anonbinaryweirdo · 1 year
I'm looking forward to seeing the gore n shit icl
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mrmustachious · 7 months
🤡🛒✨💋🌞💖🧐🦅 <- that's a lot of options so you can pick which ones to answer :3
Youni!! <3<3 thank u for the ask!
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
This one is hard because I don't often write humour, but this bit from Cooking with Chaos was fun (tbh that whole fic is a riot XD):
“Alan, what are you doing?” Scott appeared at his side as he leant over his shoulder. “They’re supposed to be fingers.”
“You think they should be fingers.” Alan pointed at his brother, and then placed his hand on his chest. “I am trying to be creative.”
He gestured to one of the shapes he had cut out and placed neatly on the baking tray. “What do you think that one is?”
“A sausage?” Scott said with no hesitation.
Alan gasped in offence.
“It’s Thunderbird One!” He whined.
“Oh.” Scott paused for a long moment as he stared at the cookie some more. “I guess I can see it.”
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Usually a lot of pain and angst but also a lot of comfort. I quite often will mention if the character is laughing or smiling. I also draw attention to what their eyes, breath, or hands are doing. Basically just a lot of body language
Like for example, when writing dialogue I will always incorporate what movements and emotions the characters are portraying as they speak
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
You are a good writer. People do love what you write. Never doubt that <3
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
Depends. If the whole fic is just about their first kiss, that can be pretty boring. If the fic is about other stuff going on and amongst it all they have their first kiss, that can be exciting and fun
Just a few days ago I read a fic about two characters having their first kiss in the hospital after one of them had nearly died sacrificing themself to save the other. That's an example of how a first kiss fic can be good because there was a lot more going on that made the fic exciting, and when they kissed it just made the fic better
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
I tend to get my creative energy more in the evening. Which means I have stayed up many a late night writing because I am in The Zone and know as soon as I go to bed and wake up in the morning, the motivation will be gone XD
💖 What made you start writing?
Because I had ideas and no one else was writing them, so I knew I had to do it myself
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
I do quite a bit of research, so my search history is very questionable at this point
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
I hardly ever outline. I mainly only do that for long fics so I don't lose motivation or find myself at a wall without knowing where to go next. But for the most part, it's by the seat of my pants baby
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22 February 2023 Wednesday 10:04 pmpdt
god doesn’t like me. God hates me. I know this now. My body looks absurd. I don’t recall telling anyone their body looks absurd. & I don’t recall burning someone & cooking them & forcing them to vomit & giving them diarrhea. I don’t recall. Sorry to anyone I might have done those things to, but I don’t remember. 10:07 pmpdt incubus = god. He raped Virgin Mary. Why would he need an angel to tell her she’s pregnant 🤰? Bcz he date rape drugged her & raped her. 10:08 pmpdt brain 🧠 pain 10:08 pmpdt
10:09 pmpdt I want to die now. Thanks incubus. You made it very clear. You can drop all the other acts now. I’m not buying the husband & children thing anymore. No more. Don’t want you. You are horrifying. I don’t know how behati doesn’t crawl into a hole 🕳 to hide from you. You are frightening. 10:11 pmpdt
10:11 pmpdt I want to delete that picture up there but I don’t think that wise. 10:12 pmpdt
23 February 2023 Thursday 9:59 am pdt
I’m wrong to think about Q in that way. Everything was most likely a coincidence created by god. I have a lot of diarrhea now. Sorry Q. You’re body did go through changes, and I thought 💭 there were times you bounced back & have not seen u n person 4 (3:05 pmpdt for) years at that point when I made the assumption I (3:06 pmpdt you) were putting on an act. It was hasty of me to jump to that conclusion. Even though it was a relatively small action there were deadly ☠️ consequences & I decided to not care 4 some reason. Maybe Bcz I thought 💭 u were intentionally setting me up 🆙 to get hurt. I also did some how flip at the same time & thought 💭 the opposite could b true, that I could use you as a decoy if I was the one ☝️ the incubus loved 🥰. It was years ago now. I should have never crossed that line-> share your picture links -> w/ those intentions. It was selfish of me either way. I thought 💭 u were extremely pretty & I stepped aside like u wanted so u can date him Bcz U said after first meeting that u liked him. Even though ur body became absurd at one point, when I last wrote to u I was under the impression that it wasn’t absurd, & even though ur face looked like it was going through something I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if you are lying 🤥 w/ photoshop, & if u weren’t, I still showed ur pictures to guys at UCB saying she’s pretty. A few guys. That was when I was trying to be a good friend. 10:13 am pdt but incubus + miñions wants 2 4get all that stuff Bcz it don’t matter anymore? Bcz he doesn’t want to give credit for any effort to be good? 10:14 am pdt everyone else is excused. Not me. I’m wicked, twisted, 2 faced. I guess he’s right. I’m wrong. Again. Very wrong. I started this off w/ intentions to come clean 🧼. & help possibly an innocent man be freed. 10:16 am pdt again I find it difficult to behave when I’m among people. No matter how much I try I keeep getting into trouble 👿. 10:18 am pdt
10:29 am pdt the idea 💡 crossed my mind last year, that maybe Scott was interested in Q? What if? But she didn’t want him? Bcz mom said he’s trouble 😈?
