we-work-hard · 7 years
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”Here’s another butt challenge. Can you identify all of them?”
AHEM, sorry *pulls self together for butt harvest quiz*
THESE ARE GREAT BUTTS, I’m sorry to these butts I guess wrong, omgosh... right right... are they *deep breath*... Sheamus, Xavier, Cesaro (??? 😩🤔🤔🤔🤔🧐🧐😩), Tino Sabs, Dawson, Big E, Mojo, and TJP....?
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Tickling Torment 2
Tickle Buttons! …. Hahahahahaa!’
‘The book is on the lower shelf … Hahahahahaa! … Pleazzzzze Loook Again! …. Hahahaa!’
He went to look again and came back
‘Still don’t see it’
‘ NOOOOOOO! …. LOOK AGAIN! …. Hahahahaha! … Pleazzzze! … Hahahahaa!’
I wondered what had happened to the book
‘Time for some rib counting!’
He put a pillow under my ribs which raised them up and made them taut under their forest green cotton prison
I could feel the forest green cotton of my shirt rub against my ribs; the anticipation was delightfully dreadful
‘Heheheheee! … NOOOOOO! … NO RIB COUNTING! … Hehehee!’
He stroked the bottoms of my lower ribs making me buck and bounce in frantic hysterics
He tickled in between my next set of ribs
‘Hahahahahahahahaaa! … Oh My God! … Hahahahahaa!’
Tears of laughter ran down my hot face
‘Hahahahahahahahaa! … Hahahahahahahaa!’
I frantically bucked and desperately twisted and turned trying to dislodge his delightful yet devilish fingertips
‘You made me lose count! … Hehehehehehee!’
‘Bwaaaahahahahahahahaa! … YOU’RE KILLING MEEEE! … Hahahahahahaa!’
The thought of him tickling me half to death both scared me and excited me
After four travels up my ribs he stopped
I instantly started gasping for much needed breath
When he saw his cat he realized that the cat must have knocked the book behind the shelf
He apologized profusely
‘No need to; it was fun’
He looked at the three big shiny black buttons trembling on my fly and grinned
I noticed where he was looking
He tickled between my 2nd and 3rd ribs again
Making me squeal in agonizingly pleasurable hysterical laughter; through tears of hot laughter I could see he was getting an idea
‘Hehehehehee! … I love totally controlling you just by tickling you! … Hehehehehee!’
‘Hahahahahaahaa! … Lucky Meee! … Hahahahahahahaa!’
I wondered what he had in mind as he forced me to laugh and laugh
’Hehehehe! … May I tie you up and tickle you for an hour once a week? … Hehehehehee!’
The thought of this delightful experience being repeated both excited me and horrified me
But we both knew I was near my limits
He could tell that I was intrigued by his suggestion
He punctuated his remarks by tickling my underarms
‘Heehehehee! … Well my ticklish liddle friend? … Hehehehehee!’
‘Hehehehehe! … Did I hear twice? … Hehehehee!’
Tears were streaming down my red hot cheeks and he was etching laugh lines permanently into my face
He drilled into my underarms
I arched my back and fell back to the futon in gales of helpless laughter
‘Hehehehee! … And remember you’re wearing Tickle Buttons! … Hehehehee!’
He stopped and I instantly started gasping for much needed breath
It was a great experience
Then he started to invite me to parties with the understanding that I would wear Tickle Buttons
I was often pinned and tickled to helpless shrieks of hysterical joy
Since my laughter is contagious; soon the party goers were all laughing at my ticklish predicament
It was always a great experience and a great workout for the lungs
When one of the party goers made this shirt for me and they stroked my lower rib pockets or stroked my shoulder pockets I would instantly start laughing; much to their merry amusement
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killing-for-candy · 7 years
I get emotional because Luke was reminded that Vader was more machine than he was man. But Kylo isn't part machine. He didn't essentially lose everything that Anakin did. Anakin was warned by premonitions that he would lose Padme at childbirth, and that attachment -- which he had been taught to denounce -- ultimately led him to the dark side, despite his sincere attempts to keep Padme safe. His actions were undoubtedly selfish, hit that at least gives him some merit . Luke learned that attachment was crucial and it was the only sentiment that saved his father from the machine he had become. But Kylo Ren... He isn't a machine. He didn't join the dark side to save a loved one, nor from collapsed attachment. Kylo had two parents who loved him and and attempted to persuade him back home. Two individuals who may have made mistakes upon his upbringing, but I can guarantee he was not a slave (like Anakin), physically assaulted, torn away from his mother, etc. Kylo Ren is a thirty-year-old man who chose to murder his uncle's Jedi order and his own father. I am not excusing Anakin's actions, but considering that he saved his son upon the Emperor's bidding (unlike Kylo, who was faced with the ultimatum via his father's life), he had an inkling of redemption. A man who once loved his wife and anticipated the birth of their child/children. Rey knows nothing of Snoke currently. Her main drive is likely to defeat Kylo after he killed Han and seriously maimed Finn, both people that she cared indefinitely about. Regardless, Rey shouldn't struggle with the dark and light side whatsoever. In fact, I think any setup between Rey and Kylo is pretty juiceless at this point in time unless she is related to him. She knew Han and Finn within a couple of days. I have never undermined Rey/Han or Finnrey's relationships. I love them both, particularly Rey's relationship with Finn. That isn't my point though. I think the three protagonists of the OT are all very important (so is Kylo, as a Skywalker villain), but the sake of the Skywalker lineage really rests on Rey, who is about to become Luke's apprentice. Rey, who was left on Jakku by mistake. Rey, doesn't seem to recall who left her there to become a scavenger and envisions Luke's location during her desperate nights to sleep. Rey, who had the Force call to her via a lightsaber that belonged to Luke and Anakin. That lightsaber held an Excalibur moment, promised when Luke had it handed to him. Remember, Rey hasn't had a family in fourteen years. Her main arc was wait for her missing family, but upon merely leaving Jakku, she was introduced to Han, Kylo, Leia, and Luke, all in that order. Rey's arc should be defeating her cousin hands down. Especially because they are both siding on Anakin's legacy. FIGHT MEEEE
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