#THANK YOOOOU BESTIES i'm glad you liked the first part hehe<33
secretsolarsystem · 2 years
Congratulations on the follower milestone! You know which AU I love 👀 but since I think you have that one already on your eventual wip list then I would love to see a continuation to the last prompt you posted, with Anakin freshly fallen. I just want this sith Obi-Wan to keep being completely possessive over him, maybe you can even mix it with the fancy outfits we've talked about 💕
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thank you so much 🥺 I'm so happy I decided to make a tumblr to get to interact with y'all and make such kind friends like Tomi 💚💚
(also yessss Tomi, that au is next!!!!!! once I finish the batman au, which I WILL be working on today and tomorrow and hopefully after work this week!! NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE OUT SOON I prommy <3)
in the meantime, please enjoy part two to our little Sith!Obi-Wan/Fallen Jedi!Anakin au! (here’s part one) it's pretty dang spicy, and once again has non-graphic depictions of Anakin killing someone <3 such a good sith apprentice <333 and I did my best to include fancy outfits bc that was SUCH a missed opportunity </3 (2.3k)
“I thought being your apprentice was going to be more fun,” Anakin pouted, watching Obi-Wan’s reflection as he circled him, eyes hungrily taking in Anakin’s new attire. Obi-Wan had had his tailor come and fashion Anakin a whole new ensemble, consisting of deep reds and blacks at Anakin’s behest. “Anything you want, my dear, you will have,” Obi-Wan had said. 
Well, Anakin didn’t want to be put in a stuffy outfit, but Obi-Wan wanted him to wear it, and he’d do just about anything his master told him to. So here he was, showing his master his black tunic and pants, glossy black boots, and his long cape. He had thought maybe the cape would be too dramatic, but it turned out to be Anakin’s favorite part of the whole ordeal. It was silky, almost as reflective as his boots. The outside of it was black, but as it reached the floor, the color gave way to a deep red in a sort of ombre effect. That deep red made up the inside of the cape, surrounding Anakin’s black silhouette with the color of blood.
He was going for something that would at least look cool, but Anakin had to admit that he looked intimidating, more so than he ever had in his dark Jedi garb. He could imagine the image he’d make with his newly red blade ignited, cape billowing and golden eyes aflame as he set out to do his master’s bidding.
His eyes now looked just like Obi-Wan’s, and that made satisfaction settle deep in Anakin’s bones. Anyone would tell just by looking at them that they were two halves of the same whole. Eyes and lightsabers aside, Obi-Wan’s outfit was the same as Anakin’s with the same blood red details, but where Anakin’s was black Obi-Wan’s was a stark white. He looked imperial in it in a way that set Anakin on fire, made him want to kneel even if that was something he already did for his master. The pure color screamed the man’s confidence; he would not hesitate to spill blood, but he was clean about it. Not a single drop would dare stain his person.
Even though he was still pouting at his master’s reflection, a thrill ran through Anakin as it always did when he had the man’s attention. (It was so much better, now, being able to admit these feelings. Yes, Anakin wanted Obi-Wan to look at him. Yes, Anakin wanted to be with Obi-Wan always. Yes, Anakin was desperate for the man’s hands and mouth and cock and voice. Being able think and feel these things and not fight it was so nice. Being a Sith was so nice.)
(Also, yes, Anakin still supposed that you could resist the Dark and still suck a Sith’s cock, but being a Sith yourself let you feel a lot less guilt about it. Plus, hearing Obi-Wan tell Anakin how pretty the tears were falling from his golden eyes as he choked was was a huge bonus. If the Sith had advertised that aspect of the Dark Side, Anakin would’ve Fallen years ago.)
“Darling,” Obi-Wan tutted, standing behind Anakin and looking over his shoulder. Their eyes met in the mirror and Anakin made his pout more severe, leaning back into Obi-Wan’s strong chest. Yes, I am your darling, he thought. Why must you put your darling in these terrible clothes? “I thought were were having plenty of fun. Are you not satisfied?”
Obi-Wan’s hands came up to go exactly where they belonged: on Anakin. That made Anakin feel a little bit better, settling into the touch, one hand on his hip and the other splayed out over Anakin’s abdomen, Obi-Wan’s little finger dangerously low.
All of Obi-Wan’s touches were like that: greedy, proprietary. Anakin loved it, craved it.