but she thought 💭 it would be okay to set up 🆙 women w/ him? As a distraction from herself? What if that was actually happening? I wonder 💭???? 10:32 am pdt
Q, I saw 👀 u invited Matt H. to your birthday 🎂 party 🎉 the physics major from UCB that I suggested u try. I did not tell him Bcz I didn’t want Q to feel pressured. 10:34 am pdt it was years after I suggested, was it 2015? Q invited him. I suggested him to her in 2007. 10:35 am pdt
10:41 am pdt this guy seemed docile? Does that mean non violent? & he made me laugh 😹. & his ex girlfriend was supposedly trying to get back w/ him. Autocorrect said get killed. I thought 💭 that’s what was happening already incubus? Very torturous death ☠️. 10:43 am pdt
10:44 am pdt another guy I showed Q’s pictures to, he wanted to set her up w/his best friend who shoots ducks 🦆? I thought 💭 at the time was a mismatch Bcz she liked birding? Looking at birds 🦅 through binoculars. 10:46 am pdt he was like no! That’s perfect! & I was like no it’s not! 10:47 am pdt
1:01 pmpdt from the age of 11, to what year? Was it 2011? Jaycee dugard was missing. Hmmm seems meant to be? Follow the incubus (rapist of Virgin Mary ) god’s orders. Yeah, sumner, can’t mess up 🆙 what’s meant to be? 1:04 pmpdt
1:05 pmpdt auto correct has been changing of to if? Or my fingers 🤦‍♀️ I thought 💭 I was a little more precise at least w/ that. 1:06 pmpdt
1:09 pmpdt 2011 was the sentencing. 2009 was when she was found according to Wikipedia. Investigators chose intentionally not to search 🔦 the sheds that she was hidden in. Bcz incubus told them not to? 1:12 pmpdt
1:13 pmpdt wouldn’t you think incubus god would tell someone where she was to rescue her? Possibly the best years of a person’s life? Does anyone not care unless it is themselves in that position? Demon angels told him to do it = incubus god = demon lord = Antichrist = god. 1:15 pmpdt ????
1:17 pmpdt u all like to jump in to box punch 🥊 someone to death ☠️ who u don’t know but u let little girls get kidnapped & raped. Bcz little girls don’t need help? But powerful antichrist w/ big penis needs help taking down his enemies who are little girls 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m trying to figure out the mentality of people according to the Bible Bcz I’m only started reading 📖 the last 5 years little by little. Killing/hurting people & rape are forgiven if you’re god’s favorite? What makes someone good? Is it personality? If I’m annoying I should be dead? If I’m annoyed I should be dead? If I’m a whore or a prude I should be dead? If I pretend to like someone I should be dead ☠️? Even if I wanted to like them? 1:24 pmpdt
1:53 pmpdt in a world 🌎 that reversed abortion rights & rapists justified rape, do u think Sierra lamar’s true kidnappers justified their kidnapping Bcz of her father? Did Sierra LaMar have difficulty making new friends Bcz people knew about her father? Was she sometimes lonely 😞 & depressed? Enough to drink 🍺 & take drugs? “Beautiful high” did she engage with conversation online with possibly a beautiful stranger , a man, pretending to be younger- pretending to be her age? Who had the time & money to eff around? 1:57 pmpdt (brain pain 1:58 pmpdt) did he speak 🗣 in a pretty way & lure her in secretly 🤐?? Did he take her to Saratoga w/o a fight? & then suddenly came to her senses & realized it was probably a trap 🪤 when it was too late? A bad idea 👎? 2 pmpdt
2:01 pmpdt did he offer her “a clean slate” ? A judgment free way to live with a chance to make more friends? Were the friends she had not enough? Did the drugs & alcohol 🍺 make her do more stupid things? 2:03 pmpdt she looked like she had a few nice friends, but maybe it wasn’t enough. Maybe there were always more people who thought 💭 she was beneath them. What was it, something about was it haters? Be like crickets 🦗 they chirp 🐣 all day but when you come close they shut up 🤐. 2:05 pmpdt was the environment too much? 2:06 pmpdt
3:06 pmpdt edited the top. U autocorrect likes to change u into i. 3:07 pmpdt When I was already laid off Q suggested I take acting classes w/ her. That was probably 2013 she said that. 3:08 pmpdt she also had a Lynda? Account for learning stuff online. Bcz she was working & I still had difficulty being assertive I left it up to her to remember the offer. Shel offered to let me use her account by coming over I guess w/ her laptop? I wanted to I think? But I felt like I should not push it? She never remembered so it never happened. Maybe I didn’t communicate clearly that I was interested? I would have had to have waited for her days off if we were going to do it like that. 🤷🏻‍♀️3:14 pmpdt
3:17 pmpdt there was something I was going to write? I don’t remember? 3:18 pmpdt
4:33 pmpdt the gods are all incubus. They’re all really d*cks.
