth.
You locked yourself in that room for days. That fake room of yours, the fake life of yours...
No matter how much you wanted to fit in the family, there was something holding you back. The Black blood. Maybe that was why you felt closer to Narcissa and Draco than you did with Lucious. It confused you because you didn’t know what you were or what they were. Your mother suddenly becoming your aunt and your little brother your cousin? What was your father than to you? Which father?
Narcissa explained the story. The whole story. How were you born, where were you born and to whom you were born? She didn’t know what kind of father Sirius was before he got sent to Azkaban but despite the reason of crime, you expected he was the bad kind. She said your godfather, Remus John Lupin didn’t want to take you in. He never explained the reason why, only that it would be too dangerous for him to take care of a baby. That pissed you off. You loved your Defense against the Dark Arts professor. But that would explain the shocking expression when he first saw you and the privileges he gave you that year. She said that when she and Lucious tried to conceive, start a family...there were some problems and a thought that they maybe couldn’t after months of trying. But then a baby girl appeared on their doorstep with a small letter tucked in her blanket. She said it was the best thing God could have given them. Lucious was, of course, furious but your charm won him over the moment he laid his eyes on you. It may have taken him a year to learn to love you but he did and you became his daughter, whom he would protect with his life.
Draco didn’t understand. The two of you had to work through a lot to get back where the two of you were before he found out. He was a sneaky little snitch but when it got to family and hard times, the two of you were there for each other. As much as both of you didn’t want to admit it, you were close. First seven years of his life was unbearable. Maybe because his father treated him differently than he did with you but through it all, the two of you realized no matter who or what, the two of you are family. To be completely honest, both of you knowing pulled you closer together.
Lucious. He was a complicated man with many dark secrets but the moment he decided to keep you was the best day of his life. He was a pureblood, just as many others, but he was a human and when you’re human with a heart, you can grow to love a girl, no matter how cold or emotionless you think you are. Fights, they were never-ending. And when you thought you hated him enough since he told you you weren’t his, you get proven wrong. Whole fourth year in Hogwarts was a complete mess but the terrifying moment you found out Sirius Black broke in school, guess who was the first person you wrote a letter to? Your father, your real father.
They were your family, your real family.
Today, you were starting your sixth year at Hogwarts. Proud Slytherin and a proud Slytherin Quidditch Chaser. A Slytherin Prefect and a perfect student. Maybe you did get in some troubles, especially with Professor McGonagall, but the test you barely studied for always ended with an O. Outstanding.
“ Cheerio, my little brother who loves to take hot bubble baths each day! “ you shouted when you finally left Draco’s compartment, succeeding in your job as an older sister and embarrassing the poor boy.
“ Does he really? “ scoffed one of your friends, walking right after you.
“ No but he started that awful rumor about me last year so I am just returning a favor. “ you smirked, turning around at her before walking backward in your usual apartment.
“ Oi! Mind where you’re walking! “ shouted one of the gingers, causing you to roll your eyes.
“ Weasley, mind telling me what you are doing in my compartment? “ you spat out harshly, crossing your arms over your chest.
“ We didn’t see your name on it but we don’t mind you joining in. “ smirked the other, winking at you.
“ No thank you, Frederick, “ you replied with another harsh tone.
“ Firstly, it’s Fred and secondly, I’m George! “ he shouted as you left, leaving a foolish smile for you to hide.
You knew it was George. Despite all the hate, you showed him back there, you always fancied the boy. He was clever, funny, cunning and kind but he was also a Weasley and you...well you can definitely not date a Weasley. Maybe snog, but not date.
Your father hated the Weasleys and until you met them, you did too. They are lovable and kind which makes them really hard to hate but them knowing you’re a Malfoy, daughter of Lucious Malfoy, makes them treat you with the same attitude as to your father. Though lately, they are showing a different attitude. Almost as they knew.
But they couldn’t, could they?
“ (y/n)! “ shouted someone from the crowd of Gryffindors. The fifth-year with messy black hair and hazel eyes.
