#THANK U CHOCO!! i didnt know u had cats!!!!
haechanitboy · 7 years
92 statements tag
i was tagged by one of my fav ppl on here wow @choco-seventeen thank u !!!!! seeing u in my notifs made my day :D
rules: answer these 92 statements and tag 10 people ! if there are questions that are too personal or you don’t want to answer, skip them or make a new one 
THE LAST (1-5):
drink: lactose free milk hehe phone call: my mom! i was asking her where our copy paper and glue sticks are bc im making a big collage hehehehe text: my friend kuu!! song you listened to: [sweats] baby don’t like it by nct 127  time you cried: h he eheheheh today bc i was watching the office and it got emotional
HAVE YOU (6-11):
dated someone twice: no and i probably won’t kissed someone and regretted it: .......yes oops been cheated on: no thank god lost someone special: ye unfortunately been depressed: [finger guns] yea lol gotten drunk and thrown up: i have done this TWICE and i hope that number wont grow
light blue!! mint green!! beige!! [ik im weird hehe]
made new friends: YES in college and im making friends on here too!!!! fallen out of love: i dont think so??? i dont think i was in love laughed until you cried: too many times to count probs bc i crack myself up found out someone was talking about you: technically yes? but i knew it was coming bc i was being a bitch to her lol met someone who changed you: yea tbh not sure it was for the best tho found out who your friends are: yEA but not so much in college still tryna figure that stuff out kissed someone on your facebook list: indeed
GENERAL (22-34):
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: honestly i have over a thousand so im gonna guess 800 do you have any pets: i have 3 cats! two sisters who are 6 yrs old and a kitten who is abt 5 months (mssg me and i’ll talk ur eAR off i lov them) do you want to change your name: first and middle name are gucci i’d probably change my last name what did you do for your last birthday: got super drunk and threw up oops!! what time did you wake up: um.............12pm? 1? today was a big nap so idk for sure. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping!!! i slept at 12am which was nice but then i woke up at 5am instinctively and watched the sunrise. name something you can’t wait for: to move into my dorm and set it up!!! when was the last time you saw your mom: thursday bc that’s when she left :^( what’s one thing you wish you could change in your life: this is so #deep but i’d like....not be depressed lol i would just get rid of whatever mental blocks are in the way of me ruining my life
what are you listening to right now: a lot of youtube vids that are like hour long playlists both korean artists and not have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes!! we’re friends!! most visited website: tumblr n youtube
moles: one on my neck, one on my finger, one in the corner of my eye, n one on my shin marks: i have a shit ton of old cat scratches does that count lmao hair color: silver dark brown long hair or short: long! do you have a crush on someone: yes!!! i love love!! but i also hate emotion so (((: what do you like about yourself: i think im rly funny tbh hehe piercings: i have 1 on each ear but i used to have 2 but they closed up BUT im repiercing those and doin 2 more then getting my cartilage :^)  blood type: i have no idea tbh. i always find it weird that i could more easily find out a korean idol’s blood type than my own. nickname: i dont have any :(((((((( i like nicknames sos
relationship status: single af date me zodiac: aries!!!! pronouns: she/her favorite tv show: the office [SAME CHOCO WOO] right now bc im binging it aggressively tattoos: yes but also no!! i gave myself some stick n pokes on my fingers but they faded bc i didnt touch them up buT im gonna redo them i have a lot of plans [mssg me for more] right or left hand: left !! like mingyu my soulmate surgery: nope!! hair dyed in a different color: i’ve gotten like a burgundy/dark red wash in my hair for a while but right now i have silver extensions in! sport: ....................competitive eating perhaps vacation: im on summer vacation rn!! my mom went on vacay w/o me oops pair of trainers: i wear these busted up white keds all the time i lov them they feel like home
eating: i’m back on the hot dog train!! i lov hot dogs again rip drinking: i rly like milk but i also like sprite and diet pepsi and water!! i’m about to: make a big collage!! waiting for: some mf’ motivation 2 punch me in the face so i can write some more today!! [choco im leaving ur answer bc its perfect] want: a LOT OF MONEY SO I CAN GET MY KITTEN SPAYED AND GET OTHER STUFF I WANT FOR MY DORM ROOM AND LIFE IN GENERAL get married: I WANNA GET MARRIED SDJFAHSDLKFJAHSDL i have a whole future planned out for myself career: i wanna be a writer!! specifically more of a poet but also fiction!