4:34 pmpdt sometimes maybe I am starting to feel depressed & maybe reality is depressing. Maybe there is nothing naturally beautiful about human beings. Maybe it is all artificial sweetener. My agony is being dragged on. 4:36 pmpdt incubus stabbed me in the heart - a hole through it 8/17/17 same day George Carroll was stabbed in the chest & died. That’s reality. How’s someone going to survive that? 🧐😞 I think I read he wrote a play on tupac? When I was at the hospital last time & it lasted 7 days, the computers had names on it something like pac. I thought it was the incubus’ sign that my painful experiences were going to end that hospital visit. Still going. Another fake out. 4:40 pmpdt fake out after fake out after fake out. I still don’t have any real memory of the incubus being nice to me. He knows I had a crush on John cusack. 4:41 pmpdt I wrote on a white paper “say anything” & I put it in my bedroom window ≈2010. & he’s got a photo shoot imitating John cusack in the movie. When it’s all distant & online the romance dies the more abuse I take. The more women I see him with -> romance dead. 4:44 pmpdt he wants 2 make me delusional. Making me think w/o showing me that there’s proof somewhere that we had s*x. I don’t see it. I was a fool to believe that any of those people were or could be my children. 4:46 pmpdt I choose not to believe & then he dangles something infront of me lure me back in like that scary fish at the bottom of the ocean in finding Nemo. 4:47 pmpdt
4:54 pmpdt when I see all those women behaving like hoes on Instagram & all the men that have anything to do with them , especially the incubus, & the child kidnapping & rape he lets happen, & multiple women, they now look so cringe lecherous gross *as holes to me. 4:56 pmpdt
incubus changed *ss to *as 4:58 pmpdt
5 pmpdt they’re sickening. I wish I could barf all over his shoes. All of their shoes. 5:01 pmpdt
5:08 pmpdt at the end of 2016 incubus Hurt my head a lot while I watched the voice. He also hurt it a lot in 2017. Can’t remember 2018 much at the moment except that he made the spikes so big & go through the skin of vag lips that it catched on the threads of my underwear/panties. He seemed to increased his fury after I posted the Q’s picture links. & he was pretending he was Behati pretending to be him was his story. 5:12 pmpdt incubus stabbed groin?/pelvis bone ☠️🦴pain it broke in to it. Don’t trust him. I went for a walk at night once? Or early morning while it was still dark & 2 tan skinned middle aged looking guys looked like they were going to come to me even though I didn’t interact with them. I think I remember one was driving the trash pickup truck ? & had got out? Or am I confused in my memory? Incubus messed with my memory of pasta pomodoro to make me think it was not dim even though I remembered it like that for years. 🧐5:16 pmpdt
5:18 pmpdt you’re a gross liar incubus. You have all the tools to fool people but I no longer believe in you. 5:19 pmpdt
I guess there are no real memories of him and I together. He has no guts to come clean to me. All beautiful things from him are lies. He’s all truly ugly inside. 5:21 pmpdt
5:25 pmpdt lots of crying here. Acid & big spikes. 5:26 on my groin & vag 😞😖😭😤🥵you’re a sick virgin f*ck*r. 5:27 pmpdt
The acid was strong. I think it significantly ate my flesh. I’m not going to the doctor 👩‍⚕️ anymore. I wish there was a different god dealing out karma. I never hurt anyone’s genitals. I might have accidentally touched my first boyfriend’s d*ck w/ my knee but I’m not sure. I think incubus was gaslighting us & was hurting his d*ck w/ his magic 🪄 Bcz I didn’t think 🤔 that I actually touched it & I was extremely surprised at his big reaction. So I think Bcz of recent stuff I might give myself the benefit of the doubt. 5:36 pmpdt don’t be fooled by the incubus. He has a lot of wicked people working for him making deep fakes. 5:38 pmpdt he keeps hinting at things in my imagination without showing me. I don’t believe anything anymore. He hurts my vag like he doesn’t value it. 5:39 pmpdt 😖😭🤯🤬😱