“ Potter? “ you quirked an eyebrow at him. “ Did I hear you call out my name? “ you smirked. “ First time I hear it fall from your lips. “
It shocked you completely as he didn’t retord any sarcastic comment or remark to you, only spoke nervously. “ Actually, I wanted to talk to you about..well about...”
“ About what? “
“ About you know...”
“ No, I don’t. “
But you did.
“ Sirius...Black, your f-”
“ Don’t you say it Potter. “ you cut him off before he could finish the sentence. “ He is nobody to me. A criminal. That is all he is.”
“ But he told me-”
“ He told you?!” you started to shout. “ You’ve been talking to him?!”
“ Shh! “ he shushed you, pulling you into a dark corner. “ Not so loud, somebody might hear us. “ he warned and you quickly calmed down, taking a few deep breaths like a mother told you. “ I just want to expla-”
“ Harry. I’m going to stop you right there. “ you cut him off again. “ I don’t want to hear about him. I don’t want anything to do with him. I just want to finish my year at Hogwarts and find a good job in a Ministry of Magic. “ you spoke calmly and with a soft tone, something he never got from you.
And he nodded. He nodded and let you leave.
The following day wasn’t any different than yesterday. The only difference was that this time it wasn’t Harry who talked to you, it was a Weasley, George Weasley.
He charmed his way in and convinced you to go on a walk with him but you ended up in a Shrieking Shack with a man instead.
His eyes were smiling at yours. Grey eyes flooded with pain yet joy. They weren’t the only ones. A familiar man was standing beside him. A man with green eyes, the "favorite" professor.
“(y/n).” he spoke softly and carefully, causing a tear roll down your cheek.
He was the man. A man you hated for so many years for leaving you. A man who you hated to share your blood with, even your genes.
“ You lied, George. “ you turned your head to the redhead. “ You said we were going for a walk. “
“ You wouldn’t come here if I told you.”
“ I trusted you, George! “ you tone started to raise. “ Of course I couldn't have come here. I told Harry just yesterday I don’t want to meet this man! “ you pointed at Sirius with your eyes stuck on George. It was hard to look at the man after what he did to you. “ I don’t want to know you, Black! “ you spat out, causing your heart to ache at your words. “ Fourteen years! “
“ I know, love and I am here to expla-”
“ Fourteen years! Two of those you had time to see me so why start now, huh! NOBODY! You're a nobody to me! No father, no friend and no man! You are a nobody, Sirius Black. Only a criminal!  “ your tears soaked your cheeks while your heart kept squeezing at your own words. " What did you expect? That I'll welcome you with open arms?! Tell you how much I thought about you for the past years since I found out! I didn't! I wanted to kill myself for knowing your blood ran through mine veins! A man who killed his own best friends? Who left his own daughter!? “ he stared with guilt and pain, trying not to shed any tears but did. And as pure they appeared to be, you already had your mind set. " I have a father. A real one and his name is Lucius Malfoy. "
He stepped away with a cold shiver entering his body. It hurt for you to say his name in that much hate. How you spoke, hurt and in pain, with so much hate and so much anger. It hurt him.
" And you! “ you turned to the man beside him, guilt in his eyes as well. “ You had a chance to tell me! You saw me suffering with it and you stood by and watched me drown in dark! You didn’t even want me! “
“ I couldn’t take care of you. I could have hurt you. “ he spoke with his gaze on the ground.
“ You could have never hurt me more than you did with keeping the truth from me. “
“ (y/n), just let us explain.” George spoke softly, touching you by the arm which you gladly stepped away from.