hugs or kisses: it depends..........if i like u then kisses but like otherwise i love a good hug im v cuddly lips or eyes: lips!! shorter or taller: i need u to be taller than me bc i’m an infant and must be treated as such older or younger: see above!!! but lately ive been having a lot of feelings for mork lee and its killing m e nice arms or nice stomach: arms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love a nice bicep sensitive or loud: u kno....i’m actually both i’m super loud (i can't regulate my own volume sorry @ everyone) but im super sensitive but i think if i could choose i’d choose loud?? bc im easily affected by other ppls moods and if ur super sensitive im gonna be super moody but if ur loud and boisterous im more likely to feel Okay™ hook up or relationship: honestly idk....deep inside i want a relationship but i have commitment issues so.....hook up i guess troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker!!!!! as michael scott once said “i happen to enjoy the hilarious hijinks i find myself in” or something like tht
HAVE YOU EVER (74-83):
kissed a stranger: yea lol drank hard liquor: y es i have a nip of vodka in my room rn and a huge bottle of tequila in storage at college lost glasses/contact lenses: yes !!! and i lost my fav pair of glasses so now im sad turned someone down: ye sex in the first date: i don’t date so no lol broken someone’s heart: i didnt meAN TO I SWEAR. had your heart broken: i dont let ppl get too close so no. the closest iv come to heartbreak was when harry styles kissed taylor on new years eve and i cried. been arrested: nope!! fallen for a friend: yes rip me DO YOU BELIEVE IN (84-89):
yourself: mmmmm honestly no but i want to miracles: yea i do! love at first sight: yes and no....i like to call it love at first sight but its usually just intense infatuation. one of my most uttered phrases is “i have literally never felt this way about anyone before.”  santa claus: yes and no???? its complicated idk i know my mom was my santa claus but maybe he’s real for some ppl? kiss on the first date: yea angels: lol yoon jeonghan exists what more proof do u need jk not really? idk religion is iffy
OTHER (90-92): favorite thing to do when you’re bored: um engage myself in a big big project. do you wear socks to sleep: i do sometimes but i always kick them off in my sleep favorite movies: ooooooooo forrest gump n MOANA!!!!!!!
ummmmm super duper optional but i tag @pabospoiler @officialjjproject @withnosuchgrace @mochamark @ediblesuga literally dont know 10 ppl to tag these are some ppl i like / want to get to know i guess??? okie swag bye
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sly-merlin · 4 years
Killing Me - 1 | n.y
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au , smut
warnings : mention of weapons, use of weapons, character death and smut is a warning in itself
summary :
“life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”
                             curiosity got the cat hitched
taglist:: (repeating for only first chapter for the notification, otherwise i’ll tag only those who told me specifically. its not polite to tag everyone who hv read the chapters previously. normal tagging would be continued from chapter 10! @kpop-choco​ @moon-yuta​ @kawaiiayasan​ @btm-taeyong​ @lanadreamie​ @theworld-accordingtocasey​ @exfolitae​ @cheersskznct​ @hyuckiesgf​
note :: daily updates from today till chapter 9!
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Who would’ve thought a lifetime opportunity would come knocking at your door  at midnight! Well, not at your door but a trashcan instead. But that was least of your worries right now. Your phone camera captured enough photos to be admissible as an evidence in a court. Feeling content with your accomplishment you sprinted towards the nearest police station, breathing only when you entered the premises of the said building. You thanked the heavens for leaving that place without them finding out. Once your breathing was controlled enough, you made your way towards the desk of the station in charge. He was...snoring. You placed your hand on the desk and banged the hardwood loudly to catch the attention of a sleepy public officer. He jolted awake at the sound and squinted his eyes only to give you a nasty look. After coming to his senses, he motioned you to sit down. You sat on one of the chairs in front of him and without wasting your time, shoved your phone in his face. The shock on his face became evident as soon as his vision focused on the photos. He kept scrolling through the images, zooming in and out and after a few minutes, placed it back on the table.