5:40 pmpdt I wish Lorena bobbitt was my god s& get the incubus back for me. I am afraid of knives 🔪 & very rarely cook 🥩. 5:42 pmpdt
6:06 pmpdt incubus French kissed Katie, Candace Bailey & Behati. All I got was a mystery light touch on the lips 👄. I formerly had a big top 🔝 lip almost like Disney Pocahontas but incubus cut it a lot the last 5 years & he edited my photos. Shameful. He should be but he’s not! 6:09 pmpdt people told me I looked like Pocahontas in elementary school 🏫 & middle school 🏫! I used to be an endurance runner 🏃🏻‍♀️. Can u imagine how long I probably could have had s*x??? & a virgin until 19! & again from 2008 going forward! I didn’t feel anything when Scott forced me down I’m the car 🚗 in 2010. I wonder if he was doing something else to gaslight me Bcz I felt numb from the waist down 6:12 pmpdt I have a weird little bump on my thigh. Incubus is threatening me with 🔥 fire. He always burning me. It’s not a new thing. I will probably be dead ☠️ if he does it again. 6:13 pmpdt if you are relying on incubus to be my husband here’s the bad news 📰 he’s not. 6:14 pmpdt bcz if he was then the whole cow 🐮 sacrifice Jeremiah would not be true. & utopia would become real. But god’s a liar 🤥 that’s why I’m being destroyed & roe bs wade is being rolled back even though he put men should not make laws on women bodies. But everyone who is republican & likes slavery interprets that to mean /equal no more abortion rights. In a utopia we would have s*x w/o condoms, have safe abortion & family planing & options for surrogacy. No harmful side effects. 6:17 pmpdt but god likes torture lots of crying Bcz he’s antichrist = happy w/torturing people happy w/ making others cry. Slavery. 6:18 pmpdt
6:25 pmpdt maybe 🤔 incubus was gaslighting ⛽️ me when I found online something saying Jesus Christ is the first sacrificial lamb 🐑 in the Bible. If that was correct (gurgle 6:26 pmpdt) then you would have to go back to Abel sacrificing a lamb 🐑. Moms name has Abel in it & im an Aries ♈️ & I have a half Japanese older sister so ram 🐏 = lamb Bcz r= L sound. 6:28 pmpdt god’s a liar 🤥. Utopia will never be. Bcz that’s what he’s comfortable with. 6:29 pmpdt days with filled with crimes & death ☠️ like this are his utopia. 6:30 pmpdt don’t complain. 6:30 pmpdt
6:47 pmpdt I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ what is real, I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ what is possible. But I think 💭 he’s killing me every day. & to make a person with all this symbolism & put me through this, feels like a “hard pill 💊 to swallow” 6:49 pmpdt & I’ve heard I have a doppelgänger so he has some one ☝️ ready to replace me. A backup copy. 6:51 pmpdt which probably means he’s going to really kill me. 6:51 pmpdt
6:52 6:43 6:53 pmpdt that is probably how he did the “resurrection” the first time- a counterfeit resurrection. 6:54 pmpdt
7:18 pmpdt I heard she was grouchy or not welcoming to my friends at the time. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7:19 pmpdt
7:29 pmpdt I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if there have been any good changes . Does anyone know if there are real good changes? Everything seems so deceiving. Too little too late for me. Incubus keeps gaslighting me. ⛽️ false signs 🪧 bad intentions he looks worse & worse by the day to me with how they’ve been destroying me. Draaaaaaaaaaaag waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out. Dragon 🐉 he’s misleading in every way. People interpret what he says one way then we’re thrown for a loop 🔁 & realize later on it he actually meant the opposite of what we interpreted initially. 7:35 pmpdt I doubt anything will abruptly go back the other way ever again. He pretends to be democratic? What is democratic? Usually poor people platform? Republicans are they say conservative? If their money 💰 which is I guess in favor of rich 🤑 people? & he’s rich 🤑 so why would laws swing towards that benefits poorer (emoji poo 💩 came up 🆙 as I spelled out poor. That’s fine. Sh*t makes the flowers 🌸 grow. 7:38 pmpdt) who was it diddi bops? 7:39 pmpdt 7:40 pmpdt it’s misleading he’s always misleading poor people like god mislead his own son Jesus Christ Bcz he’s a bad dad & a virgin raper? Rapist incubus. Why should we glorify such a bad father? 7:41 pmpdt someone who makes all sorts of excuses to be not in someone’s life? Making a lot of people doubt his wife (not by choice Bcz he’s a rapist, an over glorified rapist. Gaslight. He likes making people loony Bcz he’s a narcissist gaslighter 7:43 pmpdt)