“ I hate you! “ you glared at him. “ I hate you, George Weasley! I hate all of you! “  you turned to Sirius, seeing as he was facing you his back. “ And you, Sirius Black. I hate you the most. “
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happenable-blog · 5 years
WWE Raw Highlights & Review: April 1st, 2019
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Stephanie McMahon makes an announcement Stephanie comes out to open Raw and made an April fool’s joke about her being the fourth competitor in the main event this Sunday. She goes on to announce that it will be the winner takes all in the main event as all the titles will be on the line. I think we all saw it coming. Now the question is will they unify the belts or just have the champion defend both of them separately. It was just an announcement rather than a promo. So no rating here. Seth Rollins confronts Brock Lesnar Heyman and Lesnar came out next to cut a promo. Heyman said that Stephanie saying Winner takes all is poetic justice as the winner(pointing at Brock) will take all Rollins have to offer. He reminds us that Lesnar conquered the streak at Mania and defeated Roman Reigns last year. Both get superheat from the crowd. He says that Rollins is just an afterthought to Brock. And this Sunday the Universal championship match will end with Seth's chest below Brock's feet and title above his head. I guess they just reused this line from Becky Lynch promo last week. “Burn it down”  Rollins comes out and says the raw after Mania Brock will no longer be holding the Raw locker room hostage. It maybe improbable for Rollins to win but it is not impossible. Lesnar is just laughing at Seth’s face. Heyman is shouting on themay beide, “He is a funny guy”. Lesnar just shoulder bumps Seth and is walking out but he is taken out by Rollins who hits him with a low blow. Lesnar hits a German and went for an F5 but Rollins counter and hits him with a low blow again. He hits the curb stomp and stands tall with the Universal title.
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Not a fan of Rollins hitting Lesnar with a low blow as he is supposed to be a babyface here. That also proves that Seth can’t beat Lesnar without hitting him in the balls. It doesn’t make me believe that Rollins can beat Lesnar on his own. The promo work was good though. Rating: 3.5/5 8 Women Tag Team Match: Women's Tag Team Champions Boss & Hug connection, Natalya & Beth Phoenix vs The IIconics, Nia Jax & Tamina Beth is competing on Raw after 6 years. Nia & Tamina and the IIconics are already in the ring getting the jobber entrance. Michael Cole said that Beth is the only women to compete in both men and women Royal Rumble matches. Did he forgot about Nia Jax just this year? IIconics are great in this match as they do their iconic pose midway in the match while Bayley is out. Peyton went to tag Nia and Tamina but they just jump out of the apron denying to be in the match. Bayley went to tag Sasha in but she is pushed down by Beth. Beth tags herself in. She went to the ropes but Tamina pulled the second rope down to drive her to the floor. Beth spears Tamina through the barricade into the time keeper’s area. The crowd chants “Holysh*t” and “You still got it” to this amazing spot. Natalya, Sasha and Bayley are just looking on over the other side of the ring looking concerned. If you are that concerned just go to her. Peyton takes the glamazon back to the ring. Beth hits her with the glam slam for the win. Both the babyface teams stand face to face after the match. Winner: Boss & Hug , Natalya & Beth Phoenix It did a good job hyping the match this Sunday there is a very less storyline going into the match but I do enjoy random big spots and good to see the glamazon back in the ring. Rating: 3/5 Batista Live
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Batista got cheered at his hometown of Washington as he comes out to cut a promo. This was a different promo than usual as the lights went out and the only spotlight was on Batista in the ring as one of the Elias’ performances. The crowd chants "Welcome back". He gets the mic to his face and points at the titantron. A video package plays which shows Batista beating Triple H every single time they had a match and only had one line in the whole video repeating over and over again. That was what Batista said to Triple H on SmackDown 1000 never defeating him. Back in the ring Batista looks directly into the camera and says just three words to Hunter, “Kiss my ass” and drops the mic he even gives some fans at the ringside high fives which were not very heel thing to do. To be honest I loved the promo. I was like woah after he dropped the mic after just three words. But for a go home angle, I would have liked if both competitors would have been there. Maybe just to have a face-off or Triple H comes out to just beat down Batista. Rating: 3.5/5 Elias is outside Metlife stadium. He said he will be headlining WrestleMania with his musical act where there will be no interruptions and the crowd singing “Oh walk with Elias” He says that he will be the only talk of Wrestlemania this Sunday. Well, I am guessing Cena will make a random appearance and will interrupt Elias. Apollo Crews vs Jinder Mahal The ring is weirdly surrounded with the undercard like the Ascension EC3 and even Tyler Breeze was there. Apollo just won with a frog splash. Nothing big in the match Winner: Apollo Crews The trophy was brought on the apron for Apollo to pose with it. Everyone gets in the ring and brawls and sends each other over tge top rope to the hype for the Battle Royal. Crews and Jinder