“From where did you get these miss…
“Y/n. y/n l/n. I was walking home after hanging out with my friends in the club at the 67th street when I heard some gagging noise. They were coming from an alley. I didn’t want to get in trouble so I peeked a little and there were two men, one was short and the other was...um...quite big. The big one was choking the shorter one and then he suddenly threw him at the trashcan or whatever it was. I captured everything that happened after that on my phone. as you saw , that man had a gun and he was trying to kill the shorter man and when the big one pulled up a silencer to put on the gun , I walked out of there as quietly as possible and ran.” you speedily worded everything you witnessed. Earlier you hadn’t realised but now that you just recited everything to the man, you prayed you were not calling trouble on yourself.
The officer looked at you as if he was finding some flaws in your story. He straightened his back and asked “what about that man, who was at the other end of the gun?” he questioned in an interrogatory voice.
“I don’t know, sir. I told you I ran off.” you tried your best to sound confident.
“And why didn’t you try to save him? .” this time you couldn’t hide the fear his voice filled you with. “When a person is dying, you are supposed to save him, aren’t you” his voice turned more hostile with every word he spoke.
You gulped at his question. You were afraid but he doesn’t have to know it right! You composed yourself before deciding that telling him the truth would be the best option for you.
“I could’ve done nothing there. That man had a gun. He was a shooter, there was no one near that place except for some drunken bastards. I was of no help rather I would’ve gotten myself killed as well. That’s why I’m here. You can go and look and maybe save him” you replied timidly.
“Very well miss. We’ll surely look but I can’t say if your photos are of any help. If that man is alive and doesn’t file a complaint, then these are clearly useless”
“But if he is dead, then this is circumstantial evidence. You can arrest the big man for murder.” he looked surprised at your use of words particular to their field. Before he could reply, you continued-
“I’m a law student.” he chose to be unresponsive for a few seconds. Then, he suddenly placed his hands on the table and hurriedly grabbed your phone.
“Let me talk to my superiors then. I’m not the one who decides the rules here so you have to wait.” you nodded as he walked off into a small room.
But he left you with an empty feeling inside. ‘You could’ve saved him’. The question echoed in your head. You eyed the glass of water on the table and gulped it in one go. After a few minutes, your thoughts got cleared of any doubt. You did what you could for that man. There was no way to save him. Earlier you saw it as an opportunity to do something great but now it was altered into your sense of justice. This was the right thing to do.
The officer came back from the room after 15 minutes.
“My superior is coming. Wait for 30 minutes. The search party is gone already. After copying the data, you can have your phone back and there is possibility that you would be an eye witness, if the said man is dead! You won’t have any problem with that right? You won’t be able to back out once you are in.” he queried.
“I know what I’m getting into, sir” you maintained your confident stance and slumped down. Your stomach growled but she could wait. You had other things to worry about right now. Like how to spent 30 minutes without your phone!
Officer’s pov. [In the room ]
“Hello, can I talk to taeyong. We have got a situation here.
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note:: before i left, i answered an ask from a law student. i dont know whether they saw it or not, but if you didnt i apologise and i would love to answer again. if u see this contact me thru anon or dm ! 
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cowabungacafe · 4 years
A request for a Match Ups! It's a lot.
I'm 4'10, recovering from anorexia, physically disabled, autistic ADHD depression, long dark hair, half Sicilian, loving family, only child. Always anxious, curious, easy to love, deadpan. Shy and introverted but I'll talk a friend's ear off excitedly. Writer of urban fantasy with superhero characters with disabilities.
I love psychology, neuroscience, chocolate, avocado, helping someone cook, watching someone play video games since I physically can't because of how my cerebral palsy affects my left side. I love cartoons and nature shows and superhero movies. I have a habit of infodumping about my special interest and then forgetting and repeating. I have no sense of time! I have chronic fatigue and joint problems, and no spatial perception, so I prefer Tai Chi over yoga. I'll make a lot of sarcastic hyperbolic jokes, but I might not get it when someone else does it. I'm very slow to anger, but it's like a tiny volcano.
