#THANK UUU i love lorelei so much honestly. i need to draw her again
ruvviks · 10 months
HELLO..... 1, 4, 10, 27, 38, 50 and 67 for lorelei pwease 🤲
d&d oc asks!
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1) what drives them? what’s their ultimate goal?
lorelei is driven by her need to understand. she isn't necessarily after knowledge because of power or something like that it's just that she wants to understand how it all works for like, peace of mind i guess? i haven't worked out all the details of her backstory yet but especially considering she's a firbolg, time passes and she grows old so slowly and those around her age faster and well she's a chronomancy wizard because she wants to UNDERSTAND. why do her friends have to die so quickly while she herself lives so much longer. it's just not fair
on top of that she has difficulty working through things and grieves very long, especially the longer something or someone has been in her life the harder it is for her to let go. she knows it's not possible to make things eternal so to say and wouldn't be chasing after that but she's more just looking for a way to make things easier, and not just for herself but also for everyone else struggling with the same things
4) what one person, place, or thing do they love more than anything else?
now it would be very easy to mention vatha here because lorelei and vatha end up together BUT. i'm going to be honest with you here and say it's ward <3 lorelei and ward traveled together before they got the whole party together and lorelei cares about that dumb man so fucking much it's unreal. they're besties they're worsties they're partners in crime they're gay lovers they're homophobic to each other they would kill for each other they would kill each other they would die for each other. do you understand me
all jokes aside ward IS very important to her because they're each other's support system. they're each other's number one fan but in like a reliable way? if lorelei needs ward's honest opinion on something she's come up with or made then she knows that he WILL be honest with her. and that's very important to her. and to have someone who is like that with her and who she herself can be honest with too while knowing that it won't push them apart is SO good
10) what inspired this character’s creation?
i was building a new party to start writing a story for and i REALLY wanted a firbolg especially after critical role campaign 2 so that's what lorelei started as :) initially meant to be a sorcerer but then campaign 3 started and imogen was introduced and i was like Well i can't do that there's too many similarities then. so i went with wizard instead <33 i used to have another firbolg character at some point but that was for a school assignment so i basically grabbed the essence of her and used that as inspiration for lorelei LMAO
27) how do they usually dress? why do they dress the way they do?
lorelei mostly wears dresses with light armor over and under it! very flowy and silky fabrics but none of that very expensive stuff it's mostly just. cheap fabrics with some sort of magical enhancement to it to make it look shinier and stuff like that :) she often wraps the bottom part of the dress kind of sort of around her legs with special wraps to make it more like a jumpsuit sort of?? if that makes sense?? does the same thing when wearing skirts when the party needs to travel on foot for a long time. not a fan of actual pants but she will begrudgingly wear them when absolutely necessary
one thing about lorelei is she just loves dresses and loves being able to move around freely. which is why she mostly wears those :)
38) do they see themselves as an important part of their party?
lorelei does yeah! she thinks everyone in the party is very important and that would obviously include herself then, she's not the only spellcaster but she does have a lot of very powerful spells the others don't have. especially the ones that are more chronomancy based :) she's also the tallest of the party and when i say tall i mean TALL. which is very good for being able to see things and intimidation
50) do they have a go-to beverage, alcoholic or nonalcoholic?
lorelei will drink essentially anything but she is a sucker for warm mocha cream chocolate milk. i was too lazy to come up with a name for the drink but that's essentially all the ingredients <3 makes you very sleepy so it's perfect to drink after dinner
67) do they consider themselves to be special?
lorelei would definitely consider herself to be special but more subconsciously than actively so. she knows what she's capable of and knows that not many others would follow into her footsteps especially with how dangerous chronomancy can be and she also knows that she's not still alive because of pure luck. there's skill involved there. she's worked very hard to get to where she's at now and she's very proud of herself for that :D
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