with Singh Brothers are the last ones in the ring. The latter is thrown out of the ring by Crews. The trophy is again brought up on the apron for Crews to pose with. Graves predicted that Che will win the ATG battle royal and to be honest that is a possibility. I just don’t care about this battle royal the winners have no great track records after they won. And beside Braun that’s all your undercard and people I have not seen for months. Why should I care? Rating: 1.5/5 Kurt made his last appearence on Raw The crowd chanted “Thank you Kurt" before he could say anything. He basically thanks the crowd for always cheering and booing him. The announcer focuses everyone’s attention to the titantron. Kurt seemed shocked by this and seemed like it was a genuine surprise for him too. A great video package with all of his career highlights was shown. You can watch the video on wwe.com and also on their official youtube channel. Back in the ring Kurt is filled with tears. Corbin comes out to interrupt the moment. Kurt seems genuinely pissed and I think he is. Corbin says that Kurt can’t stand with the superstars of today. He is just getting slower and can’t last with him. He said he is pissed with everyone filling his DMs saying Kurt deserves someone better as his last opponent. The crowd chants "Yes he does”. Angle challenges Corbin for an exhibition match right now. Corbin does the usual heel move where he teased to get in the ring but backed out. He said that if he gets in the ring Kurt won’t make it to this Sunday. Mysterio comes out and challenges Corbin on Kurt’s behalf. Corbin just attacks Mysterio but he is taken out by Kurt with an Angle Slam. The video package was great, highlighting Kurt’s career. I thought we were getting Angle vs Mysterio tonight? In my opinion, Kurt was for real pissed at Corbin. I still can’t believe they are going on with this match. Do you want to know how I would have had Kurt’s farewell match? Read it here. As for this segment, I just want Corbin to leave my TV screen. Rating: 3/5 Charlie interviews Charlotte backstage. She said she will be the one taking it all at the main event if WrestleMania. Charlie did mention the weird stipulation in the 6 woman tag match later on the night that whoever betrays their team first will be pulled from the main event this Sunday. She said she is not like Ronda or Becky. She is cool-headed. Raw Tag Team Championship Match: The Revival (c) vs Aleister Black & Ricochet The Revival once again didn’t get any entrances. Just give your champions an entrance. The Revival works over Ricochet for a while but he is taken out by a double huricanrana by him. That leads to a comeback by the babyfaces.  Revival works over Aleister black now. His arm is injured and he can’t get much offence in. This leads into Ricochet hot tag. He keeps rolling over Wilder for two counts. Wilder drives ricochet face first into the mat after he was punched by Dawson from the outside. But a two count. The Revival is working over Black but he fights back  with a boot to Dawson and a tornado DDT to Wilder. Ricochet also dives over the turnbuckle to hit them with his insane dive. The referee is counting out. Wilder made back in the ring but from under the ring Dawson grabs Ricochet’s leg denying him to get back inside handing Revival the win. Winner via count out and still the Raw Tag Team Champions: The Revival This was a good match. I guess Revival won’t be defending those titles at Mania. Well, they at least got to retain the titles. I thought Ricochet and Black were going to win for a moment. Rating:  3.5/5 After the match, Wilder is taken out with the Black Mask and Dawson is hit with a 630. Ronda is air punching backstage when she is approached by Charlie. She said she doesn’t want to talk but goes on to talk anyway. She said this Sunday will be the judgement day for both of her competitors. But if they try anything in the match later the judgement day will be tonight. Roman is getting interviewed backstage. When asked about the rumours of him not being 100% for this Sunday, he said he is going to end the rumours from the source and beat down Drew. Mcintyre beats down Roman from behind and leaves him struggling. Becky Lynch, SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair & Raw Women's Champion Ronda Rousey vs The Riott Squad Before the match, Charlie is in the gorilla interviewing Lynch. She said she will be the first ever RAW and SD champion this Sunday at WrestleMania. She will break the god complex of Ronda. Becky also said that she has been screwed by the McMahon family in the past and she has no choice but to walk out with every gold to deny the McMahons further screwing her. In the match, Lynch tags herself in by just slapping Charlotte on the back. She mocks charlotte’s walk and told her to punch her, which will, of course, take her out of the WrestleMania main event as per the stipulation of the match. Becky is getting worked by the Riott squad. I think this is her punishment for the Twitter exchange with the rivals. Charlotte tags herself in. She gets on the face of Becky but Ronda tags herself in. Morgan tried to roll Ronda up but she just slams Morgan on the mat and locks the Armbar for the win. Winner: Becky, Charlotte and Ronda As soon as the match ends, Ronda started beating Charlotte. Becky joins in to beat them as well. Security ran down to separate them but they all just beat down the security to have a shot at each other. The cops came out and handcuffs all three of them. Why were the cops out I still have no clue? All three of them are still trying to fight the cops resisting arrest.