Hi! Thank you for your matchup request! I hope you got who you wanted.
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Gif desc: you told me you love cats and i couldn't find a cuter picture.
I match you with
Why i matched you with your result
You are so strong yet so soft, you suffer from so many complex conditions yet you are hopeful and cool to be with, although i didnt talk to you for much but you gave me very cool and collected vibes.
Although mikey isn't shy but he can and definently does talk a friends ear off. After some time of your meeting, when you get comfortable around him, both of you will talk so much and about everything and anything that eventually both of you will take a break to drink water.
You like cartoons and superhero movies? BOOM you're not alone! Mikey is a die hard fan and have watched every superhero movies and cartoons there ever was. Some he loves , some he didnt. But hey!! Watching isn't a problem right?
Mikey have more sense of time than donnie. And i also think he is pretty mature under that "baby boy" persona. So he knows when its time for lunch,dinner,bath etc and will call you out to go have lunch if both of you are talking for a long time.
For every problem of yours, mikey has and is the solution. Always anxious? Guess who's gonna cheery u up. Need a massage? Guess who's a masseur now. Sometimes you cant help but think of him as an angel from heaven assigned to you for your good deed in the previous birth.
You're easy going and easy to love just like mikey.
You have a lot of patience and slow to anger and mikey really needs someone like that because of his sudden and constant outbursts of adrenaline.
Random headcanons of both of you when together
When mikey got to know that you cant play video games but love to watch someone play. His heart broke for a sec but boy from then on he plays all the games with you by your side. When you're not around he wont pay games(surprisingly) bcus he doesn't want you to miss out !!
Many days he will video call you while he plays video games so that you dont get left out. And your happiness is his happiness.
He is in for any superheroes!! And superheros with disability is a very new thing for him so he is even more hooked on you and your writings. He will read your previous writings and ask you for spoilers!!
He jokes with you too and a lot!!, but if sometime you don't get it he will patiently describe is to you.
When he got to know that you love nature shows, he decided of surprising you to a picnic/date out in the green and the woods. That was the most beautiful date you ever had!!
Thanks to you, mikey now knows a lot about neuroscience and psychology which surprises his brothers and april. He is a very good student and listened to your infodumping with a willing heart, and your repetition of it helped him memorize even better.
He lovvvveeess chocolate (honestly who doesnt?) And he brings diff stuff made of chocos on your dates. Sometimes you really get worried about his chocolate intake capacity but miraculously he hardly gets sick.
When he came to know that you own to cat he begged to come and see them right away!! He loveess catsss. Whenever he is over at your place he will spend half the time with you cats. You dont mind seriously, you love to see them play.
You like to help cooking and mikey has had experience on cooking so its a full-on cooking show for both of you!!!. When you two are cooking, the kitchens a bit messy bcus both of you will be playing around with the flour, or he will throw some random jokes which will send you laughing but that isn't a problem bcus hey! Love is a bit messy isnt it?❤
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funeralcity · 4 years
tagged by @lnwr thank u for tagging me it made me happy omg
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.  
