#false advertising
miniar · 5 months
Originally, Black Friday sales were a way of clearing out old stock to make space for the next version coming out just in time for the holidays.
This isn't the case any longer as christmas has been creeping into earlier and earlier in the year AND the difference between releases is decreasing, AND the releases are spaced throughout the year.
So currently, these sales exist purely to make you buy shit.
Consequently, there's no real reason for the stores to lower their prices because they don't actually need the space for new stock.
They will however try to make you believe that you're getting a special deal because the so called "sales" exist PURELY to get you to buy more shit.
SO... they'll mark up prices, sometimes in advance, to try and trick you into believing you're paying a discounted price when you're actually paying full, sometimes more than full, price, to encourage you to buy more shit.
"It's such a good deal, it's 30% off!"... No it's not. It used to be 300, then they raised it to 500, now it's 350 with the "discount". That's actually 117% the original price instead of the 70% they say you're paying.
Some countries... that's fucking illegal you know.
So... yeah...
I'm fucking proud to see posts on social media of people going over this and explaining this and telling on this, but even more than that, I'm genuinely impressed to see posts where there's images of piles of product that stores fully expected to sell to you at full price while pretending a discount's involved in any way and people just weren't buying it.
I mean, I know the rising cost of living makes it even easier to skip the new tv at an inflated price that's been then marked down to over the original price, but still.
It's beautiful to see the lies rewarded with the response they're fairly owed. Nothing.
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weirdero · 8 months
Do not watch community that shit is false advertising!!!!!!!!
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excitementshewrote · 7 months
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caffieneaddictt18 · 8 months
Life, Death, and Destiny
Prompt: Witch!Reader keeps giving Geralt weird little trinkets and crystal necklaces saying that this one protects you and this one keeps the bad feelings away and this one will call good spirits and wisdom upon him, and he doesn't believe her until one time he's fighting this monster and somehow, he keeps dodging this monster perfectly without even needing to drink his elixir. He kills the beast, and goes back to Witch!Reader, demanding her to explain how this works when he knows for a fact, she doesn't have magic like a mage or a druid. She simply winks and leaves him curious, so he stays with her and figures out how she is somehow unintentionally magical.
I'm not gonna lie, I did not stick to this prompt. It went a little sideways and flopped. So, my apologies! It is not false advertising, I swear.
As Geralt was walking to Roach, his mare, he heard his name called... It was faint but grew louder as the person shouting his name got closer.
Geralt rolled his eyes, thinking it was another townsfolk wanting him to go kill something.
"Geralt, wait!"
But then he recognized that voice...
"Geralt! Would you stop for a minute?"
He stopped. The Witcher slowly turned around and saw y/n. They were panting, keeled over.
"Before you leave, take this." They reach out and in their hand is a little charm that can be added to the strap of leather that keeps his hair up. "It's for battle wisdom. Knowing you, you'll need it. I hope it keeps you safe on your travels." Y/n stands up, and composes themselves.
"Well, I can see you are wandering towards Roach... where will you go next?"
Geralt took the charm slowly. He didn't trust anything magical. Especially when it came from someone that he had never heard was magical beforehand. Nevertheless, he took the charm and clamped it around the leather holding his hair back.
"There was a monster sighting near Waterwood. The locals regularly use the water for business, so they need me to come clear out whatever monster lies in the river." He gruffly divulged the details of his departure.
"Well... if you ever wish to come back, you know where I am." Y/n skipped off down the stone path to the cottage that sat on the edge of the wood, surrounded in wildflowers and other magical plants.
Geralt grunted before stalking back to Roach, mounting her, and taking off into the night.
Y/N woke to a banging on the wooden front door. The type of banging on hollow wood that gave you chills. Especially after being chased from town for giving Geralt a charm. This specific town doesn't necessarily take too kindly to witches and magic.
The banging lessened to a knock. Y/N quickly extinguishes all the candles before slowly opening the door and hiding in the nook between the wall and the door. Waiting for anyone...
The person walks in slowly, sword in hand, and eyes seemingly glowing in the dark. The stock build of his shoulder balancing out the slender legs of pure muscle. His footsteps silent, but hers are gone.
Y/N makes no noise as they scampers across the floor of grass and behind a chair. A chair made of engraved wood and hide from a monster, if you can believe it. Absolutely beautiful.
Y/N gently whistled a tune... a tune used when Geralt and them went on a small stroll through the woods. Y/N insisted that it would help Geralt ground himself before the hunt he was about to embark on.
Immediately, he stopped and put the sword away before casting Igni on a candle near him. He carried it to the chair and saw a head of hair peeking out from behind the arm of it. "Y/N?"