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Backstage the cops lead them to the car and they have Becky and Ronda in the same car. They both looked at each other and then started to fight each other with the kicks. Ronda just broke the window of the car with a kick. The cops take Becky out of the car. Charlotte then comes out of the other car and kicks Lynch. Then we see Ronda just getting on the driver seat and driving it straight to the other car in front of it. She couldn’t steer as she was stil handcuffed. The brawl was great. I absolutely loved the brawl. Especially with the handcuffs on but why were they handcuffed in the first place? Many people find it funny. And while reading this again I am laughing too. There was no logic there just a big spectacle. But I would let it slip at least I am invested in the blood feud among these three. Rating: 4.5/5 Handicap Match: Braun Strowman vs Jobbers Strowman just screams at them saying you’re Colin Jost and Michael Che. He just bulldozed them over in this match. Runs around the ring for shoulder tackle twice. Throws them in the ring clothesline in the corner. Powerslams both of them one at a time and then a double powerslam with each of them on each shoulder. The End. Winner: Braun Strowman Whatever I can’t care less for this “feud” and the Battle Royal. Rating: 2/5 Bobby Lashley Interview Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush are in the ring next to have an interview with Charlie. Charlie shows the replay of how Finn earned the title shot against Bobby before asking Lashley that is he concerned. Rush says that Balor didn’t pin Lashley and he is just dead weight. Charlie asked Lashley about the rumours the Demon being there this Sunday. Lashley replied that Finn Balor is Demon and Demon is Finn Balor. He has defeated Finn Balor and he will do it same with the Demon. Finn appeared on the titantron saying some jibberish about his Demons being Lashley’s nightmare. I didn’t understand it. But he got covered with smoke and when the smoke settled it was the Demon. It was confirmed that the Demon will face off with Lashley for the IC title I had no clue what was Balor talking about. But at least the Demon is gonna be there. The entrance will be grand. This segment was no good, unfortunately. Rating: 2.5/5 Rey Mysterio vs Baron Corbin Corbin is working over Rey after Rey had some offence, in the beginning, cause… he is small. He just works over him for a LOOOOONG time. Rey finally had some comeback and hit Rey with a tilt a whirl DDT. He hit Corbin with a 619 and went for a splash from the top rope but Corbin rolled out. Corbin hit Rey with a deep six for the win. Winner: Baron Corbin This being in the main event gave me hope that maybe someone will come out to take out Corbin out of the match this Sunday. But after the match, Kurt Angle came out and locks in the Anklelock on Corbin where he tapped. This was your last TV segment before WrestleMania on Raw. Rubbish.
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Rating: 2/5 I only loved two segments. The women's brawl and the Batista promo. It's astonishing how I don't care about many matches in the WrestleMania card. Any other day it would have been an average show but you expect more from the go-home show for freaking WRESTLEMANIA. Raw Rating: 2/5 That was our review of the show. Don't forget to follow Happenabler on social platforms by clicking on the icons at the bottom of the page. And stay up to date with our every new post. It's WrestleMania week so a lot of them are coming. Stay up to date and make it happen! Read the full article
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[RF] Time travel with memory loss.