Name: camille/medicine
Nicknames: cami, meds
Height: 6′1/185 cm.... im tall
Languages: english and french (very out of practice but i can follow conversations and stuff)
Nationality: canada.. shit ass mining companies pretending to be a country
Favorite season: i like fall.... spring is cool but it feels too short and unstable. i love the colours of fall
Favorite flower: i dont think i have a favourite? there r lots of very pretty flowers and i am not an expert on them at all
Favorite scent: cinnamon....... i love baking cinnamon rolls and filling the house up with the smell =w=
Favorite color: i like fall colours.. olive and brown and orange and black
Favorite animal: owls, nightjars, frogs, toads, snails, slugs, worms (i especially think planaria are so so so cute), squids, nautilus, octopus, sea butterflies, just pretty much any mollusc i am a fan of lol. i love radiodonts and burgess shale-type animals and a lot of dinosaurs but mostly the funny little weirdo chicken ones. i also really like skunks and opossums and ferrets and foxes. i love hearing woodcocks calling and coyotes yipping. i am really letting this get away from me i love way too many animals and i havent even started talking about crustaceans and bugs. OH TRIOPS I LOVE THOSE THATS WHAT MY PROFILE PIC IS LOL
Favorite fictional characters: jupiter from wktd,,,,,,,,,, The Girls from gunbuster and diebuster. revolver ocelot, char aznable, and paul atreides because i think those freaks are very funny. i also like a lot of touhous esp reimu, marisa, mokou, and keiki.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: i like all three.... i used to drink a lot more hot choco but have not had much in a while. out of the three iv definitely been drinking coffy the most lately
Average sleep hour: when i was working i would go to bed around midnight and wake up at 7 (or on weekends, sleep at 2 and wake up around 10) but now with the combination of corona and me changing meds my sleep schedule is volatile and crazy. last night i stayed up until 6 am watching amvs with my gf sascha
Dog or cat person: cats are more my style but i am horribly allergic to them ;w; dogs r cool but way too loud and high energy for me which is unfortunate
Number of blankets you sleep with: 2
Dream trip: world tour to hang out with all my online pals. i think japan would be very cool to visit someday, and i would also like to go to slovenia where my family is from.
Blog established: i dont know when i made this one.. i used to remake a lot but this is def the blog ive had the longest. i have been on tumblr since like 2013
Number of followers: 186?? thats a lot holy shit. most of them are inactive or do not interact with my posts at all though lol. yall really liked that evil party rock post huh
Random fact: in the evenings i like to go down to a reservoir near my house and hang out. last night on my walk home i counted all the grove snails i saw and my final count was 212
i tag..... @dipshitcicero @diebuster @bloodlez @bastardrobocop @ghimren do this if you wanna idk lol. if i didnt tag you but you wanna do it go for it
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cheerioss · 5 years
how to pop the question
hey so life's been keeping me busy lately and im still gonna be crazy swamped with stuff to do so instead of doing chapter 5 of the seamstress au like i originally planned, im gonna write this lil (okay i mean very very long) one shot instead!! this is based on this post by @buginetta i hope you dont mind!! and hope i didnt go overboard??
"Alyaaaaaaaaa! Help me! What if he's never gonna ask?!"
This is how Marinette found herself one fine evening after a long day at work. Eating ice cream, in her most comfy pjs, and facetiming her best friend while questioning her relationship with her boyfriend.
"Oh come on, M! You and Adrien are like, heads over heels for each other. Everyone can literally feel the cheesiness from 10 miles away," Alya dismissed quickly, trying to get it in her bestie's head that she has nothing to worry about. Typical Mari.
You see, Marinette and Adrien had been dating for almost 10 years, since they accidentally detransformed in front of each other when they were 15. They've been inseparable. Glued to the hip, literally.
And when both were well into university, Adrien brought up the idea of marriage. They both knew that this was it. They were endgame as everyone says. But Marinette, ever the one to think ahead, wanted to wait till their studies were completed and to be financially stable. Adrien complied, never bringing it up again.
Back to present time, Marinette groaned into her pillow. This happened countless of times before, so Alya was used to the sudden "over-thinking about non-existent crisis" calls as she calls them, OTANEC calls for short. Just Marinette having her usual of nonsensical thoughts, non-stop spiralling with a dose of crazy on the side. Ordinary stuff.
"If you really, so desperately want to be engaged with Sunshine already then you should propose. Really, you shouldn't have to wait for guys to propose."
"Omg Alya yes! That's a great idea!"
"Of course cuz it's mine."
"You're the best!"
"I know."
"Thank you!!"
"Yea, yea but you better let me in on your plan."
Two weeks flew by. Marinette was ready so sweep her kitty off his feet--mostly. There was still the pre-proposal jitters that she just cant shake off. She's triple checked everything. Twice! The location, weather(Please be accurate, I'm begging you.), all the itty bitty details. The only thing that can possibly go wrong is an Akuma. Honestly, Hawkmoth doesn't have a schedule or something. Heroes need their beauty sleep and as students their grades! (Thankfully there wasn't one. Thank you Hawkmoth.)