7:49 pmpdt I think 🤔 my head is too small for their preference. I think 🤔 they’re looking for some one w/ a bigger head. 7:50 pmpdt I feel as if they treat me like trash 🗑 to be incinerated 7:51 pmpdt
7:52 pmpdt I (left eye 👁 pain 7:52 pmpdt) hope they find a woman 👩🏼 w/ a tall cone head so they’re their babies 👶 have over sized funny heads. 7:54 pmpdt if they want it give it to them. 7:54 pmpdt
8 pmpdt they’ve been prematurely forcing the food out of my stomach. They mad made coughing harder. 8:01 pmpdt they like to sacrifice people w/ small heads & made smaller through abuse. I hope 🤞 they get their wish to create super sized ugly heads. Hmmm 🤔 is my moms head big? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have to look at her now to see Bcz I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ remember. 8:04 pmpdt I guess my dads head could have been but god probably stunts growth of a lot of people. 8:05 pmpdt
8:06 pmpdt Minnie so=sue? Ta ta for now tigger. Probably tata forever. 8:06 pmpdt
8:07 pmpdt I don’t think anything is going to change course. Taking too long 🐉 8:08 pmpdt he’s burning 🔥 my *ss node now hours on/off #3 again killing me. 8:09 pmpdt cramps & nausea diarrhea
8:23 pmpdt the way Nick looked me up 🆙 & down it looked like he wanted to f*ck me no matter what: whore/friends with benefits. It’s like he couldn’t wait but had to fake me out. Probably from incubus playbook. 8:24 pmpdt
mayb my head would have grown taller if my growth wasn’t stunted. 8:29 me & sister almost looked identical in middle school 🏫. But I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ 8:30 🕣 pmpdt
9:58 pmpdt they treat me like sh*t to make me look like sh*t? How many people can relate? 9:59 pmpdt in some cultures they say when a woman 👩🏼 is 30 years old she is an old maid. No longer attractive. Delta = change. You will see it in probably a basket 🧺 ball 🏀 game on a chair 🪑 behati & incubus sit on or Jesse Carmichaels Instagram symbolized by a triangle also restroom 🚻 symbol for women. When I hit 32 years old they started torturing me nonstop. They tortured me all my life but it became around the clock 🕰 awful more than normal torture. (Right side is roasted 10:03 pmpdt = death ☠️ they’re trying to make me delusional though but it hurts a lot so no I don’t believe you incubus 10:04 pmpdt) the way they treated jaycee dugard & me makes me believe they will do it again& again. They poison ☠️ our brains 🧠 poison ☠️ control 222 phone ☎️ number. Dr Daniel Amen is so old now & his diagnosis Costs a lot (accidentally typed lit 🔥 10:06 pmpdt they have no intentions of stopping they said so in a song harder to breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️) 10:07 have the tendency of getting very physical w/ a woman Bcz he’s a wife beater. Biological terrorist version. Not fit to tread the ground I’m walking 🚶🏿‍♀️ on Bcz he’s cutting/bone sawing duh 🙄. 10:09 pmpdt I didn’t finish the jobs he wanted me to do for him like it says in the Bible about destroying his enemies so he decided to destroy me duh 🙄. Bcz I didn’t run someone over or punch 🤛 a baby in the head & I didn’t rape a child 👶 so he considers me his enemy (it’s like we can’t stop 🛑 we’re enemies 10:11 pmpdt). But you see the dugard documentary he gave him soooooo many years with dugard by intentionally letting them get away with it for years. Incubus messed with all their memories & personalities & made the laws that way & intentionally hired law enforcement who will listen to his bad deed orders which is not limited to this but also almost murdering a woman by parking their vehicle in the train tracks & putting her inside with handcuffs on minutes before the train 🚊 came by. I saw that in the news 📰 end of September. If they wanted to kill her so badly it’s probably Bcz the cops 👮‍♀️ are bad people & they’re trying to get away with crimes. 10:16 pmpdt