2035 : Life celebration ceremony of our protagonist, David.
He is partying with his best friend from college all day. Going through the amusement park rides that the hotel has. While going down a slide, He hits his head, and when he wakes up, 15 years of memory is gone.His brain is in 2020
He remembers recently getting off school of journalism, and working a temp job. But nothing after that.He tries to blend in with the party He had to meet up with his college friends before the Ceremony. He searches around the hotel for them. He goes into the hotel restroom and he sees some of his friends. He claps his hands to get their attention. The lights go out. "must be one of those clap on lights" he mumbled. He claps again, light doesn't come back on. His friends laugh at him for thinking of it. One of his old friends yell the fuse must have tripped, let's go turn it back on. So it wasn't a clap on lamp after all…
They all come out of the restroom, meet up with rest of the friends. For nostalgia sake, they decided to go in motorcycles to the ceremony. His friends had rented a few Motorcycles the previous day. Of course for our protagonist, it was just yesterday he went for long rides with them. He climbs up the bike, and has a conversation. How the last 15 years went, and all that boring stuff.
They reach the ceremony, and they decided to have some food first. Ceremony is in ground floor, He can see so many people assembled there "God I must be famous", he thought to himself. He goes upstairs, orders food and opens phone. Of course, in 2035, phones aren't little rectangles anymore. They are just Soaps wrapped in smart paper. The smart paper reads our whatever you want it to… So he opened few of his conversations in the messaging app. "Wow, people talk a lot more obscene nowadays" he thinks to himself. Every casual sentence had at least one sex related pun. Like, instead of "I enjoy doing that", people say "I cum when I do that". It's not even the words that they mean anymore. He quickly finishes up dinner and goes downstairs.
He comes into the stage, which was much different that what would be in 2020. Everyone sits in their own little tables, facing the crowd. Every table holds one or two people. He looks to his right, so many unfamiliar people. He looks to the left, he recognizes one particular face.
It was his college crush. On the top row, first table from door, She sits there, She fatter than he remembers. Time didn't do her well, he thought. Still she was beautiful for her age. He wanted to know what she did in life. So he quickly opens up his heads up display from his google glasses. Under her name, it says "Wife". He's shocked..
Did he actually marry his college crush?? He has a brain freeze moment and starts thinking about every memory he had with her. He was the happiest man in tge world that moment. He goes and sits with her on her table. Before he can start talking to her, The busboy comes and whispers in his ear.Apparently he was in wrong table. The whole crowd boos at him. The announcer says a joke about how David is having college flashbacks. He just didn't know how accurate he was.
He sits on his allocated table. It's a bigger one. There's newspapers everywhere, He remembers he's supposed to be a famous journalist. Perhaps a media company owner or something. His table has name tags. It says David - man of the day. Veronica - spouse. The girl next to him must be his wife then. He whispers to her, "are you my wife?". She laughs gently and tells him about the things that happened recently, As if she was reading his mind and saying exactly what he wants to hear.
Apparently the words "Wife" and "Husband" aren't used anymore since majority of people are more fluid about their gender. Spouse is the universal word they use. Then she talks about how weird it was that he sat with the Girl in Black. She doesn't even remember her name. Just calls her "Girl in Black" As if to tell him all the things he forgot, she begins to tell some of his story. Apparently he married the girl in black soon after college. Then he started a news company, and got very famous. Veronica points to a girl on the right. A girl with yellow shirt. Apparently the girl in yellow recorded the bedroom of the girl in black. She made a sex tape of her and released on the internet. To escape the scandal, David had to divorce her. Then he happened to marry Veronica.
He sits there, contemplating his life choices. Why did he ever divorce the love of his life? Why was his career more important to him than his happiness? Why did he save the girl’s name as Wife? Probably because nobody knew what that word meant anymore… And what did he ever see in Veronica anyway?