“I just thought you’d be taking me out of my clothes, not putting me into them,” Anakin responded petulantly, shivering as Obi-Wan slowly but surely started moving the hand on Anakin’s stomach even lower. “And then you had to leave me in here to get your own clothes and your tailor put his hands all over me-”
Obi-Wan’s hand stopped and his smile fell, something dangerous flashing in his eyes. Yesyesyesyesyes- “He touched you, darling? Did he touch you where he shouldn’t have?” Obi-Wan’s voice was low, sharp, almost condescending. To anyone else it might have inspired feelings of fear or trepidation, but all Anakin felt was his cock twitch with anticipation.
“Well, I guess it is his job…” Anakin demurred, titling his head down to look at Obi-Wan’s reflection through his lashes. He knew Obi-Wan knew exactly what he was doing, but it didn’t matter. He also knew Obi-Wan would give him what he wanted regardless. His master was good like that.
Obi-Wan pressed himself closer to Anakin’s back. “An occupational hazard, to be sure,” Obi-Wan agreed, nodding. The motion made his beard rub against Anakin’s cheek and it made Anakin melt further into the man. He loved his master’s beard, especially when it was rubbing on his skin. 
“Did he have to measure every inch of you to make these clothes?” Obi-Wan went on. “He must’ve; they fit you perfectly. I’d eat you whole if I could.” Anakin nodded with a whine, both to say yes and to nuzzle against Obi-Wan’s beard again. “Did he brush his fingers on your thighs and your shoulders to make you look this good for me?”
“Yes Master,” Anakin breathed, hissing with pleasure as Obi-Wan’s fingers dug into his hip, sure to leave bruises.
“A shame,” Obi-Wan tsked, the hand on Anakin’s stomach now moving in slow circles that made heat pool low in his groin. He could feel Obi-Wan hardening cock behind him, hips still but pressed close to Anakin’s own. Anakin wanted Obi-Wan to take it out, to press him to the mirror and make Anakin spit in his hand so he could get his cock a least a little wet before sliding inside of him. It would hurt just enough, he was still loose from earlier, it’d be so easy-
“I really did like that tailor, but I can’t let him touch you and live, darling. I just can’t,” Obi-Wan said, and he did a very good job of actually sounding sad about it. He probably did, considering how much he valued presentation. To have to kill the man who made all of his favorite clothes must be a hardship for him, but Anakin would be beyond offended if he did let the tailor do his job of innocently touching Anakin and didn’t kill him for it. 
“Did he touch you here, Anakin?” Obi-Wan asked, hand finally lowering enough to cup Anakin’s aching cock. Anakin moaned, immediately rocking his hips into the touch and watching with half-lidden eyes as Obi-Wan’s lip twitched into a sneer. “Did you let him touch you here?” It was a warning, a demand for the answer he wanted, needed to hear.
And Anakin was happy to give it to him, happy to whimper and shake his head back and forth, eyes never leaving Obi-Wan’s in the mirror. “No, Master. That’s just for you. I’m just for you,” he vowed.
With a pleased hum, Obi-Wan licked a long, wet stripe from the skin just above Anakin’s stiff collar to behind his ear, pulling back slightly to blow on the wet spot trail he left behind. It made Anakin shiver and try to simultaneously rock forward into Obi-Wan’s hand and backwards onto his cock, something between a keen and a shuddering breath falling from his lips. “Don’t you forget it,” Obi-Wan growled before pulling completely away from Anakin’s body.
Before Anakin could protest the loss and demand he be fucked now, Obi-Wan turned and made for the door. “Come now, my young apprentice. The Count is waiting for us.”
Count Dooku was, indeed, waiting for them. Obi-Wan had said it was imperative that Anakin meet his master, because it would be better for Dooku to hear it from them before he found out from someone else that Obi-Wan had taken on an apprentice. That was the main reason for the new clothes; to make Anakin more presentable for the old, rigid man. 
It made Anakin’s lips curl into a sneer, being dressed up for someone other than Obi-Wan. But every time Obi-Wan gave him an appreciative once over with dark eyes, the beast inside of Anakin settled. Dooku was nothing to him but his master’s master. That’s all.
Their conversation had been quite brief, actually. They discussed this glaring violation of the Rule of Two, but Obi-Wan pointed out that his own apprenticeship was as well, seeing as Dooku had a master of his own. Dooku had simply pressed his lips together and sighed harshly through his nose, not denying anything. He even went so far as to commend Obi-Wan for snatching a Jedi – and the Chosen One, no less – for himself. “My master will be most pleased,” Dooku had said cryptically. It almost seemed like Dooku had a soft spot for Obi-Wan, and that alone made Anakin tolerate being in the same room as the older Sith.
Because he did, too. Have a soft spot. For Obi-Wan. (He had a hard one too, that was still feeling pretty neglected after what had happened in the fitting room.)