10:20 pmpdt so Bcz I’m over 30 & sacrificial lamb 🐑 you are trying to get rid of me, incubus? 10:21 pmpdt bcz you’re not really about being good to any woman 👩🏼 even little dusty rose 🌹 Bcz she’s supposed to like me Bcz her name means rose 🌹 like my name means rose 🥀? 10:22 pmpdt (back left ribs pain left shin bone 🦴 pain) which makes behati actually a hostage. Bcz there’s a lot of stardust in the universe. We’re all stardust before sunrise movie 🎥 which means there is plenty of bone material to go around. Sarah & Abraham are supposed to have as many children as there are stars in the sky 🌌 which means each person can consume a star? ⭐️ Bcz why would it be in the Bible ? Where would they get the idea that that’s okay 👌? From god maybe 🤔? Incubus god? So Bcz he’s incubus he doesn’t really mean it even though it’s almost possible. 10:26 pmpdt stars are very big. I doubt one person can eat a whole star ⭐️ but that should (brain pain diarrhea 10:27 pmpdt) draw ✍️ a picture. Manipulation much? Jerks.
10:44 pmpdt I can’t breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️ for minutes at a time probably Bcz they don’t want me to. & then they hurt my heart ♥️ & my gums & bones 🦴. Etc.
10:45 pmpdt incubus wants us to b delusional & believe everything they say. They know all the things to say to justify themselves. That’s how jerk *ss genius they are. 10:47 pmpdt
10:52 pmpdt will we see a long & dreary court battle in divorce court? Who will the incubus marry next? Will it sumner bcz he wants to name the baby 👶 after her? Or mvrykv_ Bcz he’s obsessed 🤩 with her? (Btw I’m rising & moon 🌙 in Aquarius ♒️ 10:55 pmpdt & sh*t/life is always weird) or will we get surprise contenders Alyson_rose or Ashley fitts or even tana mongeau? Will the fans b shocked 😮 & consternated? 10:57 pmpdt (pain right head temple pain).
10:58 pmpdt I’m not marrying anyone Bcz I’m absurd & unrealistically hot 🥵 that I’m dying 😵, & over the old maid hill even though my mom was still sexy in her 40s. Asian women are sexy at least up to 50 years old. Gurgled min ago. 11 pmpdt incubus doesn’t like Asian bathtub 🛀 women as symbolized in “wait” music 🎶 video b4 I realized anything about my name. Interesting 🧐. Everything is meant to be a nasty surprise after the fact. Took me 5?4? years to find out after the release. 11:03 pmpdt d*mned I am & slow too. 11:03 pmpdt
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kimmiethered · 2 years
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To All The Current & Veteran Service Members, The Law Enforcement Officers Who Protect Us Every Day...
Two Words...THANK YOU.❤️🇺🇸❤️🦅🙏
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✨ - Supernatural Creature I'd like to be: A witch in the Harry Potter universe!! Preferably a Ravenclaw 🦅💙
🤩 - Celebrity Crush: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Timothee Chalmet, Naomi Scott, Mena Massoud, Gal Gadot, Tom Holland, Zendaya, Dylan O'Brien, Kaya Scodelario etc.
🌅 - Early Bird or Night Owl: Def a night owl! I have no problem staying late, but I hate getting up early ugh 🥱😴
Thank you for the ask 🤩
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hank-strange · 2 years
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“Good people and good times 🙌…” Repost Plus More! of the Class Pic from FSM Copper Ticket Event, It was a great weekend, and an honor for me to spend time with these great Patriots & Defenders of the 2A 🇺🇸🦅 “…The first annual Copper Ticket Event was a huge success due to great individuals, good friendships, and all around talent. Thank you to everyone who attended, this couldn’t have been possible without y’all!” (at Fort Scott, Kansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdn8D6Cr2So/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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