"Geralt!" Y/N stands from the crouched position on the ground and goes around to hug Geralt. He accepts it before lighting the fireplace filled with charcoal and adding new wood to keep the old burning.
"Why did you hide? Monsters don't knock. Mages don't bother people in their homes anymore." Geralt was ticking things off a list that might make them be wary of anything.
"Were you... were you scared of me?"
Y/N, who was first scared that Geralt might go on a rage like the one in Blaviken, was now flustered. "Oh no! Oh goodness, no!"
"So why were you skittering around like a mouse, trying to find warmth?"
"I... I was chased out of town..." Y/N can see Geralt tensing, becoming physically angry, "Don't worry about it though! It allows me to become one with nature. I forage all my food now and the butcher is kind, giving slices of meat no one else would want. I have deepened my relationship with magic and peace. I am happy. Don't worry about me."
Geralt was trying to slow his breathing and be rational, staring into the fire. How could they do this to you? You had done nothing but help them, and they turned on you. You had provided them with medicines that don't poison and trinkets that you can only find in the forest.
A simple question that held so much power. The power to anger or calm. The power to cause action or stop it. The power of chaos or peace.
And so, Y/N chose peace.
"I assume they finally decided they didn't like me anymore," Y/N smiled.
"That's a lie. You provided them with medicine. Small villages don't just abandon their healers." Geralt moved, gently pinning Y/N to the monster-leather seat.
"So tell me... why did they do it?"
Y/N looked into his eyes, marveling at how their reflected the flames to look like pools of lava themselves. Y/N knew that their response was too late when he furrowed his brow. Y/N looked down.
"They... they saw me give you that charm..." Geralt quickly got up and leaned against the stone mantle that looked like it had been there forever, made by Gaia herself. A sanctuary for the weak, weary and, what others would call, weird.
"They don't take kindly to magic folk around here, Geralt. It's why I have placed wards around the cottage."
Geralt was surprised. An actual ward? He knew that you liked to do everything yourself, if you could. Wards required mages and you were not a mage.
"A ward?" You nodded, "And who did these wards?"
"I did!"
To him, you sound childish. A person with no real magic was somehow placing wards around their home...
But somehow, the house seems untouched by the outside world. The hurtful one of torches and pitchforks.
"Alright... well, I have a monster hunt nearby. I'll stay here. Just for some extra protection." Geralt announced. There was no turning back or denying him this.
As Geralt was walking out of the cottage that was surprisingly not attacked by townspeople the entire time he was there, Y/N called to him.
"Is something wrong?"
"Nope!" Y/N holds out a small necklace with a complicated charm strung onto it. "Just wanted to give you this."
Geralt gently took it into his hands. "And what does this one do?"
"It's a protection necklace. I know you will inevitably find danger, so this should help keep you on your toes and safe for your also inevitable return," Y/N proudly announces to Geralt as he kept a straight face. He had no real belief this would do anything for him, but he put it into a pouch near his chest.
"Alright. Stay safe, Y/N"
"You as well, Geralt. Blessed be, my friend."
Geralt rode upon the cottage that had a plume of smoke exiting the stone chimney and candlelight coming from the kitchen. It was an exhausting monster hunt and all he wanted to do was rest.
Once he had tied Roach to the small stables that Y/N kept up, he walked to the home. Before Geralt could knock, the door swung open.
"Geralt!" was all that was said before a flurry of greens and browns flooded his sight. He was encompassed with the warmth only you could provide. A hug... something he hasn't felt in a while.
You slide off of him and out of his arms. "How are you, my friend? Why don't you come in?" Y/N opens the door for him to enter and beckon the large man inside your cozy home.
The smell of rosemary and chicken flood his nose. The warm glow of the fire in the living room flickered across the walls and seeped into every crack, spreading the softness that Y/N carried. Geralt walked slowly into the home and sat down on one of the chairs you have. It was soft, like from a castle, but not quite as tall or luxurious looking. He wondered where you got it from.
Over the fire, a soup of chicken, carrots, potatoes, and herbs brewed in a cauldron that seemed to magically hang from the ceiling, even though it was directly under the chimney stack.
"So... how are you, my friend?" Y/N's gentle voice entered Geralt's mind. It's like you were allowing him space to take in the home as he wishes instead of flooding his senses with everything all at once. A nice change of pace of the monster hunter, the White Wolf.
"I am... good. I was surprisingly not hurt on my last hunt. This striga seemed... slower than normal, though..." Geralt contemplated on his latest hunt, mulling it over in his mind, "Must not have been at full strength."
