cyberdragoninfinity · 6 months
Maybe 🔥 meme for Primo?
they had to kill twitter circles specifically so i would stop screaming in there about bad primo takes but now i run LOOSE. FREE. I WILL NOT BE SILENCED.
🔥like. ok. listen. the sheer amount of primo takes i have seen that boil him essentially down to "delicate sexy pouty catty waifish femboy" make my FUCKING HEAD SPIN. I DONT. GET IT!!!! i dont understand how primoplacido yugioh 5ds is somehow one of the most consistently mischaracterized yugioh characters i've ever fucking seen. why him!!! it's like people saw the white heels and immediately fell victim to an incurable horny brain fungus (even though. like. i dont even think he picked those heels. if anything that was Z-one's choice. and also Aporia has them too and yet why dont i see people lusting after them on him.) (i know why it's because primo's canon appearance is something twink adjacent and aporia's isnt) (anime fans are very often not terribly slick, im finding)
a lot of yugioh characters fall victim to "the fandom version of this character is just some shit yall made up" but primo is by far the weirdest instance of it, especially since he's not a terribly popular character to begin with so the fanwork well is already NOT VERY BIG. and that in general just always frustrates me a little-to-a-lot. I JUST DONT KNOW WHY HE GETS FUMBLED SO BADLY. i want an MLA formatted essay arguing where this Delicate Prissy Prettyboy Primo is in the 5D's narrative text. point to it and show me where it is, show me where it's a supposed consistent part of his character.grabs you and squeezes your shoulders with wild eyes. im being SO good im not even getting into the bee thing i already went off about the bee thing.
I JUST. This guy is a maladjusted permanent robotic manchild who turns into a FUCKING MOTORYCLE MONSTROSITY, he's aggressive and unpleasant to be around, he commands robots that make people crash their bikes and end up in the hospital. He thinks his little butler RPing is sooOOooo clever. He fucked up his duel so bad he died. He is a WEIRDASS FREAK ANGELROBOT, he's practically CARTOONISH, and i just wish people saw his little things like liking strawberries in the Tag Force games and Wisel Top 3's bizarre gerbil-ish design and interpreted them as "oh it's really silly that this unwell robot from the future has this trait, what a funny juxaposition" instead of immediately jumping to "im going to make this his entire personality and not actually comprehend literally any of his other actions." he is SUCH AN INTERESTING CHARACTER AND I FEEL LIKE IM LOSING MY MIND AND IM THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES THE DEPTHS OF IT ALL!!! GRAAAHH
like man he is not even Catty when he's upset he starts snapping and snarling like an unsocialized pit bull he might as well be punching a hole in the drywall. revisit the assigned reading and see me after class.
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