But then Obi-Wan had sent a single phrase to Anakin through their bond, a sensation that always sent Anakin’s entire nervous system alight with crackling electricity. It always felt like Obi-Wan was taking Anakin’s mind and holding it in the safe cage of his hands until Anakin’s entire being was surrounded by the man. It was the greatest sensation Anakin had ever known, the press of Obi-Wan around him. (Although, the press of Obi-Wan inside of him was a very strong contender.)
Obi-Wan’s voice reverberated throughout Anakin’s mind, three familiar words: Sick ‘em, boy.
Anakin did not need to be told twice. Dooku put up a valiant fight, but he didn’t stand a chance, not when Anakin was fulfilling his master’s wish. Before long, Dooku was knelt before Anakin, kept still by Anakin red blade and Dooku’s own hissing dangerously close to his neck. As much as Anakin wanted to kill Dooku, he waited to hear the command from Obi-Wan.
Anakin watched Dooku watch as Obi-Wan came up to stand behind Anakin much like he had before, pressed closely to Anakin’s back. Though this time, he lifted only one hand, wrapping the fingers loosely around Anakin’s throat. It made Anakin shiver, but his hands was unwavering.
“Something you have taught me, my master,” Obi-Wan said, looking down at Dooku from over Anakin’s shoulder, “is that it is important to have your apprentice properly trained. Loyal, obedient, needing, wanting. You must reward their good behavior, and make sure they see the value of your being their teacher. Make sure they cannot imagine a world without your guiding hand.” The hand on Anakin’s through tightened, and Anakin groaned, eyes fluttering shut for just a moment. 
When he opened them again, Dooku’s eyes were wide, his feelings of shock and betrayal bleeding into the Force. “I thank you for your own failure in this, Master,” Obi-Wan continued, “for now I know how to keep my perfect boy here happy, keep him devoted.”
Feeling Dooku’s hopelessness and Obi-Wan’s smugness and hearing Obi-Wan talking about how well trained Anakin was and calling him ‘perfect’ while he had his hand around his neck made satisfaction spread heavily through Anakin’s chest and down to his cock, which was fully hard once again. His master was so clever, he was the best. And he was right – he had Anakin’s loyalty, his obedience. Anakin needed him, wanted him more than anything. He had Anakin, there was no doubt. Obi-Wan would never find himself in Dooku’s position; he was too good to Anakin, and Anakin loved him too much.
Anakin felt as Obi-Wan turned his head, his forehead resting on Anakin’s temple. His breath hit Anakin’s cheek, wet and hot, as he spoke: “I want you to kill him, my dearest one. I want you to kill him so it can be just us, just the two of us. Then we’ll kill his master, and there will be no one but us. That’s what I want, my Anakin. You, and me, and no one else.”
Obi-Wan really didn’t have to say anything else but ‘I want you to kill him’ to get Anakin to do it, but Anakin would never give up the chance to hear him call him sweet names and say such possessive things. Anakin wanted that, too. Just them. That’s all he needed; just Obi-Wan.
It was quick, cutting Dooku’s head off. Almost as quick as Anakin disengaged his lightsaber and whipped his own head around, looking to Obi-Wan with wide eyes. Tell me I’m good. Tell me I did a good job. Tell me you’re so proud of me, that you can’t imagine having anyone but me. Tell me tell me tell me…
“Such a good boy,” Obi-Wan praised, taking his hand off Anakin’s neck to tuck loose curls behind Anakin’s ear before scratching there. He knew it would make Anakin melt into the touch, evident by the crinkles by Obi-Wan’s eyes as he smiled fondly at him. “I think the Force made you just for me. You like being on my leash, don’t you? That’s why you’re still here.”
Anakin whimpered, nodding, staring at Obi-Wan’s lips. “Yes, Master. I like being yours, I’m supposed to be.”
With a satisfied growl, Obi-Wan slipped his hand further into Anakin’s hair and pulled him forward, pressing their lips together. Anakin scrambled to press himself closer, his fingers curling tightly into the man’s clothes. He wondered if this was going to be a habit of theirs, making out next to dead bodies.
Not that Anakin was complaining. Quite the opposite, actually. “Master,” he panted against Obi-Wan’s lips, “Master, please, take me, please.”
Moving to kiss down Anakin’s neck, Obi-Wan hummed in agreement. “You said something about taking you out of these clothes, didn’t you, my darling?”
His master was such a good listener. And kisser. Such a good master, always taking care of Anakin when he needed it. Such a good master.
prompted fic collection
15 notes · View notes