Tick. 6pm: Marinette's pacing. Tikki watches her from her perch beside a stack of cookies. She wishes she could help but Marinette's not gonna listen in her state of creating a road in her bedroom floor . The girl pleads for time to go by faster, faster, faster!
Tock. 6:09pm: Her heart is racing. She opens up her messages again and again, making sure he knows there's a joint patrol tonight. Everytime she sees his reply from 2 night ago, she sighs in relief. Only to open it again a minute later.
Tick. 6:24pm: Hands are shaking, her panic's awaking. Tock. Alya reassures her that everything is fine, but she's like a bomb in a mine.
Tick. 6.50pm: She checks her pocket, where the little black box hides. Tock. She checks again, her thoughts now violent tides. Restless, antsy, going out of her mind. Nervous, rapid breathing, her head's screaming is all she can find. Doubt. Dread. Doom. Oh why, oh why, can't it be just-
Ding! 7pm. The time has arrived. Marinette transforms and races out of the house to do her rounds on her half of the city. She finishes in 10 minutes, a new personal record. She couldn't care less though. There's the weight of her future in her pocket that's just suddenly so heavy. She starts pacing again, waiting for her partner to arrive. Oh gosh, he's taking too long. I'm gonna explode!
Thud. Chat Noir sees his girlfriend and his day just got a hundred times better.
"Wow bugaboo, I've never seen you finish a patrol so fast! What's u-"
But there's something wrong. She's a nervous wreck tonight, eyes impossibly wide with doubt. In fact, her finishing her patrol this quickly probably was the result of it. His cat ears flatten against his messy hair and his expression shifts to one of concern.
"Princess?" He hugs her, noting the way she tenses. As he tugs her down onto the rooftop with him, into his lap and still wrapped up in his warm arms, he asks, "Is everything okay?"
Two seconds passed, before Ladybug wriggles out of his embrace and begins her rambling. He's disappointed at the loss of her warmth, and he has no idea what she is saying as such a speed, but he has a fond smile anyway. God, I love this woman so much.
"And then you are here and look so handsom- Anyway, I have a question."
She pulls out the box, and Chat's eyes widens.
"I forgot my speech but the point is you make my life brighter and I feel like the luckiest human in the world." She opens the box. "Adrien-Chat Noir-Agreste, will you do this Ladybug the honour of marrying her?"
She never got a reply. Only a big, smug, I-won-the-lottery smile on his face, and he is bounding off in the general direction of... his apartment?
Ten minutes later, after a emotional roller coaster from confusion to heartbreak, even detransforming to ask Tikki to explain "Just waddaheck is going on?!", Marinette decided that he was not coming back and she was going to go home to cry about it over a tub of chocolate mint ice cream.
Just as she was about to say the magic words though, she sees a silhouette that she knows all too well jumping on rooftoos towards her. She held her tongue, waiting for an explanation for his sudden departure.
Clearly panting, Chat got on one knee and held up an open box. Marinette's vision blurred.
"Sorry i took so long, m'lady, but i had to dig this up from my drawer. Ahem." He clears his thoat and took a deep breath.
"Marinette-Ladybug-Dupain-Cheng. I have been waiting for the time that you are ready. Now that you are... You are the light on my darkest days, my hope, my life. I love you so much i cant express it with all the vocabulary in the French language. It would make this cat the luckiest man in the world if you would be willing to spend the rest of your life with this stray kitty cat. Marinette, Ladybug, m'lady, bugaboo, princess, will you marry me?"
With tears running down her face, Marinette tackled him. Both slipped the rings on each other's fingers, laughing as they shared a loving kiss. Adrien sweared that he will show it off to everyone he knows, even his fans on social media after a few days. Marinette just simply nuzzled into the crook of his neck.
"Let's go to my place to cuddle Chaton. I have a tub of mint choco ice cream waiting for me to devour in happiness. Don't worry, I know how much you love that flavour too so we can share."
And off they went to Marinette's apartment. Hopefully they remember to change some parts of their proposal story together before they tell anyone to prevent any identity reveals.
