dreamofimmortality · 1 year
idk if you take song suggestions but totemo itai itagaritai fits nabari no ou so well. its too bad the original vy2 version isnt on spotify, only the human covers (T_T)
oughh yeag this is super nabari like i thought i could pinpoint one or two specific characters this could apply to but this is really just Nabari
linking the translation by vgperson here
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osarina · 13 days
Afskdskskdj this new fic is so yummyyyy. Im so happy you decided to post it!! Im just really excited, do can i ask a few questions?🥺
How old was Chuuya and Reader when they had their first kiss and first time together?
And like how did they acy after it? Like was it awkward? (i think it would be, but now, from their little chat and all it looks like its fine now. Like they were joking and playing around. By the waaay it was soo fun to read reader and Chuuya's little chat at the beginning.) and alsooo... What happened in Osakaa?
And when does Dazai find out that they slept together?
I think that's it about Chuuya. Now i can't stop to thinking about Dazai and his previous encounters on events. Like pooor babyy didn't deserve any of that he probably had to go through🥺🥺
Ahhg the way reader was so sweet with him it literally made me melt. He just needed that kindness and love sososo much.
Thank you for this (and all the other) amazing fic(s) you post!
Lots of love: 🤕 anon
i imagine for the first time that they were like 16/17 -> closer to 17. probably like 2 or 3 months before the dazai bday fic they had their first time together. first kiss was before that, probably still during dragon's head conflict.
it wasn't TOO awkward because it was meant to be just like "training", so for the most part they treated it like a job LOL. but chuuya developed like a 2 week crush after the slept together the first time, but he grew out of it quickly. i suppose those 2 weeks were a little awkward because she was like yo wtf is ur issue LOLLLL
i fear what happens in osaka, stays in osaka. HAHAHAHHH she embarrassed herself BADLY
... dazai actually STILL does not know that reader and chuuya were each other's first time LMAOOO. he knows that they were each other's first kiss and he knows they slept together after dazai defected, but he doesn't know they were each other's first time
UGHHHHH the first time fic for me was honestly the hardest thus far for me to write literally just because of the implications for what it meant for DAZAI'S first time and all other times after that. like i swear i rewrote it like 3-4 times because i didn't like how it was coming out.
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