"Would you like some mead?" You offer the Witcher some of your honey wine. A delicacy was not often seen in common households, but you have never been part of the common folk. Plus, you tended to a honey bee hive in a tree near the cottage.
"Why not?" Geralt takes the mug of mead from you as you walk to the cauldron where your stew was done cooking. You ladle the chicken soup into wooden bowls you once bought from a traveling merchant and add a slice of bread to it. It had not been the first time you opened up your home to the infamous White Wolf... and it certainly won't be the last.
"Well, eat up. You are welcome to stay as long as you like." You offer a safe night's sleep before finishing your bowl of soup and putting the bowl in a basket of other dirty plates and bowls. You take the cauldron of soup and take it outside, where you can feed the hungry children of the village. The only people who dare to come near...
Before you can lug the pot of wonderful healing stew outside, Geralt notices. "What are you doing?"
You stop, setting the cauldron on the floor for a rest. "Well... the children of the village have not been eating as much and I feel bad... their parents cast me out, not them. Why should they have to suffer for a choice they had no choice in?" Y/N looks at Geralt in confusion before shaking their head and picking up the cauldron again.
Geralt stands and before you can walk with the heavy pot, he takes it from you. "If they catch ypou doing this... you could be killed."
"I would rather die doing something good than nothing at all." You skip happily besides Geralt as he carries the pot with way less effort than you have to.
As you approach your normal spot to feed the children, you can see the dozens of eyes that hide in the woods. They are scared...
"You have nothing to fear, children. The Witcher will never hurt you."
First, nothing happens, but after a minute, a thin girl walks to you. You kneel, handing her a bowl of the chicken stock. You know this one. This girl has been sick since she came from the womb of her mother, who died during childbirth.
A boy, a bit stockier than he was a month ago, came up to you, slightly avoiding the Witcher's gaze as he also grabbed a bowl from you and started drinking the contents of the soup. You gave him bits of chicken and vegetables, knowing that he won't be full unless the boy has them. He has grown since you first saw him.
One by one, the children gained confidence in you and lost their fear in the monster hunter who was leaning on a tree behind you.
Eventually, you ran out of mouths to feed and food to give, so you grabbed the bowls the children used, put them in the cauldron, and walked home with the pot in hand.
"Well, Geralt, what brings you around this time?"
"Just a reprieve. I needed some... how do you say it... grounding."
You drop the cauldron by the door & clap, "Perfect! I'm going to the well now to grab water. It is chore day. What would you prefer to do?"
As Geralt looked around, he noticed the various plants that were hanging in your window and drying in the sun. And then he noticed the weeds that had begun to grow in your garden.
"Let me grab the water and prepare the pot for another meal," Geralt wanted to take the heaviest thing off you. It would not be too hot weeding the garden considering the time and season.
"I can weed the garden and wash the bowls & cutlery. Fantastic! Make sure to rub the inside of the pot with tallow before hanging it up to dry."
Geralt grunts and walks to the well, buckets in hand.
This is going to be the longest day in a while...
You prep Roach before Geralt is scheduled to take off into the horizon once more.
As you finish getting the saddle tied down, you look around for any peering eyes. Not finding any, you pull out a Rune for speed and chant a small & simple spell before tying said rune to the inside of the saddlebag.
You hurriedly make yourself seem busy by packing his saddlebag with all the necessities, including a jug for water and a fresh loaf of sourdough bread wrapped in some parchment that you covered in beeswax.
Geralt exits the cottage, strapping the last bit of armor down to himself, walking towards you and Roach. Before he can reach you, you walk to Roach's front and say a quick prayer and chant for speed and health. That they may get to wherever they must be, right when they must be there and not a moment too late.
As Geralt approaches, you give him one last hug. And a warning...
"Save the apple bread for when you need it most."
Geralt, understandably confused, watches as you skip towards your cozy home. Before you make it even halfway, the White Wolf shakes his head as a method of clearing it before mounting Roach and taking off into the distance.
You are calmly knitting while waiting for the loaf of bread in the fire to cook when a banging erupts from your door. You are immediately apprehensive, as banging is not usually a good sign anymore.
Before you were chased out of the town banging meant someone was hurt. Also not good, but treatable.
Banging now... that's nothing good.
"Open your door or I will kick it down!" Geralt's gruff voice was muffled by the door, but you could tell he was yelling.
You hurriedly put down your knitting project and let Geralt in. He walks in and turns rather smoothly however quick, effectively shutting the door and trapping you between him and the thick wood the door offered.
"What are you? Are you a sorceress?!" Geralt questioned you with intense yellow eyes. The type of eyes he saved for people who have used him and lied to him.