He sits there staring at the cloud of people. He doesn't know who he is anymore... …
submitted by /u/tzimsha [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/3fyEopi
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poppedmusic · 6 years
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The Great Escape 2018
Words & Photos: Elena Katrina
The Great Escape and I have had a whirlwind romance and I’m pleased to say, unlike most whirlwind romances, it’s not ended bitterly. Quite the opposite in fact. It might be over but I’m already looking forward to doing it all over again in 2019.  The last time I was at TGE I was there as an artist (of sorts), to entertain the masses, with a somewhat large record collection in tow. This time it was my ears and my trusty camera roaming (running) the streets of Brighton chasing down some of the hottest new and emerging music around. After all, that’s the whole point of The Great Escape.
Running the streets is a tough task when you aren’t familiar with the surroundings, and when your phone tells you a five-minute walk turns out to take half an hour because often around a corner lies a face you know. It’s a great chance to meet up with acquaintances, to set meetings, to interview bands and to laugh and enjoy everything that this festival has to offer. Well, everything except the conference, which I managed to miss entirely, as I had FOMO with the number of bands playing in every nook and cranny of the wonderful City of Brighton.
Five festivals into my year and as yet not a drop has fallen from the sky. It’s been quite the start to the festival season and Brighton didn’t want to miss out. Stomping through the crazy Jubilee square my first port of call to collect my pass, amidst the heaving throng of industry and the general public, I escaped and headed for the pier. I mean, who wouldn’t. What I found when I got there was a storming line-up at Horatio’s, curated by Creative Scotland. Of course, all the way to the South from the North, to find bands who are probably closer to me where I live. But I couldn’t resist the allure of The Vegan Leather, Lucia and The Ninth Wave.  Three bands who have been on our radar and pretty sure our man up in Glasgow, Gary Feeney, will have seen untold times, but all new to me, in terms of live. If this is a showcase of what’s blowing up in Scotland I’m booking my train tickets to The Tenement Trial! Fast-paced, passionate, stylish and occasionally sewn up with a snarl. Thanks, Scotland – we’ll be seeing you again for sure.
In fact, off the back of that little jaunt, I ended up at a Scottish Party where I got to chin wag with all kinds of people and witness people eating the famous deep fried Mars Bar. Oh yes. It’s a real thing, even on the streets of Brighton. I needed more live music after spending a little too long chatting and it was off to meet our mate Matt from  Fond of Rudy to take in a band neither of us had seen before: Sea Girls. To say I was a happy bunny during this show is a slight exaggeration. I love when bands can deliver a live set that not only mirrors their recorded music but brings it alive and Sea Girls delivered. My hips, sore from the ups and downs of the streets and lanes, took in some extra movement and my throat, dry from all the chat, still managed to sing along. They’re a gloriously good band with a live show that really entertains.
One of my highlights of the weekend was to catch the end of Whyte Horses perform for BBC 6 Music. The 12 strong band was fronted by 3 women, whose vocals could possibly bring back the dead, for they were so beautifully haunting. This band was obviously a popular choice if the queues outside were anything to go by and the crowds inside. With a lighting show as part of their psychedelic performance, it was more than just an aural pleasure. I can’t urge you enough to see this band if you haven’t as yet.
I made a pact with myself not to see any bands I’d already seen. By the end of day it was one I’d already broken. To make things worse, not only have I seen them loads, but I’ve put them on. Queue the sweaty storming show from Marsicans at Sticky Mike’s. This band though – really, they never fail to make my day. I guess that’s how I ended up there because soon they will be off on their merry way, playing the bigger stages where I can’t get near.
The weekend threw up many challenges, from deciding who to see to spending lots of time waiting to get in. The worst was taking unwell on Saturday meaning after catching the end of the wonderful Wyldest and chatting to our friends Saltwater Sun at the Hand In Hive showcase I ended up needing to take myself off for some care. A little group hug from Queen Zee and those gorgeous Sasstones as I headed out of Brighton, took the edge off.