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I should probably finish (and publish) what happens before this first, but oh well. (I may have translated HS, but never did anything chatroom style before myself.... this was fun. It’s just long enough to put under a read more tho, so...)
chaos dunked t f into bed, chief 🔥🏀🔥 tucked in like a baby bird and shit 🐣
seen 1:22am
like i care about ur gross rituals but thanks for the chick u accidentally grilled anyway yeah theres no other idiot who writes like that message received bye
seen 1:24am
better keep those huge windows closed birdie a stray might have found its way to ur blatantly spiked ass then potentially smothered u with a pillow or u know took a creepy photo of u sleeping and emptied ur fridge stole all ur toilet paper and put a dead bird in front of ur actual door for kicks bc u never go that way but people who do will be grossed the fuck out or it could just have used a bunch of ur stuff wo telling and ud never know
seen 2:14am
spooky ngl my super brain would bust out all the alarms if some shit was like two inches off to the left than where I had left it and I’d go crazy from not being able to tell what the FUCK isn’t right if shit was all over the place which really makes it the very definition of evil I suppose
huh thought ud be out cold by now way to ruin my plans of wanting to freak u out w the messages when u wake up
fucking insomnia man I’m dying to get some sleep anyway, why do you think no paparazzi or shit ever tries to break into my apartment, be it on the top floor or not?? it’s because my feathers are here to snitch and I NEVER SLEEP, not even when I want to
oh no ur still typing
I’m THIS close to making choco pudding at 3 in the morning because I lost control over my life,,, or rather an omelet, that’s the peak of my cuisine
i regret everything
though those powdered pudding packets shouldn’t be too hard to do, either… maybe I should invest sometime brb gonna throw myself off the balcony is2g 🤣😩 and maybe close that door if I’m at it, this is no place for stray cool cats they’d fall right over the 20 kajillion pieces of laundry and food boxes just scattered all over the place like the clumsy dumbass you are, full offense
oh ur done well fuck u too
especially bold of u btw to say sth like this after i bothered chucking ur roadkill looking ass into the train ur still in rambling mode so i bet u never stopped being drunk as all hell either oh wait a sec u did fall ass over ur own shit didnt u ur silence nourishes me
maybe just maybe I did
oh thank god
twice as in, two times, and not Jin bc I just tripped again on my way out
u rly make me wanna believe in a god rn dude if ur out there
reminder that you’re talking to a literal angel 😇😚
let that bitch kick the bucket tonight amen im on a different opinion but suit urself hey what if i told u that u made me laugh just now
oh shit
but ull never know for sure OR be able to prove it so suck it
fffffffu c k e r wow you I cannot BELIEVE you even went out of your way to CAPITALIZE for that just… wow you really are a demon from hell
my job here is done goodnight u cuck 😉
don’t you emote back at me!!! 😡 especially don’t winky emote at me, that’s my go-to solution I’m OUT 🐓 night or w/e fucking hell you just stuck around to find some bait I’d bite on didn’t you?! you are CANCELLED all emoji rights REVOKED
took u long enough
cow DISHONORED I hope you get hit by a TRAIN smell your crusty ass nevermore
if only u could always be so charming ❤️
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forget-me-not-29 · 6 years
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I love you more than anyone else baby Your little ears can always hear what I think and your big golden eyes can see through my soul You see more than anyone I love cudling with you and watching films together Taking care of eachother everyday Knowing that you will run towards me when ill get back home You run on your little soft paws I can see u when im opening the gate and then we eat and talk Im more talkative than you tho You dont mind that and I dont mind you beeing quiet because you listen Im doing my homework, working, doing everything i need to do You sleep next to my backpack and I can hear you purring You’re warm and soft You make me feel happy, less stressed, loved and safe. Then I go to bed and you sleep under it In the morning you go outside You have your own time till i get back home after school Everyday like this Sometimes Im forgetting about how much i need you Sometimes me and my friend play with you Sometimes youre in the mood for that sometimes youre not but youre always there …Im sorry… For every time i ignored you bc i had stuff to do For every time you were sick and I didnt had time to take you to the vet and for every time I was vacuming my room and I forgot to tell you haha I cant imagine my life without you Little kitty angel I love you Czokuś 💞 Thank you for everything!
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