"No, Geralt... I am not a sorceress. Why do you ask?" You gently take one of his arms down from its tense position leaning against the door to massage his hand in between your fingers. You gently guide him to a chair and sit him down before asking once more...
"What has made you think that I am a sorceress, Geralt?"
He grunts and looks into the dancing flames of the fire that licked the stone and left black soot marks.
"I was faster, stronger... more insightful... Roach rode like the wind and we got exactly where we needed to be just in time, even early. This didn't start happening until you started giving me things. And don't think I didn't notice the rune in my saddlebag. You may be a witch, but you are no sneak. So, what are you?"
A pregnant pause filled the space and time had eaten away at it.
You needed to tell him eventually. Now was as good a time as ever.
"I... You're right. I am a witch. But I am not a sorceress or a mage! I do not dabble in chaos. I am an omnist. I believe in the existence of every god. I also bend and use energy at my will. The thing people call 'Destiny' can be written, but then erased & rewritten. That's what I do. A 'narrow miss' suddenly becomes an 'easy dodge.' I take Destiny... and I manipulate her for my desired outcome. And if my desired outcome just so happens to be a few kids fed and the Savior of the people of the Continent, so be it."
It felt as though the energy had moved from this feeling where something was violently poking and stabbing to try and get out, to absolute stillness.
An eerie calm after a storm.
The sort of calm you feel right before a bomb goes off...
No bomb went off.
No storm flooded the room.
Geralt could only feel awe.
Not at just your power but how you chose to wield it.
You had the power of Destiny at your disposal, and you chose to help a few kids whose parents banished you from their town.
You had the power of Destiny... eating out of your hands... and you chose to help him...
The last time he felt this... loved... was Yennefer. But even Yennefer's love wasn't baselining love. She was lust. A poor foundation of love.
What is Geralt even thinking?! Love? He couldn't love. No... His path was a lonely, treacherous one.
But it was one many others have joined him on...
Maybe it wasn't as bad as he is thinking...
Just maybe....
A little bit of love is okay.
The White Wolf doesn't howl his praises or paw for attention. All he does is kneel.
Kneel in front of the most powerful, lovely, deadly person he has ever known... and hold them.
"Thank you... for protecting me..."
"Anytime, Geralt."
Thank you for reading! I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. If you have any requests, please feel free to ask me. Also, I know I made this one non-binary after editing, and I know what I said before I posted anything. Have a great night! Bye!
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sucka99 · 2 years
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If you've ever used Cold-FX products when you're sick, you could get money from a new class-action lawsuit over its advertising.
The class action alleges that the companies have made "false, misleading, deceptive or unconscionable advertising claims" about the following products to consumers: Cold-FX (regular and extra strength), Daily Support (regular, chewable, and extra strength), First Signs, First Signs Nighttime, and Daily Defence (regular and extra strength).
Examples of the "misleading" ads are statements that the products are "proven by science," contain "clinically proven ingredients," or have a "clinically proven formula" to help reduce the frequency, duration and severity of cold and flu symptoms.
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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kp777 · 22 days
Letitia James’s lawsuit accuses JBS of deceiving customers about being climate-friendly – and the implications could be far-reaching
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floridaboiler · 20 days
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knight-in-sour-armor · 3 months
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yorksnapshots · 1 year
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Made you look!
Made me look, smile and stop to take a snapshot.
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indigorain54 · 1 month
Ok so I haven't seen anyone post about this new issue yet but it needs to be talked about.
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If you have seen posts like this one DON'T CLICK THE LINK!!!! It's a phishing attack and is considered spam. They will steal your data and this is not a real job ad. Please report them when you see them and block them. If you see a post with a suspicious link don't click it.
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Their blog page will usually look like this, with multiple posts of the same false ad. With the wrong tags to it.
Be safe online everyone!
Don't fall for phishing and scams!
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smutnug · 6 months
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Didn't even have cookies, smdh
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lifeimitatesmeme · 2 months
BREAKING: Fëanor advertises his new memoir after being re-embodied and released from the Halls of Mandos.
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theahole · 3 months
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Is this actionable? I feel like they should have to pay for your microwave if you try it.
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barneysbigstompers · 5 months
I feel so stupid for thinking the Underground Railroad was an actual railroad
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Misleading or false online reviews written by employees about their own company or competitors could result in penalties, Canada’s Competition Bureau has warned. The federal agency is also urging employees to be transparent about whom they work for when post these reviews online. In a news release Thursday, Competitions Bureau said businesses should watch out for all types of reviews, including testimonials on social media, posted by their employees that don’t properly identify themselves. “When posting online reviews about their company or its competitors, employees must disclose all connections they have with the business, product or service they promote, even if they’re providing their honest opinion,” the bureau said in the release.
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