Before all that I enjoyed some more live music though. Highlights which must include the insanely talented Dermot Kennedy who will forever draw me to his set wherever we’re at the same festival, with a vocal that is easily recognisable as him and so rich it can make your teeth hurt. In fact, I won’t lie, I saw his entire set, only split in two, across two days! I couldn’t resist when the opportunity was there. Another who I will always go to see, and have done now three times in less than 3 months is Sam Fender. A sharp eye for what’s going on in society, his poetic social commentary is set to a soundtrack that is easily accessible, highly enjoyable and god damn smart. His vocal so mature for his years, with only a handful of his tracks available to listen to, live is the only place I can get to grips with more of his material. So you’ll always know where to find me, front and centre.
I counted my lucky stars to wake up feeling better on Sunday so it was back to Brighton with me to hunt down friends and get along to see some shows that were on offer from the Alternative Escape. The open to all part, the newest of the new, the unofficial showcases, all which held immense amounts of talent. I nipped into the Deltasonic showcase and caught God On My Right for the first time: a dark and brooding introduction, but one that impressed none the less. We caught up for a little chat with The Vryll Society, which was lovely as they’ve just released news of their debut album. I don’t think the half hour walk to my next venue can be called hot-footing it, but I did my best. Newcastle babes Vito were thankfully still on when I reached them. The band played for us only a few weeks ago after their Sound City set and before their set at Hit The North. This is a band clocking up some miles and along with it many more fans. Catchy, fast-paced indie that you can just let loose to – these guys know their stuff and I invite you to go and get involved if you see them playing a show near you.
A change of pace, and volume as it was my wonderful TGE room buddies False Advertising showing off just why they’re one of the hottest bands out of the North West as they smashed out tune after tune. Their music growls with every beat, it digs deep and takes no prisoners. I love to watch bands watch other bands and in the crowd was Liverpool band Rival Bones who later told us it was their favourite find of the festival. Let’s hope these bands get to do a show together sometime in the future.
A city festival doesn’t seem to be a city festival at all without me watching a band in a church. This time it began with a surprise when I caught the wonderful Helen Brown, whose project Dog In The Snow, was being brought to life before my eyes.  This was a perfect setting for this gentle unobtrusive music and it was a treat. In a bid to give us all a shake-up, next on was Brighton’s newest must see’s: Thyla. They brought with them quite the crowd of onlookers and rightly so. Fast and furious was the musical slap in the face after Dog In The Snow. Lead vocalist Millie has a vocal which is quite unusual, especially against the rockier musical setting. They follow in the footsteps of the likes of Estrons, Blood Red Shoes, Yonaka and Yassasin and they easily stand up to the hype that’s going to be sure to come their way.
I jumped at the chance to watch Self Esteem and trudged back another half an hour, only to find out that I was not the only one to have jumped at the chance – and that people had better prepared and got to the venue well ahead of time. In fact, there was a couple stood behind me in the line who were in line an hour early to watch the following act, Pip Blom, so I more or less failed. I could hear but I could not see. Self Esteem’s track Your Wife is one of my favourites and so I sang along outside in line, probably much to the annoyance of everyone else around me. I managed, eventually and during the last song, to stick my phone around the door and grab a photo. A memento and reminder to be sure to get their earlier next time. It will be so worth it.
There really are many other moments of The Great Escape that I could talk about but you’d be here all day reading it. What I’ll say is that it was a fantastically put together festival, any cracks in the set up were well hidden from view and all I can really ask for is another two of me to do and see even more. To meet up with all the people I missed, see all the bands I missed – maybe a time machine would help. I feel exhausted but exhilarated. I need The Great Escape in my life always. If ever there was a festival made just for us this is it. It’s grown beyond anything I could have imagined since the last time I was there and it’s a thing of beauty, even the sun beamed down on it in praise.
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    Festival Review: The Great Escape 2018 The Great Escape 2018 Words & Photos: Elena Katrina The Great Escape and I have had a whirlwind romance and I'm pleased to say, unlike most whirlwind romances, it's not ended bitterly.
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